Leveraging Sustainability of Heis in Malaysia Through Lean and Green Strategies: A Literature Review and Research Agenda

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International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4.

15) (2018) 213-218

International Journal of Engineering & Technology

Website: www.sciencepubco.com/index.php/IJET

Research paper

Leveraging Sustainability of HEIs in Malaysia through Lean

and Green Strategies: a Literature Review and Research
Gusman Nawanira, Lee Khai Loona, Fatimah Mahmud a, Lim Kong Teongb
Faculty of Industrial Management, Universiti Malaysia Pahang,Lebuhraya Tun Razak, 26300 Gambang, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia.
School of Technology Management and Logistics, Universiti Utara Malaysia, 06010 Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia


The journey towards sustainable development (SD) in Malaysia was started since the 1970s. Afterwards, a Malaysian New Economic
Model (NEM) was formulated to pursue SD targeting high income, inclusivity and sustainability, which is in line with the 2030 SD
agenda. Based on the goals of NEM, the Eleventh Malaysia Plan 2016-2020 (11MP) was developed. One of the 11MP coverage areas is
education. In order to be sustainable, Malaysian higher-education institutions (HEIs) committed to corroborate this agenda by articulating
an obligation to embrace the sustainability principles. However, within the Malaysian academic setting, it is still in its infancy, as most of
the studies were constrained within the context of single university. In addition, to what extent the planning, strategies, and approaches
for HEIs sustainability have been implemented tended to be neglected. Consequently, SD in HEIs is still far from being integrated into a
holistic manner by policy makers. This paper extensively reviews the literature regarding the SD in the context of HEIs and provides
some ideas for the future research leading towards the development of a comprehensive framework for sustainability development in
Malaysian HEIs. Expectedly, this study could benefit policy makers, key players, and universities top management to progress towards
sustainable university in an effective and efficient manner. It may strengthen the discourse on the implementation of SD initiatives within
the Malaysian HEIs.

Keywords: Lean University, Green University, Sustainable Development, University Sustainability, Higher Education Institutions,

organizational sustainability. Lean focuses on doing more with

less 12 in terms of waste (i.e., non-value added activities), energy,
1 Introduction and resources while targeting flexibility, quality, productivity,
customer satisfaction, and sustainability. On the other hand, green
Higher education institutions (HEIs) in Malaysia have shown strategies target elimination of negative impacts of activities on
strong commitment to corroborate the Malaysian 2030 agenda for natural environment 13, which demand a new paradigm that allows
SD. As stated in the Education Blueprint (Higher Education) businesses to cultivate environmental performance 14. Several
2015-2025 1, one of the national overriding aspirations is to ensure studies, especially in manufacturing industries, have attempted to
financial sustainability. In this attempt, Malaysian HEIs integrate the two principles and proved to be powerful to enhance
articulated an obligation to embrace the SD principles 2. organizational performance 15,16. Even though its impact is
Accordingly, it has been adopted by several universities 3,4. The indisputable, studies endeavored to integrate the two strategies to
HEIs have deliberated sustainability components in the campus enhance HEIs sustainability are still lacking. A recent study by
planning and management 4. Nowadays, this agenda continuously Caldera, et al. 11 highlighted that the lean and green concept is still
draws attention from societies (e.g., environmental protection relatively new, and it remains unclear for many as to how exactly
agencies and activists, NGOs, and university stakeholders). Even lean thinking can contribute to the sustainability transformation of
though this idea has been uttered into strategic policies, only few organizations. This study attempts to bridge this gap.
were moving toward sustainable campus 2. It is suspected due to To sum up, this study attempts to investigate the extent of the
the sustainability concept within the academic setting is still in its implementation of SD practices in Malaysian HEIs, while
infancy and continuously misunderstood 3 as most of the studies endeavoring to develop a holistic framework by integrating lean
were constrained in the context of single university, besides only and green practices. It is expected that the findings may shade
focusing on the implementation planning, strategies, and some light around the body of knowledge theoretically and
approaches 5-8. In other words, to what extent the sustainability practically through providing a better understanding on
practices have been implemented tends to be neglected. sustainability projects, practices and strategies. Since the issue of
Furthermore, facts and figures indicated that SD in HEIs is still far sustainable university is still relatively new in Malaysia 17, this
from being holistically integrated by policy makers. Some studies research may benefit the policy makers, key players, and
called for more investigations in order to provide a clearer universities top management to progress towards sustainable
picture on the ideas and integrate them into the education system. universities in an effective and efficient manner. Subsequently, the
Lean and green are two strategies that potentially leverage

Copyright © 2018 Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 214

study is also expected to strengthen the discourse on the set change, (2) infrastructure development, (3) teaching and
implementation of SD initiatives within HEIs in Malaysia. learning, (4) research themes, (5) management, and (6) operational
practices. This hints that consensus regarding the framework as
2 Literature Review well as strategies on SD is still lacking, that may create confusion
on its implementation. Accordingly, this study attempts to develop
a more comprehensive point of view on the SD in order to be
2.1 Sustainability in HEIs implemented holistically.
Sustainability has been becoming a worldwide concern for the 2.2 Sustainability in Malaysian Higher Education
university policy makers during the last decades. Multiple
initiatives to promote SD have been carried out throughout the Recently, in order to empower public HEIs, the Ministry of
world since its first declaration during the Stockholm Conference Higher Education (MOHE) of Malaysia has developed a policy
in 1972 9. Even though the early stage of its development, many that encourages universities to be independent and generates their
universities did not consider the sustainability to be relevant to own income by giving autonomy status to the universities. As is
their activities; recently, most of the universities all over the globe known, MOHE allocated 90 percent to finance the university's
have supported the notion that sustainability is the central of their operating expenses per year. While the remaining 10 percent is
undertakings 10,18-21. Nowadays, this agenda continuously draws financed from the students' education fees. However, as the
attention from wider societies, such as environmental protection autonomy status is given, especially for those who are in the
agencies and activists, NGOs, and university stakeholders. Research University category, they are required to manage their
Several definitions of sustainable university have emerged. One of own financial effectively and efficiently as well as generating their
the most popular definitions came from the work of Velazquez, et own income to finance their operating expenses. With the
al. 22, who defined it as “a higher educational institution, as a autonomy status, the universities need to ensure the
whole or as a part, that addresses, involves and promotes, on a implementation of financial governance such as the adoption and
regional or a global level, the minimization of negative implementation of policies, rules and procedures for financial
environmental, economic, societal, and health effects generated in sustainability and management, planning, control, financial
the use of their resources in order to fulfill its functions of reporting and monitoring as well as generating financial and
teaching, research, outreach and partnership, and stewardship in wealth resources more systematically. In addition, the universities
ways to help society make the transition to sustainable lifestyles”. should earn its own financial resources without relying on the
Abdullah, et al. 17 defined sustainability campus as “the changes in government’s financial supports.
campus operations, financial, administrative planning and policy, Be aware of that, a number of SD initiatives have been carried out
academic curricula, and research that facilitates positive in Malaysian HEIs as summarized in Table 1. Universiti
environmental changes”. Borrowing the idea from Alshuwaikhat Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) has become the most popular in the
and Abubakar 23; Larrán Jorge, et al. 24 argued that a sustainable topic of sustainable campus. The studies by Choy and Catherine
campus should be environmentally healthy, with a prosperous Lau 29, Darus, et al. 30, Fadzil, et al. 31, Kwami, et al. 6, and
economy through energy and resource conservation, waste Saadatian, et al. 28 have reported the UKM’s sustainable planning
reduction and efficient environmental management; it should and strategies. In Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Zen, et
promote equity and social justice and export these values to al. 8 have also discussed the strategy and approach of
community. These definitions clue that sustainability in HEIs institutionalizing university sustainability and sustainable energy
covers all the activities while considering their impacts on management program. Likewise, Low, et al. 7 reported the energy
economy, social, and environment. sustainability strategies in UTM. In a similar trend, sustainable
A university consists of municipal of individuals, which involves strategy in UMS was reported by Hussin and Kunjuraman 3. In
a variety of facilities and accomplishments. It manages a wide addition, Abd-Razak, et al. 2 and Abd-Razak, et al. 5 discussed the
range of facilities; buildings, dormitories, offices, restaurants and planning and challenges towards sustainable campus among four
other facilities required for its routine operations. At the same research universities (RUs) in Malaysia; UKM, Universiti Sains
time, to perform its daily activities, university consumes a lot of Malaysia (USM), Universiti Malaya (UM), and Universiti Putra
resources, such as energy, technology, machine and equipment, Malaysia (UPM). Based on this fact and figure, prior studies in
human being, capital, and many more. In this case, all the Malaysian HEIs have been contextualized on the limited number
university stakeholders must engage to understand and solve the of universities. In addition, the studies have been focusing on the
problem to ensure and advance its sustainability. This idea is in planning and strategies of SD implementation. Hence, there is a
line with Awuzie and Emuze 25, Too and Bajracharya 26 and broad gap to be bridged by this proposed study to investigate the
Weisser 18, who advocated the need for a holistic approach to current stage of SD initiatives and to develop its common
engage any community in SD. framework for Malaysian HEIs.
Few researches have been carried out to develop a framework of
university SD. The most notably is the work of Velazquez, et al. Table 1: Recent studies on campus sustainability in Malaysia
, who provided a framework consisting of four structured layers Context Author Focus areas
towards sustainable university, starting with developing UKM Choy and Catherine Policy and strategy for SD.
sustainability vision; formulating sustainability mission; Lau 29
establishing sustainability committee to create policies, targets, UKM Darus, et al. 30 SD planning & strategies.
and objectives; and lastly developing sustainable strategies. This UKM Fadzil, et al. 31 Sustainability assessment framework.
framework was then adapted by Mat, et al. 27 and suggested to be UKM Kwami, et al. 6 SD strategies.
implemented in the Malaysian HEIs. However, there are different UKM Saadatian, et al. 28 Campus SD practices.
interpretations among the scholars regarding the concept of SD in UKM Mat, et al. 27 Managing sustainable campus.
UTM Zen, et al. 8 Strategies of campus SD and energy
HEIs. Through their study contextualized in Malaysian Research
Universities, Saadatian, et al. 28 suggested five basic parts of SD; UTM Low, et al. 7 Energy sustainability strategies.
(1) sustainability in policy, planning and administrations (2) UMS Hussin and SD strategies.
sustainable courses and curricula (3) research and scholarship (4) Kunjuraman 3
university’s operations, and (5) outreach and services. Another RUs Abd-Razak, et al. 2, Planning & challenges towards
different perspective came from Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Abd-Razak, et al. 5 sustainable campus among four RUs
through the works by Hussin and Kunjuraman 3, which in Malaysia (UKM, USM, UM,
highlighted six main cores of EcoCampus action plan; (1) mind- UPM).
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 215

2.3 Lean University simultaneously as a total system potentially achieves higher

performance, particularly, environmental and operational.
Lean can mean “less” and at the same time “more”. Less in terms
of waste, design time, costs, fewer organizational layers and fewer 3 Research Agenda
suppliers per customer 32. On the other hand, lean can also mean
“more” in terms of more employee empowerment, more flexibility
and capability, more productivity, more quality, more customer 3.1 Research Framework
satisfaction, more long-term competitive success, and more
profitability 33. Eleven indicators of lean university developed Based on the literature review, a research model is proposed,
through an extensive review on literature will be used. They are including lean university practices and green university practices
value maximization, stakeholders’ involvement, waste as independent variables and university sustainability performance
identification, flow (workplace design for flow), work as a dependent variable. Generally, the research framework is
standardization, level and balance workloads, built-in quality, pull presented in Fig. 1. This framework is novel, as it accommodates
system, visualization, multifunctional employees, and continuous two strategies (i.e., lean and green) that have been already proven
improvement. effective in leveraging sustainability of various organizations. In
A few studies have reported the significant positive effects of the the future study, the each of the elements in the framework will be
lean implementation on the university performance 12,34-37. Balzer, detailed-up into individual practices and activities, and their
et al. 12 reported the benefits of lean university implementation in individual effects on sustainability performance will be revealed.
a number of universities in the US. The study noted its positive This may be different from previous studies, which did not look at
significant effects towards waste elimination, which subsequently the integration between two great strategies.
reduces operational costs of the universities. It is expected that its
implementation in Malaysian HEIs contributes significantly to the
sustainability of HEIs in Malaysia through its proven ability to Lean University
eliminate waste. Practices University
2.4 Green University Performance
Green University
Environmental concerns have contributed to organizations taking Practices
a proactive role to reduce the negative impacts of their activities as
well as to improve environmental efficiency of their operations,
Fig 1: Research Framework
while leveraging their financial objectives. This concern is
supported by methods of environmental operations management,
3.2 Theoretical Background
green operations, green supply chain, eco-design, green building,
sustainable value stream mapping, and life cycle assessment 38.
The research framework developed in this study is underpinned by
Few empirical studies have provided evidence regarding the Resource Based View (RBV), Activity Based View (ABV), and
significant effect of green initiatives towards sustainability of the
Theory of Complementarity. Literature presented had shown that
organizations 13,14,23,39,40 through reducing waste, energy
the RBV can complement organizational strategies strongly in
consumption, and improve well-being of the university
helping organizations to enhance performance and competitive
community. In this study, the five indicators used to assess the
advantage 45-48. The principles of RBV-organizational practices
university greenness proposed by UI GreenMetric 39 are used. The
serve as guidelines to help in understanding and determining the
five indicators are setting and infrastructure, energy and climate
practices that can maximize performance through its
change, waste, water, and transportation.
implementation. Hence, it is crucial to focus on the development
and selection of the important lean and green practices, which in
2.5 Integration of Lean and Green in HEIs turn, can improve sustainability performance significantly. In
determining the practices, the present study follows the criteria
The trend of today’s organizations is not only to improve its provided by Ketokivi and Schroeder 49 as follows, (1) the practices
operations, but also to enhance environmental efficiency. This are likely to satisfy the criteria for strategic resources; (2) the
requires more researches to discover the possible mixture of the practices have been theoretically or empirically associated with
lean and green principles, which were traditionally implemented one or more specific measures of organizational performance; and
individually with different objectives. Previous studies (such as (3) the practices and performance measures have been linked in
Cherrafi, et al. 16; Garza-Reyes 38; Chaplin, et al. 41; and Thanki recent literature.
and Thakkar 42) highlighted the compatibility of the two Although the RBV has been recognized as an excellent and
paradigms in several areas, such as manufacturing, product powerful approach to determine the strategic resources that can
development, supply chain. In general, prior studies suggested that significantly affect the performance, the theory is not without
lean and green are concurrent and thus are expected to effectively limitations50-52. Several studies have critically reviewed regarding
work together. However, literature shows the limited investigation the limitation of the RBV. Based on the rigorous literature review,
on this integration in the HEIs context. It is expected that the the RBV suffers from at least three factors. One is that the RBV
integration of these principles may shade a light for the future lacks of the link relating the resources (and capabilities) and value
HEIs sustainability, not only in Malaysia, but also the entire creation 51. In other words, it was not clear how strategic/potential
world. resources and capabilities contribute to value creation, since value
is a fundamental component to determine the competitive
2.6 Lean and Green Impact on Sustainability advantages. Sheehan and Foss 53 argued that the RBV lacks of the
concept of activities because it is primarily a concern to recognize
A number of researches have been dedicated to examine the strategic resources that can yield competitive advantage,
impact of individual and concurrent lean and green practices on meanwhile it has not reached its full potential in the field of
multiple measures of performance, such as sustainability, strategy and tends to be less transparent on how resources and
operations, and business performance. Several studies have also capabilities lead to value creation.
addressed the potential benefits of simultaneously adopting lean Secondly, according to Chan, et al. 52, the RBV focuses on taking
and green within organizations 16,38,41-44. Most of the studies away any strategic resources and capabilities rather than on
agreed that organizations that implement lean and green
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 216

complementarity among them, since a resource and activity hardly are still lacking in the literature. A case study would be
acts as a standalone in achieving a superior position. This reveals appropriate in the initial stage of the study. Using the purposeful
that there are inadequacy and limitation of the RBV in addressing sampling technique, a series of in-depth data collection (i.e.,
the relationships or interactions between company’s resources in interviews, focus group discussions, and document/website
enhancing the desired outcomes. Whereas, when resources have reviews) will be conducted. Tentatively, the five research
complementarities, it enhances their potential to increase universities in Malaysia (i.e., USM, UTM, UM, UPM, and UKM),
company’s performance and sustain competitive advantages 54. In will involve. A series of the semi-structured interviews will also
order to overcome the deficiencies of RBV, this study attempts to be carried out to the departments, which have high involvement in
adopt the ABV and complementarity theories. the SD initiatives, such as the department of development and
To ensure compatibility between the three theories, Sheehan and maintenance, bursary, registrar, etc. This qualitative data
Foss 53 provided guidance by relying on the objectives and collection will generate two types of qualitative data (i.e.,
underlying assumption of the theories. Sheehan and Foss 50 interviewer field notes, transcripts of interviews and document
strongly agreed that activities take the role in relating resources, reviews). Subsequently, the data will be analyzed with content
capabilities and strategic position in the competitive world. They analysis procedure
further revealed that a comprehensive view on value creation of following the analysis spiral suggested by Creswell 58. The
organizations can only be gained when the RBV and ABV point process of data analysis will be assisted by the qualitative data
of views are integrated. At one side, RBV ensures the strategic analysis software Atlas.ti.
and potential resources and capabilities, at another side ABV
emphasizes valuable activities leading to sustainable competitive 3.3.2 Quantitative Research Design
advantage. However, facts and figures indicated that several
activities are complemented among them; adopting one practice After the qualitative data analysis, the quantitative phase with a
can increase marginal returns of another, or vice-versa. Therefore, survey methodology will be conducted as an attempt to generalize
when the RBV, ABV, and complementarity theories are the qualitative findings. Specifically, this cross-sectional survey is
integrated, a comprehensive strategic framework of value creation addressed to: (1) determine the extent to which the HEIs in
and sustainable competitive advantage could be provided. Malaysia have implemented sustainability development, lean and
In summary, compatibility between RBV, ABV, and green practices, (2) examine the effects of lean and green practices
complementarity theories to support the framework is exhibited in on the sustainability of HEIs, and (3) propose a holistic framework
Fig.2. Based on the figure, lean and green practices are treated as for sustainability of Malaysian HEIs.
resources that fulfill all criteria of strategic resources suggested by A set measurement will be developed based on the results of the
Barney 55. Due to the lack of concept of activities in RBV 50,53, qualitative study with the support from the relevant literature. In
and lack of link relating the resources and value creation 51, the order to enhance the content validity, readability and brevity, the
ABV plays a role of translating the resources into activities. It is instrument will be reviewed by a number of specialists (i.e.,
very important because activities are a key link between resources academicians and practitioners) in the area of SD. The feedbacks
and strategic position as strategic resources were only valuable from the respondents will be used to develop the better instrument.
when placed into activities 56,57. Through a reciprocal relationship Organization (i.e., faculty and department) will be the unit of
between resources and capabilities, lean and green practices and analysis, with dean/deputy dean and head of departments who are
activities are continually improved and shaped. In other words, dealing with SD in HEIs as the element of unit of analysis. A total
creation of capabilities through lean and green practices and of 94 universities (i.e., 20 public and 74 private universities) 59 are
activities helps in deployment of organizations’ unique expected to involve. 500 faculties and departments will be
competencies. At the same time, improvement in practices and randomly selected and sent the survey.
activities would improve company’s capabilities. Three phases of quantitative data analysis are proposed. Firstly,
profiling of SD practices will be carried out, along with the
3.3 Research Agenda calculation of sustainability indices. Secondly, the relationships
among the variables will be examined by using the Structural
A sequential exploratory mixed method is planned, in which the Equation Modeling with SmartPLS 3.2.7. Finally, an integrated
research will be commenced qualitatively and will be followed by framework of Malaysian university sustainability will be
a quantitative approach to generalize the initial findings. developed and validated through expert reviews.

3.3.1 Qualitative Research Design

This stage is addressed to determine key indicators of lean, green,

and sustainability of HEIs as the indicators for the three concepts


RBV, ABV and
Act. L1
Lean ABV (e.g., skill,
Act. L2 Value University
Practices theory talent,
… creation Sustainability
Complemen- . knowledge, etc.
tarity theory .
. Act. G1
Green ABV
Practices Act. G2

Fig 2: Related Theories and Variables of the Study
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 217

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