V. Additional Activities Make A Street Dance Performance With Your Family Members Take A Video and Send Thru Messenger

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Additional Activities
Make a street dance performance with your family members take a video and send thru messenger
using the rubrics below.

5- Outstanding 4-Very 3-Satisfactory 2-Needs

Satisfactory Improvements
Mastery Displays impressive Display high Displays Displays low
level of mastery. level of medium level of level of
mastery. mastery. mastery.

Execution Shows impressiveness Shows high Shows medium Shows low

level of proficiency in the level of level of level of
execution of steps proficiency in proficiency in proficiency in
displaying excellent the execution of the execution of the execution
health-related steps displaying steps displaying of steps
fitness level. high health- acceptable level displaying low
related fitness of health- health-related
level. related fitness. fitness level.

Beat Student clearly maintains Demonstrate Student beat is Movements and

the beat in their dance the beat most inconsistent and the beat of the
and consistently maintains times and is it fluctuates at music are out of
it through the dance. able to maintain times. step or not
it in the dance. synchronized.
Performan The dancer is The dancer is The dancer is The dancer is
focused, often focused, seldom not focused,
concentrated concentrated focused, concentrated
and committed and committed concentrated and committed
to the to the and committed to the
performance of performance of to the performance of
the movement. the movement. performance of the movement.
the movement.
Behavior/ Exhibits Exhibits very Exhibits Exhibits
Teamwork outstanding satisfactory satisfactory improving
level of dance discipline and discipline and
discipline and discipline and teamwork teamwork
teamwork teamwork before, during, before, during,
before, during, before, during, and after the and after the
and after the and after the performance. performance.
performance. performance.

Prepared by:

Teacher I, MAPEH

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