Effect of Internal Short Fibers Steel Reinforcemen

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Effect of internal short fibers, steel reinforcement, and surface layer on

impact and penetration resistance of concrete

Article  in  AEJ - Alexandria Engineering Journal · September 2013

DOI: 10.1016/j.aej.2013.06.002


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3 authors, including:

Ali Aliabdo Abd Elmoaty Mohamed Abd Elmoaty

Alexandria University Alexandria University,faculty of engineering,Egypt


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Alexandria Engineering Journal (2013) 52, 407–417

Alexandria University

Alexandria Engineering Journal



Effect of internal short fibers, steel reinforcement,

and surface layer on impact and penetration resistance
of concrete
Ali Abd_Elhakam Aliabdo, Abd_Elmoaty Mohamed Abd_Elmoaty *,
Mohamed Hamdy

Structural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt

Received 18 February 2013; revised 25 April 2013; accepted 6 June 2013

Available online 6 July 2013

KEYWORDS Abstract This paper presents an experimental program to investigate the impact and penetration
Impact; resistance of concrete. The research work is divided into two approaches. These approaches are
Penetration resistance; effect of concrete constituents and effect of surface layer. Effect of concrete aggregate type, w/c
Fiber reinforced concrete ratio, fiber type, fiber shape, fiber volume fraction, and steel reinforcement is considered in the first
and fiber reinforced polymer approach. The second approach includes using fiber reinforced concrete and glass fiber reinforced
polymer as surface layers. The evaluating tests include standard impact test according to ASTM D
1557 and suggested simulated penetration test to measure the impact and penetration resistance of
concrete. The test results of plain and fibrous concrete from ASTM D 1557 method indicated that
steel fiber with different configurations and using basalt have a great positive effect on impact resis-
tance of concrete. Moreover, the simulated penetration test indicates that steel fibers are more effec-
tive than propylene fibers, type of coarse aggregate has negligible effect, and steel fiber volume
fraction has a more significant influence than fiber shape for reinforced concrete test panels. Finally,
as expectable, surface properties of tested concrete panels have a significant effect on impact and
penetration resistance.
ª 2013 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria

1. Introduction
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +20 34355004.
E-mail address: Abduo76@yahoo.com (A. M. Abd_Elmoaty). Penetration and impact events happen in a wide variety condi-
tions; they may occur as an unplanned process such as ran-
Peer review under responsibility of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria domly dropped objects and the collision accidents in all
University. forms as cars, trains, and aircrafts as well as effect of the nat-
ural phenomena in some situations [1]. In addition, they can be
part of a driven action as using the equipments in the construc-
Production and hosting by Elsevier tion industry such as driving piles and striking a nail with a

1110-0168 ª 2013 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University.
408 A.A. Aliabdo et al.

hammer or because of military operations. Also, in the recent tion in concrete. It is well known that microcracks are initiated
decades, the development of precision guided penetrating at relatively low stress levels prior to fracture of concrete. As
weapons provides a significant threat to military concrete facil- the stress is increased, these microcracks propagate and link
ities [2]. Therefore, improvement of concrete and reinforce- up into larger cracks, which eventually form the fracture zone.
ment is strongly demanded to provide the structural elements A fracture zone in the interface of aggregate and the cement
an acceptable level of protection against penetration and im- paste (i.e., the translation zone) characterizes the fracture of
pact loads. Some special structures and infrastructures such concrete. Coarse aggregates arrest crack growth, which pro-
as dams, tanks, nuclear power stations, and the military defen- duces meandering and branching of cracks [13,14]. Thus, the
sive constructions as the shelters and different types of fortifi- aggregate strength has a larger influence on the concrete
cations may face these types of accidental loads during their strength which affects directly the impact and penetration resis-
life. tance of the concrete targets. Hence, the impact resistance of
The response and behavior of concrete subjected to dy- concrete mainly depends on the properties of transition zone
namic loads and high loading rates explored extensively for between aggregate and matrix [11]. The importance of coarse
both civil and military applications, understanding that re- aggregate type on quality of transition zone can be illustrated
sponse is essential to protect fortifications and shelters. For in- by studying the shape of hysteresis loop during testing of the
stance, the nuclear power plants and other structures of elastic modulus of concrete. Based on the loading–unloading
military facilities must survive the penetration and impact curve of concrete obtained before the peak load, a wide
loading of an aircraft crash, penetrator, and missiles impact hysteresis loop is an indication of a weak interface between
or non-contact air explosion [3,4]. the aggregate and matrix. From the experimental test results,
Consequently, studying the behavior of concrete that is lime stone-aggregate concrete has the narrowest hysteresis loop
subjected to penetration and impact loads or blast is necessary. [15]. The maximum aggregate size also needs to be limited.
Experimentally, the response of concrete under impact loading There are two reasons which explain the negative effect of using
is very difficult to capture. Moreover, several failure modes large nominal maximum size of aggregate. Firstly, larger aggre-
have been observed by many researches [5,6]. gates result in weaker interface between aggregate and cement
The impacting projectiles can be categorized as soft or hard paste due to the presence of water that usually occurs beneath
depending on the relation between the concrete element stiff- coarse aggregates (bleeding). Secondly, small aggregate size de-
ness and the projectile stiffness [7]. The missile impact or an creases the probability of the presence of microcracks [10]. This
explosion on a concrete area can lead to local damage includ- is due to statistics stating that there is higher probability of a
ing perforation, scabbing, scaling, and punching shear [8,9]. larger number of weakness zones existing in specimens of larger
Improvements in penetrators by increasing penetrating volumes. In addition, reduced aggregate size makes it more dif-
power and range are accomplished by adjusting the length to ficult for cracks to propagate in the cement paste, due to the re-
the diameter ratio of the penetrator, the use of new materials duced mean space between the aggregates at a constant
such as tungsten and depleted uranium, the use of new propel- aggregate content. Furthermore, surprisingly, small variations
lants, new sabots and new stabilizing fin structures and mate- in aggregate content and grading result in large variations in
rials. All of these changes require improvements in armors, workability of the fresh concrete [11]. For the impact and pen-
and targets are constantly being improved in toughness, hard- etration resistance, Dancygier et al. [6] conclude that the larger
ness, and obliquity and are being constructed in multilayer. the aggregate size and the harder the aggregates material (i.e.,
Hence, the effect of the impacting missile can be briefly classi- basalt and flint), the higher the perforation resistance (e.g.,
fied into local damage or global damage depending on the see the 12 mm and 50 mm flint aggregate and of the 22 mm
behavior of concrete that is subjected to the penetration and and 50 mm basalt aggregates). This result can be associated
variety of other factors such as mass, material properties of with the presence of aggregate which are the hardest material
missile, and its geometry [2]. in the concrete mix and provide much of the resistance to the
Protecting concrete structures against impact includes two penetrating projectile. This observation indicates that some of
different approaches or techniques. One approach is to im- the energy was dissipated also by inflicting these scratches,
prove the concrete properties by increasing its strength or and it supports the conclusion that harder coarse aggregate
applying additional internal reinforcement (steel bars – fiber provides higher impact and penetration resistance [6].
reinforcement) [10]. Another approach is to reduce damage As the coarse aggregate, the amount of sand in the concrete
by covering and protecting the concrete with external elements. mix also plays an important role because the sand content lar-
These elements can act as a sacrificial layer able to absorb most gely determines the necessary amount of water that may indi-
of the kinetic energy of the projectiles. Moreover, in the case of rectly determine the concrete compressive strength and also
samples (targets) protected or covered by fabric, they can affects most of the mechanical properties of the hardened con-
effectively catch the debris and hold the scabbed crater from crete which obviously influences the concrete resistance against
the back face of the targets [7]. the impact and penetration loads [11].
The concrete mixture ingredients have a very important ef- Studies on the development of hydration and mortar phase
fect on enhancing the performance of the impacted concrete of concrete show that the increase in strength can be attributed
and make it more suitable for the different types of the impact to the improvement of paste–fine aggregate transition zone
and penetration loads [11,12]. The effect of coarse aggregate, [10]. In addition, the fine aggregate increases the flowing ability
fine aggregate, chemical admixtures, concrete compressive and segregation resistance when used at a suitable amount.
strength, and concrete tensile strength is presented in the fol- Also, the fine aggregate modifies the compressive strength of
lowing sections. concrete when used in varying proportion with cement and
It is important to know that the energy during impact load- coarse aggregate. It also affects on the impact and the penetra-
ing is consumed in the process of crack initiation and propaga- tion resistance of the concrete targets.
Effect of internal short fibers, steel reinforcement, and surface layer 409

Several impact and penetration tests have been used to study and crushed basalt are 20.0% and 14.5%, respectively. The
the effect of steel reinforcement on the impact and penetration grading of sand and coarse aggregate are presented in Table 2.
resistance of concrete. Most results showed that the amount of High range water reducing admixture Type F was used. The
the reinforcement had a relatively large effect on the impact and dose of chemical admixture was experimentally determined
penetration resistance of concrete targets, and penetration by trials to achieve 90 ± 10 mm slump.
reduction of about 25% was observed for reinforced targets Two types of fibers were used in this study: the first one was
compared to those that were unreinforced. This reduction polypropylene fibers and the second was steel fibers with three
was obtained with extreme amount of reinforcement. In some different subtypes with different shapes. The polypropylene fi-
penetration tests, the reinforcement volume fraction varied be- bers used in this research have a length (18 ± 1) mm approx-
tween 6.5% and 25%. Reinforcement amount of 1.55% by vol- imately, equivalent diameter 0.15 mm, 120 aspect ratio, and
ume resulted in a penetration reduction of about 10% in specific gravity 0.9. The steel fibers were straight, hooked,
comparison with unreinforced targets [2,10,11,16]. and waved as shown in Fig. 1. Description of each type of steel
The presence of steel fibers in concrete mixtures may also fibers is presented in Table 3.
have a significant effect on impact resistance of concrete. The Two directions glass fibers reinforced polymer (GFRP) wo-
role of randomly distributes discontinuous fibers is to bridge ven was used as sacrificial cover layer in some specimens. Some
across the cracks that develops and provides some post-crack- of its specifications are tabulated in Table 4. Plain steel bars of
ing ‘‘ductility.’’ If the fibers are sufficiently strong, sufficiently 8 mm diameter were used with different spacing and configura-
bonded to material, permit the fiber reinforced concrete to car- tion types. The yield strength, ultimate strength, and percent-
ry more significant stresses over a relatively large strain capac- age of elongation of steel reinforcement bars are 352 MPa,
ity in the post-cracking stage [17]. The real contribution of the 510 MPa, and 22%, respectively.
fibers is to increase the toughness and ductility of the concrete
(defined as some function of the area under the load vs. deflec- 2.2. Experimental program
tion curve), under any type of loading. That is, the fibers tend to
increase the strain at peak load and provide a great deal of en- 2.2.1. Studied parameters
ergy absorption in post-peak portion of the load vs. deflection This research work divided into three sections. These sections
curve [6,18]. Therefore, the use of fibers in the concrete struc- include impact and penetration resistance of concrete without
ture elements is to enhance their ductility and opens new ways internal steel bars (plain concrete and fibrous concrete), im-
to improve the performance of the concrete structures that may pact and penetration resistance of concrete reinforced with
be subjected to impact or penetration loadings. The experimen- steel bars (with and without short fibers), and finally effect
tal test results showed that the smallest penetration depth was of surface layer on impact and penetration resistance of con-
caused in the concrete specimens with the steel fibers reinforce- crete with and without steel bars reinforcement. The consid-
ment [10]. Limited studies were employed to reinforce the con- ered parameters in the first section were effect of fiber type
crete by covering the concrete elements that were exposed to the and fiber volume fraction, water/cement ratio, and coarse
impact or penetration loading [18]. aggregate. 0.1% and 0.2% Polypropylene fibers (fibrillated)
in addition to 1.0% and 2.0% steel fibers were used in this
2. Materials and experimental program section. The configurations of used steel fibers were straight,
waved, and hooked. Two levels of water/cement ratios were
2.1. Materials considered. These ratios were 0.40 and 0.30. Pink limestone
and basalt were used as a coarse aggregate. For the second
Ordinary Portland cement (ASTM Type I) was used through- section, two parameters were considered. These parameters
out the program. The chemical analysis and mechanical and were the effect of steel bars reinforcement ratio (1.80% and
physical properties of this cement are presented in Table 1. 3.6%), type of fiber and fiber volume fraction of internal
This cement type is classified in Egyptian standard ES short fibers. 0.1% and 0.2% Polypropylene fibers in addition
47561/2006 as CEM I 32.5N. Natural siliceous sand with to 1.0% and 2.0% steel fibers with the previous configuration
2.51 fineness modulus was used. Pink limestone and crushed were used in this section. The effect of concrete surface (1.0%
basalt with 12.5 mm maximum aggregate size were used as steel fibrous concrete and one layer of GFRP sheets) was
coarse aggregate. The hardness of coarse aggregate using studied in the last section. Table 5 presents the details of used
Los Angeles test according to ASTM C 535 for pink limestone concrete mixes.

Table 1 Chemical, physical, and mechanical properties of used cement.

Chemical compositions (%) Physical and mechanical properties
Silicon dioxide 20.1 Percentage passing on sieve No# 170% 4
Aluminum oxide 5.1 Initial setting time (min.) 180
Ferric oxide 3.42 Final setting time (min) 315
Calcium oxide 61.1 Compressive strength of cement mortar
3 days, (MPa) 18.5
Magnesium oxide 4 7 days, (MPa) 29.6
Sulfur trioxide 2.57
Loss on ignition 2. 75 Soundness (mm) 1
C3A 9.8
410 A.A. Aliabdo et al.

Table 2 Grading of coarse aggregate and sand.

Sieve size (mm) 25 19 12.5 9.50 4.75 2.36 1.18 0.60 0.30 0.15
Pink limestone 100 100 96.6 65.8 2.3 0.8 0 0 0 0
Basalt 100 100 98.8 58.6 3.4 1.20 0 0 0 0
Sand 100 100 100 100 96.2 93.4 83.2 53.3 16.1 2.0

Figure 1 Configuration of steel fibers.

according to ASTM D 1557 and suggested designed simulated

Table 3 Description of steel fibers. penetration test. 63 mm high and 150 mm diameter cylinder
Steel fiber Length Equivalent Aspect specimens were used for standard impact tests according to
shape (mm) diameter (mm) ratio (%) ASTM D 1557. Three specimens for each type were tested,
Straight 30–34 0.8 38–43 and results referred throughout this paper will refer to the
Hooked 50–52 0.9 56–58 average value of three nominally identical specimens. As per
Waved 50–55 0.9 56–61 ASTM D 1557, a number of blows corresponding to first crack
appearance (Fc) and number of blows corresponding to failure
were measured (UR). Fig. 2 shows the setup of standard im-
2.2.2. Evaluating tests pact test. Two main problems eliminate the use of this test:
Two evaluating tests were considered throughout this research First, it cannot be used to evaluate the impact resistance of
work to evaluate the impact and penetration resistance of con- reinforced concrete. Second, the determination of first crack
crete. These tests were standard drop weight test method depends on the accuracy of test supervisor.

Table 4 Specifications of used GFRP.

Texture Mass of unit area (g/m2) Breaking strength yarn (N/50 mm) Count of cloth yarn (root/cm) Fiber diameter yarn (lm)
Warp Weft Warp Weft Warp Weft
Plain 200 ± 10 1300 1100 6 4 11 11

Table 5 Details of concrete mixes.

Mix No. Type of coarse w/c ratio Details of fibers Mix proportions (kg/m3)
Type Shape Volume Cement Water Sand Coarse Admixture Fiber
fraction (%) aggregate
1 Pink limestone 0.40 – – 0 400 160 710 1065 4.50 0.0
2 PP Straight 0.1 400 160 710 1060 4.90 0.9
3 PP Straight 0.2 400 160 707 1060 5.50 1.8
4 Steel Straight 1.0 400 160 709 1062 6.25 78.5
5 Steel Straight 2.0 400 160 713 1077 8.50 157.0
6 Steel Waved 1.0 400 160 708 1062 6.80 78.5
7 Steel Waved 2.0 400 160 715 1072 8.80 157.0
8 Steel Hooked 1.0 400 160 710 1064 6.60 78.5
9 Steel Hooked 2.0 400 160 714 1074 8.70 157.0
10 Basalt 0.40 Steel – 0 400 160 718 1078 4.20 0.0
11 Steel Straight 2.0 400 160 722 1083 8.50 157.0
12 0.30 Steel – 0 400 120 750 1124 6.50 0.0
13 Steel Straight 2.0 400 120 750 1125 9.00 157.0
PP: polypropylene fibers.
Effect of internal short fibers, steel reinforcement, and surface layer 411

1. Concrete specimen 150 mm Diameter &75 mm Height.

2. Steel Plate 50 x 50 x 13 mm.
3. Steel Plate 50 x 86 x 6 mm.
4. Steel Plate 50 x 6 mm.
5. Hardened Steel Ball 64 mm.
6. Steel Pipe 64 mm Diameter.

Figure 2 Impact test apparatus with the concrete disk in place.

1. Pulley.
2. Cable.
3. Guide pipe.
4. Main steel guide.
5. Steel frame (guide
6. Specimen.
7. Cylindrical steel mass.
8. Projectile sharp head.
9. Steel plate (base
10. Hand winch.

Figure 3 Penetration test apparatus.

The penetration test was conducted using simulation instru- fiber reinforced concrete mixes, mixing was continued for three
ment for gas gun with a barrel of 12.7 mm in diameter and minutes before adding the fibers, which were added slowly to
1320 mm in length. The gun used compressed nitrogen gas the mixer to avoid clumping. All contents are mechanically
an initial velocity of 108 m/s. The weight of projectile of this mixed for a further five minutes together to achieve a uniform
gun is 34 grams and its dimensions are 12.7 mm diameter homogeneous fresh concrete without any segregation. After
and 25.4 mm length and a sharp head with a 45 angle mixing, fresh concrete was cast in the forms. An external
[7,17]. The proposed test has been designed to give the same mechanical vibrator was used for compacting of concrete.
dimensions and impact energy of the original projectile. The specimens were stored at room temperature (20–30 C)
Fig. 3 shows the details of the suggested penetration test. for 24 h and then de-mold. After that, the concrete samples
The test was carried out by dropping a cylindrical steel were cured for 28 days in potable water. In case of reinforced
mass weighting 33 kg from a height of 610 mm. This weight specimens, the fresh concrete was cast in two layers. The first
and corresponding height are selected to achieve the same en- layer was cast then the steel bars were placed, and finally,
ergy of the aforementioned gas gun. The used specimen of the second layer of concrete was cast to achieve enough cover
this test is square panel of 450 \ 450 mm and 50 mm for the reinforcement.
thickness. The application of the concrete protective layer was embed-
ded as follow: the first 25 mm was cast and then fixing steel
2.2.3. Preparation of specimens shear connectors, 2.00 mm diameter and 50 mm long. The
All mix constituents were mixed together in a concrete mixer embedded part of shear connectors is 20 mm length. After fix-
with capacity of 140 l. The coarse aggregate, cement, and sand ing shear connectors, the rest concrete layer was applied.
were dry-mixed for about one minute. Mixing water and super In addition, FRP sheets were applied during concrete cast-
plasticizer were added gradually during mixing. For plain con- ing at 25 mm from the concrete surface (the same position of
crete, the mixing process was continued for three minutes. For steel reinforcement).
412 A.A. Aliabdo et al.

3. Test results and discussions The shape of used steel fibers clearly affected the impact
resistance of concrete where concrete mixes with hooked steel
3.1. Impact and penetration resistance of plain and fibrous fibers has optimum values of first crack resistance and ultimate
concrete without steel reinforcement bars resistance compared with other types of used steel fibers. This
behavior may be due to the good bond strength between
hooked steel fibers and concrete which increases the toughness
Impact and penetration resistance of concrete were measured
of concrete and impact resistance of concrete. This effect is
using two methods. The first method measured the number
much more significant for higher dosage of steel fibers. The
of blows for the first crack (FC) and the ultimate impact resis-
aforementioned positive effect of using steel fibers also exists
tance (UR) by using the drop weight test method according to
in concrete mixes made with basalt as a coarse aggregate as
ASTM D 1557. The second method measured the penetration
shown in Table 6.
depth, entrance crater diameter, crack pattern, and the mode
of failure of tested concrete panel using designed penetration Effect of coarse aggregate type. The effect of coarse
instrument method.
aggregate type on impact resistance of concrete with and with-
out steel fibers is presented in Table 6. From this table, one can
3.1.1. Evaluation of impact resistance of concrete using drop
conclude that the use of basalt as a coarse aggregate has a
weight test method according to ASTM D 1557
great effect on impact resistance of concrete compared with Effect of fibers type and content. Table 6 summarizes
pink limestone. The increase in initial crack resistance and ulti-
test results of impact resistance of concrete using ASTM D
mate impact resistance as a result of using basalt compared
1557 method for concrete with and without internal fibers
with pink limestone is about 10% and 13% for concrete with-
made with pink limestone and basalt coarse aggregates at
out internal fibers where this increase is about 27% and 21%
0.40 and 0.30 w/c ratio. From Table 6, it is clear that the use
for concrete with 2.0% straight steel fibers. This result agrees
of fibers either polypropylene or steel has a significant effect
with Johan [6] and Dancygier [11]. They indicated that the
on impact resistance of concrete. This trend is clear on the val-
properties of transition zone between aggregate and matrix af-
ues of number of blows corresponding to first crack occurrence
fect the impact resistance of concrete and the coarse aggregate
and ultimate impact resistance for concrete made with pink
arrests the crack growth which produce later meandering and
limestone and 0.40 w/c ratio. Also, it is clear that the ability
branching of cracks. Thus, the aggregate strength has a larger
of fibrous concrete to resist the impact loads depends mainly
influence on the concrete impact resistance. The hardness of
on the type and content of the used fibers in the concrete
basalt compared with pink limestone additionally explains
mix. For example, the increase in number of blows corre-
the positive effect of using basalt compared with pink
sponding to first crack is about 5% and 12%, while the in-
crease in ultimate impact resistance is about 14% and 20%
for concrete with 0.1% and 0.2% polypropylene fibers com- Effect of water/cement ratio. The effect of w/c ratio, as
pared with concrete without internal fibers, respectively. Also,
mentioned before, was considered for concrete made with ba-
for straight steel fibers, the increase in number of blows corre-
salt as illustrated in Table 6. The positive effect of decreasing
sponding to first crack is about 18% and 32%, while the in-
w/c ratio is pronounced. From test results, it can be concluded
crease in ultimate impact resistance is about 21% and 59%
that there is an increase in the number of blows that needed to
for concrete with 1.0% and 2.0%, respectively, compared with
achieve the first crack about 22% and about 15% for the ulti-
concrete without fibers. This may be due to the toughness
mate impact resistance when water/cement ratio decreases
enhancement [17]. This behavior agrees with Piti, Sidney,
from 0.40 to 0.30. This behavior may be due to the improve-
and Luo [19,2].
ment of concrete mechanical properties and enhancement of

Table 6 Test results of impact resistance according to ASTM D 1557 test method.
Type of w/c ratio Details of fibers Dropped weight test results (No. of blows) Concrete compressive
aggregates strength (MPa)
Type Shape Volume First crack Ultimate
fraction (%) (FC) resistance (UR)
Pink limestone 0.40 – – 0.0 74 85 35.7
Polypropylene Straight 0.1 78 97 36.5
Polypropylene Straight 0.2 83 102 36.8
Steel Straight 1.0 87 103 38.4
Steel Straight 2.0 98 135 41.7
Steel Waved 1.0 91 112 38.3
Steel Waved 2.0 109 142 42.6
Steel Hooked 1.0 96 113 38.8
Steel Hooked 2.0 115 156 42.5
Basalt 0.40 – – 0.0 81 96 38.9
Steel Straight 2.0 124 163 46.2
0.30 – – 0.0 99 110 47.8
Steel Straight 2.0 135 174 55.3
Effect of internal short fibers, steel reinforcement, and surface layer 413

transition zone characteristics. These results agree with Thabet test, designed simulated penetration test, is insensitive to the
[1] and Riedel [20]. presence of polypropylene fibers. On the contrary, the presence
of steel fibers has a significant effect; hence, penetration test is
3.1.2. Evaluation using designed simulated penetration test sensitive to the presence of steel fibers. The use of steel fibers
Measuring the penetration depth, entrance crater area, crack decreases penetration depth, entrance crater area, and crack
width, and the mode of failure of the tested concrete panel with width compared with concrete without internal short fibers.
the designed penetration instrument were used to study the As an example, penetration depth reduction is about 16%,
concrete behavior with different variables toward the penetra- 22% as a result of using 1.0% and 2.0% straight steel fibers,
tion loads. These variables were fibers type and volume frac- respectively, when compared with plain concrete. These results
tion, coarse aggregate type, water/cement ratio, and the ensure the conclusion of Luo [2], Habel [16], and Dancygier
effect of compressive strength of the concrete on the penetra- [12].
tion resistance. Fig. 4 shows configuration of crater area and Test results also showed that the increase in steel fibers
cracks on test specimen. from 1.0% to 2.0% has a slightly effect on penetration depth
and entrance crater area but has a clear effect on the resulting Effect of fibers type and volume fraction. The mean val- crack width. These results only partially agree with those re-
ues of penetration depth in mm, entrance crater area in mm2, ported by Johan and Mattias [11] who concluded that inclu-
and the maximum crack width in mm obtained by the penetra- sion of steel fibers in concrete mix does not have any effect
tion test after one drop are given in Table 7. From this table, it on the penetration depth, but only on the entrance crater area.
is clear that the use of 0.1% and 0.2% polypropylene fibers has
insignificant effect on penetration depth, entrance crater area, Effect of coarse aggregate type. The effect of coarse
and crack width compared with concrete test panel without aggregate type on impact resistance using designed simulated
internal fibers. This means that high velocity and high energy penetration test is presented in Table 7. From this table, it
can be seen that this test is insensitive to the effect of coarse
aggregate type on plain concrete. On the other hand, the effect
of coarse aggregate is clear incorporate with 2.0% steel fibers
where a reduction of about 15% with respect to the same
Top face mix but with pink limestone is observed. These results agree
with Chanoch, Johan, and Mattias [6,11]. The positive effect
of using basalt as a coarse aggregate is also evident when com-
paring the value of the entrance crater area. This result agrees
with the conclusion of Fariborz and Joosef [7,9]. Very slight
reduction in crack width (0.05 mm) was observed as a result
Crater of using basalt as a coarse aggregate instead of pink limestone.
Area Effect of water/cement ratio. Reduction in w/c ratio
which enhances concrete properties has a significant effect
either on plain and 2.0% steel fiber concrete as shown in Ta-
ble 7. For example, the reduction in penetration depth is
28% and 15% for 0.0% and 2.0% steel fibers made with
0.30 w/c ratio compared with concrete mix made with 0.40
w/c ratio. The entrance crater area and crack width are also
Figure 4 Configuration of crater area and cracks on test positively affected by reducing w/c ratio. These results agree
specimen. with the conclusion of Piti and Badr [19,21].

Table 7 Test results of designed simulated penetration test after one drop.
Type of w/c Details of fibers Designed simulated penetration test results Crack description Concrete
Aggregates ratio compressive
strength (MPa)
Type Shape Content (%) Penetration Entrance crater Crack
depth (mm) area (mm2) width (mm)
Pink limestone 0.40 50 More than 500 More than 3 Full perforation 35.7
Pink limestone 0.40 50 More than 500 More than 3 Full perforation 35.7
Polypropylene Straight 0.1 50 More than 500 More than 3 Full perforation 36.5
Polypropylene Straight 0.2 47 427 2.4 Multi wide cracks 36.8
Steel Straight 1.0 42 403 1.3 Multi cracks 38.4
Steel Straight 2.0 39 385 0.6 Multi fine cracks 41.7
Basalt 0.40 – – 0.0 50 More than 500 More than 3 Full perforation 38.9
Steel Straight 2.0 33 379 0.55 Fine cracks 46.2
0.30 – – 0.0 36 More than 500 2.50 Wide cracks 47.8
Steel Straight 2.0 28 344 0.30 Very fine cracks 55.3
414 A.A. Aliabdo et al.

3.2. Impact and penetration resistance of reinforced concrete The comparison between concrete mixes containing pink
with steel bars (with and without internal fibers) lime stone and basalt indicates that the effect of aggregate type
can be neglected when percentage of steel bar reinforcement
3.2.1. Effect of steel bars reinforcement ratio ratio is increased to 3.6%.
Effect of presence of steel reinforcement and reinforcement ra-
tio was studied using three percentages of steel reinforcement. 3.2.2. Effect of fiber type and content
These percentages are 0.0% (plain concrete), 1.8%, and 3.6% The effect of fiber type and content was studied throughout
(Total area of steel reinforcement/cross section area of con- this research work on reinforced concrete with 1.8% steel rein-
crete). In this section, lime stone and basalt were used as coarse forcement ratio made with crushed pink lime stone as a coarse
aggregates, and test specimens did not include any internal aggregate only. Test results obtained by the penetration test
short fibers. The test results of designed simulated penetration are given in Table 9. From this table, the fiber type has a sig-
test are tabulated in Table 8. This table shows the mean values nificant effect on the impact resistance of reinforced concrete
of penetration depth, entrance crater area, and the crack width test panels, especially steel fibers. The use of 0.1% polypropyl-
obtained. Also, this table indicates the penetration depth rela- ene fibers has insignificant effect especially on penetration
tive to the number of drops until the failure of the concrete depth and entrance crater area, while a clear reduction in crack
specimen (noted as X). From this table, it can be noticed that width is considered.
the steel bar reinforcement ratio has a great effect on the im- For tested specimens with steel fibers, the increase in fibers
pact and penetration resistance of concrete. The increase in content has a noticeable effect on number of drops at full pen-
steel bar reinforcement ratio increases the number of drops etration, entrance crater area, and crack width. For example,
corresponding to failure and decreases entrance crater area for specimens with straight steel fibers, the reduction in crack
and crack width. The effect of steel bar reinforcement ratio width is 49% and 66% for test panels with 1.0% and 2.0%
is more evident on crack width rather than entrance crater straight steel fibers compared with specimens without internal
area. For example, for concrete containing pink limestone as short fibers, respectively. This trend is the same for other
a coarse aggregate, the reduction in average crack width is shapes of steel fibers. Also, from the test results given in Ta-
more 42% and 77% for steel bar reinforcement ratio of ble 9, it appears that the shape of steel fibers has a slight effect
1.8% and 3.6% compared with specimens without steel bars. on the impact and penetration resistance of reinforced concrete
The positive effect of increasing steel bar reinforcement ratio specimens. The specimens reinforced with hooked end steel fi-
may be due to the ability of reinforced concrete with steel bars bers showed considerably better behavior when compared to
to restrain, prevent the crack propagation. These results agree other shapes of steel fibers as well as specimens reinforced with
with Tai, Johan, Dancygier, and Zineddin [4,11,22,23]. polypropylene fibers. It is anyway worth mentioning that the

Table 8 Results of penetration test for steel bars reinforced plain concrete (effect of reinforcement ratio).
Type of coarse Reinforcement Penetration depth (mm) Entrance crater area Crack Remarks
aggregate ratio (%) (mm2) at final drop width (mm)
Drop1 Drop2 Drop3 Drop4
Pink limestone 0.0 X X X X More than 500 More than 3 Full damage
Basalt 0.0 X X X X More than 500 More than 3 Full damage
Pink limestone 1.8 28 X X X 465 1.75 Wide cracks
Basalt 1.8 23 X X X 451 1.4 Fine cracks
Pink limestone 3.6 12 29 X X 443 0.7 Very fine crack
Basalt 3.6 10 21 38 X 437 0.6 Very fine crack
Note. X: full penetration.

Table 9 Results of penetration test for reinforced concrete test panels with the steel bars with 1.8% steel reinforcement ratio.
Type of fiber Fiber volume fraction Penetration depth (mm) Entrance crater area Crack Remarks
and shape (mm2) at final drop width (mm)
Drop1 Drop2 Drop3 Drop4
Control ... 28 X X X 465 1.75 Wide cracks
Polypropylene 0.1%, polypropylene 26 X X X 441 1.55 Wide cracks
Polypropylene 0.2%, polypropylene 22 X X X 422 1.4 Wide cracks
Steel 1.0%, straight steel 16 X X X 387 0.9 Multi fine cracks
Steel 1.0%, waved 12 21 X X 364 0.85 Multi fine cracks
Steel 1.0%, hooked 10 13 X X 352 0.75 Fine cracks
Steel 2.0%, straight 9 40 X X 331 0.6 Very fine cracks
Steel 2.0%, waved 7 19 25 39 324 0.45 Microcrack
Steel 2.0%, hooked 5 12 23 36 311 0.3 Invisible crack
Note. X: full penetration.
Effect of internal short fibers, steel reinforcement, and surface layer 415

steel fiber ratio plays a much more significant role than the layer are given in Table 10. It is important to observe that the
shape of steel fibers. control uncovered specimen has a total thickness equal to the
The previously mentioned trend is anyway seems to contra- total thickness of covered specimens with different shape of
dict what was found by Johan and Mattias Unosson [11] who steel fibers.
concluded that the presence of the steel fiber in the concrete From Table 10, it can be noticed that covering concrete
mix has no effect on the penetration depth anyway the present specimens with a protective layer reinforced with fibers fea-
results coincides with those by Dancygier [22]. turing different shapes is very effective solution to improve
The mode of failure confirms the previous trend where the the penetration resistance of concrete. As an example, after
use of fibers localized damage and arrests the crack propaga- one drop, penetration depth reduction of about 25%, 26%,
tions especially for test panels with steel fibers as shown in and 39% has been observed in the penetration depth as a re-
Fig 5. These results coincide with results of Song [24] and sult of covering the tested specimens with straight, waved,
Xu [25], they indicated that steel fiber is helpful in reducing and hooked steel fibrous concrete, respectively, when com-
the size of the damage zone. pared to uncovered reinforced concrete. Finally, the present
study shows that covering reinforced concrete specimens with
3.3. Effect of surface layer condition on impact and penetration a fibrous concrete layer with hocked shape seems to be more
resistance of concrete effective than straight and waved ones in improvement the
penetration and the impact resistance of concrete. The test re-
3.3.1. Covering with fibrous concrete sults of entrance crater area and crack width ensure the
The test results obtained from the penetration tests for rein- aforementioned behavior. Also, the final pattern of cracks
forced concrete specimens (0.40 w/c ratio and 1.8% steel rein- features very fine to hairline cracks for concrete specimens
forcement ratio made with crushed pink limestone as a coarse covered with fibrous concrete compared with control
aggregate) which are covered with 1.0% steel fibrous concrete specimen.

Figure 5 Mode of failure for test panel plain concrete, reinforced concrete without fibers and with 0.2% polypropylene fibers and 2.0%
straight steel fibers.
416 A.A. Aliabdo et al.

Table 10 Results of penetration test for steel bars reinforced concrete covered with fibrous concrete.
Reinforced concrete type Covering fiber type, Penetration depth (mm) Entrance crater Crack Remarks
content area (mm2) at width (mm)
final drop
Drop1 Drop2 Drop3 Drop4
Uncovered reinforced concrete Control 28 X X X 465 1.75 Wide cracks
Covered concrete Straight steel fibers, 1% 21 31 39 X 398 0.95 Very fine cracks
Covered concrete Waved steel fibers, 1% 20 29 37 X 376 0.9 One visible crack
Covered concrete Hooked steel fibers, 1% 17 24 30 38 361 0.75 Hair cracks
Note. X: full penetration.

Table 11 Results of penetration test after one drop for uncovered concrete and covered concrete with FRP sheets.
Concrete type Fiber type and Penetration Entrance crater Crack Remarks
volume fraction depth (mm) area (mm2) width (mm)
Plain concrete ... 50 More than 500 More than 3 Full perforation
Plain concrete with GFRP cover ... 43 412 1.75 Multi wide cracks
Polypropylene fibrous concrete 0.1%, p.p. fibers 50 More than 500 More than 3 Full perforation
Polypropylene fibrous concrete with GFRP cover 0.1%, p.p. fibers 40 387 1.2 Wide crack
Polypropylene fibrous concrete 0.2%, p.p. fibers 47 427 2.4 Multi wide cracks
Polypropylene fibrous concrete with GFRP cover 0.2%, p.p. fibers 39 352 1 Multi fine cracks
Steel fibrous concrete 1%, Straight steel fibers 42 403 1.3 Multi cracks
Steel fibrous concrete with GFRP cover 1%, Straight steel fibers 35 302 0.8 Fine cracks
Steel fibrous concrete 2%, Straight steel fibers 39 385 0.6 Multi fine cracks
Steel fibrous concrete with GFRP cover 2%, Straight steel fibers 32 278 0.5 Very fine cracks

3.3.2. Effect of covering with FRP sheets 1. The test results of plain and fibrous concrete, as per
One layer of GFRP sheet was used to reinforce the top layer of ASTM D1557, the use of steel fibers, with different
concrete specimens with and without internal short fibers with- shapes, combined with the use of basalt as a coarse
out steel bar reinforcement. Table 11 summarizes test results of aggregate, may have a significant positive effect on
simulated penetration impact test for tested specimens as a re- impact resistance of concrete.
sult of one drop. 2. The use of 0.1% and 0.2% polypropylene fibers has
From Table 11, it can be observed that reinforcing top sur- insignificant effect on penetration depth, entrance crater
face of concrete specimens with GFRP sheets represents an- area and crack width compared with concrete test panel
other effective solution to improve the penetration resistance. without internal fibers.
The reduction in penetration depth after one drop is more than 3. The presence of steel fibers has a significant effect on
14.0% as a result of using GFRP sheet on the top layer of tested penetration depth, entrance crater area and crack width.
specimens. This trend is the same for fibrous concrete speci- As an example, penetration depth reduction is about
mens either polypropylene or steel fibrous concrete. Also, the 16%, 22% as a result of using 1.0% and 2.0% straight
use of one layer of GFRP yields significant reduction in en- steel fibers, respectively, when compared with plain
trance crater area and crack width compared with uncovered concrete.
specimen. The reduction in entrance crater area as a result of 4. Increasing steel fibers content from 1.0% to 2.0% has a
using one layer of GFRP sheet is more than 17.6% compared slightly effect on penetration depth and entrance crater
with control specimen without GFRP sheet. This positive effect area but has a clear effect on the resulting crack width.
is clearer on fibrous concrete specimens reinforced with GFRP 5. Type of coarse aggregate has insignificant effect on the
sheet on the top layer of specimens. As an example, the reduc- impact resistance of plain concrete when it is subjected
tion in the entrance crater are is about 25% and 28% for 1.0% to high impact energy, as it happens in simulated pene-
and 2.0% steel fibrous concrete specimens reinforced on the top tration test, while the effect is higher incorporate with
layer with GFRP sheet compared with fibrous concrete speci- 2.0% steel fibers,
mens without GFRP sheet. Finally, the test results of measured 6. The presence of steel bar reinforcement enhances the
crack widths further corroborate the statements above. impact resistance of concrete specimens. This enhance-
ment is more evident if the crack width rather than the
4. Conclusions entrance crater area is considered.
7. Effect of aggregate type can be neglected on impact and
penetration resistance of concrete at higher percentage
Based on the experimental test results which have been de- of steel bar reinforcement ratio.
tailed in the paper, the following conclusions can be drawn:
Effect of internal short fibers, steel reinforcement, and surface layer 417

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