Smart Farming System Using IoT For Efficient Crop
Smart Farming System Using IoT For Efficient Crop
Smart Farming System Using IoT For Efficient Crop
Abstract— Smart agriculture is a farming system which monitors the soil and environmental conditions, sends the
uses IoT technology. This emerging system increases the live data to smartphone via cloud service.
quantity and quality of agricultural products. IoT devices
provide information about nature of farming fields and then While raining, the moisture content may increase several
take action depending on the farmer input. In this paper, an times. A rain-drop detecting sensor intimates the controller if
IoT based advanced solution for monitoring the soil conditions there is rainfall, making the water supply to reduce or stop
and atmosphere for efficient crop growth is presented. The depending upon the moisture content at the moment. The
developed system is capable of monitoring temperature, crop requirements such as amount of humidity, temperature
humidity, soil moisture level using NodeMCU and several and moisture content are to be studied and can be installed
sensors connected to it. Also, a notification in the form of SMS again in the controller to meet its circumstances.
will be sent to farmer’s phone using Wi-Fi about
environmental condition of the field. In this paper, the system uses few sensors which gives
the amount of moisture in the soil, the humidity and
Keywords—IoT, NodeMCU, agriculture, sensors temperature of the region, and a rain detecting sensor which
and can be used in deciding whether the crop is suitable for
I. INTRODUCTION growing. All these sensors along with NodeMCU are
connected to the internet and a smartphone.
Agriculture is the primary occupation in India and is the
backbone of Indian economic system. Agriculture provides II. PROPOSED SMART FARMING SYSTEM
employment opportunities to rural people on a large scale in
underdeveloped and developing countries in addition to The system proposed uses a microcontroller (NodeMCU)
providing food. It is the process of producing food, fiber and which has a Wi-Fi module (ESP8266) over it. Smartphone
many other desired products by the cultivation and raising of with blynk is used as user interface. Soil moisture sensor,
domestic animals. Agriculture is the primary source of humidity and temperature sensor (DHT11) and rain detection
livelihood for about more than 58% of India’s population. sensors along with DC motor and deek robot are used. This
DC motor is connected to a water pump which pumps water
Climate changes will have significant impact on to the crops when the DC motor is ON. The soil moisture
agriculture by increasing water demand and limiting crop sensor senses the moisture level in the soil [3]. Depending
productivity in areas where irrigation is most needed. on the level of moisture, NodeMCU decides whether to
Irrigation system, rain fed agriculture, groundwater irrigation water the crop or not [4]. By using appropriate functions and
are some of the methods introduced to produce healthier conditional statements in the code written for the NodeMCU
crops which may not use water efficiently. In order to use functioning, the watering of the crop starts by NodeMCU
water efficiently a smart system is designed. In the system making DC motor ON when the moisture content is below a
farmer need not make the water flow into fields manually, threshold value and is made OFF when there is enough
but the system automatically does that efficiently. moisture content in the soil. The humidity and temperature
The traditional methods practiced by people may result in sensor gives the humidity and temperature values of the
huge wastage of water. Hence, the concept of robotized atmosphere which determine whether the crop is suitable for
farming with mix of IoT has been developed [1]. The growth [5]. Some crops grow only in particular weather
technological advancements began to increase the efficiency conditions and some give better yield only for a particular
of production remarkably thus, making it a reliable system. temperature range. The raindrop sensor measures the
The knowledge of properties of soil determines the water intensity of rain. If there is enough rainfall to provide soil
supply to be driven in a smart way. The practice of with required water, the crops are not watered. Even after
agriculture in a smart way helps to acquire knowledge of soil raining, if the crops are not having sufficient water then
and temperature conditions. Developing the smart agriculture water is pumped again by making DC motor ON. Data
using IoT based systems not only increases the production reaches the blynk cloud from NodeMCU through Wi-Fi from
but also avoids wastage of water [2]. The soil moisture Wi-Fi module present on NodeMCU [6]. The data then goes
sensor, humidity and temperature sensor continuously to blynk app in smartphone where the user can see the
humidity, temperature, soil moisture levels and get the
notifications if there is rainfall and if the DC motor is ON.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on May 24,2020 at 12:10:12 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
From this app, the farmer can control the DC motor through III. IMPLEMENTATION OF SMART FARMING SYSTEM
various buttons and switches. When the NodeMCU gets the The block diagram of proposed Smart Farming system
command from the app then the appropriate analysis is done using IoT is shown in Fig. 2:
and the DC motor is controlled. The data again travels
through Wi-Fi again in the same path. The flow of the Smart
farming system is as shown in the Fig. 1.
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In raindrop sensor shown in Fig. 5 as raindrops fall on
the nickel lines the drop connects these lines in parallel
which reduces the resistance and hence the voltage drop
across the lines is also reduced. This happens because water
is a good conductor of electricity. So when the voltage drop
is less than a certain value it indicates that it’s raining. The
module has a rain board, a control board, power indicator
LED, and an adjustable sensitivity through a potentiometer.
Its operating voltage is 5V. The range of resistance is from
100KOhm to 2MOhm.
Fig. 8. Deek Robot.
Fig. 7. NodeMCU.
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In this paper, IoT technology is used to sense and
analyze the temperature, humidity level, soil moisture level
and the rain condition and DC motor is controlled using
NodeMCU. All these values are sent to the smart phone
using Wi-Fi. Due to the usage of this system, adequate water
is pumped and rain is also utilized efficiently. This system is
very much helpful to farmers as they need to regularly pump
water and check the status of each crop. From anywhere in
the world, farmers can know the values of humidity,
temperature and soil moisture and if the DC motor is ON
through the blynk app present in their smartphones.
[1] Pradyumna Gokhale, Omkar Bhat, Sagar Bhat,"Introduction to IOT",
International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and
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Fig. 10. Notification in blynk when there is rainfall at farm. [2] Brian Gilmore,"The Next Step in Internet Evolution: The Internet of
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[3] A.Anusha, A.Guptha, G.Sivanageswar Rao, Ravi Kumar Tenali, “A
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[4] Muthunoori Naresh, P Munaswamy,” Smart Agriculture System using
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[6] Anand Nayyar, Er. Vikram Puri,” Smart Farming: IoT Based Smart
Fig. 11. Graph in blynk showing the values of humidity and moisture
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Fig. 12. Graph in blynk showing the values of temperature of the farm.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on May 24,2020 at 12:10:12 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.