E Mand
E Mand
E Mand
Project Guide: - shahid mohi-ud-din (Astt. Professor Ssmcollege)
Abstract:- It is an electronic fruits and crops market making the vegetable ,fruit and crop market more accessible for the use
of everyday user and even to keep the clarity in the whole system from retailer to the dealer. Also collects the current market
price of the product and notify the civilian.
The main goal of this project is to build an app which will help the user, retailer, whole seller and even the farmer to get the
best output from his inputs. With the help of this, a farmer will be able to know the best price/value for his crops and will not
be fooled by the industry marketers. It will help in keeping the clarity between the whole seller and retailer and also the selection
of the user for his daily requirement become easy. So this will help in eradicating black marketing and inflation in the market.
Agriculture in India has a significant history. Today, India ranks second worldwide in farm output. Agricultural marketing Involves
in its simplest form the buying and selling of agricultural produce. In olden days when the village economy was more or less self-
sufficient the marketing of agricultural produce presented no difficulty as the farmer sold his produce to the insufficient consumer on a
cash or barter system basis. No confirmation details whether request of farmers to buyers or Buyers to farmers has been submitted or
not. As it has no government touch it might have the tie up between others businesses too without displaying the clarity which is the
most demanded need have now.
The main goal of this project is to build a app that is more helpful for the use of civilian and even to keep the clarity in the whole
market system from retailer to the whole seller and even farmers to get the best from his inputs. This will help out all four pillars of this
market rather than focusing on only farmer’s i.e.
• Farmers
• Retailers
• Whole Seller
• Civilians
A farmer will be able to know the best value/amount of his product and not fooled by marketers. Help in keeping the clarity between
the whole seller and retailer, removing the black market trade and inflation in the market. Have facility of viewing the price between
different regions and the inflation rate as well. A large number of whole sellers and retailers are being registered so with that facilitates
farmers would have many options for their goods to get stored somewhere rather than keeping it hoarded to the local house due to
improper planning and management. Thereby reducing the risk of under-selling.
Non-functional requirements:
• User-friendly UI for easy interface, so that illiterate patients can also use
• There are trends to indicate that the transformation of agricultural
information systems in India is occurring.
• This application provides availability of rates in various Mandis help to
give good rates to farmers.
• Transportation losses reduced after e-agriculture marketing.
• This is vital for the transformation of agriculture in India.
[1]. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li-Fi
[2]. www.google.com (Google search engine)
[3]. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org
[4]. www.lificonsortium.org/
[5]. wikipedia.org/project planning.
[6]. Harold Haas, shopping tricks, TED Global, Edinburgh