Topic 3 BRUNEI The Oilfields Labourers
Topic 3 BRUNEI The Oilfields Labourers
Topic 3 BRUNEI The Oilfields Labourers
Translated by Siti Badriyah biti Haji Md Yusuf Editor: Hajah Sharifah Khadijah Husien Alkaff
After Reading
Character Analysis
‘In his imagination, he saw fire smouldering “Jamal, did you see the condition of the old man
wildly outside, burning every grass and twig on the when he was dying last night?”
beach and rising to the top. “Death without having to suffer long illness.”
“Was he conscious yesterday?”
“Did he recall what he was leaving behind?”
“But people rarely die from a mild illness.”
The vision in his memory of the fire were slowly “Everyone has the right to choose on how he wants
disappearing from his mind. What he saw then was to die.” “Because death is necessary to sever
the dead body of the old man, being washed…and something.” “The oil in Seria is almost depleted.
in the distance he could see the tall derrick, and Just be prepared.
from its top, a falling object. His heart stopped
when the object hit the ground.’
“You look very high-spirited today Yazid!” “Perhaps his pain was far greater than that suffered
exclaimed Jamal from the top. The glaring light by those having normal illness.”
that bounced of Yazid’s helmet hit his eyes. Jamal “Me! Me? Oh please dear God, give me a more
quickly shifted his glance to the greenery nearby. peaceful death.”
“From a mild illness perhaps.”
“A more or less fatal illness.”
“How much longer do you think we will be
working here, as derrick climbers?”
‘…Outside, he could hear Adam telling a friend “Are you searching for the stumps of your house?”
about the fire. Another story unfolded and they “Maybe you should leave this place.”
laughed hysterically.’ “Find a new place to build your home.”
“Where are you sleeping tonight?”
“Let’s go home. You need to take a shower and
remove all those worries.”
9. From your details above, how do you find Yazid, Adam, Jamal, and William?
Yazid was too caught up with a lot of struggles in his life and that he started to have a weird interest
about death and he had some visions of an object falling from of the derrick which could be an
indication of a serious mental stress.
Adam was a friend to Yazid because he offered his house so that Yazid could sleep soundly after the
incident. But I think he lacks empathy towards the situation of Yazid because he was able to laugh
hysterically when they got home from the burned village.
10. It was not clear who fell. Who do you think fell? Was it intentional or accident?
There were some hints which led me to a thought that it was Yazid who fell from the derrick. I also
believe that he did that intentionally. The burned village, the image of the dead body of the old man,
who was critically ill when it died from the fire, occurring in his visions, a vision of a falling object from
the derrick, he remembered how his father died from suicide and his interest in talking about death, were
just some of the indications that he was not mentally healthy. When he was talking to Jamal, Jamal
asked him why he seemed so interesting to talk about death, and he replied, “Because death is
necessary…to sever something.” This implied that he wanted to end something, in which as the story
was near to its end, a life of someone also ended.
1. Does the description of the burnt village give you a vivid picture?
What words or descriptions help you picture out the place? I can clearly imagine how the houses are
being destroyed and how it turned the village into dusts. I can hear the cry of the victims and I can feel
their helplessness after the incident. ‘Kampong Umbi was on fire. Forty houses were burnt down. …
number of distraught old mothers remained, weeping and wishing they were dead. At nightfall the area
became still. The heat from the fire could still be felt and it made the stomach churned… nothing was
left untouched by the flames.
2. Go back to the text. Pick out the oilfield or derrick description. Given a chance, would you work
in this place? Support your answer.
Getting started in the oilfield is tough. Jobs in the oil and gas industry are highly sought after because it
can pay so well, and you don't necessarily need to go to school for years to make a decent living. But I
cannot see myself being in such a place away from my family. Most importantly, the surroundings in the
oilfields are often polluted which may pose serious health hazards.
The derrick’s shadow zigzagged on the patches of dried, yellowish grass and stretched out before them.’
‘The oilfield labourers began climbing the derrick. The higher they went the slower they got. Gradually
the labourers appeared smaller and blacker. From above, All Yazid could see were black and grey roofs
among the white tanks. His eyes hurt from the piercing glare of the sun. the black river flowed to the
sea. Oil pipelines crawled overlapping each other everywhere.’
3. Is the author good enough in making you understand the story place?
I am amaze as to how the plot of the story was created by the author. It brings you to the scene where the
story was set through the perspective of the characters. It was not the usual beginning-middle-end kind
of a story. It started with a catchy story opening and from there the story began to unfold backstories,
and the dialogues between the characters foreshadowed that there was an interesting twist at the end of
the story. This story was also a cliffhanger. From the beginning to end, it will make you think a lot