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October 2003

E S A ’ s G R A V I T Y M I S S I O N

METEOSAT - In 1977 the first of seven Meteosat meteorological satellites was

launched to monitor the weather over Europe and Africa from a vantage
point high over the Equator. The success of the first satellites led to the
formation of the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological
Satellites (EUMETSAT) in 1986. Meteosat-7, the last in the series, was
launched in 1997.

ERS-1 and 2 - ERS-1, launched in 1991, was ESA’s first remote-sensing

satellite; it carried a comprehensive payload including an imaging Synthetic
Aperture Radar (SAR), a radar altimeter and other powerful instruments to
measure ocean surface temperature and winds at sea. ERS-2, which
overlapped with ERS-1, was launched in 1995 and added the Global Ozone
Monitoring Experiment (GOME) for atmospheric ozone level research.

ENVISAT - Launched in 2002, is the largest Earth-observation satellite ever

built. It carries 10 sophisticated optical and radar instruments to provide
continuous observation and measurement of the Earth’s oceans, land, ice
caps and atmosphere for the study of various natural and man-made
contributors to climate change. It also provides a wealth of information
needed for the management of natural resources.

MSG (Meteosat Second Generation) - MSG is a joint project between ESA

and EUMETSAT and follows up the success of the first-generation Meteosat
G O C E :
with satellites of higher performance. Four satellites are planned at present, G r avity Field and Steady-State
the first of which was launched in 2002.
Ocean Circulation Explorer
CRYOSAT - An Earth Explorer Opportunity mission, due for launch in 2004,
will determine variations in the thickness of the Earth’s continental ice
sheets and marine ice cover. Its primary objective is to test and quantify the Contents
prediction of thinning polar ice due to global warming.
GOCE: Gravity Field and Steady- 2
METOP (Meteorological Operational) - Europe’s first polar orbiting satellite Prepared by: State Ocean Circulation Explorer
system dedicated to operational meteorology. MetOp is a series of three Roger Haagmans, Rune Floberghagen
satellites to be launched sequentially over 14 years, starting in 2005, and & Bernd Pieper The Earth’s gravity field 4
forms the space segment of EUMETSAT’s Polar System (EPS).
Published by: Why we need to map the Earth’s 6
GOCE (Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer) - An Earth ESA Publications Division gravity field
Explorer Core mission, due for launch in 2006, will provide the data set ESTEC, PO Box 299
required to accurately determine global and regional models of the Earth’s 2200 AG Noordwijk GOCE gets the low-down on gravity 8
gravity field and the geoid. It will also advance research in the fields of The Netherlands
steady-state ocean circulation, physics of the Earth’s interior, geodesy and The instruments 10
surveying and sea-level change. Editors: Honora Rider, Michael Rast &
Bruce Battrick The satellite 12
ADM-Aeolus (Atmospheric Dynamics Mission) - An Earth Explorer Core
Mission, due for launch in 2007, will make novel advances in global wind Design & Layout: From Newton to GOCE 14
profile observation. It is intended to provide much-needed information to AOES Medialab & Carel Haakman
improve weather forecasting and climate research. Illustrations: AOES Medialab GOCE overview 16

SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) - An Earth Explorer Opportunity Price: 10 Euros
Mission, due for launch in 2007, will provide global observations of soil ISSN No.: 0250-1589
moisture and ocean salinity to improve modelling of the weather and climate. ISBN No.: 92-9092-663-5
It will also monitor vegetation water content, snow cover and ice structure.
Further information can be obtained via the ESA Observing the Earth and Living Planet web sites at: http://www.esa.int/livingplanet
E S A’s L I V I N G P L A N E T P R O G R A M M E E A R T H E X P L O R E R M I S S I O N S

Gravity Field and Steady-State
Ocean Circulation Explorer

consideration. In fact there is about a 20 km difference in height terrestrial ice dynamics, all of which are affected by
between the highest mountain and the deepest part of the climate change. The geoid is also used as a reference
ocean floor. Also, the different materials that make up the layers surface from which to map all topographical
of the Earth’s crust and mantle are far from homogeneously features on the planet, whether they belong to land,
distributed, and even the depths of the layers vary from place to ice or the ocean - a reference that can be used, for
place. For instance, the crust beneath the oceans is a lot thinner example, to accurately compare height measurements
2 3
Rijkswaterstaat, NL

and denser than the continental crust. It is factors such as these of features such as mountain ranges on different
that cause the gravitational force on the surface of the planet to continents.
vary significantly from place to place. GOCE will contribute significantly to a better understanding of general ocean circulation patterns
GOCE is the second Earth Explorer satellite to be
Papendrecht, The Netherlands 1953 flood Although terrestrial data on the subject of gravity have been developed as part of ESA’s Living Planet Programme
collected for many years now, the advent of the space age has and is scheduled for launch from Russia in 2006.
Gravity is a fundamental force of nature that influences many provided the opportunity to acquire a detailed map of the The gravitational signal is stronger closer to the
dynamic processes within the Earth’s interior, and on and above global gravity field within a short period of time. GOCE Earth, so GOCE has been designed to fly in a very
its surface. It is sometimes assumed that the force of gravity on (Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer) is low orbit. However, the ‘atmosphere’ at low altitudes
the surface of the Earth has a constant value, but this is actually an ESA mission dedicated to measuring the Earth’s gravity field creates a very demanding environment for the
not the case and would only be true if the Earth were a perfect and modelling the geoid, with extremely high accuracy and satellite in terms of resources such as propellant and
sphere, and if each layer of material within the interior were resolution. An improved knowledge of gravity anomalies will electrical power, and therefore data will be collected
evenly distributed. In reality, the shape of the Earth is slightly contribute to a better understanding of the Earth’s interior, for just 20 months. This is sufficient time to gather
flattened because as our planet rotates, centrifugal force tends such as the physics and dynamics associated with volcanism the essential data to advance our knowledge of the
to pull material outwards around the Equator where the and earthquakes. Earth’s gravity field and geoid, which will be vital for
velocity of rotation is at its highest. This results in the Earth’s the next generation of geophysical research and
radius being 21 km greater at the Equator compared to the The geoid, which is defined by the Earth’s gravity field, is a will contribute significantly to furthering our
poles, which is the main reason why the force of gravity is surface of equal gravitational potential. It follows a hypothetical understanding of the Earth’s climate.
weaker at the Equator than it is at the poles. Rather than being ocean surface at rest, in the absence of tides and currents. A
smooth, the surface of the Earth is relatively ‘lumpy’ if precise model of the Earth’s geoid is crucial in deriving accurate
topographical features such as mountain ranges are taken into measurements of ocean circulation, sea-level change and
E S A’s L I V I N G P L A N E T P R O G R A M M E E A R T H E X P L O R E R M I S S I O N S

Did you know that:

The Earth’s gravity field - The word ‘gravity’ is derived from the Latin word ‘gravitas’,
meaning ‘weight’.

- ‘Mass’ is a measure of how much matter an object has, and

‘weight’ is a measure of how strongly gravity pulls on that matter.

- You weigh less at the Equator than you do at the North Pole.

- Dutchman Christiaan Huygens invented the pendulum clock in

1656, which was the first practical means of measuring ‘the
rate of falling of a heavy body’, or gravity. French astronomers
noted afterwards that pendulum clocks lost time near the
Equator when compared with observations made in Paris,
implying that the intensity of gravity was less at low latitudes
- this observation initiated a long debate on the shape of the

- In a vacuum, all objects have the same acceleration due to

gravity because there is no air drag. Therefore, if a rock and a
feather were dropped off the top of a building at exactly the
same time, they would hit the ground simultaneously.

- Although invisible to the naked eye, the sea surface has

undulations that echo the topography of the ocean floor - on a
reduced scale. For example, the extra mass of a 2 km-high
seamount attracts water over it, causing a ‘bulge’ in the sea
surface about 2 m high and about 40 km across. Similarly, the
reduced gravity over trenches in the sea floor means that less
water is held by gravitational attraction over these regions, so
that locally the sea surface is depressed.
The geoid (EGM96 model):
The geoid represents deviations - The word ‘tide’ is a generic term used to define the alternating
from the Earth’s ellipsoid. rise and fall in sea level with respect to the land, as a result of
Although it has ‘highs’ the gravitational attraction of the Moon and the Sun. To a
and ‘lows’ it is a surface much lesser extent, tides also occur in large lakes, the
of equal gravitational atmosphere, and within the solid crust of the Earth. For
potential. Therefore, example, in some places the Earth's crust can rise and fall up
if an object were placed to a total of 30 cm every day.
on this surface it would
not move. The surface - Birds would choke and die in a zero-gravity environment
of the geoid defines the because they need gravity to help them swallow!
When thinking of gravity, most of us conjure up an image of Sir We can now measure horizontal.
Isaac Newton observing an apple falling from a tree more than how g varies to more
300 years ago. The mass of the Earth is greater than that of the than 8 decimal places, but
apple; therefore the apple falls towards the Earth and not vice what causes these small but
4 5
versa. It was Newton who established the basic principles of significant changes?
gravitation, and the concept more commonly known as the ‘g’
force. This force is the result of the gravitational attraction The most significant deviation from the standard value of g is a
between any two objects as a consequence of their mass and result of the Earth’s rotation. As the Earth spins, its shape is
their separation. slightly flattened into an ellipsoid, so that there is a greater
distance between the centre of the Earth
“Every body attracts every other body with a force directly proportional to and the surface at the Equator, than the
the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the centre of the Earth and the surface at the
distance between them". poles. This greater distance results in the
force of gravity being weaker at the Equator than at the poles. The irregular gravity field shapes a virtual surface at mean sea
Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727). Secondly, the surface of the Earth is very uneven; high mountains level called the ‘geoid’. This is the surface of equal gravitational
and deep ocean trenches cause the value of gravity to vary. potential of a hypothetical ocean surface at rest and is often
At school we generally learn that g = 9.8 m/s2. Indeed this value Thirdly, the materials within the Earth’s interior are not uniformly employed as a reference for our traditional height systems,
for gravitational acceleration was for a long time assumed to be distributed. Not only are the layers within the crust and mantle used for levelling and construction. The surface of the geoid
constant for the entire planet. However, as more sophisticated and irregular, but also the mass distribution within the layers is can deviate by as much as 100 m from an ellipsoidal model
sensitive tools have been developed to measure g, it has become inhomogeneous. Petroleum and mineral deposits or ground- representing the Earth.
apparent that the force of gravity actually varies from place to water reservoirs can also subtly affect the gravity field, as can a rise

Rijkswaterstaat, NL
place on the surface of the planet. The standard value of 9.8 m/s2 in sea level or changes in topography such as ice-sheet movements
refers to the Earth as a homogeneous sphere, but in reality there or volcanic eruptions. Even large buildings can have a minor
As a result of the ice, the water level
are many reasons for this value to range from a minimum of effect. Of course, depending on location, many of these factors are ‘at rest’ can be used to transfer heights
9.78 m/s2 at the Equator to a maximum of 9.83 m/s2 at the poles. superimposed upon each other, and can also change with time. by levelling over large distances
E S A’s L I V I N G P L A N E T P R O G R A M M E E A R T H E X P L O R E R M I S S I O N S

Why we need to map 1

the Earth’s gravity field Mean dynamic ocean topography model

Most of us take the Earth’s continuous pull of gravity for granted. combination of the gravity field map and seismic data will provide

Rijkswaterstaat, NL
Although invisible, it provides us with the sense of the horizontal an improved understanding of processes such as these. GOCE will
and the vertical. However, if gravity is studied in detail we also further our knowledge of land uplift due to post-glacial
appreciate how complex this force actually is. We are currently rebound. This process describes how the Earth’s crust is rising in
aiming to achieve a better understanding of the Earth’s gravity places as it has been relieved of the weight of thick ice sheets since
field and its associated geoid. This will significantly advance our the last Ice Age, when the heavy load caused the crust to depress. 2
knowledge of how the Earth works and also have a number of Currently, Scandinavia is rising at rates of up to 1 cm per year, and
important practical applications. For instance, because gravity is Canada is rising at rates of up to 2 cm a year.
directly linked to the distribution of mass within the Earth, an
improved gravity-field map will provide an insight into the Geodesy
physics and dynamics of the Earth’s interior. An accurate global Geodesy is concerned with mapping the shape of the Earth, to the
geoid model will contribute to an improved understanding of benefit of all branches of Earth sciences as well as having
ocean circulation, which plays an important role in energy numerous practical applications. For example, an improved geoid

Rijkswaterstaat, NL
exchanges around the globe. It will also lead to a greater insight will be used for levelling and construction, ensuring for instance
into sea-level change, and to a global unification of height systems, that water flows in the direction intended. It will replace expensive
so that for example, mountain ranges in America can be measured and time-consuming procedures that are currently undertaken. It
against those in Europe or Africa. will also be used for a high-accuracy global height reference system
for studying the topography of the Earth. This will also facilitate 3
Ocean Circulation one global system for tide gauge records, so that sea levels can be
Ocean circulation plays a crucial role in climate regulation by compared all over the world.
transporting heat from low to high latitudes in surface waters,
while currents cooled at high latitudes flow in deeper waters back Sea-level Change
towards the Equator. The Gulf Stream, which carries warm surface Data derived from the GOCE mission will contribute to observing
waters northwards from the Gulf of Mexico, is a good example of and understanding sea-level change as a result of melting
how important ocean currents are in redistributing heat. Thanks continental ice-sheets associated with a changing climate and
6 7
to this current, the coastal waters of Europe are actually 4°C postglacial rebound.
warmer than waters at equivalent latitudes in the North Pacific.
However, knowledge of the role that the oceans have in
moderating the climate is currently insufficient for the accurate
prediction of climate change. In order to study ocean circulation
more effectively it is necessary to have an accurate map of the 1 - Dams typically built as protection from the sea, the
Earth’s geoid. The GOCE derived model of the geoid will serve as operation of which depends upon the prevailing sea
a reference from which to study circulation patterns of not only
surface waters but also deeper currents. Radar altimetry provides 2 - Expensive and time-consuming levelling, which GOCE
us with the actual shape of the ocean surface and then by can replace by the combination of GPS and an
advanced map of the geoid
subtracting the shape of the geoid this provides the ocean
topography. Surface ocean circulation can then be derived directly 3 - The ancient use of an aqueduct relied upon gravity to
from these ‘1-2 metre mountains’. transport water

Solid Earth
How are mountain roots formed? Where are oil fields and ore
deposits hidden? Why do plates in the Earth’s crust move and
cause earthquakes? Where does lava rise through the crust to the
surface of the Earth?
Detailed mapping of density variations in the lithosphere and
upper mantle, down to a depth of 200 km, derived from a
E S A’s L I V I N G P L A N E T P R O G R A M M E E A R T H E X P L O R E R M I S S I O N S

GOCE gets
the low-down on gravity
The traditional method of measuring the Earth’s gravity field is in the gravity signal such as in the Indonesian Archipelago
based on comparing the differences in how a ‘test mass’, such as would not easily be read in the diminished signal retrieved at
a pendulum or gravimeter, responds to the gravitational this altitude. In order to counteract the attenuation effect and The 3 axes of the GOCE gradiometer allow
attraction at different locations on the surface of the Earth. to amplify the gravity signal GOCE is equipped with a the simultaneous measurement of 6 independent
but complementary components of the gravity field.
Although data on gravity have been collected from many parts gradiometer instrument. The gradiometer contains six proof
Shown here are global maps of residual gradients
of the world by traditional means, they vary considerably in masses capable of observing detailed local changes in referring to an ellipsoidal model of the Earth.
quality and are also incomplete. The process of acquiring data gravitational acceleration in three spatial dimensions with 1 E (Eötvös) = 10-9 s-2
on land and at sea is very time-consuming and expensive - extremely high precision. By capturing changes in local
global coverage with data of a consistent quality would take variations of the gravity field at satellite height, the ‘blurring
decades. With the need for a global map of the Earth’s gravity and flattening’ of the signal is largely counteracted. In effect, the
field, coupled with recent advances in the accuracy of the gradiometer ‘zooms-in’ on details of the gravity field from
necessary instrumentation, the obvious solution is to make the satellite height.
appropriate observations from space.
The gradiometer contains three pairs of proof masses positioned at the outer ends of
Although the gradiometer is highly accurate, it is not possible three, 50 cm long orthogonal axes. All experience the gravitational acceleration of the
One of the main problems with observing gravity from space is to map the complete gravity field at all spatial scales with the Earth slightly differently because of their different positions in the gravitational field. The
common acceleration of each pair of accelerometers is proportional to non-gravitational
the fact that the strength of the Earth’s gravitational attraction same quality. To overcome this limitation the position of the
forces such as air-drag acting on the satellite. The difference in acceleration for each
diminishes with altitude. The orbit of the satellite must GOCE satellite is tracked by GPS relative to GPS satellites at an pair, scaled with the length of the connecting arm, called the gravity gradient, is used for
therefore be as low as possible to observe the strongest gravity altitude of 20 000 km - this procedure is known as satellite-to- gravity field analysis. An angular acceleration correction is needed however, since the
instrument rotates around one axis during each orbital revolution around the Earth.
field signal. However, the lower the orbit the more air-drag the satellite tracking. The gradiometer is used to measure high-
satellite experiences. This causes disturbances in the motion of resolution features of the gravity field whilst GPS is used to The influence of gravity on the instrument is the compound effect of all constituents of g
the satellite that therefore cannot be attributed to gravity alone. obtain low-resolution data. - for example, the Himalayas have a small influence on the value of g sensed in Europe.
It takes the art of mathematical gravity inversion to disentangle the compound effect and
The effects of non-gravitational accelerations caused by air- identify each individual contribution.
drag have to be kept to a minimum and accounted for in order The combination of these two principles provides the
to derive the best possible gravity-field model. As a compromise opportunity to derive a global geoid model with a 100 km
between gravity attenuation and the influence of the spatial resolution and 1 cm accuracy. A model for gravity can be
atmosphere, the optimum orbital altitude for GOCE is about determined with a precision of 0.000001 g (the standard value
8 9
250 km, which is considerably lower that that of other remote- of g = 9.8 m/s2) at a spatial resolution of 100 km or better.
sensing satellites. However, the details of the large fluctuations
E S A’s L I V I N G P L A N E T P R O G R A M M E E A R T H E X P L O R E R M I S S I O N S

The instruments

An advanced gravity mission such as GOCE requires that the The drag-free and attitude-control system
satellite and the system of sensor and control elements form The advanced drag compensation and attitude-control system
one ‘gravity-measuring device’; this is because the satellite itself is a key feature required to keep the sensor heads in near ‘free 1
also acts as a prime sensor. In other words, in contrast to most fall motion’ and to maintain the average orbital altitude at
remote-sensing missions, there is virtually no division between about 250 km. The system is based on ion-propulsion
the satellite and the instruments. technology. A particular feature of the GOCE system design is 2
that the drag-free and attitude-control system uses the scientific
The GOCE concept is unique in meeting four fundamental payload as a sensor. In addition to the fusion between ‘satellite’
criteria for a high-resolution and high-accuracy gravity-field and ‘measuring device’ in terms of scientific data quality, there
mission, namely: is therefore also some ‘fusion’ between the satellite system and
the measuring device in terms of how the GOCE satellite will 1 2 1
- uninterrupted tracking in three spatial dimensions actually operate.
- continuous compensation for the effect of non-gravitational
forces such as air-drag and also radiation pressure The Electrostatic Gravity Gradiometer
- selection of a low orbital attitude for a strong gravity signal, (EGG) GOCE Facts
and The principle of operation of the gradiometer relies on 2
- counteraction of the gravity-field attenuation at altitude by measuring the forces that maintain a ‘proof mass’ at the centre - The accelerations measured
by each accelerometer can
employing satellite gravity gradiometry. of a specially engineered ‘cage’. Servo-controlled electrostatic be as small as 1 part in
suspension provides control of the ‘proof mass’ in terms of 10,000,000,000,000 of the 3
From a scientific standpoint, these are the building blocks of linear and rotational motion. Three pairs of identical gravity experienced on Earth.
the GOCE mission. In general, the lower the orbit and the accelerometers, which form three ‘gradiometer arms’, are - The GOCE accelerometers are
higher the gravity signal, the more demanding are the mounted on the ultra-stable structure. The difference between about a factor of 100 more 4
requirements on all subsystems, as well as on the structure of accelerations measured by each pair of accelerometers is the sensitive than previously flown
the spacecraft and on the choice of materials. In turn, these basic gradiometric datum, where half the sum is proportional
building blocks dictate the choice of a related set of technical to the externally induced drag acceleration (common mode - In order to guide the satellite in
a smooth trajectory around the 10 11
solutions for the instruments, sensors and actuators, namely: measurement). The three arms are mounted orthogonally to
Earth, free from all effects
one another: one aligned with the satellite’s trajectory, one except the gravity field itself, it
- an onboard GPS receiver used as a Satellite-to-Satellite perpendicular to the trajectory, and one pointing has to be equipped with a drag
Tracking Instrument (SSTI) approximately towards centre of the Earth. By combining the compensation and angular- 5
control system. All non-
- a compensation system for all non-gravitational forces acting differential accelerations, it is possible to derive the gravity gravitational forces need to be
on the spacecraft, including a very sophisticated propulsion gradient components as well as the perturbing angular rejected to 1 part in 100,000.
The angular control requires the
system, and accelerations. orientation of the spacecraft to
- an Electrostatic Gravity Gradiometer (EGG) as the main be known relative to the stars
instrument. (star trackers). The drag control
requires the position of the
Gradiometer instrument including a radiator for thermal control spacecraft to be known by
The Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking
- The satellite is aligned to the
Instrument (SSTI) velocity vector, which is
The Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking Instrument (SSTI) consists of determined in real-time by the
an advanced dual-frequency, 12-channel GPS receiver and an SSTI.

L-band antenna. The SSTI receiver is capable of simultaneously Gradiometer instrument excluding harness
- The satellite is very rigid and
acquiring signals broadcast from up to 12 spacecraft in the GPS has no moving parts in order to
avoid any internal microscopic
constellation. The SSTI instrument delivers, at 1Hz, so-called
disturbances that would
pseudo-range and carrier-phase measurements on both GPS otherwise cause ‘false gravity’ 1 Accelerometer pair 3 Isostatic X-frame 5 Intermediate tray
frequencies, as well as a real-time orbit navigation solution. readings by the highly sensitive
accelerometers. 2 Ultra-stable carbon-carbon 4 Panel regulated by heaters 6 Electronic panel
E S A’s L I V I N G P L A N E T P R O G R A M M E E A R T H E X P L O R E R M I S S I O N S

Spacecraft Commissioning Measurement Interruption

1.5 month 4.5 months 30 min.
270 km Gradiometer Calibration
1.5 month 25 min.

The satellite 260 km

250 km

240 km
Gradiometer Setup and Calibration
1.5 month

First Measurement Phase

6 months
Second Measurement Phase
6 months
20 min.

15 min.

10 min.


5 min.


Orbit Altitude Eclipse Duration

Unlike other missions, where various independent instruments high atomic oxygen flux, which would otherwise erode
are carried onboard a satellite, GOCE is unique in that the unprotected materials very quickly in this low orbit. Due to its
instrumentation actually forms part of the structure of the stringent temperature stability requirements (for the
satellite. The satellite has no mechanical moving parts because gradiometer core, in the range of milli-degrees Kelvin within
it has to be completely stable and rigid to ensure the acquisition the measurement bandwidth) the gradiometer is thermally 1
of true gravity readings. In order to receive the optimum decoupled from the satellite and has its own dedicated thermal
gravity signal, GOCE has been designed to fly in a particularly control system. An outer active thermal domain is kept at a very
low orbit - just 250 km above the Earth. The satellite is stable temperature by heaters and is separated by blankets from
configured to keep aerodynamic drag and torque to an absolute an inner passive domain, thus providing an extremely
3 4
minimum and allow for the flexibility of either a dusk/dawn or homogenous environment for the accelerometers.
dawn/dusk orbit, depending upon the actual launch date. The
mass and volume of the satellite have been limited by the Power Subsystem
capacity of the launch vehicle. The solar-array panels, which use highly efficient gallium-
arsenide solar cells, provide the necessary power for the
The result is a slim, octagonal, 1200 kg satellite about 5 metres satellite. At times when the solar array is not illuminated by the
in length with a cross-sectional area of 1m2. The satellite is Sun, i.e. during the launch and early orbit phase and during the 2
symmetrical about its flight direction and two winglets provide eclipse periods, a lithium-ion battery delivers the power
additional aerodynamic stability. The side of the satellite that required. A power control and distribution unit maximises the 7
5 1
faces the Sun is equipped with four body-mounted, and two power output from the solar array and controls the charge and
wing-mounted solar panels, using the maximum available discharge processes of the battery.
volume under the fairing. The gradiometer is mounted close to 6
the centre of mass. Due to the satellite configuration and orbit, the solar panels will
experience extreme temperature variations. It has therefore
Structure been necessary to use materials that will tolerate temperatures
7 12 13
The satellite consists of a central tube with seven internal floors as high as 160°C and as low as -170°C.
that support all the equipment and electronic units. Two of the
floors support the gradiometer. To ensure that the satellite is as
light as possible and that the structure is stable under varying
temperatures, it is built largely of carbon-fibre-reinforced
plastic sandwich panels.
ESA’s quiet mission

Thermal Control It is vital to this mission that the measurements taken are of true
The thermal design has to cope during nominal measurement gravity and not influenced by any relative movement of the
satellite. Therefore, strict requirements apply to the dimensional
modes with eclipses lasting up to 10 minutes, and during stability of the structure. In addition, any micro disturbances Launch vehicle
survival modes with eclipses lasting up to 30 minutes. It also caused by moving parts, sudden stress releases due to
has to be compatible with either a dawn/dusk or a dusk/dawn differential thermal expansions, inductive electromagnetic 1 Fixed solar-array wing GOCE will be launched by one of the modified Russian
forces, gas and liquid flows, etc. are eliminated or minimised to Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) SS-19 launchers,
orbit. Thermal control is achieved mainly by passive means the greatest extent possible. A comprehensive test programme, 2 Body-mounted solar panel which are being decommissioned in the process of the
such as coatings and blankets and active control by heaters covering structural items, electronic units and the multi-layer Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START). The adaptation
insulation blankets, will verify potential noise sources, which 3 Stabiliser tail fin of the SS-19, called ‘Rockot’, uses the original two lower
where necessary. The internal equipment is protected against
could affect the gradiometric measurements. liquid propellant stages of the ICBM, which has an
the hot temperatures of the solar panels by multi-layer 4 Gradiometer excellent record of successful flights, in conjunction with
insulation blankets, which are positioned between the solar a new third stage for commercial payloads. Rockot is
5 Ion-thruster assembly
panels and the main body of the satellite. The cold side that marketed and operated by EUROCKOT, a German-Russian
6 S-band antenna joint venture. Launch is from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in
faces away from the Sun is used extensively as a radiator area to northern Russia.
dissipate heat into space. All the external coatings, in particular 7 GPS antenna
those situated in the direction of flight, are protected against
E S A’s L I V I N G P L A N E T P R O G R A M M E E A R T H E X P L O R E R M I S S I O N S

From Newton to GOCE

upon principles similar to those used by Loránd Eötvös (1848- about 200 km apart, at an altitude of 400 km. In addition, both
1918), who developed the ‘torsion balance’ that could observe satellites track signals transmitted by the GPS constellation. As
local horizontal gravity-gradients. with CHAMP non-gravitational forces are measured by micro
accelerometers. The GRACE mission aims to map monthly
CHAMP, a German satellite launched in 2000, exploits the changes in the gravity field for features down to 600 -1000 km,
satellite-to-satellite tracking concept between a low orbiting with high accuracy.
satellite at an altitude of approximately 400 km and high GPS
satellites at an altitude of around 20,000 km. This has led to an GOCE exploits a combination of the principle of gradiometry
impressive improvement in global gravity models for features and satellite-to-satellite tracking relative to GPS satellites. The
of up to a few thousand kilometres. For example, there has been data derived from GOCE will provide an unprecedented model
a significant improvement in the data from polar regions, of the Earth’s gravity field. The GOCE mission is
which are traditionally difficult to access. complementary to the aforementioned missions in that it is a
high-resolution gravity-field mission and will address a

KMS, Denmark
GRACE, a US-German satellite, launched in 2002, makes use of completely new range of spatial scales, in the order of 100 km.
satellite-to-satellite tracking between two low-flying satellites

Gravity data in the polar region have been

collected as part of the Arctic Gravity
Project over the last few years. During the
European Survey of Arctic Gravity (ESAG)
airborne campaign, which was supported
by ESA, gravity data were collected in May
2002 from the north of Greenland and
Canada. This data is used for calibration
and validation of the GOCE mission
14 15
Rijkswaterstaat, NL

Our present-day understanding of gravity is based upon Isaac

Newton’s Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (1687).
Over the last 300 years many instruments have been developed Approx. 1.5 metre high free-fall absolute gravimeter (FG5)
and many experiments conducted to observe local, regional and
global characteristics of the Earth’s gravity field. Until a few From Newton’s theory we know that any satellite in the Earth’s
decades ago, terrestrial gravity variations were mainly observed orbit is actually free falling in the Earth’s gravity field. The
with ‘relative’ gravimeters, but more recently high-precision traditional technique of gravity-field determination from
‘absolute’ gravimeters have been developed. An absolute satellite trajectories led to the development of global gravity-
gravimeter uses the principle of accurately measuring the time field models, albeit only representing large-scale features. In the
it takes for a prism to free-fall inside a tube. Nowadays a early 1960’s the concept of satellite-to-satellite tracking was
precision of 0.000000005 g (g = 9.8 m/s2) can be obtained. The developed. This technique is based upon tracking the orbit
combination of relative and absolute measurements allows the differences between satellites that experience different
possibility of accurately connecting gravity surveys in different gravitational accelerations at different locations. The concept of
locations. The areas of the world that have been extensively gradiometry followed soon after and is based upon analysing
surveyed may contribute to the validation of the results derived the difference in gravitational acceleration of proof masses
from the GOCE satellite. within one satellite. In fact, the GOCE gradiometer is based
E S A’s L I V I N G P L A N E T P R O G R A M M E

GOCE overview
GOCE Mission Satellite Attitude Control
The Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer - 3-axis stabilised
(GOCE) mission will measure high-accuracy gravity gradients - Drag-Free and Attitude-Control System (DFACS) comprising:
and provide global models of the Earth’s gravity field and - Actuators - an ion thruster assembly (xenon propellant)
of the geoid. The geoid (the surface of equal gravitational and magnetotorquers.
potential of a hypothetical ocean at rest) serves as the classical - Sensors - star trackers, a 3-axis magnetometer, a digital
reference for all topographical features. The accuracy of its Sun sensor and a coarse Earth and Sun sensor.
determination is important for surveying and geodesy, and in
studies of Earth interior processes, ocean circulation, ice Budgets
motion and sea-level change. Mass: <1250 kg (including 40 kg xenon fuel).
Power: 1300 W (solar-array output power) including
GOCE was selected in 1999 as an Earth Explorer Core mission a 78 Ah li-ion battery for energy storage.
as part of ESA’s Living Planet Programme. Telemetry and Telecommand: S band (2kbit/s up-link;
850 kbit/s down-link).
Mission Objectives
- To determine the gravity-field anomalies with an accuracy Launch Vehicle
of 1 mGal (where 1mGal = 10-5 m/s2). Rockot (converted SS-19), from Plesetsk, Russia.
- To determine the geoid with an accuracy of 1 cm.
- To achieve the above at a spatial resolution better than 100 km. Flight Operations
Mission control from European Space Operations Centre
Mission Details (ESOC) via Kiruna ground station.
Launch: 2006
Duration: Nominally 20 months, including a nominal Satellite Contractors
3-month commissioning and calibration phase and two Industrial Core Team:
science measurement phases (each lasting 6 months), - Alenia Spazio (Satellite Prime Contractor)
separated by a long-eclipse hibernation period. - EADS Astrium GmbH (Platform Contractor)
- Alcatel Space Industries (Gradiometer)
Mission Orbit - ONERA (Accelerometers & System Support)
Sun-synchronous, near circular, dawn/dusk or dusk/dawn low
Earth orbit.
Inclination: 96.5°
Measurement altitudes: 250 km and 240 km Payload Data Segment (PDS)
Hibernation altitude: 270 km

Rigid structure with fixed solar wings and no moving parts.
Octagonal spacecraft body approximately 1 m diameter ˘ 5 m
length. Cross-section minimised in direction of flight to
reduce drag. Tail fins act as passive stabilisers.

- Gradiometer; 3 pairs of 3-axis, servo-controlled, capacitive GOCE User Community
accelerometers (each pair separated by a distance of 0.5 m).
- 12-channel GPS receiver with geodetic quality. Flight Operations Segment (FOS)
- Laser retroreflector enabling tracking by ground-based lasers. The GOCE mission uses a single ground station in Kiruna, Sweden, to exchange
commands and data with the ground.
The satellite is monitored and controlled by the Flight Operations Segment (FOS). The FOS
generates and uplinks the commands to programme GOCE operations via Kiruna. It also
processes the housekeeping data received from the satellite to monitor the status of the
platform and the instruments.
The generation of the scientific products of the GOCE mission is done by the Payload Data
Segment (PDS), which also receives the GOCE science data via Kiruna. The final products
are distributed to the GOCE user community to be used for different applications.
Contact: ESA Publications Division
c/o ESTEC, PO Box 299, 2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Tel. (31) 71 565 3400 - Fax (31) 71 565 5433

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