ADM Aeolus
ADM Aeolus
ADM Aeolus
February 2005
GOCE (Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer) - Due for Prepared by:
launch in 2006, GOCE will provide the data set required to accurately Paul Ingmann & Martin Endemann
determine global and regional models of the Earth’s gravity field and
geoid. It will advance research in areas of ocean circulation, physics of Published by:
the Earth’s interior, geodesy and surveying, and sea-level change. ESA Publications Division
ESTEC, PO Box 299
ADM-Aeolus (Atmospheric Dynamics Mission) - Due for launch in 2007, 2200 AG Noordwijk
ADM-Aeolus will make novel advances in global wind-profile observation The Netherlands
and will provide much-needed information to improve weather
forecasting. Editors: Honora Rider, Michael Rast &
Bruce Battrick
SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) - Due for launch in 2007, SMOS
will provide global maps of soil moisture and ocean salinity to further our Design & Layout:
understanding of the Earth’s water cycle and contribute to climate, AOES Medialab & Jules Perel
weather and extreme-event forecasting. Illustrations: AOES Medialab
Swarm - Due for launch at the end of 2009, Swarm is a constellation of Price: 10 Euros
three satellites to study the dynamics of the magnetic field to gain new ISSN No.: 0250-1589
insights into the Earth system by improving our understanding of the ISBN No.: 92-9092-578-7
Earth’s interior and climate.
Further information can be obtained via the ESA Observing the Earth and Living Planet web sites at:
A D M - A E O L U S
E S A ’ s W I N D M I S S I O N
ADM-Aeolus: 2
Atmospheric Dynamics Mission
The instrument 10
The satellite 12
ADM-Aeolus overview 16
E S A’s L I V I N G P L A N E T P R O G R A M M E
Atmospheric Dynamics Mission
The Beaufort scale was devised by Francis Beaufort, an English naval officer, in 1806. It was originally intended for sailors, who used visual features of the sea to estimate wind strength.
Why measure
the wind from space?
Temperature, pressure, humidity and wind are the basic variables that
describe the state of the atmosphere. Accurate global observations on wind
speed and direction are currently urgently needed to enhance atmospheric
modelling so that operational weather forecasting, as well as the prediction
of long-term climate change, can be improved.
Under certain conditions, wind and wind-field data can be derived from
temperature fields, which are measured from space by atmospheric
sounders using a relationship known as ‘geostrophic balance’. However,
these relationships are not valid for small horizontal scales (below 3000 km)
or large vertical scales (in the order of 10 km). The relationship also breaks
down in the tropics where the Coriolis force is weak. Feature-tracking in
satellite images of clouds and water vapour can be used to provide wind
estimates. However, it is often difficult to assign accurate heights to the
observed features, and it is possible for physical processes such as
condensation and evaporation to be misinterpreted as wind. Scatterometer © ESA
data from satellites can also be used to derive information about wind,
Hurricane Isabel, 2000 km east
although this is only possible for surface winds over oceans. All in all, there of the Leeward Islands in the
are large areas of the atmosphere where wind profiles are not regularly Caribbean on 8 September
2003. The image was
observed and this has led to a major deficiency in the Global Observing
taken by the Medium
System. Resolution Imaging
(MERIS) on-board
In order to improve numerical weather prediction so that we can benefit from better
weather forecasting, there is an urgent need for detailed near-real-time observations
of global wind-fields at all scales. This is something meteorologists have been
requesting for some years now. Wind and wind profiles need to be measured
independently and directly, and, in order to be able to do this globally, these
measurements have to be performed from space.
Aeolus will be the first space mission to measure wind profiles on a global scale and is
expected to result in a breakthrough in weather prediction. The Aeolus wind
profiles will find wide application in weather forecasting and climate studies,
improving the accuracy of numerical weather forecasting, advancing our
Courtesy J.Varney
The Doppler Effect
The instrument
The concept of using a Doppler wind lidar in space to measure Highly sensitive photo-detectors then transform the light signals
wind goes back more than 20 years. However, until recently, into electronic signals, which are amplified and stored on board
studies had found that the measuring techniques would be too until they are transmitted to the ground for processing.
complicated and consequently nothing was ever realised. With
the benefit of years of research, the technology has now become The wind profiles are averaged over a distance of 50 km, which
sufficiently advanced to launch the Aeolus satellite carrying an corresponds to 700 individual measurements and 7 seconds of
innovative instrument called ALADIN (Atmospheric Laser measurement time. The wind observations are spaced 200 km
Doppler Instrument). apart and correspond to 28 seconds complying with numerical
weather prediction and model requirements.
Based on breakthrough technology, ALADIN consists of a
powerful laser system to emit short laser pulses down to the
atmosphere, a large telescope to collect the backscattered light
signal, and a very sensitive receiver to analyse the Doppler shift
of the signal from layers at different heights in the atmosphere.
E S A’s L I V I N G P L A N E T P R O G R A M M E
The satellite
The Aeolus satellite in launch configuration with the solar arrays folded up. In the flight direction, the
satellite has white covers that protect it from atomic oxygen erosion (left image), while the opposite
sides of the satellite are covered with gold-coloured insulation for thermal control (right image).
Although developed specifically for Aeolus, the design of the 20 minutes per orbit. This means that the satellite will undergo
satellite is based on a heritage of other ESA missions. The aim has huge temperature changes as it passes from day into night. With
been to build a satellite that is relatively simple to operate. This this in mind, the thermal design has had to be particularly robust.
reduces the operating costs throughout its lifetime, and is also
important for the future since several Aeolus-type satellites are Aeolus carries a state-of-the-art high-precision pointing system
later envisaged for operational use. to point the ALADIN instrument towards the Earth’s
atmosphere. In order to obtain accurate wind profiles the
Aeolus will be placed in a polar Sun-synchronous, dusk/dawn pointing system has to be extremely stable and has had to meet
orbit, 408 kilometres above the surface of the Earth. This altitude, very demanding technical requirements.
which is half the height of most other Earth observation
missions, is a compromise between observing the best signal and Keeping the ALADIN laser system cool has posed a new problem
keeping fuel consumption to a minimum. A lower altitude would in space technology. However, this has been resolved by
have considerably increased the fuel required to maintain a engineering a large radiator on the dark side of the spacecraft
steady orbit over the three-year lifetime of the mission. which radiates the excess heat back into space. The radiator is
connected to the laser system via a number of heat pipes.
The dusk/dawn orbit (where the satellite crosses the Equator at
06.00 and 18.00 hours local time) will provide maximum Once every orbit the measurement data will be sent to a ground
illumination from the Sun, as well as a stable thermal station in Svalbard, Norway. For a polar-orbiting satellite a
environment. Observations of the wind will be performed on the ground-station at high latitudes is ideal for fast data delivery,
night-side of the satellite to avoid the solar background. although any satellite receiving station with a dish more than
However, when orbiting over the hemisphere experiencing 2.4 metres in diameter could be used if data were required more
winter, the satellite will enter the Earth’s shadow for up to urgently than within 3 hours.
Getting ready
for a wind of change
The Falcon research aircraft from DLR used for Aeolus campaigns.
Courtesy: V. Quaschning
ADM-Aeolus overview
The Atmospheric Dynamics Mission Aeolus will provide global Attitude Control
observations of wind profiles from space to improve the quality - Pointing knowledge (after in-flight calibration): 30 µrad.
of weather forecasts, and to advance our understanding of - Sensors: coarse Earth Sun sensor, magnetometer for coarse
atmospheric dynamics and climate processes. By demonstrating pointing control, star tracker, inertial measurement unit, GPS
new laser technology, Aeolus is seen as a pre-operational for fine pointing control.
mission paving the way for future meteorological satellites to - Actuators: reaction wheels, magnetotorquers, thrusters.
measure the Earth’s wind.
ADM-Aeolus was selected in 1999 as an Earth Explorer Core - Average power demand 1400 W.
mission as part of ESA’s Living Planet Programme. - GaAs Solar Array with 2200 W end-of-life power.
- Energy storage in 84 Ah Li-ion battery.
Mission Objectives
- To measure global wind profiles up to an altitude of 30 km Telemetry and Command
- To measure wind to an accuracy of 1m/s in the planetary - Telecommand uplink 2030 MHz (S-band), 2 kbps.
boundary layer (up to an altitude of 2 km) - Telemetry downlink 2205 MHz (S-band), 8 kbps.
- To measure wind to an accuracy of 2 m/s in the free - Telemetry ground station Kiruna, Sweden.
troposphere (up to an altitude of 16 km) - Measurement data downlink: 8040 MHz (X-band), 10 Mbps.
- To determine the average wind velocity over 50 km tracks. - Data ground-station: Svalbard.
- To measure 120 wind profiles per hour.
Ground Infrastructure
Mission Details - Command & Control Centre: European Space Operations
Launch: 2007 Centre (ESA-ESOC), Germany.
Duration: 3 years (plus 3-month commissioning phase) - Data processing: European Space Research Institute
(ESA-ESRIN), Italy.
Mission Orbit - Wind profile retrieval: European Centre for Medium-Range
Sun-synchronous, dusk/dawn orbit Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), UK.
Inclination: 97° - Data ground processing to be completed within 5 minutes
Altitude: 408 km after reception at processing station.
Total dry mass of 1100 kg, comprising:
© Kongsberg Satellite Services, Norway, 2004.
- platform 650 kg (plus 116-266 kg propellant)
- payload 450 kg
Dimensions (launch configuration):
- height 4.6 m, length 1.9 m, width 2.0m.
- Atmospheric Laser Doppler Instrument ALADIN - a Direct
Detection Doppler Wind Lidar operating in the near UV
(355 nm)
- Transmitter: diode laser pumped Nd: YAG laser, frequency
tripled to 355 nm 150 mJ pulse energy, 100 Hz pulse repetition
The SvalSat data receiving station in Svalbard. Due to its location in the Arctic,
frequency in bursts of 10 s (including warm-up time) with measurement data from Aeolus is received every orbit, i.e. every 90 minutes.
a 28 s repeat period, single frequency (line-width less than
30 MHz), tuneable over 10 GHz spectral range. Launch Vehicle
- Receiver: 1.5 m diameter SiC telescope, Mie channel (aerosol To be decided - Aeolus is compatible with many small
and water droplets) with Fizeau spectrometer, Rayleigh launchers, such as Rockot, Dnepr and Vega.
channel (molecular scattering) using dual edge étalon
spectrometer signal detection applying two charge coupled Platform and Payload Prime Contractor
devices with on-chip signal averaging for noise reduction. EADS Astrium