Leaving Good Impression To A Restaurant
Leaving Good Impression To A Restaurant
Leaving Good Impression To A Restaurant
SEMESTER 2, 2020/2021
Sahih al-Bukhari, Book 65, Hadith 299
Al-Quran, Chapter 17, Surah al-Isra’,53
Sahl bin Sa`d , Sahih al-Bukhari 6474, Book 81, Hadith 63
Abu Hurayrah, Forty Hadith of an-Nawawi, Hadith 15 & Sahih Bukhari, Book 78, Hadith 49
say something kind or don't say anything at all, the selection is yours.
This is both an encouragement and a warning to speak whatever is good
and beneficial. It is a warning to be careful what we say, lest we utter
something damaging or deceptive toward others not only that, with
speaking the truth and saying things that benefit others are both aspects
of a Muslim's faith.
Cleveland Clinic, Health Article, 10681, The Psychology of Eating,
and good on the earth and do not follow Satan’s footsteps. He is truly
your sworn enemy.” 6 The food establishment also play a significant role
to promotes healthy eating. Customers also must be responsible on what
their consume daily as Allah said “O Children of Adam! Dress properly
whenever you are at worship. Eat and drink, but do not waste. Surely He
does not like the wasteful.” 7
Al-Quran, Chapter 2, Surah al-Baqarah,68
Al-Quran, Chapter 7, Surah al-A’raf,31
Malthouse, E., Maslowska, E., and Viswanathan, V. “Do Customer Reviews Drive Purchase Decisions? The
Moderating Roles of Review Exposure and Price,” Decision Support Systems, 2017
services. 9 Then, with good reviews the business can gradually improve
their menu 10. Every restaurant customer survey can show you whether or
not your menu is making your customers pleased. When you ask your
consumers for comprehensive input on the menu, you'll be able to
remove or add things according on the scenario. After all, a restaurant's
performance is determined by its menu and how effectively it is
designed to improve the client experience.
Nan Hu, Do Online Reviews Affect Product Sales? The Role of Reviewer Characteristics and Temporal
Effects, Singapore Management University,2007
Pankaj Agarwal, Reason no 5. Why Restaurants Should Collect Feedback from Customers, Rancelab, 2018
Prachi Juneja, Management Study Guide Content, Etiquette - Meaning, its Need and Types of Etiquettes,2015
Abu Hurairah, Jami` at-Tirmidhi, Book 12, Hadith 17, 270 A.H
My experience as a former, food and beverage personnel.
Back in May 2019 till July 2020, I have work in two different food
establishment. First was Best Western Petaling Jaya Hotel, Selangor and
second was Ijadbakes located in Kedah. Most valuable lesson s I have
learn was in the hotel, where I have been assigned to become a food and
beverage attendant, for two months during the Ramadan. As I indulge
myself more into serving the customers while dining, I realized that only
a few groups of people have a good etiquette while they are dining and
mostly, they were people with high profile background such as
businessman or women, educators and many more. This set of people
often will leave a good impression to us while serving them from
breakfast, lunch, hi-tea and dinner. When we did ask them for written
reviews of the food and service given to them, it’s a rare occasion of
them to reject the offer. By doing so, our department can nurture
customers relation in the short and long -term period 13. Due to this,
Customer feedback is a great tool to forecast which customers are most
likely to return to your business. Customers that post outstanding
reviews should be encouraged and enrolled in a rewards program. When
they have something great to say about your restaurant, reward them
with gifts and treat them as if they are exceptional. Repeat customers are
essential to a restaurant's profitability, and rewarding clients for their
loyalty is the only way to encourage them to return. The customers are
not always right but they need to be treated right based on their status
and importantly culture, since Malaysia is a multiracial country.
The ethic of al-Ihsan have a favourable impact on the individual
Muslim's morality and personality development. They also have a good
impact on a person's social interactions. The attributes that were stated
before was kindness in speech. Our speech or word being voice out will
reflect about how good is the taqwa as a Muslim we are. Imam malik
reported in his famous book of Muwatta’ that our Prophet Muhammad
(S.A.W) said “I have been sent to perfect good character” . 14 Base on this
hadith, it demonstrates that the Prophet's core message is the perfection
of human character, which is described as both vertical and horizontal in
Islam. It is vertical because Muslims are required to worship and create
a relationship with Allah, their Lord, with excellent moral character. It's
also horizontal because they're supposed to have high moral character in
front of their fellow humans and other Allah's creations on the planet. If
we wanted to be a good Muslim and Mukmin it is compulsory for us to
Pankaj Agarwal, Reason no 3. Why Restaurants Should Collect Feedback from Customers, Rancelab, 2018
Imam Malik, al-Muwaṭṭa’,1614, Sahih
look at our prophet as a lead example in life in any aspect of li fe while
living and socializing with the other people in this world. All of these,
therefore, can only be achieve when we implement the attributes of al -
Ihsan in our life.
Amal Salim Kadhim, November 2017, International Journal of Business and
Social Science Volume 8, Number 11, Universiti Utara Malaysia
Al-Maraghi, 1946, A. M. Tafser al- Maraghi, Cairo, Press H‟alabi,
Al-Bukhari, 1981, Sahih al-Bukhari, Dar Ibn Kathir, Beirut-Damasqus
Ezzeddin Ibrahim and Denys Johnson-Davies, 2005, An-Nawawi's Forty Hadiths
(Translation), International Islamic Publishing House . Retrieved from
Cleveland Clinic, 2020, The Psychology of Eating, Retrieved from
E., Maslowska, E., and Viswanathan, V. 2017, “Do Customer Reviews Drive
Purchase Decisions? The Moderating Roles of Review Exposure and Price,”
Decision Support Systems, Spiegel Research Centre.
Nan Hu, 2007, Do Online Reviews Affect Product Sales? The Role of Reviewer
Characteristics and Temporal Effects, Singapore Management University
Prachi Juneja,2015, Management Study Guide Content, Etiquette - Meaning, its
Need and Types of Etiquettes, Management Study Guide Content Team Retrieved
from https://www.managementstudyguide.com/corporate -etiquettes.html
Abu Khaliyl, 2007, Jami` At-Tirmidhi, Translation Islamic Research Section, Darussalam
A'isha `Abdarahman at-Tarjumana and Ya`qub Johnson,2005, Translation of
Imam Malik's Muwatta, International Islamic Publishing House. Retrieved from
https://www.iium.edu.my/deed/hadith/malik/index.html .