Agent Specification Complete File
Agent Specification Complete File
Agent Specification Complete File
Agent Specification—1nc.................................................................................... 2
A2: CX Checks...................................................................................................... 4
A2: Overspec.........................................................................................................5
A2: USFG Counterinterp...................................................................................... 6
A2: PICS bad......................................................................................................... 7
A2: Agent CPs bad............................................................................................... 8
A2: No Educational Benefit..................................................................................9
A2: No Abuse...................................................................................................... 10
A2: Not a voting Issue........................................................................................11
A2: Normal means.............................................................................................. 12
Gonzaga Debate Institute 2010 2
Bravo Lab A=Spec
Agent Specification—1nc
C. Vote Negative—
1.Kills CP ground. Lack of specification destroys agent CP ground, which is core
negative ground. Also key to in depth education about the opportunity costs of agency
implementation. This is critical civic education and is a key internal link to all their
educational claims
2. Crushes solvency debates—no in-depth solvency debates about the who, what,
when, and hows of the plan. Some of these agencies are better able to solve an aff than
3. Lack of specification is severance—allows them to say not us—allows them to
jack our link grd to agency DA’s that is core topic ground and makes the plan a moving
target. This jacks education and fairness and makes debate boring—leaves us with
statism args.
4. Vote Neg on presumption—90% of solvency in specification of the plan
Elmore 80
Richard Elmore, Political Science Quarterly, Vol. 94, No. 4 (Winter, 1979-1980), pp. 601-616
The emergence of implementation as a subject for policy analysis coincides closely with the discovery by
policy analysts that decisions are not self-executing . Analysis of policy choices matters very
little if the mechanism for implementing those choices is poorly understood. In answering the
question, "What percentage of the work of achieving a desired governmental action is done
when the preferred analytic alternative has been identified?" Allison estimated that, in the
normal case, it was about 10 percent, leaving the remaining 90 percent in the realm of
implementation. Hence, in Nelson's terms, "the core of analysis of alternatives becomes the prediction of
how alternative organizational structures will behave over . .. time."6 But the task of prediction is vastly
complicated by the absence of a coherent body of organizational theory, making it necessary to posit
several alternative models of organization.7
Gonzaga Debate Institute 2010 3
Bravo Lab A=Spec
Well always win that we are entitled to core negative arguments—which their lack
of specification crushes—we will give you a list
CP-courts, congress, executive order, federal courts, military, JCS, ONI, Pentagon, and
other agency cp’s
Extend the Elmore evidence—that is 90% of solvency means EVEN IF they prove
that they don’t HAVE to spec their agent —specification is still key to 90% of their
solvency—any risk of a da is a reason to vote negative
Prefer our list—it shows what they stop us from running—this is core negative
ALSO, the internal link to competitive equity only goes in one direction--they can’t
prove how they increase negative ground only that they decrease it—this is a
unique link turn to all their offensive education and ground claims-so even if the
education debate is a wash they can never win ANY competitive equity offense.
Star this argument—Process CPs and PX are key to protect negatives against new
affirmatives Without these arguments negatives would lose every outround—you
have to protect our neg ground and strat flex—which outweighs the advantages to
vague unpredictable plan writing
Gonzaga Debate Institute 2010 4
Bravo Lab A=Spec
A2: CX Checks
2. Encourages vauge plan writing—means we have to spend all our time in Cross ex
figuring out how the plan works instead of talking aobut the substance of the
debate. If absolutely nothing else, we loose vital CX time figuring out a basic
function of their plan that they should have brought up in their speech.
A2: Overspec
1. Turn: Increase PIC grd— over-specification ensures an increase PIC ground and
agency and other parts of your aff it only increase your chance of solvency and
3. Over-spec is inevitable—K’s prove that when you read the aff there every word you
Gonzaga Debate Institute 2010 6
Bravo Lab A=Spec
2. Not an answer—Even if their interpretation is correct that the USFG is all three
branches it doesn’t change that fact that immigration policy is not implemented by
the judiciary. Instead they have to prove that their use of a particular branch is key
1. Make the aff defend their whole plan, they’ve had infinite prep to find what
would best advantage them
2. Depth better than breadth: Plan focus makes better debate on key issues of
the topic
5. Education- Our literature proves that this is a legitimate option to learn about
and its most real world, this is how congressmen propose policy;
a. Real world is key to education because it’s the only thing that gets
taken beyond each round and
b. education outweighs fairness because the rules were made to maximize
education, if we find a way to increase education, we should restructure
the rules
1. Most counterplans are PICS anyway: They use the same agent in the USFG
and are enforced the same way.
2. Details are not trivial details: Separation of powers, federalism, etc are the key
to the country, not just random stuff
3. Net benefits check abuse: part of the plan has a disad to it—defend it, turn the
net benefit
4. Aff chooses the ground for debate- They get the plan we get everything else.
5. Not a reason we should lose: reject the counterplan, give us back that status
Gonzaga Debate Institute 2010 8
Bravo Lab A=Spec
The Offense…
1. Key to negative ground, half of all CP’s run are agent CP’s
3. Gives the affirmative ground- They can run any DA’s they have to our agent
4. Makes the aff defend their plan, why would they specify ____________ if we
can’t have a debate on it.
The Defense…
1. Its predictable, they’re constantly run and we didn’t pick some obscure actor
2. Lit checks abuse- There aren’t many agencies that someone will advocate
should do the plan
3. Debate has changed. As topics got bigger, affs defended plans instead of the
whole resolution, reciprocally, It’s now only the negatives job to disprove the
Richard Elmore, Political Science Quarterly, Vol. 94, No. 4 (Winter, 1979-1980), pp. 601-616
A2: No Abuse
Considerable discussion has focused on the word normal, most observers concluding that
the intended meaning is "legal [*354] religious activities." n16 In other words, normal means
whatever the state or its representatives allow. n17
2. Guts Solvency
a. Ensures IBC
Garenstein and Warganz 90
David W. Gartenstein and Joseph F. Warganz, RICO'S "PATTERN" REQUIREMENT: VOID FOR
VAGUENESS?, Columbia Law Review, MARCH, 1990, 90 Colum. L. Rev. 489,
The vagueness doctrine n124 is a judicial response to legislative abdication of responsibility for
setting standards of conduct. n125 When a legislature drafts vague statutory language, it cedes
vast authority to the judiciary to determine what conduct has been prohibited, an authority the courts
may be loath to assume. n126 The vagueness doctrine demonstrates that "attempts of the
legislative authority to pass to the courts . . . the awesome task of making . . . the criminal and
the constitutional law understandably meet substantial judicial [*506] opposition." n127
.Cooper 2 [Phillip, Professor of Public Administration @ Portland State University, By Order of the
President: The Use and Abuse of Executive Direct Action” 232-233]
The rulemaking orders have tied administrative agencies up in knots for years and have
trapped them in a cross fire between the Congress that adopted statutes requiring
regulations to be issued and presidents who tried to measure their success by the
number of rulemaking processes they could block. Reagan's NSD 84 and other related
directives seeking to impose dramatically intensified controls on access to information and
control over communication during and after government employment incited a mini
rebellion even among a number of cabinet level officials and conveyed a sense of the
tenor of leadership being exercised in the executive branch that drew fire from many
sources. The Clinton ethics order was meant to make a very public and political point, but it
was one of the factors contributing to the administration's inability to staff many of its
key positions for months.
3. 1ar clarification is worst—normal means still links to the violation because there is
not discussion in the plan what that is—now only the 1ar can clarify how the plan
works—late debates suck crush strategy, ground, and education
Gonzaga Debate Institute 2010 13
Bravo Lab A=Spec
Aff Answers
First offense
1) Arbitrary. Their interp is always that we have to specify one more thing than is in plan. This kills aff
predictibility, so to meet we would need an 8 minute plan text and the neg would always win on plan
doing nothing.
2) Counter Interp: agent is normal means. This solves their offense by allowing debates about what
normal means is, and is most predictable because it’s in the literature.
3) Neg ground. With thousands of USfg agencies, we could specify them into bad or unpredictable
4) Counter interp: we can specify status quo plan implementation in cross x. This gives the neg link
ground to agent DAs.
5) Checks neg bias Topic.
a) No aff advantage areas.
b) Generics. Ks, politics, and domestic agent cps link to everything.
c) Structural. The neg block puts the 1ar at a time disadvantage, preventing good arguments for the
1ar or good extensions for the 2ar.
6) Justifies agent Counterplans. This is a voter
a) Utopian. No utopian decision maker means that counterplan isn’t a test of opportunity cost.
b) Limits. Real world decision framework is the only non-arbitrary way to limit CP’s.
c) Ground. No lit assumes a choice between two different agents.
d) Topic education. We already know about courts, we’re here to research Africa.