Istv An Kecsk Es, Ervin Burkus and P Eter Odry: Model Validation of A Hexapod Walker Robot
Istv An Kecsk Es, Ervin Burkus and P Eter Odry: Model Validation of A Hexapod Walker Robot
Istv An Kecsk Es, Ervin Burkus and P Eter Odry: Model Validation of A Hexapod Walker Robot
Our complete dynamical simulation-model realistically describes the real low-cost hexapod walker
robot Szabad(ka)-II within prescribed tolerances under nominal load conditions. This validated
model is novel, described in detail, for it includes in a single study: (a) digital controllers, (b)
gearheads and DC motors, (c) 3D kinematics and dynamics of 18 Degree of Freedom (DOF)
structure, (d) ground contact for even ground, (e) sensors and battery model. In our model validation:
(a) kinematical-, dynamical- and digital controller variables were simultaneously compared, (b)
differences of measured and simulated curves were quantified and qualified, (c) unknown model
parameters were estimated by comparing real measurements with simulation results and applying
adequate optimization procedures. The model validation helps identifying both model’s and real
robot’s imperfections: (a) gearlash of the joints, (b) imperfection of approximate ground contact
model, (c) lack of gearhead’s internal non-linear friction in the model. Modeling and model validation
resulted in more stable robot which performed better than its predecessors in terms of locomotion.
1. Introduction
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420 Model validation of a hexapod walker robot
feet on the ground and four in the air in the same time, however, there is a disadvantage, because
it is difficult to touch the ground with four feet simultaneously. Eight-legged robots have greater
weight, power consumption and cost more because of the extra legs. In ref. [32], a detailed analysis of
walking devices was carried out. This analysis separately dealt with the maximal speed of the robots
depending on the number of feet. The publication59 deals with the evolution of legged locomotion
systems, and presents different possibilities for the implementation. In ref. [60], several optimization
examples and methods are presented for minimizing the energy consumption by modifying the design
and walking with evolutionary computation. A detailed classification of gaits was given in.15 Based
on the above, six-legged construction is the most practical choice for a walking device.
Simpler wheeled robots are capable of overcoming obstacles with heights smaller than the radius
of their wheels. More advanced wheeled robots using for example the Rocker–Bogie suspension,
like the Curiosity robotic rover are of course able to roll over much higher obstacles. Bipeds can
overcome barriers to the height of their knees. Hexapod structures, depending on their structural
design, are suitable for walking on obstacles up to two to four times higher than the length of their
legs. The main disadvantage of hexapods, compared to the wheeled robots is that they consume more
power, and their walk is relatively uneven. Also, the top speed of a hexapod is lower than the speed of
a wheeled robot of the same size.15 also discusses the walking robot’s ability to overcome obstacles.
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Model validation of a hexapod walker robot 421
Table I. Selected motors and gearheads for Szabad(ka)-II.
Fig. 1. The Szabad(ka)-II hexapod robot: picture, structure, and names of parts.
(3) Coordinate system of robot legs – (X, Y, Z), where X axis is the leg’s starting direction from the
body; Z axis is directed to front side; the origin is placed in the center of the first link (Link1).
Coordinate system of robot legs depicted in black and shown in Fig. 1.
For Szabad(ka)-II, specific DC servo motors were selected from company Faulhaber.22 These
motors are more efficient and have lighter weight than the motors used in our previous robot. The
experience gained from the design and exploitation of Szabad(ka)-I (10 ) was used in the design process
of Szabad(ka)-II.
Since the robot’s dynamical model was developed (described in next section), it was possible to
determine the torques required to drive the joints. While running the dynamic model, simulations
were made with three legs simultaneously on the ground, and the motor-gearhead pairs were selected
based on these simulations. The results of the selection are shown in Table I.
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422 Model validation of a hexapod walker robot
Table II. Comparison of hexapod robots.
Tarry I 1992 3 Simulates the walking of the stick insect. Uses RC servos.45
Robot I 1993 2 Early mechanism to imitate cockroaches. Forms the basis of Robot II, III.13
TUM 1991 3 Introduces a model of hexapod walking machine following biological
Robot II 1996 3 Improved successor of Robot I. It uses 6 watt DC motors.13
Tarry II 1998 3 Improved version of Tarry I. Also uses RC servos.45
Lauron III 1999 3 DC motors, robust transmission using timing belts.12
LAVA 1999 3 Early differential gear system, driven by DC servo motors.67
Biobot 2000 3 Pneumatic drives, with a cockroach-like foot structure.18
Hamlet 2001 3 Complex mechanical solutions, driven by DC servo motors.23
RHex 2001 0 Intentionally simple structure, driven by 6 DC motors.58
Robot III 2002 2–5 Enhanced version of Robot III. It uses pneumatics.13
Sprawlita 2001 2 Pneumatic structure imitating the cockroach’s gait.4
LEMUR II 2002 4 Successor of LEMUR I. Uses DC servo motors with harmonic drives.40
Whegs I 2003 1 “Wheel with legs” concept. Driven by 6 wheels with rods.1
Whegs II 2003 1 Improved version of Whegs I.1
Lauron IV 2004 3 Enhanced version of Lauron III, with optimized mechanism.53
Genghis II 2004 2 Mechanically simple robot with only two DOF.51
AQUA 2004 1 Swimming robot with paddles and one degree of freedom per leg.24
BILL-Ant-p 2005 3 Ant-like hexapod with RC servos, equipped with a head and scissors.45
Hexapod 2005 2 The authors’ first prototype. Ant-like hexapod using RC servos.48
Gregor I 2006 2/3 Cockroach-like robot, using RC servos.3
ATHLETE 2006 6 Rolling or crawling robot, with six wheels. Has a load capacity of 450 kg.28
SLAIR 2 2007 3 Successor of SLIAR. Has a differential drive with modified RC servos.42
ANTON 2007 3 Successor of SLIAR 2. Without a differential drive, with its own
Szabad(ka)-I 2007 3 Hexapod using servo motors. Has reductors, its own production encoders,
and bevel gears for additional reduction.10
HexCrawler 2008 2 Hexapod with RC servos and two DOF.31
Chiara 2008 3/4 Very elaborate hexapod using RC servos. Has two front arms.14
Lynx. BH3-R 2008 3 Axisymmetric construction using RC servos.17
SILO6 2008 3 Robust robot, with differential drive, driven by servo motors.25
Cassino 2008 3 Low cost, hybrid hexapod robot operated by a PLC with on-off logic.11
COMET-IV 2009 4 Hexapod with hydraulic drive, large dimensions and weight.49
Szabad(ka)-II 2009 3 Successor of Szabad(ka)-I. Among others, the DC servo motors, drives,
encoders, and bevel gears were enhanced.10
Oscar 2009 3 Self-reconfiguring axisymmetric hexapod robot using RC servos.30
SpaceClimber 2011 4 A particularly advanced robot using brushless DC motors and
Harmonic Drive gears.5
Octavio 2012 3 Ultra lightweight multi-legged robot that consists of up to eight
isomorphic leg modules with an easy snap-in system.64
pneumatics were rejected because of their complex and inefficient way of operation as they are still
in the experimental phase.4 Solutions based on RC servos were also rejected because their control
algorithm cannot be altered of modified, for it is fixed.6 In case of most other robots having at least
three DOFs per legs, particular attention was paid to the development of the algorithms, while the
optimization of the electromechanical structure was less important. Most of the constructions were
relatively robust, and resulted in a cumbersome walk.
Detailed comparison of Szabad(ka)-II and other similar hexapod robots can be found in
Appendix A.
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Model validation of a hexapod walker robot 423
Table III. Simulation models comparison of hexapod robots.
RHex58 SimSect ‘Aassess the viability of the design “Verify in simulation that the
through simulation studies” controllers of Section 3 are able to
produce fast, autonomous forward
locomotion of the hexapod platform”
Sprawlita4 ADAMS “Expected observation for the “Simulated experiments are powerful
control trials is based on the tools for verifying expected results of
results of the simulated complicated animal experiments.”
experiments” “In any case, analyzing the behavior
of the simulated robot system in the
case of partial sensor failure will
certainly be interesting.”
AQUA24 Simulink “To develop simple gaits that were “Model was validated with
implemented on the robot” experiments: The match between the
two sets of forces was good and it
provided the model validation that
was sought”
ANTON42 Simulink “Development and test of complex “The results of simulation and the
real-time embedded systems results of real experiments are
consists of many steps from practically identical.”
modeling and simulation of the
plant till the implementation of the
source code in the real hardware.”
Cassino11 Simulink “Dynamics analysis can be carried None
out in order to size the actuators
for a leg module (Carbone, G. &
Ceccarelli, M. 2004)”
SpaceClimber5 “Precise visual comparison of the “A comparison between the real robot
foot behavior on the ground and and the simulated version was
better tuning of the ground contact performed before the simulation was
parameters in the simulation” used for locomotion parameter
Octavio64 YARS “Optimized using evolutionary “Tests on hardware are indispensable
techniques together with a to validate that the identified control
physical simulation of the principles are grounded in the
machine and its environment” physical world.” “it has to be
sufficiently precise to allow
transferability of controllers from
simulation to hardware with at least
qualitatively comparable behaviors”
“Except for a few parameter changes
controllers developed in simulation
were successfully transferred to
Szabad(ka)-I10 Simulink Help the design of Szabad(ka)-II None
Szabad(ka)-II9 Simulink Optimize robot structure and control The subject of this paper
The static verification of a proposed CAD model can more or less determine if a prototype is
viable, but is not sufficient to provide the optimal structure. That was the reason why the dynamic
simulation model of Szabad(ka)-II was created and validated. This kind of modeling is also important
in the development of a robot’s software like in the walking algorithm. Using a real robot for testing
is time consuming and creating various test environments is expensive. In contrast to this, simulating
the target scenarios can be much faster, cheaper and easier. Of course, it is vital for the dynamic
model to provide the adequate results.
From the 32 robots listed in Table II, we found seven robots (besides Szabad(ka) robots) having a
dynamic simulation model. Table III summarizes these dynamic models. In our paper models without
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424 Model validation of a hexapod walker robot
a real hardware device were not addressed; therefore these researches were not included in Table III.
The study of dynamic models is more important than kinematic modeling because Szabad(ka)-II
also has a dynamic model. Purely kinematic models do not include those critical parts which are
studied here, such as the motor currents, forces, ground contact model, gearhead efficiency, gearlash,
etc. At the same time dynamic models in most cases contain all kinematic parts: exact structure of
the robot, joint limits, even or uneven ground, obstacles, etc. It is worth mentioning that kinematic
models are usually used for studying robot motion or walking in various environments like in the
case of the following real robots: LAVA,67 Genghis II,51 BILL-Ant-p,45 ATHLETE,28 COMET-IV,49
There are a large number of robot simulators available, emphasizing different aspects of
robot simulation.64 The mentioned models are mostly integrated to the Matlab/Simulink simulator
environment (Simulink,4, 17, 24, 33, 42 YARS,64 ADAMS,4 and SimSect58 ). The Szabadka robot models
were also implemented in Simulink, because we already had experience with motor controlling in
this environment.
The elaboration and quantification of the model validation does not exist in these studies, i.e. the
comparison between the simulation results and reality is rather descriptive, for example:
The point in our trials was to quantify the simulation errors in order to be able to compare different
situations and parameters, and run the optimization to tune up certain parameters of the model,
similarly to the research in.5 The Genetic Algorithm (GA) method was selected to tune up such
parameters in our model, since the evolutionary algorithms is proven as effective solution in the
robotic field.57
The main aim of these simulation models is to evolve the walking gaits and controllers, like
in.4, 17, 24, 42, 58, 64 Evolutionary robotics, neural controllers and optimization of parameters are usually
developed in simulations. This is due to time and cost constraints, but tests on hardware are
indispensable to validate that the identified control principles are grounded in the physical world.64
The attempt to implement the optimized walking developed with the help of simulation into the
real robot is not an unachievable ambition. The following citation from47 confirms this ambition:
“Although developing an experimental research platform capable of supporting the evolutionary
training of autonomous robots remains a non-trivial task, many of the initial concerns and criticisms
regarding embodiment and transference from simulated to real robots have been addressed. There are
sufficient examples of evolutionary robotics research platforms that have successfully demonstrated
the production of working controllers in real robots [9–12]. Also, there have been numerous examples
of successful evolution of controllers in simulation with transfer to real robots [13–19].” This and the
results of the Octavio robot research64 confirmed our endeavor to use the validated simulation model
for the development of the robot controller.
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Model validation of a hexapod walker robot 425
Fig. 2. Control layers of Szabad(ka) robot series, layers of Szabad(ka)-II are highlighted.
was sufficient. Walking on uneven ground will be a capability of our next robot, whose development
has already started and is based on the experience obtained from Szabad(ka)-II.
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426 Model validation of a hexapod walker robot
Fig. 3. Block diagram of the robot model, including trajectory and engine control layers and the main dynamic
are seven trajectory parameters (Table B1 in appendix); the outputs are the three-dimensional
curves of a one-step walk cycle. More details can be found in Section 2.1.
(2) Inverse kinematics – transforms the calculated trajectory given in the world coordinate system
(three-dimensional curves) into the desired angles of the links. This is also the exact copy of the
algorithm running in the digital control unit of the robot. Section B.1 in appendix provides more
(3) Controller – a model of the PID controller running in the digital control unit of the robot. The
inputs are the angle errors; the outputs are the control signals of the PWM amplifiers. More details
are listed in Section 2.2.
(4) Amplifier and battery – the inputs are the PWM control signals; the outputs are the control
voltages that appear on the DC motors.
(5) DC motors – DC motor-gearheads model of all three links of all the six legs. The inputs are
the control voltages and load torques; the outputs are the angles of links and motor currents.
The motor-gearhead model was validated by comparing simulation results with measured
characteristics (torque graphs) given by the datasheet.21 Details can be seen in Section 2.5.
(6) Ground contact – inverse dynamical model of ground contact (connection between the feet and
ground) using Carnopp friction model. Calculated the reactive forces (as output) from the ground
to the leg based on the feet’s position defined by joint angles (as input). The holding force in
direction ZW and the friction forces in XW − YW directions. The position of the feet is given
in the world coordinate system according to the ground, therefore first the forward kinematics
transformation needs to be performed. The approximation model of ground contact has been
discussed in ref. [37]. Described here in Section 2.6.
(7) Inverse dynamics – the inverse dynamic model of the robot legs and body. The inputs are
the kinematics of the body and legs (velocities q̇ and accelerations q̈ are calculated from
angles/positions q inside by derivations); the outputs are the forces acting on the leg links
and the forces acting on the body by the legs. More information is provided in Sections 2.3.
(8) Robot body – a forward dynamic model; the inputs are the sum of reactive forces and torques
occurring in the six legs (Eq. (1)); the output is the kinematics of the body (3D translation and
3D rotation). See Section 2.4.
(9) Sensors – encoder and current sensors.
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Model validation of a hexapod walker robot 427
It is assumed that elements which do not belong to the rigid body dynamics (encoder sensor, current
sensor, controller and amplifier-battery) are almost ideal or at least more accurate than the dynamic
part. These elements are relatively simple and their approximation models are not critical. However,
the following sections partially mention them.
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428 Model validation of a hexapod walker robot
3×1 3×1
on the body FAi ,MAi can be obtained. The same is calculated for the other five legs (“i” index
in Eq. (1) refers to the leg numbering) and summarizing all these final forces are attained, which
move the body in the six DOF FB3×1 ,MB3×1 . Knowing the body weight and inertia, the robot’s body
kinematics is calculated using double integration qB3×1 (it is shown in Fig. 3).
FB3×1 = 3×1
FAi , MB3×1 = 3×1
MAi . (1)
i=1..6 i=1..6
Furthermore, by using inverse dynamics the torques of the three leg-joints can be attained, which are
fed back to the motor-gearheads MLi . All motors are driven by a voltage controller Ui3×1 to make
the joints qA move according to the required values defined by the walking controls qD3×6 . Srobot
parameter structure of the robot manipulator consists of a series of Links (object defined by robotics
toolbox), in the current case j ∈ {1, . . . , 9}.
In Appendix B.2, Table B2 lists the main elements of the Link structure, and Table B3 shows
the parameters of the right front leg (Leg1) required by the robot object in robotics toolbox.16 From
these parameters, one matrix is created and from this matrix one serial-link object of the robot
manipulator can be simply constructed (with one command). This object will be the argument for all
other functions used in this toolbox which are called from Simulink at forward kinematic and inverse
dynamics. The inverse dynamics algorithm (see inverse dynamics block in Fig. 3) results reactive
forces FA3×1 and torques MA3×1 from each leg as well as torques occurring in joints ML3×1 of each leg.
This algorithm uses Recursive Newton-Euler (RNE) function of the Robot Toolbox,16 as described
with Eq. (2). Table B7 in Appendix B.2 contains variables and parameters of the inverse dynamics
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Model validation of a hexapod walker robot 429
constant of the gear ratio rG (see Eqs. (5) and (6)). The dynamic modeling of this gearhead, however,
is not so trivial due to the internal losses. These losses are modeled by transforming the gearhead’s
inertia JG and the gearhead’s viscous friction BG into the motor side (see Eq. (7)). By doing so,
these quantities can be added to the internal losses of the motor, which will be the arguments of the
mechanical part of the model.
The original datasheet does not define the BM , BG and JG parameters (only JM is given), therefore
they had to be derived. The viscous friction of the motor was obtained from the no-load operating
point (Eq. (8)). The viscous friction of the gearhead was approximated from the nominal speed ωNG ,
nominal torque MNG and efficiency ηNG given in the datasheet (Eq. (9)). No solution has been found
for the calculation of the gearhead’s inertia based on the parameters given in the datasheet; moreover,
it is impossible to measure. Therefore, it had to be assumed that the gearhead’s inertia equals the
motor’s inertia JG ≈ JM . This way the predicted value was not significantly exceeded, because the
size and weight of the rotor and gear are in the same order of magnitude.
KM U (s)
ω(s) = (10)
s 2 (J L) + s(BL + J R) + (BR + KM
−(sL + R)M(s)
s 2 (J L) + s(BL + J R) + (BR + KM
U (s) − KM ω(s)
IM (s) =
sL + R
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430 Model validation of a hexapod walker robot
Table B4 in Appendix B.2 summarizes the variables and parameters of the motor-gearhead model.
The gearhead simulation model had been theoretically validated by comparing the characteristic
curves of our model with the curves given in the original Faulhaber datasheet.21 Figure 5 shows the
characteristic curves based on our simulation, which is corresponding to the plot in datasheet. In the
simulation, the speed was kept constant at 5000 rpm like in the datasheet; a Faulhaber 2232012SR
motor and a PID controller was used (information about the gearhead and controller is not mentioned
in21 ).
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Model validation of a hexapod walker robot 431
= fGC (qA3×1 , qB6×1 ) (11)
P 3×1 , RP3×3 = fF K (qA3×1 , qB6×1 ) (12)
FG3×1 = (FGW
× RP3×3 )T
FGW = [FX , FY , FZ ], P 3×1 = [x, y, z]
−kz − cż if z < 0
FZ = (13)
0 if z > 0
−FZ if FZ > 0
Fnorm = , (14)
0 if FZ ≤ 0
−sign(ẋ)δFnorm if |ẋ| > vd
FX =
0 if |ẋ| ≤ vd
−sign(ẏ)δFnorm if |ẏ| > vd
FY =
0 if |ẏ| ≤ vd
The leg’s endpoint world coordinates P 3×1 are calculated from the leg’s joint angles qA3×1 using
forward kinematics, which is necessary to model the contact and the friction (Eq. (12)). Along the
Z direction, one spring-damper system approximates the collision between the ground and the feet
(Eq. (13)). In XW and YW horizontal directions, the homogeneous friction was modeled based on the
Karnopp friction model41 (Eq. (14)).
Table B6 in Appendix B.2 contains the variables and parameters of the ground contact model.
3. Model Validation
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432 Model validation of a hexapod walker robot
• Measuring some specific parameters—that were possible to measure in our laboratory—and were
required for the simulation model: weight, dimensions and inertia of robot body and the leg parts,
battery voltage, battery’s internal resistance, etc.
For determining the tolerance values, the following aspects should be taken into account: (1) purpose
of simulation (Section 3.3); (2) imperfection of the model (Section 3.4); (3) measurement error
(Section 3.5). The following three subsections discuss these in detail.
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Model validation of a hexapod walker robot 433
• Mechanical reasons—in reality there is no absolute precision, symmetry and similarity, although
this is assumed in modeling.
– Size differences between legs – causing asymmetric motions and forces in reality.
– Differences in friction parameters between joints.
– Non-homogeneous mass distribution of bodies – inaccuracy of body dynamic measurements
calculated by the SolidWorks simulation.
– Non-ideal flatness of the ground—the walk of the robot on an ideally flat ground is un-
accomplishable with an adequate accuracy (∼ 0.1 mm), since we do not have appropriately
equipped laboratory.
• Electronic reasons—these are similar to the mechanical reasons only they concern electronic
– Differences between motors and gearheads, and deviation from the given datasheet values.
– Lack of modeling of encoder sensors–the real encoder sensor has some inaccuracy, a particular
resolution and some delay, which are not dealt with in the current model.
– Lack of modeling of PWM amplifier—it is not modeled either.
– Deviation of power supply parameters from data given datasheet values.
– Battery recharge level—if a battery is applied.
• Approximated modeling—The simple mathematical model of certain robot parts cannot be
described (for example see Section 2.6), thus stochastic elements or approximate solutions should
be introduced. However, using very complex algorithms with high computational time they could
be more realistically modeled.54 These parts usually have a simpler approximate substitute which
was also used in the current model (see Section 4.5). The parameters of such approximate models
have been more correctly estimated with the help of optimization.
– The collision of legs with the ground was approximated as point-contact, while in reality it is
a non-rigid touch and friction of three-dimensional surfaces. This simplification was used for
there is no viable alternative, see Section 2.6.
– The rubber soles on the feet were approximated with absorbers (spring and damper).
– The gearlash (backlash) in the links has not been implemented in the model, because we
were interested in identifying imperfections of the robot and its dynamical model, rather than
describing in detail the transient imperfect behavior.
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434 Model validation of a hexapod walker robot
• Estimated parameters – There were parameters with no available datasheet value. This kind of error
source is also examined in ref. [54]. In this case, calculations were not done with values determined
by any kind of estimation algorithm, but values based and determined on human estimation and our
experience. In several cases, certain parameters were set using simulation and the adequacy was
checked based on the expected behavior. The deviation of these parameters from the real values can
of course be significantly high; therefore these parameters are often the subject of optimization.
This is described in Section 4.
– Internal inertia of the gearhead.
– Friction coefficients, for example, the frictions of gears in the joints, which can change while
– Gearlash estimated parameters.
• Calculation imperfection of the simulator are related to
– Calculations of the Simulink’s Fixed-Step solver with 5 kH z sample rate, discussed in paper.37
– Integral calculation and rounding errors—probably negligible when compared with other errors.
3.6.1. Timely comparison of one synchronized walking cycle. To express the deviation numerically,
we can calculate the Mean Squared Error (MSE) value (Eq. (15)), or the Mean Absolute Error
(MAE) value (Eq. (16)). MAE was used in order to express the error in a simpler measurement
unit, moreover it is used in other robot model validation.44, 54 If MAE is to be expressed relatively
then the difference must be compared with the Absolute Mean (AM) value that is the Relative
Mean Absolute Error (RMAE), see Eq. (17). It seems these is no generally accepted comparison
function, for example, besides these methods some others are used, like the “tip error”,54 “percentage
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Model validation of a hexapod walker robot 435
Table IV. Used quantities (measurement points on robot) for validation.
1 N
fMSE (X, X̂) = (Xi − X̂i )2 (15)
N i=1
fMAE (X, X̂) = |Xi − X̂i | (16)
N i=1
fMA (X) = |Xi |
N i=1
3.6.2. Comparison of mean value of one walking cycle. Obviously, it is possible to calculate the
average value of the absolute signal. An absolute expression can be calculated from two mean values,
namely from the Difference of Absolute Means (DAM), see Eq. (18), and a relative expression with
the Ratio of Absolute Means (RAM), see Eq. (19). In this study, RAM has mostly been used expressed
in percentage.
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436 Model validation of a hexapod walker robot
Table V. Numerical and color designation of tolerance categories.
0–2% (green) Tolerance of digital measurements Inaccurate sample rating; different rounding
errors between platforms; inaccurate
2–10% (yellow) Tolerance of analog measurements Model imperfection (Section 3.4);
measurement errors (Section 3.5)
10–30% (orange) Moderate differences, acceptable Model imperfection (Section 3.4);
under certain conditions measurement errors (Section 3.5)
30–50% (red) Unacceptably big differences Some important element(s) missing in the
50-% (purple) Extra differences Serious measurement or simulation errors
3.6.3. Spectral comparison. When there is an analog or digital filter, the spectral expression can be the
most suitable comparison method for validating the filter effects. It has been proposed to calculate an
FFT-based spectrum to at least one or more whole walking cycles. We used this method for verifying
the model of motor current measurement, i.e. there are analog low-pass filter in the electronics (for
3.6.4. Confidence interval. More measurements have been performed on the walking robot in order
to observe the tolerances and confidence intervals of the whole system (including the robot walking
and measurement system). The measurements have shown a certain deviation but the normal (Gauss)
distribution cannot be proved due to the small number of samples. For illustrative purposes, one kind
of confidence function was introduced and applied to the mean value of the examined variables. It
determines an interval between the minimum and maximum of all available samples (M) (Eq. (20)).
X1 , . . . , fAM
fCONF (X1 , X2 , . . . , XM ) = (20)
max fAM X1 , . . . , fAM XM
(1) The first technically functional cycle had been named as the “Trial” case, where the estimated
parameters have been set empirically. During this cycle, the serious errors were corrected and the
validation modules refined (see feedbacks in Fig. 7).
(2) The following cycle included the optimizations cases where the optimization procedure estimated
the mentioned parameters to minimize the differences. GA was implemented for multi-parameter
optimization where the fitness value was defined as the reciprocal of the examined differences.
The description of GA can be found in papers39 and.50
(3) In the third cycle, an attempt was made to take into account more walking methods and speeds
simultaneously, in order to search for such parameters that provide equally satisfactory result for
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Model validation of a hexapod walker robot 437
Table VI. Numerical expression and color categorization of the validation
results in Trial case.
1 0.193 0.446
Digital qD [rad] 2 0.164 0.291
3 0.010 0.021
1 3.696 9.908
Digital UP [V ] 2 20.09 22.77
3 2.834 10.60
1 0.72 4.253
Analog q[rad] 2 4.417 12.58
3 0.168 0.266
1 22.10 55.10
Analog IM [V ] 2 15.04 42.11
3 28.93 41.04
Analog US [V ] 0.592 1.282
Fig. 8. Mean values of simulated motor current (red) compared with the confidence intervals of forward (green)
and backward (blue) motor current measurement.
all situations (combinations of walking methods and speeds). The variation of speed emerges as
the most important of physical effects over which to challenge the validity of the model.46
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438 Model validation of a hexapod walker robot
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Model validation of a hexapod walker robot 439
Fig. 9. 3D projection of simulated holding forces on front (Leg1), middle (Leg3) and rear (Leg5) feet, and the
real and simulated robot acceleration in walking direction (aX ).
A GA was applied to optimize the mentioned parameters. The aim was to make the motor currents
IM,l,3 at the third links more similar to the measured current IM,l,3 . This was realized with a fitness
function based on the mean results of the comparative MAE function calculated on all six currents
in Link3 (Eq. (21)). (MAE measurement unit is ampere.)
FIM = fMAE (IM,l,3 , IM,l,3 ). (21)
6 l=1
The original fitness value of the trial case was 39 mA, and after the optimization it was reduced to
28.8 mA, while the confidence interval of the measurements was 13 mA. The difference between the
mean current of a walking step (DAM) has also improved: it decreased from 28 mA to 9 mA. Figure
11 shows these results separately of each of the six legs compared to the measurement errors. The
green blocks are the confidence intervals of the measurements, the red blocks are the trial simulations
and the blue blocks are the optimized simulation cases.
The relatively expressed fitness values are summarized for all three links in Table VII, which shows
that the optimization procedure does not essentially affect or improve the deviation on the first and
second links. It further supports our assumption that these optimized parameters mostly influence the
third links. This optimization case marked as Link3-Opt and compared to Trial case.
The optimization was performed several times with various parameters and parameter limits, and
the results were similar each time. Table VIII contains the trial and optimized values of current
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440 Model validation of a hexapod walker robot
Table VII. RMAE Comparative values for all three links.
1 55.10 50.68
IM [A] 2 42.11 43.27
3 41.04 29.20
Fig. 10. Motor currents (IM ) of front (graphs B, D) and rear (graphs C, E) legs, first (graphs B, C) and second
(Dgraphs , E) links, during forward (real FW) and backward (real BW) walking compared to simulation (sim
FW=BW); in addition the robot body acceleration in the walking direction (graph A).
Optimized value
Parameter Unit Trial value Leg1 Leg2 Leg3 Leg4 Leg5 Leg6 Mean
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Model validation of a hexapod walker robot 441
Fig. 11. DAM, MAE, AM comparative motor current values in trial (red) and optimized (Link3-Opt) (blue)
cases beside the real measurements (green); height of blocks illustrates the confidence interval.
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442 Model validation of a hexapod walker robot
Fig. 12. Simulated (T rial) and measured motor current IM of first links, left side, with wS = 20 speed.
the link (leg) moves. These occurrences prove the assumption that it is the gearlash which causes
most of the error in the motor current simulation.
Modeling of the gearlash is not a simple task, since it occurs in all six legs of the robot. The starting
moment and power of the gearlash occurrence depends on the torques, and these are in interaction
with each other causing a complex impact-effect sequence. Since the gearlash should be eliminated
from the robot, we decided not to study, model and validate gearlash itself. However, one should
know how disadvantageous the lack of gearlash modeling is in the validation process. It is also
worth considering whether the mechanical parts of the robot should be replaced with ones that have
negligible gearlash. These questions will be answered in the conclusion section.
One more problem has arisen after comparing the simulated and measured accelerations. In the
simulation, a false and unexpected deceleration occurs causing a short peak in the current every time
when a foot touches the ground. This phenomenon does not appear in the measured acceleration
and current. In the simulation, when the foot touches the ground the friction in XW − YW plane will
abruptly be too active and it strongly holds down the leg in the touching point (Fig. 14). The holding
forces FZ occurring during the simulation of the ground contact can be observed in Fig. 14 (similar
to Fig. 9, but this illustrates FZ of all the legs).
This friction has not been measured but in reality it probably happens smoothly and with transition,
similarly to the difference between body accelerations (graph A in Fig. 14). We assumed that this
deviation is due to the false approximate modeling of the ground contact, or at least is the result
of incorrect parameters. The ground contact models with different parameters are the reason for the
different force-curves between the legs (see graphs B, C, D in Fig. 14), but it appears only in transient
periods. The holding periods show an ascending character at the front legs (graph B), constant at the
middle legs (graph C) and descending at the rear legs (graph D).
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Model validation of a hexapod walker robot 443
Fig. 13. Comparison of potentiometer-measured angle (real-pot) with simulated (sim) and encoder-measured
angle (real-enc), as well as motor currents and robot body acceleration in walking direction (aX ).
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444 Model validation of a hexapod walker robot
Fig. 14. (A) the peak-like waves cause the false deceleration in the simulated walking (aX sim) compared with
real measurement (aX real); simulated holding forces at ground contact (FZ ): (B) front legs, (C) middle legs,
(D) rear legs.
Fig. 15. Parameter converging toward an optimum along the fitness increase, three parameter examples in
All-Link-Opt, calculated with twelve threshold resolutions.
is illustrated in Table X similar to Table VII. The RMAE values calculated from MAE values have
been presented in some figures (Figs. 8, 11, 16) based on Eq. 17.
On average, the All-Link-Opt produced better results. However, if only the motor current deviation
of the third links is taken into account, then the aimed optimization process (Link3-Opt) gives a better
approximation model. However, the model from the current optimization (All-Link-Opt) was taken
as the final one, which probably demonstrated the best approximation during this research, at least
with the given walking conditions.
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Model validation of a hexapod walker robot 445
Table IX. The trial and optimized (All-Link-Opt) parameter values (speed wS = 20).
Optimized value
Parameter Unit Trial Leg1 Leg2 Leg3 Leg4 Leg5 Leg6
Nominal voltage V 11.6
(9.0, 9.35)
of battery
(0.2, 0.226)
resistance of
Weight of robot kg 3.15
(4.42, 5.06)
35 32 33 32 36 44
Efficiency of % 90
(34, 37) (31, 37) (32, 40) (28, 36) (32, 36) (40, 45)
34 89 88 95 70 57
Efficiency of % 90
(27, 37) (37, 95) (80, 89) (93, 95) (39, 73) (30, 59)
32 35 38 43 36 33
Efficiency of % 90
(31, 38) (29, 38) (36, 41) (35, 43) (30, 36) (33, 37)
kN 4.59 3.4 4.63 2.7 1.23 7.5
Spring constant 10
m (4.48,4.9) (3.12,3.91) (4.63,5.19) (2.58,2.98) (1.11,1.45) (6.3,7.5)
kN 1.5 1.56 0.2 2.27 0.44 2.04
Damper constant 1
sm (1.44,1.7) (1.38,1.83) (0.17,0.2) (2.26,2.67) (0.42,0.49) (1.8,2.23)
8.7 10 5.5 5.4 5.0 8.3
Spring length mm 10
(8.7,9.9) (10,10) (5.0,6.1) (5.0,5.4) (5,5.4) (7.4,8.6)
1.63 2.52 2.82 0.1 0.71 0.31
Friction constant 1/1 1
(1.38,1.63) (1.88,2.66) (2.57,2.9) (0.1,0.13) (0.59,1.07) (0.22,0.31)
Table X. Final results of the comparison of optimization cases and the trial case.
Figure 16 shows the difference between the trial and optimized cases broken down for each single
link, and compares them with the confidence interval of the measurements. Mean values of the fitness
results of six legs are marked with dashed lines, and it can be seen that the optimized case (blue)
came closer to the measurements (green) in almost all graphs.
Figure 17 shows the comparison between the measurement and simulation for the sum of all
18 motor currents. The significant differences are due to the imperfections of the model discussed
in more detail in the next section. The optimization process performed on the model could not
approximate these dynamic differences even after having found the best parameter combinations.
Dynamic differences support the fact that the deviation is caused by effects not incorporated into
the model: major contribution is from the gearlash (discussed in Section 4.4), followed by the
imperfection of ground contact model (discussed in Section 4.3) and the imperfection of gearhead
model (discussed in Section 4.2).
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446 Model validation of a hexapod walker robot
Fig. 16. DAM, MAE, AM comparisons between trial and optimized cases, walking speed wS = 20.
Fig. 17. Sum of motor currents during one walk cycle in trial and optimized case, in the top graph the speed is
wS = 20, and in the bottom the speed is wS = 12 oscillation in motor current is caused by the low-resolution
stepped curve in desired angle.
it so significantly, see Table XI). With further measurements and modeling it could be stated that, for
a new generation robot how much emphasis should be placed to solve the following:
• How much effort should be put on the design of the joints and other elements—to what extent
does this influence the quality of walking?
• How precise should the building of particular elements be (the issue of price versus necessity)?
• Is it necessary to build another type of joint or an entirely new leg?
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Model validation of a hexapod walker robot 447
Table XI. Fitness of robot walking deterioration in case of additional noise in links.
Sum gear torque (f1 ) sum of torques occurred in links 1 3.28 1.66 1.41
Body acceleration (f2 ) the squared mean of 3D acceleration 1 1.54 0.94 1.09
of the robot body
Body angular acceleration (f3 ) the squared mean of 3D angle – 1 2.11 2.35 1.24
acceleration of the robot body
Walking energy per meter (f4 ) electric energy of walking for one 1 1.46 1.06 1.05
Average velocity (f5 ) average forward velocity in direction 1 1.05 1.06 0.94
X (taken inversely in the fitness
Fitness value50 f = f1 ff2 f5 3 f4 adequacy factor calculated with the 1 0.07 0.27 0.47
production of the above indicators
The problem of gearlash in the process of modeling could be further clarified, but it is more likely that
the problem will be corrected mechanically i.e. the gearlash will be avoided in the new generation
robot. In this study, the alternatives of the approximate model of ground contact have not been
fully examined; only its parameters were optimized. It can be expected that after correcting other
imperfections, an improved model can be developed repeating a similar optimization procedure,
for example a better model probably would not generate the earlier mentioned false decelerations.
Namely, if a measured variable (referring mostly to the motor current) has more sources of deviation
simultaneously which do not depend only on the selected parameters, and once they are optimized, they
will lead to such a false minimum point which can result in inaccurate estimation of these parameters.
This was concluded partly on the basis of high difference between the calculated optimum values of
several legs; moreover these results seem quite illogical.
The imperfect gearhead model should be further examined to determine whether such a large
deviation in simulation would cause a problem during the planned walking optimization procedure.
In such a case, an improved gearhead model should be implemented into the overall dynamical
model. Based on paper [63] there are some usable modeling solutions for this issue: “Most of these
papers offer solutions for the modeling and identification of the mechanical system together with the
backlash phenomenon [8–13]”
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448 Model validation of a hexapod walker robot
Fig. 20. Motion difference (MAE) between the real and simulated walk.
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Model validation of a hexapod walker robot 449
Fig. 21. Motor current difference (MAE) of the real and simulated walking.
Fig. 22. Motor current relative difference (RMAE) of the real and simulated walking.
legs: Leg3-4, rear legs: Leg5-6), while the top sub-graph summarize the examined quantity for each
link (1,2,3)
The comparison was performed from two aspects:
4.7.1. Intensity of the measured signal (AM–ST D–P P –V AM). – is a mixture of characteristic
values which intend to indicate the intensity of the signal based on various aspects: the absolute mean
(AM), standard deviation (ST D), peak-to-peak distance (P P ), absolute mean of derivation or speed
(V AM). It compares the product of the four mentioned metrics, see Eq. (22).
fAM−ST D−P P −V AM (X) = fAM (X)fST D (X)(max(X) − min(X))fAM (Ẋ) (22)
Figure 18 illustrates that the motion intensity is the highest in the inside (first links), and is decreasing
moving outwards, while there is no significant difference between the front and rear legs. Figure
19 shows that the motor current is explicitly intensive in the middle links, and the highest in the
middle legs. Consequently, this comparison can answer the questions: to what extent is each link
overloaded, and which links and their corresponding elements should be stronger? This results could
be a guideline during the design of a new generation robot.9
4.7.2. Difference between the real and simulated values (MAE, RMAE). – This analysis can show
which link has a modeling problem and also suggest any physical problems with the robot. Simulation
error (difference between the real and simulated walk) of the motion is smaller in the middle links of
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450 Model validation of a hexapod walker robot
Fig. 23. Simulated (trial case with blue, optimized case with green) and measured (red) motor current comparison
in all the 18 links, displayed is one walking step with speed wS = 20. The significant differences between
simulation and measurement were discussed in Sections 4.2–4.4.
the front and rear legs (Fig. 20). The imperfection, i.e. the difference, in all other links is roughly the
Figures 21 and 22 show that the imperfect simulation of the motor current in the middle links is
more significant, and it illustrates an asymmetry between the right and left side, and between the front
and rear links. The main reason of the asymmetry lies in the previously disclosed model imperfections
which variously occurred in the links in time.
Figure 23 presents the final motor current comparison in all the links where the mentioned
differences can be observed as time curves. The walking speed wS = 20 is the highest which is the
most critical case in terms of validation.
5. Conclusion
This research presents a third generation hexapod robot, Szabad(ka)-II. The simulation model was
validated by performing adequate measurements on the robot itself, as shown in Fig. 2. The validation
is performed on flat ground, therefore given model parameters are not final. Optimal parameters for
even ground give good starting point for walking optimization in case of different scenarios e.g.
walking on uneven terrains. Our methodology and programs can be reapplied for validating the next
robot, which will walk on uneven terrain. The validated model reached the predefined requirements
in Section 3.3 with the reservation for the disclosed imperfections: Some structure imperfections of
the Szabad(ka)-II robot can be identified on the basis of the validation process and the simulation
results. These are followings:
(1) Significant gearlash of the joint – particularly occurring in the first joints of the robot, which
influences the motor currents and harmfully affects the walking. Gearlash was not implemented
in the simulation model and this causes the majority of the differences between the simulated and
measured motor currents.
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Model validation of a hexapod walker robot 451
(2) Imperfection of ground contact model – causing an unrealistic contact between the feet and
the ground during walking, i.e. it results in short false decelerations and false peaks of the motor
(3) Imperfection of gearhead model – neither was the gearhead’s internal non-linear friction
implemented in this model; therefore the gearhead does not behave in the same way when
affected by reactive forces as the real gearhead does. Thus in the simulation, the motor current
(or torque) difference between the front and rear legs was not as large as in reality.
The above mentioned phenomena pointed out: (a) the reason of differences between the model and
the real robot; (b) the places of imperfections in the model as well as in the robot. It can be concluded
that the gearlash is the most critical mechanical imperfection of the Szabad(ka)-II robot, which
deteriorates the quality of the robot motion. It can cause harmful “jumps” in the robot motion and
in the motor currents and torques. The degree of these jumps is significant in the first joints as it
was shown in Sections 4.4 and 4.7. However, this does not mean that the gearlash is absent or it is
completely negligible in the other joints.
The corrections of revealed imperfections of real device are essential in order to create an improved
hexapod robot. To improve the robot structure, the followings should be considered:
• Design of a new robot body, including the optimal positioning of the leg mountings and a better
leg geometric design—in order to ensure equal loads of the joints, thereby to avoid any overloads
and achieve the most effective gait.
• One of the most important aims of the feet design is to minimize the unwanted acceleration in all
three dimensions during touchdown. If the feet’s spring factor is too soft it reduces the walking
quality, whereas if the spring is too hard it causes harmful acceleration in the vertical direction.
• The 3D accelerometer was used only for validating the robot body kinematics till now. Using the
accelerometer’s signal for walking control is also an interesting challenge, which could improve
the walking quality and could be used for the protection of the robot body. The next robot will be
equipped with ground contact sensors. However, we consider inspecting whether the data received
from the single accelerometer can in certain gait cases or completely replace the six ground contact
sensors while walking on uneven terrain.
The presented validation procedure revealed that Szabad(ka)-II robot with some structural
improvements could be a more applicable device having higher motion quality and smaller
energy consumption. Finally, the developed simulation model will become useful for further robot
improvement because the robot structure and the drive-control can be faster and cheaper explored
with the model than with the real robot. To our knowledge, there were no previous detailed analyses
of hexapod robot’s dynamic model development and validation.
Szabad(ka)-II was compared with other existing hexapod robots in Section B.3 1.3, where the
reasons for choosing the given mechanical solutions used in Szabad(ka)-II were explained. We used
separate gearings for the three joints instead of a differential gear drive system, the robot’s body and
legs are both made from aluminum, the power source is integrated in the robot, to achieve a simpler
structure, there are no body joints or fourth joint in the legs, etc. The final result was a functional
hexapod robot ready to be the subject of the validation.
The goal and usage of the Szabad(ka)-II robot simulation model is not a novelty, since simulations
of other hexapod robots—listed in Table I—were also developed in order to improve the real
robots. These simulations are used to: design the structure, define materials, improve gait algorithms,
trajectories, and motion controllers. In spite of this in the literature, we did not find another complete
dynamic simulation model with such a detailed specification of the model and validation as in our
case. The Simulink model of Szabad(ka)-II includes:
Some novelties were presented in this solution of model validation. These or similar methods which
cannot be found in any other hexapod simulations with a realized robot are:
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452 Model validation of a hexapod walker robot
• Kinematical and dynamical (time curve) characteristics and variables of digital controllers were
compared at the same time.
• The differences of measured and simulated curves were quantified with various statistical aspects,
and qualification categories were introduced for classification of these comparisons.
• The unknown model parameters were estimated with a GA optimization to improve the dynamical
model. In the most extreme case, 45 parameters were tuned altogether.
• Beside the model imperfections, we were able to point out the imperfections of the real robot as
the conclusion of the measurement and validation procedure.
The authors are grateful to the reviewers for their thorough reading and suggestions. We owe special
thanks to the micro-motor factory Faulhaber22 for its support that has supplied the 18 motors and
gearheads for the Szabad(ka)-II robot. Grateful acknowledgments to the company AppL-DSP for
financing all other parts and costs of the robot and Technos Logos Kft for their support.
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A.1. Hamlet
Mechanically sophisticated six-legged robot Hamlet23 driven by servo motors was developed to test
the effectiveness of combined force and position control to achieve robust, adaptable walking over
rough and unknown environments. The robot weighs 13 kg. The distance between the front and rear
legs, measured at their axis in the body is 400 mm. The robot has a carbon-fiber-coated cardboard
body. Six identical legs are made of aluminum and the joints are driven with identical 10 W DC
motors mounted to reductors with a ratio of 1:246. Flexible couplings were used to transfer the power
from the reductors to the plastic bevel gears.
Hamlet and Szabad(ka)-II are most similar in their construction, but differ in the following main
properties: Szabad(ka)-II with its full equipment weighs only 6.5 kg. The distance between the front
and rear axes of the legs is 320 mm, that is 20% shorter than in Hamlet. The legs and the body of
Szabad(ka)-II are milled out from aluminum and steel elements, and the electronics are located inside
the body, while Hamlet’s chassis is a sandwich of carbon fiber over corrugated cardboard and only
the legs are made of aluminum.
Our previous results36 helped us to select drive elements of Szabad(ka)-II. Based on these
simulations, appropriate servo motor/gearbox pairs could be determined. This was required to ensure
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Model validation of a hexapod walker robot 455
proper torques (Table I). Szabad(ka)-II uses different servo motors, while Hamlet was built with
identical servo motor/regulator pairs. Among others, the goals were to reduce the overall costs and
simplify the structure. For this reason, smaller steel bevel gears were chosen. The bevel gears and the
motors were connected without flexible couplings.
In the case of LAVA,67 the first two joints of the legs (closer to the body) are driven with an
inverse differential gear drive system. Depending on the rates at which the two gear driving motors
rotate, the legs may be lifted, swung or simultaneously perform both motions. This solution has two
advantages. First, the lifting and swinging has a common geometrical pivot point and owing to this,
the kinematic modeling is simpler. Second, during the leg swing and leg lift motions, both motors
work simultaneously to achieve the desired motion. Thus, when walking, none of the motors is idle.
In case of vertical leg motions, when the largest torque is applied, both motors lift the robot at the
same time. Such a solution results both in weight and power savings.
In brief, the inverse differential gear drive system has some advantages in several areas. For
Szabad(ka)-II, the traditional solution was chosen because in this case the location of the motors
makes the layout of the other elements proportional. While designing Szabad(ka)-II, it was especially
important to place the electronics inside the robot’s body. In addition, an important requirement was
to keep the drive mechanism as simple as possible, because the more complex a structure is, the more
difficult it is to achieve a precise operation.
LAVA’s another interesting mechanical solution is that it uses worm gears instead of bevel gears.
The advantage of the worm gear over the bevel gear is that the former has self-locking properties. This
feature is important because when the robot is standing, it can hold the position of the joints without
consuming energy. In case of planetary gearheads, the reverse transmission of torque from the joint
to the motor can only be achieved with great losses. On the other hand, a DC motor can be used as a
brake by short-circuiting its inputs. Thus, the combined effects of the planetary reductor’s efficiency
in the case of reverse torques and the shorted motor inputs act as the worm gear’s self-locking effect,
so energy can be saved while standing without using worm gears. Another reason for not using worm
gears was that the applied planetary gearheads already provided appropriate reduction. There was no
need for additional electronic components to short the windings of the motors because the integrated
full-bridge drive circuit (Texas Instruments DRV8801) used in the robot was suitable for this task.
A.3. SILO6
Similarly to LAVA, SILO625 also uses an inverse differential gear drive system. However, in SILO6
the gear system drives the two joints located further from the body. This solution made it possible to
place all three motors closer to the center. It is important to protect the motors since the primary use
of SILO6 is mine deactivation.
In the process of developing SILO6, another goal was to minimize energy consumption while
walking on uneven terrain. In the case of the computer model, it was assumed that the robot’s COG
moves along a horizontal straight line with a constant speed. In the equations of motion, the inertia
was also included which arises while the leg is in motion.
In the case of Szabad(ka)-II, various optimization methods on the dynamic simulation model were
being used to minimize power consumption. In the first step, optimization was applied to the servo
controller and the walking algorithm’s path planner.
This hexapod robot was developed by NASA.40 It was originally developed for space applications,
but is currently being tested in terrestrial environment. The layout of the system consists of six four
DOF limbs arranged axisymmetrically around a hexagonal body platform. Besides the three typical
DOF, it also has a fourth DOF which enables the legs to serve as arms. These arms are not only used
for walking but also for mounting. Interchangeable tools can be attached to the end of the arms.
LEMUR II has identical MAXON motors with 13 mm diameter, planetary reductors and encoders.
It uses an inverse differential gear drive system. For mechanical torque transfer, besides the planetary
reductor, a harmonic drive was also included. A harmonic drive is capable of transferring higher
torques with less backslash.40
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456 Model validation of a hexapod walker robot
Hexapod robot ANTON42 is the successor of SLAIR 2. In case of SLAIR, two differential joints
were used but the reduction between the motors and the joints was solved with home-made spur
gearheads, not with planetary ones. Instead of encoders, potentiometers were implemented mounted
on the main shafts of the joints behind the reductors, not on the motors. ANTON 2 uses an upgraded
differential joint where the joint centers in the legs are shifted relative to each other. In this case,
torque transmission was solved with a wire structure. Besides the 6 × 3 DOFs in the legs, the robot’s
body received additional 3 × 2 DOFs. Because of additional DOF, the body and the head are capable
of rotating relative to each other at three points.
A.6. SpaceClimber
Probably the most advanced robot among the devices in this section is SpaceClimber.5 It is a six-
legged, bio-inspired, energy-efficient and adaptable free climbing robot intended for mobility on steep
gradients. Its final mission is to provide a system for extraterrestrial surface exploration missions,
paying special attention to mobility in lunar craters to retrieve or analyze scientific samples from
The robot weighs 23 kg. Its dimensions (in normal posture) are 850 × 1000 × 220 mm[L × W ×
H ]. The length of the leg segments as well as the size of the body and the positions of the mounting
points were determined by a simulation-based optimization and design procedure with the help of
evolutionary computation.
All the legs have four DOFs, and use brushless DC motor modules from RoboDrive and Harmonic
Drive gears. The feet have several sensors integrated. These are a linear quadrature encoder to measure
the compression of the inner spring, four pressure sensors to measure ground contact and angle of
attack, three axis accelerometers to detect slippage, and four optional strain gauges in the claws of a
symmetric foot to measure claw bending.
Command (define the walking state) wCmd Step, walk, stop, ready, close, get
X coord. of leg endpoint wX Defined in coordinate
Y coord. of leg endpoint wY system of robot legs,
Z coord. of leg endpoint, define the length of stride wZ as in Fig. 1; unit in mm
Control point for the height of swing phase wC in Y direction
Turn factor of walking wD Define the slip between legs of left
and right side in mm
Speed of walking (fictive speed value) wS used values
wS ∈ {7.5, 10, 12, 15, 20}
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Model validation of a hexapod walker robot 457
walking step consists of the swing and the support phase having two key points, and 40 interpolated
points (20 for the swing and 20 for the support phase). The 3D points of the quadratic spline curves
(s ∈ {1, 2, . . . , 20}) are calculated as presented by Eq. (25).
A specific inverse kinematic algorithm was implemented which calculates the desired angles of
the three links qD from the points of the three-dimensional trajectory curve (x, y, z represent the
3D coordinates) and the dimensions of robot legs (L1, L2 see in Fig. 24), as seen in Eq. (26). This
algorithm was described in detail in ref. [10].
25.2 TStep
TStep = , TT R = (23)
wS 42
i−1 i
⎡ ⎤
fspl (wX , wY , wZ − wD , wC ) fspl (wX , wY , −wZ + wD , 0)
⎢ fspl (wX , wY , −wZ − wD , 0) fspl (wX , wY , wZ + wD , wC ) ⎥
⎢ ⎥
pD = ⎢ fspl (wX , wY , −wZ + wD , 0) fspl (wX , wY , wZ − wD , wC ) ⎥ (24)
⎢ f (w , w , w + w , w ) fspl (wX , wY , −wZ − wD , 0) ⎥
⎢ spl X Y Z D C ⎥
⎣ f (w , w , w − w , w ) fspl (wX , wY , −wZ + wD , 0) ⎦
spl X Y Z D C
fspl (wX , wY , −wZ − wD , 0) fspl (wX , wY , wZ + wD , wC )
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458 Model validation of a hexapod walker robot
⎨ a 2 · xi−1 + (1 − a 2 ) · xi + 2 · a · (1 − a) · ci
pD = fspl (xi , zi , yi , ci ) = a 2 · yi−1 + (1 − a 2 ) · yi + 2 · a · (1 − a) · ci (25)
⎩ 2
a · zi−1 + (1 − a 2 ) · zi + 2 · a · (1 − a) · ci
⎡ ⎤ ⎪
⎪ √
⎪ sign(z) · arccos
⎪ x
α ⎨ √ x +y
2 2
L1 d 2 + y 2 − L21 − L22
d= x2 + y2 − , c=
cos α 2L1 L2
Denavit and Hartenberg Calculated parameter DH 5×1 = [αj [rad], Aj [m], θj [rad], Dj [m], σj ]
Inertia matrix of links Calculated parameter IL6×1 = [IXX , IY Y , IZZ , IXY , IY Z , IXZ ][kgm2 ]
Link mass Calculated parameter mL [kg]
Center of gravity of Calculated parameter COG3×1 = [rX , rY , rZ ][m]
Fig. B2. Measured and simulated (trial and optimized) joint angles q[rad] of a walking step, walking speed
wS = 20.
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Model validation of a hexapod walker robot 459
Fig. B3. Tripod walking step presentation of the real (left) and simulated (right) robot, walking speed wS = 15,
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Table B3. Robot manipulator parameters of right front Leg (Leg1): Denavit and Hartenberg (α, A, θ, D, σ ) and dynamic parameters.
Table B5. Variables and parameters of robot body model (The body mass and body inertia of Szabad(ka)-II
robot was calculated in the SolidWorks model.).
Position and tilt angles of robot body Input variable qB6×1 [m,rad]
Angles of links Input variable qA3×1 [rad]
World coordinate of endpoint of leg Local variable P 3×1 [m]
Rotation matrix between local and world Local variable RP3×3
External force acting on the end of the manipulator Output variable FG3×1 [N]
Parameter structure of robot manipulator Measured parameter Srobot details in Table B2, B3
Spring constant Estimated parameter k = 10, 000[N/m]
Damper constant Estimated parameter c = 150[Ns/m]
Frictional coefficient Estimated parameter δ = 1.0
Velocity threshold of the Karnopp friction model Estimated parameter vd = 0.005[m/s]
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462 Model validation of a hexapod walker robot
Table B7. Variables and parameters of inverse dynamical model.
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