Structural Pathology

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Procedia Engineering 125 (2015) 713 – 724

The 5th International Conference of Euro Asia Civil Engineering Forum (EACEF-5)

The deteriorations of reinforced concrete and the option of

high performances reinforced concrete
Mohamed Chemrouka,*
University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algiers, Algeria


The durability of a reinforced concrete construction could be defined as the ability of the two materials, concrete and the embedded
reinforcing steel, to maintain their physical and mechanical performances in satisfactory security conditions during the prescribed
service life of the structure and in prescribed working conditions. From this, it can be deduced that the durability of a concrete
construction is strongly related to that of concrete, the reinforcement being protected inside. Both, designers and contractors using
this building material should concentrate on this acute durability problem particularly that environments nowadays are becoming
more and more aggressive and the performances of the material are pushed to higher limits. In general, the sources of deterioration
of concrete are linked to the direct influence of the external environment such as harmful chemical attacks and freeze–thawing. In
these cases, the permeability of the concrete material is a crucial factor, which is strongly related to the quality of the concrete mix
used. In this sense, high performances concrete, with its reduced quantity of mixing water and hence a reduced porosity and a
compact internal structure, is expected to have a better behaviour by not allowing external aggressive agents to penetrate deeper
inside. The sources of deterioration may also develop within the internal structure of the material and in this case the constituents
of the concrete itself are the causes of the deteriorations of the material such as the Alkali – Silicate reaction, which induces an
internal disruption ending up in a complete cracking of the concrete material and eventually in a strength reduction or a precipitated
failure of the structure. This work studies the main causes of concrete deteriorations and emphasises on the challenges of high
performances concrete as a viable option to enhance the durability of concrete constructions and hence to fulfil the need for a
sustainable built environment.
Authors. Published
Published by Elsevier
by Elsevier Ltd.Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee of The 5th International Conference of Euro Asia Civil Engineering
Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee of The 5th International Conference of Euro Asia Civil Engineering
Forum (EACEF-5).
Forum (EACEF-5)
Keywords: Durability; Chemical Attacks; Carbonation; Corrosion; Salt Weathering; Freezing; Alkali-Silicate Reaction; Concrete Cover; High
Performances Concrete.

* Corresponding author. E-mail address:

1877-7058 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee of The 5th International Conference of Euro Asia Civil Engineering Forum (EACEF-5)
714 Mohamed Chemrouk / Procedia Engineering 125 (2015) 713 – 724

1. Introduction

Concrete is by far the most widely used building material in the construction industry; it is often used in
combination with steel reinforcement to compensate for its weakness in tension. In this sense, the quality of concrete
constructions concerns in reality the two materials even though the stone-like material plays the biggest part in the
performance of such a composition. It is essential that a reinforced concrete structure sustains its resistance capacity
and continues fulfilling its function throughout its prescribed service life. The appreciation of the service life of a
reinforced concrete structure is expressed through the durability of the concrete material; the reinforcing steel, being
imbedded inside concrete, is supposed to be protected against any deteriorating effect. Indeed, concrete being a
relatively stable material under atmospheric exposure, protects the reinforcing steel from corrosion under aggressive
environments. The two materials are complementary in many of their properties such as the stability of the mass
concrete and the instability of the steel rods, the weakness of concrete in tension and the high tension in steel, the
brittleness of concrete and the ductility of steel. Moreover, having comparable coefficient of thermal expansion, the
two materials undergo comparable thermal movements and hence do not harm each other. They associate well to give
a composite material that is reinforced concrete, widely used in the construction industry throughout the world today.
The ease of producing, handling and using this composite material to obtain any construction shape with
comparatively less cost added to the relatively lower maintenance cost required throughout its prescribed service life
have made it the most versatile and challenging building material that is almost ideal for the construction industry.
The globality of the material is clearly expressed by its use in all the fields of construction. However, the last two
decades have witnessed some alarming deteriorations in the infrastructure systems throughout the world, despite the
remarkable advances made in the engineering and science mechanics, improving substantially the building
technologies of the construction industry. Concrete, which was once thought wrongly as indestructible and
synonymous of permanency, is proving that it is a material which can deteriorate and affect the service conditions and
even the capacity of a structure [1,2] and hence its durability and strength. Indeed, concrete based structures usually
designed for a service life of 50 years or more often crack and start deteriorating soon after their use, particularly in
third world countries, thus requiring repair and replacement much earlier than their designed life as illustrated further
by the concrete structure of the school of architecture and of the university of sciences and technology, both Niemeyer
projects built during the era of the concrete brutalism of the seventies in Algiers.
Aggressive environments resulting from solid, liquid and gaseous wastes of the industry and from sea sprays and
vapours are seriously affecting the concrete industry, which is already suffering from shortages of energy and raw
materials, vitally needed for concrete production. The deterioration of the building material and hence the resulting
durability problems for concrete constructions depends on a number of factors such as the quality of the concrete
constituents and their contamination, the conception and design of the concrete mix as well as the structure, the site
supervision and quality of execution and workmanship, the influence of the environment and finally the maintenance
and care throughout the service life of the structure. Concrete being a porous material at its hardened state, its
deterioration and hence the durability problems result in most cases from the penetration of external aggressive agents
in a solid, liquid or gaseous state through the concrete pores distributed randomly in the hardened cement paste [3].
In this sense, construction defects and low quality surface finishes which result from poor workmanship and low
skilled labour contribute greatly towards the attack of concrete and the imbedded reinforcing steel by aggressive
agents. They constitute easy ways for penetration or local areas for concentration of the aggressive agents that
deteriorate concrete and steel through harmful chemical reactions or physical effects.
In general, durability problems may be classified into three categories: those linked to chemical alterations as a
result of chemical reactions between external agents and internal constituents of concrete or between internal
constituents themselves with the help of moisture from the outside environment, those related to physical alterations
such as freezing and salt weathering effects and those induced by mechanical alterations such as abrasion and wear.
The first two categories of durability problems are strongly related to the quality of the internal structure of the material
and to the quality of workmanship and construction practice. Often, the inward movements of liquid and gas agents
are facilitated by construction defects resulting from poor labour at the mixing and concreting stages. The third
category of alteration depends greatly on regular maintenance and care of concrete structures.
Construction defects were partially responsible in initiating many collapses during the earthquake that hit the
regions of Boumerdes and Algiers in 2003 [2,4]. In effect, the massive use of concrete as a building material gave
Mohamed Chemrouk / Procedia Engineering 125 (2015) 713 – 724 715

concrete construction a label of low-tech industry which does not require qualified labour. This has resulted in poor
workmanship and low technical and esthetical quality structures requiring in some cases demolishing even before
serving [5] because threatening the livelihood, hence not fulfilling the requirements of a sustainable built environment,
or even not functional as for the case of seriously cracked liquid retaining structures [6].

2. Durability problem in concrete constructions

Nowadays, durability is one of the desired qualities of any concrete construction. Notwithstanding that this quality
is an advantage for concrete in regard to other current building materials such as timber or steel, it is becoming more
and more an important design criterion in concrete constructions, particularly with the ever expanding use of this
building material in more and more aggressive environments consisting of industrial pollution, climatic wear and sea
atmosphere. Design codes are increasingly cautious about the durability aspect in reinforced concrete and yet unable
to specify the service life of a structure. Some designers, however, still consider more the load capacity and resistance
based structural design and pay less attention to durability design, even though, recent statistics have attributed various
types of damages and collapses to lack of durability.
Durability of reinforced concrete construction could be defined as the ability of the two materials, concrete and
steel, to maintain their physical characteristics and mechanical performances in satisfactory security conditions during
the prescribed service life of the structure and in prescribed working conditions. From this, it can be deduced that the
durability of concrete construction is strongly related to that of concrete, steel being protected by the latter material.
Improving the durability results in increasing the immediate constructions costs, and although this is an overall cost-
effective, building owners tend not to be flexible with such extra-cost because not aware of the long term consequences
of a durability problem. It is the role of the designer to explicit clearly the risks of deterioration of concrete and hence
the premature deterioration of the construction since, in the mind of many owners, concrete is synonymous of
permanency. The present work identifies the important sources of concrete deteriorations that affect the durability of
concrete constructions and recommends some remedial measures to prevent them happening in order to make the
material expand more in its use and face the challenges from other building materials. Indeed, few problems exhibited
by some concrete constructions serve to illustrate the unfortunate fact that what seems ideal is not always achieved,
and concrete is a material which can deteriorate prematurely, affecting the performances of a structure and at the
longer term its sustainability.

3. Construction defects and their effects on concrete structures

FootnotConstruction defects lead at the longer term to the deterioration of concrete and hence reduce the lifespan
of a concrete construction and its durability. They result mainly from poor workmanship, insufficient cover to the
reinforcement due to low quality execution on site or to poor structural design/detailing, or are linked to the working
conditions of the structure.

3.1. Poor quality of workmanship

When undertaking any concrete construction, it is vitally important to carry out a tight supervision of the site works
as they progress. This follows a careful selection of the building materials and an adequate structural design.
Convenient building materials in the case of concrete producing require a studied selection of the mix ingredients,
using specific admixtures and additives if necessary, to achieve the quality of the final product as prescribed at the
design stage. The selection of the mixing ingredients and the concrete preparation should be guided by related
specifications and technical documents that help to obtain the targeted qualities for the material produced, namely
workability, strength and durability. These three interrelated properties are important for concrete as a building
material, starting from its fresh state to its loading state and interaction with the environment throughout its service
Uncontrolled concrete mix proportioning using water in excess of the specified water/cement ratio to ease
workability and dust contaminated poorly graded aggregates will result in a very poor quality concrete that is
716 Mohamed Chemrouk / Procedia Engineering 125 (2015) 713 – 724

susceptible to varied deteriorations. At the shorter term, the poor quality mix concrete may lose its cement mortar at
critical sections (Fig. 1) and the cast structure may become vulnerable to collapse, particularly in seismically active
regions [2,4].

Fig. 1. Poor workmanship resulting in segregation leaving concrete prone to degradations.

A good quality of a site labour and a tight work supervision are very important for avoiding all the undesirable
construction defects that may lead to precipitated collapses or to durability problems at the longer term. Indeed,
concrete technology is often considered wrongly as a low-tech industry which does not require a skilled labour. A
number of construction defects and pathologies met in the construction industry, particularly in third world countries,
have led to serious durability problems and building damages and may have precipitated collapses as in the case of
some failures recorded during the earthquake of Boumerdes and Algiers in Algeria in 2003. Fig. 2 illustrates a typical
recurrent construction defects at structural joints. For example, for positioning the formwork at the base of a column,
a thin layer (50 to 100 mm) of poorly graded concrete is cast creating two weaker slipping surfaces very vulnerable
to shearing forces (Fig. 2(a)). This particular construction defect was responsible for many failures after the major
earthquake shaking events in Algeria.
These construction defects and pathologies are clear evidences that the concrete construction industry is in need of
a skilled labour and a tight control on site, which does not tolerate poor and archaic practices, to improve its
performance so as to avoid serious defects such as in Figs. 1&2 that may lead in time to serious deteriorations or even
precipitate structural collapses. Besides representing ideal passageways for external harmful agents, construction
defects represent weakness points which may lead at worst to the loss of the strength capacity of the structure
particularly when occurring at critical sections such as the joints of beams-columns in concrete frames as in Fig. 2(b).
These assembling joints should be made of a sound concrete, free from any defects and stiff enough to ensure
mechanical continuity of the structure and transmit the loads between the vertical elements.
Even with the best theoretical concrete mixes, poor workmanship, lack of curing and absence of maintenance are
often the causes of a number of pathological problems leading to unserviceability of the structure or even to its failure.
Indeed, it is often noticed that on stripping off the formwork, the concrete surfaces contain honeycombs, empty spaces,
deep asperities, segregated concrete that has lost its binding paste or reinforcing steel without concrete cover that
protects it (see Fig. 1), depending on the insufficiency in workmanship, concrete practice and site supervision. Reused
formwork leads often to very rough concrete surfaces (Fig. 3) which can collect all the external agents that are harmful
to concrete and to the reinforcing steel. Often, highly reused formwork deforms and leads to erroneous sections
creating additional eccentricities for the loading forces not taken into account at the design stage and may lead to
Mohamed Chemrouk / Procedia Engineering 125 (2015) 713 – 724 717

(a) (b)
Fig. 2. Poor workmanship and bad construction practice in Algeria have always precipitated collapses at the strike of an earthquake.

Fig. 3. Deep concrete asperities due the poor workmanship and reused formwork.

3.2. Insufficient concrete cover to the reinforcement

Among the construction pathologies, the most commonly occurring defect is failure to provide the required cover
to the reinforcement [7]. This failure is not only attributed to insufficiently qualified labour, but also to the lack of
technology advancement of the construction industry in third world countries in general. The detailing of the
reinforcement on site and the cover in particular do not get particular attention and no specific spacers are provided
for positioning the reinforcing steel and safeguarding their locations. Examples of failure to do so are numerous and
their consequences are catastrophique such as in cantilevering slabs, which, in a number of cases, collapse straight
after taking off the shutters, because the reinforcing steel moves away from the tension region under the effect of
Reinforcement detailing is very important in reinforced concrete design and construction and should be considered
as such for strength as well as durability considerations. In a number of cases, failure to provide the necessary cover
to the reinforcement has ended in the insufficient layer of concrete protection spalling off and the reinforcement left
in the open air to corrode as in Fig. 4.
718 Mohamed Chemrouk / Procedia Engineering 125 (2015) 713 – 724

Fig. 4. Insufficient cover to reinforcement.

The effective resisting section depends on the correct positioning of the main reinforcement and their prevention
from buckling or bulging out with the help of transverse reinforcement. Moreover, loosely positioned transverse
stirrups may be displaced on concreting, leaving the longitudinal steel bars very vulnerable to bulging out, particularly
at the critical shear region of the joint and at mid-depth region as in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5. Longitudinal reinforcement without transverse reinforcement at critical sections

Achieving the specified cover needed is not only important for durability considerations but also for structural as
well as fire performances. Fire resistance of a reinforced concrete section depends solely on the cover to the reinforcing
steel, which is the protective layer of concrete, because when fire reaches up the reinforcement it heats up and softens
and hence cannot resist to any stresses. Fire resistance is exclusively provided by this layer of concrete cover and
hence for safety considerations, the thickness as well as the quality of the cover is important.
This protecting layer of concrete, which varies according to the nature of the environment where the structure is
erected constitutes, then, a protective shield for the reinforcing steel which relieves concrete from tensile stresses as
well as from any excessive compression stresses. Unfortunately, the problem of insufficient concrete cover, or at least
not adequate with the aggressiveness of the environment, and the accidental conditions that might exist locally, is
quite widespread in third world places and in particular in Algeria despite the fact that it is considered by a number of
researchers and engineers as of a prime importance to control the effect of carbonation and chloride attacks and hence
to protect the reinforcing steel against corrosion such as in Fig. 5 above.

4. Causes of concrete deterioration

The deterioration of concrete is mainly due to the environmental conditions to which it is exposed, such as climatic
effects, chemical attacks, abrasion and wear, freeze-thawing. It can be deduced that external factors as well as internal
ones cause the alteration of concrete which can be chemical, physical or mechanical and hence affect its durability at
Mohamed Chemrouk / Procedia Engineering 125 (2015) 713 – 724 719

the longer term. External factors are related to the environment of the construction whereas internal factors concern
the structure of the material itself and its constituents.
The resisting capacity of the concrete material to the various aggressions depends essentially on the quality of its
constituents, namely the cement matrix and the aggregate. In reinforced and prestressed concrete, the cover protects
steel from corrosion. The protection of steel is negatively influenced by the permeability of concrete which translates
the facility with which water can penetrate the structure of the material through the pores and capillaries. External
chemicals such as sulphates and chlorides may also penetrate through the passage ways to harm concrete and steel.
Reducing the permeability of concrete by reducing the water/cement ratio and compacting sufficiently the fresh
concrete together with using some fine mineral addictives, such as used in high performance concrete, contributes
towards confining chemical attacks to the external layers of concrete only and keeping the steel protected against
corrosion. Permeability increases with the quantity of voids left by evaporated water and trapped air within the
hardened concrete material. Reducing permeability is in line with enhancing the durability and this can be partly
achieved by preventing the loss of water by evaporation through an adequate curing of concrete so that the hydration
of the cement could continue sufficiently in time. The deterioration caused by sources in the internal structure of the
concrete consists of a chemical reaction between certain constituents of the aggregate and some of the hardened
cement paste in the presence of water resulting in disruptive cracking as will be seen further on.

4.1. Chemical alterations of concrete

x Chemical attacks with reference to sulphate attacks

Concrete is very sensitive to acid’s attacks which may result in the wearing and the softening of the cement paste
ending up with its removal, leaving the aggregate particles without bonding material. The acids proliferate mainly
from food industry as acidic vapour or fume (smoke). Sulphate attacks, however, are the most frequent in concrete
construction and their deterioration is the dominant one from external chemical attacks. Sulphates are naturally
present in soils, ground water and sea water. They are also present in some rocks and hence in the aggregate in the
form of gypsum. The most frequent sulphate salts are the calcium sulphate or gypsum (Ca2 SO4), the sodium sulphate
(Na2 SO4), the potassium sulphate (K2 SO4) and, to a lesser extent, the magnesium sulphate (MgO SO4). Sodium
sulphate and potassium sulphate are the most aggressive salts. The sulphates, which are miniral salts, react with the
tricalcium aluminate (C3A) hydrate of the hardened cement paste resulting in an ettringite which, in the presence of
moisture, expands to occupy a greater volume within the concrete. The expansion generates tension in the cement
paste and hence cracking within the concrete.
In a dense and less permeable concrete, the soluble sulphates have less chance to penetrate and their action will be
confined to the external surface of concrete only. In particularly aggressive sulphate soil, the use of sulphate resisting
cement containing less tricalcium aluminate (C3A) is highly recommended; after hydration of this cement, the
hardened cement paste would result in less tricalcium aluminate hydrate and hence the aggressive sulphates have less
chance to react harmfully. However, it is more effective to prevent the penetration of sulphate contaminants in concrete
through a carefully selected mix design and an improved concrete practice so as to reduce construction defects and
honeycombing than to control the degradation by chemical means.

x Carbonation of concrete – Corrosion of Steel

Among the different factors that affect the durability of concrete and hence of concrete structures, carbonation and
its subsequent structural consequences is very common. Carbonation consists of carbon dioxide diffusion into the
hardened concrete through the capillaries and pores, through the multiples cracks induced by the different expansive
pathologies reviewed previously and eventually through construction defects. In the presence of water, carbon dioxide
CO2 reacts with alkaline hydroxides present in the pore solution to result in a relatively neutral compound that is less
soluble and liberating water, in the following manner:

‫ܽܥ‬ሺܱ‫ܪ‬ሻଶ ൅ ‫ܱܥ‬ଶ  ՜ ‫ܱܥܽܥ‬ଷ ൅  ‫ܪ‬ଶ ܱ (1)

720 Mohamed Chemrouk / Procedia Engineering 125 (2015) 713 – 724

The reaction of the cement hydration products, essentially the alkali-hydroxides, with the carbon dioxide results in
the neutralisation of the highly alkaline pore solution and the formation of alkali-carbonate products such as the calcite
(CaCO3). Under these conditions, the PH of the pore solution, which varies between 12 and 14 under alkaline
conditions, is lowered down to below 9, rendering the embedded reinforcing steel susceptible to corrosion in the
presence of moisture and oxygen. The calcite (CaCO3) and other alkali-carbonate products which result from the
carbonation reaction are less soluble and densify the concrete paste by precipitating in the available pores near the
concrete surface where the reaction initiates first, hence reducing the gas and liquid diffusion rate into concrete. In
this sense, carbonation might be regarded as advantageous since the increase in density, added to the possible
reactivation of the hydration of eventually unhydrated cement particles with water liberated by the carbonation
reaction, leads to an increase in the concrete strength.
At first thought, carbonation of concrete in itself has some positive aspects and is not a disruptive process such as
seen previously, though the concrete material becomes more fragile close to failure. It has, however, a major
deteriorating effect on the durability of concrete and may lead to drastic reduction in strength capacity, in that the
highly alkaline conditions of the pore solution inside concrete provide a passive environment which protects the
reinforcement against corrosion. The penetration of the carbon dioxide through the different passageways (pores,
cracks and construction defects) destroys the alkaline medium, and with it the passive environment, leaving the
reinforcing steel, which takes part of the acting stresses, vulnerable to corrosion, hence to resisting section reduction,
or even to complete disappearance as in Fig. 6 below.

Fig. 6. Poor quality segregated concrete leading to carbonation and reinforcement corrosion at critical sections.

Corrosion of reinforcement starts when sufficient oxygen and moisture are present in an electrochemical process
as below:
‫ ݁ܨ‬՜ ‫ ݁ܨ‬ଶା ൅ ʹ݁ (2)
ʹ‫ܪ‬ଶ ܱ ൅ ܱଶ ൅ Ͷ݁ ՜ Ͷܱ‫ܪ‬ (3)
ଶା ି
‫݁ܨ‬ ൅ ʹܱ‫ ܪ‬՜ ‫݁ܨ‬ሺܱ‫ܪ‬ሻଶ (4)
The corrosion process results in a precipitated ferrous hydroxide (Fe(OH) 2) which occupies a larger volume then
that occupied by the original steel. As the precipitated corrosion product builds up, it exerts a gradually increasing
pressure on the surrounding concrete until it cracks and propagates from the reinforcement to an adjacent concrete
surface following the line of the underlying reinforcement. This may end up with concrete spalling and detaching
completely, leaving the reinforcement uncovered for further corrosion. Insufficient concrete cover contributes greatly
to the carbonation and corrosion of steel as in Fig.6.
Depassivation of the alkaline conditions can also be caused by chloride diffusion resulting in steel corrosion that
exerts pressure on the surrounding concrete which breaks away, particularly at critical sections that are highly
reinforced (Fig. 7). Concrete crushing at these critical sections is very likely to occur if no remedial solution is carried
Mohamed Chemrouk / Procedia Engineering 125 (2015) 713 – 724 721

Fig. 7. Chloride diffusion into concrete leading to corrosion of reinforcement and spalling of concrete at critical sections.

x Alkali-Silica reaction

Silica may be contained naturally in certain aggregates whereas alkali metal compounds such as potassium, sodium
and calcium are present in cement in the form of oxides (K2O ; Na2O ; Ca2O). Alkali may also be brought by marine
aggregates if used unwashed in concrete or through exposure of concrete to a sea environment. During the hydration
of cement, the alkali compounds react to produce alkali hydroxides (Ca(OH)2, Na(OH)2, K(OH)2) which remain
dissolved in the pore water of the hardened concrete. The alkali hydroxides react with the silica minerals of the
aggregate to produce an alkali-silica gel which can take up water from an external source and swell increasing in
volume, and by so doing exerts pressure on the surrounding concrete [8].
In most cases, the swelling pressure may be sufficient to cause disruptive micro-cracking, becoming in the
continuous process macro-cracking which extends throughout the affected concrete. The resulting gel may come out
from the cracks to be clearly observed with its white color on the concrete surface and can even be accompanied by
spalling and pop-outs of concrete as in Fig. 8. The disruptive cracking caused by this source of deterioration appears
first as fine cracks radiating from a point adjacent to a reacting aggregate, ending up in a map-like cracking patterns
as in Fig. 9. This cracking pattern and the gel may take 04 to 07 years to appear on the concrete surface.

Fig. 8. Alkali-silica expansion gel resulting in pop-outs of concrete [8].

As a consequence of the alkali-silica reaction, a reduction in the resisting capacity of concrete occurs even before
the appearance of external signs of such a harmful reaction. Cracking may also allow moisture and oxygen to penetrate
resulting in corrosion of the reinforcement.
For a disruptive alkali-silica reaction to occur, three conditions have to be met simultaneously, namely:
x The presence of aggregate containing silica.
x The presence of alkali, often present in cement, to give alkali hydroxides after the hydration reaction.
x The presence of sufficient water from external sources to be absorbed by gel which expands afterwards.
It can be deduced from the last point that damage to concrete from this source of deterioration can vary in a structure
according to the wetting conditions prevailing. A highly reactive silica may cause the reaction to substantially
complete before the setting of concrete. On the other hand, a low concentration of the reactive silica may slow down
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the gel production which can dissipate through concrete pores and various micro-cracks and will be unable to harm
the concrete material in visible cracking.

Fig. 9. Alkali-silica reaction resulting in map-like cracking [8].

Fig. 9 illustrates clearly the disrupting behaviour induced on concrete by the alkali-silica reaction, which is
continuous until at least one of the three conditions above cease to be fulfilled. Durability of concrete is greatly affected
by this type of deterioration and a careful study of the concrete constituent materials together with the development
of a highly performing concrete are needed to prevent it. This latter concrete material is bound to contain more fine
mineral additives that reduce the porosity which would contain alkali solutions, close the aggregates pores containing
silicates and limit the moisture infiltration from the outside environment.

4.2. Physical alterations of concrete: - Salt weathering – freezing

Soluble salts such as chlorides or sulphates from ground water, damp soil or sea are transported in solution through
the concrete pores and capillaries. Above the ground or sea level, moisture evaporates leaving crystallizing salts in
the pores. The salts crystals, having larger volume than the soluble solution, exert pressure on the surrounding concrete
and cause small cracks to develop breaking concrete from the surface and causing fragment of cement paste and fine
aggregate to detach from the concrete. Porous aggregates themselves may be susceptible to such disrupting
phenomenon caused by the crystallization of salts. This salt weathering deterioration of concrete is frequent in desert
regions having a superficial or shallow water table such as in some parts of the Algerian Sahara and in marine
In cold regions, exterior concrete is frequently in a saturated state and the pores are full of water. In freezing
conditions the pore water becomes ice crystals, occupying a larger volume and hence exerting pressure on the
surrounding concrete in the same manner as salt crystals. This results in cracking disruptions and ends up with concrete
breaking away from the surface leaving the aggregate exposed. It is clear that both the salt weathering and the freezing
are influenced by the permeability of the concrete material. A well compacted dense concrete with a low water/cement
ratio would be a less porous material and, hence, less sensitive to freezing and salt weathering deteriorations [8,9].

5. The Option of high performances concrete

Concrete technology should progress and develop from a low-tech industry to a high-tech industry. The tendency
of porous surfaces to allow harmful substances is still a drawback of the actual concrete technology. The quality of
concrete should be improved so that it can ameliorate the living environment. Improving the qualities of this material
contributes towards achieving a friendlier environment and in this sense the move from high strength concrete to high
performances concrete is a right step, since other important properties for the service life of the material do not
necessarily increase in line width the compressive strength [8‒10]. However, higher strengths with a careful design
and a better workmanship necessarily result in a structural concrete that performs well in its service life and, with a
little extra applied research work, interacts positively with its environment [11].
High performance concrete (HPC), with its dense, compact and hence a less permeable micro-structure (Fig. 10),
is more resistant to chemical aggressions form the environment. The quality of the bonding between the cement paste
Mohamed Chemrouk / Procedia Engineering 125 (2015) 713 – 724 723

and the aggregates is such that the micro-gaps between these two constituents are limited. Matrix pores are very fine
and discontinuous. This lowers any fluid diffusion inside the structure of the material and reduces the movement of
the reactive agents within the material, ending up in the prevention or limitation of any possible harmful reaction and
hence the limitation of the material deterioration.

(a) (b)
Fig. 10. A dense structure of High Performances Concrete by comparison to that of an ordinary concrete (a) Dense structure of HPC; (b) Porous
structure of ordinary concrete.

With good quality concrete covering the reinforcement without construction defects, the concrete carbonation
reaction will be confined to the external surface only and can not proceeds deeper since the fine pores are
discontinuous. Reducing the carbonation will in turn reduces the steel corrosion and distressing sights such as
presented in the figures above may not be possible in high performances concrete. Furthermore, research work [8‒10]
has shown that a reduced water/cement ratios below 0.4 such as used in high performances concrete reduces the chance
of penetration of chlorides, and hence reduces the risks of concrete spalling and reinforcement corrosion. Nowadays,
research has reasonably advanced in improving the qualities of the material, going far beyond the 100 MPa strength
barrier, but its construction use at a larger scale is yet to be experienced and HPC is still limited to very rare and
specific uses by comparison to the huge quantity of concrete used in the construction industry. Indeed, the average
design engineer does not seem to know much about this high quality material which is not yet sufficiently covered by
design codes and technical documents.

6. Conclusion

The main objectives of the paper were to examine the causes of deteriorations that can affect concrete material and
hence concrete constructions and to study its durability. In effect, the durability of a number of concrete structures is
not satisfactory since they often start deteriorating soon after the beginning of their service life. Indeed, due to lack of
durability, an important part of the concrete production is used to repair or replace deteriorated structures well before
their expected service life, particularly in third world countries. The ever increasing concrete production to respond
to the need of a growing world population, particularly in the third world, will necessitate a huge consumption of
energy and natural resources, hence harming badly our living planet and its ecological system. In this sense, besides
being the largest consumer of natural resources, the concrete production necessitates a lot of energy and hence such
industry is responsible for considerable carbon dioxide gas emissions that is polluting our atmosphere and inducing a
global warming in the planet which, as a result, is witnessing extreme and catastrophic weather conditions.
The future viability and challenges of concrete industry is finding itself more and more threatened by potential
shortage of materials and energy and, most of all, by unacceptable levels of environmental pollution harming our
ecological equilibrium. Targeting a sustainable concrete construction is a way to reduce this threat. This goes
inevitably through the insurance of a durable service life for concrete structures by an adequate design and detailing,
a mastered concrete technology and practice, an improved building techniques and finally by undertaking regular
maintenance and care throughout their prescribed service life. Such improvement can only be achieved through an
up-ranking of the concrete industry from a low-tech industry to high-tech industry. Indeed, most of the concrete
724 Mohamed Chemrouk / Procedia Engineering 125 (2015) 713 – 724

durability problems encountered in practice derive from the low-skilled labour used in the concrete construction and
the relatively inadequate supervision combined with the absence of sufficient knowledge about the constituents of the
material and its interaction with the environment.
The tendency of a porous surface amplified by varied construction defects, particularly insufficient cover to the
reinforcement, allows harmful substances to penetrate and deteriorate the composite material. This draw-back of the
concrete technology is particularly widespread in third world places and has led to serious durability problems and
initiated premature failures in many occasions. This opens up the debate as whether to design for ultimate strength
and check afterwards for serviceability as is widely adopted or, on the contrary, to design for service life of cracking
and durability and check for ultimate strength afterwards. This stems from the fact that it is rather the serviceability
limit state and hence the durability problems of concrete structures that appears to be the most frequently occurring in
the built environment throughout the world. A lack of serviceability, when not repaired and retrofitted, hence
consuming more energy and natural resources, will lead inevitably to a loss of strength and a lack of safety as
encountered in the Boumerdes-Algiers earthquake in 2003.
In an era of sustainable development, sustainability of concrete constructions can not be achieved if the designed
and built structures can not give durable service life and in turn the protection of the environment and the conservation
of the natural resources and energy cannot be efficient if structures have to be repaired and retrofitted regularly. A
major enhancement of the durability of concrete structures is needed, particularly in third world places where harmful
construction defects are quite common in the construction industry. In this sense, high performances concrete is a
viable solution to enhance the durability of constructions made with concrete material and hence needs a wide spread
knowledge among users. It is urgent to vulgarize the use of this high quality material in order to improve the service
life of concrete constructions. The use of high performances concrete as a building material needs, however, a
relatively high-skilled labour. This necessitates extra-costs which will be offset by the long-term reduced overall cost
of the construction and, most of all, by its sustainable option.


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