Transmission Line Theory: (Waves On Guided Media)

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Transmission Line Theory

(Waves on guided media)

Chapter 2
Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 343, MCS
Impedance Matching Through Quarter
Wave Transformer
 If Zo of trans. line and ZL are irreplaceable
 Impedance needs to be matched to avoid reflections
(1) λ/4 transformer (2) Stub matching (3) Lumped element
(4) Baluns (5) Transformer
 Insert a section of trans. line between line and ZL
 Length of segment is λ/4 and impedance Z1

Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 343, MCS
Z L + jZ1 tan(  l )
Z in = Z1 where βl = π/2
Z1 + jZ L tan(  l )
Z in =
 In order for Γ = 0, we put Zin = Zo

Z1 = Z o RL

 The impedance will be matched only for one frequency

 The method is limited to real loads only
 Complex loads can be made real by adding proper
lengths of trans. lines

Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 343, MCS
Example 2.5
 Match a load of 100 Ω with a 50 Ω line using quarter
wave transformer at frequency 3 GHz
 Solution:
Z1 = (50)(100) = 70.71
 λ for 3 GHz is 0.1 m, λ/4 = 0.025 m
 Frequency response of Γ(quarter wave transformation)

Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 343, MCS
Example 2.5

Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 343, MCS
 Quarter wave transformer: multiple reflection view point
Z1 − Z o
1 =
Z1 + Z o
Z 0 − Z1
2 =
Z 0 + Z1
RL − Z1
3 =
RL + Z1
2 Z1
T1 =
Z1 + Z o
2Z o
T2 =
Z1 + Z o
Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 343, MCS
Generator and Load Mismatch
 Terminated trans. lines with generator connected
 Investigation of maximum power transfer to load (T. line)
Z in
Vin =| Vg |
Z in + Z g
1 1  1 
Pline = Re{Vin I in } = | Vin | Re  
* 2

2 2  Z in 

Z g − Zo Zl − Zo
g = l =
Z g + Zo Zl + Zo
Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 343, MCS
 Let Zin = Rin+jXin and Zg = Rg+jXg then
1 Rin
Pline = | Vg | 2

2 ( Rin + Rg ) 2 + ( X in + X g ) 2
 If Zl = Zo, matched load with trans. line (Γl = 0)
1 Zo
Pline = | Vg | 2

2 ( Z o + Rg ) 2 + X g 2
 Max power is delivered under conjugate matching
 Rin = Rg, Xin = -Xg or Zin=Zg* (generator matched to line)
1 1
Pline = | Vg | 2

2 4 Rg
 At max. half of Pin is delivered to the loaded line

Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 343, MCS
Example 2.9
 Wave reflections on mismatched transmission line
 Incident voltage on the line is 8 V
 Γg = -1/3 and Γl = 1/3
 Reflection diagram

 In general we don’t need to consider each reflection individually, rather we

solve problem in steady state when a net forward and backward wave travels
Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 343, MCS
The Terminated Lossy Line
 Two types of losses (1) Dielectric & (2) Conductor loss
 In this case γ = α + jβ
 Here V ( z ) = Vo + e − z + e z 
Vo + − z
I ( z) = e − e z 
−2 z −2 j  z −2 z
(l ) =|  | e e =|  | e
P( z ) = Po e −2 z
Z L + Z o tanh( l )
Z in = Z o
Z o + Z L tanh( l )
Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 343, MCS
The Terminated Lossy Line
 Voltage wave on lossy transmission line
 1 Np = =8.68 dB
 1 dB = 0.115 Np


Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 343, MCS
End of Chapter 2
Transmission Lines and

Chapter 3
Asst Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 343, MCS
Applications of Waveguides

Applications of Waveguides

 Wave guiding structures are transmission line, hollow
metallic pipes and dielectric substrates
 In 1897, Lord Reyleigh mathematically verified the
propagation of waves in hollow waveguides
 In 1932, G. South-worth verified it experimentally
 Transmission lines can support TEM waves
 The α on transmission lines increases as f
 Waveguides (consisting of single conductor) support TE
or TM waves not TEM waves
 TE & TM waves have specific cutoff frequency
 Waveguides act as high pass filters for these modes
Asst Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 343, MCS
3.1 General Solutions For TEM, TE &
TM Waves
 General solutions to Maxwell’s equations for trans. line
or waveguide of arbitrary cross section
 Consider a lossless and source free waveguide placed
along z-axis

Asst Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 343, MCS
 Maxwell’s equations can be written in its components as

  E = − j H   H = j E

(1)… Ez + j  E = − j H H z

+ j  H y = j Ex …(4)
y x
y x

Ez H z
(2)… − j  Ex − = − j H y − j H x − = j E y …(5)
x x
E y Ex H y H x
(3)… − = − j H z − = j Ez …(6)
x y x x

 E z ( x , y , z ) = ez ( x , y ) e − j  z ∂/ ∂z is replaced by jβ
Asst Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 343, MCS
The End

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