Cover Letter
Cover Letter
Cover Letter
Department Name
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Please accept this letter and corresponding resume for consideration for the [Enter Job Title
Here] at [Enter Institution Here]. I am strongly interested in this position as a result of my
experience as a Graduate Assistant of Orientation and Transition Programs within First Year
Experience at the University of Central Florida.
When I began my Higher Education journey, I quickly developed a passion for assisting
incoming students with their transition to the University and serving as a bridge to their new
adventure. My experiences are what opened doors for me throughout my undergraduate career
and are what built a foundation for what I could accomplish as a graduate student. My
assistantship and academic curriculum have shaped my understanding of campus politics and
provided new opportunities to connect with the contemporary college student. Moreover, I have
acquired skills that have been used as tools necessary for community enhancement and student
development, as well as strategic thinking in navigating new and unexpected challenges.
In my current role within First Year Experience, I enjoy the opportunity to use my creative
energy to develop unique and engaging experiences for both current and incoming students. I
feel fueled by finding ways to energize our students and help them feel confident and excited as
they embark on their own journey through college. This position at [Enter Institution Here] will
allow my skills of being a strategic thinker, a great communicator, and an activator to provide
students with the best onboarding experience possible.
Casey Mashburn