Status of Women in Islam: There Is A Huge Difference Between Religious Beliefs and Man-Made Values

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Status of Women In Islam

There is a huge difference between

religious beliefs and man-made values. 

Status of women in Islam
Islam bestowed a splendid status by :

Giving important role is society

Giving various rights in society

Giving some exclusive status to women

Social Status
Political Status
Political Rights
Religious Status
Economic Status
Economic Rights

Role of Women In Islam

Historical Role
Contributed significantly in early development
of the Muslim community
Substantiation of Prophet-hood after first
Women were the first to learn of initial
Role in the process of collecting all the
revelations from both written and oral
sources into a single source
Women were entrusted with vital secrets,
including the location of Muhammad's hiding
The Prophet often consulted women and
considered their opinions seriously
Hazrat Khadija RA , chief adviser as well as his
first and foremost supporter
Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab RA (ruled 634 – 644 )
appointed women to serve as officials in the
market of Medina
 Hazrat Ayesha RA taught 88 Scholars
 Hazrat Safia RA expert of Fiqh and Jurisprudence
 Hazrat Ummy Salma was teacher of 32 Scholars
 Syeda Nafisa G/D of Imam Hassan D/O Hazrat Ishaq
bin Imam Jaffar teacher of Imam Shafi
 Ummy Durda expert of Science

Role is Sufiism
Famous Sufi woman, Rabiah Basri wrote
poems of love for God that have continued to
inspire mystics to the present day
Some Sufi shaykhs in the Mamluk dynasty
( 1250 – 1517 ) and Ottoman Empire admitted
women into their orders

Present Role
The husband's primary responsibility was to
support and protect the family and the wife
cared for and disciplined the children and
maintained the home
Today, Women exercised considerable
influence in family and social life

Catalyst of Change of Role
Poor economic and political conditions in
some Muslim countries made women to involve in
the outside world
Factors such as war and labor migration have
increased the number of households headed by
Economic necessity has led women to seek
work outside the home, usually in low-paid,
unskilled jobs

Modern Role
Role in Economic Development as useful human
Role in Political horizon of the country an world
Vote and Representation, Governance
Social Role in influencing the social change

As head of State
 Many Muslim women have become active in
grassroots organizations, development projects,
charitable associations, and social services
 During the 1990s, women achieved positions of
leadership in some parts of the Muslim world.
Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan,
Tansu Ciller of Turkey
Khaleda Zia of Bangladesh

Role in Education
Muslim women have always played a role in the

spread of religious knowledge,

Modern Muslim women are the best educationist

Modern times entrust more education with

women specially early education

Important Roles of a women
Role in Family
As mother
As Sister
As Daughter
As Wife
Role in Society
Role of a Working Women
Role of a Housewife
As ambassador of a nation
Role in family
Teach their children
Worldly Education
Train them properly
Psychological Training

As Sister/Daughter
Protect the Respect of the Family
Be an Ambassador of the Family
As Wife
Protect the respect of husband (Libas)
To be obedient
Domestic Chores/House keeping
Care of Finance
Kept the Secrets

Role in society
Positive contribution towards Society
Show kindness to society
Defining National Identity
Women as key to social continuity and the
preservation of the family, language and culture

 Kindness
 Do Not Pay Attention to Slanderous Talks
 The Husband's Respect
 Obey Husband and Not Mother
 Complaints and Grievances

 Be Clean and Beautiful at Home Also
 Pleasant Dispositions

 Be like a Mother to Him
 Wrong Expectations
 Keep the Secrets

 Be a Comfort for Your Husband

 Accept His Management
 Be Appreciative
 Be Resourceful when Times are Hard

 Do not Look for Shortcomings
 Do not Refuse to Talk and do not Sulk
 Don't Look at Anyone Other Than Your

 Remain Silent when he is Angry
 Tolerate Men's Hobbies

 Take Islamic Hijab
 Housekeeping
 Forgive Your Husband's Mistakes

 Cleanliness
 Coping with Your Husband's Relatives
 A Tidy House
 Coping With Your Husband's Job
 Preparing Food

 If You Have to Live Away From Your

Hometown  Receiving Guests
 If Your Husband Works at Home  The Trustee of the House
 Help Your Husband to Make Progress  Accept only Careers of women
 Be Careful That He is Not Misled  Do not Waste your Spare Time
 Suspicious Women  Motherhood (Caring for Children)

18  Care for Nutrition and Hygiene

Social status
1. Equality
2. Freedom
3. Empowerment

 Equal does not mean same or alike
 In 1870 in UK property rights were given
to women

1. Creation- Biological
2. Allah’s will (Soul)- Spiritual
3. Khalipah is gender neutral-Social
4. Taqwa/Piety/Punishment equal-Religious
5. Bait @ fatah Makkah is a vote-Political
6. Equal to seek Knowledge

Political Status
Political Right
60:12 (Mutmahina)
O Prophet! If believing women come unto thee, taking oath of
allegiance unto thee that they will ascribe no thing as partner
unto Allah, and will neither steal nor commit adultery nor kill their
children, nor produce any lie that they have devised between
their hands and feet, nor disobey thee in what is right, then
accept their allegiance and ask Allah to forgive them. Lo! Allah is
Forgiving, Merciful.
Urdu 
I‫ کو آئیں کہ خدا کے‬I‫ اے پیغمبر! جب تمہارے پاس مومن عورتیں اس بات پر بیعت کرنے‬
‫ساتھ نہ شرک کریں گی نہ چوری کریں گی نہ بدکاری کریں گی نہ اپنی اوالد کو قتل‬
‫ ہاتھ پاؤں میں کوئی بہتان باندھ الئیں گی اور نہ نیک کاموں میں‬I‫کریں گی نہ اپنے‬
‫ بیعت لے لو اور ان کے لئے خدا سے بخشش‬I‫تمہاری نافرمانی کریں گی تو ان سے‬
‫مانگو۔ بےشک خدا بخشنے واال مہربان ہے‬
Misconception about Equality

Misconception About
Family Head
Marriage by choice
Right in Inheritance
As head of state
Marriage with Non Muslims
Adopting a Child

 5times Areas
1. Finance (2:282 half? )
2. Will,
3. Blame
4. Roiyt e Halal
5. Oath of Birth

 O you who have believed, when you contract
a debt for a specified term, write it down. And
let a scribe write [it] between you in justice.
….And bring to witness two witnesses from
among your men. And if there are not two
men [available], then a man and two women
from those whom you accept as witnesses -
so that if one of the women errs, then the
other can remind her.2/282

 And those who launch a charge against chaste women, and
produce not four witnesses (to support their allegations),-
flog them with eighty stripes; and reject their evidence ever
after: for such men are wicked transgressors;- 24/4
‫ اور جو لوگ پرہیزگار عورتوں کو بدکاری کا عیب لگائیں اور اس‬
‫پر چار گواہ نہ الئیں تو ان کو اسی درے مارو اور کبھی ان کی‬
 ‫شہادت قبول نہ کرو۔ اور یہی بدکردار‬
 Qawaam are men (Alnisa-34) One above
in rank of responsibility
 Head of Family 2:228

 Pickthall
 Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the
other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good
women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded. As for
those from whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart,
and scourge them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them. Lo! Allah is
ever High, Exalted, Great.
‫ی کہ مرد‬I‫ے بھ‬I‫ے اور اس لئ‬I‫ا ہ‬I‫ل بنای‬I‫ے افض‬I‫ض س‬I‫و بع‬I‫ض ک‬I‫ے بع‬I‫ہ خدا ن‬I‫ے ک‬I‫ں اس لئ‬I‫م ہی‬I‫لط وحاک‬I‫ر مس‬I‫ مرد عورتوں پ‬
‫ے خدا کی‬I‫ھ پیچھ‬I‫ے پیٹ‬I‫ں اور ان ک‬I‫ی ہی‬I‫ر چلت‬I‫م پ‬I‫ے حک‬I‫ں وہ مردوں ک‬I‫ک بیبیاں ہی‬I‫و نی‬I‫و ج‬I‫ں ت‬I‫ے ہی‬I‫ا مال خرچ کرت‬I‫اپن‬
)‫حفاظت میں (مال وآبرو کی) خبرداری کرتی ہیں اور جن عورتوں کی نسبت تمہیں معلوم ہو کہ سرکشی (اور بدخوئی‬
‫ر اس پر‬I‫ونا ترک کردو اگ‬I‫اتھ س‬I‫ے س‬I‫ر ان ک‬I‫و) پھ‬I‫مجھیں ت‬I‫ہ س‬I‫ر ن‬I‫مجھاؤ (اگ‬I‫ی) س‬I‫و (زبان‬I‫ے) ان ک‬I‫و (پہل‬I‫ں ت‬I‫ی ہی‬I‫ے لگ‬I‫کرن‬
‫ت ڈھونڈو‬I‫ہ م‬I‫ی بہان‬I‫ا کوئ‬I‫ے ک‬I‫و ایذا دین‬I‫ر ان ک‬I‫و پھ‬I‫ں ت‬I‫بردار ہوجائی‬I‫ر فرمان‬I‫و زدوکوب کرو اور اگ‬I‫ں ت‬I‫ہ آئی‬I‫ی باز ن‬I‫بھ‬
‫اعلی (اور) جلیل القدر ہے‬ ‫بےشک خدا سب سے‬


 (4times in Holy Text) plural of

 Ahwar (masculine)
 Hawar (feminine)

 The only thing is that word hoor has been wrongly interpreted.The
word hoor occurs four times in the Holy Quran;
 1. “Moreover, We shall join them to companions with beautiful, big
and shiny eyes”. (Al-Dukhan Verse 54)

 2. “And We shall join them to companions, with beautiful, big and

gleaming eyes”. (Al-Tur Verse 20)

 3. “Companions restrained (as to their glances), in goodly pavilions”.

(Al-Rahman Verse 72)

 4. “And (there will be) companions with beautiful, big and

shimmering eyes”.
(Al-Waqi’ah Verse 22)

Why are these blessings described in words
which apply to women?
The fact is that the reward spoken of here is
one having special reference to the purity of
character and the beautiful deed of the
And it is the womanhood not manhood that
stand for the symbol of purity and beauty
Therefore the reward for good and pure deeds
has been spoken in term which applies to


Allah chargeth you concerning (the provision for) your children: to the male
the equivalent of the portion of two females, and if there be women more
than two, then theirs is two-thirds of the inheritance, and if there be one
(only) then the half. And to each of his parents a sixth of the inheritance, if
he have a son; and if he have no son and his parents are his heirs, then to
his mother appertaineth the third; and if he have brethren, then to his mother
appertaineth the sixth, after any legacy he may have bequeathed, or debt
(hath been paid). Your parents and your children: Ye know not which of them
is nearer unto you in usefulness. It is an injunction from Allah. Lo! Allah is
Knower, Wise.
Urdu 
‫ خدا تمہاری اوالد کے بارے میں تم کو ارشاد فرماتا ہے کہ ایک لڑکے کا حصہ دو لڑکیوں کے حصے‬
‫کے برابر ہے۔ اور اگر اوالد میت صرف لڑکیاں ہی ہوں (یعنی دو یا) دو سے زیادہ تو کل ترکے میں ان‬
‫صہ نصف۔ اور میت کے ماں باپ کا یعنی دونوں‬I‫کادو تہائی۔ اور اگر صرف ایک لڑکی ہو تو اس کا ح‬
‫صہ بشرطیکہ میت کے اوالد ہو۔ اور اگر اوالد نہ ہو اور صرف‬I‫میں سے ہر ایک کا ترکے میں چھٹا ح‬
‫ماں باپ ہی اس کے وارث ہوں تو ایک تہائی ماں کا حصہ۔ اور اگر میت کے بھائی بھی ہوں تو ماں کا‬
‫چھٹا حصہ۔ (اور یہ تقسیم ترکہ میت کی) وصیت (کی تعمیل) کے بعد جو اس نے کی ہو یا قرض کے‬
‫(ادا ہونے کے بعد جو اس کے ذمے ہو عمل میں آئے گی) تم کو معلوم نہیں کہ تمہارے باپ دادؤں اور‬
‫ یہ حصے خدا کے مقرر کئے‬،‫بیٹوں پوتوں میں سے فائدے کے لحاظ سے کون تم سے زیادہ قریب ہے‬
‫کمت واال ہے‬I‫اننے واال اور ح‬I‫ہوئے ہیں اور خدا سب کچھ ج‬
And unto you belongeth a half of that which your wives leave, if they have no child;
but if they have a child then unto you the fourth of that which they leave, after any
legacy they may have bequeathed, or debt (they may have contracted, hath been
paid). And unto them belongeth the fourth of that which ye leave if ye have no child,
but if ye have a child then the eighth of that which ye leave, after any legacy ye may
have bequeathed, or debt (ye may have contracted, hath been paid). And if a man
or a woman have a distant heir (having left neither parent nor child), and he (or she)
have a brother or a sister (only on the mother's side) then to each of them twain (the
brother and the sister) the sixth, and if they be more than two, then they shall be
sharers in the third, after any legacy that may have been bequeathed or debt
(contracted) not injuring (the heirs by willing away more than a third of the heritage)
hath been paid. A commandment from Allah. Allah is Knower, Indulgent.
Urdu 
‫ف حصہ تمہارا۔ اور اگر اوالد ہو‬I‫ اور جو مال تمہاری عورتیں چھوڑ مریں۔ اگر ان کے اوالد نہ ہو تو اس میں نص‬
‫وں نے کی ہو یا قرض‬I‫یت (کی تعمیل) کے بعد جو انہ‬I‫تو ترکے میں تمہارا حصہ چوتھائی۔ (لیکن یہ تقسیم) وص‬
‫ کی جائے گی) اور جو مال تم (مرد) چھوڑ مرو۔ اگر تمہارے اوالد نہ‬،‫کے (ادا ہونے کے بعد جو ان کے ذمے ہو‬
‫یت‬I‫ہ (یہ حصے) تمہاری وص‬I‫ہ۔ اور اگر اوالد ہو تو ان کا آٹھواں حص‬I‫ہو تو تمہاری عورتوں کا اس میں چوتھا حص‬
‫(کی تعمیل) کے بعد جو تم نے کی ہو اور (ادائے) قرض کے (بعد تقسیم کئے جائیں گے) اور اگر ایسے مرد یا‬
‫ہ‬I‫ن ہو تو ان میں سے ہر ایک کا چھٹا حص‬I‫عورت کی میراث ہو جس کے نہ باپ ہو نہ بیٹا مگر اس کے بھائی بہ‬
‫اور اگر ایک سے زیادہ ہوں تو سب ایک تہائی میں شریک ہوں گے (یہ حصے بھی ادائے وصیت و قرض‬
‫ان ہے۔ اور خدا نہایت‬I‫یت نے کسی کا نقصان نہ کیا ہو (تقسیم کئے جائیں گے) یہ خدا کا فرم‬I‫ہ ان سے م‬I‫بشرطیک‬
‫علم واال (اور) نہایت حلم واال ہے‬
These are the limits (imposed by) Allah. Whoso obeyeth Allah and His
messenger, He will make him enter Gardens underneath which rivers
flow, where such will dwell for ever. That will be the great success.
Urdu 
‫ کی فرمانبرداری کرے‬I‫ (یہ تمام احکام) خدا کی حدیں ہیں۔ اور جو شخص خدا اور اس کے پیغمبر‬
‫گا خدا اس کو بہشتوں میں داخل کرے گا جن میں نہریں بہہ رہی ہیں وہ ان میں ہمیشہ رہیں گے۔‬
‫اور یہ بڑی کامیابی ہے‬
Marriage by Choice
Social Status and freedom

Marrying a Non Muslim

1. Can a Muslim Women marry a
Non Muslim ?
2. Can women be a head of state

Yes ?

Separation (dissolution of Muslim Mirage act 1939)
 Full Right (Talaq-e-Tafviz)
 Istimta - Cause
 Khula-Woman’s own Decision
 (Mubarat/Mutual)
 Eela/Abstain(constructive)
 Zihar/Forbid as sacred (Constructive)
 Lian/Qazaf
 Salsi Council
 Nikah-e-Fask (As to Cruelty)

As to Cruelty
Habitually Assaults/makes life miserable
Associates with Women of Ill repute
Attempt to force her to lead immoral life
Disposing property w/o permission /preventing to
exercise legal right
Abstract her religious profession
In case of two wives , not treating equally

 Islam gives freedom of choice ,West gives blank freedom
 Islam does not give freedom at the cost of others freedom
 Human is born free from
 Subjugation
 Sin
 Inherited inferiority
 Ancestral hindrance
 Right of freedom is sacred as long as he does not
deliberately violate the Law of God or desecrate the rights
of others

Status through
Political Rights
Economic Rights

Political Status through Political rights
Right to Represent
Right to Vote
Right to participate in Political Life
Right to serve the country
Right of Association
Right of Assembly
Right to Protest

Economic Status
Ownership of property
Freedom to do Job
Dependency on man at every stage of life
Can run her business

Social Rights
Right to Seek Knowledge
Right of Peace Making
Right to Protect Environment
Right of Identity
Right of Ownership
Right of identity of Child

1. Defining Mercy
2. Status of Jannat
3. Exclusive Identity
4. Exemption from Faraiz
5. 75 % Rights of Mother
6. Permit to Attend the Mosque
7. Can own Private Property
8. Full Surah In Quran

Exclusive Rights and Status
9. Mother of Prophets
10. Maher/Dower
11. Calling in the name of Mother on Day of
12. In Quran orders about rituals are in
general but the issues of women are
discussed in detail
13. 8 out of 12 heirs in inheritance are
14. Economic Dependency @ Husband

Women Empowerment

As by
Components of Women Empowerment
1. Women’s sense of self-worth
2. their right to have and to determine choices
3. their right to have access to opportunities and
4. Their right to have the power to control their
own lives, both within and outside the home
5. Their ability to influence the direction of social
change to create a more just social and
economic orders, nationally and internationally
 Pickthall
And it becometh not a believing man or a believing woman, when Allah and His
messenger have decided an affair (for them), that they should (after that) claim
any say in their affair; and whoso is rebellious to Allah and His messenger, he
verily goeth astray in error manifest. Sura Ehzab-36
Urdu 
‫ اور کسی مومن مرد اور مومن عورت کو حق نہیں ہے کہ جب خدا اور اس کا رسول کوئی امر مقرر کردیں‬
‫تو وہ اس کام میں اپنا بھی کچھ اختیار سمجھیں۔ اور جو کوئی خدا اور اس کے رسول کی نافرمانی کرے وہ‬
‫صریح گمراہ ہوگیا‬



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