Porter 5 Forces Case in Fashion

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International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, Vol. 24, Issue 2 (April)
ISSN 2289-1552



Ikfina Akmalia
Prof. Dr. Heri Pratikto,
Dr. Sugeng Hadi Utomo,


Business management is the ability of an entrepreneur to face every problem related to business and obtain every business
opportunity. This research aims to analyze the competitive strategy and the business development strategy with 5P (Plan, Ploy,
Pattern, Position, Perspective) to maintain the business performance during the Covid-19 pandemic in Fashion business owners.
The data were analyzed in qualitative descriptive with SWOT analysis and Porter's Five Forces analysis. The results of the study
show that the main opportunity for fashion business owners during the pandemic is the trend of online shopping, while the threats
are the decrease in people's income during the pandemic and the number of similar businesses. Therefore, its strength is the length
of the business establishment so that it has many consumer trusts, while its weakness is the less attractive of store display in the
traditional market. Based on SWOT analysis, the position of fashion business is in Quadrant II/Strategy Diversification, which
means this position proves the strong business but has great challenges during the pandemic.

Keywords: Business Management, SWOT Analysis, Porter Five Forces, Mintzberg 5P Strategy


One of the keys to Indonesia's economic growth is entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship contained in the Regulation of
the State Minister for Cooperatives and SMEs Number: 06/Per/M.KUKM/VIII/2012 with the hope of encouraging and accelerating
the empowerment of Cooperatives and SMEs and increasing competitiveness. With entrepreneurship, people become more creative
and independent. Therefore, entrepreneurship is an essential factor in Indonesia's economy, one of which is the Fashion Industry
which is a factor in economic growth in Indonesia. The Central Statistics Agency (BPS), in the first three months of 2019, stated
that the production of the clothing industry grew by 29.19%. It estimated that in 2019 the demand for clothing would continue to
increase, consumers will be wasteful and fashionable. The significant contribution from the textile industry and textile products
(ITPT) has increased the non-oil and gas sector's growth and the national economy.
Coronavirus Disease 2019, more commonly known as COVID-19, has become an epidemic in almost all countries
globally and has caused economic growth to decline. Many business centers have forced to close. Not only does it endanger
humans, but the covid-19 virus also kills many businesses and industries in Indonesia. The government implements lockdown
measures, prohibits non-essential travel and stops all non-essential business activities that threaten the economy and people's
businesses due to the impact of this pandemic (Rapaccini et al., 2020). The uncertainty caused by the Covid-19 crisis affects the
availability of entrepreneurial financial resources for new companies and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) (Brown & Rocha,
The Fashion Business Owner at Pasar Wage Tulungagung is one of the business owners affected by this pandemic
because they have to close their shops to prevent the virus's spread temporarily. The enactment of Large-Scale Social Restrictions
(PSBB) is also one reason the turnover of fashion business owners has decreased. Due to this pandemic, many out-of-town buyers
were unable to enter the Tulungagung area. Besides that, the supply of goods hampered due to the impact of the PSBB. The Covid-
19 pandemic is a virus that is hampering the macroeconomy and cutting off business supply chains (Hasanat et al., 2020). A
pandemic's impact requires everyone to carry out physical distancing and carry out activities at home, which can affect various
business sectors. The change in shopping habits has made people no longer go to the center of the crowd to shop or gather, which
has caused the level of public consumption to decline. Before the Covid-19 pandemic, trade disruption had never occurred in most
industrial sectors, and this disruption caused many businesses to close (Donthu & Gustafsson, 2020). Crick & Crick (2020) stated
that before the existence of Covid-19, there had never been a change in trade in a different way.
To achieve business sustainability, of course, one must have good business management to survive even during a crisis
which is undoubtedly a difficult time for business people worldwide. (Crick & Crick, 2020; Ortiz-villajos & Sotoca, 2018; Sharma
et al., 2020; dan Smith et al., 2007) In their research, the company can conclude that the company implements what strategies will
be taken during a pandemic even though This strategy is uncertain in a pandemic period during a pandemic. Innovations will
maintain its business. Planning needs to deal with a pandemic period, and the workers can carry out the planning. Good business
performance in a company results from proper interaction of business management with its internal and external environment.
Description of internal environmental factors are strengths and weaknesses, and external are opportunities and threats. These
factors occur based on a well-known technique called SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Thread) (Görener et al., 2012).
According to Rangkuti & Freddy (2008), performance development is determined based on internal and external factors
in the organization. These factors considered in a SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis in business will make it easier for business
people to compare external factors, including opportunities that refer to business strengths that can positively impact and threats,
which refer to what business owners may face that can hinder their business development. The same research is conduct (Görener
et al., 2012; Habimana et al., 2018; Kumalasari, 2016; Saragih & Suwardi, 2014; dan Sukaatmadja et al., 2014) which identified
opportunities and threats that arise from external changes and strengths. Furthermore, the weaknesses of the organization in
formulating a business strategy using a SWOT analysis. Many corporate organizations fail to achieve the goals set within a specific
timeframe because they cannot improve their strategic business. Corporate organization failure often occurs due to organizations'

International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, Vol. 24, Issue 2 (April)
ISSN 2289-1552

inability to properly implement SWOT analysis in business institutions (Namugenyi, 2019). The traditional retail market can
formulate its business strategy by properly analysing its internal and external environment (Sukaatmadja et al., 2014). The right
business strategy during the Covid-19 pandemic shows that the recession period provides opportunities for business owners to
develop their market share, especially if they are ready to think long term (Vafainia, 2020).
The concept of business management is how business owners can take advantage of the advantages of their products
during the Covid-19 pandemic and strategies in their sales and compete with competitors during the pandemic. Porter's Five Forces
competitive analysis can use as a basis for understanding the position of the fashion business forces in facing competitive situations
during the Covid-19 pandemic. Competitive strategies need to be clearly stated in management's commitment so that they can use
for the benefit of management in achieving further goals, objectives and targets (Saragih & Suwardi, 2014). Hunger (2003)
competitive strategy can increase the company's competitive position and services in specific industries or market segments served
by the company. Competitive strategy can use as a way for companies to be able to compete in business and industry. The five
competitive forces model, or so-called Porter's Five Forces developed by Porter (1994), expands the field for competitive analysis
concentrating on their direct competitor firms. These five strengths include: (a) The threat of new actors, (b) The strength of the
supplier position, (c) The strength of the buyer position, (d) The threat of substitute products and (e) The intensity of competition
between companies. Business strategies needed in facing business challenges during the Covid-19 pandemic, these strategies can
be formulated through SWOT analysis and Porter's Five Forces analysis so that they can provide breakthroughs according to
stakeholder needs and create competitive advantages as an effort to maintain the performance of the fashion business owners at
the Wage Market Wholesale Center. Tulungagung during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Business people can use the 5P strategy (Plan, Ploy, Pattern, and Perspective) from Pederesen & Ritter (2020) to restore
business people’s performance and existence after the Covid-19 pandemic. (Pederesen & Ritter, 2020) stated in their research that
Mintzberg's 5P strategy is a strategy that can do to recover from the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The 5P strategy
consists of a plan, namely creating a plan that considers current opportunities and threats. The ploy is a tactic used to outperform
competitors, and Patterns are activities carried out to achieve goals. The position is an alternative strategy that business people can
own. Perspective is the point of view of businesspeople looking at strategy and about what they can do well. The same research
conducted by Ali (2020) and Fitriyani et al. (2020) that in order to create an efficient and effective business existence during the
Covid-19 pandemic and after the Covid-19 pandemic, business actors can use the 5P strategy as a strategic step.


This study uses a qualitative approach by promoting a phenomenological approach. The data sources and data used in this
study are primary data sources obtained through in-depth interviews and phases and direct observation at the Wholesale Center of
Pasar Wage Tulungagung. The interview was carried out in person at the Wage Market Tulungagung Wholesale Center by
implementing the 3M health protocol recommended by the government during the Covid-19 pandemic. The data obtained in this
study refers to Ghony & Almanshur (2012) that qualitative research can describe an event in depth related to the real situation or
facts regarding complex situations and if the facts in the field can be described clearly. Hence, the researcher acts as an instrument
key. The interview questions are based on the SWOT theory developed by Rangkuti & Freddy (2008) that SWOT analysis can be
a strategy development in an organization by considering internal and external factors. The theory by Henry Mintzberg 5P Strategy
(Plan, Ploy, Pattern, Position Perspective) developed by Pederesen & Ritter (2020) that Mintzberg's 5P strategy is a strategy that
can be done to recover from the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Porter (1994) developed a theory of five competitive
forces, which concentrated on competitors by expanding the field of analysis using Porter's Five Forces theory.
Respondents in this study amounted to 10 people, 9 of whom are business players in the trade sector and work as fashion
business actors in the MSME trade sector in Tulugagung, East Java. Moreover, one person is the management of the association
at the Wholesale Center of Pasar Wage Tulungagung. The data analysis used is a SWOT analysis that focuses on IFAS and EFAS
calculations, Industrial Analysis Using the Porters Five Forces Model, and data analysis by the theory of Miles and Huberman in
Sugiyono (2013), which includes data reduction by simplifying the records that in the field, Data Presentation (Data Display is to
provide the possibility of conclusions in the field and finally Conclusion Drawing/verification).


EFAS (External Factor Analysis Strategy) dan IFAS (Internal Factor Analysis Strategy)

The steps for using EFAS (External Factor Analysis Strategy) or commonly referred to as the external factor matrix,
need first to identify external factors (opportunities and threats) in the business that has been run. The following is how the EFAS
is arranged: (a) Write in column 1 (5- 10) the opportunities and threats in the business being run. (b) Give weight to each factor in
column 2. The weight column shows how vital external environmental factors are to the organization. A number close to 1.0
indicates a significant external factor in the business, and a 0.0 number is not essential. The resulting weighted score must not
exceed a total score of 1.00. (c) Rank each factor with a positive number 1 (+1) for opportunities that have little effect on the
business being run and a positive number of 4 (4) for opportunities that significantly influence the business. Give a rating of 1 (+1)
for threats that have a significant influence on the business being run and a positive 4 (+4) for threats that do not affect the business
being run (d) Multiply the weight in column 2 by the rating in column 3 to find out the value of each external factor. The weighted
score results for each factor are ranging from 4.0 (outstanding) to 1.0 (poor).
After the factors are identified, the IFAS (Internal Factor Analysis Strategy) table includes the strengths and weaknesses
in the business that has been carried out. Here is how the IFAS is compiled (a) Make it in column 1 (5- 10) the strengths and
weaknesses in the business (b) Give weight to each factor in column 2. The weight column shows how vital external environmental
factors are to the organization. Numbers close to 1.0 indicate external factors that are very important in business, and 0.0 numbers
are not necessary (c) Give ratings 1 to 4 for each factor that shows how effective the business strategy is in overcoming every

International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, Vol. 24, Issue 2 (April)
ISSN 2289-1552

strength and weakness in the business being run (d) Multiply the weight in column 2 by the rating in column 3 to find out the value
of each external factor. The weighted score results for each factor are ranging from 4.0 (outstanding) to 1.0 (poor).
From the results of the acquisition of IFAS and EFAS scores, an X value can be made based on the score (total strength
score-total weakness score) and a Y value based on the score (opportunity-threat). Based on the results of the X and Y values, it
can be seen that the Quadrant of the SWOT Analysis. According to (Rangkuti & Rudiyanto, 2005), there are four main quadrants
in the SWOT analysis, namely (a) Quadrant 1 Companies that have high strength and opportunities, (b) Quadrant 2 companies
face various threats but still have strength, (c) Quadrant 3 there are opportunities extensive within the company but still has some
internal constraints/weaknesses (d) Quadrant 4 is a situation that can threaten the company because it faces various internal threats
and weaknesses. The following are IFAS and EFAS calculations for the fashion business at the wholesale center Pasar Wage
Tulungagung during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Table 1 Strategic Internal Factor Analysis During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Internal Factor Weight Rating Score

1. The duration of the business 0,20 4 0,8
2. Large Capital 0,15 3 0,45
3. Strategic location 0,08 3 0,24
4. Can bill for resellers 0,12 3 0,36
5. Variate Product and quality 0,14 4 0,56
Total 2,41
1. The shop display is less attractive 0,08 2 0,16
2. The cashier is still manual 0,05 2 0,1
3. Not all models are displayed 0,04 3 0,12
4. Not yet mastering online sales 0,09 3 0,4
5. Limited sales time 0,05 4 0,2
Total 1 0,98
Total Value of Strength and Weakness 3,39

X Value = (Strength Value - Weakness Value) 2,41 - 0,98 = 1,43

Source: Results of research data processing

Table 2 Strategic External Factor Analysis during the Covid-19 Pandemic

External Factor Weight Rating Score

1. Online shopping trends 0,09 4 0,36
2. Potential for product development 0,1 3 0,3
3. Technology is getting more sophisticated 0,07 3 0,21
4. Suppliers of many products 0,1 2 0,2
5. Trend Muslim users 0,06 4 0,28
Total 1,35
1. Technological developments 0,1 3 0,36
2. The number of similar businesses 0,05 2 0,1
3. PSBB Government Policy 0,3 3 0,9
4. The low interest of business owners in developing 0,05 3 0,15
their businesses during a pandemic
5. Community income has decreased 0,08 2 0,16
Total 1 1,67
Total Value of Opportunities and Threats 3,2
Y Value = (Value Opportunity-Value Threat) 1,35 - 1,67 = (- 0,32)
Source: Results of research data processing

From the results of the preparation of IFAS and EFAS, it can be seen that the X and Y values (1.43 and -0.32), which
later on values can be used as a guide to finding out the location of the quadrant of the Fashion Business Center of the Wage
Tulungagung Market Wholesale Center during the Covid-19 pandemic.

International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, Vol. 24, Issue 2 (April)
ISSN 2289-1552

Figure 1 Quadrant SWOT analysis of the fashion business during the Covid-19 pandemic
Source: bps.go.id

The values of x (1.43) and y (-0.32) show that the results of the final value are positive and negative values, which based
on the quadrant image above the value enters the second quadrant point, namely strategy diversification, which means that this
quadrant proves that a business has strong position but facing significant challenges. Businesses whose position is in quadrant II /
Strategy Verification need to re-evaluate the strategies used to reach a more severe and broader market. The fashion business actors
at the Wage Tulungagung Market Wholesale Center have not been able to compete effectively, let alone compete in a pandemic
situation like this, so it estimated that the business wheels would have difficulty if they have to rotate if they depend on the tactics
used before (before the pandemic era).
During a pandemic, business people need to re-evaluate internal and external relations as a whole. With a gradual
evaluation, it can present new opportunities to build relationships with new partners ready to help address short-term and urgent
needs during the pandemic (Obal & Tony, 2020). The strength possessed, such as the length of time the business has established,
has undoubtedly gained reasonable consumer confidence. It is easier for business people to respond from consumers during the
Covid-19 pandemic when creating and selling their latest products. The longer someone runs a business, the more mature and
precise the strategy used will be in managing and marketing their products, affecting business people’s level of income (Setiaji &
Fatuniah, 2018).
Increasingly sophisticated technology can create opportunities for business people to market their products and develop
their markets because during the Covid-19 pandemic, considering that online shopping became a trend during the Covid-19
pandemic, besides that, with increasingly sophisticated technology, business people can learn how to market products online, such
as on YouTube or business class. Given the weaknesses of businesspeople in the Pasar Wage Tulungagung Wholesale Center, they
still prioritize conventional sales. Pandemic times are a great time to invest in online marketing. Marketing tools such as social
media, marketplace applications, and email marketing require special attention by business people and are regularly checked and
updated to connect with customers better (Patel & Malpani, 2020). By conducting external and internal analysis, the organization
identifies critical threats and opportunities in its competitive environment (Gürel & TAT, 2017).

Competitive Strategy during the Covid-19 pandemic

The Covid-19 Pandemic period caused the economy to slow down, and the market began to sluggish, turnover decreased,
and productivity. The longer the business has established, it will face unprecedented competition. This competition is digital,
product design, and the consumptive nature of society that is unpredictable during the pandemic (Obal & Tony, 2020). As a
businessman, he must prepare a strategy to maintain business performance and its existence during the Covid-19 pandemic, Porter's
Competitive Analysis, which is better known by Porter's Five Forces analysis. Bruijl (2018) Competitive strategy rests on
understanding the structure of industries and how they can change. (a) The threat of newcomers can impact the fashion business
in the Pasar Wage Wholesale Center, Tulungagung. The fashion business owners most fear at the Wage Market Tulungagung
Wholesale Center is that if a competitor comes with a significant enough capital of better quality and can sell at a lower price, this
could damage their business position during the pandemic. (b) the threat of supplier bargaining power, when the demand value for
a product increases and the product supply cannot meet customers, the supplier will increase its selling price. When the selling
price rises, the demand will decrease. After customer demand drops, the supplier can make the supply even more significant and
can reduce the price again. (c) The strength of the buyer's position is the buyer's high bargaining power to get a product at a
relatively low price. However, with better quality, the lower the fashion business owner will get, by selling the product price at a
lower price, the benefits will be lower. also. (d) The threat of substitute products is the number of products with the same model
and the same brand but have different quality. This can be a threat to fashion business owners. (e) competition between companies
in the fashion business during the pandemic was very tight. However, business owners had to reduce product prices, but this did
not reduce the quality of the products sold and the excellent service. Using porter's competitive analysis can demonstrate the
capabilities of the manufacturer's existing and future and the needs of the customer, preventing the customer from directing
attention to replacement goods (Rachapila, 1990).

Mintzberg's 5P Strategy during the pandemic and after the Covid-19 pandemic

Pederesen & Ritter (2020) Harvard Business Review explains that along with the crisis during the Covid-19 pandemic,
every person in business has many challenges such as a decline in customer demand, supply chain disruption, economic recession,
and uncertainty in business. Business people, of course, have to think about restoring their business by using the 5P strategy from
Henry Mintzberg, namely Plan, Ploy, Pattern, Position, and Perspective. (a) The strategy as a plan (plan) for business people

International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, Vol. 24, Issue 2 (April)
ISSN 2289-1552

focuses on the concept of good quality products so that they can attract consumers, besides improving information and
communication systems that lead to their sales systems by utilizing technology.
In line with research from Fitriyani et al. (2020) that the main focus of planning and designing MSME business in the
future is to improve communication with customers and the use of technology. (b) The strategy as a Ploy (tactic) provides a
relatively lower price with consumers while maintaining product quality, not reducing the product's quality. During the Covid-19
pandemic, people's income decreased and followed by decreasing purchasing power. (c) Strategy as a Position (Position) develops
marketing so that sales remain on target and maintain the existence of the business. Such as carrying out promotional activities
using technology, providing discounts.
Research from Alves et al. (2020) states that it is necessary to maintain its existence by increasing promotion on social
media and offering an additional 15% discount during the Covid-19 pandemic during the pandemic period. (d) Strategy as a Pattern,
by knowing how the business runs effectively and efficiently. Effective for achieving targets and efficient in terms of time requires
business actors' readiness when facing a new normal. Readiness to face Covid-19 obtained from knowledge, consumer behavior,
product innovation, product marketing, etc. Innovation is one of the reasons businesses can still survive (take place) (Ortiz-villajos
& Sotoca, 2018). Humans who have higher education will be better able to survive in economic crises (Qian & Fan, 2020). During
a pandemic, it must be able to make innovations in products and make changes or innovations in terms of service or serving
(Santoso, 2020). (e) Strategy as a Perspective (Perspective) changes the system they created previously from conventional ones to
online sales.


The total EFAS matrix is 3.09 to show that a high external strategy position can overcome threats and take advantage of
various existing opportunities. These factors make it possible that the fashion business can still maintain its existence during the
Covid-19 pandemic. The total IFAS matrix is 3.39, which shows that a high strategic position is to minimize internal weaknesses
and take advantage of internal strengths. The Fashion Business at the Wage Market Tulungagung Wholesale Center is on a small
economic scale in a pandemic like this, so the threat of newcomers can impact its business. With the Porter Five Forces Competitive
strategy, it is helpful for fashion business owners at the Wage Tulungagung Market Wholesale Center to find out where their
business strengths are in facing competition during the Covid-19 pandemic so that that fashion business owners can survive the
pandemic. With the strategic concept put forward by Henry Mintzberg 5P, every person in a business can use it as a basis for facing
the challenges during the Covid-19 pandemic and composing strategic steps to get back up and maintain his performance and
Based on the studies that have carried out, several suggestions can give regarding the management of fashion business
during the Covid-19 pandemic, including 1) For fashion business people, Seeing the extensive online business opportunities during
the Covid-19 pandemic, it recommended for fashion business owners expanding its sales market in online markets such as in
market places because, during the Covid-19 pandemic, many people switched their shopping patterns to online to reduce activities
outside the home according to the government's appeal. 2) Looking at the sales system of fashion business owners at the Wage
Market Tulungagung Wholesale Center, which is still a receipt system for their customers, it is advisable to shift the system to
cash sales, to avoid dishonest buyers 3) For association managers at the Wage Market Tulungagung Wholesale Center with Seeing
the situation and conditions during the Covid-19 pandemic, the management of the Wage Market Tulungagung Wholesale Center
association should provide facilities such as spraying rooms before entering the Wage Market, providing masks and spraying
disinfectants regularly so that visitors are not anxious when going shopping.


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Ikfina Akmalia
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Email: ikfinaakmalia23@gmail.com

Prof. Dr. Heri Pratikto, M.Si

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Email: Heripratikto@gmail.com

Dr. Sugeng Hadi Utomo, M.S

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Email: Sugeng.hadi.fe@um.ac.id


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