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Tes Formatif Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris Teknik: Functional Harmony They Are

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A. Pilihlah jawaban yang benar

1. The president of the U.S. appoints the cabinet members, appoinments are
subject to Senate approval.
a. Their
b. With their
c. Because their
d. But their
2. The prisoners were prevented from speaking to reporters because
a. Not wanting the story in the papers
b. The story in the papers the superintendent did not want
c. The public to hear the story
d. The superintendent did not want the story in the papers
3. Case studies are the target of much skepticism in the scientific community.
used extensively by numerous researchers
a. They are
b. Are
c. Yet they
d. Yet they are
4. While in reality Alpha Centauri is a triple star, to the naked eye to be a
single star.
a. It appears
b. But it appears
c. Appears
d. Despite it
5. The three basic chords in the tonic, the dominant, and the subdominant.
a. Functional harmony
b. Functional harmony is
c. Functional harmony are
d. Functional harmony they are
6. is taking a trip to New York
e. They
f. When
g. The Woman
h. Her
7. was backed up for miles on the freeway
e. Yesterday
f. In the morning
g. Traffic
h. Cars
8. Engineers for work on the new space program
e. Necessary
f. Are needed
g. Hopefully
h. Next month
9. The boy going to the movies with a friend
e. He is
f. He always was
g. Is relaxing
h. Will be
10. With his friend found the movie theater
e. Has
f. He
g. Later
h. When

B. Bacalah kalimat dibawah ini, tentukan apakah kalimat itu benar atau salah. Jika benar,
tulislah kata “correct” di dalam kurung dan jika salah, tulislah “incorrect” di dalam kurung
dan tunjukkan bagian mana yang salah pada kalimat tersebut. (setiap jawaban yang benar
mempunyai skor = 5)
1. Since the bank closes in less than an hour, the deposits need to be tallied immediately
2. Their backgrounds are thoroughly before are admitted to the organization
3. The citizens are becoming more and more incensed about traffic accidents whenever
the accidents occur at that intersection (…………….)
4. The ground had been prepared; the seedlings were carefully planted (……………)
5. We can start the conference now that all the participants have arrived (……………..)
6. The matter should be dealt by the committee (………………)
7. He should be forced to do it tomorrow (…………….)
8. The decision may be took within several minutes (…………….)
9. Our national sovereignty must defended by the entire netizen (……………)
10. The interview might be conducted in English (……………..)

C. Isilah titik-titik berikut dengan kata yang tepat. (setiap jawaban yang benar mempunyai
skor = 5)
IQ, or ………….. quotient, is …………. as the ratio of a person’s mental age to
chronological age, with the ratio multiplied by 100 to remove the decimal. Chronological
age …… easily determined; mental age ……. generally measured ………. some kind of
standard test and is not so simple to define.

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