Maxillary Orthognathic Surgery: Richard E. Bauer III,, Mark W. Ochs
Maxillary Orthognathic Surgery: Richard E. Bauer III,, Mark W. Ochs
Maxillary Orthognathic Surgery: Richard E. Bauer III,, Mark W. Ochs
Richard E. Bauer III, DMD, MD*, Mark W. Ochs, DMD, MD
LeFort Osteotomy Maxilla Orthognathic surgery Dentofacial deformity
Maxillary manipulation for a skeletal malocclusion is a common surgical procedure with many var-
iations that can optimize outcomes.
When combined with perioperative orthodontic treatment, planning maxillary surgery can be an
effective way to maximize aesthetics and function.
Landmark studies have showed the safety of maxillary surgery and now new technologies are tak-
ing effectiveness and efficiency to a new level.
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Eye and Ear Institute,
203 Lothrop Street, Suite 214, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
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Maxillary Orthognathic Surgery 525
Procedure Pearls
Standard LeFort osteotomy soft tissue
approach and dissection
High and flat osteotomies to prevent vertical
changes with expansion (Fig. 5)
- May need to relieve lateral buttresses to
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526 Bauer III & Ochs
Fig. 11. (A, B) Cadaveric graft in place at expansion defects. Arrows indicate cadaveric grafts in situ.
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Maxillary Orthognathic Surgery 527
Longer operative time and technically more
demanding surgery
Need for postoperative stabilization of seg-
ments (splint, transpalatal arch wire, etc; see
Figs. 7–10)
Procedure Pearls
Accurate bite registration is paramount when
combining with mandibular surgery; ensure
that first contact occlusion is captured as
many of these patients have centric relation–
centric occlusion shifts due to best fit occlu-
sions (Fig. 17)
External skeletal reference for measurement
of vertical position intraoperatively (Fig. 18)
Plan on reducing heavily at maxillary crest and
Fig. 14. Consolidate maxillary segments before estab- junction of palatine bones medially (Fig. 19)
lishing the vertical position. Arrows indicate rigid fix- Cauterize the descending palatine vessels in a
ation joining maxillary segments. controlled fashion especially with significant
Fig. 15. Single maxillary occlusal plane. Fig. 16. Dual maxillary occlusal plane.
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528 Bauer III & Ochs
Fig. 18. External skeletal reference for maxillary verti- Fig. 20. Cauterization of the palatine vessels. Arrow
cal changes/reference. indicates greater palatine vessels.
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Maxillary Orthognathic Surgery 529
Fig. 22. Upper lip distortion with vertical impaction. Small arrow indicates movement of labial mucosa to close
incision following maxillary impaction. Large arrow indicates unwanted flattening and rolling of vermillion.
The right side of the image is the unwanted aesthetic outcome.
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530 Bauer III & Ochs
Fig. 26. (A–C) Miter block grafts to fit tightly to increase stability.
Fig. 27. Right and left maxilla with autogenous iliac crest bone graft and fixation.
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Maxillary Orthognathic Surgery 531
Fig. 28. (A). Cadaveric autogenous iliac crest bone graft. (B). Cadaveric autogenous iliac crest bone graft with
bone morphogenetic protein on absorbable collagen sponge.
swelling from the maxillary surgery has sitional blocking grafts (Fig. 27)
resolved to maximize aesthetic outcomes - Cadaveric iliac crest allografts for interposi-
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532 Bauer III & Ochs
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Maxillary Orthognathic Surgery 533
Fig. 35. Rigid fixation and immediate postoperative film showing maxillary splint wired to maxillary arch wire.
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534 Bauer III & Ochs
Moving the Maxilla Up and Back Reduce the piriform rim and anterior nasal
If present, leave the maxillary third molars floor vertically 60% to 80% of the total
and plan on removing at the time of surgery planned movement
because this will eliminate a significant Reduce and miter carefully; bone contact is
amount of surgical bone reduction intrao- key for stability
peratively (see Fig. 31) Adapt zygomatic buttress L-plates as far
Need to reduce posterior edge of maxilla, posterior as possible and/or consider posi-
anterior pterygoid plates and clip or tional screws (Fig. 38)
cauterize the greater palatine vessels (see
Evaluate the arc of closure in maxilloman- SPLINT FABRICATION
dibular fixation to get to desired vertical
and appropriate reduction Imaging allows improved understanding of
Fully mobilize the maxilla deformities in multiple dimensions
Fig. 37. Preoperative and postoperative occlusion after premolar extraction and closure of space surgically.
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Maxillary Orthognathic Surgery 535
Fig. 38. (A, B) Maxillary fixation with plates and/or positional screws.
Fig. 39. (A, B) Anatomic relationships clearly understood before surgery. Red circles indicate areas of overlap
(posterior) and expansion (anterior).
Fig. 40. (A, B) Intraoperative splints for maxillomandibular fixation. Splints may also be used for postoperative
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536 Bauer III & Ochs
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Maxillary Orthognathic Surgery 537
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