Q. Chose The Correct Answer From The Options Given Below Each Question

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BAFY Semester II Compulsory English Multiple Choice Questions, for Practice

Q. Chose the correct answer from the options given below each question.

1. Francis Bacon was a…………writer.

a. British b. Canadian c. a Spanish d. a Scottish
2. Francis Bacon is known as…………of modern English essays.
a. uncle b. father c. villain d. destroyer
3. “Of Discourse” is an essay that deals with use of…………for interaction.
a. weapon b. painting c. language d. sculpture
4. Bacon advises the readers to intermingle speech with arguments and…………
a. fights b. arms c. curses d. tales
5. In order to make interaction lively there must be used…………with seriousness.
a. jest b. joker c. tramp d. clown
6. Bacon talks about ‘wit’, which means…………
a. technical ability b. appropriate use of c. use of difficult d. use of foreign
words words words
7. Bacon says that…………is always better than mere eloquence.
a. discretion b. discrimination c. injustice d. criticism
8. Interlocution is good speech, which means making others…………
a. keep quiet b. speak equally c. silent d. speechless
9. …………, matters of state and great people should not be made fun of.
a. Sports b. Common people c. Religion d. Literature
10. Asking questions in discourse raises the level of…………
a. ignorance b. knowledge c. energy d. laziness
11. “Does Education Do Harm?” was written by…………Russell.
a. Bar-tender b. Batsman c. Bertrand d. Batterer
12. Russell was awarded the…………for literature in 1950.
a. Oscar b. Nobel c. Booker d. Padma Shri
13. Biographies disclosed to Russell that many successful persons didn’t have…………
a. common sense b. formal education c. enlightenment d. genius
14. Russell, in the beginning of the article, gives the examples of…………businesspersons.
a. Russian b. French c. British d. American
15. Russell questions the very significance of…………education.
a. informal b. formal c. technical d. medical
16. Russell observes that most of the teachers kill the…………in their students.
a. laziness b. disobedience c. initiative d. darkness
17. Most of the teachers emphasize that it is important to be…………than original.
a. wrong b. immoral c. right d. attractive
18. The meaning of to be right, according to Russell, is to…………with the teacher.
a. agree b. disagree c. quarrel d. grumble
19. What Russell didn’t like was…………education.
a. true b. informal c. bookish d. original
20. Russell gives his childhood example regarding the observations of the…………
a. tigers b. monkeys c. snakes d. squirrels
21. Galileo used to drop…………from the Leaning Tower of Pisa to see how they fell.
a. children b. weights c. bombs d. criminals
22. In America successful…………trained the students with the benefit of their experience.
a. criminals b. politicians c. businesspersons d. cowboys

Department of English, Walchand College, Solapur

23. Russell stresses that real virtue is based on…………
a. fiction b. facts c. falsity d. untruth
24. According to Russell the fundamental reason for poor education is lack of…………
a. quest for reality b. information c. pretty fancy d. gadgets
25. …………didn’t like fugitive and cloistered virtue.
a. Shakespeare b. Macmillan c. Milton d. Franco
26. Tagore wrote “The Spirit of Freedom” while he was in…………
a. England b. America c. Canada d. Australia
27. The essay “The Spirit of Freedom” was originally addressed to the people of…………
a. England b. America c. India d. West Indies
28. Tagore says that in the olden times a king used to live in an air of…………
a. deception b. honesty c. freedom d. morality
29. Tagore was…………with the western understanding of ‘freedom’.
a. very happy b. very satisfied c. not happy d. content
30. Tagore refers to an Indian epic titled…………
a. the Ramayana b. the Mahabharata c. the Shakuntal d. the Meghduta
31. Tagore was in favour of the…………experience of freedom.
a. external b. physical c. internal d. superficial
32. The comprehensive meaning of freedom consists in respecting the freedom of…………
a. one’s own b. others c. limited persons d. restricted beings
33. “Our Earth Will Not Die” is written by…………Osundare.
a. Nicky b. Neil c. Niyi d. Knell
34. Osundare was a…………poet.
a. Nigerian b. British c. West Indian d. Canadian
35. The poem “Our Earth Will Not Die” is about the survival of the…………
a. Moon b. Sun c. Mars d. Earth
36. In the beginning of the poem Osundare says that the mountains are…………
a. lynched b. slaughtered c. mauled d. admired
37. ‘Here, there, everywhere, a lake is killed by the…………urine’
a. golden b. arsenic c. silver d. gray
38. The poisoned stream is shown to cough…………in the sickly sea.
a. chaos b. creation c. music d. melody
39. Due to the polluted seas the…………are getting dead.
a. crocodiles b. octopuses c. whales d. frogs
40. ‘A nuclear sun rises like a funeral ball’, the figure of speech in this line is…………
a. metaphor b. simile c. litotes d. personification
41. “Ode on Solitude” is written by…………Pope.
a. Allan b. Alex c. Alexander d. Allen
42. This poem is about a self-sufficient and…………life.
a. quarrelsome b. contented c. dissatisfactory d. restless
43. The happy person, to Pope, is the one who leads a simple life in…………place.
a. his native b. a foreign c. a strange d. a crowdy
44. It is the place where he gets attire from…………
a. herds b. flocks c. fields d. trees
45. Pope asserts that healthy body and…………of mind are the real assets in human life.
a. piece b. pie c. peace d. pick
46. Pope desires for innocence associated with…………
a. mediation b. meditation c. matric d. machines
Department of English, Walchand College, Solapur
47. Pope expresses in this poem his willingness to live unseen and…………
a. known b. recognized c. unknown c. in the spotlight
48. “Remember” is a poem written by…………Rossetti.
a. Christ b. Christina c. Charisma d. Cherry
49. “Remember” is…………by Rossetti.
a. an elegy b. an ode c. a ballad d. a sonnet
50. Rossetti makes an appeal to her lover that he should remember her after her…………
a. visit abroad b. death c. birth d. survival
51. The correct synonym of ‘fate’ is…………
a. density b. destiny c. destination d. disaster
52. The correct synonym of ‘idle’ is…………
a. lazy b. hazardous c. ideal d. smart
53. The correct synonym of ‘calm’ is…………
a. disturbing b. quiet c. chaotic d. noisy
54. The correct synonym of ‘fear’ is…………
a. freight b. fight c. fright d. frame
55. The correct synonym of ‘allow’ is…………
a. permit b. reject c. decline d. desire
56. The correct antonym of ‘ability’ is…………
a. capability b. strength c. inability d. agility
57. The correct antonym of ‘freedom’ is…………
a. independence b. liberty c. movement d. slavery
58. The correct antonym of ‘innocent’ is…………
a. guilty b. pure c. genuine d. original
59. The correct antonym of ‘clear’ is…………
a. transparent b. unclear c. see-through d. permeable
60. The correct antonym of ‘build’ is…………
a. construct b. develop c. destroy d. create
61. I went to Mumbai last year. The tense in this sentence is…………
a. present b. future c. past d. present perfect
62. He wants quick financial assistance. The tense in this sentence is…………
a. past b. present c. past d. past perfect
63. She will attend the seminar tomorrow. The tense in this sentence is…………
a. future b. present c. past perfect d. past
64. He has…………a short term course.
a. completing b. completes c. completed d. complete
65. The earth…………around the sun.
a. revolving b. has revolved c. are revolved d. revolves
66. Every day I used…………to temple.
a. going b. to go c. went d. gone
67. I…………seen the teacher since morning.
a. has not b. is not c. was not d. have not
68. The train…………before he reached the station.
a. is leaving b. had left c. is left d. has been left
69. My mother…………rotis right now.
a. are making b. were making c. is making d. had been making
70. I…………with my cousins last week.
a. am b. is c. were d. was
Department of English, Walchand College, Solapur
71. Description consists in giving…………about person, objects, places, processes.
a. scanty details b. full information c. incomplete details d. half details
72. ‘Process’ involves a…………of steps and decisions.
a. random collection b. series c. few details d. suppression
73. While writing the process we have to break down the…………involved in it.
a. inaction b. actions c. peace d. silence
74. Processes involve…………setting which needs to be organized in a systematic order.
a. space b. location c. time d. earth
75. A process uses words like-‘first, after, next, finally, etc’ that are termed…………words.
a. licking b. linking c. killing d. leaking
76. Presentation is a process of presenting a topic to…………
a. a wall b. an audience c. an enemy d. an empty hall
77. The full form of ‘ppt’ is…………Presentation.
a. Pin Point b. Power Pin c. Power Point d. Point Pin
78. A ppt can handle text and…………content simultaneously.
a. mediocre b. media c. multimedia d. metro
79. A majority of people in this world are afraid of public…………
a. faking b. speaking c. hearing d. get together
80. A…………presentation helps us gain the trust of the audience.
a. shoddy b. shabby c. well-organized d. poor
81. In the olden times…………were used to send messages.
a. crows b. sparrows c. vultures d. pigeons
82. During the 20th century…………was a very popular medium of exchanging messages.
a. postal system b. pigeons c. horses d. police department
83. In the 21st century…………has revolutionized the process of exchanging messages.
a. postal system b. modern c. transportation d. railway
84. Emails are exchanged in the blink of…………
a. an ear b. a nose c. an eye d. a mouth
85. Despite all the modernization…………have not lost their importance.
a. mails b. pigeons c. camels d. letters
86. Letters are broadly classified into…………categories.
a. three b. two c. four d. five
87. Informal letters are basically…………letters.
a. personal b. public c. official d. functional
88. Informal letters are written to our relatives and…………
a. bosses b. superiors c. friends d. officers
89. Formal letters are used for business and…………communication.
a. family b. intimated c. friendly d. official
90. An application for a job is type of…………letter.
a. informal b. formal c. friendly d. intimate
91. The American psychologist…………Gardner proposed theory of multiple intelligence.
a. William b. Henry c. Howard d. Coward
92. Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand and interact with…………
a. oneself b. others c. one’s self d. one being
93. Interpersonal intelligence is a form of…………intelligence.
a. social b. political c. destructive d. antisocial
94. Interpersonal intelligence helps us understand the moods and…………of others.
Department of English, Walchand College, Solapur
a. temperatures b. sicknesses c. temperaments d. foods
95. Social…………are a part of interpersonal intelligence.
a. problems b. skills c. disabilities d. flaws
96. One of the conditions of good interpersonal intelligence is to…………others carefully.
a. suppress b. discourage c. listen to d. divert
97. Being…………is a quality of a good listener.
a. inattentive b. attentive c. uncertain d. shy
98. One is called socially influential, if one is able to…………others well.
a. persuade b. divert c. discourage d. detain
99. If you want to get a work done, you must be…………towards others.
a. short tempered b. sensitive c. ill natured d. wicked
100. The opposite word for ‘interpersonal’ is…………
a. mathematical b. linguistic c. intrapersonal d. musical


Department of English, Walchand College, Solapur


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