IP FlyerGeology V1.1
IP FlyerGeology V1.1
IP FlyerGeology V1.1
Geological Interpretation in IP
Extract additional insights by incorporating detailled image analysis
Interactive Petrophysics (IP), our market have otherwise been missed when working in data
leading subsurface data interpretation silos is key to any geological interpretation.
package, can be utilized by E&P Use the 3D wellbore viewer to gain a better
operators and service companies alike IP’s geology suite of tools includes Image Analysis, understanding of bed relationships.
throughout any basin thanks to its Cluster Analysis, SOM and more...
selection of geological tools.
“With the power of these Image Analysis
As the Energy industry evolves, having
the ability to generate your geological and rock typing toolkits, there is no need to
interpretation with a range of data from the seek external expert services automatically
micro-scale to the seismic scale is key to for your project. The easy to use workflows
identifying and understanding the impact allow both geologists and petrophysicists
the geological zones have on subsurface to feel in control
of their data from
Having one software package which handles collection, through
all data types and allows geoscientists to QC to interpretation. The module is designed to allow the user to step
engage with specialist workflows allow them Leading to efficient through the complete image analysis workflow giving
to work faster and more efficiently and also discovery of more full control over the whole interpretation. Reduce your
reduces costs. reliance on external service companies and cut costs
insights into the
by independently verifying your own data.
Being able to extract additional insights when
working together which may Tegwyn Perkins
Geoengineering Product Champion
Analyse core or raw log data to cluster, zone and focus on the best
approach to lithology, porosity and saturation using these Rock
Typing Module toolkits:
Gridding in IC
After the log analysis and image log interpretations has been completed, you can Rapid and easy to learn, Rock
transfer these data to Interactive Correlations (IC) to build inter-well grids across Typing employs powerful algorithms
your area of interest using the borehole data as control points. Inferring the to deliver repeatable and accurate
distribution from well to well within each zone as required. facies classifications.