(Aerobics) : Bachelor of Science in Secondary and Elementary Education A.Y.2020-2021
(Aerobics) : Bachelor of Science in Secondary and Elementary Education A.Y.2020-2021
(Aerobics) : Bachelor of Science in Secondary and Elementary Education A.Y.2020-2021
Covered under Copyrights Law of the Philippines. All Rights Reserved @ OLSHCO
Good day! Let us seek the Lord’s Guidance as we start our lesson.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
dear Father in heaven, we are here before Thee. Help us to study well.
Help us to be obedient and honest. Help us to love one another. Bless our
teacher, bless our school, bless our country, and bring us all to heaven. Amen.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I am expecting that you are going to finish all of the activities in this module.
Kindly read the instructions carefully and I am hoping that you will learn a lot
about the lesson.
LO1: Demonstrate basic steps in aerobic dance to be physically fit: and
LO2: Explain the importance aerobic activities by means of demonstration.
Here are the following materials that you have to use in this module:
1. Gadgets such as cellphone, laptop, tablet etc. with connectivity for further reading on
2. Google classroom
3. Course Syllabi
4. Physical Education 1 book(note: if you have)
As a student, what do you think the most appropriate physical activity to you? List down atleast
five (5) physical activity.
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1-lack of thoughts or does not address the question
What is aerobic exercise?
Aerobic exercise provides cardiovascular conditioning. The term aerobic actually means "with
oxygen," which means that breathing controls the amount of oxygen that can make it to the
muscles to help them burn fuel and move.
Kinds of Aerobics
Freestyle aerobics
Step aerobics
Sport aerobics
Water aerobics
Aerobics kickboxing
Dance aerobics
Rhythm/Tempo Showed 90%- Showed 70%-89% Showed to keep a
100% understanding of rhythm, but gets
Ability to stay in time with
understanding of tempo and beat, off beat and speeds
the dance, and the music to
tempo and beat. but on occasion up or falls behind
an extent.
Never falters on falls behind and/or often. Steps are not
their steps. speeds up in places in rhythm at all.
or makes errors in
Covered under Copyrights Law of the Philippines. All Rights Reserved @ OLSHCO
Knowledge Demonstrated Demonstrated Posture was
movement/choreography 90%-100% 70%-89% lacking, hands
knowledge of the positioning and were not placed in
Ability to execute the
choreography with steps throughout the right spots, and
movements. Correct
accuracy. The the performance. steps were off.
placement of hands, feet,
student is
prepared and
knows the routine.
Ability to execute the Demonstrated Demonstrated Lack of
required dance moves. 90%-100% level 70%-89% energy concentration.
of energy and and focus is shown Looking around
focus throughout throughout the showing little
the performance. performance. interest in
Execution of Steps Student executes Student mostly Student almost
all steps. correctly executes never executes
steps correctly. steps correctly;
Executes 5 - all Students can easily gets confused
steps successfully. recover if there is a easily.
misstep. Can get
confused with a Executes 2 or
few moves. fewer steps
Executes 3 - 4 successfully.
steps successfully.
Rhythm/Tempo Showed 90%- Showed 70%-89% Showed to keep a
100% understanding of rhythm, but gets
Ability to stay in time with
understanding of tempo and beat, off beat and speeds
the dance, and the music to
tempo and beat. but on occasion up or falls behind
an extent.
Never falters on falls behind and/or often. Steps are not
their steps. speeds up in places in rhythm at all.
or makes errors in
Covered under Copyrights Law of the Philippines. All Rights Reserved @ OLSHCO
legs. student is
prepared and
knows the routine.
Ability to execute the Demonstrated Demonstrated Lack of
required dance moves. 90%-100% level 70%-89% energy concentration.
of energy and and focus is shown Looking around
focus throughout throughout the showing little
the performance. performance. interest in
Execution of Steps Student executes Student mostly Student almost
all steps. correctly executes never executes
steps correctly. steps correctly;
Executes 5 - all Students can easily gets confused
steps successfully. recover if there is a easily.
misstep. Can get
confused with a Executes 2 or
few moves. fewer steps
Executes 3 - 4 successfully.
steps successfully.
Practical 2( Step Aerobics)
Direction: As a group performance but individual grade, you need to perform dance
aerobics. You need to provide your own music or you can search through YouTube site.
This activity will be done through video and upload in fb private group(15pts.)
Rhythm/Tempo Showed 90%- Showed 70%-89% Showed to keep a
100% understanding of rhythm, but gets
Ability to stay in time with
understanding of tempo and beat, off beat and speeds
the dance, and the music to
tempo and beat. but on occasion up or falls behind
an extent.
Never falters on falls behind and/or often. Steps are not
their steps. speeds up in places in rhythm at all.
or makes errors in
Covered under Copyrights Law of the Philippines. All Rights Reserved @ OLSHCO
of energy and and focus is shown Looking around
focus throughout throughout the showing little
the performance. performance. interest in
Execution of Steps Student executes Student mostly Student almost
all steps. correctly executes never executes
steps correctly. steps correctly;
Executes 5 - all Students can easily gets confused
steps successfully. recover if there is a easily.
misstep. Can get
confused with a Executes 2 or
few moves. fewer steps
Executes 3 - 4 successfully.
steps successfully.
1. How can you differentiate the kinds of aerobics using photo essay?(5pts.)
attached your photo inside the box.
5- the photo was appropriate to the question and thoughts must be connected
4- the photo was appropriate to the question but unorganized thoughts
3- the photo was appropriate to the question but lack of thoughts
2- the photo was not appropriate to the question but the thoughts are there.
1- the photo and thought are not connected to the question
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How can you make your body physically fit? How does aerobics important to you as a future
teacher? Cite atleast one(1) example to support your thoughts.(5pts.)
I do hope that you really learn something today! Before we end our lesson, let us pray the Glory
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning is
now and will be forever. Amen.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Covered under Copyrights Law of the Philippines. All Rights Reserved @ OLSHCO