Equality: U N I T
Equality: U N I T
Equality: U N I T
By the end of this unit, students will be able to: of our enshrined equality, there is
discrimination due to customary
l distinguish the right for equality and equity of the
practices, gender, history and other
Ethiopian nations, nationalities and peoples.
causes. Thus, special support does not
l explain the right for equality and equity of physically contradict the constitution. Rather it
impaired people. ensures the right for equality and equity
in a practical way.
l understand that men and women are equal under
all circumstances.
Activity 1
3.1 The Right to Equality and Answer the following questions based on the
Equity above discussion:
1. Do you support the arguments of Heramo or
l What are the advantages for the Ethiopian
Furne? Explain your choice.
Nations, Nationalities and peoples to live
2. In different articles of the constitution it is
together in equality?
enshrined that women, less-developed regions
and physically impaired persons need special
The discussion between
support. How do you see this in comparison
Furne and Heramo with the right for equality?
The constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic
of Ethiopia declared the equality of all citizens The right for equality means the exercise of human
without any discrimination. On the other hand, there rights without any pre-conditions. It also involves
are proclamations which state that special support the respecting of individual and group democratic
will be given for formerly disadvantaged groups of rights fully as enshrined in the constitution. The
the society. Federal constitution clearly states the human and
Two grade seven students named Furne and democratic rights that must be respected for every
Heramo debated this issue as follows: citizen.
Heramo: That the constitution recognized the The entitlement of every citizen to the same
equality of all citizens. Hence, giving rights, opportunities, privileges and protection is
special support to some and denying an indicator of the practice of the right for equity.
others contradicts to this principle of Equal treatment of everyone before the law and
the constitution. equal opportunities to make use of the resources
Furne: Special support does not contradict the of the country are practical expressions of the right
constitutional principle of the equality for equity. The FDRE constitution has declared the
of all citizens. Because, regardless political, social and cultural rights of individuals and
The human and democratic rights of people shall be Women are equal with men in all aspects of
fully respected. Nations, nationalities and peoples will rights. Women are not lesser than men in their
all have equal rights. When their rights are respected, mental capacity. They can work, learn, and lead life
they will get a fair share of the country’s resources. The in the same way as men do. Respecting the rights
FDRE constitution establishes the rights for equality of women and struggling against backward and
of nations, nationalities and peoples. Accordingly wrong attitudes is essential for the country and its
their right for self-administration including secession generation.
is fully respected. It is apparent that in past political Respecting the rights of disabled people is very
systems some nations, nationalities and peoples advantageous, because, if their rights are respected,
were marginalized and undermined. But now, they can play as great a role in the development
their equality in religion, culture, history and other of their nation as any other person can do. Thus,
manifestation is constitutionally recognized. This the family, the society and the government should
will have major significance for the development strengthen their care and support for disabled
and prosperity of the nation. people.
Key Words
Popular sovereignty: This is the supremacy of the people in which they become the ultimate source
of political power. According to the Ethiopian constitution, the Ethiopian
Nations, Nationalities and Peoples are invested with popular sovereignty and
ultimate political power resides in them
Vision: Refers to one’s life objective which one aims at and will strive to achieve as
a goal
Judgment: Legal or court decision
Master: One who takes control over somebody in his/her residence and livelihood
Collaborator: A person or persons who cooperate with someone in committing a crime
I. Write “True” if the statement is correct and write “False” if the statement is
1. The Ethiopia FDRE constitution is one of the documents in which the right for equality is practically
2. Among the rights for equality stated in the Ethiopian constitution, the rights of equality of nations, nationalities
and peoples is the basic one.
3. Our country has been prosperous in the past because the cultures and languages of the peoples have been
respected in the countries past history.
4. The role of women is less important than that of men in the development efforts of Ethiopia.
5. Mental and physical impairment is caused by evil fate or curse.
II. Match words or phrases under column ‘A’ with correct items of column ‘B’
1. The right for self-administration A. Common responsibility of government and people
2. The Red Terror B. Harmful and backward practices
3. Abduction and early marriage C. Popular sovereignty
4. Taking care of disabled people D. Horrible mass killing of citizens (genocide)
E. Minority rule
III. Copy the following questions on your exercise book and fill the correct answer on
the space provided
1. Ethiopia is said to be ____________ peoples.
2. __________ is the document in which the equality of all Ethiopians is recognized.