I4 C Programme Brochure 071021 7a5cf0847b
I4 C Programme Brochure 071021 7a5cf0847b
I4 C Programme Brochure 071021 7a5cf0847b
Copyright © United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) 2021
All rights reserved.
P.O. Box 30030 00100 Nairobi GPO Kenya
The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not
imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the secretariat of the Unit-
ed Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or its author-
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Views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the United
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Innovate4Cities Conference
Steven Bland
Jasdeep Randhawa
Jorn Verbeeck
Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy
1. Welcome Message 4
3. Conference Background 6
4. Sessions Format 7
6. Plenaries 10
8. Daily Programme 12
9. I4C Partners 27
Acting Executive Director
Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy
UN-Habitat works in over 90 countries supporting people in cities and human settlements for a better urban future. A significant
part of its work relates to responding to natural and man-made crises and on building back in a greener, safer and in a
more resilient and inclusive way. Working with governments and local partners, its high impact projects combine world-class
expertise and local knowledge to deliver timely and targeted solutions. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development includes
a dedicated Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) on cities, SDG 11, to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
www.unhabitat.org • @unhabitat
GCoM is the largest global alliance for city climate leadership, uniting a global coalition of over 10,500 cities and local
governments and 100+ supporting partners. The cities and partners of GCoM share a long-term vision of supporting
voluntary action to combat climate change and towards a resilient and low-emission society. GCoM serves cities and local
governments by mobilizing and supporting ambitious, measurable, planned climate and energy action in their communities
by working with city/regional networks, national governments, and other partners to achieve our vision. Led today by UN
Special Envoy on Climate Ambition and Solutions Michael R. Bloomberg and European Commission Executive Vice President
Frans Timmermans, the coalition comprises cities across 6 continents and 142 countries, representing over 900 million
people or more than 10% of the global population.
www.globalcovenantofmayors.org • @mayors4climate
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate
change. Through its assessments, the IPCC determines the state of knowledge on climate change. It identifies where there is
agreement in the scientific community on topics related to climate change, and where further research is needed. The reports
are drafted and reviewed in several stages, thus guaranteeing objectivity and transparency. The IPCC does not conduct its
own research. IPCC reports are neutral, policy-relevant but not policy-prescriptive. The assessment reports are a key input
into the international negotiations to tackle climate change. Created by the United Nations Environment Programme (UN
Environment) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1988, the IPCC has 195 Member countries. In the same year,
the UN General Assembly endorsed the action by WMO and UNEP in jointly establishing the IPCC.
www.ipcc.ch • @ipcc
Innovate4Cities is GCoM’s city-focused research and Galvanized by the Edmonton Declaration, Innovate4Cities
innovation initiative an outcome of the 2018 Edmonton was launched in 2018 by the Global Covenant of Mayors
Cities and Climate Change Science Conference and for Climate and Energy (GCoM) through the first urban
builds on the resulting Global Research and Action climate research and innovation agenda. The agenda
Agenda (GRAA) on Cities and Climate Change Science. establishes co-developed research and development
The Initiative’s focus is on answering the most pressing priorities around the most significant data, innovation,
questions posed by cities and local governments when and technological gaps to provide cities with the tools,
evaluating why and how to take climate action which information, and partnerships they need to achieve
extends to defining and addressing knowledge and sustainable and, livable cities.
innovation gaps and opportunities. Creating meaningful
partnerships between and among members of the The conference programme is based on the three
scientific and academic communities, businesses, and GRAA sections: 1. crosscutting issues and knowledge
the government is also at the heart of the Innovate4Cities gaps; 2. key topical research areas; and 3. suggested
Initiative. Experience shows that partnerships are vital in approaches to implement the Research and Action
overcoming many barriers local governments face in Agenda. This thematic structure is shown below:
taking real climate action.
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UTC 00:00 00:30 01:00 01:30 02:00 02:30 03:00 03:30 04:00 04:30 05:00 05:30 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:30 00:00 +1
CEST 02:00 02:30 03:00 03:30 04:00 04:30 05:00 05:30 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:30 00:00 +1 00:30 +1 01:00 +1 01:30 +1 02:00 +1
IST 05:30 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 1 1:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:30 00:00 +1
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AEDT 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:30 00:00 +1 00:30 +1 01:00 +1 01:30 +1 02:00 +1 02:30 +1 03:00 +1 03:30 +1 04:00 +1 04:30 +1 05:00 +1 05:30 +1 06:00 +1 06:30 +1 07:00 +1 07:30 +1 08:00 +1 08:30 +1 09:00 +1 09:30 +1 10:00 +1 10:30 +1 11:00 +1
Monday Global
1. Opening Plenary Sessions 1A-1K Sessions 1.I-1.XII Oceania
11 October Cooling
Friday Sessions 9.I-9.XII 8. Closing Plenary UK & Europe Book Launch Sessions 18A-18K
15 October
The 24-hour Innovate4Cities (I4C) Conference will include live and pre-recorded contributions.
All sessions will be recorded and immediately made available on the virtual conference platform.
Plenary 2
Oceania Regional Curators Plenary
Adaptation and Resilience as Integrated
Approaches to Tackling Climate Change First Nations Voices on Climate Change
Tuesday • 12 October • 04:00 (UTC) Thursday • 14 October • 03:30 (UTC)
Plenary 3 Plenary 7
Tackling Urban Emissions, Impacts Investing in the Future by Financing the
and Vulnerabilities as Part of a Post- Climate Transition
Pandemic Green Recovery Approach Thursday • 14 October • 15:30 (UTC)
Tuesday • 12 October • 15:30 (UTC)
Middle East and North Africa
Regional Curator Plenary
Plenary 4
Informality and Equity: Ensuring a Thursday • 14 October • 17:15 (UTC)
Climate-Just Transition
Wednesday • 13 October • 04:30 (UTC)
Plenary 8
From Edmonton to Glasgow and Beyond:
Implementation Pathways to Race to
Plenary 5 Zero and Build Back Better
Beyond silos, Beyond Pilots: Targeting Friday • 15 October • 07:30 (UTC)
Systems Transformations in Cities
Wednesday • 13 October • 15:30 (UTC)
African Regional
UK & Europe Regional
Mayoral Reception
Mayoral Reception
Wednesday • 13 October
Friday • 15 October
12:30 (UTC) • 14:30 (CEST)
09:15 (UTC) • 11:15 (CEST)
1D. Urban Innovation Index: A Tool for Cities PennIUR at the University of
1E. Shifting Perspectives: Applying a Human Rights Lens to City Management to Effectively Independent Consultant
and Justly Address Climate Change (Based on a Proposal from Ecuador)
– 1F. Mississippi River Plastic Pollution Initiative: Connecting Mayors and Cities in a River- University of Georgia
basin Wide Effort to Reduce Plastic Pollution
1G. The Role of Municipal Governments in the Sustainability Transition – Research and Stockholm Environment Institute
1I. Potluck Session:
• Development of SDG Communities in Developing Countries ECHALE
• Local Mission-oriented Innovation Policies for Sustainability Transitions: Analysis of its University of Coimbra
Impact for Local Democracy
1J. An Agenda for Housing Reform: Reconciling Development & Mitigation and Adaptation Global Development Institute &
in Urban Development in the Global South University of Manchester
1K. • Climate Change and Impacts on Children in Urban Areas Susanne Boerner UK-Brazil
The details of the programme may be subject to change and some sessions remain to be confirmed.
For the latest programme, check the virtual conference programme schedule online.
Potluck and curated sessions includes 3 presentations.
2J. Building Climate Resilience In Urban Areas Through Ecosystem Based Adaptation (Eba) UNEP in partnership with UN-Habitat
2K. Climate Vulnerability Assessment For Cities Using GIS Urban Climate Nexus
2.II. Integrating Decentralised Solutions For Climate Change Adaptation In Indian Cities Initiative for Climate Action
2.III. Nature-Based Solutions for Urban Climate Change Adaptation: Update since Swinbourne University
Edmonton Workshop
02:15 2.VI. Where Does Waste-to-Energy Fit into a Circular Economy EAROPH
03:45 2.VIII. Harnessing Informal Innovation: Lessons from Three Climate Resilient Development University of Melbourne & in partnership
Projects in Pacific Island Cities and Town with RMIT University and UN-Habitat
04:00 PLENARY 2
– Adaptation and Resilience as Integrated Approaches to Tackling Climate Change
*Day Before last updated: 06/10/2021
3.X. Financing Green Innovation for Climate Goals ICLEI- Local Governments for
Sustainability & CCFLA Secretariat
3.XI. Climate Justice and Indigenous Communities: Addressing Land and Climate in UN-Habitat
Nepal’s Regional Development
4B. Use of Open Source Tools and Innovative Methodologies for Public and Green Space Center for Sustainable Development,
Assessments and Strategies University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh
4C. Vulnerability to Resilience to Prosperity (VPR): Roles of Local Governments ICLEI - Local Government for Sustainability
4D. Commonwealth Association of Planners Young Planners: Outcomes from our International Commonwealth Association of
Comparisons Series on SDG Implementation Challenges and Solutions from across the Globe. Planners Young Planners
4G. Systemic Innovation for Unlocking Climate-Neutrality in Cities by 2030: Learnings from EIT Climate-KIC
the Healthy Clean Cities Programme
4H. Increasing Resilience through Nature-Based Solutions and Collective Grassroots Action
• Building Climate Resilient Communities through Water Sensitive Public Space Design Alcaldia de Bucaramanga
and Activation: Public Parks Program In Bucaramanga, Colombia
• Poverty reduction through solar based water irrigation production for sustainable climate Support for Young People's Initiatives
• The Organized Communities: The Missing Link to Increasing Infrastructure Resilience The Village PM
with Nature-Based Solutions in Sub-Sahara Africa
4K Promoting Urban Eco-tourism in Nepal, to Support Green Recovery and Sust. Development UN-Habitat Nepal
15:30 PLENARY 3
– Tackling Urban Emissions, Impacts and Vulnerabilities as Part of a Post-Pandemic
17:00 Green Recovery Approach
4.VII. Climate Risk Atlas: Bridging the Information Gap Center for Climate and Resilience
Research, University of Chile's
Climate Change Center & Catholic
University of Chile
22:00 * 4.VIII. Public Health and Climate Change
23:30 * • Green Heart Louisville: How Do Greener Neighborhoods Improve Resident Health? Envirome Institute
• Data-Driven and Equity-Driven tools to Assess Climate, Health, and Equity Locally Florida Institute for Health Innovation
4.IX. Empowering Cities with Nature-Based Solutions
• AMA - Environmental Agents: the use of social networks technology and local micro- AMA - Agentes do Meio Ambiente
influencers to promote SDG in cities (Environmental Agents)
• Innovation of City Recovery after Flashflood with Nature-based Solutions, Case Study Resilience Development Initiative
of Garut, Indonesia (RDI)
• Nature-based Solutions and Policy Insights for Climate Mitigation in ASEAN National University of Singapore
6B. Climate Changemakers Youth Leadership Training: Empowering Young People for BCIT Centre for Ecocities
6D. Water & Agriculture for Asian Cities: An Agropolitan Perspective Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC),
International Water Management
Institute (IWMI) & Agropolitan
Territories of Monsoon Asia
5.IX. Dynamic Interrogation Capabilities of the Cities Activities Database: a Knowledge Ironbark & GCoM
Sharing Repository for City GHG Emissions Interventions
– 5.X. Innovative Approaches to Promote Integrated Water Management (Pre-recorded)
03:45 • Biocultural Recovery of the Aguadas through Water Management: Calakmul, García Rodríguez Arquitectos
Campeche, Mexico
• City-scale Data for Water Balance Plan (CWBP) to Create Water-secure Cities Safe Water Network India
5.XI. Innovative Approaches to Tackle Solid Waste Pollution in Aquatic Environment World Resources Institute India
04:30 PLENARY 4
– Informality and Equity: Ensuring a Climate Just Transition
7A. Planning for Resilience in Vulnerable Communities in the Philippines Technical Assistance Movement for
People and Environment, Inc.
7B. Addressing Compound Risks of Climate Change & Urbanization and Social Cohesion Mercy Corps
in Communities: Lessons from Amman, Jordan
7C. How can Cities Adopt to a Disrupted World? New Approaches to City Planning post Asian Development Bank, URA -
COVID-19 Singapore & Resilient Cities Network
7D. Nature-based Solutions Approaches to Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Informal UN-Habitat
Settlements in Sub-Saharan Africa
06:30 7E. Accelerating Sustainable Transitions through Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs) Inst. for Global Environmental Strategies
08:00 7F. Traditional Solution for Water Scarcity at Rural Area:
• Adding Phosphorus to Net-zero Carbon City Planning: Avoiding Missed Opportunities and Lock-ins Linköping University,
• Karak Municipality in Jordan: Local Actions for Climate Protection GIZ, Office Amman,
• Traditional Solution for Water Scarcity at Rural Area School of Planning & Arch., Vijayawada
7G. Democratic Climate Model: How Rooted Collaboration and Centering of Citizens in Democratic Society
Climate Action is Innovative and Critical for Achieving Climate Resilience
7H. Strengthening and learning from the adaptive capacities of the urban poor:
• Examining the Aspects of Sustainability in Autonomous Adaptation Strategies Taken Virginia Polytechnic Inst. of State
by the Informal Sector to Combat Climate Change University
• Microinsurance as a Safety Net for Urban Poor: Pathway to Sustainable Development SIMSR
7I. Green Recovery and Finance for Sustainable Infrastructure The International Coalition for
Sustainable Infrastructure
7J. City Adaptation for Climate Action: Positioning Adaptation to Climate Change in Cities Madrid City Council, Spanish
Green Growth Group of Business,
06:30 Biodiversity Foundation of the Ministry
08:00 for Ecological Transition of Spain,
European Commission & C40
7K. Localised Risks and Spatial Planning Implications of Climate Change: Discussions on UN-Habitat & Planners for
Localisation Regarding Climate Change Data and Climate Action Climate Action
8B. URBAN MENUS Smart Cities with Happiness: How can We Develop New Visions for BOA GmbH
Quarters where People Want to Live & Companies Work and Environment is Healthy?
8C. Understanding Urban Resilience (Pre-recorded) University of Southern Denmark (SDU)
8F. Transitioning to a Circular Economy at City Level: Climate Benefits, Tools & Challenges Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
10:40 Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
12:10 8G. Application of AI and Blockchain to Solving Urban Environmental Challenges UN-Habitat
8I. Financing Climate Adaptation and Mitigation: Interdependency as a Rule: the Case of AT Osborne
the Energy Transition
8J. Using Spatial Data for Evidence-based City Policy in Africa Ordnance Survey
8K. Cities that Connect People and Nature: Post Pandemic Green Recovery in Europe Glasgow City Council, Sustrans
Scotland, NHS Greater Glasgow &
Clyde, & ICLEI Europe
9I. Urbanization and Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Area of Caspian Sea: University of Tehran
Challenges and Solutions with a Focus on Iran and Azerbaijan
9J. Nature-based Solutions for Hydro-meteorological Risk Reduction Sniffer, Glasgow City Council,
Atmospheric Physics University
of Bologna & GF Piping Systems,
9K. Maximising Ecosystem Service benefits in Cities via Urban Forestry and Agriculture
• Exploring Urban Agriculture as a Tool to Mitigate UHI and Develop Sustainable and School of Planning and Architecture&
Resilient Cities Bhopal
• “Floodable Filter Forest” - Performative Urban Green Space in Dhaka & Bangladesh
15:30 PLENARY 5
– Beyond Silos, Beyond Pilots: Targeting Systems Transformations in Cities
*Day Before last updated: 06/10/2021
10A. Mapping Sustainable and Resilience Business Practices in Mexico and Colombia: TRANSFORM - University of Waterloo
The role of SMEs in Community Transformation
10B. Old Tech: The Vernacular as Innovation in Urban Sustainability The New School
10C. University Hubs for Sustainable and Innovative Urban Planning JPCC, HUB UDEP, UTEC Ventures, Equipu
PUCP, Incubagraria, StartpUpUNI, MML
(SMIA Investigadores)
10D. Google-ICLEI Action Fund: Climate Data-driven Projects in Latin America ICLEI South America - Local
Governments for Sustainability
10E. Assessing the Impact of Urban Forestry
• Carbon Sequestration Potential of Urban Greenry Molina Center for the Energy and the
• Les Services Écosystémiques Rendus par la Végétation Urbaine de Brazzaville Ecole Nationale Supérieure
17:00 d'Agronomie et de Foresterie
– (ENSAF), Université Marien Ngouabi
• Programa, Lo juro, un voto, un árbol, en Cúcuta Norte de Santander, Colombia Cúcuta Mayor's Office
10F. Community Resilience to Climate Change Interfaith Glasgow, Glasgow
Community Energy &
10G. From Nature-based Solutions to the Nature-Based Economy Centre for Social Innovation,
Trinity College Dublin
10I. Unlocking the Potential of African Subnational Development Banks to Finance Africa's African Development Bank
Urban Transition
10J. Supporting Cities in Navigating towards 24/7 Carbon-free Energy ICLEI-Local Governments For
Sustainability (USA Office)
10K. Building Climate Resilience with Infrastructure Pathways The International Coalition for
Sustainable Infrastructure
– Addressing Emerging Topics: How New Insights and Evolutions Shape the Future Sci-
20:30 ence and Innovation Agenda
11C. Innovative approaches to generate knowledge transfer for equitable, effective climate actions University of Melbourne &
Monash University
11D. Air Quality Monitoring Based on Alternative Methods in Cities Metropolitan Municipality of Lima,
Fundación Horizonte Ciudadano,,
Sistema de Alerta Temprana del
22:00 * valle de Aburrá, & Universidad
– Nacional Agraria La Molina
23:30 *
11F. Consumption-based Sustainability Metrics Help Local Governments Understand their BCIT Centre for Ecocities
Fair Share of Climate Action
11J. Designing a Sustainable City: the Importance of the Involvement of Local Actors for Renca - UTEM, ONU - Integrated
the Resilience of the City Aproached, Peñalolen-Agencia de
Sostenibilidad Energética, Conexus -
Life Labs Santiago
6.I. Greater Than Parts: a Metropolitan Opportunity (Pre-recorded) World Resources Institute
6.V. Utilising Innovation to Accelerate Climate Action in Australian Cities Cities Power Partnership
23:35 *
– 6.VI. Potluck Session:
01:05 • A Path to Community-owned Clean Energy: Legal Financial & Governance Innovation Field States
to Enable Solar Microgrids
• Marshall Plan for Middle America: Roadmap for the Just Transition to a Circular and Clean Economy Center For Sustainable Business
• Richmond Hill Climate Change Conversation Toolkit City of Richmond Hill
13A. Collaboration & Scaling for Impact ‘Workshop’ NAGA, Darebin, & Yarra
7.III. Integrating Climate Change into Spatial and Land-use Planning Strategies
• Liverpool City Region’s Spatial Development Strategy Liverpool City Region Combined Authority
09:30 • Apartadó River Master Plan: Mitigating the Risk of Fooding in the Face of Climate Apartadó Department of City
– Change in a Biodiversity Hotspot Planning
• Updating and Implementation of the Urban Development and Land-use Planning Gobierno Municipal de Tizayuca,
Program with an Environmental Focus in the Municipality of Tizayuca, Hidalgo. Mexico
7.IV. Methodology Collaboratory for Urban Transformations All India Disaster Mitigation Institute
7.VII. City and Business Leaders Virtual Roundtable Discussion on Building Resilient Cities Resilience First
Together and Accelerating Implementation
7.VIII Moving Towards Carbon-Neutral Cities: Policies and Action Plan for Cities AEEE, 100RC, IGBC , GBC, ITDP, C40 Cities
7.IX. The quest for Climate Change Mitigation and Local Sustainable Development: how Stiftung Regional Programme Energy
– can municipalities in developing countries deliver? Security & Climate Change sub-
11:00 Saharan Africa"
7.X. Designing resilient cities: Innovative Co-production and Impact Assessment University of A Coruña
Approaches for Evidence-based and Inclusive Nature-based Solutions.
7.XI. Intermediary Cities & Climate Justice
14A. Avoiding ‘Mal-mitigation’: Integrating City-level Climate Action Plans with Clean Air University of Twente
Action Plans – The Experiences of Madrid and Mexico City
14B. Data for Urban Resilience: The need for Inclusive Approaches towards City-wide Cities Alliance, & International Institute
Resilience for Environment and Development
14C. Climate Justice in Urban Pedagogy & Practice: towards an Inclusive and Context- University of Westminster
sensitive Green Recovery for Cities.
14D. Addressing Climate Change across Intermediary Cities OECD
14E. Examining City-level Risk Modelling, Preparedness and Response Tools and
Assessments to Promote Community Resilience
13:30 • City Preparedness Monitoring and Emergency Response Tool for Evaluation of Urban Ministry of Housing and Urban
– Fire Risk and Community Resilience of Shimla Smart City. Affairs, Government of India.
15:00 • Social Media Data for City-level Vulnerability Assessments University of Namur
• The Climate and Ocean Risk Vulnerability Index: Measuring Multidimensional Climate Stimson Center
Risks in Coastal Cities to Prioritize Action
14F. Urban Resilience through Innovation-Climate Hackathon GCU, Glasgow City Council,
CemvoScotland, & ERZ Studio
14G. Cross-Sector Collaborations on Addressing Climate Risks CDP, Cuyahoga County, &
Cleveland State University
14H. Limeños Al Bicentenario: Recovery of Public Spaces with a Circular Economy and Metropolitan Municipality of Lima,
Social Cohesion Approach for the Wellbeing for Children and Vulnerable Population Urban 95, Scientific University of the
South, & Private Sector Partners
15:30 PLENARY 7
– Investing in the Future by Financing the Climate Transition
15A. Community Resilience to Climate Climate change and participatory urban planning, Municipalidad de Valparaíso
the case of the Valparaíso Community Development Plan
15B. Determining a standardized global approach to carbon accounting Guiding communities in taking stock of greenhouse gas emissions. ICLEI (USA Office)
15C. Urban Science : Learning from the Past & Innovating for the Future. School of Sust., Arizona State University
15H. Cities in a New/Changing Climate: Saving our Urban World and its Dwellers PEAK Urban Prog., University of Oxford
15I. LEDS Lab Guide for the Preparation of Bankable Climate Action Projects ICLEI South America
9.IV. Futures Literacy and Climate Action Global Covenant of Mayors for
Climate and Energy, Research and
Innovation Technical Working Group
06:00 9.IX. Making the Right Decision for your City – Fighting Climate Change and Air Pollution University of Helsinki,
07:30 through Cleaner Mobility (Urban Mobility) Department of Computer Science
9.X. A Field Trip of Ancient Aqueduct Systems of Pune, Ahmednagar and Aurangabad
9.XI. Bridging Climate Science and City-level Action: Downscaling Climate Data through
Innovative Methodological Apporaches
• Bridging Gap between Climate Science and Community through Innovative Approach UN-Habitat
for Adaptation Planning at Local level
• Downscaling Ensemble Climate Projections to Urban Scale Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium
18C. Urban water resilience and the City Water Resilience Approach The Resilience Shift & Arup
– 18D. Human and Water Flows: Managing Rainwater, Flooding and Migration with Urban
15:30 Planning Instruments
• Integrated Rainwater Management for a Water-sensitive Urban Design: Workbook for University of Applied Sciences
Urban and Open Space Planners Karlsruhe
• Integrating Climate Adaptation and Urban Planning: Insights from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Vietnamese-German University
• The Urbanisation of Drought Displacement in the Horn of Africa: Resilience of Internal Displacement Monitoring
Displaced Pastoralists in Ethiopia and Somalia Centre (IDMC)
18H. Promoting Smart Cities and Climate Resilience through Innovative Approaches
• Virtual-to-Physical Organic Gardening 4 Climate Change And Poverty Eradication Innovations And Entrepreneurship
• DirtSat: Creating an IoT-enabled Network of Urban Rooftop Farms, Empowering Smart Dirtsat
Cities to Accelerate Food Security + Climate Resilience with GeoAI
• ICLEI Innovation: Connecting Startups to Local Governments’ Needs for Innovation in ICLEI South America
14:00 Sustainable Development Management Hetaved Skills Academy For
18I. The Just Energy Circle: Exploring Energy Equity Issues in Frontline Communities Southern Equity, Harambee House/
Citizens For Environmental Justice, &
Arm in Arm
18J. Municipal Finance: Challenges and Opportunities for Funding Climate Action
• Mainstreaming Climate Action: Leveraging City Budget and Finance toward Climate- University of Washington
Smart Capital Investment Institute for Housing and Urban
• Policy Resources and Municipal Capacity in Chile: Local Governments Perceptions of Development (Erasmus Rotterdam
the Public Space Contributions Law University)
• Funding Climate Action through Collaboratives: Examining Outcomes and Impacts Sutherland & Associates
from a Decade of Grantmaking to Communities
18K. Realising a Just Climate Transition
• Climate Liminality and the Need for a Future Land Water Interface Bjarke Ingels Group
• Delivering a Just Response to Climate in Urban Areas C4O Cities/Vivid Economics
• Looking for Innovation in the Wrong Place: Are We too Institutionalised to Reduce
The Urban-LEDS II project is funded by the European Commission and jointly
implemented by ICLEI and UN-Habitat
2021 11 - 15