Activity: Applying Design Thinking: 6. You Need To Submit This Assignment As PDF On Learnwise
Activity: Applying Design Thinking: 6. You Need To Submit This Assignment As PDF On Learnwise
Activity: Applying Design Thinking: 6. You Need To Submit This Assignment As PDF On Learnwise
2. Were the customers in the setting where they usually face this problem when you observed them?
Opportunity Discovery
© Wadhwani Foundation Page 1 of 3 For Students’ Use
Applying Design Thinking
5. Is there any other job that the customer would want to get done?
6. Is there any other job that your product/service can do for the customer?
Foundational Course in Entrepreneurship
Going back to Jason’s case that we covered earlier, let us see how Design Thinking would influence his
observation. The same set of questions have been used.
2. Were the customers in the setting where they usually face this problem when you observed them?
Yes, many of the customers were near the bus stops waiting for buses and expressed their anxiety and
discomfort in boarding these buses. They expressed how anxious they felt when they were forced to
avail these buses due to some pressing need which required them to go to other parts of the city. They
also expressed their frustration with the current facilities that were available to senior citizens such as
Opportunity Discovery
© Wadhwani Foundation Page 2 of 3 For Students’ Use
Applying Design Thinking
5. Is there any other job that the customer would want to get done?
In addition to getting buses which would not require them to lift their legs while boarding, the senior
citizens would also like the buses to have provisions to mount their walking sticks and umbrellas. This
will offer them the comfort of being seated without needing to hold on to the sticks/umbrellas that
Foundational Course in Entrepreneurship
6. Is there any other job that your product/service can do for the customer?
Jason also observed that senior citizens tend to doze off once seated, and often get carried over. This
is quite a regular problem faced by senior citizens when traveling by themselves.
Opportunity Discovery
© Wadhwani Foundation Page 3 of 3 For Students’ Use
Activity Darwin Latasa
Ralp Gumiling
Applying Design Thinking
Iellmar Isagani Barroga
Use the following questions to record your observations:
2. Were the customers in the setting where they usually face this problem when you observed
Yes, a lot of them experience the same problems whether they have something to donate
or not. They are experiencing anxieties due to unreliable posts on social media about the
donations. A lot of donors also got scammed and only caused the increase of fear to donate to
5. Is there any other job that the customer would want to get done?
The customers also would like to donate to different charities aside from community
pantries. Some charities are willing to help in case of calamities that are not covered in
community pantries.
6. Is there any other job that your product/service can do for the customer?
The product of our group is an application that will connect different organizations and
charities that initiate donations and food relief programs. This application will help people to
decide what particular charities they want to donate their money to.