The Transition From Informal To Formal Mathematical

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Journal of Educational Psychology

The Transition From Informal to Formal Mathematical

Knowledge: Mediation by Numeral Knowledge
David J. Purpura, Arthur J. Baroody, and Christopher J. Lonigan
Online First Publication, March 18, 2013. doi: 10.1037/a0031753

Purpura, D. J., Baroody, A. J., & Lonigan, C. J. (2013, March 18). The Transition From Informal
to Formal Mathematical Knowledge: Mediation by Numeral Knowledge. Journal of
Educational Psychology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1037/a0031753
Journal of Educational Psychology © 2013 American Psychological Association
2013, Vol. 105, No. 2, 000 0022-0663/13/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/a0031753

The Transition From Informal to Formal Mathematical Knowledge:

Mediation by Numeral Knowledge

David J. Purpura Arthur J. Baroody

Purdue University University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign

Christopher J. Lonigan
Florida State University

The purpose of the present study was to determine if numeral knowledge—the ability to identify Arabic
numerals and connect Arabic numerals to their respective quantities—mediates the relation between informal
and formal mathematical knowledge. A total of 206 3- to 5-year-old preschool children were assessed on 6
informal mathematics tasks and 2 numeral knowledge tasks. A year later, these children were assessed on 2
measures of formal mathematical knowledge, namely, the Woodcock-Johnson III Calculation Subtest and a
formal number combinations task. Mediation analyses revealed that the relation between informal and formal
mathematical knowledge is fully mediated by numeral knowledge, but only when both the skill of numeral
identification and an understanding of numeral to quantity relations are considered.

Keywords: mathematics, preschool, learning trajectory, informal, formal

Mathematical knowledge is a critical aspect of early development Early Mathematics Learning Trajectories
(Baroody, Lai, & Mix, 2006; Jordan, Hanich, & Uberti, 2003). It
The meaningful development of mathematical knowledge stems
provides a foundation for other academic abilities, as indicated by the
from constructing a systematic and well-interconnected web of
strong predictive relation between early mathematics achievement
mathematical concepts and skills (Baroody, 2003; Gersten &
and a broad range of later academic abilities (Duncan et al., 2007;
Chard, 1999; National Mathematics Advisory Panel, 2008). By
Geary, 1994; Jordan, Kaplan, Ramineni, & Locuniak, 2009; National
connecting new information to previously learned knowledge,
Mathematics Advisory Panel, 2008). Unfortunately, children who fall children are able to develop deep and flexible mathematical un-
behind their peers early in mathematics usually continue to develop at derstanding (Hatano, 2003; James, 1958; Piaget, 1964). This often
a slower rate than more advanced peers and are likely to remain entails learning mathematical concepts and skills in an empirically
behind them (Aunola, Leskinen, Lerkkanen, & Nurmi, 2004). The delineated sequence. Such a sequence of the development of
cumulative nature of early mathematics development—later compe- mathematical concepts and skills is called a learning trajectory
tencies building on earlier ones— underscores the need to identify key (Clements, 2007; Clements & Sarama, 2004; Gravemeijer, 2002).
early concepts and skills, determine how they develop, and elucidate Although significant work has been conducted to assess the de-
their developmental relations. By understanding how these key math- velopmental sequence of individual skills or concepts (Fuson,
ematical skills and concepts are developmentally interrelated, effec- 1988; Gelman & Gallistel, 1978) and to construct learning trajec-
tive classroom curricula and interventions can be constructed that tories of early mathematical knowledge (Clements & Sarama,
might aid in reducing, or even eliminating, later mathematics diffi- 2009; Sarama & Clements, 2009), prior work has been primarily
culties. focused on the development within specific constructs (e.g., how
children’s counting ability develops across time) or on relating
individual early skills to later skills (Aunio & Niemivirta, 2010;
Clarke & Shinn, 2004; Martinez, Missall, Graney, Aricak, &
Clarke, 2008; Muldoon, Lewis, & Freeman, 2009). What is needed
is an empirically validated structure of how mathematics skills or
David J. Purpura, Department of Human Development and Family
Studies, Purdue University; Arthur J. Baroody, College of Education,
concepts are related to broader transitions or phases of mathemat-
University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign; Christopher J. Lonigan, De- ical development.
partment of Psychology, Florida State University.
This work was supported by Institute of Education Science, U.S. De- A Key Transition in Early Mathematical Knowledge
partment of Education Grants R305B04074 to Christopher J. Lonigan and
The transition from informal everyday mathematical knowledge
R305B100017 to Arthur J. Baroody. Views expressed herein are solely
those of the authors and have not been reviewed or cleared by the grantors.
to formal school-taught mathematical knowledge is a particularly
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to David J. important juncture in mathematical development (Ginsburg, 1975;
Purpura, Department of Human Development and Family Studies, Purdue Greenes, Ginsburg, & Balfanz, 2004; Starkey, Klein, & Wakeley,
University, 1202 West State Street, Room 231, West Lafayette, IN 47907- 2004). This transition begins in preschool and kindergarten as
2055. E-mail: children begin to learn the written numbering system and leads to


the eventual use of mathematics as a vehicle for acquiring and binations (i.e., addition and subtraction problems presented as a
expressing knowledge in other domains such as science and engi- verbal or written expression or equation, such as “Two plus
neering (Basista & Matthews, 2002). Discussed in turn are defi- three,” “Three and two equals what?” and 2 ⫹ 3 or 3 ⫹ 2 ⫽ e).
nitions of informal and formal mathematics, why this transition is The Common Core State Standards (2011)—and the curricula
critically important, how numeral knowledge develops, the role that have been aligned with these standards—specify that kin-
such development plays in formal mathematical development, and dergarteners should be fluent with formal addition and subtrac-
the rationale for the present study. tion combinations up to five. Fluency with these formal com-
binations is one of the first aspects of formal knowledge that
children develop—typically beginning at the end of preschool
Informal Mathematics
and into kindergarten (National Mathematics Advisory Panel,
Informal mathematical knowledge is composed of those com- 2008). The National Mathematics Advisory Panel (2008) indi-
petencies generally learned before or outside of school, often in cated that children’s fluency with basic formal number combi-
spontaneous but meaningful everyday situations including play, nations is critical to long-term mathematics achievement. Kin-
and is characterized by the use of nonconventional and even dergartners’ fluency with formal number combinations is
self-invented symbols, strategies, or procedures rather than con- predictive of later mathematics achievement and learning dif-
ventional written symbols or algorithms (Ginsburg, 1977). Al- ficulties (Jordan et al., 2009; Jordan & Levine, 2009; Mazzocco
though aspects of informal mathematical knowledge often do not & Thompson, 2005). Children’s formal mathematics skills have
require specific school-based instruction, these skills are malleable also been shown to be malleable through targeted interventions
and can be enhanced through appropriate and targeted instruction (Baroody, Eiland, Purpura, & Reid, 2012, in press; Clarke et al.,
(Arnold, Fisher, Doctoroff, & Dobbs, 2002; Baroody, Eiland, & 2011; Fuchs et al., 2009). However, the mechanism by which
Thompson, 2009; Clements & Sarama, 2007; Frye et al., 2013; the transition from informal to formal knowledge occurs is
Siegler & Ramani, 2008, 2009). unclear. To design and implement targeted interventions for
The central aspects of informal mathematics in the domain of formal mathematical knowledge, it is necessary to know, not
number and operations are flexibly connecting quantities to num- only what the key developmental precursors are, but how the
ber words and understanding the relations among these quantities. developmental precursors connect in their development to for-
It has been hypothesized that children go through three overlap- mal mathematical knowledge.
ping levels of informal mathematics development (Krajewski,
2008; Krajewski & Schneider, 2009): Level 1 ⫽ foundational The Relation Between Informal and Formal
skills— distinguishing among quantities (comparison of sets of
quantities) and learning to recite the verbal number word sequence
(verbal counting) are foundational skills that develop separately; A sizeable body of research has found that different aspects of
Level 2 ⫽ meaningful numbering skills—applying the count se- informal mathematics are important precursors to the acquisition
quence to fixed sets via one-to-one counting and linking specific of formal mathematics. For example, longitudinal work by Aunola
number words and quantities via cardinal number knowledge and et al. (2004) found that counting skills in preschool were predictive
verbal subitizing (understanding and representing that each num- of both performance level and growth of mathematics skills
ber word represents a distinct quantity; e.g., “three” indicates through second grade. Similarly, research by Aunio and Niemi-
●●●); and Level 3 ⫽ operations on verbal numbers— understand- virta (2010) found that both early counting skills and quantity
ing how actions on verbally represented numbers affect them (e.g., comparison skills in kindergarten were predictive of first grade
recognizing that the outcome of an addition word problem—not general mathematics. Stock, Desoete, and Royers (2007) found
involving 0 —is larger than either addend). The informal concepts that one-to-one counting was a significant marker of later mathe-
and skills from each of these levels are central to many state and matics difficulties, and VanDerHeyden, Broussard, and Cooley
national standards for early mathematics (Common Core State (2006) identified one-to-one counting in preschool as a strong
Standards, 2011; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, predictor of kindergarten mathematics skills. Other work has found
2000, 2006), because they are the developmental precursors to that the connection between number words and specific quantities
understanding and learning formal mathematics (Bryant, Bryant, (e.g., subitizing and cardinal number knowledge) is necessary for
Kim, & Gersten, 2006; Chard et al., 2005; Cross, Woods, & the attainment of more advanced mathematics (Kroesbergen, Van
Schweingruber, 2009; Frye et al., 2013; Geary, 1994; Ginsburg, Luit, Van Lieshout, Loosbroek, & Van de Rijt, 2009; Palmer &
Klein, & Starkey, 1998; Griffin & Case, 1997; Jordan et al., 2009; Baroody, 2011; Sarnecka & Carey, 2008). Finally, Jordan, Kaplan,
National Mathematics Advisory Panel, 2008). Locuniak, and Ramineni (2007) found that, among other variables,
verbal story problems and number combinations at kindergarten
accounted for a large amount of variance in predicting children’s
Formal Mathematics
mathematics skills as late as second grade. One concern with
Formal mathematical knowledge consists of those skills and existing research is the assumption that informal skills have a
concepts taught in school and include the use of conventional direct effect on the development of formal mathematics skills.
written numerical notation (e.g., Arabic numerals and opera- However, it is likely that another step in development, connecting
tion/equality signs) and written algorithms (e.g., multidigit ad- informal knowledge to the written symbols, is necessary for the
dition with renaming; Ginsburg, 1977). One of the first—and a acquisition of formal knowledge because it provides a bridge
particularly important—formal school mathematics skill is flu- between informal number and arithmetic knowledge and formal
ency with verbally or graphically presented basic number com- representations and procedures.

The Development of Numeral Knowledge Rationale for the Present Study

Although the acquisition of numeral names is a central part of Both informal knowledge and numeral knowledge have been
the development of numeral knowledge—and presumably one of found to be strong predictors of later mathematics achievement
the more common “mathematical” activities done in school and and appear to play key roles in the development of formal
home—it is critically important to recognize that the development mathematics. Baroody and Ginsburg (1990) suggested that chil-
of numeral knowledge extends beyond simply identifying or nam- dren who fail to successfully make this transition are at signif-
ing Arabic numerals. This development also involves connecting icant risk for later learning difficulties, even if their informal
the written symbols to distinct quantities (e.g., the numeral “4” is mathematical knowledge had been developing typically. How-
a way to represent the quantity ●●●●). Children’s ability to iden- ever, the means by which children’s informal knowledge and
tify written numerals and to connect written numerals with number numeral knowledge contribute to the development of formal
words and quantities have been found to be strong, if not the mathematics is not entirely clear. Thus, the goal of the present
study was to determine if informal knowledge directly contrib-
strongest, predictors of later formal mathematics ability (Bryant
utes to the development of formal knowledge or if this relation
et al., 2006; Clarke & Shinn, 2004; Chard et al., 2005; Griffin,
is mediated in some fashion by numeral knowledge. Further, a
Case, & Siegler, 1994; Lembke & Foegen, 2006; Lembke &
secondary goal was to determine the nature of such mediation
Foegen, 2009). However, Baroody and Wilkins (1999) indi-
by testing to see whether (a) the mapping of number word
cated that even though one of the first steps toward the devel-
names (which themselves have already been connected to quan-
opment of formal knowledge is learning how to read and write tities) onto the symbols alone was sufficient to make the con-
numerals, numeral knowledge could not be classified as either nection between informal and formal mathematics, (b) the con-
formal or informal knowledge because it does not strictly meet the nection between the quantities (which have already connected
definition of either. with the number words) and the symbols is sufficient to make
The development of aspects of numeral knowledge typically begins the connection between informal and formal skills, or (c) both
shortly after children start to develop aspects of their informal math- are necessary to make the connection between informal and
ematical abilities such as knowledge of the counting sequence and the formal mathematics. In aligning with the theoretical develop-
mapping of quantities onto number words (Krajewski & Schneider, ment presented earlier, it was hypothesized that numeral knowl-
2009; Sarama & Clements, 2009). Once children understand and edge would fully mediate the relation between informal and
recognize that numerals are distinct representations from other sym- formal mathematics and that the combination of both of the
bols (e.g., numerals and letters are different), they are able to begin to numeral knowledge components would be necessary to achieve
connect numeral names with the written symbols. Approximately full mediation.
one-quarter of children can identify the numerals 1 to 9 by the time
they turn 4 years old (Ginsburg & Baroody, 2003), and some children Method
even begin to identify the first numerals (e.g., 1 and 2) when they are
as young as 18 months (Fuson, 1988; Mix, 2009; Sarama & Clements, Participants
In the first year of this study, data were collected from 393
preschool children in 44 public and private preschools serving
Theoretical Role of Numeral Knowledge in Formal children from families of low to middle socioeconomic status
Mathematics Development living in Northern Florida. In the second year of the study, 206 of
the original children were tested again. Of these children, 112 had
Both informal knowledge (connecting number words and moved on to kindergarten and attended 28 different public or
quantities) and numeral knowledge (connecting number words private elementary schools in two counties. The other 94 children
and quantities to written symbols) have been shown to be moved on to their second year in preschool at 20 different public
independently related to formal mathematics knowledge (Head Start) or private preschools in two counties. The 206 chil-
(Aunola et al., 2004; Bryant et al., 2006; Clarke & Shinn, 2004). dren who completed the assessments at both time points were
However, some research has indicated that numeral knowledge evenly split by sex (51.9% female) and approximately representa-
acts as a ceiling on general mathematical knowledge, prevent- tive of the demographics of Northern Florida (60.2% Caucasian,
ing children from completing mathematical tasks above their 28.2% African American, and 11.6% other race/ethnicity). At
level of numeral knowledge (Sinclair, Siegrist, & Sinclair, Time 1, children ranged in age from 3.18 years to 5.88 years (M ⫽
1983). It also has been found that many children with mathe- 4.66 years, SD ⫽ 0.69 years). The children were primarily English
matics disabilities tend to have specific difficulties with the speaking and had no known developmental disorders. The children
symbolic numeral system (Rousselle & Noel, 2007), rather than who completed both testing points were not significantly different
with informal knowledge (Song & Ginsburg, 1987) or with on any of the Time 1 mathematics variables than the children who
did not complete the Time 2 assessment. Parental consent was
other cognitive domains (Butterworth & Reigosa, 2007)—indi-
obtained for each participating child.
cating that a deficit in an aspect of numeral knowledge devel-
opment (or deficits in both aspects of numeral knowledge) may
inhibit children’s successful acquisition of formal mathematics.
As such, numeral knowledge may act as a mediator in the Children were assessed on informal, numeral, and formal
development from informal to formal mathematical knowledge. knowledge tasks. These tasks were assessed as a part of a larger

battery of tests that took approximately three 20- to 30-min ses- Set to numerals. On the first three items in this task, children
sions at each time point. All tasks (except an achievement test that were presented with a numeral at the top of the page (e.g., 3) and
was one of the two tasks used to assess formal knowledge) were five sets of dots below (e.g., | ●●●● | ● | ●●● | ●● | ●●●●● |). They
developed as part of a broader measure (Purpura, 2010). Items on were instructed to identify which of the sets meant the same thing
each of the tasks from the broader measure were derived by a as the number at the top of the page. On the last two items of this
process using item response theory that ensured that each item was task, children were presented with a set of dots at the top of the
related to its intended construct (e.g., set comparison), had ade- page (e.g., ●●●●) and five numerals at the bottom (e.g., 4, 2, 3, 1,
quate discrimination (a parameter), and did not duplicate the 5). They were instructed to identify which of the numerals meant
difficulty level (b parameter) of other items on the same task. Raw the same thing as the set of dots at the top of the page. Children
total scores were used for each measure. were awarded one point for each correct response. This task had an
internal consistency of .80.
Tasks Administered at Time 1
Tasks Administered at Time 2
Informal mathematics tasks. Six tasks served to measure
informal knowledge. Formal mathematics skills tasks. Two tasks were used to
Verbal counting. Children were asked to count as high as pos- gauge basic formal knowledge. These tasks were selected because
sible. When a child made a mistake, or correctly counted to 100 they could be used to assess the most basic addition and subtraction
without making a mistake, the task was stopped. Spontaneous self- combinations. The primary differences between these tasks are in the
corrections were not scored as incorrect, and the child was allowed to presentation of the items and the method of response. In the first task,
continue counting. The highest number counted to was converted to a children are both shown and told the problem, for which they give a
score based on a 7-point scale. Children were awarded one point each verbal answer. In the second task, children are just shown the prob-
for correctly counting to 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 40, and 100. lem, and they are asked to give a written response.
One-to-one counting. Children were presented with a set of Number combinations. Children were presented with a for-
three, six, 11, 14, or 16 dots on a page and asked to count the set. mal addition problem (e.g., 1 ⫹ 1 ⫽) and asked, “How much is . . .
Children were awarded one point for each set if they correctly [stated the problem].” There were five total problems: 0 ⫹ 2 ⫽,
counted each dot only once. This task had an internal consistency 1 ⫹ 1 ⫽, 1 ⫹ 2 ⫽, 2 ⫹ 2 ⫽, 1 ⫹ 3 ⫽. For each correct response
(Chronbach’s alpha) of .79. children were awarded one point. This task had an internal con-
Cardinality. This task was assessed in the context of the sistency of .77. This measure was also administered in the first
one-to-one counting task. At the completion of the counting three, year of the study; however, overall performance on this task was
six, and 11 one-to-one counting items, children were asked to low (M ⫽ 1.19, SD ⫽ 1.50) suggesting that the majority of
indicate how many dots there were in all. Children were awarded children had little to no formal knowledge at Time 1.
one point if they restated the last number counted (“how many?”). Woodcock-Johnson III Calculation subtest (WJ-III Calc).
This task had an internal consistency of .75. The WJ-III Calc subtest is a paper-and-pencil arithmetic test where
Subitizing. Children were briefly presented (2 s) a set of children are asked to solve addition and subtraction problems and
pictures (set sizes from one to seven presented in a linear fashion; has been shown to have a median reliability of .92 for children
e.g., ●●●●) and instructed to say how many dots or pictures were 5–19 years old (Woodcock, McGrew, & Mather, 2001). Children
presented. For each correct response, children were awarded one were awarded one point for each correct answer.
point. This task had an internal consistency of .69.
Set comparison. For each of the six items, children were
presented with four sets of dots on a page representing different
quantities (e.g., | ●●● | ●● | ●●●● | ● |). They were then asked Assessment procedure. Preschoolers were assessed on the
which set had the most (three items) or fewest dots (three items). informal mathematics tasks and numeral knowledge tasks in the
Children received one point for pointing to the correct set. This spring of Year 1. Participants were assessed a year later (spring of
task had an internal consistency of .77. Year 2) on their formal knowledge when slightly over half of the
Story problems. Children were presented verbally with story children had advanced to kindergarten. Individuals who had either
problems that did not contain distracters (e.g., irrelevant informa- completed or were working toward completion of a bachelor’s
tion). These story problems were simple addition (three items) or degree conducted the assessments. The assessors each completed a
subtraction problems (four items) that were appealing to children. 2- to 3-hr training on the measures prior to each testing point
For example, one question was, “Johnny had one cookie and his (Time 1 and Time 2) and completed an extensive testing out
mother gave him one more cookie, how many cookies did he have process to ensure accuracy of administration. Assessments took
now?” Children were awarded one point for each correct response. place in the local preschools or kindergarten classrooms during
This task had an internal consistency of .71. noninstructional time in a quiet room designated by the individual
Numeral knowledge skill tasks. Two tasks served to measure school directors or teachers.
numeral knowledge. Analytic procedure. As the primary analytic method was to
Numeral identification. Children were presented with flash- conduct mediation analyses, data analysis was conducted in five
cards of nine numbers (1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 18). They were steps based on the recommendations of Baron and Kenny (1986) in
shown the flashcards one at a time and asked, “What number is conjunction with updated recommendations by Zhao, Lynch, and
this?” For each correct response children were awarded one point. Chen (2010). The first two steps were analyses of the direct effects
This task had an internal consistency of .90. of informal mathematical knowledge on (Step 1) numeral knowl-

edge and (Step 2) formal mathematical knowledge. The third step Table 1
was an analysis of the direct effects of numeral knowledge on Means, Standard Deviations, Range, Skewness, and Kurtosis of
formal knowledge when controlling for informal knowledge. The the Sum Scores of the Mathematics Tasks
fourth step was an evaluation of the mediation effects of numeral
knowledge on the relation between informal and formal mathe- Task M SD Rangea Skew Kurtosis
matical knowledge using the percentile bootstrap approach (rec- Testing Time 1
ommended by Zhao et al., 2010) rather than the Sobel test (rec- Informal mathematics
ommended by Baron & Kenny, 1986), because the percentile Verbal counting 3.43 1.83 0–7 .27 ⫺1.01
bootstrap approach is more powerful in detecting mediation effects One-to-one counting 3.33 1.50 0–5 ⫺.41 ⫺0.96
Cardinality 2.18 1.02 0–3 ⫺.96 ⫺0.34
than the Sobel test (Preacher & Hayes, 2004). The fifth step was a Subitizing 3.86 1.61 0–7 ⫺.26 0.01
comparison between the baseline model from step four and a Set comparison 3.92 1.89 0–6 ⫺.44 ⫺1.04
simpler model that did not include the direct effects of informal Story problems 3.36 1.96 0–7 .11 ⫺0.90
mathematical knowledge on formal mathematical knowledge. To Numeral knowledge
Number identification 5.35 3.06 0–9 ⫺.36 ⫺1.17
evaluate whether only one of the numeral knowledge variables by
Set to numerals 2.94 1.67 0–5 ⫺.36 ⫺1.10
itself was sufficient to mediate the relation between informal and
formal knowledge, these same steps were repeated two additional Testing Time 2
times, replacing the numeral knowledge latent factor with the Formal mathematics
individual numeral knowledge variables. All models in the analy- WJ-III calculation 3.62 3.72 0–16 .87 0.15
Number combinations 2.87 1.96 0–5 ⫺.27 ⫺1.51
ses were logically identified.
Note. N ⫽ 206. WJ-III ⫽ Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement (3rd
Results ed., Woodcock, McGrew, & Mather, 2001).
The range indicates both the possible and actual range of scores for all
tasks other than the WJ-III Calculation task. For the latter task, only the
Descriptive Statistics actual range is presented.
Means, standard deviations, skewness, and kurtosis for all vari-
ables are included in Table 1 and are presented by age group utilizes a random sampling with replacement approach to calculate
(younger children are those children who were still in preschool at a sampling of indirect effects. Indirect effects from each sampling
Time 2, and older children are those children who were in kinder- were then sorted from low to high and the highest and lowest 2.5%
garten at Time 2) in Table 2. All data are presented as raw scores. (when using a 95% confidence interval) were removed. Significant
The distributions of scores for all variables in this study were mediation effects are present if the confidence interval does not
normal.1 Correlations between the mathematics tasks that were contain 0. Mediation analyses showed significant mediation effects
assessed are presented in Table 3. No significant gender differ- of numeral knowledge on the relation between informal and formal
ences in preschool mathematics scores were found. When analyses mathematical knowledge. In Figure 1, the mediation model that
were conducted using age-regressed standard scores, the results includes a direct— but nonsignificant— effect of informal mathe-
were comparable to the analyses conducted with raw scores. As matical knowledge on formal mathematical knowledge is pre-
such, the results using raw scores are reported because the sented. Overall, the magnitude of the indirect effect of the medi-
scores are more interpretable. ation model (or amount of variance accounted for in formal
mathematical knowledge by the indirect effect) was large (R2 ⫽
Primary Analysis .81) and accounted for 98% of the total variance.
Step 5: Comparison of models to determine full or partial
Step 1: Direct effects of informal mathematical knowledge mediation. The model with the direct effect of informal mathe-
on numeral knowledge. Analyses of the relation between infor- matical knowledge on formal mathematical knowledge was then
mal mathematical knowledge and numeral knowledge indicated compared to the same model without the direct effect of informal
that informal mathematical knowledge significantly predicted nu- mathematical knowledge on formal mathematical knowledge in-
meral knowledge (␤ ⫽ 0.94, p ⬍ .001). cluded. In Table 4, the tests of model fits for both models are
Step 2: Direct effects of informal mathematical knowledge presented. Test of chi-square differences indicated no significant
on formal mathematical knowledge. Analyses of the relation difference between the models and all other fit indices were nearly
between informal mathematical knowledge and formal mathematical identical between the models. Given that no differences were
knowledge indicated that informal mathematical knowledge signifi- found between the model fits, the more parsimonious model (the
cantly predicted formal mathematical knowledge (␤ ⫽ .84, p ⬍ .001). full mediation model—the one with no direct effect of informal
Step 3: Direct effects of numeral knowledge on formal math- knowledge on formal knowledge) was selected as the preferred
ematical knowledge. Analysis of the relation between numeral model. In general, the model fit indices provide evidence that the
knowledge and formal mathematical knowledge, when controlling selected model provides a good fit to the data (Brown, 2006; Hu &
for the effects of informal mathematical knowledge, indicated that Bentler, 1999; Mueller & Hancock, 2010).
numeral knowledge significantly predicted formal mathematical
knowledge (␤ ⫽ .86, p ⫽ .038).
Step 4: Mediation effects of numeral knowledge on the All children were able to attempt the items on the WJ-III Calculation
test. Of the 206 children who participated in the study, 72 obtained a raw
relation between informal and formal mathematical score of 0 on the WJ-III Calculation test and 40 obtained a score of 0 on
knowledge. Significant mediation effects were determined the number combinations task. Importantly, only 27 total children (13%)
through use of the percentile bootstrap approach. This method obtained scores of zero on both tasks.

Table 2
Means, Standard Deviations, and Ranges of the Sum Scores of the Mathematics Tasks by Age

Younger children Older children

Task M SD Range M SD Rangea

Informal mathematics
Verbal counting 2.49 1.35 0–7 4.20 1.81 0–7
One-to-one counting 2.81 1.49 0–5 3.75 1.37 0–5
Cardinality 1.78 1.11 0–3 2.51 0.80 0–3
Subitizing 3.33 1.58 0–7 4.30 1.52 0–7
Set comparison 3.12 1.78 0–6 4.58 1.73 0–6
Story problems 2.52 1.66 0–6 4.05 1.93 0–7
Numeral knowledge
Number identification 4.06 3.01 0–9 6.41 2.68 0–9
Set to numerals 2.05 1.56 0–5 3.66 1.39 0–5
Formal mathematics
WJ-III calculation 1.13 2.08 0–10 5.67 3.53 0–16
Number combinations 1.65 1.60 0–5 3.88 1.64 0–5
Note. N ⫽ 206. WJ-III ⫽ Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement (3rd ed., Woodcock, McGrew, & Mather,
2001). Younger children n ⫽ 93, older children n ⫽ 113.
The range indicates both the possible and actual range of scores for all tasks except the story problems task for
the younger children and the WJ-III calculation task for both the younger and older children. For the story
problems task, the maximum possible correct was seven. The WJ-III calculation subtest is design for individuals
of all ages and thus, the scores presented only represent the actual range attained in this sample.

Mediation by Individual Numeral Knowledge Variables numerals task indicated that informal mathematical knowledge
The same series of mediation analyses were conducted using significantly predicted performance on the numeral identifica-
each of the numeral knowledge variables separately to determine if tion task (␤ ⫽ .74, p ⬍ .001) and significantly predicted
one aspect of numeral knowledge accounted for the mediation performance on the set-to-numeral task (␤ ⫽ .76, p ⬍ .001).
findings. Step 2: Direct effects of informal mathematical knowledge
Step 1: Direct effects of informal mathematical knowledge on formal mathematical knowledge. The results in this step are
on numeral knowledge variables. Analyses of the relation the same as were reported in the previous Step 2. Analyses of the
between informal mathematical knowledge and performance on relation between informal mathematical knowledge and formal
the numeral identification task and performance on the set-to- mathematical knowledge indicated that knowledge of informal

Table 3
Correlations Between the Sum Scores of All the Mathematical Knowledge Tasks

Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Testing Time 1
Informal mathematics
1. Verbal counting —
2. One-to-one counting .62 —
3. Cardinality .55 .72 —
4. Subitizing .41 .49 .43 —
5. Set comparison .52 .52 .51 .35 —
6. Story problems .52 .46 .49 .46 .62 —
Numeral knowledge
7. Numeral identification .55 .54 .55 .45 .55 .57 —
8. Set to numerals .60 .59 .54 .48 .58 .53 .65 —

Testing Time 2
Formal mathematics
9. WJ-III calculation .53 .46 .47 .39 .52 .60 .54 .52 —
10. Number combinations .53 .49 .49 .42 .54 .55 .62 .63 .68 —
Note. N ⫽ 206. WJ-III ⫽ Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement (3rd ed., Woodcock, McGrew, & Mather,
2001). All correlations were significant at p ⬍ .01.

Figure 1. The figure shows the mediation of numeral knowledge in the relation between informal and formal
mathematical knowledge. WJ-III ⫽ Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement (3rd ed.; Woodcock, McGrew, &
Mather, 2001). ⴱ p ⬍ .05. ⴱⴱ p ⬍ .01.

mathematical knowledge significantly predicted formal mathemat- individually, both performance on the numeral identification task
ical knowledge (␤ ⫽ .84, p ⬍ .001). and performance on the set-to-numerals task only partially medi-
Step 3: Direct effects of individual numeral knowledge vari- ated the relation between informal and formal mathematical
ables on formal mathematical knowledge. Analysis of the knowledge because the direct effect of informal knowledge on
relation between performance on the numeral identification task formal knowledge remained large and significant (see Figures 2A
and formal mathematical knowledge and between performance and 2B). In fact, in both of these analyses, informal knowledge
on the set-to-numerals task and formal mathematics, when accounted for the majority of the variance in formal knowledge.
controlling for the effects of informal mathematical knowledge, These findings suggest that the relation between informal and
indicated that performance on the numeral identification task formal mathematical knowledge is fully mediated by numeral
significantly predicted formal mathematical knowledge (␤ ⫽ knowledge but only when both aspects of numeral knowledge are
.20, p ⫽ .029) and performance on the set-to-numerals task considered together.
marginally significantly predicted formal mathematical knowl-
edge (␤ ⫽ .17, p ⫽ .079). Discussion
Step 4: Mediation effects of individual numeral knowledge
variables on the relation between informal and formal math- The results of this study indicate that the relation between
ematical knowledge. Significant mediation effects were deter- informal and formal mathematical knowledge is fully mediated by
mined through use of the percentile bootstrap approach. Mediation children’s numeral knowledge. Mapping both number-words and
analyses showed significant mediation effects of performance on quantities to the written symbols are necessary steps for children to
the numeral identification task on the relation between informal apply their formal mathematics knowledge to formal concepts.
and formal mathematical. Overall, the magnitude of the indirect Although prior research typically tied informal knowledge directly
effect of the mediation model was (R2 ⫽ .15) and accounted for to the development of formal knowledge (Aunola et al., 2004;
only 21% of the total variance. Mediation analyses also showed a Jordan, Kaplan, Locuniak, & Ramineni, 2007; Stock, Desoete, &
marginally significant mediation effect of performance on the Royers, 2007), the current findings indicate that there is no direct
set-to-numerals task. Overall, the magnitude of the indirect effect impact of informal mathematical knowledge on formal mathemat-
of the mediation model was small (R2 ⫽ .13) and accounted for ical knowledge. Rather, children must map their informal knowl-
only 19% of the total variance. These findings revealed that edge directly onto numeral knowledge, which then must be

Table 4
Fit Indices for the Mediation Models With and Without the Direct Effect of Informal
Mathematical Knowledge on Formal Mathematical Knowledge

Model ␹2 df CFI TLI RMSEA SRMR ␹2 dif

With direct effect 84.29 32 .95 .94 .09 .04 —

Without direct effect 84.29 33 .96 .94 .09 .04 0.00 (ns)
Note. N ⫽ 206. CFI ⫽ comparative fit index; TLI ⫽ Tucker-Lewis index; RMSEA ⫽ root-mean-square error
of approximation; SRMR ⫽ standardized root-mean-square residual. The dash indicates that, because the
comparison was made between the two models (e.g., the model without the direct effect was compared to the
model with the direct effect), there was only one analytic comparison.

Figure 2. A. The partial mediation of numeral identification on the relation between informal mathematical
knowledge and formal mathematical knowledge. B. The partial mediation of set-to-numerals task on the relation
between informal mathematical knowledge and formal mathematical knowledge. WJ-III ⫽ Woodcock-Johnson
Tests of Achievement (3rd ed.; Woodcock, McGrew, & Mather, 2001). ⴱ p ⬍ .05. ⴱⴱ p ⬍ .01.

mapped onto formal knowledge—suggesting that there is a devel- are not intended to discount the importance of the development of
opmental trajectory of these skills/concepts. Further, these results individual informal mathematics skills but, rather, put this devel-
indicate that a depth of numeral knowledge— both the ability to opment within a broader context because prior research has indi-
identify numerals and connect numerals to quantities—is neces- cated that individual informal mathematics skills are directly con-
sary to achieve the full mediation. Only partial mediation was nected to formal mathematical knowledge. For example, Aunola et
found when either the numeral identification task or the set-to- al. (2004) utilized various measures of counting knowledge to
numerals task was included in the model alone. This suggests that predict later general mathematics knowledge and found large and
both the procedural skill of identifying numerals and the concep- significant relations between counting skills and general mathe-
tual ability of understanding that each numeral represents a spe- matics skills. Such significant effects would be expected given that
cific quantity appear to represent necessary functions of the nu- the different counting skills are steps in the development of overall
meral knowledge domain—meaning, numeral knowledge may act mathematical abilities. However, it is critical to emphasize that
as a gatekeeper (or barrier) in the development of formal mathe- development of individual skills are steps in the broader acquisi-
matical knowledge. tion of mathematics and the findings of this study clarify one
These findings delineate an important learning trajectory under- critical step in the broader context.
scoring children’s mathematical growth across a critical develop- Not only do these findings build on prior models of mathematics
mental juncture by building on prior models of informal mathe- development and support Baroody and Wilkins’ (1999) assertion,
matics development (Krajewski & Schneider, 2009). Notably, the findings also fit the developmental framework and the theo-
these findings support a critical additional step not included in retical structure indicated by theories of meaningful mathematical
prior models of early mathematics acquisition. The mediational learning (Baroody, 1987; James, 1958; Piaget, 1964). In such
findings also help to explain why numeral knowledge skills are views, it is believed that children must be able to connect each type
often found to be even more highly correlated with formal math- of new mathematical information to existing knowledge to develop
ematics skills than are informal mathematics skills (with rs ⬎ .60; their mathematical competence. For preschool and kindergarten
Bryant et al., 2006; Clarke & Shinn, 2004; Lembke & Foegen, children to develop formal knowledge, they must not only learn the
2006, 2009; Purpura & Lonigan, 2013). As children must map numerical symbols by which the system is structured (a procedural
informal knowledge onto numeral knowledge and then onto formal skill) but must actively connect the symbol name information to
knowledge, it appears that numeral knowledge is essentially a their informal knowledge of number-words and quantities (a con-
necessary precursor for the acquisition of formal mathematical ceptual ability). Essentially, children must develop the connection
knowledge (Baroody & Wilkins, 1999). The results of this study between number words and quantities, and then connect both the

number words and quantities to the written symbols to develop ically, identifying the role that the ANS plays—as it is related to
formal knowledge. This supports the growing recognition for the informal and formal mathematics development—in early mathe-
need to integrate procedural and conceptual knowledge (see Ba- matics development may allow for better identification of early
roody, Feil, & Johnson, 2007; Cross et al., 2009; National Math- mathematics difficulties. The ANS may also play a direct or
ematics Advisory Panel, 2008). The results may also help to indirect role in contributing to the development of formal mathe-
explain Mazzocco and Thompson (2005) findings that a composite matics development (Gilmore, McCarthy, & Spelke, 2007; Liber-
of three informal items at kindergarten (cardinality, comparisons tus, Feigenson, & Halberda, 2011). Prior research has shown that
of one-digit numbers, and mentally adding one-digit numbers) and the ANS is correlated with informal and formal mathematics skills,
one numeral knowledge item (reading numerals) from the even after controlling for language and intelligence (Libertus et al.,
TEMA-2 were predictive of which children would be designated 2011); however, these relations were not evaluated controlling for
mathematically “learning disabled” during both Grades 2 and 3 other early mathematics abilities. Thus, it is not clear if the relation
because the composite included items that tapped informal, formal, between the ANS and formal mathematics is a direct relation or an
and numeral knowledge abilities. Utilizing the developmental indirect relation mediated by informal knowledge. Future research
framework identified here, may lead to a better and more efficient should be conducted to evaluate the relation of the ANS to the
process for early identification of children at risk of later mathe- current learning trajectory to better understand the broader devel-
matics difficulties. opment of children’s early mathematical concepts.
An additional direction for future research should be the deter-
Limitations mination of nonmathematical factors that account for the remain-
ing variance in the developmental model. It is likely that additional
Two limitations of this study should be noted. First, there was variance could be accounted for by including cognitive or behav-
significant attrition across the two time points, primarily due to ioral abilities in the model. Prior research has found that working
student mobility. Although these data were assumed to be missing memory (Swanson, 2004; Swanson & Beebe-Frankenberger,
at random, and there were no differences on Time 1 mathematics 2004; Swanson & Kim, 2007), attention (Fuchs et al., 2005, 2006),
scores between completers and noncompleters, the level of attri- and rapid digit naming or processing speed (Cirino, 2011; Kra-
tion could have added a level of unknown variation into the jewski & Schneider, 2009) have an impact on the development of
findings. Second, this study solely focused on the “exact language- mathematical abilities. Further, children’s language and print
based” number system and does not incorporate measures that knowledge skills have also been found to be important factors in
assess the approximate (nonverbal) number system (ANS; De- mathematics development (Fuchs et al., 2008; Leong & Jerred,
haene, 1992). 2001; Purpura, Hume, Sims, & Lonigan, 2011). Given that both
language and print knowledge have been identified as significant
Future Directions predictors in later reading development (Lonigan, Schatschneider,
& Westberg, 2008; Morris et al., 1998; Stanovich, Siegal, &
Identifying this developmental sequence of early mathematics Gottardo, 1997)—and numeral identification is likely to be highly
skills provides a foundation on which to conduct future research. rooted in basic concepts of print knowledge and/or language
Specifically, there is a need to expand beyond the broad definitions development (LeFevre et al., 2010)—it is plausible that a child
of “informal” and “formal” mathematics and delineate how the who does not adequately develop print and language skills will
individual informal or formal skills and concepts (e.g., one-to-one also not sufficiently develop their numeral knowledge. The precise
counting, comparison, or number combinations, place value) in- stage in the learning trajectory model where cognitive, behavioral,
teract in their development to create the web of informal or formal and language/print skills affect development should be identified
mathematical knowledge. This learning trajectory can also be used to determine if such connections plays a role in combined math-
to provide information for the development of targeted interven- ematics and reading disorders. Ideally, it should be evaluated
tions. By understanding where in the learning trajectory a child’s whether the impact is primarily found at one developmental level
skills are underdeveloped, teachers can provide specific interven- (e.g., informal mathematics), or whether the impact is general to
tions to enhance those skills and hopefully prevent future learning all stages of mathematical development. If one of these specific
difficulties. Further, delineating such a sequence also would enable factors is found to adversely impact the development of mathe-
teachers to easily identify the next instructional phase for a typi- matics skills at either a specific or general level, it may be prudent
cally performing or advanced student. A learning trajectory will to conduct interventions that target that factor (e.g., working mem-
also enable both teachers and researchers to identify whether ory, attention, language/print knowledge) in conjunction with early
children have developed the appropriate developmental prerequi- mathematics interventions to best improve children’s early math-
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