ADM Aeolus

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February 2005

METEOSAT - In 1977 the first of seven Meteosat meteorological satellites

was launched to monitor the weather over Europe and Africa.
Operational services from ESA’s first Earth Observation satellite still
continue to this very day.

ERS-1 and 2 - ERS-1, launched in 1991, was ESA’s first remote-sensing

satellite in polar orbit and carried a comprehensive payload to measure
ocean-surface temperature, waves and winds at sea. ERS-2, which
overlapped with ERS-1, was launched in 1995 and added the Global
Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) for atmospheric ozone research.

ENVISAT - Launched in 2002, Envisat is the largest Earth-observation

satellite ever built. It carries 10 sophisticated optical and radar
instruments to provide continuous observation of the Earth’s oceans,
land, ice caps and atmosphere for the study of natural and man-made
contributors to climate change and for the study of natural resources.

MSG (Meteosat Second Generation) - Following the success of Meteosat,

the procurement of four improved second-generation MSG satellites
guarantees operational services for the next 15 years. The first MSG was
launched in 2002. MSG is a joint project between ESA and EUMETSAT.

CRYOSAT - Due for launch in 2005, CryoSat will determine variations in

the thickness of the Earth’s continental ice sheets and marine ice cover.
Its primary objective is to test and quantify the prediction of diminishing
polar ice due to global warming.

METOP (Meteorological Operational) - MetOp is a series of three satellites

dedicated to operational meteorology and forms the space segment of
EUMETSAT’s Polar System (EPS). The first satellite is due for launch in 2005.

GOCE (Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer) - Due for Prepared by:
launch in 2006, GOCE will provide the data set required to accurately Paul Ingmann & Martin Endemann
determine global and regional models of the Earth’s gravity field and
geoid. It will advance research in areas of ocean circulation, physics of Published by:
the Earth’s interior, geodesy and surveying, and sea-level change. ESA Publications Division
ESTEC, PO Box 299
ADM-Aeolus (Atmospheric Dynamics Mission) - Due for launch in 2007, 2200 AG Noordwijk
ADM-Aeolus will make novel advances in global wind-profile observation The Netherlands
and will provide much-needed information to improve weather
forecasting. Editors: Honora Rider, Michael Rast &
Bruce Battrick
SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) - Due for launch in 2007, SMOS
will provide global maps of soil moisture and ocean salinity to further our Design & Layout:
understanding of the Earth’s water cycle and contribute to climate, AOES Medialab & Jules Perel
weather and extreme-event forecasting. Illustrations: AOES Medialab

Swarm - Due for launch at the end of 2009, Swarm is a constellation of Price: 10 Euros
three satellites to study the dynamics of the magnetic field to gain new ISSN No.: 0250-1589
insights into the Earth system by improving our understanding of the ISBN No.: 92-9092-578-7
Earth’s interior and climate.
Further information can be obtained via the ESA Observing the Earth and Living Planet web sites at:
A D M - A E O L U S
E S A ’ s W I N D M I S S I O N

ADM-Aeolus: 2
Atmospheric Dynamics Mission

The Earth’s wind systems 4

Why measure the wind from space? 6

How ADM-Aeolus works 8

The instrument 10

The satellite 12

Getting ready for a wind of change 14

ADM-Aeolus overview 16
E S A’s L I V I N G P L A N E T P R O G R A M M E

Atmospheric Dynamics Mission

The Beaufort Wind Force Scale.

Many aspects of our lives are influenced by the weather. It goes

without saying that accurate weather forecasts are important
for commercial activities such as farming, fishing, construction
and transport, and in general make it easier to plan our daily
affairs. In extreme circumstances, knowing what the weather
will bring can also help save lives and protect property.

Although weather forecasts have advanced considerably in

recent years, meteorologists still urgently need reliable wind-
profile data to improve the accuracy of forecasts even further.
ESA’s wind mission, ADM-Aeolus, aims to demonstrate that
Courtesy J. Reed

measuring global wind-profiles from space, using laser

technology, can meet this requirement.

Due for launch in 2007, ADM-Aeolus, commonly referred to as

just ‘Aeolus’, is the fourth Earth Explorer mission to be

The Beaufort scale has been modified to use on land.


The Beaufort scale was devised by Francis Beaufort, an English naval officer, in 1806. It was originally intended for sailors, who used visual features of the sea to estimate wind strength.

developed within ESA’s Living Planet Programme. Aeolus will

be the first-ever satellite to directly observe wind profiles from
space. Named after Aeolus, who in Greek mythology was
appointed ‘keeper of the winds’ by the Gods, this mission will
not only provide the much needed data to improve the quality
of weather forecasts, but will also contribute to long-term
climate research.

The Aeolus satellite will carry one large instrument - the

atmospheric laser Doppler instrument ALADIN, which will
probe the lowermost 30 km of the atmosphere from an orbit
400 km above the Earth's surface.

With a lifetime of three years, Aeolus is seen as a mission that

will pave the way for future operational meteorological Simplified weather map.
satellites dedicated to measuring the Earth’s wind fields.
E S A’s L I V I N G P L A N E T P R O G R A M M E

The Earth’s wind


Some areas of the Earth receive more heat from the

Sun than other areas, leading to differences in air
temperature, density and pressure, which in turn,
cause the air to move - creating wind. The
movement of air constitutes the general circulation
of the atmosphere, transporting heat away from
equatorial regions towards the poles, and returning
cooler air to the tropics.

Rising warm air is associated with areas of low

surface pressure called cyclones, whilst areas of high
surface pressure, known as anticyclones, are
associated with subsiding air. These pressure
differences are balanced by air motion - or wind.
Since the Earth rotates and is spherical, winds do not
move directly from high to low pressure areas.
Discovered by Gaspard-Gustave de Coriolis (1792-
1843), the Coriolis force explains why winds Schematic
view of the Earth’s
generally blow perpendicular to the direction of the wind patterns (vertical scales
pressure difference. The Coriolis force acts at right exaggerated). Atmospheric circulation in
angles to the direction of motion, so as to cause each hemisphere consists of three cells - the Hadley,
Ferrel and polar cells. High-speed wind fields known as
deflection to the right in the Northern Hemisphere ‘jets’ are associated with large temperature differences.
and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. The
greater the difference in air pressure between the
two regions, the stronger the wind will be. This Jet Streams
balanced wind will continue to blow until the Jet streams are narrow ribbons of fast moving air found in the upper levels
pressure difference changes. The Coriolis force of the atmosphere. These rapid currents reach speeds of up to 500 km/h
increases from zero at the Equator to a maximum at and are typically thousands of kilometres long and several hundred
the poles, so winds are deflected relatively little at kilometres wide, but only a few kilometres thick. They mark the boundary
low latitudes, but at higher latitudes the degree of between air masses of different temperatures. While their position varies
deflection is much larger. from day to day, jet streams blow from west to east in both hemispheres.

Did you know?

The windiest place in the world is in
Antarctica where winds blow at more
than 100 km/h for five months of
the year.

The highest wind speed ever recorded

was during a storm on 12 April 1934 at
the Mount Washington Observatory, New
Hampshire, USA (altitude 1918 m),
where gusts of wind measured 372 km/h.

The fastest surface wind speed at low

altitude was registered on 8 March
1972 at Thule, Greenland, where a
peak speed of 333 km/h was recorded.

The Ancient Greeks used to think that

wind was the Earth breathing in and out.

Although the word ‘monsoon’ is now

used to describe the extraordinary
rainfall that occurs in parts of Asia,
monsoon is in fact the name for
seasonal winds that blow from the
south-west in summer and from the
opposite direction in the winter. The
word monsoon comes from the Arabic 4
word for season ‘mausim’.

The first official hurricane warning

was issued in 1847 by William Reid,
Cells the British Governor of Barbados.
Atmospheric circulation in each
What the temperature feels like
hemisphere consists of three cells: outdoors depends greatly on wind
speed. At low temperatures, a rough
- Hadley Cells guide is to take the actual air
temperature and then subtract 1°C and
Hadley cells stretch north and south from the Intertropical the wind speed in metres per second
Convergence Zone (ITCZ) to about 30°. They are characterised by an (m/s). For example, an air temperature
upward flow near the surface at low latitudes, and a strong downward flow near of 0°C and a wind speed of 6 m/s
would feel approximately like -7°C.
the surface at higher latitudes. The latitudes where Hadley and Ferrel cells meet are This effect is called ‘wind chill’.
called the Horse Latitudes.
Aircraft often try to catch a ride on the
jet stream to save fuel and time. The
- Ferrel Cells jet stream is a current of fast moving
Ferrel cells form at mid-latitudes (about 30-60°) balancing the transport from air found in the upper levels of the
atmosphere. At an altitude of 10 km
Hadley and polar cells. Jet streams, which are associated with high and low-
and wind speeds in excess of 450 km/h,
pressure centres, are superimposed on the Ferrel cells. planes travelling east from New York
to Paris can reduce their flying time by
up to an hour.
- Polar Cells
Atmospheric circulation cells located in polar regions.
E S A’s L I V I N G P L A N E T P R O G R A M M E

Why measure
the wind from space?

Temperature, pressure, humidity and wind are the basic variables that
describe the state of the atmosphere. Accurate global observations on wind
speed and direction are currently urgently needed to enhance atmospheric
modelling so that operational weather forecasting, as well as the prediction
of long-term climate change, can be improved.

Under certain conditions, wind and wind-field data can be derived from
temperature fields, which are measured from space by atmospheric
sounders using a relationship known as ‘geostrophic balance’. However,
these relationships are not valid for small horizontal scales (below 3000 km)
or large vertical scales (in the order of 10 km). The relationship also breaks
down in the tropics where the Coriolis force is weak. Feature-tracking in
satellite images of clouds and water vapour can be used to provide wind
estimates. However, it is often difficult to assign accurate heights to the
observed features, and it is possible for physical processes such as
condensation and evaporation to be misinterpreted as wind. Scatterometer © ESA
data from satellites can also be used to derive information about wind,
Hurricane Isabel, 2000 km east
although this is only possible for surface winds over oceans. All in all, there of the Leeward Islands in the
are large areas of the atmosphere where wind profiles are not regularly Caribbean on 8 September
2003. The image was
observed and this has led to a major deficiency in the Global Observing
taken by the Medium
System. Resolution Imaging
(MERIS) on-board

El Niño is a disruption of the ocean-

atmosphere system in the tropical
Pacific. In non-El Niño conditions (left
panel), the Trade Winds blow towards
the west. These winds lead to warm
surface water in the west Pacific.
During an El Niño (right panel), the
pressure difference weakens and the
surface wind changes direction, now
blowing from west to east. The result is
a rise in sea-surface temperature in
the eastern-tropical Pacific.

Weather and climate prediction

Numerical modelling is the representation of the

atmosphere by a computer model. By improving a
model, more accurate weather and climate
forecasts can be produced. In order to better
Simplified weather map and vertical cross-sections of the atmosphere. The cross-sections show describe the atmosphere, high-quality observations
temperatures in Kelvin in colour (see colour bar) and wind profiles. Wind barbs provide information are crucial. For numerical weather prediction 6
about direction (e.g. pointing upwards indicates north) and tick marks indicate the strength of wind. (NWP) many millions of observations are received
each day, which have to be processed, quality
controlled, monitored and entered into a model.

In order to improve numerical weather prediction so that we can benefit from better
weather forecasting, there is an urgent need for detailed near-real-time observations
of global wind-fields at all scales. This is something meteorologists have been
requesting for some years now. Wind and wind profiles need to be measured
independently and directly, and, in order to be able to do this globally, these
measurements have to be performed from space.

Aeolus will be the first space mission to measure wind profiles on a global scale and is
expected to result in a breakthrough in weather prediction. The Aeolus wind
profiles will find wide application in weather forecasting and climate studies,
improving the accuracy of numerical weather forecasting, advancing our
Courtesy J.Varney

understanding of tropical dynamics and processes relevant to climate variability

and climate modelling. In particular, a beneficial impact on the prediction of
severe storm events is expected. It is envisaged that Aeolus will be the forerunner
of a series of similar operational meteorological satellites in the future.
E S A’s L I V I N G P L A N E T P R O G R A M M E

How ADM-Aeolus works

Being such a dynamic and relatively invisible aspect of the
Earth’s environment, it is extremely difficult to make global
measurements of wind. Studies have shown that the only way to
achieve this is to probe the atmosphere from space using a
highly sophisticated instrument called a ‘Doppler wind lidar’,
which utilises a phenomenon called ‘light scattering’ and the
Doppler Effect to acquire much-needed data on wind.

A lidar is similar to the more familiar radar, but transmits and

receives light instead of radio waves. A lidar works by emitting
a short, but powerful, light pulse from a laser through the
atmosphere. As the light pulse travels through the air it
interacts with molecules of gas, particles of dust and droplets of
water. This causes a small amount of the light to be ‘scattered’
in all directions. Some of this light is scattered back towards the
lidar - this is called ‘backscattered light’. The lidar’s telescope
collects the backscattered light, and directs it towards a receiver.
The time between sending the light pulse and receiving a signal
determines the distance to the ‘scatterers’ (air molecules, cloud
droplets, etc.), and thus the altitude above the surface of the
Schematic view of a space-borne lidar. A short laser pulse is emitted towards the
atmosphere where air molecules and particles reflect a small portion of the light pulse
back to the lidar. A telescope collects the light and directs it to the receiver. The signal is
recorded as a function of time to determine the altitude of the scattering layers.
Light scattering

Whenever a light beam shines on an object, some fraction of the

light changes direction. This phenomenon is called light
scattering. The amount of scattering by a particle depends on
its size relative to the wavelength of light.

‘Rayleigh scattering’ (named after the English Nobel prize-

winner Lord John Rayleigh) refers to the scattering of light from
molecules of air, such as oxygen and nitrogen. Rayleigh
scattering is most efficient at scattering light at shorter
wavelengths, i.e. blue and violet. This wavelength dependence
makes the sky look blue on a clear sunny day.

‘Mie scattering’ (named after the German physicist Gustav Mie)

describes light scattering from particles larger than the
wavelength of light. Mie scattering is visible when looking at
clouds. Cloud droplets are large enough to scatter all visible
wavelengths equally. This means that all of the wavelengths of
the sunlight encountering a cloud will be equally scattered -
making the cloud appear white.

To measure wind from space, however, another property of

scattering has to be used - the Doppler Effect. When scattering
particles are moving, the wavelength of the scattered light is
The relative motion of air leads to two effects - the centre frequency of the backscattered shifted by a small amount as a function of speed. The Doppler
light is shifted with the wind velocity in the measurement direction, and the random
motion of the air molecules leads to a broadening of the frequency width for the
wind lidar measures this change of wavelength to determine the
backscattered Rayleigh signal. velocity of the wind in the direction of the light pulse.

The Doppler Effect

Have you heard a police car go by recently?

Remember how the pitch changes as the vehicle
travels towards, and then away from you - first the
pitch becomes higher, and then, as it passes it
becomes lower. The change in pitch is a result of a
shift in the frequency of sound waves. Although first
discovered for sound waves by the Austrian
mathematician and physicist, Christian Doppler Also, the satellite moves much faster than the wind - the satellite
(1803-53), the Doppler Effect holds true for all
travels at a ground speed of about 7200 metres per second
types of waves including light. The Doppler Effect
for light waves is usually described in terms of whilst the wind speeds being observed are only in the order of
wavelength rather than frequency and is equivalent a few metres per second. A sophisticated pointing system is
to a shift in light colour.
required to ensure that the instrument is pointing at a specific
angle so that the speed of the satellite can be accounted for.

Aeolus will orbit the Earth at an altitude of about 400 km.

To realise a space-borne Doppler wind lidar is technically very Measurements will be taken orthogonal to the flight direction
challenging. The measurements have to be performed from at an angle of 35° off-nadir. For every 700 laser-pulses, over
several hundred kilometres above the surface of the Earth; which time the satellite moves forward 50 km, one wind
therefore, a powerful laser and a large telescope have to be profile will be obtained. The data will be transmitted to a
coupled with a very sensitive receiver. Many measurements have ground station in Svalbard, Norway once per orbit, i.e. every
to be averaged in order to achieve accurate wind observations. 90 minutes.
E S A’s L I V I N G P L A N E T P R O G R A M M E

The instrument

The concept of using a Doppler wind lidar in space to measure Highly sensitive photo-detectors then transform the light signals
wind goes back more than 20 years. However, until recently, into electronic signals, which are amplified and stored on board
studies had found that the measuring techniques would be too until they are transmitted to the ground for processing.
complicated and consequently nothing was ever realised. With
the benefit of years of research, the technology has now become The wind profiles are averaged over a distance of 50 km, which
sufficiently advanced to launch the Aeolus satellite carrying an corresponds to 700 individual measurements and 7 seconds of
innovative instrument called ALADIN (Atmospheric Laser measurement time. The wind observations are spaced 200 km
Doppler Instrument). apart and correspond to 28 seconds complying with numerical
weather prediction and model requirements.
Based on breakthrough technology, ALADIN consists of a
powerful laser system to emit short laser pulses down to the
atmosphere, a large telescope to collect the backscattered light
signal, and a very sensitive receiver to analyse the Doppler shift
of the signal from layers at different heights in the atmosphere.

The laser system generates a series of short light pulses in the

ultraviolet spectral region at 355 nm, which is invisible to the
naked eye and poses no danger for observers on the ground.
The ultraviolet region was chosen because the backscatter from
atmospheric molecules at this short wavelength is particularly
strong, and also because this wavelength can be generated with
solid-state lasers, which are amongst the most advanced

The laser system is actually a complex system of laser sources

and amplifiers, which are all packaged closely together. There are
two small lasers used to fix the frequency of the emitted pulses,
a laser oscillator to generate pulses with the correct temporal
characteristics, and two amplifier stages that boost the energy of
the light pulses to the required value. The light pulses are
generated in the infrared spectral region (1064 nm.). The
frequency of the infrared pulses is tripled by a set of two non-
linear crystals to reach the ultraviolet (355 nm).

ALADIN is dominated by a large telescope, which measures

1.5 metres in diameter. The telescope is used to collect the
backscattered light from the atmosphere and then directs it to
the receiver. Although large, the telescope is made of a
lightweight ceramic material so that it weighs only 55 kilograms. Baseline Aeolus measurement geometry. The wind is observed orthogonal to
the satellite ground-track, pointing 35° off-nadir, away from the Sun.
Observations cover 50 km along the flight direction, and are spaced 200 km apart.
The receiver analyses the Doppler shift of the backscattered (H)LOS means (horizontal) line of sight.
signal with respect to the frequency of the transmitted laser
pulse. Two optical analysers are used to measure, respectively,
the Doppler shift of the molecular scattering (Rayleigh) and
scattering from aerosols and water droplets (Mie).

E S A’s L I V I N G P L A N E T P R O G R A M M E

The satellite

The Aeolus satellite in launch configuration with the solar arrays folded up. In the flight direction, the
satellite has white covers that protect it from atomic oxygen erosion (left image), while the opposite
sides of the satellite are covered with gold-coloured insulation for thermal control (right image).

Although developed specifically for Aeolus, the design of the 20 minutes per orbit. This means that the satellite will undergo
satellite is based on a heritage of other ESA missions. The aim has huge temperature changes as it passes from day into night. With
been to build a satellite that is relatively simple to operate. This this in mind, the thermal design has had to be particularly robust.
reduces the operating costs throughout its lifetime, and is also
important for the future since several Aeolus-type satellites are Aeolus carries a state-of-the-art high-precision pointing system
later envisaged for operational use. to point the ALADIN instrument towards the Earth’s
atmosphere. In order to obtain accurate wind profiles the
Aeolus will be placed in a polar Sun-synchronous, dusk/dawn pointing system has to be extremely stable and has had to meet
orbit, 408 kilometres above the surface of the Earth. This altitude, very demanding technical requirements.
which is half the height of most other Earth observation
missions, is a compromise between observing the best signal and Keeping the ALADIN laser system cool has posed a new problem
keeping fuel consumption to a minimum. A lower altitude would in space technology. However, this has been resolved by
have considerably increased the fuel required to maintain a engineering a large radiator on the dark side of the spacecraft
steady orbit over the three-year lifetime of the mission. which radiates the excess heat back into space. The radiator is
connected to the laser system via a number of heat pipes.
The dusk/dawn orbit (where the satellite crosses the Equator at
06.00 and 18.00 hours local time) will provide maximum Once every orbit the measurement data will be sent to a ground
illumination from the Sun, as well as a stable thermal station in Svalbard, Norway. For a polar-orbiting satellite a
environment. Observations of the wind will be performed on the ground-station at high latitudes is ideal for fast data delivery,
night-side of the satellite to avoid the solar background. although any satellite receiving station with a dish more than
However, when orbiting over the hemisphere experiencing 2.4 metres in diameter could be used if data were required more
winter, the satellite will enter the Earth’s shadow for up to urgently than within 3 hours.


Ground pattern of wind observations

covering a 150-second flight segment.
One 50 km-long wind observation, divided
into individual measurements of 3.5 km, is
indicated. The measurement corresponds
to 50 laser pulses, while one observation
corresponds to 700 laser pulses.

The data are transmitted from the receiving station to the

processing station, where the measurement signals that ALADIN
has made are translated into wind profiles. These processed data
are then sent to various meteorological offices to be used in
weather forecasts. The ground processing-system is geared to
provide rapid data processing and delivery as fast as possible.

The complete satellite is small and light enough to fit on a

number of small launchers, such as Rockot, Vega or Dnepr.
The launch cost is, therefore, comparatively low.
E S A’s L I V I N G P L A N E T P R O G R A M M E

Getting ready
for a wind of change

The Falcon research aircraft from DLR used for Aeolus campaigns.

Soon after their development in 1961, lasers were used for

The ALADIN Airborne Demonstrator mounted in the Falcon research aircraft. Wind-
making various measurements of the atmosphere. In the profiling measurements are to be taken from the upper atmosphere in order to
1970’s, Doppler wind lidars using infrared laser sources were simulate the geometry of the observations that will be made by Aeolus.
developed for ground-based measurements. Even by then, the
importance of global measurements of wind profiles had been

Doppler wind lidars continued to be improved and eventually

led to the development of direct detection lidars from the
ground that operate in the ultraviolet spectrum using
molecular backscattering as well as aerosol scattering. This was
important because it meant that wind profiles could now be
measured in clear air, which is essential for monitoring the
wind globally.

In 1999, ESA organised a measurement campaign with various

ground-based direct detection Doppler wind lidars to establish
the performance of these newly developed instruments. The
campaign, called VALID-II, was performed in an atmospheric
observatory in Haute Provence, France. Here, data from the
wind lidars were compared with wind profiles that had been
compiled using conventional sensors such as anemometers and
balloon sondes. The VALID-II campaign confirmed that it was
feasible to develop a direct-detection Doppler lidar for taking
measurements of the wind from space.

After the success of the VALID-II campaign, a direct-detection

lidar for measuring wind from space was engineered for full
performance testing in a laboratory. This process leads to the
prototype models, which is an essential step in the development
of the flight model. Lasers pointing at the sky during the 1999 VALID campaign in southern France.

Courtesy: V. Quaschning

An anemometer measures wind speed.

The wind drives a shaft with 3 half-
shells. A tachometer measures the
rotational speed - this is proportional to
the wind speed. A radiosonde. These prototype models will be used to build a fully functional
direct-detection Doppler lidar that is representative of the
space-borne ALADIN lidar. This demonstrator has to be able to
perform wind measurements using the same geometry as it
would use in space. However, for testing it must also be capable
of taking measurements from an aircraft. The ALADIN
Airborne Demonstrator is currently under construction and
due to be ready in 2005. A first ground-based measurement
campaign will compare wind measurements between the
demonstrator and those from conventional wind measurement
techniques and other Doppler wind lidars. The campaign will
be carried out at the Meteorological Observatory in
Lindenberg, Germany.

Following the ground-based campaign, the ALADIN

demonstrator will be integrated into a research aircraft from
the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) to perform airborne
measurements. In addition, an existing Doppler wind lidar will
also be installed in the aircraft to make measurements. The
wind observations from these two airborne Doppler lidars will
be complemented with ground-based data from the
Lindenberg site.

A number of airborne campaigns are to be carried out prior to

launch to sample different meteorological conditions. These
ground-based and airborne measurement campaigns are
Courtesy: Deutscher Wetterdienst
important to ensure that the data that will be eventually
In the Lindenberg Column, vertical profiles of wind temperature, water vapour and received from the Aeolus mission will be as accurate and
liquid water are measured for validating observations from other instruments. meaningful as possible.
E S A’s L I V I N G P L A N E T P R O G R A M M E

ADM-Aeolus overview
The Atmospheric Dynamics Mission Aeolus will provide global Attitude Control
observations of wind profiles from space to improve the quality - Pointing knowledge (after in-flight calibration): 30 µrad.
of weather forecasts, and to advance our understanding of - Sensors: coarse Earth Sun sensor, magnetometer for coarse
atmospheric dynamics and climate processes. By demonstrating pointing control, star tracker, inertial measurement unit, GPS
new laser technology, Aeolus is seen as a pre-operational for fine pointing control.
mission paving the way for future meteorological satellites to - Actuators: reaction wheels, magnetotorquers, thrusters.
measure the Earth’s wind.
ADM-Aeolus was selected in 1999 as an Earth Explorer Core - Average power demand 1400 W.
mission as part of ESA’s Living Planet Programme. - GaAs Solar Array with 2200 W end-of-life power.
- Energy storage in 84 Ah Li-ion battery.
Mission Objectives
- To measure global wind profiles up to an altitude of 30 km Telemetry and Command
- To measure wind to an accuracy of 1m/s in the planetary - Telecommand uplink 2030 MHz (S-band), 2 kbps.
boundary layer (up to an altitude of 2 km) - Telemetry downlink 2205 MHz (S-band), 8 kbps.
- To measure wind to an accuracy of 2 m/s in the free - Telemetry ground station Kiruna, Sweden.
troposphere (up to an altitude of 16 km) - Measurement data downlink: 8040 MHz (X-band), 10 Mbps.
- To determine the average wind velocity over 50 km tracks. - Data ground-station: Svalbard.
- To measure 120 wind profiles per hour.
Ground Infrastructure
Mission Details - Command & Control Centre: European Space Operations
Launch: 2007 Centre (ESA-ESOC), Germany.
Duration: 3 years (plus 3-month commissioning phase) - Data processing: European Space Research Institute
(ESA-ESRIN), Italy.
Mission Orbit - Wind profile retrieval: European Centre for Medium-Range
Sun-synchronous, dusk/dawn orbit Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), UK.
Inclination: 97° - Data ground processing to be completed within 5 minutes
Altitude: 408 km after reception at processing station.

Total dry mass of 1100 kg, comprising:
© Kongsberg Satellite Services, Norway, 2004.
- platform 650 kg (plus 116-266 kg propellant)
- payload 450 kg
Dimensions (launch configuration):
- height 4.6 m, length 1.9 m, width 2.0m.

- Atmospheric Laser Doppler Instrument ALADIN - a Direct
Detection Doppler Wind Lidar operating in the near UV
(355 nm)
- Transmitter: diode laser pumped Nd: YAG laser, frequency
tripled to 355 nm 150 mJ pulse energy, 100 Hz pulse repetition
The SvalSat data receiving station in Svalbard. Due to its location in the Arctic,
frequency in bursts of 10 s (including warm-up time) with measurement data from Aeolus is received every orbit, i.e. every 90 minutes.
a 28 s repeat period, single frequency (line-width less than
30 MHz), tuneable over 10 GHz spectral range. Launch Vehicle
- Receiver: 1.5 m diameter SiC telescope, Mie channel (aerosol To be decided - Aeolus is compatible with many small
and water droplets) with Fizeau spectrometer, Rayleigh launchers, such as Rockot, Dnepr and Vega.
channel (molecular scattering) using dual edge étalon
spectrometer signal detection applying two charge coupled Platform and Payload Prime Contractor
devices with on-chip signal averaging for noise reduction. EADS Astrium

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