The Mosquito: Kristel Mae V Capuno BSBA FM 2102
The Mosquito: Kristel Mae V Capuno BSBA FM 2102
The Mosquito: Kristel Mae V Capuno BSBA FM 2102
BSBA FM 2102
The Mosquito
(A Tale from Laos)
A. Vocabulary at Work
1. sometimes unbearable
ANSWER: not able to be endured or tolerated
B. While Reading
5. What causes a mosquitoes bite to itch: the sting or the mosquito’s saliva?
ANSWER: When a mosquito bites you, it pierces your skin with a special mouthpart
(proboscis) in order to suck up your blood. While feeding, the mosquito injects
saliva into your skin. The saliva causes your body to react, resulting in a bump and
5. Relate any Philippine folktales you know explaining the origin of mosquitoes.
“Why Mosquitoes Hum and Try to get into the Holes of our Ears”, this story is
part of the Filipino Tales unit. Story source: Filipino Popular Tales by Dean S.
Fansler (1921).
D. On a Personal Note
Make a collage lifted from the theme of The Mosquito. Analyze it through its
contents. Think of maxims or proverbs that you can associate and put it below your
“If you choose money over love, you will always be poor”