Surface Wettability of Paper (Angle-of-Contact Method) : Standard Test Method For
Surface Wettability of Paper (Angle-of-Contact Method) : Standard Test Method For
Surface Wettability of Paper (Angle-of-Contact Method) : Standard Test Method For
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D 724
Phenol, g 1.0
Soluble blue dye, Color Index 42755, Acid Blue 22, g 3.5
Water, distilled or deionized to make 1000 mL at 20°C (68°F)
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D 724
tendency of a writing paper to feather will be indicated by the
decrease in the angle of contact between measurement after 5
and 60 s. In hard-sized papers, the angle of contact will not
change perceptibly between the measurements at 5 and 60 s. If
the initial wettability is less than 90°, it is quite likely the paper
will feather as soon as it is written upon.
10.4 As the range in contact angle for specific conditions is
A 5 contact angle
D 5 drop of liquid
small, a refined technique is required in performing the test.
P 5 paper This is indicated by the above examples as well as by
T 5 tangent at paper surface theoretical considerations.
FIG. 2 Measuring Angle of Contact 11. Report
11.1 Report the following information:
draw two tangents to the curve at the two points of contact with
11.1.1 Standard Ink:
the base line. Measure the two interior angles between the base The initial wettability or ruling quality shall be
line and the tangents with a protractor.
reported as the average angle of contact after 5-s exposure
8.5.2 Reflective Goniometer Procedure—Adjust the eye
expressed to the nearest degree,
piece and the internal measuring mechanism so that the interior The rate of change of wettability or writing quality
angle of each of the two points of contact can be determined.
is reported as calculated in 9.1,
8.6 Make measurements for 5 drops on each side of the If possible to identify the two sides, the results shall
specimen. The contact angle for each drop shall be the average
be identified as to the wire side and the felt side. Otherwise, the
of the angles at the two edges of the drop. If the two contact
size may be arbitrarily designated, as for example, A and B, and
angles are significantly different, the value should be elimi- Test results shall be expressed as maximum, mini-
nated and the test repeated.
mum, and average for each side of the specimen tested,
9. Calculation reported to two significant figures.
11.1.2 Other Liquids— If liquids other than the standard ink
9.1 Calculation— Calculate the rate of change in wettability
are used, the liquid used along with any modifications of the
as follows:
procedures shall be reported.
R 5 ~A 2 a!/55
12. Precision and Bias
where: 12.1 Precision:
R 5 rate of change in wettability,°/ s, 12.1.1 When the procedure in this test method is applied by
A 5 average angle of contact after 5 s, and a single operator using the same equipment to paper whose
a 5 average angle of contact after 60 s.
surface characteristics impacting this test method are homoge-
10. Interpretation of Results neous, and where ten tests are run on the same side of two test
specimens cut from the same sheet of paper giving a result of
10.1 In considering the results of the angle-of-contact test,
90° or greater using this test method, the repeatability standard
the following factors that all affect the results in different
deviation is approximately 7° and the 95 % repeatability is 2°
degrees shall be considered: (a) the wetting power of the test
(see TAPPI T458).
liquid used, (b) the wettability of the sizing agent used in sizing
12.1.2 Using the data reported by Bristow,5 the reproduc-
the paper, and (c) the surface texture of finish of the paper.
ibility standard deviation is approximately 2.5° and the 95 %
10.2 The standard ink will give smaller angles of contact
reproducibility limit is approximately 7° for two different
than water, indicating that it wets the paper more readily than
operators using the same apparatus.
water. Papers surface-sized with starch will generally show
12.1.3 It is not practicable to specify in greater detail the
smaller angles than papers of about the same finish tube-sized
precision of the procedure for determining contact angle in this
with glue. A machine-finished paper with a grainy surface
test method because of variations in equipment, variations in
would have a greater angle of contact than a plated or
test liquid, and most specifically in paper coating uniformity
calendered paper of equal sizing. It is known that in practice,
which are encountered. It must be left to individual laboratories
ruling results will depend on both the surface wettability and
to determine precision estimates for specific paper grades and
finish of the paper. Thus, the angle of contact should give a
testing needs.
very good idea of what is to be expected. It has been found that
12.2 Bias—No statement can be made about the bias of the
excellent ruling will prevail when the average angle of contact
procedure in this test method because contact angle is defined
with water lies between 90 and 100°; when the angle of contact
in terms of the test method.
is greater than 110°, breaks are likely to occur in the ruled
lines; when the angle is smaller than 90°, the ruling fluid is 13. Keywords
likely to feather. 13.1 angle-of-contact; contact angle; paper; surface wetta-
10.3 In determining the writing qualities of paper by means bility
of the angle-of-contact method, it is necessary to take into
account that medium-sized papers will at times show feather- 5
Bristow, J.A., “The Reproducibility of Contact Angle Measurement,” Paperi ja
ing only after the ink has partly penetrated the paper. The Puu 50 (4a): 171, 1968.
NOTICE: This standard has either been superceded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
D 724
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