1 EQEpicenters
1 EQEpicenters
1 EQEpicenters
Supplies Needed
• calculator
• metric ruler
• compass (circle-drawing variety)
• colored pencils (red, green, blue)
Seismology is the study of the waves generated by earthquakes and transmitted
through the Earth. To seismologists, seismic waves are like sonar on a submarine or radar
on an airplane, allowing them to study the great volume of the Earth that lies hidden beneath
the surface. Locating where earthquakes occur is one of the most basic applications of
seismology, and that information is crucial in identifying and characterizing faults and
regional fault zones. Using data from the 1994 Northridge earthquake, which caused about
$20 billion in damage in the Los Angeles area, this exercise shows you how seismologists
locate individual earthquakes. Using recent earthquake data from around the world, the
exercise shows you how that data outlines the Earth’s lithospheric plates and helps to
characterize the motion occurring at the different plate boundaries.
This book is about earthquakes, about how earthquakes shape the Earth’s surface,
and about using geomorphology (the geology of the surface) to infer past and future
earthquake activity. An earthquake is defined as “a sudden motion or trembling in the
Earth caused by the abrupt release of strain on a fault1.” A fault is a break in the Earth’s
crust on which rupture occurs or has occurred in the past. Faults are classified according to
the type of rupture that occurs on them (Figure 1.1). Motion on a normal fault is
predominantly vertical and is caused by tension or extension. The block overlying the fault
(the “hanging-wall block” in fault lingo) moves down relative to the block beneath the fault
(the “footwall block”). Motion on a reverse fault also is predominantly vertical, but it is
caused by compression, and the hanging-wall block is pushed up relative to the footwall
after American Geological Institute, 1976. Dictionary of Geological Terms. Anchor Books.
Locating Earthquake Epicenters
Right-lateral Left-lateral
strike-slip motion strike-slip motion
block. Strike-slip faults are characterized by horizontal motion, and material is displaced
either to the right or to the left relative to material on the opposite side of the fault.
Exercise 1
Perhaps the most important aspect of earthquakes, at least to people near the
epicenter, is shaking. Shaking is the result of seismic waves that are transmitted to or along
the Earth’s surface. Rupture on a fault causes seismic waves, similar to the way a thrown
stone causes ripples on the surface of a pond. There are three main types of seismic waves,
and they are categorized by their type of motion (Figure 1.3). P-waves are compressional,
so that particles displaced by the waves move forward and back parallel to the direction the
wave propogates. S-waves are shear waves, in which particles move perpendicular to the the
propogation direction. There are two types of surface waves (Love waves and Rayleigh
waves), involving either shearing or elliptical motion.
Direction of wave propagation
Body waves
Surface waves
Love waves
Rayleigh waves
Figure 1.3. The nature of P-waves, S-waves, and surface waves. (After Bolt,
1988. Earthquakes. W.H. Freeman: New York)
As mentioned earlier, seismic waves are the main tool of seismologists, allowing
them to unravel the properties of faults and rocks deep beneath the surface of the Earth.
Seismic waves propagate throughout the Earth, and can be detected both close to earthquake
epicenters and on the opposite side of the planet. The instruments that seismologists use to
detect seismic waves are seismometers. Early seismometers consisted simply of a rotating
drum and a pen mounted on a free-swinging arm. When all was quiet, the pen would draw
a straight line on the drum as it rotated, but when seismic shaking occurred, the pen would
create a graphical image of the passing seismic waves. This graphical image is called a
seismogram, and one is illustrated in Figure 1.4.
Locating Earthquake Epicenters
An important detail about the different types of seismic waves is that each type
travels at a different speed. P-waves travel the fastest, S-waves not as fast, and surface
waves more slowly. In fact, the “P” in “P-wave” stands for “primary” because they are
the first waves to arrive after an earthquake. The “S” in “S-wave” stands for
“secondary” because they arrive after the P-waves. The different travel times of seismic
waves are the key to locating the epicenters of earthquakes.
Figure 1.4. A seismogram. The first arrivals of the P-waves and S-waves are
shown. The lag time is the interval between P- and S- wave arrivals.
Example 1.1.
To understand how seismograms are used to find the distance to an earthquake
epicenter, imagine that car A and car B always depart for trips together, but car A always
travels at 100 km per hour (kph), and car B travels at 85 kph. An observer anywhere along
the cars’ route could calculate exactly how far they had traveled simply by measuring the
time between them. For example, if the car A passes a given spot at 2:30 pm, and car B
passes the same spot at 2:45 pm, then the distance between that spot and the cars’ point of
departure must be about 142 km. This calculation is simply the result of knowing that
distance traveled (d) is the product of rate (r) and time (t):
d=r*t (1.1)
Because the distance traveled is the same for both cars, the following must be true:
d = rA * tA = rB * tB (1.2)
Given the speed of the two cars (rA and rB) and that car B passed the spot 15 minutes after
car A (tB = tA + 0.25 hrs), Equation 1.2 becomes:
100 km/hr * tA = 85 km/hr * (tA + 0.25 hrs) (1.3)
Simplifying and solving for tA:
tA = 1.42 hr (1.4)
Combining Equations 1.4 and 1.2:
d = rA * tA (1.5)
d = 100 km/hr * 1.42 hr (1.6)
d = 142 km (1.7)
Exercise 1
P-waves and S-waves are much like the two cars in Example 1.1. They both depart
together (from the focus), and one travels consistently faster than the other. P- and S-wave
velocities vary somewhat depending on the local geology, but they are consistent enough
that seismic-wave travel-time curves (Figure 1.5) can be used for earthquakes and
seismograms around the world. Travel-time curves are graphical solutions to the “distance
equals rate times time” equation. Figure 1.5A is a curve for epicenters hundreds or
thousands of kilometers away from the recording stations, while Figure 1.5B is an
enlargement for distances of tens to a few hundreds of kilometers. Note that the P- and S-
wave arrivals on Figure 1.5A are curved lines because the seismic waves travel through the
interior of the Earth, while distance is measured along the surface.
Locating Earthquake Epicenters
1) Using Figure 1.5B, calculate the average velocity of P-waves and of S-waves in
the Earth’s crust.
2) Go back to Figure 1.4. Determine the distance from the station that recorded
that seismogram to the epicenter that caused those seismic waves. Note that the
tic-marks on the time scale are in 5-second increments.
3) If you know that the first one-minute mark on Figure 1.4 is 8:52:00 p.m., find
the exact time at which this earthquake occurred. [Hint: This problem becomes
simple if you measure time as the number of seconds after or before some
arbitrary time, for example 8:52:00. For example, 8:53:12 would be 72 sec,
while 8:51:12 would be -48 sec. Only the final answer (the time of the
earthquake) needs to be converted back into clock time.]
Exercise 1
Locating Earthquake Epicenters
The Northridge earthquake occurred near the “Big Bend” of the San Andreas Fault
(see Regional Focus A later in this book) in an area characterized by complex
compressional faulting and folding. The earthquake occurred on a thrust fault that was
previously unknown because the fault does not break the surface. Fault rupture at depths
of 8 km and below uplifted a broad area of the ground surface by up to 70 cm. The
Northridge earthquake was a devastating wakeup call to many scientists who previously
believed that the main seismic hazard in the Los Angeles region came from the San Andreas
and other right-lateral strike-slip faults in the area.
Table 1.1. Summary of data from the Southern California seismograph network.
(tP is the arrival time (in sec) of the first P-wave; tS is the S-wave arrival time)
BAR 35 64 29 246
Exercise 1
29 sec
Locating Earthquake Epicenters
Figure 1.8. Travel-time graph (enlargement of Figure 1.5B). The lag time
from station BAR is shown as an example.
After completing Table 1.1, use a compass to draw a circle around each
seismograph station on Figure 1.9 corresponding to the distance from each station to the
epicenter. Note that the map scale is in the lower left corner of the figure. The intersection
of the seven circles is the location of the epicenter of the Northridge earthquake.
5) Pick one or two of the seismograms to determine exactly what time the earthquake
began (hour, minute, and seconds). Use the method you used for Questions 1.1-
1.3. The more seismograms you use, the more accurate your result.
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Figure 1.9. Location map of Southern California. Seismograph
Exercise 1
The science of geology underwent a revolution in the 1960s. Geologists discovered
that a vast number of geological phenomena that were previously believed to be unrelated
were actually part of a unified global system of plate tectonics. The theory of plate
tectonics was developed by identifying patterns in fields as different as volcanology,
structural geology, marine geology, seismology, and paleontology. In a nutshell, plate
tectonics is the theory that the Earth’s surface is subdivided into distinct plates that move
relative to the plates around them. Most earthquake activity, volcanism, and deformation of
the crust is concentrated at the edges of the plates, where they interact. A global map of
earthquake epicenters worldwide (Figure 1.10), for example, clearly shows the outlines of
the major plates of the Earth.
There are three basic types of plate boundaries: convergent boundaries, where the
two plates move towards each other; divergent boundaries, where the plates move apart; and
transform boundaries, where the plates move horizontally past one another. These plate-
boundary types and their major geological characteristics are shown in Figure 1.11.
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Exercise 1
The data set on the following page is a list of earthquakes compiled by the U.S.
Geological Survey from 1990-1995, including the latitudes and longitudes of the epicenters,
focus depths, magnitudes, and a general statement of the locations. Each year, many
thousands of earthquakes occur around the world. The earthquake list here is limited to
events with magnitudes of 6.5 or more and earthquakes that caused fatalities or significant
damage. The list is further limited to the geographical area shown in Figure 1.12 (Central
and South America).
The purpose of this next exercise is to show how epicenter information can be used
to infer regional patterns of plate-tectonic activity. The information that you have available
here is similar to the information that geologists used to help develop the theory of plate
tectonics in the 1950s and 1960s. Follow these steps:
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Locating Earthquake Epicenters
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Exercise 1
6) Looking at all of your epicenters plotted on Figure 1.12, where do the deepest
earthquakes occur relative to the more shallow earthquakes? Explain why this
is the case (refer to Figure 1.11 if you need to).
7) Imagine that you are the first geologist to have accurate epicenter-location
information. Take a pen or pencil and draw where the major plate boundary or
boundaries seem to be located on Figure 1.12.
8) Last of all, consider that the list of earthquakes you used is not a complete list
of all the earthquakes that occurred. Review the list of criteria used to limit that
list. Are there any systematic biases in that list? (For example, are there some
locations where you may have plotted a greater portion of all the earthquakes
that occurred than in other areas?)
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Locating Earthquake Epicenters
0 1000 km
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Exercise 1
Benz, H.M., and J.E. Vidale, 1993. Probing Earth’s interior using seismic arrays.
Geotimes, 38(7): 20-22.
Bolt, B.A., 1993. Earthquakes (3rd Edition). W.H. Freeman: San Francisco.
Bott, M.H.P., 1982. The Interior of the Earth: Its Structure, Constitution, and Evolution.
Edward Arnold: London.
Dewey, J.W., B.G. Reagor, L. Dengler, and K. Moley, 1995. Intensity distribution and
isoseismal maps for the Northridge, California earthquake of January 17, 1994. U.S.
Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-92.
Heppenheimer, T.A., 1987. Journey to the center of the earth. Discover, 8 (11): 86-90+.
Jones, L., and 30 others, 1994. The magnitude 6.7 Northridge, California earthquake of 17
January, 1994. Science, 266: 389-397.
Scholz, C.H., 1990. The mechanics of earthquakes and faulting. Cambridge University
Press: Washington, DC.
Acknowledgements: The author would like to gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Paul Roberts of
the California Institute of Technology, who assembled and prepared the seismograms and other
data for this exercise. Earthquake epicenter data was obtained from the U.S. Geologi-cal Survey
Earthquake and Geomagnetic Information on-line information service.
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