Developing Better Products Through Natural Chemistry
Developing Better Products Through Natural Chemistry
Developing Better Products Through Natural Chemistry
Here is a partial listing of our Family of Natural Mint Derived ingredients utilized in flavor & fragrance formulations.
For detailed paperwork on all of our items consult our web site at
For a complete list of all our natural, natural identical and synthetic ingredients
visit us at
Beyond Cool:
Innovations in Mint
& Oral Care
Hexyl Acetate
Medicine Flavoring
MS_AD3842EN 2019 - 21874
26 22 Flavor Bites: Hexyl acetate
By John Wright
Combining the attractive characteristics of pear and banana,
this ingredient works well together with several hexyl esters,
including hexyl butyrate and hexanoate.
By Mania Bankova, Catalina Lee and Victoria Yeung
Utilizing novel cool technologies and stable raw materials like
mint oils, flavorists are able to create oral care flavors that
promote oral health and provide a pleasant sensory experience.
34 Out of the Tube: Expanding Oral Care’s Sensory
By Eddie Bulliqi
Could a strategic shake-up in flavor development trigger some
surprising effects in other olfactory product categories?
fall into the mint category, to be used to provide a cool, fresh,
natural, clean top note to perfumes.
Visit for your Digital Edition.
8 Product Roundup: Mint & Cooling Materials
2 Vol. 44 • June 2019 | Perfumer & Flavorist
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and leadership, Randy
adds his Yipppeee!™
Touch and expertise to
the complex producti
processes so that ever
is done just right!
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@PandFMagazine #perfumer_flavorist
UNE-EN-ISO9001: 2015
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Managing Editor
P&F Magazine
Editorial Advisory Board
y earliest memories of mint were of the plants overwhelming
my mother’s herb garden. She’d intentionally plant thyme,
rosemary and dill to flavor our meals, but eventually, mint
Master Perfumer, Vice President
International Flavors and Fragrances always won out, at first curiously nestling into other pots,
until the robust herb stretched its limbs wide enough to evict its herbal
PATRICK DUNPHY, PH.D. neighbors. We’d have bushels of mint sprouting with pride in each pot. I’d
Independent Vanilla and pluck a few leaves on my way to school, long before I could really understand
Flavor Consultant its implications in the mints and toothpaste I’d covet for fresh breath. Later,
when I learned how to cook, mint would brighten up many of my own
MATTHIAS GUENTERT, PH.D. dishes, including a lentil soup passed down from my mother’s mother. And
Independent Flavor and Food
now, I can humbly describe from my own synesthetic point of view, mint is
vibrant, sharp and uplifting. Or perhaps, I learned this from many of you
JUDITH MICHALSKI perfumers and flavorists out there?
Senior Flavorist Today, these sensory descriptions of mint are commonplace within the
abelei Flavors flavor and fragrance industry. But since we’re in a niche industry, each
variety has its own description for more specific applications. Sweet spear-
JOHN WRIGHT mint; pungent peppermint; cooling cornmint. This issue, we take a look a
Independent Flavorist and Author
closer look at cornmint essential oil (page 48) and its socioeconomic impact.
JOHN CAVALLO, PH.D. According to a U.S. Grand View Research reporta, cornmint essential oil sales
Senior Vice President of Technology are expected to reach $390 million by 2022, followed by peppermint essential
& Commercial Development, oil ($170 million) and spearmint ($110 million).
Citromax Mint and cooling agents are a pair to be reckoned with in oral care,
which is one of the themes of this issue. The power of menthol is used to
mask off notes of functional ingredients in oral care products (page 40) and
even develop a sense of confidence (page 26); as well as aid in digestion and
even create indulgent flavor profiles when paired with other ingredients like
chocolate, citrus or tea (page 8).
Mint is a proud plant, and why wouldn’t it be? Its aromatic and cooling
properties inspire confidence and refreshment each time we work with it.
Editor’s Note: We’d like to address an I hope you find some “cool” insight within these pages.
error printed in the May 2019 article, With warmth from Brooklyn,
“Authentication of a Flavoring Substance:
The Vanillin Case.” In F-1, Natural
Vanillins should be in green and the US Deniz Ataman
Natural Vanillins should be in grey. You Managing Editor
can find the correct graph in the May
digital edition. We regret the error.” a Value of Essential Oil Market in U.S. from 2012-2022 by Type
Neutral taste suitable for any flavour tonality, allows cooling in non-mint flavouring systems
Opens the space to new poly-sensorial experiences
Symcool WS-5
l-Linalool Oxide Symrise AG
Natural Advantage
Symcool WS-5 is one of the strongest cooling agents and offers excellent
Natural Advantage introduces Natural l-Linalool Oxide (FEMA# 3746; cost-in-use in various applications. Symrise’s patented process offers high-
CAS# 1365-19-1). It occurs naturally in green and black teas. purity WS-5, free from bitter notes. In fruit flavors, it adds freshness and
Linalool oxide can be described as camphorous, floral, fruity, spicy, juiciness. In mints, it helps create a round mint flavor with a lasting cooling
tea-like, woody and even minty. It is well known for adding depth and clean sensation.
and sweetness to tea and lemon flavors as well as enhancing woody
notes in red wines. Natural linalool oxide can also be used for mint
top notes due to the fact that it has nice cooling sensations at certain
levels. Recommended use level: 0.05-10 ppm in finished products.
EU and US natural, kosher, non-GMO and vegetarian.
Calice Becker, perfumer and director of the Givaudan Perfumery School, explores Carto, which is designed to help perfumers create formulas and samples of the fragrance.
Givaudan Fragrances has launched its A.I. traditional spreadsheets or olfactive pyramid
powered scent creation tool Carto, as part of its 2020 representations. Following the creation of the scent
digital innovation strategy. with Carto, the system will create a sample of the fra-
“The system allows [perfumers] to bring together grance. Currently, the device is being deployed at the
physicochemical science and technology to maxi- company’s fragrance creative centers and are being
mize the use of our palette of ingredients while integrated into their scent creation processes.
making experimentation simpler and fun,” said Commenting on its creation, Calice Becker,
Maurizio Volpi, president of Givaudan’s fragrance perfumer and director of the Givaudan Perfumery
division. “It brings to life their ideas, inspirations, School said: “I have been part of this exciting project
and creative concepts in a very efficient way while since the beginning, and I have been able to help
taking away the repetitive tasks. The role of the per- shape this tool that I believe contributes to the future
fumer remains at the center of creation, Carto comes of perfumery. It is a true complementary support
as the digital support they can use to enhance their to our work, it allows us to experiment much more
creative work.” than we can today, to dose our formulas in the most
Utilizing a wide touch screen, perfumers can performant way, and we, perfumers, bring the cre-
create their formulas through interacting with ative touch, the one most important part that can’t
Givaudan’s Odour Value Map, as opposed to be replaced by any system.”
Reproduction in English or any other language of all or part of this article is strictly prohibited. © 2019 Allured Business Media.
International Flavors & Fragrances Inc. (IFF) multi-year plan to optimize IFF’s finance operating
has opened a global service center at Mill Park in model. By the end of 2019, the center will have more
Budapest, Hungary. than 100 employees, with the ability to accommo-
“With sustainability a key enabler of our strategy, date more employees as recruiting continues and the
I’m proud to say that Mill Park supports our vision scope of IFF’s services expands.
as a LEED gold certified site,” said Richard O’Leary, “It is gratifying to celebrate the opening of this
CFO of IFF. “Mill Park provides IFF with a sustain- new center,” said O’Leary. “The team has worked
able work environment that is conveniently located hard to get us to this point in our transformation
with easy access to public transportation and excel- journey. I want to thank everyone involved for
lent amenities. I am very excited to see this site grow their efforts. A transformation like this never
and fulfill its potential for both IFF and Budapest.” happens in a vacuum. I would like to acknowledge
In an effort to consolidate key finance processes and thank our many external partners that have
for its worldwide operations, the center is part of a made this possible.”
In an FDA press announcement issued April 2, 2019, • The administration will hold a public hearing on
the FDA commissioner, Scott Gottlieb, discussed new May 31, 2019, which will allow stakeholders to
steps that the administration will take to address the share their experiences and challenges with these
use of cannabis and cannabis-derived compounds in products. They will present information and views
products, which includes a potential regulatory pathway related to the safety of the products.
for cannabis-derived cosmetics, foods and beverages. • The FDA will create a high-level internal agency
Following the passing of the Agriculture working group to explore potential pathways for
Improvement Act of 2018 (the 2018 Farm Bill), hemp foods and dietary supplements containing CBD
was removed from the Controlled Substance Act. At to be lawfully marketed. The working group will
the same time, the U.S. Congress preserved the FDA’s consider changes that might be needed and the
current authority to regulate products containing impact the marketing will be on public health.
cannabis or cannabis-derived compounds under the • Frequently asked questions and responses to the
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) topic will be posted on the FDA’s webpage.
and section 351 of the Public Health Service Act. In • Lastly, the FDA issued several warning letters
doing so, the FDA can continue to enforce the law to to companies marketing CBD products with
protect the public from unsafe products, while also unfounded claims that were aimed at vulner-
providing a potential regulatory pathway for products able populations. Warning letters were sent to
containing cannabis or cannabis-derived compounds. Advanced Spine and Pain LLC (d/b/a Relievus),
In the announcement, Gottlieb outlined a series Nutra Pure LLC and PotNetwork Holdings Inc.
of actions that the administration will take to ensure
safety under its authority. These new steps include:
In this exclusive Perfumer & Flavorist interview, Florian Garlichs: BASF’s new innovation
Florian Garlichs, who leads BASF’s Virtual Innovation approach combines our strengths in chemis-
Ecosystem, discusses the program’s latest approach to try with the know-how of flavor and fragrance
driving aroma ingredient development. houses and other strategically relevant partners.
By the end of 2024, the global aroma chemicals Consolidating the capabilities of all partners in one
market is expected to reach $6.57 billion with a innovation ecosystem speeds up the development
CAGR of 6.2%a (to compare, the market was valued of new-to-the-world fragrance ingredients for the
at $3.85 billion in 2015). With this high demand whole industry.
comes challenges in regulatory compliance and R&D This approach is different from the classical
investment risks, among others, while balancing a innovation model in the F&F industry where every
cost and accessibility that is available to a limited party used to provide the necessary resources
number of global players that have these capabilities. by itself. We are convinced that collaboration is
BASF’s Virtual Innovation Ecosystem addresses key in this age and that it is time to create tools
these challenges through a partnership-based for differentiation in the market. We have the
approach using BASF’s large inventory of molecules to necessary capabilities to fulfill our part in these
screen substances for critical molecular parameters. partnerships: In addition to our large chemical
Read on for Garlichs’ interview below. inventory, BASF has more than 10,000 people
working in R&D, an asset we are trying to benefit
Perfumer & Flavorist: Can you describe the from for the development of new aroma ingredi-
innovation process within aroma ingredients at ents by repurposing technologies, molecules and
BASF? What’s an example? ideas from other disciplines and industries for use
in the F&F industry.
a Transparency Market Research: Aroma Chemicals Market
Tom Ford Honored With The Fragrance Foundation’s Hall of Fame Award
The Fragrance Foundation has announced Tom Ford will be
honored with its Hall of Fame Award at the 2019 Fragrance
Foundation Awards on June 5, 2019, in New York City.
After serving as the creative director for Gucci and Yves
Saint Laurent, Ford started his luxury brand in 2005. Shortly
after the creation of the brand, he created Tom Ford Beauty
and launched its Black Orchid scent in 2006, which went on
to receive separate Fragrance Foundation Awards. In addi-
tion to his work in fashion, Ford also wrote, produced and
directed the Academy Award nominated films A Single Man
and Nocturnal Animals. Previous Hall of Fame recipients
include Donna Karan, Marc Jacobs, Carolina Herrera, Estée
Lauder and others.
“Scent, in its many iterations, is something that I have
always had a strong passion for, and to be recognized for
my work in this industry by the prestigious Fragrance
Foundation, is a true honor,” said Ford.
Inca berry, basil (wonderful in chocolate), yuzu, They have noticed a lot of requests for cereal notes,
hibiscus and Spanish saffron. illustrated by rice bran absolute in a milk, as well as
Natural ingredients from Payan & Bertrand cocoa extract (a big item for them). The sweetness
included its Tonka resinoid extra, with a bitter, of ambrette seeds extract liquid was shown with
almond kernel, earthy, coumarine flavor profile, a bite-sized pancake to taste. They now have their
suggested for use in beverages, chocolates, candies, own fields which “helps them to create a more stable
dairy products and ready-cooked meals; verbena market,” according to Laurent Gallet, North Asia
oil, ginger fresh oil extra, myrrh resinoid extra and Managing Director, Robertet. “Everybody wants to
patchouli absolute extra were also on show. be strong in natural, but in order to do this you have
Lionel Hitchen Ltd. showed citrus and floral prod- to invest in the origin,” he said. Also demonstrated
ucts from its flavor ingredients range including lemon, were the zesty, Jambu oleoresin Inc 30% and orange
lime and geranium oils (terpeneless), and fenugreek peel oil colorless mid-season, with Nepal pepper CO2
and pink peppercorn soft extracts, Zatar spice blend, extract and blackcurrant buds absolute featuring in
and fennel, marjoram and oregano oleoresins from fizzy candy.
the herbs and spice extracts range. Oregano infusion Taking inspiration for its impressive table setting
is one of a range of natural infusions catering to this from the Danish well-being concept of hygge, which
current trend in the beverage industry. encourages savoring the simple pleasures, Mane
Lluch focused on yuzu cold pressed, folded lemon introduced cocoa resinoid, with a powerful dark
and grapefruit premium essential oils, emphasizing chocolate note and coffee robusta Laos alcoholic
the seasonality of production and the Spanish origin resinoid, offering roasted coffee, smoky bitterness,
of these premium citrus oils. Fresh ginger essential from certified Laos origin organic coffee. Another
oil premium is sourced from West Africa and “due to nod towards infusions, sweet clover infusion, offers
the rhizomes being ground and distilled as soon as coumarine notes for brown and vanilla aromas for
they are dug from the ground, the full spectrum of drinks and finally, the “very interesting,” natural vinyl
the root’s flavors with the characteristic lemon tone guaiacol, which can be used for any sweet applica-
is retained,” according to Lluch. tion, dairy and beverage, giving phenolic, spicy,
clove-like and smoky sweet notes.
Inspired by Hygge ACS International demonstrated dihydro
Robertet’s theme was “Let’s have a break,” com- jasmone, said to increase the salty taste of may-
plete with a table place setting for each participant. onnaise, which could be a way to reduce the salt
Jerry Stopps, Martyn Warner, Melanie Evans and Steve Pearce showing Omega Ingredients materials.
BY JOHN WRIGHT uzzy descriptors are the most frustrating challenge in the never-ending quest to link consumers’ choice of English
words to raw materials that we can actually identify and
use. Hexyl acetate (FEMA# 2565, CAS# 142-92-7) is very
definitely a fruity note, combining attractive pear and
banana characteristics. This simple description does not even get close
to saying it all. Hexyl acetate has an additional characteristic that is very
hard to define, possibly fresh, possibly juicy, possibly sweet, all somewhat
fuzzy. This ill-defined, but attractive, smorgasbord is shared by several
hexyl esters and they often work very well together. In the interests of
space, we will split them – covering hexyl acetate this month and then
hexyl butyrate and hexanoate next month.
Note that the dose rates given throughout this article are the levels
suggested for use in flavors intended to be dosed at 0.05% in ready-to-drink
beverages or in a simple bouillon.
Reproduction in English or any other language of all or part of this article is strictly prohibited. © 2019 Allured Business Media.
em a l
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BY STEVE PRINGLE, PH.D. – VP Global Mint & Sensatesa Takasago International Corporation
n a majority of consumer markets around flavors, which in turn creates a huge challenge to the
the world, oral care products are viewed flavorist. In other areas of flavor creation, with the
as a daily necessity. Oral care routines possible exception of some areas of savory flavor cre-
have become, for the most part, the first ation where the magical “umami” can prove to be the
thing we do when we wake up and the missing ingredient, the target being sought is clear.
last thing we do before we go to sleep. Flavors like vanilla, strawberry and passion fruit are,
The functional aspect of an oral care too all intents and purposes, easy to define for the
product is widely accepted with a plethora majority of people. In fact, on the whole, the target
of oral health related claims seen across for a flavorist is pretty definable in the vast major-
all geographic regions. Claims from the widely ity of flavor and product combinations. In oral care
accepted position of “prevents tooth decay,” to however, the target is very rarely that easy to define.
“sensitivity relief” to even “anti-aging” claims. In
general, consumers accept the fact that oral care
products have clear health benefits. Flavoring Confidence?
One claim that I have never seen made on the Work from Takasago’s Global Consumer Insights
packaging of an oral care product is “improves & Market Research Team (CIMR) has shown that
confidence,” and yet when we look beyond the consumers in all regions when asked, how they feel
obvious functionality of toothpaste and mouthwash, after brushing their teeth rarely respond describing
confidence is a clear benefit of a regular oral care the flavor they have just tasted. Overwhelmingly,
routine. Leaving the mouth with a fresh taste and the responses include “clean,” “refreshed” and “fresh
clean feeling is a critical component of any oral care breath.” Increasingly “confident” is also being used
product. It is this efficacy cue which is so desirable to describe the feeling after brushing or rinsing with
to consumers that results in flavor profiles centered mouthwash. There is very little if any mention of the
around mint and mint derivatives. flavor profile itself, or of the physical attributes of
It is this emotional desire for freshness rather the flavor. Instead, the consumer is looking for the
than a desire for mint that in reality defines oral care intangible benefits that the product flavor brings.
Now, spare a thought then for the oral care flavorist.
a Sensates is a registered trademark of Takasago International Corp They have to create something which, as well as
negotiating all the formulation challenges of active 15 and 65 years old, were asked to choose what are
ingredients, oral care bases, have to create some- important desired attributes from 29 different claims
thing that results in a flavor which isn’t “peppermint” taken from oral care packaging products and con-
but is “clean, fresh and gives confidence.” I’ve tried sumer interviews. Of these 29 claims only four were
many times, but I’ve yet to find a bottle of “confi- related to oral malodor. The remaining claims were
dence” on any shelf in the grocery store that I could more functional claims.
analyze by GC/MS to give me a starting point in for In 11 of the 12 countries, two of the top five
flavor creation. claims chosen by respondents were directly related
The reason behind all of this of course is the to fresh breath. Interestingly, across Europe and
tangible link between fresh breath and the efficacy North America the most desired benefit was “cavity
of an oral care product. Clearly, if the taste during fighting,” but in some of the key Asian markets such
and after brushing or rinsing gives the feeling of as China, Indonesia, South Korea and Thailand, the
clean then your mouth is clean, and the product is key desired benefit was related to oral malodor such
working. It is interesting that, despite this, claims as “breath freshening” and “eliminate bad breath.” In
on oral care products still focus on the functional. fact, of the four claims listed linked to oral malodor
A study performed by Takasago’s Global CIMR only one which directly relates to bad breath was
team has led to a similar conclusion. In a global not in the top 10 desired attributes. That this was
Ide@Screenb study covering 12 countries across all “removes bacteria which causes bad breath” could
regions, 400 consumers per country, aged between indicate that consumers still do not understand that
there is a strong link between bacteria in the oral
b Ide@Screen is a registered trademark of Takasago International Corp microbiome and bad breath.
Addressing Convenience and Sustainability with products offering greater convenience have had
If our oral routine is currently cemented as some- limited success. This has possibly been due to the
thing we do the first thing we wake up and the last format of the products promoted for convenience
thing before we go to sleep, then opportunities exist being simply scaled down versions of those we use at
throughout the day for additional oral care product home, which end up not really being that convenient!
usage, not least because of the continued wide- In addition, there are a growing number of con-
spread consumption of coffee, tea and soft drinks sumers for whom sustainable behavior is becoming
as well as between meal snacking. We all know that more important. This can manifest itself in con-
brushing or rinsing during our normal day can be sumer behavior in a number of ways. A growing
inconvenient. Attempts to address this obvious gap number of consumers continue to shift away from
New oral care formats such as tablets, powders and foams are driving the category as consumers continue seeking
products surrounding convenience and sustainability.
Reproduction in English or any other language of all or part of this article is strictly prohibited. © 2019 Allured Business Media.
In more diverse markets like China and Korea there has been an influx of oral products offering mood enhancing flavors and/or unique experiences… this has been driven
by the alignment of oral care with the beauty category," explained Helen Cook, oral care marketing manager at Givaudan.
2002-2009.c It is very telling that it was within this expectations across all spheres are becoming more
context that Axe’s Dark Temptation was released sophisticated; another is that the public is becoming
which solidified a growing trope for dessert gour- increasingly mindful of tastes and smells as access
mand as a cipher for fresh-sweet sensuality, now a points to small but meaningful pick-me-ups and
firm placement in 2019 cosmetics, modulating con- daily delights within mundanity, birthing a spirit of
sumer codes for extroversion, allure and the quality questioning and experimentation inspired by well-
of being groomed (which is very closely related to ness, appreciation of craft practices, the experience
cleanlinesss). Downey notes that “fine fragrance economy and the value of creativity through self-
notes can be found in some flavors, and gourmand fashioning.2 Toothpaste, as with every other product
notes are found in many flavors nowadays.” category, sits within this cultural biosphere where
One theory to explain the more fluid dialectics sensory experiences are expected to emotionally
between food, fine fragrance and consumer prod- move in more direct ways than they used to.
ucts can be offered by The New York Times’ Rachel
Felder who holds that “a more refined customer, Flavor Puzzles
even at the mass level, is more open to increas- This is reflected in flashes of daring from oral
ingly elevated fragrances,” suggesting that olfactory care launches in eastern markets in particular.
Helen Cook, oral care marketing manager at
c Givaudan, highlights that “in more diverse markets
like China and Korea there has been an influx of traditional clove-flavored Botot in France or Japan’s
oral products offering mood enhancing flavors and/ Breath Palette Curry toothpaste, there has not been
or unique experiences … From a trend perspective, a big change in flavor development strategy within
floral flavors are making waves … this has been oral care for almost a century and, if these bubbling
driven by the alignment of oral care with the beauty experiments take hold in worldwide tastes, it could
category,” whilst in the same conversation Downey have a huge impact on products above it in hierar-
underlines that “a good example of this is the local chy for influencing how people think about fresh,
Patanjali and Unilever’s Ayush brand in India. clean and confidence. Menthol-mint-coolness has
The flavors are based on the taste of Ayurvedic been a commodity anchor for these latter concepts
medicine. In China, flavors that are based on TCM from which food and fragrance have sometimes
(Traditional Chinese Medicine) are finding their intersected; if the whole world started using
way into not only local brands but the giants like jasmine-flavored toothpaste, then the meaning of
Unilever, P&G and Colgate, too.” jasmine in scent and the emotional significance of
These market movements cannot be explained jasmine tea may also change.
by the traditional trickle-down process but only by
larger paradigm shifts in how we engage with the Importance of Flavors in Aseptic Environments
senses based on society’s macro-trend for human- Another way to look at it is that the significance
ism – it is more like a puzzle that dictates when of oral care flavors will grow in a world that is
one piece moves then the whole board must follow, predicted to have fewer smells and tastes than today.
piece by piece. What is so exciting about the cat- Sportsperson and journalist Christopher Bergland
egory is that, whilst you may have products like the shrewdly identifies that:
odor memories aren’t being enriched with as 2. Mass-market Perfumes Developed By High-priced Noses.
much olfactory and spatiotemporal stimulus Rachel Felder -
as in yesteryear.3 mass-market-perfumes-developed-by-high-priced-noses.html
BY MANIA BANKOVA, Manager Flavors and Fragrances Technology; Catalina Lee, Worldwide Director
Flavors and Fragrances; Victoria Yeung, Scientist Flavor Technology, Colgate Palmolive
Reproduction in English or any other language of all or part of this article is strictly prohibited. © 2019 Allured Business Media.
Features such as ingredient stability for the toothpaste shelf life, masking the taste and mouth sensation of the base, taste with global appeal, and signaling familiarity and
connection with the brand all encompass consumer appeal for whole mouth health.
of flavor ingredients added to the oral care formula- interact with flavor molecules. It can decompose
tion. Zinc can also bind to salivary proteins, which ester or organic carbonates through hydrolysis or
may alter in a negative way the ability of saliva to form condensation products with aldehydes. Such
lubricate the oral mucosa, which imparts the sensa- chemical changes impact overall flavor quality and
tion of astringency. Additionally, zinc oxide and zinc affect taste consistency during the shelf life of the
citrate impart a metallic sensation. product. Another important aspect to consider
Good taste is delivered through good quality, in flavor creation for a dentifrice formulation
high performing flavors. In a complex multicom- intended to reach people throughout the world, is
ponent system, another important factor to be to ensure appealing taste that pleases the global
considered is flavor stability. The presence of func- consumers, signals benefits and ensures brand
tional groups such as carbonyl, ester and hydroxyl loyalty. Therefore, developing flavors for a novel
groups in the flavor molecules determines their oral care formulation that is highly efficacious
possible chemical reactivity. Even a flavor compo- but has taste challenging excipients like Dual Zinc
sition that is stable on its own can be susceptible plus Arginine, it is essential to consider a multidi-
to chemical changes due to interactions with the mensional approach with focuses on: ingredient
dentifrice molecules. For example, arginine amino stability for the toothpaste shelf life, masking the
and guanidino functional groups can possibly taste and mouth sensation of the base, taste with
hough mint is largely associated with oral care snack bar space, brands are offering mint flavored products in
applications in the flavor world, consumers are a variety of formats. Smashmallow offers a mint chocolate chip
seeking out mint flavors in a range of product marshmallow and rice crispy treat, while Nuts ‘N More has a
categories. Whether a mint flavor is in a beverage, mint chocolate chip peanut butter spread and BarkThins offers a
snack or confection, consumers are looking for products that dark chocolate peppermint pretzel snack with sea salt.
provide unique sensations and relate to their ethics. In the confectionery space, mint faces both opportunities
One of the growing areas for mint flavors has been the and challenges. For chocolates, mint is being sought after for
RTD beverage space, primarily waters and teas. Sparkling its cooling sensation and has appeared in a variety of products.
water brand Voss offers a lime mint flavor of its beverage, In 2018, M&M announced that Crunchy Mint will join its rosters
while Hint offers a peppermint flavored water in sparkling and of flavors, after winning its 2018 Flavor Vote contest. Similarly,
regular options. Kit Kat announced that it will release a mint and dark chocolate
Sustainability initiatives and branding have stirred up the bar by December 2019. However, in the gums, mints and breath
tea space as well. Honest Tea, Teavana and Mighty Leaf each freshener market, the segment is facing a downward trend.
promote its sustainability efforts, appealing to eco-conscious According to a Mintel market reporta, the market is expected
consumers. Mint tea flavors themselves might not change to see a 14% decrease in sales by 2023. Despite this decline,
dramatically, but the way a brand interacts with its consumer will. a large number of brands are trying to jumpstart growth by
Rising with the trend of the “on-the-go consumer,” mint creating sugarless gums and products that capitalize on growing
flavors are also freshening up the snack space with a range natural and organic trends. Brands like Trident, Orbit, Eclipse,
of RTE snack bars. Usually paired with chocolate, mint Extra, Ice Breakers and many others offer a range of sugar-free,
has appeared in a variety of protein, diet and snack bars. mint flavored products. With brands reformulating reduced sugar
Cliff Bar offers a cool mint chocolate protein bar, and Kind or sugar-free products, this provides an opportunity for flavorists
has a dark chocolate almond mint bar. In the vegan snack to combine innovations in mint and sweet solutions.
bar segment, Good! Snacks offers a plant-based, vegan
chocolate mint protein bar, and No Cow provides a mint a
cacao chip bar formulated with natural flavors. Outside the market-research-report
A quality mint oil (peppermint, spearmint or cornmint), other flavor ingredients and a novel cooling material, or combination with sensates, is the perfect recipe for an
effective oral care flavor.
global appeal, and signaling familiarity and con- molecules – degradation and formation of reaction
nection with the brand. The main objective is to compounds. Complementary olfactive evaluations
drive appeal and compliance to regiment to ensure determine taste acceptability. Thus, combining
that therapeutic benefits are delivered as part of instrumental analysis and sensory expertise, we
a daily oral care routine to help achieve whole can identify potential candidates for flavor cre-
mouth health. ation. The scientific approach to flavor stability
is essential to prove the hydrolysis of esters and
Flavor Innovation to the Rescue organocarbonates and Shiff base formation for
Creating flavors for such novel therapeutic Dual carbonyl containing molecules due to the presence
Zinc plus Arginine dentifrice composition involves of the amino acid. Due to these changes in the
integration of many different flavor materials at chemistry of the flavor ingredients, we lose tonali-
various levels that could have numerous possible ties that can alter the sensory experience in the
combinations. It is important to study the stabil- mouth and mask astringency.
ity of these ingredients to assess their potential Through understanding of consumer expec-
use in the creative process. Analytical techniques tations, creative formulation using stable raw
like gas chromatography with flame ionization or materials, including various novel cooling tech-
mass spectrometry detection are used to character- nologies, creators would be able to develop suitable
ize changes in the chemical profile of the flavor flavors to overcome the challenges of the new oral
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More than 90% of pediatricians reported a drug’s taste or palpability provided a barrier to treatment adherence.
adherence rates for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, package composition and level, with further chal-
posttransplant therapy, cancer and epilepsy had med- lenges in natural based products,” said Morgan. “A
ication adherence rate between 50-60%.4 Outside of secondary point of attack is using complimentary
chronic illnesses, simply treating a common cold can flavor type when compatible with the product design
be a challenge for any parent with a small child. One and consumer need. Finally, the advancement of
of the main reasons for medication non-compliance novel bitter masking technologies allows for new
across the board comes down to taste. In a Clinical routes to overcome this challenge.”
Therapeutics studye, more than 90% pediatricians For pills and tablets, the applications have the
reported that a drug’s taste or palpability provided a advantage of masking or encapsulation of bitter
barrier to treatment adherence. tastes, which do a great deal to address the palpabil-
ity of the product. However, liquid formulations are
Rooting Out Bitterness more complicated, often including a sweetener and
Through an understanding of the consumer and compounded flavor in an effort to combat the bitter
a medicine’s base ingredients, the flavorist can then taste of the active ingredients. However, sweeten-
tackle the bitterness head-on. ers have their own unique challenges. Sweeteners
“In general, you can attack the bitterness hurdle can create overly palatable products and lead to
in several ways. The primary lever is the sweetener, over-consumption if the drug is not properly admin-
istered. The medical and dental communities have
e also pushed for the use of noncaloric, noncariogenic
With the consumer in mind, the flavorist’s first major challenge in creating medication flavors is understanding the base ingredients and its flavor attributes.
and create, which can offer new and interesting consumers, Little Remedies is a brand that features
challenges,” said Morgan. “These types of scenarios a range of cough, cold, fever and other medicines
provide an opportunity to push the typical flavor designed for children. For coughs and colds, the
creation paradigms.” brand offers a honey cough syrup and a honey-
Like the beverage and snack markets, the OTC flavored sore throat lollipop, formulated with honey
drug market is experiencing its own natural boon, and natural flavor and sucrose respectively.
especially in the cold and cough medicine segment. On the personalization front, digital innova-
One leader this space is Nature’s Way Umcka tion is leading the way in creating customizable
Coldcare with its line of cough relief syrups and and unique medicine flavor solutions. Arguably,
chewable medicines for children and adults. Its line the leader in this category is Flavorx. Started by
of cough syrups includes cherry, berry, elderberry, Kenny Kramm as a way to help his daughter who
orange, sugar-free grape and menthol flavors, each suffered from continual seizures, a blood-clotting
formulated with natural flavors. Another leader, disorder and cerebral palsy take her medicine,
Zarbee’s, offers a range of children and adult throat Flavorx provides a pediatric flavoring system that
relief medicine, vitamins and immune support aids. allows for prescriptions to be flavored with one of
Its Complete Nighttime Cough Syrup + Immune the company’s copyrighted flavoring recipes that are
and Immune Support Syrup in either black elder- formulated without sugar, dye, gluten or casein.9-
berry and honey, are formulated with natural 10 Parents can utilize a Flavorx app to browse
flavors. Focusing specifically on the smallest of all the catalog of flavors and find a pharmacy that
Reproduction in English or any other language of all or part of this article is strictly prohibited. © 2019 Allured Business Media.
for the latest program updates.
Another area that is often not seen for its healthy global dairy flavorist for ADM nutrition, will discuss
or clean attributes is the confectionery segment, the flavor challenges and opportunities in creating
which is now finding innovative ways to embrace flavors for plant proteins. During his masterclass
“better-for-you” trends. On day two of Flavorcon, presentation, Nadathur will examine how to address
Maria Bast, senior marketing director for Perfetti off-flavors, flavor loss and product functionality in
Van Melle, and Matthew Beam, director of R&D protein products. Additionally, he will discuss how
for Perfetti Van Melle, will share the challenges of to counteract off-flavors with maskers, which can
incorporating better-for-you trends into confection- ultimately enhance the product’s taste and consumer
ery brands. The duo will discuss their strategy in appeal. Samples will be used to convey the topics
incorporating clean and natural attributes for the discussed in the session.
Airhead candy brand and how to engage a loyal
consumer base through reformulation. From Fermented Dining to Fine Wine
As consumers increasingly look for products While non-dairy and clean tastes have revolution-
that appeal to all their senses, the scent behind a ized the flavor and food industries, many classic
flavor or product has become more important and tastes from fermented flavors to alcoholic beverages
a consumer driver in itself. During her masterclass are still popular.
session on day two, Marie Wright, VP and chief Elizabeth McCall, assistant master blender,
global flavorist for ADM, will examine products that Woodford Reserve, will discuss how Woodford
are flavored with fragrance notes and why consum- Reserve develops the over 200 flavors in its profile
ers gravitate to them as an angle to understand flavor as closing keynote on day one. Her presenta-
creation in more depth. tion, “Exploring the Flavors of Woodford Reserve
Bourbon,” will explore the unique flavors created
Non-dairy, Non-meat Flavors 2.0 throughout the distillery’s production process, along
Within the natural and better-for-you trend, one with a food pairing exercise.
of the largest growth areas is the alternative protein To discuss the world of wine, renowned flavorist
and dairy markets. To start the conversation on this John Wright will host a masterclass on wine and
segment, Praveen Upreti, corporate R&D cheese flavor. During this workshop session, he will examine
advisor: dairy specialist for Nestle, will discuss how to how location, the grape and the winemaker, among
create flavors for alternative dairy cheeses on day one others, influence the complex flavor profile of wine.
of Flavorcon. During his presentation, he will compare Additionally, Wright will examine the specific chemi-
traditional dairy cheeses and alternative dairy cheeses cals present in wines and explore how the segment
and how flavors can address the taste gap. has changed over the past 50 years.
Continuing the conversation on creating flavors Moving from the wine glass to the dinner plate,
for plant-based products, Sudarshan Nadathur, chief the presentation directly following Wright’s will
discuss fermentation in fine dining.
In “A Conversation on the Creation of
Flavor,” David Zilber, director of fer-
mentation of Restaurant Noma, and
Jeff Gordinier, food and drinks editor
for Esquire, will share their insight
into fermentation and fine dining. The
conversation will discuss the develop-
ment of new tastes via fermentation
through the fine dining lens.
Despite being relatively new to the
food and flavor markets, cannabis
and CBD flavors might be the new
normal for many consumers looking
for products with wellness attributes.
During “The Cannabis Conundrum:
To Chase or Erase,” a panel comprised
of Jennifer Corso; lead scientist of
research and development for Banyan
Scientific and Darwin Brands, Tony
Moore; chief innovation officer and
The two-day event will include a conference, an exhibition hall with 40+ booths and numerous networking opportunities. chief flavorist for Flavor Producers,
Senior Flavorist, abelei flavors;
Organoleptic Evaluation Panelists
• Gerard Mosciano, Consulting Flavorist
• Deborah Barber, Senior Flavorist, FONA
• Cyndie Lipka, Master Flavorist, Prinova
• Tom Gibson, Director, Flavor Architect, Flavor First Flavors
• Robert Pan, Senior Flavor Chemist, T. Hasegawa USA Inc.
• Alpa Roman, Senior Flavorist, Flavor & Fragrance Specialties
• Bill Aslanides, Senior Flavorist, Synergy Flavors, Inc.
• Aparna Oak, Director of Flavor Innovation, Imbibe
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Business Media.
56 Flavor Vol. 44 • June 2019 | Perfumer & Flavorist
In this literature review, we examine the closeness of our senses and how
attraction, society and place might play a role in how we taste and smell.
Reproduction in English or any other language of all or part of this article is strictly prohibited. © 2019 Allured Business Media.
a c
b like-a-dog-and-experience-the-world-in-a-new-way
in the group of separated mice, which would be separation resulted in changes to the OR expression
reflected in the mice’s overall olfactory gene expres- in the MOE. The sex-separated mice saw a 4.4%
sion and its olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs). difference in ORs, as opposed to a 1.1% differ-
Similarly, the male and female combined group ence from the combined male and female group.
would likely have similar olfactory experiences and While more research needs to be done to show how
should display fewer differences in the OSN subtypes environments and the presence of others can impact
and gene expression. olfaction, the researchers believe this can help
Following the experiment, the mice were explain the genetic difference in human’s receptors.
removed from the cage and main olfactory epi- “Human males and females smell different, too.
thelium (MOE), vomeronasal organ (VNO) and Men give off odors from testosterone metabolites, for
olfactory bulb (OB) tissue samples were removed example,” said Stephen Santoro, assistant professor
and flash-frozen for analysis. During the analysis, in the department of zoology and physiology at the
the researcher examined the overall gene expression University of Wyoming. “There are genetic differences
for differences and the number of olfactory recep- in being able to detect this. Some people would say
tors (OR). They found that in the MOE, 3.4% of the smell is good, while others find it unpleasant or
all genes were differentially expressed between the cannot detect it at all. These differences in perception
separated male and separated female groups, while are related to genetic differences in people’s recep-
the combined female/male group only showed a tors. Some researchers speculate that these kinds of
.28% difference between male and female. Similarly, molecules might function as pheromones in humans.”
Ad Index
Advertiser Web site Page
Aurochemicals 29
Axxence Aromatic GmbH 9
Beta Analytic 31
Bio-Botanica, Inc. 37
Flavorcon 33, 49
Fleurchem, Inc. 35
Hangzhou Grascent Co., Ltd. 11
Indukern 5
John Wright 23
Mane 7
MilliporeSigma C2
Natural Advantage 13
OQEMA/Lansdowne Chemicals Plc 25
Penta Manufacturing Co. C4
Shanghai Buychemi Information Technology Co. 59
Symrise 1
Vigon International, Inc. 3
World Perfumery Congress 39
Xiamen Bestally Biotechnology Co., Ltd C3
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