Human Rights Notes
Human Rights Notes
Human Rights Notes
Right to life, liberty, and security of a 3 PRINCIPLES OF HUMAN RIGHTS:
Right against torture Universality
Right to equal protection against any Indivisibility
discrimination Interdependence
Right against arbitrary arrest and
detention Rights belong to and are to be enjoyed by
Right to fair and public hearing by an all human beings without distinction of
independent and impartial tribunal any kind, such as race, color, sex or
Right to be presumed innocent until language, religion, political and other
proven guilty opinion, national or social origin, property,
Right to privacy, freedom of opinion birth or other stature.
and expression Human rights belong to everyone
wherever they are because they are
human beings endowed with dignity.
SECOND GENERATION OF ECONOMIC, No one, no group, and no place in the
SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS world should be denied the enjoyment of
human rights.
Also known as the second generation of The international community must treat
equality rights. human rights in equal manner, on the
This started to be recognized when same footing, and with the same
people realized that possession of the emphasis.
Third generation: