LCQ 1 User Manual
LCQ 1 User Manual
LCQ 1 User Manual
Since some of you will want to install your LCQ-1 on your own we offer a
few reminders in the following short section to speed up your installation. You
Six Channel Line Output Converter should also refer to diagrams on page 9 and 10 as guidelines.
with Multi-Channel Equalization and AccuBASS™ ➊ Physically mount the LCQ-1 in a location that keeps it away from soda
The LCQ-1 is your gateway to amazing sound from a factory head unit. It spills, food crumbs, and curious fingers. Select a location that allows you ac-
is a compact, six-channel, high-performance, OEM cess to the top panel equalization controls.
line output converter with independent multi- ➋ The LCQ-1 needs to be installed in the signal path between your OEM
channel equalizers to custom tune the system. source unit (or factory amplifier) and after-market amplifier(s) and/or
AudioControl’s patent pending AccuBASS™ processor(s). Do not connect the LCQ-1 between the factory head unit and
compensation corrects for the factory bass the factory amplifier. Locate the amplified speaker wires that are coming from
roll-off present in many of today’s cars. your factory source unit and/or amplifier and connect them to the speaker-level
In short; the LCQ-1 can make every car inputs on your LCQ-1. In many cases you can find factory speaker leads in the
sound amazing. rear of the vehicle or at the factory amplifier that are easy to access.
If you want even more, add the Note: If your source unit has front, rear, and subwoofer speaker-level out-
optional dash mounted level control puts, connect them to the three sets of inputs on your LCQ-1. If the source unit
(ACR-2) which allows control of the only has front and rear outputs, the Auto Mode circuitry in your LCQ-1 auto-
subwoofer output. The ACR-2 will matically routes the Channel 2 input channels to the (Channel 3) subwoofer
also operate as an in/out switch for the channels.
EQ section. Very handy addition!
➌ Use RCA connecting cables to connect the RCA outputs of the
Key Features of The LCQ-1 LCQ-1 to your after market amplifier(s). If this is not obvious to you, quickly
Here are some of the cool things that your LCQ-1 does: pack up your LCQ-1 and run to your nearest authorized AudioControl dealer to
• Independent Front, Rear, and Subwoofer equalizers let you custom tune have them perform the installation. You will thank us later.
your system ➍ Connect +12 power, and ground. Note: The LCQ-1 has a 12-volt trigger
• AccuBASS™ bass compensation, so you can correct for the factory bass input but normally you will just let the GTO turn on circuit take care of that by
roll off, Patent Pending itself.
• GTO™ - signal-sensing inputs to turn the LCQ-1 on automatically ➎ Connect your amplifier trigger input to the 12-volt trigger output of the LCQ-1.
• Channel summing lets you eliminate any factory-installed active ➏ Turn your amp gains fully down before turning on the system.
• Active speaker-level inputs accept high power factory amplifier outputs ➐ Turn on the system and level match your LCQ-1 to your source unit, signal
• AutoMode Inputs turn 2 inputs into 3 outputs processor and amplifiers. For more help see our technical videos at
• Compact size for quick, easy installation
• Input for optional ACR-2 remote mounted bass level control ➑ Set your equalization controls so the system sounds amazing. See page 9
• Bulletproof 5 year warranty (When installed by an authorized for more details.
AudioControl dealer) If you have your authorized AudioControl dealer install your LCQ-1, we
will extend the normal one-year warranty to a full five years. AudioControl
Want to know more? See the “Awesome Information” section, page 8 products are, by nature, more technical than many others and we spend a good
…it’s all there! deal of time training our dealers and installers so we know our products will
® be installed correctly. We do this so you will get the best possible results from
your AudioControl purchases. For the best results this tuning should be done by
Making Good Sound Better® page 1
one of two people; someone with perfect A Guided Tour of LCQ-1
pitch, “golden ears” (these are very rare) or a ➊ Speaker-level Inputs: The LCQ-1 has six speaker-level inputs. These
person with a great deal of tuning experience. inputs get their signals from the speaker-level outputs of your factory-
A Real Time Analyzer (RTA) is a great tool to installed source unit or amplifier. If your source unit has front, rear, and
have at this point as well. An RTA reads the subwoofer speaker-level outputs, connect them to the three sets of inputs
audio response in your car and displays it visu- on your LCQ-1. If the source unit only has front and rear outputs, the Auto
ally so your AudioControl dealer can quickly Mode circuitry in your LCQ-1 automatically routes the Channel 2 input
and accurately tune your LCQ-1 to give you AudioControl Real Time Analyzer channels to the (Channel 3) subwoofer channels.
the best possible sound in your car. ➋ Equalizer Controls: To custom tune your system, the LCQ-1 gives you
dedicated equalization controls for the Front, Rear, and Subwoofer outputs.
➌ AccuBASS™: The Threshold and level controls let you determine when
the AccuBASS™ circuit starts bass correction and the level of correction
applied. (See page 8.)
➍ Ground: Connect to a good, verified chassis ground (the battery comes to
mind.) Warning: Factory ground wires already have multiple devices con-
nected to them and are not recommended.
➎ +12V Power: Connect to a good source of 12-volt power (the battery
comes to mind again).
➏ Remote In: In some unusual installations, you may not want to use the
GTO™ to turn on your system. For these cases the LCQ-1 can be turned
on remotely with a +12-volt trigger. When you use the +12-volt remote in,
Figure 1. Basic system using Factory Radio. (If the factory stereo does you can set the internal GTO™ jumper (see “Under the Covers” below) to
not have a sub out, the LCQ-1’s AutoMode circuit will give you one) front rear need to be “Defeat”. This will prevent the car’s computer from turning the system on
full range. unexpectedly.
➐ Remote Out: Outputs 12 volts when the LCQ-1 is powered up, so you
can turn on external devices like signal processors and amplifiers.
➑ Maximized Indicator: This brightly colored LED indicates when the
signal level is just below clipping your LCQ-1. When properly level
matched, this LED should flicker occasionally when your system is play-
ing at its maximum volume level.
➒ Power: If you have connected all of your power wires correctly, this light
should be bright red when your system turns on.
➓ Optional (ACR-2) Dash Mounted Control: You can add a multi-func-
tion dash control that allows you to set the level of the subwoofer. It also
has an in/out switch for the equalizer function so you can hear the system
before and after your tuning changes. Simply tap in the remote knob to
Figure 2: Factory Radio with remote mounted factory amplifier. Signals are summed
inside the LCQ-1.
compare the sounds.
page 2
➎ ➒
➍ ➑
Pre-Amp Outputs: These are the RCA plugs on the output side and Channel Summed Indicators: Under the cover of your LCQ-1 are
should be connected to the next component after the LCQ-1, such as a jumpers that will allow you to sum selected channels into the main (#1)
crossover or amplifier. Do not connect any speakers directly to your LCQ- channels. This is especially useful for factory-installed systems with
1. actively crossed over speaker systems. These indicator LED’s let you
Output Levels: These knobs allow you to adjust the signal level from know which channels are being summed into the main inputs.
your source unit to match the input of your after-market amplifiers. Most
factory-installed source units have relatively high signal voltage output,
which will require you to decrease the signal level.
page 3
Under the Covers - Internal Jumpers Awesome Information
Here are the internal jumpers that
allow you to customize your LCQ-1 AccuBASS™ Processing
for your particular installation. Factory installed amplifiers and woofers are (unfortunately) not designed to
➊ Output Summing Jumpers: reproduce bass at high volumes. Car manufacturers adapt to this by taking the
Many of today’s better factory stereo bass out of the signal when you turn up the volume. AudioControl developed
systems include separately amplified ➍ the patent pending AccuBASS™ circuit to restore bass. After a quick and easy
and crossed over tweeters, mid- one-time setting, the AccuBASS™ circuit takes over the bass just as the fac-
ranges, and subs. If you are going tory system rolls off. You get smooth, seamless, and rock solid bass response
to add your own amps and speakers regardless of volume level.
to the car you will need to combine
(or sum) these separate signals into
a single full-range signal for the new ➌
system. With the LCQ-1, summing
is a snap. The LCQ-1 has internal
jumpers that allow you to select
which input signals will be summed
into the Main outputs. When the ➋
jumper is moved to the “Sum” posi-
tion, there will also be a correspond-
ing green indicator light on the front
of the LCQ-1. The shipped-from- Figure 3: Shows how the AccuBASS™ operates to correct for the factory bass roll-
the-factory setting is in the non-summed (Separate) position. off
➋ Ground Isolation Selector: Occasionally alternator noise may appear in
a system because the source unit and amplifier are using different grounding
schemes. To help in this situation, we have provided alternative grounding con- Setting the AccuBASS™ is a simple one-time operation:
nections. Make sure your system is turned OFF before you move these jump- After you have hooked up the system and are playing music, play some-
ers. We ship them in the Isolated position, which usually gives the best results. thing with a good bass line, and set the volume at low.
➌ GTO™: Many cars can turn on the factory amplifier even if the source • On the LCQ-1, set the AccuBASS Level Control to 12:00 and set all the
unit is off (Alarms, Cell phones, etc). To prevent this from turning your system EQ controls to flat.
on unexpectedly, you can bypass the GTO™ circuit by moving the GTO™ • Turn the Threshold fully down (counter clockwise)
jumper, and using an applied 12-volts at the Remote In terminal. Using the • Now turn up the volume on your stereo until you hear the bass start to
jumper may result in some factory features not working fully. We ship them drop out in relationship to the high frequencies and leave the volume there
with the GTO™ in the “On” position • Turn up the Threshold control until you hear the bass come back up
➍ AutoMode: Some cars have unusual signals on their speaker leads and • Use the level control to fine tune the amount of bass remix you want
will not be easily read by the AutoMode circuit. When this occurs you can You’re done! Now, every time the stereo gets to that volume, the Accu-
manually turn off the AutoMode function. This is done by moving the internal BASS™ will take over and re-equalize the bass. You have smooth seamless
AutoMode jumper to “Defeat”. In this mode, you will need signal on the Chan- bass at all volumes, and with the level control you can even give it a little
nel 3 inputs to output signals on the Channel 3 output. We ship them with the extra kick if you want. Your music your way!
jumpers in the “On” position
page 4
More Highlights ACR-2 Dash Control (Purchased Separately)
Summable Outputs Placement And Mounting
The LCQ-1 has the capability to combine together multiple (2, 4, or 6) The ACR-2 dash control may be mounted under the dash using its own
input signals from the factory source unit into 2 channels. In some vehicles bracket or through a custom hole in the dash. It should be within reach of the
there is an actively crossed over tweeter, midrange, and woofer all in the driver and in a spot where the LED is plainly visible.
front of the vehicle. The LCQ-1 lets you take all of those signals and sum Bracket Installation
them together to get a high quality, full range, pre- amp signal. Simply move
The dash control mounts with two screws, which attach to the underside of
the summing jumper located under cover and near knobs for the desired
the dashboard. Slide under the dash and place the dash control in its mount-
channel into the “Sum” position. If the green LED for that channel is on, you
ing position, mark the two mounting holes, drill pilot holes, and secure with
know it is being summed into the main output.
two screws.
AutoMode Inputs
Custom Installation
We have equipped your LCQ-1 with an AutoMode input that takes the
For that custom, finished look, the dash control can be
channel 2 (rear) input signal and automatically feeds it to the channel 3 out-
flush mounted directly on the dash-board (or any-
puts to drive a subwoofer amp and crossover. This means your LCQ-1 will
where else). Referencing the figure above,
accept two input channels (say, Front and Rear) and give you three output
disassemble the dash control from the
channels (Front, Rear, and Sub).
mounting bracket. Start by pushing the
Optional Remote Level Control/EQ Switch LED from its holder followed by
The ACR-2 is a multi-function remote that gives you control over the level removing the circuit board and
of the Channel 3/Subwoofer output so you can balance the bass level with rotary control from the bracket.
the rest of the system. An additional feature of the ACR-2 dash remote is that Drill a 9/32 hole in the dash-
it allows the equalization to be switched in and out of the audio circuit by board for the control along with
tapping the switch. You can hear the system before and after the EQ adjust- a 1/8 hole for the lock tab and Dash Control Assembly
ments. a 13/64 hole for the LED holder.
Reassemble the dash control components on the dashboard.
page 5
Unlimited System Possibilities
Serious Sound for Classic Rock, Bands, Music, or Jazz
page 6
Serious Sound Quality System Using Summing Functions
Equalization Adjustment 3. You will want to start equalizing by removing or cutting any large bumps,
peaks, or areas with too much energy at a particular frequency. Next, boost the
When it comes to music, everyone has his or her own particular taste. Some
people want pounding bass and crisp, blood curdling highs. Others may prefer a ranges that do not have enough energy. We strongly recommend that you cut or
“flat” response (whatever the heck that is). At the end of the day, most people just decrease energy before you boost.
want their system to sound balanced and “just like it did in the store” or similar to 4. Although the plethora of knobs on your LCQ-1 can be intimidating, fear not as
their buddy’s car. The following equalization guidelines should help you achieve they were designed to give enough control to maximize your systems performance
your own personal audio nirvana. but not enough to get you in trouble. Here is an explanation of the key areas you
1. For optimum performance, get your hands on a test compact disc that con- should focus on:
tains pink noise and a good quality RTA (real time analyzer); we happen to know
someone who makes a really good one. If you cannot locate an RTA, you probably
want to have your authorized AudioControl dealer perform the equalization adjust-
ments as they will have one. You can certainly adjust your LCQ-1 using your ears,
however an RTA will give you the best results.
2. Begin playing pink noise through your system and place the microphone for
your analyzer on a microphone stand in the drivers seat. Take a careful look at the
“curve” on your analyzer and how one frequency combines with the next.
There is no one curve that will satisfy every person, as we all have different
tastes. How else can you explain Liberace or rice cakes? The key is to use your
LCQ-1 to help balance your system from one frequency to the next and give your
speakers the sparkle, sizzle, detail or punch that the acoustics of the car have com-
page 7
Block Diagram of the LCQ-1 LCQ-1 SPECIFICATIONS
Feeling lost? Here’s an internal “roadmap” to help you out. This simplified All specifications are measured at 14.4 VDC (standard automotive
block diagram is a map of the paths your signals take inside the LCQ-1. With voltage). As technology advances, AudioControl reserves the right
this map you can follow each input through the processor. If you do have an to continuously change our specifications, like our Pacific Northwest
issue with the hook-up of your LCQ-1 and need to call for technical assis- weather although we are working on it.
tance, please have this diagram available. We can help you trace the problem Maximum speaker-level input...............................400 watts per channel
to get your system up and running. Maximum output level................................................................ 8.5Vrms
Output gain................................................................................ +/-12 dB
Frequency response............................................................. 10Hz-22kHz
Total harmonic distortion .............................................................. 0.01%
Input Impedance ..................................................................... 20 Kohms
Equalization Frequencies
Front/Rear................125Hz, 250Hz, 500Hz, 1kHz, 2kHz, 8kHz
Sub Output......................... 31.5Hz, 50Hz, 63Hz, 80Hz, 1000Hz
Output Impedance.................................................................... 150 Ohms
Power supply........................................High headroom PWM switching
Power draw................................................................................... 350mA
Recommended fuse rating .......................................................... 2 Amps
Remote trigger max output current................................................ 1 Amp
Size...................................................................... 6”W x 5.875.”D x 1.2”
Weight............................................................................................... 3 lbs
©2011 AudioControl, Inc. All rights reserved
AudioControl, Making Good Sound Better, LCQ-1, AccuBASS, EQS, 6XS, GTO and
AutoMode are all trademarks of AudioControl Inc. This manual was conceived, designed,
and written while on a road through the Pacific Northwest on a spectacularly rare, sunny, and
cloudless day. The top was down and country music was playing on the radio.
Making Good Sound Better®
22410 70th Avenue West
Seattle, WA 98043 USA
Phone 425-775-8461 • Fax 425-778-3166 P/N 913-108-0
page 8
People are scared of warranties. Lots of fine print, months of waiting around. This is the only warranty given by AudioControl. This warranty gives you
Well, fear no more, this warranty is designed to make you rave about us to your specific legal rights that vary from state to state. Promises of how well the
friends. It’s a warranty that looks out for you and helps you resist the tempta- LCQ-1 will perform are not implied by this warranty. Other than what we
tion to have your friend, “who’s good with electronics”, try to repair your have covered in this warranty, we have no obligation, express or implied.
AudioControl product. Also, we will not be obligated for direct or indirect consequential damage to
So go ahead, read this warranty, then take a few days to enjoy your new your system caused by hooking up the LCQ-1. Failure to register warranty
LCQ-1 before going on-line to register your unit at www.audiocontrolregistra- information negates any service claims. We also look forward to your comments while you are registering
your LCQ-1. “Conditional” doesn’t mean anything ominous. The Federal Trade
Commission tells all manufacturers to use the term to indicate that certain
conditions have to be met before they’ll honor the warranty. If you meet all of
these conditions, we will warranty all materials and workmanship on the LCQ-1
for one year from the date you bought it (five years if it is installed by an autho-
rized United States AudioControl dealer) We will fix or replace it, at our option,
during that time. Here are the conditional conditions:
1. You have to go to warranty and register
your LCQ-1 within 15 days after purchase.
2. You must keep your sales receipt for proof of purchase showing when and
from whom the unit was bought. We’re not the only ones who require this, so
it’s a good habit to get into with any major purchase.
3. Your LCQ-1 must have originally been purchased from an authorized
AudioControl dealer. You do not have to be the original owner, but you do need
a copy of the original sales slip.
4. You cannot let anybody who isn’t: (A) the AudioControl factory; (B)
somebody authorized in writing by AudioControl to service your LCQ-1. If
anyone other than (A) or (B) messes with your LCQ-1, that voids your war-
5. The warranty is also void if the serial number is altered or removed, or if
the LCQ-1 has been used improperly. Now that sounds like a big loophole, but
here is all we mean by it. Unwarranted abuse is: (A) physical damage (don’t
use the LCQ-1 for a car jack); (B) improper connections (120 volts into the
power jack can fry the poor thing); (C) sadistic things. This is the best product
we know how to build, but if you mount it to the front bumper of your car,
something will go wrong. If an authorized United States AudioControl dealer
installs the LCQ-1, the warranty is five years. Assuming you conform to 1 ®
through 5, and it really isn’t all that hard to do, we get the option of fixing your
old unit or replacing it with a new one. ™
Making Good Sound Better®
22410 70th Avenue West • Seattle, WA 98043 USA
Phone 425-775-8461 • Fax 425-778-3166 P/N 913-108-0
page 9