Your Retirement Checklist
Your Retirement Checklist
Your Retirement Checklist
What you should know before you apply 1
At Social Security, we’re often asked, “What’s have 35 years of earnings, your monthly
the best age to start receiving retirement benefit will be reduced, because years with
benefits?” The answer is that there isn’t a “best” no earnings will count as zeroes. Learn
age that applies to everyone. It’s a personal your estimated monthly benefit amount by
decision based on your situation and, ultimately, reading your Social Security Statement at
it’s your choice. To help you make an informed, or
choice, consider the factors below as you use the Retirement Estimator at
think about when to start receiving your Social
Security benefits. estimator.html.
What you should know before □ Your monthly benefit is higher if you
wait to start
you apply
When should you start your retirement
□ What does “retirement” mean? benefit? You can start receiving benefits
For us, retiring means getting your Social as early as age 62. However, the longer
Security retirement benefit. It might mean you wait (up to age 70), the higher your
that you’ve also stopped working. However, monthly benefit will be — for the rest of
these two things don’t need to happen at the your life. If you’re married and you’re the
same time. For example, you have the option higher earner, delaying your benefit may
of delaying your monthly benefit even after also mean higher survivor benefits for your
you stop working. Delaying your benefit will spouse when you pass away. You can
increase your monthly benefit amount. (See see the impact of starting your monthly
below.) benefits at different ages by checking your
□ Your benefits are based on your entire Social Security Statement or the Retirement
earnings history Estimator. Both are available online at
Do you know how your benefit is calculated?
For more information on how delaying
Your monthly benefit amount is based on
retirement increases your monthly benefit,
your highest 35 years of earnings. If you don’t (over)
3 (over)