Design and Analysis of A 5-Axis Gantry CNC Machine
Design and Analysis of A 5-Axis Gantry CNC Machine
Design and Analysis of A 5-Axis Gantry CNC Machine
1 Introduction
The fast and competitive development of aerospace, automotive and die/mould industries
drive machine tool companies to offer better solutions for heavy-duty machining
applications. Gantry-type machine tools are one of the most suitable structures with
expandable machining span, significant structural rigidity properties and motional precision
and accuracy promises [1]. A competitive heavy-duty 5-axis gantry milling machine can
process workpieces that are ranged from 16 to 20 tones, with 8 to 10 µm axial precision at
X and Y of machine coordinates, while positional accuracy ranges from 10 to 15 µm for
these axes. Generally, fork head spindle structures are employed for heavy-duty 5-axis
gantry-type milling machines with 95 to 120 degrees rotation capacity at A-axis, while C-
axis can rotate 360 degrees. Axial and positional accuracy/precision of Z column can
change between 3 and 5 µm.
In this study, the subjected 5-axis milling machine has X-axis (gantry) with length of
6700 mm. Similarly, Y-axis has a length of 3500 mm Thus, there must be three main
considerations as well as the other considerations mentioned in [2]: i) production technique
of the machine tool components and material selection, ii) structural reliability and
stiffness, iii) thermal behaviour and robustness.
Generally, welded or casted components are employed for the construction of gantry-
type milling machines. The usage of welded components and joints-especially during the
construction of machine base and main frames- is an emerging trend due to lower
manufacturing costs compared to casted complex machine tool parts [3,4]. Moreover,
welding techniques allow usage of carbon-fiber based composites in machine tool
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MATEC Web of Conferences 318, 01019 (2020)
MATEC Web of Conferences 318, 01019 (2020)
are inserted during the casting process. The pipeline locations for main frame cooling can
be seen on the manufactured prototype in Fig.1d.
Fig.1: CAD data of the 5-axis CNC with general machine coordinates, a.) Target features b.) The
pretensions on the gantry surface due to casting, and casted rails of linear guideways, c) The rack and
pinion system used for linear motion system, d) The pipeline locations for the cooling of main frame.
3 FE Analyses
The CAD model of the assembly is simplified and composed of 377 parts in total.
14,117,354 pyramid mesh elements are employed with 2,538,140 nodes after Jacobian and
skew ratio checks. The pure penalty algorithm (prone to assign higher contact stiffness
values [13]) is employed with 0.2 relaxation tolerance on the contact interfaces.
MATEC Web of Conferences 318, 01019 (2020)
compared to regular-sized machine tools. However, it is an expected result when the large
sizes of the CNC structure are considered.
Fig.2: i.) a) The total static deformation of the CNC under gravitational force at the worst position.
The directional static deformation results b) X-axis, c) Y-axis, d) Z-axis. ii.) The mode shapes of the
FE analysis. a) 1st Mode (21.8 Hz), b) 2nd Mode (23.9 Hz), c) 3rd Mode (41.8 Hz), d) 4th Mode (43.8
Hz), e) 5th Mode (64.2 Hz), f) 6th Mode (69.3 Hz) shapes.
The mode shapes are indicated in Fig.2 ii.) a, b, c, d, e and f. The 1st mode shape is 21.8
Hz and makes a swinging motion along X-axis. The 2nd mode shape is 23.9 Hz, and it
demonstrates a leaning motion along Y-axis. These two adjacent modes prove the casted
mono-block structures behave like a single-volume structure. The 3rd mode is around 41.8
Hz and shows torsional features which is undesired for machine tool design. The 4th mode
shape is 43.8 Hz which caused from the gantry structure. The 5th and 6th modes are detected
as 64.1 Hz and 69.3 Hz, respectively. These mode shapes are related with the Z column and
gantry structures. The natural frequencies predicted by FE is expected to be lower after the
4th mode due to contact parameters, since the related modes are related with linear guides
and connection elements, however, the used contact algorithm is prone to assign higher
contact stiffness values [13].
4 Experimental Investigation
MATEC Web of Conferences 318, 01019 (2020)
most flexible mode of the spindle in the Y direction is 2 times weaker than the most flexible
mode in the X direction.
Table 1: The Comparison of the results obtained from the FE and impact hammer tests for the body
columns (PCB 626B03 accelerometer, PCB 086C05 oversized hammer)
The results obtained by the Impact Hammer Test
obtained by Natural Frequency Modal Stiffness Damping Ratio Receptance of
the FEM (Hz) (Hz) (N/m) (%) FRF (µm/N)
1st Bending 21.8 18.4 3.6 x 108 2.1 0.022
1st Torsional 41.8 48.8 4.8 x 109 0.9 0.011
Table 2: The Comparison of the results obtained from the FE and impact hammer tests for the gantry.
(PCB 626B03 accelerometer PCB 086C05 oversized hammer)
Natural The results obtained by the Impact Hammer Test
Modes Frequencies
obtained by the Natural Modal Stiffness Damping Ratio Receptance of
FEM (Hz) Frequency (Hz) (N/m) (%) FRF (µm/N)
1st Bending 43.8 50.1 2.46 x 1010 0.15 0.028
1st Torsional 64.2 84.6 1.33 x 1010 1.30 0.005
Table 3: The top 3 most flexible modes of the Spindle and Z column measured by Impact Hammer
tests. (PCB 353B33 accelerometer, PCB 086C05 hammer)
MATEC Web of Conferences 318, 01019 (2020)
Fig.3: a.) Linear Axial Velocities, b.) Linear Axial Accelerations, c) Linear Axial Jerk profiles of X,
Y, Z axes for a 5-mm translation; e.) Rotational Axial Velocities, d.) Rotational Axial Accelerations,
f) Rotational Axial Jerk profiles of A and C axes for 3° rotation.
5 Conclusions
Design and analysis methods are presented for a gantry-type machine tool with large sizes.
The significance of casted mono-block components is emphasized to enable the structural
rigidity during the manufacturing of these massive structures. Casting-method benefited
design strategies are proposed to maintain the stiffness values to build a large-sized gantry-
type CNC machine tool. The effectiveness of the proposed methods was evaluated by FE
analyses and experiments special to machine tools on the manufactured prototype. The
results indicate competitive performance by using the proposed casting-method benefited
design strategies.
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