High Speed Lab Manual

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Tamil Nadu - 600036

August 9, 2018

1 Nozzle Flow and Critical Pressure Ratio 3

2 Pressure curve in the Laval Nozzle 6

3 Shock Location in CD Nozzle using Compressible Flow unit 9

4 Pitot measurement in Supersonic Wind-tunnel 11

5 Shock Tube 13

6 Schlieren and Shadowgraph Optical Flow Visualization Techniques 16

7 Supersonic Flow past Diamond Wedge Airfoil 18

8 Flow past NACA 0012 airfoil in Transonic Wind tunnel 20

9 Determination of Critical Mach Number for NACA 0012 airfoil 22

10 Visualization of Jet Boundaries for Overexpanded and Underexpanded Jets 25

List of Figures

1 Mass flow rate of a CD nozzle at various back pressures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 Experiment setup of the converging diverging nozzle with pressure ports (not to
scale). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3 Pressure variation through converging-diverging nozzle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4 Nozzle with gradual expansion (not to scale) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
5 Pitot-tube in a supersonic flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
6 Schematic diagram of the shock tube facility (not to scale) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
7 Schematic diagram of the Z-folded Schlieren flow visualization technique using
mirrors (not to scale) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
8 Examples of optical flow visualization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
9 Diamond wedge airfoil in supersonic flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
10 NACA 0012 airfoil at critical Mach number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
11 Graphical determination of the Critical Mach number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
12 Schematic representation of flow structures at different nozzle operating pressure
ratios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
13 Variation of flow deflection angle with respect to nozzle pressure ratio . . . . . . 27
14 Variation of shock angle with respect to nozzle pressure ratio . . . . . . . . . . . 27
15 Variation of flow deflection angle with respect to shock angle . . . . . . . . . . . 28
16 Variation of flow deflection angle with respect to nozzle pressure ratio for under
expanded jet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
17 Variation of flow deflection angle with respect to nozzle pressure ratio, from
second critical pressure to a very high value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

1 Nozzle Flow and Critical Pressure Ratio


• Find the critical pressure ratio and compare it with the theoretical value.

• Obtain the mass flow rate through the nozzle and compare the results with theoretically
calculated mass flow rate.


Flow is induced by the pressure difference across the nozzle. As the reservoir pressure is equal
to the atmospheric pressure the reduction of receiver pressure from this value drives the flow
through the nozzle. Correspondingly the flow velocity increases at the throat. The flow rate
through a nozzle depends on the velocity in the smallest cross-section(throat) and can reach at
maximum sound velocity. The maximum possible flow rate (also called as choked flow) through
a nozzle is therefore limited and is not related to the pressure ratio. The critical pressure ratio,
p0 , is the point at which the sound velocity is reached in the smallest cross-section. It depends
solely on the type of medium and its isentropic exponent γ.

pcr 2 γ−1
= = 0.53 for air
p0 γ+1

The mass flow rate through the nozzle can be calculated as,

γ − 1 2 − 2(γ−1)  γ 1/2 p0

=M 1+ M √
A 2 R T0

pcr = Critical pressure
p0 = Total pressure
T0 = Total temperature
ṁ = Mass flow rate
A = Area of cross-section
M = Mach number
R = characteristic gas constant
γ = ratio of specific heats
And therfore the maximum mass flow rate (ie., at M = 1) is,

Figure 1: Mass flow rate of a CD nozzle at various back pressures

"   γ+1 #1/2

ṁ γ 2 γ−1 p

= √0
A R γ+1 T0

Once critical pressure is achieved at the throat section, further reduction in the back pressure
(or increase in the fan rpm) does not change the pressure or velocity at the converging section
of the nozzle, and the mass flow rate remains constant thereafter [1].


• Attach Laval nozzle and measuring nozzle to the intake connection using union nuts.

• Connect the pressure measurement point p1 to the negative connection of the manometer
0-1 bar at the smallest cross-section.

• Connect the pressure measurement point for the measuring nozzle to the negative con-
nection of the velocity display.

• Switch on compressor and adjust gradually.

• Record velocity c at the measuring nozzle, rotational speed n and pressure p1 at the Laval

• Repeat measurements until the fan reaches the maximum speed.

Figure 2: Experiment setup of the converging diverging nozzle with pressure ports (not to scale).


Atmospheric pressure, p0 = ..........

Table 1: Experimental observations

Si No. RPM p1 ṁ v


• Nozzle with a gradual expansion

• Compressible flow unit

• Pitot probe


• Obtain the value of critical pressure.

• Calculate the maximum mass flow rate through the nozzle.

• Plot mass flow rate and throat pressure ratio as a function of back pressure or fan rpm.


• Discuss the reason for the variation between experimental and theoretical obtained results.


2 Pressure curve in the Laval Nozzle


• Understand the flow characteristics of a convergent-divergent nozzle with respect to the

change in back pressure.


One-dimensional steady flow is assumed with a hypothetically large reservoir and receiver.
Atmosphere is acting as the reservoir and therefore, p0 = atmospheric pressure. Before starting
the experiment both the receiver and the reservoir are having the same pressure and therefore
there won’t be any flow through the nozzle. As the fan rpm increases the receiver pressure
reduces and flow begins.
At a particular back pressure termed as ”First critical Pressure” flow becomes ’choked’ and
sonic condition is achieved at the throat, and the flow through the diverging section remains
isentropic and subsonic corresponding to a pure venturi case where back pressure will be equal to
the exit pressure of the nozzle. As the back pressure reduces from first critical pressure, a normal
shock appears in the diverging section of the nozzle. This normal shock moves downstream with
a reduction in back pressure.

Figure 3: Pressure variation through converging-diverging nozzle.

”Second critical pressure refers to a case where the normal shock stands at the exit of the

nozzle. Between first and second critical pressures the diverging section acts as a nozzle until it
experience the normal shock and thereafter acts as a diffuser. In all these cases back pressure
will be equal to the exit pressure of the nozzle. When the back pressure reaches ”Third critical
pressure”, fully isentropic supersonic flow is achieved in the diverging nozzle. This condition
is known as the fully expanded case or design condition for the particular nozzle. As the
receiver condition is between second and third critical pressures the nozzle exit pressure will
be lesser than the back pressure and oblique shocks are present at the exit, this is termed as
over-expansion. A further reduction of back pressure below third critical pressure results in a
higher nozzle exit pressure and there will be expansion fans at the exit of the nozzle, which is
referred as under-expansion.


The experiment is set up in the same way as the previous experiment.

• Switch on compressor and set to 25000 rpm.

• Connect the manometer 0-1 bar in sequence to the pressure measurement points p1 to p5 .

• Record velocity c at the measuring nozzle, rotational speed and pressure p1 to p5 at the
Laval nozzle.

Repeat measurements at maximum speed (approx. 34000 rpm).

Figure 4: Nozzle with gradual expansion (not to scale)


Atmospheric pressure, p0 = ..........

Table 2: Experimental observations

Si No. RPM p1 p2 p3 p4 p5


• Nozzle with a gradual expansion

• Compressible flow unit

• Pitot probe


• Plot the pressure distribution along the axis of the nozzle for different values of back


• In case of jet aircraft, the nozzle usually operates in under-expanded condition. Discuss
the correctness of the statement.


3 Shock Location in CD Nozzle using Compressible Flow unit


• Obtain the shock location in a CD nozzle using compressible flow unit and compare the
result with theoretically obtained shock location.


Shock location from experiment

For a fully expanded nozzle the pressure sensors readings on the diverging section of the nozzle
continuously decreases. If the continuously decreasing readings shows a sudden increase in the
measurement from one pressure sensor to the other it represents the presence of standing normal
shock between those two sensors.

Shock location from theory

The mass flow rate across the nozzle remains constant once the nozzle is chocked, and the value
can be calculated as,

"  γ+1 #1/2

p0 A∗

γ 2 γ−1
ṁ = √
R γ+1 T0

Therefore at the exit of the nozzle,

γ γ−1 2
ṁ = ρe Ae ve = pe Ae Me 1+ Me
R 2

This can be re-written as a quadratic equation in terms of Me2 as,

s !
γ−1 ṁ R
(Me2 )2 + (Me2 ) − =0
2 p e Ae γ

and can be solved to obtain the exit mach number (Me ). The total pressure behind the
shock is calculated from isentropic table for the pressure ratio pe corresponding to Me . As
the reservoir pressure (p01 ) is already known, the Mach number of the flow ahead of the shock
tube can be obtained from the normal shock table corresponding to the total pressure ratio p01 .

Therefore the area ratio at the shock location is,

!− γ+1
γ−1 2 2(γ−1)
A 1 1+ 2 M1
A∗ M1 γ+1


• Adjust the fan rpm such a way that the back pressure is in between first and second
critical pressures.

• take reading for different rpm.


Mass flow rate through the nozzle = .......

Table 3: Experimental observations

Si No. RPM p1 p2 p3 p4 p5


• Nozzle with a gradual expansion

• Compressible flow unit

• Pitot probe


• Plot the shock location along the axis of the nozzle for different back pressures, mark the
approximate location obtained from experiment.



4 Pitot measurement in Supersonic Wind-tunnel


• Measurement of flow Mach number using a pitot-tube in a supersonic wind tunnel.


The pitot-tube in a supersonic flow will act as a obstruction to the flow and create a detached
bow shock ahead of the mouth of it. Supersonic flow crosses the normal portion of the shock.
Therefore the stagnation pressure ahead of the shock is not the same as it is sensed by the
pitot-tube (i.e. behind the normal shock).

Figure 5: Pitot-tube in a supersonic flow

p02 can be obtained from the pitot-tube reading, as p01 is known for a friction-less nozzle as
the settling chamber pressure. Therefore from the total pressure ratio across the nozzle ( pp02
the Mach number ahead of the nozzle can be obtained from the normal shock table for the
corresponding total pressure ratio. Static pressure at the test section is also measured which
can be used to calculate the Mach number using isentropic table corresponding to the pressure
ratio p1 .


• Start the wind tunnel and allow flow to come in a steady state.

• Note down settling chamber pressure (p01 ), pitot-tube pressure (p02 ) and static pressure
in the test section (p1 ).

• Repeat for different fan rpm.


Atmospheric pressure (reference) = .......

Table 4: Experimental observations
p01 p02
Si No. RPM p1 p01 p1 Misen p02 p01 Mpitot


• Supersonic wind tunnel

• Pitot-tube

• U-tube manometer

• Multi-tube manometer


• Plot the Mach number values obtained from pitot-tube measurement and static pressure
measurement for different fan rpm.



5 Shock Tube


• To understand the operation of a shock tube facility.

• Obtain the shock Mach number of the moving normal shock in a shock tube theoretically
and experimentally.


Shock tubes are facilities used to generate high pressure, high temperature gases, by utilizing
the propagation of shock wave through the gas. Shock tube consists of a high pressure driver
section and a low pressure driven section separated by a diaphragm. The diaphragm bursts
due to the pressure difference between the two sections and a shock wave propagates through
the driven section while an expansion fan propagates through the driver section. This facility
is widely used to carryout studies on propagating shock waves.

Figure 6: Schematic diagram of the shock tube facility (not to scale)

Shock Mach number from experiment

Method 1 :- As the incident shock pass through the driven section, the pressure jump
across the shock will be clearly visible on the sensor readings. The sensors are placed at a
known distance and the time delay between the pressure jumps can be obtained from the sensor
readings. therefore shock velocity,


and the corresponding shock Mach number is

Ms =

where a1 = γ1 R1 T1 , sound velocity at the driven section.

Method 2 :- The pressure ratio across the nozzle can be obtained from a single sensor
reading., i.e. p1 upstream of the shock and p2 downstream of the shock. Therefor the shock
Mack number is,

γ1 − 1 γ1 + 1 p 2
Ms = +
2γ1 2γ1 p1

Shock Mach number from theory

The initial condition in the shock tube are known, therefore for the corresponding driven pres-
sure (p1 ) and rupture pressure (p4 ), shock Mach number can be obtained from the equation
given below,

  2γ4
  γ4 −1
p4 2γ1 1
= 1+ (Ms2 − 1)   
p1 γ1 + 1 1− γ4 −1 a1
Ms − 1
γ1 +1 a4 Ms

This equation can be solved using bi-section method.


• Set the initial pressure in the driven section.

• Release the high pressure gas to the driver section.

• Take all the pressure sensor reading by setting sufficient pre-trigger and post-trigger tim-

• Repeat the experiment with different initial pressures and diaphragm characteristics.


Distance between driven section pressure sensors, dx = .....

Table 5: Experimental observations

Si No. p1 p4 Mst p2 p1 Mse2 dt Mse1


• Shock tube facility

• Pressure transducers



• Compare the theoretically and experimentally calculated shock Mach numbers for different
initial conditions in the shock tube.


• Check whether the results are within the uncertainty limit.


6 Schlieren and Shadowgraph Optical Flow Visualization


• To understand the basics of Schlieren and Shadowgraph flow visualization techniques.


Optical flow visualization techniques are based on the fact that the speed of light and therefore
the refractive index changes with density.

Schlieren flow visualization

The basic principle of the Schlieren technique is the combination of the optical projection of an
object with an indication of its light deflection. Schlieren photography relies on the fact that
light rays are bent whenever they encounter changes in density of a fluid. These are used to
visualize the flow away from the surface of an object. The Schlieren system shown in figure [7]
uses two concave mirrors on either side of the test section. The light source is placed such that
the reflected light from the mirror forms parallel rays that pass through the test section. On
the other side, the parallel rays are collected by another mirror and focused to a point at the
knife edge. The diverging beam of light is again reflected using another mirror and then focused
using a convex lens into a recording device like a video camera. A minimum distance between
the field mirrors of about 2f, where f is the mirror focal length, is required to provide space for
the test area.

Figure 7: Schematic diagram of the Z-folded Schlieren flow visualization technique using mirrors
(not to scale)

(a) Schlieren image (b) Shadowgraph

Figure 8: Examples of optical flow visualization.

Now if the parallel rays of light encounter a density gradient in the test section, the light
is bent, or refracted. This light deviation can produce localized brightening, or darkening in
an image, depending on which way the ray deviates. The index gradient is directly related to
flow density gradient. The deflected light is compared to undeflected light at a viewing screen.
The undisturbed light is partially blocked by a knife edge. The light that is deflected toward or
away from the knife edge produces a shadow pattern depending upon whether it was previously
blocked or unblocked. This shadow pattern is a light-intensity representation of the expansions
(low density regions) and compressions (high density regions) which characterize the flow. In
simple words density gradient perpendicular to the knife edge is detected using this visualization

Shadowgraph flow visualization

This method is similar to Schlieren without a knife edge. A Shadowgram is not a focused image
rather it is a mere shadow. In Shadowgram the differences in light intensity are proportional
to the second derivative of the refractive index field in the transparent medium.


• Schlieren and Shadowgraph experimental setup




7 Supersonic Flow past Diamond Wedge Airfoil


• Calculate cl and cd of a diamond wedge airfoil at different angles of attack and compare
the result with theoretically calculated lift and drag coefficients.


Consider a symmetrical diamond wedge airfoil with a half angle of  placed at an angle of attack
α with respect to the free stream flow [9].

(a) angle of attack (α) = 0 (b) angle of attack (α) 6= 0

Figure 9: Diamond wedge airfoil in supersonic flow

Experimental calculation of lift and drag coefficients

Pressure ports are provided on the wedge surface to measure p2 , p3 , p4 , and p5 . Now,

1 p4 − p3 p5 − p2
cl = cos (α + ) + cos (α − ) (1)
γM12 cos  p1 p1
1 p4 − p3 p5 − p2
cd = sin (α + ) + sin (α − ) (2)
γM12 cos  p1 p1

Theoretical calculation of lift and drag coefficients

The lift and drag coefficients are calculated using equations [1] and [2]. For this the pressure
values p2 , p3 , p4 , and p5 are calculated by considering the free stream condition along with
angle of attack and half angle of the diamond wedge airfoil. The presence of an oblique shock
has to be considered when the flow turns towards itself and an expansion fan when the flow
turns away.


• Operate the wind tunnel in steady supersonic conditions.

• Take readings for a fixed free stream condition at different angles of attack.

• Repeat the experiment by changing the free stream condition.


Half angle of the diamond wedge airfoil,  = .....

Free stream Mach number, M1 = .....

Table 6: Experimental observations-1

Si No. Angle of p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 cl cd

Angle of attack, α = .....

Table 7: Experimental observations-2

Si No. M1 p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 cl cd


• Supersonic wind tunnel

• Diamond wedge airfoil

• pitot probes


• Plot cl vs α and cd vs α obtained from both experiment and theory.


• Discuss the reason for the deviation of the experimental data from the theory.


8 Flow past NACA 0012 airfoil in Transonic Wind tunnel


• To get the pressure distribution on a NACA 0012 airfoil in transonic flow (at α = 0) and
hence calculate the equivalent error in α.


For an incompressible flow, the lift over a thin airfoil (camber = 0) is given by cl = clα α,
where clα = 2π/rad. In case of compressible flow, linearized perturbation theory suggests a
Prandtl-Glauert compressibility correction for this lift slope given by,

clα(M∞ ) = p
1 − M∞2

where M∞ is the free stream Mach number.

clα(M∞ ) = p
1 − M∞

The normal and axial coefficient for an aerodynamic body can be obtained by integrating
the pressure and skin friction coefficients over the body surface from LE to TE. For a 2D body,

cl = cn cos α − ca sin α

For small α
Z c
cl = cn = (cp,l − cp,u )dx
c 0

p − p∞
cp = 1 2
2 ρv∞

If the discrete values of p are known then discrete summation of the above equation gives
the value of the lift coefficient.


• Start the experiment by switching on the injector to a given pressure and note down the
corresponding port pressures.

• Repeat the experiment for different injector pressures at the same angle of attack.


Injector pressure = .....

Table 8: Experimental observations

Port loca- Remark pg pa cp cp .δx
tion (x/c) or −δcl


• Self-correcting induction type transonic wind tunnel

• NACA 0012 airfoil

• Scanni-valve pressure transducer


• Plot pg vs x/c.

• Plot cp vs x/c.

• Plot cp .dx vs x/c.



9 Determination of Critical Mach Number for NACA 0012


• Obtain the critical Mach number for NACA 0012 airfoil and compare the result with
analytically value.


Critical Mach Number of an airfoil is the free stream Mach number at which sonic
flow is first achieved on the airfoil.

Analytical method for calculating Critical Mach number

Figure 10: NACA 0012 airfoil at critical Mach number

Once Mach 1 or greater is reached at a point on the airfoil, formation of shock wave induces
adverse pressure gradient and therefore boundary layer will separate and cause a resultant
decrease in airfoil lift-drag ratio. Assuming isentropic flow from M∞ up to the point at which
sonic flow is first reached on the airfoil (at the point of minimum pressure), since p0 is constant

γ + 1 γ/(γ−1)
γ−1 2
p∞ 1 + M∞crit = pM =1 (1)
2 2

p − p∞ 2(p − p∞ )
∴ Cp = 1 2
= 2
2 ρU∞
γp∞ M∞

2 pM =1
CPM =1 = 2
−1 (2)
γM∞ crit

substituting equation [1] in equation [2],

 γ/(γ−1) 
γ−1 2
2  1+ 2 M∞crit
∴ CPM =1 = − 1 (3)

  γ/(γ−1
crit γ+1

Equation [3] is plotted in figure [11].

Figure 11: Graphical determination of the Critical Mach number

The minimum pressure coefficient on a two-dimensional NACA 0012 airfoil is -0.4 (M∞ = 0).
Then the minimum pressure coefficient for the same airfoil in compressible flow can be calculated
from Prandtl-Glauert rule:
CpM∞ = p M∞ =0 (4)
1 − M∞

Equation [4] is also plotted in figure [11]. Equation [4] gives the minimum pressure coefficient
as a function of the free stream Mach number and Equation [3] gives the pressure coefficient
at which Mach 1 occurs as a function of free stream Mach number. The intersection if the two
curves implies the critical Mach number for the particular airfoil.

Experimental method for calculating Critical Mach number

Method 1 :- Obtain the Cp distribution over the airfoil for different free stream Mach
numbers. The smallest Mach number for which a sudden jump appears in the C −p distribution
will be the critical Mach number for the airfoil.

Method 2 :- The pressure ratio p0 is equal to 0.528 for M = 1. So inorder to find the
critical Mach number calculate the pressure ratio at every point on the airfoil for all Mach
numbers, obtain the smallest Mach number for which p0 = 0.528 appears on the airfoil.


• Plot Cp vs M∞ curves using equations [3] and [4] to obtain the critical Mach number for
NACA 0012 airfoil.

• Operate the wind tunnel at different speeds (considering an increment of 0.05 in free
stream Mach number) and plot the Cp distribution along the chord.

• Obtain the Mach number corresponding to a sudden jump in Cp distribution.

• Calculate the pressure( pp0 ) ratios at every pressure port locations, and find out the smallest
Mach number for which p0 = 0.528 (corresponding to M = 1) is achieved on the airfoil.


Stagnation pressure = Atmospheric pressure = .....

Free stream Mach number, M∞ = .....
Free stream pressure, p∞ = .....

Table 9: Experimental observations

Port loca- pgauge pabsolute cp p0
tion (x/c)


• Transonic wind tunnel

• NACA 0012 airfoil

• Pressure measurement system


• Plot Cp vs x/c on upper surface, for all mach numbers

• Estimate Critical Mach number analytically and compare the result with experiment


• Discuss the accuracy of the experimental method in calculating the critical Mach number.


10 Visualization of Jet Boundaries for Overexpanded and
Underexpanded Jets


• Experimentally visualize the jet boundaries of overexpanded and under expanded jet struc-
tures and compare it with the theoretical values, for different nozzle operating pressure


For an open jet the back pressure remains constant and will be equal to the atmospheric pressure.
Therefore an increase or decrease in the chamber pressure ie., the stagination pressure(p0 )
decides whether the jet operates in overexpanded or underexpanded regime. The fully expanded
condition (figure[12c]) for an open jet facility can be theoretically calculated from the thrid
critical pressure condition for the CD nozzle.


γ − 1 2 γ−1
= 1+ Me
patm 2

Where Me is the design nozzle exit Mach number. A decrease in chamber pressure less than
p0c3 results in an over expanded jet while an increase will lead to an under expanded jet.

Overexpanded Jet

For the jet to be over expanded, the nozzle pressure ration should be between second and third
critical condition (figure[12b]). The second critical condition (figure[12a]) for chamber pressure
can be calculated as shown below.
From normal shock relation with shock at the nozzle exit, the nozzle exit pressure pe is,

patm 2γMe2 − (γ − 1)
pe γ+1

using this nozzle exit pressure the required chamber pressure is,


γ − 1 2 γ−1
= 1+ Me
pe 2

For a chamber pressure between p0c2 and poc3 , the jet will be in the over expanded regime. In
figure [12b], β represents the shock angle with respect to the incoming flow and θ represents
the flow deflection angle.

p0c2 patm

a. nozzle at second critical pressure, p0 = p0c2

β patm

b. over expanded jet , p0c2 < p0 < p0c3

pe = patm

c. fully expanded jet, p0 = p0c3


patm patm

d. under expanded jet, p0 > p0c3

shock wave, expansion wave, jet boundary,

flow direction, nozzle wall

Figure 12: Schematic representation of flow structures at different nozzle operating pressure

β and θ can be found out using oblique shock relations. For the over expanded jet, the
nozzle exit pressure is obtained from,

p0 γ − 1 2 γ−1
= 1+ Me
pe 2

for the operating chamber preassure p0 and the design exit Mach number Me . Therefore, the
pressure rise across the oblique shock ie., patm /pe , is a know value, from which the shock normal

Mach number(M ne ) can be calculated.

patm 2γM n2e − (γ − 1)

pe γ+1

M ne = Me sin β

(Me2 sin β 2 ) − 1
tan θ = 2 cot β
Me2 (γ + cos 2β) + 2

Thus β and θ can be plotted against the nozzle operating pressure ratio(NPR), which is equal
to p0 /patm . Figure [13], [14] and [15] are given for representation purpose, which are plotted for
a nozzle exit Mach number of 2.5 and atmospheric pressure of 101325 Pa.






0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Figure 13: Variation of flow deflection angle with respect to nozzle pressure ratio






20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Figure 14: Variation of shock angle with respect to nozzle pressure ratio








0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Figure 15: Variation of flow deflection angle with respect to shock angle

Underexpanded Jet

Chamber pressures greater than p0c3 , the jet will be an under expanded jet with expansion
fan emerging from the nozzle exit (figure [12d]). In this case, the flow deflection angle can be
calculated using isentropic relations. For a particular stagnation pressure p0 ,

p0 γ − 1 2 γ−1
= 1+ M
patm 2

where, M is the unknown flow Mach number after passing through the expansion fan, which
can be calculated from the above equation. Corresponding Prandtl-Meyer functions (ν), before
and after the expansion fan are given as,
r r
γ+1 γ−1
tan−1 (Me2 − 1) − tan−1 Me2 − 1
ν(Me ) =
γ−1 γ+1
r r
γ+1 γ−1 p
ν(M ) = tan−1 (M 2 − 1) − tan−1 M 2 − 1
γ−1 γ+1

Therefore, flow deflection angle,

θ = ν(Me ) − ν(M )

Figure [16] shows the variation of flow deflection angle with respect to nozzle pressure ratios.
Figure [17] shows both under expanded and overexpanded regimes in a single plot.







-25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0

Figure 16: Variation of flow deflection angle with respect to nozzle pressure ratio for under
expanded jet







-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30

Figure 17: Variation of flow deflection angle with respect to nozzle pressure ratio, from second
critical pressure to a very high value


• Operate the open jet facility within over expanded regime.

• Visualize the jet structure using schlieren or shadow graph technique and take photographs
of steady flow images.

• Repeat the same procedure for under expanded jet.

• Repeat the experiment for different chamber pressures at both over expanded and under
expanded regimes.


Atmospheric pressure = .....

Nozzle design Mach number, Me = .....

Table 10: Experimental observations

p0 Remark pe θ β npr


• Open jet facility

• Schlieren or shadow graph setup


• Plot NPR vs θ.

• Plot NPR vs β.

• Plot β vs θ.

• Compare the results with theoretical values.




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