Applying A New Teaching Methodology To University Programming Language Courses

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International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 8 No.

4 April 2020

Applying a new teaching methodology to university

programming language courses

Mikheil Kantaria1*, Giorgi Basilaia2, Marine Dgebuadze3, Girshel Chokhonelidze4

Business and Technology University,
82 I. Chavchavadze ave, 0162, Tbilisi, Georgia,

Business and Technology University,
82 I. Chavchavadze ave, 0162, Tbilisi, Georgia,

Business and Technology University,
82 I. Chavchavadze ave, 0162, Tbilisi, Georgia,

Business and Technology University,
82 I. Chavchavadze ave, 0162, Tbilisi, Georgia,

*Corresponding Author: Mikheil Kantaria, 82 I. Chavchavadze ave, 0162, Tbilisi, Georgia,

ISSN: 2411-5681

Abstract: The article examines the challenges that are present in the Information Technologies education
methodologies. Today’s Information Technologies are vastly dynamic and change at an outstandingly fast pace.
Consequently, the students wishing to be strong in a highly competitive job market need to update their knowledge
constantly, but knowledge like this becomes quickly outdated. This requires developing optimal methodologies of
learning for the above-mentioned field.

The article covers the methodology of learning the Python programming language. The methodology was developed by
integrating the principals from the Management Theory. This led to establishing a consistent learning algorithm for the
students. Except for the algorithm, the methodology describes control points that are enriching its functionality. The
learning methodology presented in the article is based on the Management theory where the lecturer (Subject) has a
direct influence on the students (Objects) and by monitoring their performance collects feedback in a predetermined
environment (University, Python course).

The article further illustrates how the methodology applied improves students’ learning curve and performance using
the Python course as an example. The lecturer used the methodology on the students of the Python class and monitored
their performance throughout the course. The methodology was tested and compared to the classical learning
methodology applied for the IT subjects.

The results showed a 10-15% increase in student performance in programming with the Python course. The article
argues this methodology is increasing performance and knowledge acquiring rates among students enrolled to learn the
Python programming language

Keywords: Technological determinism, new literacies, social changes, new technologies, future learning, teaching


The latest technological development cycles are much higher in modern life in comparison
to the previous century. In the past a person could have learned one or several disciplines and use it
through life but the situation has changed starting from 1914-39 years, where the cycle of
generation change matched the technology change cycle.
Starting from this period mankind has encountered a situation where the technological
development and frequency of technology changes got higher than the life cycle of a person.
This resulted in the human to learn more disciplines in life as the previous knowledge and skills
started to become outdated faster.
As an example, old technologies like Horse-drawn carriage, bicycle or train, could have
worked for tens of years without major advancement, but nowadays during the life of one person,
many new technologies become available while recent ones become less used or useless (hybrid,
electric bikes, cars, trucks, trains, buses, new computer parts, phones, and corresponding operating
systems and software). The knowledge and skills gained especially in computer science and
technologies are actual for 3-4 years, while the lifecycle of hardware devices and software is also
the same period until it becomes outdated.
Let’s focus more on computer science/ information technologies and one of its main
directions – programming. A person representing this field has to work hard to stay competitive on
the employment market as new programming languages, technologies and systems become
available at very high speed and the previous technologies are becoming not so actual as before.
They are only used as a part of old project/software support and maintenance before they are re-
written to a new platform using modern programming languages and methods that are also actual
for another 3-4 years only.
A person that is employed in the programming job has a constant problem to act in the
optimal way to follow up the technology development while processing a set of very large

International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 8 No. 4 April 2020

information and pick the right data in time and gain modern - up to date knowledge and skills that
are currently in demand on the market.
The modern education system is built in the way that a student in this direction is getting
stressed as a result of receiving huge information during the learning process, sometimes they do
not understand the need of learning different subjects and courses because they think that it will
quickly become outdated.
The fast growth of information technologies requires the development and implementation
of new teaching methods. This paper aims to discuss a newly created teaching model that will be
useful for the teaching/learning of existing or new programming languages.
Course “introduction to programming using python is a basic course where the main tools of
python programming language are discussed, where the course called Programming with Python is
based on more advance topics, such as object-oriented programing, web parsing, visual interface
programming, web frameworks, and web applications.
The above-mentioned arguments lead to the idea to review the existing traditional teaching
methods, especially the transfer and presentation of theories and facts to the students, remembering
the facts even they represent the practical steps represents the wrong direction as the knowledge
gained in this manner does not develop the practical skills and knowledge transfer does not happen.
As a result, a student gets new skills, improves memory, trains the concentration, planning,
adaptation, situation modeling and creative thinking skills, gains independent working ability.


Many scientific articles are representing various methods of teaching programming Python.
For example, the authors Hans Fangohr et al., propose using “feedback” to achieve a better
result, but the method is rather laborious for the teacher and contains elements of individual
learning, which is problematic for the class (4).
There is the problem of effective programming training in Python is being investigated, at
various universities. Quantitative research is being carried out and the quantitative data of the
results of teaching different programming languages are being compared, as shown in the article by
authors Jayal Ambikesh et al.
This article compares two different approaches to teaching introductory programming by
quantifying student grades in a real classroom. Each approach was adopted during one academic
year with first-year students. Then a quantitative analysis of students' grades for the first semester of
each year was conducted. The results of the analysis suggest that a later approach leads to an in-
depth study of introductory programming concepts by students. (Jayal, Ambikesh et al., 2011)
Тhe obtained result also failed to be used in our case since the training of this subject is
planned in the first year.
Some authors suggest researching to test different teaching methods. According to A. Ehlert
and C.Schulte, (Ehlert., 2009), various pedagogical aspects complicate the analysis of various
approaches to teaching programming. (Fangohr, H. & O'Brien et al.,2015) K. Bruce argues that
there is a need for additional experimental research to explore different approaches to teaching
programming. (Bruce.,2005).
Тhe authors Kui, Xiaoyan & Liu, Weiguo et al. of the article argue that reform is needed in
teaching the Python programming language. (Kui, Xiaoyan & Liu, Weiguo et al., 2018)
Training methods and assessment of the exam system is an urgent problem of the current
reform of education in higher education. Python language is released against the background of
computational ecology, which is concise, understandable, elegant and easy to learn. There are over

ISSN: 2411-5681

a thousand third-party software libraries. The rich resources of the open community also cause new
problems, a large amount of information will require a lot of attention. (Kui, Xiaoyan & Liu,
Weiguo et al., 2018)
In an article by Kui, Xiaoyan & Liu, Weiguo et al. a method of teaching the Python
language based on minimal knowledge sets is proposed; the method can not only help students
understand ideas and methods for solving practical problems, but also improve good computational
thinking, innovative thinking and programming skills, and only after that can effectively improve
the quality of education and promote the development of higher education.
The authors suggest a gradual transfer of knowledge, which in our case again complicated
the task.
Based on the studied literature, it became necessary to find an unbiased teaching approach
that would meet the needs of the Business and Technology University. That is why it became
necessary to develop a teaching algorithm, taking into account the existing standard in teaching
In the fifties of the last century, the professor of Chicago university Benjamin Samuel
Bloom has introduced the theory called Bloom’s taxonomy for education purposes. This theory is
actively used these days in the education process. The research has shown, that 95% of quizzes did
not require high or even middle intellectual activities from the students. In other words, the tests
were checking only the knowledge of facts or their remembrance. Based on the research Bloom
together with the group of experts of different disciplines, have developed the skills classification
structure called Taxonomy. The learning aims were connected to the thinking skills, compiled from
six levels: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. (Adams N.
E., 2015)
It can be found that the Bloom’s taxonomy theory and general control theories have cross
points in three main components, where Bloom’s theory’s knowledge, comprehension, application
are associated with the Information, Understanding, and execution.
Currently, the situation is the following:
1. A student can get any desired information from the lecturers, trainers, teachers or the
internet. (Knowledge layer).
2. At the same time 10 percent of them have comprehension (layer) of the information.
3. Only 1 percent of the information and comprehension can be applied (application layer) in
real practice.

Because of the above reasons, the main attention has to be paid to teach the usage of
technologies based on different thinking algorithms and actions that can also be useful for students
in other fields, meaning not the course “facts”, but the “experience” learning.
The better results can be achieved where the student is given methods and instruments to
work with facts and information flow, instead of the method where the student is given a large
number of different facts that are hardly interconnected, forcing a person to remember the
information and quickly forget it after exams. The student gains knowledge from the different
sources, then a lecturer helps a student to understand the information, create a model and realize the
knowledge in practice. (Chandio et al., 2017)
To receive high-quality education these steps cannot be ignored. In today’s education system
mostly the second step of comprehension is neglected and teaching/learning is based on a
combination of two: giving information and practice, so the knowledge is used in practice without
understanding, not realizing the processes hidden in the back of the knowledge, causing that the

International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 8 No. 4 April 2020

student loses the understanding, of course, main concepts. This causes a situation, where the
students becoming non-professionals, who instinctively do the job - without understanding the issue.
In the General control theory, there is a process control general algorithm, that represents a
powerful tool to control different processes. It is possible to reassemble this algorithm to the
teaching instructions and present it the method to the students in a conceptual way. Based on the
new concept a student will be able to learn and use new technologies independently, point out,
establish and solve the different tasks.
Bloom's taxonomy is difficult to apply sequentially for evaluation problems in introductory
programming courses. Bloom's taxonomy is a valuable tool that can enable analysis and discussion
of program evaluation if it can be interpreted sequentially. We will look at the learning algorithm
using Bloom classifications and provide a consistent interpretation with specific examples that will
enable computer science teachers to use Bloom's taxonomy to evaluate programs. Using Bloom's
taxonomy for training planning can significantly improve the quality of knowledge in programming
courses. (Thompson, E. et al., 2008)
Besides, teachers need to think about how to increase the effectiveness of informational


The environment of the new methodology

Based on the analysis of different approaches, discussed above the methodology was applied
to the two courses: Introduction to programming using Python and Programming with Python
courses at the Information Technologies BSc program, Methods were applied to 12 classes, where
each of them consisted of 25 students. The total number of students was 300.

In the theory of general control, questions of optimal control and algorithms are given that allow the
manager to control the process with great success in almost any field. The main aspect of the
general theory of control is the function of total control, which is a set of step-by-step instructions
of the manager for optimal and current process control.

Algorithm of the total control function is the following:

1. Determination of actual problem or trend: what do we deal with? What is popular or
mandatory these days? What will be demanded in the nearest future?
2. Forming the stereotype for the problem or trend for the future: If the same problem will be
raised in the future, we will already have the experience (maybe the solution as well), so the
solution will be driven to the template for the future;
3. Formation of goal vector to the determined problem or trend: what do we need? what do we
need to achieve the determined problem/trend? Formation of goals and determination of
4. Formation of the action concept for the determined goals: How can we reach the desired
goals? Thinking of the ways/algorithms of the goal-reaching.
5. Formation of the structure according to the developed concept: who or what will fulfill the
goals of concept?
6. Control of the process (in our case the development of a student): The obligatory feedback
for successful control of the process and real perception of the situation.
7. Improvement and optimization of existing actions: nothing is static, the plan that was

ISSN: 2411-5681

determined yesterday might not be valid today, so the above-determined algorithm should be
constantly improved in time.

This algorithm was used to study a programming course in Python language


Several problems were defined before applying the new methodology to the courses:
First – the students were learning using the traditional methodology, so the theoretical part was
given first about a topic during the first hour and then they were starting to write a code on the next
hour. This was resulting in the realization of code in a kind of automatic flow, where they just typed
some commands and data in, causing that this kind of knowledge later could not be applied to other
problems. The problem was that they were getting and remembering the information only as a fact,
without getting the methodology to use this knowledge.

The second problem was determined on the stage of giving a problem to the students. For
example, students were used to that the lecturer would give them the tasks, but in the real-life where
there are real programming projects such ready-type given tasks are very rare. Usually the
programmers have to define the tasks and later modify them several times during the project
execution. Nowadays the traditional teaching does not take into consideration the stages of
independent task defilement and strategy planning and proposes the student the ready tasks and
projects to write the solving code directly.

The third problem is caused by the two previous: companies on the market are forced to re-
train the graduates on their premises on topics that they will encounter in the real-life tasks and
projects, as most newcomers do not appear to have the ability and skills to define the problem,
create a correct task and solve it in the different real projects. Mainly the graduates would fulfill the
third task only: resolve the problems that are already defined.

The final problem is that the programming belongs to the technology field that is being developed
and changed very quickly. Student faces the problem of dealing with the huge amount of
information. Based on the traditional pedagogic methodology, that uses only 2 steps of information
gaining and practice dealing with that amount of data is very hard or impossible, so a student needs
the third component – an adequate methodology for dealing with and managing these information

Tasks and aims for solving of the defined problems

1. Deliver the learning algorithm – instruction in step by step to the students
2. The methodological algorithm should be described and the problem should be shown using
visual block schemas, accompanied by the visual interpretation and intense discussion,
where the student will get the thinking skills. At this stage the student should understand the
problem and realize what is he dealing with and start not just execution but do the
3. As soon as the student goes through the first two stages, we have to teach a way to define
the aims correctly corresponding to the problems. A vector organization with corresponding
priorities has to be done.
4. Lecturer and the student should write the physical realization of the aims by defining the

International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 8 No. 4 April 2020

appropriate instruments, choosing the right ones, comparing and using them for
5. Discussion of the written program running results and corrections in case of need.
6. Giving the tasks to improve the built program if necessary.
7. Increasing the medium grading rate of the students.
Described aims/steps will give the students the stage of comprehension that is not possible in
traditional pedagogy.

Realization of the defined tasks and aims based on Python programming courses at the university

The students of the two python courses were introduced to the methodology that was going
to use for the teaching. The intense discussion was started to clearly define the problem as much as
possible, where the definition of the real problems was the main task. Students had to do the main
analytics independently and the lecturer was only correcting the problems and tasks time by time.
The same approach was used with the base python course. The small difference was that the intro
course has small tools and fundamental programming instruments, while the base course has a real-
world mini-projects realization. (fig. 1)

Fig. 1 Classical schema of process controlling

The teaching process was held based on the following classic schema, where the elements of
control theory were used.
At the first stage of the use of the schema the lecturer was using the main control function –
control subject in correspondence to the student that was acting as a control object. The lecturer
has positively impacted the control object (student) during the lecture hours, in particular the
teaching methodology algorithm was applied in practice.
Regardless of how the students (objects) were dealing with the defined aims and tasks, the
lecturer was constantly controlling the process using the feedback. The feedback was realized in the
way where the lecturer was not only checking the student’s progress in the practical realization of
the given tasks but the lecturer was checking the action of the students on the dramatically different
problems, how the provided action algorithm would be used by the student.
During the teaching process, the additional control mechanism was used – the influence
level on the environment from the side of student and lecturer was permanently measured. In this
case, the university, companies from the labor market are meant as the environment, because no any
process, including the teaching, cannot be discussed without taking into consideration the external
factors. For this reason there was constant cooperation with the business sector representatives to
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update the course materials and corresponding changes were made in the syllabus at the beginning
of each semester based on the received feedback.

During the teaching process, the lecturer has used the following management approaches structured,
nonstructured and combined control.

Fig. 2 Different types of control methods

When using the structured control, the lecturer has explained the students the algorithm of
how to deal with the large information flow by giving the appropriate tasks, cases and directives.
For Unstructured control, the lecturer was playing the role of a learning process controller. Students
were independently were processing the received information using the provided algorithm,
resulting in the training of comprehension.

As the learning process was continuous and permanent, the activities were done in a
combined control method, where the structured directives from the lecturers and nonstructured load
of the students were following each other.
The definition of the goals vector was done based on schema presented in task/project control style
by the students, where the priority goals were taking the top position and the fewer priority goals
were falling on the bottom of the list or table. (fig. 3).

Fig. 3 Calculation of the quality of the educational process

Based on the schema student was controlling the process of the task/project fulfillment by three
vector indicator: defining the goal vectors, estimating the current state of the project and by
determining the difference between the defined goals and current state was getting the control error
International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 8 No. 4 April 2020

or uncertainty in dynamic of how the one or another goal (problem/task/project) is reached or

solved. The formula looks this way: Goal vector – State vector = error vector

Control of python programming language and establishment of “Programmer’s thinking”

Control of the undergoing process by the lecturer plays a very important role during the
implementation and realization of the teaching method.

During the implementation of the described methodology in the Python programming courses at the
university, the following key issues were monitored by the lecturer to assure the “formation of the
programmer’s thinking”:
1. During the programming of the pre-defined problems, the python instruments,
characteristics, and attributes were sharply divided from each other. The strength of different
programming instruments or ways were described in details for the given problem. The
lecturer was checking the fact, how the student differs the various instruments from each
other and which instrument is more preferable to use to program the given problem, by
giving the thematic questions and specific tasks to do. This way was used to analyze the
usage of python language instruments;
2. after defining the correct instruments by the students, the lecturer was checking on how can
a student use the selected tools in a combination, create an orchestra as a whole system.
Depending on the way the student was doing the given task the lecturer had been showing
the optimal coding advice. The different selected instruments were synthesized in a single
python project.
3. For each defined problem, frequently two alternative programming codes were realized. In
such cases the particular indicators were calculated and defined (for example the code,
algorithm execution time, code complexity, mobility and so on). These actions were used to
compare two or more solutions and establish the comparing skills in the students and in
future assignments the strengthening of this skill was done.
4. During the realization of certain problems, where the paradigm of object-oriented
programming was used, the project planning skills had been checked by the lecturer. For
example the students had to independently define the OOP classes, the dependence between
the classes and other characteristics. This gave the students the skill of programming the
things that are close to each other by means.
5. During the project realization, where the code syntax was built by the students, the frequent
logic mistakes were appearing. These kinds of mistakes are very hard to find in the code, as
the program is executed, but the program is not working as intended. The lecturer was
controlling the skill of students on how well they could define the main concept and ignore
less important events and processes. As a result the abstraction skills were developed within
the students.
6. The experience gained during the course was monitored by the lecturer. In particular how
they can systemize the problem resolution skills and ways. The skill of categorization and
classification of the algorithmic processes was checked.


The actions described in the methodology have shown the qualitative and statistical increase in the
student's grades in the two courses of python programming language if compared with the previous

ISSN: 2411-5681

year's results. The groups with the same quantity of 300 students had shown an increase of 10-15%
in grading. The students of the introductory course were showing the skills of systematic thinking in
next semester’s advanced python course that was significantly increasing their project quality and
decreasing the time needed.

As the described method has shown the increase in the python programming language course
learning, it is desirable to use it for the teaching of programming languages. Besides, as a universal
teaching algorithm, it can also work in the teaching of other computer science courses, such as
computer architecture, operating systems, computer networks, databases, algorithms and data
structures, machine learning, cloud systems and more.

Method implementation steps:

1) The first lecture of the course should provide students with a detailed introduction of the
algorithm of this method;
2) For students to understand the content of each method work, they should break down into small
practical examples, depending on the subject of the course;
3) During the course, the lecturer should, together with the students, disseminate syllabus-based
topics and make them practical according to the algorithm of the method described in the article (7-
point plan);
4) The lecturer should hold the position of “Control subject” during the course and control the
“control objects” - Students
5) When teaching the subject, the lecturer should change the management according to the students'
preferences: "structured", "unstructured", or organize the "combined management" teaching process;
6) The lecturer should also monitor the performance of students during the course and compare the
results obtained with the previous ones if statistics are available - thus providing dynamic feedback
during the process;

It should be noted, however, that the method described above should not be used wholly in the
teaching of other technical subjects. A thoughtful approach and small, thematic adjustments in
teaching the relevant subject are required


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