Transmission Line Theory: (Waves On Guided Media)
Transmission Line Theory: (Waves On Guided Media)
Transmission Line Theory: (Waves On Guided Media)
Chapter 2
Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 343, MCS
Impedance Matching Through Quarter
Wave Transformer
If Zo of trans. line and ZL are irreplaceable
Impedance needs to be matched to avoid reflections
(1) λ/4 transformer (2) Stub matching (3) Lumped element
(4) Baluns (5) Transformer
Insert a section of trans. line between line and ZL
Length of segment is λ/4 and impedance Z1
Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 343, MCS
Z L + jZ1 tan( l )
Z in = Z1 where βl = π/2
Z1 + jZ L tan( l )
Z in =
In order for Γ = 0, we put Zin = Zo
Z1 = Z o RL
Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 343, MCS
Example 2.5
Match a load of 100 Ω with a 50 Ω line using quarter
wave transformer at frequency 3 GHz
Z1 = (50)(100) = 70.71
λ for 3 GHz is 0.1 m, λ/4 = 0.025 m
Frequency response of Γ(quarter wave transformation)
Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 343, MCS
Example 2.5
Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 343, MCS
Quarter wave transformer: multiple reflection view point
Z1 − Z o
1 =
Z1 + Z o
Z 0 − Z1
2 =
Z 0 + Z1
RL − Z1
3 =
RL + Z1
2 Z1
T1 =
Z1 + Z o
2Z o
T2 =
Z1 + Z o
Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 343, MCS
Generator and Load Mismatch
Terminated trans. lines with generator connected
Investigation of maximum power transfer to load (T. line)
Z in
Vin =| Vg |
Z in + Z g
1 1 1
Pline = Re{Vin I in } = | Vin | Re
* 2
2 2 Z in
Z g − Zo Zl − Zo
g = l =
Z g + Zo Zl + Zo
Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 343, MCS
Let Zin = Rin+jXin and Zg = Rg+jXg then
1 Rin
Pline = | Vg | 2
2 ( Rin + Rg ) 2 + ( X in + X g ) 2
If Zl = Zo, matched load with trans. line (Γl = 0)
1 Zo
Pline = | Vg | 2
2 ( Z o + Rg ) 2 + X g 2
Max power is delivered under conjugate matching
Rin = Rg, Xin = -Xg or Zin=Zg* (generator matched to line)
1 1
Pline = | Vg | 2
2 4 Rg
At max. half of Pin is delivered to the loaded line
Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 343, MCS
Example 2.9
Wave reflections on mismatched transmission line
Incident voltage on the line is 8 V
Γg = -1/3 and Γl = 1/3
Reflection diagram
Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 343, MCS
End of Chapter 2
Transmission Lines and
Chapter 3
Asst Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 343, MCS
Applications of Waveguides
Applications of Waveguides
Wave guiding structures are transmission line, hollow
metallic pipes and dielectric substrates
In 1897, Lord Reyleigh mathematically verified the
propagation of waves in hollow waveguides
In 1932, G. South-worth verified it experimentally
Transmission lines can support TEM waves
The α on transmission lines increases as f
Waveguides (consisting of single conductor) support TE
or TM waves not TEM waves
TE & TM waves have specific cutoff frequency
Waveguides act as high pass filters for these modes
Asst Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 343, MCS
3.1 General Solutions For TEM, TE &
TM Waves
General solutions to Maxwell’s equations for trans. line
or waveguide of arbitrary cross section
Consider a lossless and source free waveguide placed
along z-axis
Asst Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 343, MCS
Maxwell’s equations can be written in its components as
E = − j H H = j E
Ez H z
(2)… − j Ex − = − j H y − j H x − = j E y …(5)
x x
E y Ex H y H x
(3)… − = − j H z − = j Ez …(6)
x y x x
E z ( x , y , z ) = ez ( x , y ) e − j z ∂/ ∂z is replaced by jβ
Asst Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 343, MCS
The End