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46 Hours at Langkawi: P.S. Renjith

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result, a new budding and thriving

46 hours @ Langkawi holiday hideaway. The Langkawi you

see today has been transformed
P.S. Renjith almost beyond recognition. This is
the legendary island where now
I had the fortune to be in Malaysia, major international businessmen
one of the beautiful tourist spots in meet to form new ventures and
the world. conclude deals whilst relaxing. The
curse that lasted for seven
This time I thought of narrating a generations can surely be said to
travelogue – a sojourn to Langkawi, have been lifted.
an exotic island in Malaysia! This
visit to Langkawi of mine was more Langkawi is accessible by air, rail and
than an year back - in September road. Unless you are
2002 to be specific. travelling by air, you have to make a
ferry ride to reach the
Islands. Malaysia Airlines and Air Asia
Welcome to "46 hours @ Langkawi". operates their flights to
Langkawi from Kuala Lumpur and
some other Malaysian airports while
SilkAir operates direct flights from
Singapore to Langkawi.

Langkawi is situated just off the coast

of Kedah (one of the seven states in
Malaysia). Langkawi is actually made
up of 99 islands, the largest of which
is Pulau Langkawi, while
some others appear to be mere dots
in the emerald green ocean when
viewed from the air. The outstanding
natural landscapes of Langkawi
Islands proclaim them a true tropical
paradise. Besides its white sandy
beaches and limestone hills, its lush
vegetation filled with exotic flora and
fauna would attract natural lovers. My father visited us in Malaysia twice
– in April 2001 and in August 2002.
Local folklore say that Langkawi He is a person who is really fond of
derived its name from the eagle visiting new places and meeting new
or "helang" as it is known in the people. The thought of introducing
Malay language. "Lang" for short Langkawi to him came just like that!
and in old Malay, "kawi" denotes
reddish brown; hence, Langkawi Because of time constraints, myself
simply means reddish brown eagle. and my father opted for air transport.
Where once, a group of 99 islands Our Malaysia Airlines flight took off
lay under a curse of a wrongly from Kuala Lumpur International
accused princess, there is today a Airport (KLIA) on Friday, the 6th of
new September at 8 pm. We were a bit
beginning, a new light, and as a sceptical about the climate at
Langkawi, as Kuala Lumpur was Mahsuri's memorial : A mausoleum
experiencing heavy thundershowers made of white marble has been built
till some minutes before the at the site where Mahsuri (sinned
departure. The flying time from Kuala princess) lies buried in a village
Lumpur (KUL) to Langkawi (LGK) is surrounded by paddy fields. This
nearly 50 minutes. Only low range impressive mausoleum lies as a
aircrafts are operated for Langkawi testimonial of the powerful influence
as the Airport is having a much lesser that Mahsuri's legend has on the
runway. Malaysia Airlines and Air island until today. After her
Asia have Boeing 737 fleet for execution, her body was buried at a
Langkawi while SilkAir has Airbus spot not far from her house. Since
A320s for their Langkawi operations. she was treated as a condemned
We landed safely at Langkawi sinner, the grave was not in a
International Airport at 20:50 hours. cemetery. It was Malaysia's first
A prepaid taxi took us to Awana Porto Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman
Malai Hotel where our accomodation Putra Al-Haj, who had a proper
was booked in advance. The ocean- tombstone made and placed on the
view room was equally impressive. grave when he was the District
Officer of the island in the early
Awana provided us a complimentary 1940s. There is a traditional
Island-hopping programme the next kampung (village) house on stilts in
day (7th). We were taken to a small the style of Rumah Kedah (Kedah
island in the morning in one of their House). This has been built as a
speed boats. There, besides scenic typical village house and is now used
beauty (where I took a lot of pictures) to exhibit ancient artefacts. This
we got an opportunity to have a sea complex, built in 1991, has stalls
bath and a sun-bath!!! We were displaying and selling paintings of
picked up from the island back to the Mahsuri. There are also old
hotel after two hours. photographs of some of Mahsuri's
descendants who now reside in
After lunch we went for a sight- Phuket, Thailand.
seeing tour. The places we visited in
the order are:-

Underwater World : The largest

aquarium in Asia with a walk-through
tunnel, more than 5000 marine and
freshwater species reside here.

Cenang Beach : Pantai Cenang is a

two kilometre beach with fine
powdery sand lined by picturesque
chalets. Pantai Cenang is a good
choice if you're looking for a relaxing
time at the Eagle Square : Eagle Square is an
beach as well as a little bit of modern impressive landmark, with its
entertainment. monumental 12-metre high giant
eagle signifying the Lang or Brown
Eagle from which Langkawi got its
name. The gigantic statue of the
eagle, poised for flight, marks a
dramatic welcome to visitors
approaching the island by sea. It will
be no coincidence if you look up at
the blue skies and spot a live eagle
soaring majestically, as the islands
are home to a large number of
eagles. (Eagle Square is shown in the
movie - Yaadein, where Kareena
Kapoor come for cycling since 1981, initiated this gallery to
competition) display the various awards,
souvenirs and gifts received from
world leaders and statesmen as well
On Day 3 (Sept 8th), we took off to as Malaysians. The two-storeyed
some more sight seeing in another building with an oriental
package. The package comprised architecture occupies an area of over
visits to : 5,300 sq.metres. Its exhibits
are harmoniously and creatively
Crocodile Park : Here we will be able arranged to reflect the diverse
to see saltwater crocodiles at their artistic and cultural values and
various stages of growth and take a aesthetics of such a varied
close look at these prehistoric-like collected. Gifts crafted from wood,
animals. 'Man versus crocodile' leather, crystal and lacquer,
shows are performed daily, but could musical instruments, jewellery etc.
not see it. But were able to witness are displayed in the complex. It
crocodile feeding. A bunch of fishes is WORTH SEEING, I would say.
will be thrown to the pond in a iron
rope and the crocodiles jump from Tanjung Rhu beach : Tanjung Rhu lies
the pond to grab the food. the northern cape of Pulau
Langkawi. This enchanting beach
affords magnificent views of nearby
Black Sand Beach : This beach is islands which can be reached at low
noted for its black sand, although it's tide on foot. Many celebrities
not a real black-sand, just streaks of choose Tanjung Rhu Beach and the
black through the sand caused by a resort their to spend their leisure
spring that deposits mineral oxides. once in a year. An experience not to
Mineral and soil composition of be missed.
granite with heavy deposits of
tourmaline, ilmenite Langkaawi Crystaal : This was our
and zircon are said to have caused last leg of Langkawi tour. This
the sand to become black. is Malaysia's only glass blowing
factory. There are shows which tell
According to folklore, theres a more you the making of crystal objects
fascinating reason for the black from raw materials. It is also
sand! There was once a mermaid worth seeing. The craftsmanship is
who roped in a fisherman's help to something to be appreciated !!
turn him back into a prince. To do so,
the mermaid had given the It was around 3 pm when we
fisherman a magic ring, which was to completed the second phase of sight
be returned if the effort seeing
failed. When the fisherman did not tour. After lunch, we had a short
succeed and did not return the nap for half an hour. Then it was time
ring as promised, the mermaid to check in at Langkawi
turned the white sand black in anger. International Airport to get on to
MH7085 for the return trip to
Kuala Lumpur !! By 19:15 hours, we
All other beaches are having white- had a smooth touch down at KLIA,
coloured sand. Hence this beach thus making Langkawi a bright spot
is also equally amazing ! in our memory lanes!

Galeria Perdana : Galeria Perdana is Thank you for your time! My advice
a unique gallery set up to to all of you is to include Malaysia in
showcase gifts and awards presented one of your future travel plans!!
to Malaysian Prime Minister Dato'
Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. Dr.
Mahathir, who has been Prime

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