7-Project Benefits Summary

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Republic of the Philippines

Brgy Conchu, Trece Martires City
Mobile No. 09171264687 / 09603099071; Email: trc_tagaytay@yahoo.com



Project Description Construction of Alfonso Cavite Drug Abuse Treatment and

Rehabilitation Center Phase II & III composed of (1)
Construction of 3rd Floor of Three-Storey Medical
Building; (2) Construction of Two-Storey Kitchen, Dining
Hall and Covered Court; (3) Construction of Ground Floor
of Three-Storey Dormitory Building (300 bed capacity); (4)
Construction of Ground Floor of Three-Storey
Administrative, Aftercare and Outpatient Building;
(5) Waste Storage Building; (6) Road Network and
Drainage System; (7) Sewage Treatment Plant; (8) 250
KVA Generator Set; (9) Construction of 2nd & 3rd Floor of
Three- Storey Dormitory Building (300 bed capacity); (10)
Construction of 2nd & 3rd Floor of Three-Storey
Administrative, Aftercare and Outpatient Building;
(11) Two-Storey Motor pool & Maintenance Building; and
(12) Construction of Guard House with Watch Tower. The
project is located in Brgy. Kaysuyo, Alfonso, Cavite.

Purpose of the Project To support the program for treatment and rehabilitation of
drug dependents and establishing at least one drug treatment
and rehabilitation center per province.

Time Frame Target completion date will be on:

100,000,000.00 – January – December 2023 (Phase II)
74,000,000.00 – January – December 2024 (Phase III)

Cost Php 174,000,000.00

Benefits Generally this project will benefit both clients and employees.
completed these facilities will be able to accommodate
500 residential in-patients who have fallen victims of
substance abuse with outpatient and aftercare facilities and
to response the gap in bed requirements for patients requiring
in-patients’ treatment within CALABARZON region.

The implementation of this project is coherent with the goal of the Philippine
Development Plan 2023-2028 to enable Filipinos to attain a matatag, maginhawa at panatag
na buhay. It is also in consistency with NEDA Result Matrix and the government’s Public
Investment Program.

Philippine Development Plan

The Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2023–2028 is a plan for deep economic and
social transformation to reinvigorate job creation and accelerate poverty reduction by steering
the economy back on a high growth path. This growth must be inclusive, building an
environment that provides equal opportunities to all Filipinos, and equipping them with skills
to participate fully in an innovative and globally competitive economy. The PDP 2023–2028
is based on President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.’s 8-point socioeconomic agenda that tackle
immediate, on-the-ground concerns-high inflation, scarring due to COVID-19 and the tight
fiscal space; address long-standing, critical constraints to generating more jobs, quality jobs,
and green jobs over the medium; and provide the necessary enabling environment— level
playing field, and peace and security.
The projects are anchored with the targets and strategies provided by PDP 2023 –
Targets Strategies
Quality of life of people safeguarded Promote a holistic approach to countering
from criminality. the proliferation of illegal and dangerous
To ensure that government efforts are people
centered, holistic, and human rights-based, the
government will: (a) use a science health-
security based approach to curbing drug and
illegal substance abuse, alongside restorative
interventions for drug users and their
dependents; (b) strengthen partnership with
stakeholders; and (c) strengthen the reward and
punishment mechanism in police and drug
enforcement institutions.
Sustainable, Resilient, Integrated and Planning, programming, and asset
modernized infrastructure facilities management in infrastructure enhanced.
and services delivered. Implement integrated master-planning
development and convergence programs.
Embed resilient and innovative solutions in
infrastructure design. Fully implement asset
management and preservation
Increase Income-earning Ability. Employability increased. In light of the
Increasing the income earning ability of current and emerging challenges in the labor
Filipinos involves developing market, the government will further strengthen
workforce and increasing their its effort to raise the quality of human resources
employability in the market to help the and ensure that current workforce can adapt to
local residents. the changing demand of labor market.

NEDA Result Matrix

The pursuance of the project is anchored on the Result Matrices (RM). This is an
instrument designed to provide result orientation to the PDP. It is anchored on result-based
management (RbM), a strategy that focuses on performance by highlighting achievements of
outcome and impact.
Based on the Result Matrix reported by NEDA, the indicators Average monthly index
crime rate reduced, Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicator decreased (2.8%, 2021)
Proportion of families that feel safe walking alone in the community at night, SDG indicator
increased (89.8%, 2020).

Public Investment Program

The implementation of the project is consistent with the 2017-2022 Public Investment
Program (PIP) which contains the rolling list of priority programs and projects (PAPs) to be
implemented by the national government (NG), government-owned and controlled
corporations (GOCCs), government financial institutions (GFIs), and other national
government offices and instrumentalities within the medium term (or the plan period from
2017 to 2022), that contributes to the achievement of the societal goal and targets in the
2023-2028 Philippine Development Plan (PDP) and responsive to the outcomes and outputs
in its Results Matrices (RM).
As stated in these programs and projects may be financed using national government
funds, including internal cash generated by GOCCs, in partnership with the private sector or
through Official Development Assistance (ODA).
Figure 1. Top Ten Implementing Agencies with Highest PIP Investment Targets

DOH belongs to the top 3 agencies in terms of total investment targets for 2017 – 2022 over
the medium term with ₱867,980.27 million (8.15%).

Figure 2. Top Ten Implementing Agencies with Highest CIP Investment Targets

Figure 2 shows that DOH is the 5th agency in terms of total investment targets for 2017-2022
over the medium term with ₱458,313.36 million.

The “Build, Build, Build” agenda of the government is seen to boost infrastructure
development and usher in the envisioned “Golden Age of Infrastructure” of the country in the
medium term by intensifying investments on public infrastructure whilst addressing
implementation bottlenecks, ensuring the readiness of infrastructure programs and projects
(PAPs) in the pipeline, and enhancing the absorptive capacities of implementing agencies in
project preparation, development, and implementation.
In terms of facilities, the Department of Health (DOH) will continue the construction
and upgrading of health facilities nationwide through the Health Facilities Enhancement
Program, with 2017-2022 investment targets. The program consists of the following:
 Upgrading of all current government infirmaries and municipal and district hospitals
to Level 1 Hospitals with at least 50 bed capacity;
 Establishment of one Level 2 250-bed Provincial Hospital in all provinces;
 Upgrading of all Provincial Hospitals into Level 2 Hospitals with at least 250 beds;
 Upgrading of all current DOH infirmaries and Level 1 Hospitals into Level 2
 Upgrading of all current Level 2 DOH Hospitals into Level 3;
 Establishment of Regional Specialty Centers in selected DOH Level 3 Hospitals; and
 Development of identified DOH Specialty Hospitals as Apex Specialty Center.
Figure 3. Top Ten Implementing Agencies with Highest Infrastructure Investment Targets

DOH is the 5 agency with Highest Infrastructure Investment Targets with


₱468,469.06 million to be implemented within the medium term.


National Economic and Development Authority. (2023). Philippine Development

Plan 2023-2028 Overall Framework.

National Economic and Development Authority. (2023). Philippine Development Plan


National Economic and Development Authority. (2018). 2017-2022 Public

Investment Program. https://www.neda.gov.ph/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/PIP-


Chief of Hospital III
DOH-Tagaytay Treatment and Rehabilitation Center

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