Cost Operation AnMBR
Cost Operation AnMBR
Cost Operation AnMBR
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The objective of this study was to evaluate the operating cost of an anaerobic membrane bioreactor
Received 20 November 2013 (AnMBR) treating sulphate-rich urban wastewater (UWW) at ambient temperature (ranging from 17
Received in revised form 14 February 2014 to 33 °C). To this aim, energy consumption, methane production, and sludge handling and recycling to
Accepted 18 February 2014
land were evaluated. The results revealed that optimising specific gas demand with respect to permeate
Available online 22 February 2014
volume (SGDP) and sludge retention time (for given ambient temperature conditions) is essential to max-
imise energy savings (minimum energy demand: 0.07 kW h m3). Moreover, low/moderate sludge pro-
ductions were obtained (minimum value: 0.16 kg TSS kg1 CODRemoved), which further enhanced the
Energy consumption
Industrial-scale hollow-fibre membranes
overall operating cost of the plant (minimum value: €0.011 per m3 of treated water). The sulphate con-
Operating cost tent in the influent UWW significantly affected the final production of methane and thereby the overall
Anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) operating cost. Indeed, the evaluated AnMBR system presented energy surplus potential when treating
Sulphate-rich urban wastewater low-sulphate UWW.
Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1383-5866/Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R. Pretel et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 126 (2014) 30–38 31
The objective of this study was to evaluate the operating cost of (SRFMT and SRFAnR respectively): 2.7 and 1 m3 h1 respectively;
an AnMBR system treating sulphate-rich urban wastewater specific gas demand per square metre of membrane area (SGDm):
(UWW) at ambient temperature (ranging from 17 to 33 °C). To this controlled at 0.17 and 0.23 m3 h1 m2; and biogas recycling flow
aim, power requirements, energy recovery from methane (biogas to the anaerobic reactor (BRFAnR): 1.5 m3 h1.
methane and/or methane dissolved in the effluent), and sludge
handling and recycling to land were evaluated at different operat- 2.2.2. Biological process
ing conditions. In order to obtain reliable results that can be Variations in SRT and seasonal temperature were studied to ac-
extrapolated to full-scale plants, this study was carried out in an count for the dynamics in methane and sludge productions over
AnMBR using industrial-scale hollow-fibre membrane units. This time. During the 920-day experimental period the plant was oper-
system was operated using effluent from the pre-treatment of ated at ambient temperature ranging from 17 to 33 °C and SRT var-
the Carraixet WWTP (Valencia, Spain). ied from 30 to 70 days. Three different experimental scenarios
related to biological process (BP33 °C, SRT 70 days, BP22 °C, SRT 38 days
2. Materials and methods and BP17 °C, SRT 30 days) were considered to evaluate the energy con-
sumption of the AnMBR plant (see Table 3): (1) a summer period of
2.1. AnMBR plant description 2 months of operation resulting in high methane and low sludge
productions (BP33 °C, SRT 70 days) due to operating at high tempera-
A semi-industrial AnMBR plant was operated using the effluent ture (33 °C in average) and high SRT (70 days); (2) one year of
of a full-scale WWTP pre-treatment. The average AnMBR influent operation resulting in moderate methane and sludge productions
characteristics are shown in Table 1. This influent UWW was char- (BP22° C, SRT 38 days) due to operating at variable temperature
acterised by a low COD (around 650 mg L1) and high sulphate (22 °C in average) and moderate SRT (38 days); and (3) a winter
concentration (around 105 mg SO4–S L1). period of 2 months of operation resulting in low methane and
The AnMBR plant consists of an anaerobic reactor with a total moderate sludge productions (BP17 °C, SRT 30 days) due to operating
volume of 1.3 m3 connected to two membrane tanks (MT1 and at relatively low temperature (17.1 °C in average) and moderate
MT2) each one with a total volume of 0.8 m3. Each membrane tank SRT (30 days). These three scenarios represent boundary (BP33 °C,
includes one ultrafiltration hollow-fibre membrane commercial SRT 70 days: best conditions; and BP17 °C, SRT 30 days: worst conditions)
system (PURONÒ, Koch Membrane Systems, 0.05 lm pore size, and average (BP22 °C, SRT 38 days) of the operating conditions evalu-
30 m2 total filtering area). The filtration process was studied from ated in the plant.
experimental data obtained from MT1 (operated recycling contin- In addition, several simulation scenarios were calculated in or-
uously the obtained permeate to the system), whilst the biological der to assess the AnMBR performance within the whole range of
process was studied using experimental data obtained from MT2 temperature (17–33 °C) and SRT (30–70 days) evaluated in this
(operated for the biological process without recycling the obtained study. Simulation results were obtained using the WWTP simulat-
permeate). Hence, different 20 °C-standardised transmembrane ing software DESASS [9]. This simulation software features the
fluxes (J20) were tested in MT1, without affecting the hydraulic mathematical model BNRM2 [10], which was previously validated
retention time (HRT) of the plant. using experimental data obtained in the AnMBR plant. Fig. 1 shows
In addition to conventional membrane operating stages the resulting effluent COD without including dissolved methane
(filtration, relaxation and back-flushing), two additional stages concentration (see Fig. 1a); total methane production (see
were considered in the membrane operating mode: degasification Fig. 1b); and sludge production (Fig. 1c) for the different tempera-
and ventilation. Further details on this AnMBR can be found in ture and SRT conditions simulated.
Giménez et al. [5] and Robles et al. [8]. Influent sulphate concentration. The effect of the influent sul-
2.2. AnMBR operating conditions phate on the AnMBR operating cost was also evaluated. As men-
tioned before, the UWW fed to the AnMBR plant was characterised
The AnMBR plant was operated for around 920 days within a by relatively low COD and high sulphate concentrations
wide range of operating conditions for both filtration and biologi- (see Table 1). Therefore, an important fraction of the influent COD
cal process. was consumed by SRB. To be precise, the sulphate content in the
influent was approx. 105 mg S–SO4 L1, from which approx. 98%
2.2.1. Filtration process was reduced to hydrogen sulphide (around 103 mg S–SO4 L1).
Five operating scenarios related to filtration process (FP1-FP5) Therefore, about 206 mg L1 of influent COD were consumed by SRB.
were considered to evaluate the energy consumption of the AnMBR The results obtained in this study were compared to the theoret-
plant (see Table 2). As Table 2 shows, the main operating conditions ical results obtained in an AnMBR system treating low-sulphate
in these five scenarios were as follows: transmembrane pressure UWW (10 mg S–SO4 L1). To this aim, the methane production
(TMP) during filtration: from 0.09 to 0.35 bar; J20 from 9 to 20 when treating low-sulphate UWW was calculated on the basis of
LMH; MLTS entering the membrane tank: from 12.5 to 32.5 g L1; the theoretical methane yield under standard temperature and
sludge recycling flow in anaerobic reactor and membrane tank pressure conditions: 350 LCH4 kg1 COD. Table 4 shows the theoret-
ical methane production (including both biogas methane and meth-
ane dissolved in the effluent) obtained for cases BP33 °C, SRT 70 days,
Table 1
Average characteristics of AnMBR influent. BP22 °C, SRT 38 days and BP17 °C, SRT 30 days when treating low-sulphate
UWW (10 mg S–SO4 L1). The distribution between gas and liquid
Parameter Mean ± SD
phase of the produced methane was established on the basis of
Treatment flow rate (m3 day1) 3.2 ± 0.7 the experimental distribution obtained in the AnMBR plant.
TSS (mg L1) 313 ± 45
VSS (mg L1) 257 ± 46
COD (mg L1) 650 ± 147 2.3. Analytical monitoring
SO4–S (mg L1) 105 ± 13
NH4–N (mg L1) 35 ± 3 The following parameters were analysed in mixed liquor and
PO4–P (mg L1) 4±1 influent stream according to Standard Methods [11]: total solids
(TS); total suspended solids (TSS); volatile suspended solids
32 R. Pretel et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 126 (2014) 30–38
Table 2
Main operating conditions in scenarios FP1–FP5.
TMP: transmembrane pressure; J20: 20 °C-standardised transmembrane flux; MLTS: mixed liquor total solids; SRFMT and SRFMT: sludge recycling flow to membrane tank and
anaerobic reactor, respectively; SGDm: specific gas demand per square metre of membrane area; and BRFAnR: biogas recycling flow to anaerobic reactor.
Table 3
Operating temperature (T) and sludge retention time (SRT), total methane production (VCH4), biogas methane (VCH4,biogas), and methane dissolved in the effluent (VCH4,effluent) per
m3 of treated water, and sludge production, for cases BP33 °C, SRT 70 days, BP22 °C, SRT 38 days and BP17 °C, SRT 30 days.
T (°C) SRT (days) VCH4 (biogas + effluent) (L m3) VCH4,biogas (L m3) VCH4,effluent (L m3) Sludge production (kg TSSkg1 COD removed)
BP33 °C, SRT 70 days 33 70 41.1 26.5 14.6 0.16
BP22 °C, SRT 38 days 22 38 16.8 8.4 8.4 0.43
BP17 °C, SRT 30 days 17 30 8.5 1.4 7.1 0.55
(VSS); sulphate (SO4–S); nutrients (ammonium (NH4–N) and calculated by applying the corresponding theoretical equations
orthophosphate (PO4–P)); and chemical oxygen demand (COD). (Eqs. (1)–(3), respectively).
The methane fraction of the biogas was measured using a gas chro- " a1 #
matograph equipped with a Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID, J ðM R T gas Þ p2 a
PB ¼ 1 ð1Þ
Thermo Scientific) in accordance with Giménez et al. [5]. The S ða 1Þ gblower p1
dissolved methane fraction of the effluent was determined in
accordance with Giménez et al. [12]. AMPTSÒ (Automatic Methane where PB is the blower power requirement (adiabatic compression),
Potential Test System, Bioprocess Control) was employed for eval- M (mol s1) is the molar flow rate of biogas, R (J mol1 K1) is the
uating the biochemical methane potential (BMP) of the wasted gas constant for biogas, P1 (atm) is the absolute inlet pressure, P2
sludge. Due to the low microbial activity of this sludge, BMP tests (atm) is the absolute outlet pressure, Tgas (K) is the biogas temper-
were inoculated using biomass coming from the anaerobic digester ature, a is the adiabatic index and gblower is the blower efficiency.
of the Carraixet WWTP. VSS and TSS levels in the wasted sludge P1 and M were taken from the data obtained in the AnMBR plant;
were measured at the beginning and at the end of the BMP test, P2 and Tgas were calculated by the simulation software; and a value of
allowing the percentage of biodegradable volatile suspended solids 0.8 was considered for gblower as a theoretical typical value.
(%BVSS) to be calculated. In this study, the sludge stabilisation cri- J
terion was set to 35% of BVSS. Pg ¼ qimp qliquor g
nh i o
ðLþLeq Þf V 2 ðLþLeq Þf V 2
asp: þ D2g
imp: þ ½Z 1 Z 2
2.4. Energy balance description ð2Þ
The energy balance of the AnMBR system consisted of: power where Pg is the power requirement by the general pump, consider-
requirements (W), and energy recovery from both biogas methane ing both pump aspiration and pump impulsion section, calculated
(Ebiogas) and methane dissolved in the effluent (Edissolved methane). The from the impulsion volumetric flow rate (qimp. in m3 s1), liquor
heat energy term (Q) was assumed negligible since the process was density (qliquor in kg m3), acceleration of gravity (g in m s1), pipe
evaluated at ambient temperature conditions. length (L in m), pipe equivalent length of the punctual pressure
Therefore, the AnMBR energy consumption was evaluated in drops (Leq in m), liquor velocity (V in m s1), friction factor (f,
this study assuming the following terms: (1) energy consumption dimensionless), diameter (d in m), difference in height (Z1–Z2, in
when non-capture of methane is considered; (2) net energy con- m) and pump efficiency (gpump).
sumption including energy recovery from biogas methane; and qimp and qliquor were taken from the data obtained in the AnMBR
(3) net energy consumption including energy recovery from both plant; L, Leq, D and Z1–Z2 were taken from the dimensions of the
biogas methane and methane dissolved in the effluent. AnMBR plant; V and f were calculated by the modelling software;
The equipment considered in the W term consisted of the fol- and a value of 0.8 was considered for gpump as a theoretical typical
lowing: one anaerobic reactor feeding pump; one membrane tank value.
sludge feeding pump; one anaerobic reactor sludge mixing pump;
one permeate pump; one anaerobic reactor biogas recycling J qstage TMP stage
Pstageðfiltration; degasification or backflushingÞ ¼ ð3Þ
blower; one membrane tank biogas recycling blower; one rotofil- S gpump
ter; and one dewatering system.
where Pstage is the permeate pump power requirement during filtra-
The energy requirements for each of the scenarios evaluated in
tion, degasification or back-flushing calculated from transmem-
this study were calculated using the simulation software DESASS,
brane pressure (TMPstage in Pa), pump volumetric flow rate
which includes a general tool that enables calculating the energy
(qstage in m3 s1) and pump efficiency (gpump).
consumption of the different units comprising a WWTP.
TMPstage and qstage were taken from the data obtained in the
AnMBR plant.
2.4.1. Power requirements (W) To calculate the net power required by the permeate pump
As proposed by Judd and Judd [13], the energy consumption (Ppermeate), the sum of the power consumed in the following four
related to pumps and blowers (adiabatic compression), was membrane operating stages was considered: filtration (Pfiltration),
R. Pretel et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 126 (2014) 30–38 33
40 The energy consumption related to the rotofilter was obtained
Concerning sludge handling, centrifuges with an average power
32 consumption of 45 kW h t1 TSS [15] were selected in our study as
10 29 sludge dewatering system.
0 23
65 60
55 50 20 2.4.2. Energy recovery from methane
45 40
35 30 17 Since microturbines can run on biogas, they were selected as
days) combined heat and power (CHP) technology [16]. Microturbine-
(a) based CHP technology has an overall efficiency of around 65.5%,
assuming power energy efficiency of about 27% (see Eq. (4)).
rific power.
It must be said that methane dissolved in the effluent was con-
20 sidered to be captured for obtaining power energy by using the
32 Microturbine-based CHP system. Theoretical capture efficiency
10 29 for the dissolved methane of 100% was considered in order to as-
0 23
65 60
55 50 20
45 40
35 30 17 2.5. Operating cost assessment
The operating cost analysis was limited in this study to net en-
(b) ergy demand, and sludge handling and recycling to land.
The net energy demand in scenarios FP1-FP5 was evaluated for
cases BP33 °C, SRT 70 days, BP22 °C, SRT 38 days and BP17 °C, SRT 30 days
assuming, as previously mentioned, the following terms: (1) non-
capture of methane; (2) energy recovery from biogas methane;
and (3) energy recovery from both biogas methane and methane
kg TSS·kg COD rem
0.0 23
65 60 Polyelectrolyte [19]. The produced sludge was considered to be
55 50 20
45 40 used as a fertiliser in agricultural land. The assumed cost for sludge
35 30 17
SRT ( recycling to land was €4.81 per t TSS [19].
Fig. 1. AnMBR performance at different temperature and SRT conditions: (a) 3.1. Overall process performance
effluent COD (without including dissolved methane concentration); (b) total
methane production (VCH4) (biogas methane and methane dissolved in the
effluent); and (c) sludge production measured in kg TSSkg1 COD removed.
Fig. 2 shows the 20 °C-standardised membrane permeability
(K20) and the MLTS level in the anaerobic sludge fed to the mem-
brane tanks during 920 days of operation. Both K20 and MLTS are
Table 4
Theoretical methane production (VCH4), biogas methane (VCH4,biogas), and methane dissolved in the effluent (VCH4,effluent) per m3 of treated water for cases BP33 °C, SRT 70 days, BP22 °C,
SRT 38 and BP17 °C, SRT 30 days when treating low-sulphate UWW.
Table 5
Power requirements in scenarios FP1–FP5.
Scenario Total energy Permeate Membrane tank biogas Membrane tank sludge Stirring power Anaerobic reactor Rotofilter
consumption pump (%) recycling blower (%) feeding pump (%) reactor (%) feeding pump (%) (%)
(k Wh m3)
FP1 0.44 2.34 73.15 14.54 8.20 0.52 1.25
FP2 0.32 1.26 73.18 14.69 8.43 0.72 1.73
FP3 0.49 1.61 73.94 14.58 8.27 0.47 1.13
FP4 0.20 1.38 61.73 21.02 11.89 1.17 2.81
FP5 0.19 3.06 67.46 16.19 9.18 1.21 2.90
R. Pretel et al. / Separation and Purification Technology 126 (2014) 30–38 35
Fig. 3. Weighted average distribution for the AnMBR power requirements in scenarios: (a) FP1–FP3; and (b) FP4 and FP5.
operating strategy from an economical and environmental point of Therefore, operating at high ambient temperature and/or high
view including not only energy consumption but also investment SRT allows achieving significant energy savings whenever the
and maintenance costs. methane generated is captured and used as energy resource.
0.5 0.08
Operating cost ( /m 3)
Net energy demand (kWh·m -3 )
0.4 0.06
0.1 FP1 FP2 FP3 FP4 FP5
FP1 FP2 FP3 FP4 FP5 0.08
Operating cost ( /m 3)
Net energy demand (kWh·m-3)
0.3 0
0.2 (b)
0.1 0.08
Operating cost ( /m 3)
Fig. 4. Net energy consumption in scenarios FP1-FP5 for cases BP33 °C, SRT 70 days (j),
BP22 °C, SRT 38 ( ) and BP17 °C, SRT 30 days ( ) including energy recovery from: (a) 0
biogas methane; and (b) biogas methane and methane dissolved in the effluent. FP1 FP2 FP3 FP4 FP5
Therefore, the energy recovery from methane enables reducing
considerably the operating cost of AnMBRs treating sulphate-rich Fig. 5. Operating cost (net energy consumption and sludge handling and recycling
to land) in scenarios FP1–FP5 for cases BP33 °C, SRT 70 days (j), BP22 °C, SRT 38 days ( )
UWW at ambient temperature. This highlights the need of devel-
and BP17 °C, SRT 30 days ( ): (a) non-capture of methane; (b) energy recovery from
oping feasible technologies for capturing the methane dissolved biogas methane; and (c) energy recovery biogas methane and methane dissolved in
in the effluent stream not only to reduce its environmental impact the effluent.
(e.g. due to methane release to the atmosphere from the effluent),
but also to enhance the economic feasibility of AnMBR technology.
As previously commented, several simulation scenarios were
calculated in order to assess the AnMBR performance within the
whole range of temperature and SRT evaluated in this study.
l cost (€ /m )
Fig. 6 shows the simulation results regarding the theoretical influ- 0.08
ence of temperature and SRT on the AnMBR operating cost (when
treating sulphate-rich UWW), including energy recovery from 0.06
methane (biogas methane and methane dissolved in the effluent)
AnMBR operationa
and sludge handling and recycling to land. Specifically, this study 0.04
shows the results obtained for three SGDP levels (22.3, 33.4 and
14.4) corresponding to scenarios FP2, FP3 and FP4, respectively.
0.02 32
As shown in Fig. 6, from a biological process perspective, the oper- 29
ating cost is reduced when temperature and/or SRT increase; 26
low-sulphate UWW in comparison with treating high-sulphate demand of around 0.34 and 0.55 kW hvm3, which is low com-
UWW. For instance, for scenario FP5 and case BP33 °C, SRT 70 days, pared to the consumption of other full-scale municipal aerobic
the operating cost could be reduced from €0.017 per m3 (see MBRs (e.g. Running Springs MBR WWTP, USA, consuming around
Fig. 5c) to €0.001 per m3 (see Fig. 7c) when recovering energy from 1.3–3 kW h m3). On the other hand, the conventional activated
biogas methane. This highlights the possibility of improving the sludge system in Schilde (Belgium) consumed 0.19 kW h m3
feasibility of AnMBR technology when treating low/non sulphate- [21]. In our study, the theoretical minimum energy requirements
loaded wastewaters. treating sulphate-rich UWW resulted in 0.07 kW h m3. Therefore,
Mention must also be made of the potential of AnMBR to be net from an energy perspective, AnMBR operating at ambient temper-
energy producer (surplus electricity that can be exploited in other ature is a promising sustainable system compared to other existing
parts of the WWTP) when treating low-sulphate UWW. Specifi- urban wastewater treatment technologies. Nevertheless, it is
cally, Fig. 7c shows that when methane is captured from both bio- important to consider that the energy demand from the AnMBR
gas and effluent, scenario FP5 presents very low operating cost system evaluated in our study does not take into account the en-
(€0.006 per m3) for case BP17 °C, SRT, 30 days; whilst this cost de- ergy needed for nutrient removal, which it is considered in the
creases up to €0.002 per m3 for case BP22 °C, SRT 38 days. Moreover, wastewater treatment plants that has been mentioned as
null operating cost (or even income if the surplus energy is references.
exploited and/or sold to the market) could be achieved for case According to Xing et al. [22], sludge production in activated
BP33 °C, SRT 70 days: theoretical maximum benefit of up to €0.014 sludge processes is generally in the range of 0.3–0.5 kg TSSkg1
per m3. CODREMOVED. As expected, low/moderate amounts of sludge were
Therefore, in mild/warm climates (i.e. tropical or Mediterra- obtained in our study (0.16, 0.43 and 0.55 kg TSSkg1 CODREMOVED
nean), AnMBR technology is likely to be a net energy producer for cases BP33 °C, SRT 70 days, BP22 °C, SRT 38 days and. BP17 °C, SRT 30 days,
when treating low/non sulphate-loaded wastewaters: a theoretical respectively). Moreover, the produced sludge was considered sta-
maximum energy production of up to 0.11 kW h m3 could be ob- bilised, which allows, as mentioned before, its direct disposal on
tained by capturing the methane from both biogas and effluent. farmland without requiring further digestion.
According to recent literature [13], the full-scale aerobic MBR The results obtained reinforce the importance of optimising
from Peoria (USA) has a membrane and total aeration energy SGDP and SRT (for given ambient temperature conditions) to mini-
mise the energy requirements of AnMBRs treating sulphate-rich
UWW (minimum value: 0.07 kW h m3). Operating at high ambient
Operating cost ( /m 3)
This research work was possible thanks to projects CTM2011-
28595-C02-01/02 (funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy
0 and Competitiveness jointly with the European Regional Develop-
FP1 FP2 FP3 FP4 FP5 ment Fund) and aqualia INNPRONTA IISIS IPT-20111023 (partially
(b) funded by the Centre for Industrial Technological Development
(CDTI) and supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and
0.08 Competitiveness).
Operating cost ( /m 3)
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