Fault modelling:
Drew Wharton, Schlumberger Information ved reservoir characterization and better than using single attributes. Three com-
Solutions, Houston, Texas, USA decision-making. These workflows include monly used attributes are variance, dip
using multi-trace seismic attributes to deviation and chaos. While there are signi-
detect fault edges, using swarm intelligen- ficant differences among these attributes,
sing the latest software tools from ce for automated fault interpretation, and all are derived from the same input data.
titive nature of seismic attributes. The sur- each ant move along what appears to be a develop a proper field plan. Existing 3D
faces usually appear more like trends than fault surface while emitting "pheromone." reservoir modelling techniques cannot
well-defined, continuous surfaces. Further Ants deployed along a fault should be able incorporate the full complexity of fault sys-
data processing is needed, and this is achi- to trace the fault surface for a while before tems. Typically, faults and their properties
eved using the principle of swarm intelli- being terminated. Surfaces meeting expec- are calculated and collapsed onto 2D fault
gence, a term for the collective behaviour tations will trace faults deployed at diffe- planes, with transmissibility multipliers
that emerges from a group of social rent positions in the volume, and will be used to regulate the flow of hydrocarbons
insects. For example, ants are able to find strongly marked by "pheromone." Surfaces across the fault in the reservoir simulator.
the shortest path between the nest and a unlikely to be faults will be unmarked or Combining seismic attributes designed
food source by communicating via phero- weakly marked.The interpreter uses geolo- to highlight stratigraphic events and geo-
mone, a chemical substance that attracts gical insight to validate and edit the statistical algorithms for estimating rock
other ants. results, rather than spending time extrac- properties from wireline logs, it is possible
By encoding fault property expectations ting fault surfaces manually. to improve the interwell distribution of
(rules) as a behaviour of intelligent softwa- reservoir properties resulting in enhanced
re, it is possible to enhance and extract Fault seal fault characterization.
fault-like responses from the attribute. The With faults identified, the asset team still Fault seal analysis is essential to explain
idea is to distribute a large number of the- needs to know whether or not they are how flow paths have been modified
se electronic "ants" in the volume; and let sealing or conduits to flow in order to through faulting.