Hairs of Prophet History

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Historic a l Fa c ts o f

the Tran sm i ssi o n o f

The Hair of Prophet Muhammad

Dr. Mohamed Mahmood Begg Naqshbandi
H i sto r i c a l Fa c ts o f
th e Tr a n sm i ssi o n o f
The Hair of Prophet Muhammad

Dr. Mohamed Mahmood Begg Naqshbandi

Written with the Permission of his Master,

Maulana Sheikh Mohammed Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani
Al-Qubrusi An-Nasqshbandi
(40th Grand Sheikh of the Naqshbandi Sufi Order)


This book has been compiled by Dr. Mohammad Mahmood Begg who is a well Blessings of Allah be upon Him) enthusiastically look forward to this privilege
known scholar based at De Montfort University in Leicester. Dr. Begg has been and seek the blessings of Allah Almighty with the Wasilah of the blessed hairs.
associated with the Union of Muslim Organisations (UMO) and the Leicester This practise is based upon the traditions of the Sahabah (companions) of the
Central Mosque since 1988 and has been engaged in the work of Islamic dawah Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Him). There are many Ahadith
through these organisations, particularily he has been lecturing in religious (Prophetic sayings) supporting this practise.
meetings on the life and sirah of Prophet Mohammad (Peace and Blessings
I hope that readers will benefit from this book and it will strengthen their Imaan
of Allah be upon Him). He has also been participating in the programmes of
and love for the Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Him).
Milaad-un-Nabi for a very long time.
Mohammad Shahid Raza
In this book he has compiled through reliable resources some of the fascinating President, The World Islamic Mission, European Region
Head Imam, The Leicester Central Mosque, Leicester
facts about the blessed hair (Moo-e-Mubarak) of Prophet Mohammad
(Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Him).
10th Muharram 1430 AH
7th January 2009
Traditionally Ahl-us-Sunnah (Sunni Muslims) have respectfully preserved the
blessed hairs of the Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Him) all over
the Muslim world. Lately Muslims have managed to bring these blessed hairs
from their native countries to Britain also. Generally in the month of Rabi-ul-
Awwal during the Milaad-un-Nabi celebrations these blessed hairs are displayed
for Ziyarah (observation) and thousands of lovers of the Prophet (Peace and

Introduction The Main source of Moo-E-Mubarak

Every year during the month of Rabi-ul-Awal, large congregations of Miladun- The fifth pillar of Islam, The Hajj, is well known to all Muslims and non-Muslims
Nabi, programmes take place throughout the world including the United alike, as this event is now televised live from Makkah every year – and what a
Kingdom. At the end of such programmes, it has become a tradition to make great event it is when millions of Muslims from all over the world, the young and
Ziyarat of Moo-E-Mubarak (the hair of Prophet Muhammad ) followed by the old, the sick and the healthy, congregate in Makkah (Saudi Arabia) to perform
food for hundreds of people referred to as Langar. SubhanAllah! this great pillar of Islam.

As the tradition of displaying and making Ziyarat of the Moo-E-Mubarak One of the rituals of the Hajj is that men have to shave their heads or trim them
has become more and more popular during recent years, some people have been very short after the Hajj is completed. It is in accordance with this requirement
expressing silent doubts about this whole matter and this is the main reason of the Hajj that Prophet Muhammad also had his head shaved. The most
why the author of this book undertook some research into the historical facts important thing to note is that the Sahabah of our Prophet who were a very
regarding Moo-E-Mubarak which are presented in this book to preserve the large number by that time, did not let a single hair from the head of our Prophet
sanctity of this tradition and the honour of our beloved prophet Muhammad fall on to the ground.
. Let it be understood clearly for a start that the cursed one – the Shaitan
According to Sheikh Hisham Kabbani’s lecture on this subject in the United
– is principally responsible for creating doubts in the hearts of mankind. The
States (DVD available), Prophet Muhammad first had his hair shaved from
Arabic word for this is waswasa (suspicion or doubt) without real evidence. We
the right side of his head and asked a sahabi to take them to Umm Salama. The
must all guard ourselves against this by seeking protection from Allah (swt).
sahaba realised the sanctity of this item and wished they too could have some
Read last Sura Wanaas from the holy Qur’an.
hair given to them. Prophet then had his hair shaved from the left side of his
Ameen. head and asked Abu Talha (r.a) to distribute them among the Sahaba present at

that time. Sahaba were almost fighting each other to get some of the hair which
is a clear indicator of how much they valued the sanctity of this item. These hair
were in fact distributed among the Sahabah as Tabaruk (a sanctified item). These
hair were thus preserved and passed on from one generation to the next. At
the same time the Sahabah had started travelling and settling in other countries
in a bid to spread Islam globally. So many of them took the hair with them as a
blessing and means of success in their missions. These hairs therefore reached
many countries where the Sahabah were setting their feet and even risked their
lives to protect the sanctity of this item.

One example of this is that of one of the famous Sahabi called Khalid bin Walid
who was a well known warrior. It was his custom to have a hair of our beloved
Prophet in his cap. It is narrated that once his cap fell in the battle field within
enemy lines but he did not hesitate in going back for it and retreived it, though
some of the other Sahabah were amazed that he took such a dangerous step
to recover his cap. But for Khalid bin Walid it was his respect and love for our
Prophet that took him back even though his life was endangered by this action.

TAWAaf during hajj in makkah

When the conqueror of Africa, ‘Amar ibn al-’As was dying, he put a strand of
the Prophet’ hair under his tongue hoping that it would help him answer
questions easily in the next world.*

In his work, Tuhfe-i-Ataiyye, Ismail Hakki of Bursa related that Nurededin

Zangi, Ruler of Damascus (1117-1173 AD), possessed some fingernail clippings
and strands of hair from Prophet . His last request was that the hair be put
on his eyes and the nails on his lips. His wish was fulfilled, and Ismail Hakki
commented that the ruler’s tomb in Damascus became an illustrious place where
prayers were answered.*

According to Umm Umara’s narrative, when the Muslims stopped in Hudaybiya

on their way to perform minor pilgrimage, hair shaved from the Prophet were
collected and shared among the sahaba. Umm Umara always kept a handful of
the hair with her for medical purposes, it was put in water used to wash ill people
and with its blessings Allah (swt) granted them Shiffa.*

Professor Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri of Pakistan explained in one of his lecturers on QTV

(2008) that Imam Bukhari had kept a Moo-E-Mubarak on his chest. This was a
source of inspiration to him when compiling Hadith of our Prophet .

DR BEGG WITH Sheikh Hisham Kabbani, KUALA LUMPUR, 2005 11

*Hilmi Aydin, 2004

Sheikh Hisham Kabbani who is resident in the United States, has some hair of
our Prophet in his possession which had reached him through a long chain
of Naqshibandi Sheikhs. An annual Ziyarat of this hair takes place in the
United States during Milad-un-Nabi programmes which are
organised by Sheikh Hisham Kabbani, DVD records for
which are available, show hundreds of people
in various mosques lining up to view
this hair for blessings and
Baraka in their lives.

12 Sheikh Hisham Kabbani VIEWING MOO-E-MUBARAK

The Ottoman Sultans 1281-1924

The Ottoman Empire spread far and wide and lasted nearly 700 years. The
Ottomans had preserved some of the Moo-E-Mubarak and every time a new
Sultan was crowned, one of the main events of such a ceremony used to be the
handing over of the Moo-E-Mubarak to the new Sultan. This was usually
done by the Grand Mufti of that time.

Strands of the Prophet’s hair at Topkapi Palace were primarily kept in gold and
silver cases adorned with precious stones, such as diamonds, emeralds and rubies.
These cases were wrapped in precious pieces of cloth, including Ka’ba covers
and put in valuable silver chests or wooden chests inlaid with mother-of-pearl.*

Records in Turkey concerning the Sacred Strands of Hair indicate that some of
them were specially cared for by sultans, queen mothers and prominent palace
officials. Upon their deaths, the hair was returned to the Royal Treasury. Records
also indicate that certain strands of the hair were donated to foundations by
former palace members during visits on special occasions like the holy nights.*


*Hilmi Aydin, 2004

The Sidi Sahabi Masjid in Kairuan, Tunisia.

The Sidi Sahabi Masjid is situated in the holy city of Kairuan in central Tunisia.
Currently visitors to Turkey can notice Hair of the Prophet kept in a box in
This is a very beautiful masjid and complex in Kairuan. Kairuan is called a holy
the Islamic Section of the famous Topkapi Museum in Istanbul. Many other
city for a number of reasons, one being that a Sahabi of our beloved Prophet
Islamic relics are preserved in this section. Visitors can also notice the Qur’an
Muhammad called Sidi Abu Zaman Al-Balawi is resting in a special area of
being recited constantly in this section. A visit to the Topkapi Museum in Istanbul
this masjid. The distinction of this Sahabi is that he was the barber of Prophet
is an enlightening experience for every visitor.
Muhammad . Under normal circumstances a barber (particularly in the Arab
Hair from the Prophet’s beard is also preserved in a chest in the or Asian traditions) does not occupy a very high professional status. However,
Mevlana Rumi Museum in Konya, Turkey. A visit to Mevlana the status of this Sahabi as a barber of Prophet Muhammad was an enviable
Rumi’s Maqam and Museum in Konya is also a life time position. This can be understood by the fact that all other Sahabah were afraid of
memory for any visitor. Many people have going too near to Prophet Muhammad or even making eye contact with him
embraced Islam simply as a result of as a sign of respect. However, this Sahabi had the unique opportunity of going
visiting and seeing Mevlana so near to Prophet Muhammad and even trim his hair! SubhanAllah! The only
Rumi’s Maqam. other Sahabi who ever got so close to Prophet Muhammad was Abu Bakar As-
Siddique (r.a.) as he carries the title of Yar-e-Ghar and Yar-e-Mazar, which means a
companion in the cave during their actual life time on this earth and a companion
in the tomb, being buried next to each other after leaving this world. SubhanAllah!
And now back to the barber of Prophet Muhammad . Through his devotion
to our Prophet , he chose to preserve the hair, never disposing of them. He

16 17
kept these himself and occasionally also gave them as Tabaruk to other deserving
Muslims for preservation and for Baraka. This Sahabi made a wasiah (Will) that
when he himself passed away some of the hair of Prophet Muhammad
should be put on his chest at the time of his burial. Therefore, when he passed
away the hairs were duly placed on his chest at the time of lowering him into his
grave, where he is now resting in the Sidi Sahabi Masjid in the holy city of Kairuan.

These details were explained to the author during his first visit to Tunisia in July,
1994 by the guardians at this tomb and through books in Tunisia. Thousands
of people visit this Masjid in Kairuan (Muslims and non-Muslims)
throughout the year. It is indeed a very holy site worth visiting
many times over. The hairs of Prophet Muhammad
distributed by this Sahabi have also been
travelling through the centuries
to reach other hands

Sidi Sahabi Masjid IN Kairuan, Tunisia 19

A sign of Hayat-Un-Nabi A miracle of our Prophet Muhammad

One of the fundamental beliefs of Ahle-Sunnah Wal Jamaah is that our beloved During the period of research this author was informed of another source of
Prophet Muhammad is HAYI-UN, SAMEE-UN, BASEER-UN FI QUBRI- the arrival of Moo-E-Mubarak . It is understood that some holy person may
RASULALLAH . This means that he is alive, hearing and seeing from his see our beloved Prophet in a dream and he may be presented with a Moo-
grave in Madina. Of course, let it be understood that Hayat-Un Nabi is of E-Mubarak in his right hand by our Prophet . When this person wakes
a higher level than ordinary people like us, therefore, there is no need to let up he finds the Moo-E-Mubarak in the palm of his right hand. SubhanAllah!
our minds wander here and there! The Qur’anic ayat: “Ya ayuhan Nabiu, Inna One example of such a case has been reported by Mr. Sufi Iqbal, a well-known
arsalnaka Shahidan wa Mubasharan wa Nazira wa Daiun inanAlaha bi izniHi wa member of the Islamic Centre, Leicester, UK.
Sirajun Muneera” [Surah 33 Al-Ahzab v. 46-49] substantiates this belief. How can
Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri explained in one of his lectures that Shah Abdul Rahim,
our Prophet be a Shahid (witness) if he cannot see or hear us?
father of Shah Walli-Ullah Muhadith Dehlvi was given a hair of Prophet
The Moo-E-Mubarak keep growing with the people who are preserving them when he was ill. Apparently he saw our Prophet in his dream and liked our
(this is a sign of Hayat-Un Nabi, ). This can be seen by all as new branches Prophet’s hair so much that he wished he could have some given to him.
of hair keep springing from one hair. The person preserving this When he woke up he found the actual hair of our Prophet under his pillow
hair may then decide to give a new branch to another as had been indicated to him. Shah Walli-Ullah kept this hair in the family under
person and this then starts growing afresh. This lock and key An annual Ziyarat of this hair used to take place. It is recorded that
is therefore, another means through once during such a ceremony, the lock would not open. So Shah Walli-Ullah
which the Moo-E-Mubarak asked the whole gathering to go home and have Ghusal and then come back for
is spreading. Ziyarat. When this was done, the lock opened immediately and the people made
ziyarat of this particular Moo-E-Mubarak . SubhanAllah!

20 21
Another miracle of our Prophet Muhammad Conclusion

On Sunday, 9th April, 2006, this author gave a short speech on the subject of Moo- Having doubts about unknown things is perhaps human nature. However, this
E-Mubarak at the Taj-Dare-Madina masjid in Leicester. At the end of this can be exasperated by the Shaitan to a state of disbelief. We must seek refuge in
speech one prominent member of this masjid (Brother Giga) added to this topic Allah (swt) to protect us from such doubts particularly in relation to our Prophet
by saying that he knows a place in India where Moo-E-Mubarak is kept in a . The purpose of this small book has been an attempt to provide the reader
glass case. Apparently, one visitor began to express doubts about the authenticity with a reasonable understanding of how the Moo-E-Mubarak have travelled
of this Moo-E-Mubarak . At this point the person in charge informed this over the centuries to reach us. It is extremely important that whenever Moo-
visitor that our beloved Prophet had no shadow. “Now let us place a torch at E-Mubark are being shown to the public (usually to Muslims after Meelad
one end of this glass and see if there is a shadow”, suggested the keeper. It gatherings), that we show our utmost respect towards Moo-E-Mubarak and
is reported that no shadow of this hair could be seen by anyone seek blessings from Allah (swt). Carrying doubts in our hearts can only lead us
thus providing a proof of the authenticity of this on to the path of the Shaitan and strip all blessings that could have reached us.
Moo-E-Mubarak . A Moo-E-Mubarak is
This is an ongoing research and the author would like readers to inform
also kept in the Badshahi Mosque,
him of any other information in relation to Moo-E-Mubarak
Lahore, Pakistan.
so that this book can be updated from time to time.
May Allah (swt) keep us in His Amaan and give
us love and utmost respect for His
and our beloved Prophet

22 23

This work is dedicated for the preservation of the honour and sanctity of our
Beloved Prophet Mohammed and to four distinguished people who have
contributed to the Islamic knowledge and spiritual development of the author:

Maulana Sheikh Mohammed Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani

Al-Qubrusi An-Nasqshbandi
40th Grand Sheikh of the Naqshbandi Sufi Order and the Sheikh of the author.

Sheikh Hisham Kabbani

Head of the Sufi Muslim Council, U.S.A.

Dr. Sayyed Aziz Pasha,

General Secretary, Union of Muslim Organisations in the UK and Eire

Imam Shahid Raza,

Head Imam, Islamic Centre, Leicester.

Finally, this work is also dedicated to Ahmed Ali Begg and Bibi Feroza Begg,
the late parents of the author, may Allah grant them Jannah, (Ameen), Fatiah.

24 Dr Begg in Sheikh Nazim’s House, Lefke, North Cyprus, 2006

Copyright © 2009
Dr. Mohamed Mahmood Begg Naqshbandi
Leicester, U.K.


March, 2009
12th Rabiul-Awal 1430 A.H.

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