74104-PXR800 User Manual

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Frame Grabber
User’s Guide
Every effort has been made to make this manual a comprehensive technical
resource for the Imagenation PXR800 Frame Grabber. Please take a few min-
utes to review the Table of Contents and thoroughly read Chapter 1,
“Introduction,” on page 1.1.
If you experience any difficulties or have any questions, please read the
appropriate sections within this manual. If you continue to have difficulties or
questions, please contact us via e-mail or telephone.
Technical support is available Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm
(Pacific Time).
E-mail: CSsupport@cyberoptics.com
Phone: (503) 495-2200
800-366-9131 (US and Canada only)
Fax: (503) 495-2201

Check the Imagenation product website http://www.imagenation.com for

the most current version of this manual and for software updates.

Third-party brands and names are the property of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2001-2003, CyberOptics Semiconductor, Inc. All rights reserved.
CyberOptics Semiconductor, Inc.
P.O. Box 276
Beaverton, OR 97075-0276
P/N MN-800-03

Table of Contents

Table of

General Information .............................................ii

Chapter 1
Introduction.......................................................................... 1.1
Video and Machine Vision Systems ..................................... 1.1
PXR800 Features for Machine Vision .................................. 1.4
Overview of PXR800 Features and Operation .................... 1.5
The Next Step ........................................................................ 1.8
Chapter 2
Installing the PXR800........................................................... 2.1
Quick Installation ................................................................. 2.1
Installing the PXR800 Software from the Setup CD ...............2.1
Installing the PXR800 Card ......................................................2.1
Attaching the Cameras .............................................................2.2
Restarting the Computer ..........................................................2.2
Optional Equipment ............................................................. 2.2
PXR801 Camera Extender Board .............................................2.2
Camera Cables ..........................................................................2.2
Uninstalling the PXR800 ...................................................... 2.3
Uninstalling the Development Software .................................2.3
Uninstalling the Drivers ...........................................................2.3
Upgrading or Repairing the Software ................................. 2.3
Installing the PXR800 as Part of a Product ......................... 2.4
Troubleshooting ................................................................... 2.5
General Tips .............................................................................2.5
Technical Support................................................................. 2.6

Table of Contents
Chapter 3
Programming the PXR800 ................................................... 3.1
The Library Interface............................................................ 3.1
Handles and ID Values.......................................................... 3.2
Programming Language Specifics ....................................... 3.4
Programming in C ....................................................................3.4
Programming in Visual Basic...................................................3.5
Writing Multithreaded Programs......................................... 3.7
A Simple Image Capture Program ....................................... 3.8
Line-by-Line Explanation .......................................................3.10
Compiling the Program ..........................................................3.13
Running the Program .............................................................3.13
Camera Detection and Configuration ............................... 3.14
Handling Stalled Grabs....................................................... 3.17
Doing Triggered Grab and Display.................................... 3.18
Chapter 4
The PXR Productivity Tool................................................... 4.1
Installing the PXR Productivity Tool ................................... 4.1
Benefits of Using the PXR Productivity Tool ...................... 4.2
PXR Productivity Tool Architecture .................................... 4.2
Dialog Box Design ...................................................................4.2
Dialog Box Rules......................................................................4.3
Saving PXR800 Configurations with the PXR Productivity
Tool ........................................................................................ 4.5
Saving The Current Program State...........................................4.5
Loading a Previously Saved Program Configuration ..............4.5
Writing Code and the PXR Productivity Tool ..................... 4.6
Chapter 5
Detailed Operating Information.......................................... 5.1
Image Geometry.................................................................... 5.1
Region of Interest (ROI) Basics ...............................................5.1
Camera Formats........................................................................5.2
The Pixel Clock ........................................................................5.7
Set Video Frame Size................................................................5.7
ROI Details................................................................................5.8

Table of Contents
Image Manipulation and Image Quality.............................. 5.9
Nyquist Filtering .....................................................................5.10
Noise and Jitter .......................................................................5.10
Gain and Offset ......................................................................5.13
LUT (Look Up Table) .............................................................5.16
Real-Time Control (RTC) .................................................... 5.17
Camera Select .........................................................................5.18
Sync Control and Sync Modes ...............................................5.19
Image Grabs ...........................................................................5.23
Trigger Events.........................................................................5.23
Pulse Generation ....................................................................5.25
General-Purpose Input/Output (GPI/O)...............................5.28
Data Flow............................................................................. 5.28
Camera End and System End.................................................5.28
Single and Continuous Buffering...........................................5.31
Queuing ..................................................................................5.34
Coherency Issues....................................................................5.37
Captured Images ................................................................. 5.41
PXRFrames ..............................................................................5.41
RGB Expansion.......................................................................5.42
Image Information..................................................................5.42
Frame Library Features...........................................................5.43
Chapter 6
Hardware Reference............................................................. 6.1
Electrical Characteristics...................................................... 6.1
Video Inputs .............................................................................6.1
12-Volt Power Output ..............................................................6.1
VS and HS .................................................................................6.2
I/O Signals ................................................................................6.2
Pixel Clock................................................................................6.3
Triggers .....................................................................................6.3
Environment .............................................................................6.4
Cables and Connectors......................................................... 6.4
Pre-Made Cables.......................................................................6.4
Connector Pinouts ....................................................................6.5
Connector Positions .................................................................6.7

Table of Contents
Chapter 7
PXR800 API Structures ......................................................... 7.1
IMG_IMAGEINFO Structure .................................................. 7.2
REALTIME Structure.............................................................. 7.5
Chapter 8
Initializing and Exiting Libraries ........................................ 8.1
C Language Functions........................................................... 8.1
Visual Basic Functions .......................................................... 8.5
Chapter 9
PXR800 API Functions.......................................................... 9.1
Chapter 10
PXRFrame API Functions ................................................... 10.1
Chapter 11
The Video Display Library ................................................. 11.1
Index............................................................. Index.1

Table of Contents

List of

Chapter 1
Figure 1.1: Example of a Machine Vision System....................... 1.2
Figure 1.2: PXR800 Functional Diagram ..................................... 1.6
Chapter 4
Figure 4.1: The Frame Size Dialog Box........................................ 4.3
Figure 4.2: The Gain/Offset Dialog Box....................................... 4.4
Figure 4.3: Main Control Dialog Box ........................................... 4.5
Chapter 5
Figure 5.1: Region of Interest (ROI) ............................................ 5.2
Figure 5.2: Interlaced Format....................................................... 5.3
Figure 5.3: Video Signal Diagrams ............................................... 5.4
Figure 5.4: Signal Conditioning and Manipulation .................... 5.9
Figure 5.5: Interlace Offset ......................................................... 5.11
Figure 5.6: Offset and Fine Gain ................................................ 5.15
Figure 5.7: Real-Time Control Model......................................... 5.18
Figure 5.8: HalfH Timing Function ............................................ 5.19
Figure 5.9: Real-Time Control Model......................................... 5.24
Figure 5.10: Signal Timing Example.......................................... 5.26
Figure 5.11: PXR800 Data Flow and Control Paths................... 5.29
Chapter 6
Figure 6.1: GP Input Schematic.................................................... 6.2
Figure 6.2: GP Output Schematic ................................................. 6.3
Figure 6.3: Trigger Input Schematic ............................................ 6.4
Figure 6.4: 26-Pin Connector Diagram ....................................... 6.5
Figure 6.5: Camera Connector Positions..................................... 6.7

Table of Contents

List of

Chapter 2
Table 2.1: Operating System-Specific Files ................................. 2.4

Chapter 3
Table 3.1: Relationship of DLLs and .BAS Files .......................... 3.6
Table 3.2: .BAS Files for Visual Basic .......................................... 3.7

Chapter 5
Table 5.1: Camera Formats .......................................................... 5.6
Table 5.2: Synchronization Modes ............................................ 5.21
Table 5.3: SetPixelClock Timing Information .......................... 5.22
Table 5.4: Line and Field Lengths ............................................. 5.27

Chapter 6
Table 6.1: Pre-Wired Cables ......................................................... 6.4
Table 6.2: DIN Connector ............................................................ 6.5
Table 6.3: 26-Pin Connector Pinouts .......................................... 6.6

Chapter 9
Table 9.1: Error Codes ................................................................. 9.5
Table 9.2: Drive Mode Names ...................................................... 9.9
Table 9.3: Camera Format Information .................................... 9.11
Table 9.4: Pixel Clock Information ........................................... 9.19
Table 9.5: pesEvent and preRepeat Values ............................... 9.23
Table 9.6: Sync Mode Names ..................................................... 9.27
Table 9.7: Drive Mode Names .................................................... 9.55
Table 9.8: Pixel Clock Information ........................................... 9.64
Table 9.9: Sync Mode Names ..................................................... 9.70

Introduction Chapter 1

Chapter 1
The Imagenation PXR800 is a high-precision frame grabber designed to cap-
ture monochrome images from analog sources. It is designed to function as a
component in a high-performance machine vision system. In this environ-
ment, it not only captures high-quality video images, but it can also address
the many synchronization and control issues that occur in a modern machine
vision system.
The following introductory information provides an overview of machine
vision systems and how the PXR800 fits into the machine vision environment.

Video and Machine Vision Systems

Traditionally, analog video sources (including video cameras, VCRs, and the
like) have been designed to represent movement by producing a continuous
stream of image signals. The video signal formats used were designed to
emphasize the perception of moving scenes, often at the expense of accuracy
in the image’s fine detail. These traditional video sources were intended solely
for providing human viewers with a convincing representation of moving
scenes. Fortunately, the human eye and mind is able to participate in the pro-
cess by mentally filling in or accepting implied detail to add realism to what is
Today, video is increasingly being used for machine vision applications. How-
ever, the emphasis in machine vision is on the accuracy of individual images
in the video image stream. In this arena, the goal is not to provide an illusion
of moving scenes to a human viewer, but to provide high-quality image data
for computer processing and analysis.
For example, the computer in a machine vision system will often be responsi-
ble for finding and measuring objects in the image. It may also be called upon
to determine whether an object or feature is correctly positioned, and may
have to do numerous other image detection and analysis tasks. Additionally,

Chapter 1 Introduction
the machine vision task generally takes place in carefully designed environ-
ments where the camera, lighting, and timing of events require special control.
An example of such machine vision system is shown in Figure 1.1.






An example machine vision system with a PXR800 installed in the

computer system for video system control and video image capture.

Figure 1.1: Example of a Machine Vision System

As a result of the more stringent requirements, video cameras designed for
machine vision applications often have special features to provide the neces-
sary image control and accuracy. Some of the more important features often
seen in these cameras include progressive scan imaging, asynchronous reset,
and programmable exposure control.

Introduction Chapter 1
Progressive scan cameras expose and transmit a complete image for each
frame in the video stream. This differs from the more common interlaced
video formats, which expose and transmit fields composed of alternate video
lines. These fields are then interlaced to produce a complete image frame.
Interlaced video does represent motion of large objects more faithfully. This is
because, in interlaced video, the viewable region of the camera is scanned
twice as often, once for each of the two fields that make up a frame. Unfortu-
nately, minute examination of individual images from an interlaced camera
requires either looking at a single field, which has only half the scan lines, or
looking at a frame made from two fields exposed at slightly different times. In
the one case, looking at one field, you get only half the vertical resolution of a
full frame. In the other case, looking at an interlaced frame, edge detail may
be smeared by motion occurring between exposures of each field. A progres-
sive scan camera, however, exposes and transmits entire frames at the full res-
olution of the camera. This provides maximum object resolution with good
edge detail in a single image.
Sometimes it’s necessary to capture an image representing a view from the
camera at a precise instant in time. Consider, for example, an assembly line
where parts are moving past the camera at several meters per second. The
part will be in the camera’s field of view for only a few milliseconds. As a
result, a continuous video stream may not be able to provide a good image of
the part because images are being exposed at intervals of only about 30 milli-
The above problem can be resolved with an asynchronously resettable cam-
era. An asynchronously resettable camera allows an external signal to mark
exactly when each image should be exposed. Thus, with an appropriate trig-
ger signal corresponding to correct part positioning, the camera is able to take
a snapshot of the part at exactly the right time. The resulting video stream may
appear continuous if the trigger events are evenly spaced, or it may contain
only occasional irregularly timed images if the trigger events are irregularly
Cameras with programmable exposure will accept a signal that controls the
length of time each image is exposed. This allows precise control of the
amount of light collected and, thus, the brightness of the resulting image.
Programmable exposure is useful for compensating for variable lighting envi-
ronments. With the appropriate algorithms, the vision system can dynamically
control exposure to overcome lighting changes. There are also cases where a
specific exposure time is needed. For example, short exposures are often used
when imaging moving objects to minimize motion blur. On the other hand, a
long exposure may be needed to capture images in low light or to detect low-
contrast features.

Chapter 1 Introduction
Often there is a choice between controlling the camera exposure time and
controlling the lighting. For example, a short exposure can be used to capture
fast motion, or ambient lighting can be turned off and a fast, bright strobe light
can be used to cause a “flash” exposure in the dark.
Depending on your machine vision application requirements, you may need
to pick a video camera with some or all of the above special features. In any
case, the PXR800 is designed to operate with the widest possible range of
video formats, camera types, and camera features.

PXR800 Features for Machine Vision

The PXR800 has a feature set that allows it to work easily with various
machine vision cameras while controlling the image capture process in a wide
range of machine vision applications. Some of these key features are as fol-
• Low video noise that allows the PXR800 to faithfully capture images
from high-quality cameras and to provide those images with full 8-bit
pixel accuracy for computer analysis.
• Low synchronization jitter, allowing consistent measurement of
horizontal position in images to subpixel accuracy.
• Support for cameras having a pixel clock output, which allows further
reduction in synchronization jitter.
• Programmable offset and gain control for accurate adjustment of video
data dynamic range.
• Support for both interlaced and progressive scan video formats.
• Ability to synchronize to resettable cameras.
• Four programmable pulse generators that can be used to control
camera exposure, camera reset timing, strobe light timing, and other
machine vision control tasks.
• Four trigger inputs to synchronize video capture timing and pulse
generation to events elsewhere in the vision system. Triggers can be
optically coupled to increase system reliability and reduce noise
• Control and capture from up to four multiplexed cameras.
• Ability to either accept or generate external video sync signals. The
PXR800 can provide sync signals for easily gen-locking up to four
The above features, along with other PXR800 capabilities, allow creation of
applications that take the best advantage of high-performance analog video
cameras. The PXR800 can flexibly synchronize to the camera and reliably cap-

Introduction Chapter 1
ture high-quality images. It can accurately track both the absolute time of
image capture and the time of the image relative to other events. In addition
to synchronizing to the camera timing, the PXR800 can also act as a timing
generator for controlling the camera or other equipment that needs to be syn-
chronized to the camera’s timing (such as lighting). The PXR800 can also
detect signals from other equipment and use them as a timing reference for
the entire video capture process.

Overview of PXR800 Features and

The PXR800 is a PCI card that installs in a personal computer running any of
the following versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system: 98, 98 SE,
Me, NT4, 2000, or XP. It acts as an intermediary between the “outside world”
of video imaging for machine vision and the “computer system” of image pro-
cessing and analysis. This relationship and some of the key functional blocks
of the PXR800 are shown in Figure 1.2 on page 1.6.
The Camera Interface function is shown in the upper left of Figure 1.2. Up to
four video cameras can be connected to each PXR800. Notice that there are
also facilities for pixel clock, horizontal sync, and vertical sync inputs from the
camera. This allows for using different camera sync schemes.
Additionally, the PXR800 has an internal pulse generator that can provide hor-
izontal and vertical sync signals to the camera via the same Hsync and Vsync
lines. This allows the PXR800 to control camera synchronization and gen-lock
cameras if necessary.
Terminations for the video input are provided in the camera interface. The ter-
mination value can be selected under program control to be either the stan-
dard 75-Ω video termination or a high-impedance termination.
The camera interface function also includes a Video Signal Multiplexer. Under
application program control, the multiplexer can be switched to supply the
PXR800 with a video signal from any one of up to four cameras. The PXR800
is designed to automatically synchronize to the current incoming video signal,
whether by embedded composite sync information or via external sync infor-
mation on Hsync and Vsync. Sync modes can also be controlled by the appli-
cation program to meet different video capture requirements

Chapter 1 Introduction













Simplified functional block diagram of the PXR800. For simplicity, not

all control links are shown here, but most functions shown can be
controlled via the application program.

Figure 1.2: PXR800 Functional Diagram

The selected incoming video signal from the camera interface can be condi-
tioned by two analog functions. The first of these is Nyquist filtering, which
is used to remove high-frequency noise that might result in aliasing errors dur-
ing the signal digitizing process. The second analog processing function is a
gain control, which can be set for unity gain or a gain factor of two. Gain
control may be necessary to boost low-level video signals for more effective
use of the digitizer’s dynamic range. Selection of Nyquist filtering (on or off)
and analog gain is done under control of the application program.
From analog processing, the video signal proceeds to the analog-to-digital
converter (ADC). The ADC samples and digitizes the video signal. Sampling
is done according the frequency of the camera’s pixel clock, if the camera
supplies one, or it can be done according to the PXR800’s internal pixel clock.
Several PXR800 pixel clock rates are available and program selectable accord-
Introduction Chapter 1
ing to specific needs for the incoming video format (RS-170A or CCIR/PAL
standards). The digitizing is to 8-bits, providing 256 digital levels of grayscale
After the ADC, the digitized video signal can be adjusted for offset and gain.
Offset allows the signal to be shifted up or down through the grayscale range,
similar to a brightness control. Gain, or fine gain, multiplies the signal ampli-
tude for greater grayscale definition of fine detail in the image. Both opera-
tions, Offset and Gain, are performed digitally on the digitized video signal,
and both operations are controlled via the application program.
LUT and ROI operations are performed next. The LUT (look up table) can
apply various pixel mapping operations, such as gamma correction or image
contrast adjustment. The translations performed depend on the value loaded
into the LUT by the application program. ROI (region of interest) allows
image capture to be confined to a selected region of the full video frame, if so
desired. Again, both the LUT and ROI operations are programmable and are
set up under control of the application program.
The qualification operation occurs after the LUT and ROI operations. Qualifi-
cation determines whether or not a video image is actually grabbed into the
PXR800 Buffer Memory. Whether or not an image is qualified depends on a
variety of factors determined by requests for grabbing a specific field or frame
or requests for grabbing images associated with specific triggers or events. An
extremely wide and flexible range of grab conditions can be set up and
queued through the Real-Time Engine by the application program. Notice,
too, that triggers, strobe, and exposure control are also handled through the
Real-Time Engine according to selections and setup conditions made in the
application program.
How grabbed images are read into and out of the Buffer Memory is also
selectable via the application program. Single buffering or continuous buffer-
ing (ping-pong or double buffering) modes are available in combination with
incremental and burst DMA (direct memory access) transfer modes. Again,
which combination of modes you use depends on your application needs.
Grabbed images are transferred out of the PXR800 Buffer Memory through the
PCI interface into designated areas of the Computer System Memory. The des-
ignated areas of memory are structures referred to as PXRFrames, which are
set up via the Application program.
Four general-purpose inputs and four general-purpose outputs (GPI/O) are
provided to communicate with external devices.
The API (application program interface) supplied with the PXR800 pro-
vides a command set for programming camera selection and control, applying
image processing (offset, gain, LUT, ROI, etc.), selecting and qualifying

Chapter 1 Introduction
images, setting up real-time sequences, and much more. A PXRFrame Library
is also supplied for performing various operations on image data stored as a
PXRFrame in system memory.
Once an image is grabbed and transferred to system memory, it can be pro-
cessed or analyzed further by application programs, displayed on the system
monitor, archived, printed, transferred to other systems, or operated on in any
other manner desired.

The Next Step

The preceding overview of PXR800 features and operation has been brief and
has covered only the basic highlights. Much more detailed information and
various application examples are provided throughout the remainder of this

Installing the PXR800 Chapter 2

Chapter 2
Installing the PXR800
Quick Installation
Installing the PXR800 Software from the Setup CD
1. Log on using an account with administrative privileges. (If you are using
Windows 98 or Windows Me, there is no separate administrator account
and you can install as any user.)
2. Insert the Imagenation PXR800 Installation Disk into the CD Drive, and
run Setup.
3. Follow the instructions provided by Setup to install the PXR800 drivers
and development software.

Installing the PXR800 Card

Static electricity can damage the electronic components on the PXR800
board. Before you remove the board from its antistatic pouch, ground
yourself by touching the computer’s metal back panel.

1. Turn off the computer and unplug it, then remove the cover.
2. Locate an unused PCI slot and remove the slot cover plate. Save the
3. Insert the PXR800 into the PCI slot and seat it firmly. Secure the PXR800
with the screw you saved.
4. Attach a power connector from the computer’s power supply to the
Camera Power Connector on the PXR800. (This step is necessary only if
you need to power cameras from the frame grabber)

Chapter 2 Installing the PXR800
5. If you are using the PXR801 Camera Extender Board, install it by
attaching the ribbon cable to the PXR800 and attaching the board to an
unused slot in the case.
6. Replace the computer’s cover.

Attaching the Cameras

Connecting 12-Volt power or pixel clock signals while the computer is
operating may damage your equipment. Attach cameras that connect to
the PXR800 power or pixel clock signals only when the computer is off.

You can connect up to two cameras to the PXR800, or up to four using the
PXR801 Camera Extender Board. Each camera must be connected using a
cable, which attaches to one of the PXR800’s 26-pin connectors.
For information on pre-made cables (see “Pre-Made Cables,” on page 6.4),
contact Imagenation Frame Grabber Sales at (800) 366-9131.

Restarting the Computer

Once the computer has restarted, you can verify that the PXR800 and camera
are installed correctly by running any of the sample programs, such as
PXR_Grab_RT1 from the Start menu.

Optional Equipment
The following items are things you may need in addition to the PXR800 frame
grabber to complete your application.

PXR801 Camera Extender Board

If you need to use more than two cameras with the PXR800, you will need the
Camera Extender Board. This device plugs into the PXR800 and provides two
additional 26-pin connectors for attaching up to two additional cameras. The
PXR801 Camera Extender Board is available as an option from Imagenation.

Camera Cables
You will need a cable to connect a camera to the PXR800. Imagenation pro-
vides a few styles of cables that can be used to connect many cameras. In
some cases you may wish to design your own cable. For PXR800 connector
pin assignments and cable design advice, see “Cables and Connectors,” on
page 6.4.

Installing the PXR800 Chapter 2
Uninstalling the PXR800
Uninstalling the Development Software
If you have installed the development software (SDK), samples, or documen-
tation using the PXR800 Installation Disk, they can be uninstalled using the
Add/Remove Programs control panel applet. Run Add/Remove Programs,
select Imagenation PXR800, and select Add/Remove. The Setup program
will run in maintenance mode, giving you the option of modifying, repairing,
or uninstalling the PXR800 files.

If you have changed or added any files in the PXR800 directories, those
directories may not be removed completely. This will happen if you have
changed or rebuilt the sample code in place or created a Visual C++
project in any of these directories. If any of the directories are not removed
by an uninstall, and you are sure you don’t need any files you have
changed, simply delete those directories.

Uninstalling the Drivers

For Windows NT 4.0, the drivers can be uninstalled from the Add/Remove
Programs applet by removing the Runtime component. For all other versions
of Windows, the driver must be uninstalled from the Device Manager. To
reach the Device Manager, right click on My Computer and select Proper-
ties. Find the entry for the PXR800 frame grabber device and delete it.

Upgrading or Repairing the Software

After the PXR800 software is installed, you may want to reinstall it. A newer
version may be available that you want to upgrade to, or some of the files
may have been accidentally deleted or corrupted.
To upgrade to a new version, run the Setup program for the newer version. It
will detect the currently installed software, and replace any files for which
newer versions are available. For all systems other than Windows NT 4.0, the
drivers will not be automatically updated by Setup. To upgrade the drivers,
right-click on “My Computer” and select “Properties” to run the Device Man-
ager. Find the entry for the PXR800 frame grabber device, and select it.
Choose “Update Driver” and follow the directions.
To repair corrupted or missing files, run the Add/Remove Programs control
panel applet. Select repair. All files that were installed by Setup will be rein-

Chapter 2 Installing the PXR800
Installing the PXR800 as Part of a Product
Once you have developed an application for the PXR800, you might wish to
install the PXR800 and your application software in many computers, or you
might wish to supply PXR800 frame grabbers with your application for other
users to install. There are two strategies for doing these installations.
• If you are installing small numbers of units, use the PXR800 Installation
Disk. Install using the procedure in “Installing the PXR800 Software
from the Setup CD,” on page 2.1, installing only the runtime support
and not the SDK or samples. After the PXR800 software is installed,
install your application software using a separate installation
• If you need to install large numbers of units, or if you are distributing
your application for end users to install, create an installation disk of
your own that installs the PXR800 runtime along with your application.
When doing this, consider which operating systems the target
computer might be running and be sure to install the correct PXR800
drivers for each system. Table 2.1 lists the required files for the PXR800
under various operating systems.

Operating System Driver File Other Support Files

Windows NT 4.0 pxr800NT.sys pxr800.dll, pxrframe.dll
Windows 2000 and pxr800.sys pxr800.dll, pxrframe.dll,
Windows XP pxr800.inf
Windows 98, Windows pxr800.sys pxr800.dll, pxrframe.dll,
98 SE, and Windows Me pxr800.inf
Note: Visual Basic programs that use the Video Display Library also need the
files pxr800_display.dll and video32.dll with all operating systems.
Table 2.1: Operating System-Specific Files
If you have installed the SDK on a development computer, copies of all the
files needed for all operating systems are available in the Redist directory.

Installing the PXR800 Chapter 2
If the PXR800 appears not to be working correctly, here are some things to try
that can diagnose or fix many common installation problems.

General Tips
• Under Windows NT and Windows 2000, check the System Event Log
for errors reported by the PXR800 driver. The event log can be viewed
with the Event Viewer. In the Start menu, look under Programs >
Administrative Tools > Event Viewer.
• Search the computer’s disks using Find Files or Folders on the Start
menu for all copies of pxr800.sys, pxr800nt.sys, pxr800.dll, and
pxrframe.dll. Delete any unused copies, and check the file dates,
versions, and file sizes of these files to be sure they are the correct
• Check the Imagenation product website (www.imagenation.com) for
newer software or reports of workarounds.
• The PXR800.sys driver is not signed. If you are running Windows 2000
or Windows XP, be sure the system is set up to allow unsigned drivers
to run. If the system is set up to block unsigned drivers you may need
to reinstall the PXR800 software after allowing unsigned drivers.
If the system won’t start or crashes while starting:
• Under Windows NT go into the BIOS setup and disable Plug & Play
Operating System support.
• Try removing other devices such as sound cards or network cards from
the system to check for resource conflicts and incompatibilities. This is
particularly important if the computer contains legacy or ISA devices.
• Try moving the PXR800 frame grabber to a different PCI slot. Some
resource conflicts and configuration problems affect only some of the
computer’s slots.
• If you have more than one PXR800 installed, try running first with only
one PXR800 card installed.
• Make sure the computer’s power supply is large enough to support all
the installed devices. This is particularly important if the PXR800 is
supplying power to one or more cameras.
• There is an LED near the top edge of the PXR800 card. If the PXR800 is
working, the light will blink green. If the light does not blink, it is likely
the PXR800 board has been damaged. (To see the LED, you must start
your computer while the cover is removed.)

Chapter 2 Installing the PXR800
If sample programs don’t run, or report “Unable to open the PXR
• Be sure the PXR800 frame grabber card is installed and seated properly
in its PCI slot.
• Be sure the files pxr800.dll and pxrframe.dll are in a directory where
the system can locate them. These directories include: the Windows,
Windows\System, or Windows\System32 directories, the same
directory as the program you’re trying to run, and any directory in the
system’s PATH environment variable.
• Check that no other programs are running that have the frame grabber
allocated. Each frame grabber can be used by only one application at a
• If you have just installed or updated the PXR800 software, try shutting
down and restarting the system to be sure any changes to the drivers,
DLLs, and registry have taken effect.

Technical Support
Imagenation offers free technical support to customers. If the PXR800 board
appears to be malfunctioning, or you’re having problems getting the library
functions to work, please read the appropriate sections in this manual. If you
still have questions, contact us, and we’ll be happy to help you.
When you contact us, please make sure that you have the following informa-
tion available:
• A detailed description of the problem you are having, including the
exact text of any error messages and a list of steps to reproduce the
• The serial number of your board. This number is printed on a sticker
attached to the PXR800 board.
• The revision number of your board. This can be found by running the
PXR_Grab_rt1 sample program.
• The operating system you’re running.
• The compiler you’re using, including the version number (for example,
Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0).
• Information about your computer, including manufacturer, CPU type,
and memory size.
The Imagenation site on the World Wide Web is an excellent source for up-to-
date technical information, third-party driver support, white papers on

Installing the PXR800 Chapter 2
advanced technical subjects, and the latest drivers and software. Go to
www.imagenation.com and select Tech Support.
Technical support is available Monday through Friday, 8:00 A.M. to
5:00 P.M.Pacific Time.
Voice: 503-495-2200
Toll free: 800-366-9131
Fax: 503-495-2201
E-mail: CSsupport@cyberoptics.com
Internet: www.imagenation.com

Chapter 2 Installing the PXR800

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Programming the PXR800 Chapter 3

Chapter 3
Programming the PXR800
This chapter introduces you to programming the Imagenation PXR800. The
chapter discusses:
• The library interface
• Handles and ID values
• Programming language specifics
• Writing multithreaded programs
• An example of a simple image capture program
If you are just learning to work with the PXR800, you’ll also want to read
Chapter 4, “The PXR Productivity Tool,” on page 4.1, which describes an
interactive application that makes it easy to experiment with some of the more
common API functions. Later chapters contain reference material that
describes all of the features of the PXR800 and all of the functions provided by
the libraries.
The Software Development Kit (SDK), which you can install from your
PXR800 product CD or download from the Imagenation website (www.ima-
genation.com/pxrfamily.html), also includes several sample programs that
you can read and modify. Many of the examples in this chapter are pieces of
the sample code included with the SDK.

The Library Interface

The PXR800 Application Programming Interface (API) is made of two DLLs,
pxr800.dll and pxrframe.dll. These DLLs are designed to be callable from
the C programming language and from Microsoft Visual Basic. They can also
be used with C++, although they do not use any extra features of the C++ lan-
The library DLLs must be installed on the computer where the program will
run. To compile a program using the PXR800, you must also have several
Chapter 3 Programming the PXR800
header and other files, all of which are installed when you install the PXR800
To use the DLLs, they must be opened by calling the OpenLibrary function
(see Chapter 8, “Initializing and Exiting Libraries,” on page 8.1). This
function loads the DLL and, in the case of pxr800.dll, asks the DLL to connect
to the driver and detect any PXR800 frame grabbers installed in the system.
This initialization process differs in several ways from the more common
method of linking to a DLL, where the DLL is automatically loaded at the same
time as the application program.
Since each DLL is not loaded until the application program calls
OpenLibrary, the program can easily detect and handle the situation where
the libraries may not be present. For instance, if no PXR800s are installed in a
system, pxr800.dll will fail to make a connection to the driver and will not be
able to load. If the DLL were implicitly loaded at program start, the entire pro-
gram would fail automatically in this case. Since the DLL is loaded explicitly,
the program instead detects the zero return value from OpenLibrary and
provides it’s own error messages or continues to run with a reduced feature

Handles and ID Values

In the PXR800 programming interface, there are several different situations in
which a number serves as an identifier or handle representing some resource.
There is the FGHANDLE returned by AllocateFG, which represents a
PXR800 frame grabber. There is the QUEUEID, which represents an operation
that is waiting in the frame grabber’s queue before completing, and there is
the Win32 HANDLE type, which represents a synchronization event that occurs
when a queued operation completes. The PXRFRAME* pointer returned by
AllocateBuffer in the PXRFrame library can also be thought of as a han-
dle to an image.
A FGHANDLE is simply an arbitrary, non-zero number representing a frame
grabber. It is not a handle to any Win32 object. If you have several frame
grabbers allocated at a given time, the handle to each one will be unique.
However, if you allocate a frame grabber, free it, and then allocate it again,
the two handles may or may not be different. Each frame grabber is owned by
the process that allocated it, and they cannot be shared between processes.
There is no way to transfer a FGHANDLE from one process to another. If a
process is running multiple threads that access a single frame grabber, they all
share the same FGHANDLE value.
A QUEUEID is a non-zero number that represents an operation that has been
placed in a PXR800 frame grabber’s queue for execution. All operations cur-
rently in the queue will have different QUEUEIDs. Eventually the library will
Programming the PXR800 Chapter 3
begin reusing QUEUEID values, but it guarantees that at least the last 400
operations for a particular frame grabber will have unique ID values.
A QUEUEID is meaningful only to the frame grabber that will be performing
the operation. All functions using QUEUEIDs also require a FGHANDLE to
identify which frame grabber the operation is associated with. If your applica-
tion uses more than one frame grabber, the QUEUEIDs for some operations on
one of the frame grabbers might happen to be the same as QUEUEIDs for
operations on the other frame grabber. In such situations, be sure to keep
track of which frame grabber is responsible for which operations.
Since QUEUEIDs are only meaningful to a particular frame grabber, and a
frame grabber can only be owned by a single process, QUEUEIDs cannot be
shared between processes. However, QUEUEIDs can be shared between
threads in a single process. This is often useful, since waiting for an operation
to complete in a frame grabber’s queue is one way of synchronizing threads.
For example, an application may have one thread that controls the frame
grabber and another that analyzes images. The control thread can queue
Grab commands and pass the QUEUEID to the analysis thread. The analysis
thread can then use the WaitFinished function to block it’s execution until
there is a complete image available to be analyzed.
Although a QUEUEID is not a Win32 object, each queued operation can have
a Win32 Event object associated with it. The WindowsEventFromQID func-
tion provides a handle to the Win32 event for a particular queued operation.
This event is a manual reset event that is signaled when the queued operation
completes or is canceled. Using the event handle for a queued operation is
often more convenient than using the QUEUEID directly in programs that are
already using Win32 synchronization objects to control program execution or
that need to synchronize window message handling and file I/O to frame
grabber operations.
PXRFRAME structures can be shared between threads by simply sharing the
pointer supplied by AllocateBuffer. PXRFRAMEs should not be shared
between processes, however, since they contain pointers that are only valid in
the memory space of the process that created them. It is possible to share
image data between processes, however. This should be done by first creating
a shared memory area (using a memory-mapped file, for instance) and then
having each process create it’s own PXRFRAME for that memory using the
FrameFromPointer function.

Chapter 3 Programming the PXR800
Programming Language Specifics
This section discusses specific information about writing programs in C and in
the Microsoft Visual Basic programming environment.

Programming in C
When one of the DLLs is opened, by calling imagenation_OpenLibrary,
the functions it supplies are not made available as global symbols. Instead, the
application program supplies a structure that is filled with pointers to the func-
tions. Because these function names are not global symbols, they do not con-
flict with function names from other parts of your program. For instance,
suppose your program uses an image processing library that happens to con-
tain a function named GetRectangle. The PXRFrame library also contains a
GetRectangle function, but because the PXRFrame functions are members
of a structure, they can coexist with other functions of the same name.
The structure holding the function pointers to the opened library can be
thought of, in terms of object oriented programming, as an object representing
the library. This library object is created by the
imagenation_OpenLibrary call and is destroyed by the
imagenation_CloseLibrary call.
While the library object exists, it provides a set of methods for manipulating
frame grabbers and image memory. Because the programming interface is
callable from C, the library interface is not represented as a C++ class,
although the syntax for using it is similar. The differences are:
• The library interface is a structure rather than a class.
• The methods provided by the object are stored as pointers to functions
rather than C++ virtual functions.
• There is no constructor or destructor, so you must explicitly create and
destroy the object.
There are no restrictions on the number of library structures the application
has open, what they are named, or the scope and lifetime of the memory
where the structure is stored. A program may choose to open the PXR800
library using a single global structure that is accessible to the entire program.
If the parts of the program that use the PXR800 are going to form a module
and none of the code outside of the module needs to access the libraries, the
structure can be made static so that it’s available only inside the module. Or it
can even be allocated using malloc or new.
When compiling and linking an application that uses the PXR800 library or the
PXRFrame library, the list of library modules in the project’s link settings
should include ilib_32.lib. This is a small linkable library provided with the

Programming the PXR800 Chapter 3
DLLs that contains the imagenation_OpenLibrary and
imagenation_CloseLibrary functions. The project does not need an
import library such as pxr800.lib or pxrframe.lib. This is because ilib_32.lib
takes care of resolving references to the DLLs at runtime.
The name provided to imagenation_OpenLibrary can be either a full
path to the DLL or just the name of the DLL. If the name is provided without a
path, the system will search for the DLL using the normal search algorithm for
locating DLLs. For most applications this is a good thing to do because it
means that the application program does not need to duplicate the operating
system’s logic for finding DLLs. If a full path is provided, the DLL will be
loaded only if it appears in exactly the location specified.

Programming in Visual Basic

This section discusses concepts, procedures, and cautions that are specific to
the Microsoft Visual Basic development environment. A new DLL is intro-
duced as well as a caution about terminating programs. Support for Visual
Basic began with version 1.4 of the PXR800 software. If you have an earlier
version, you can download the latest software from the Imagenation website
at www.imagenation.com in the technical support section.

Do not use the End button in the Visual Basic development environment
to terminate your application. If you do so and then try to restart your
application, the application will fail. End prevents the program from de-
allocating the frame grabber, which causes a frame grabber allocation
failure when the program restarts.
Before terminating a program, de-allocate all PXR800 frame grabbers by
using the PXRVB FreeFG function in the Form_Unload procedure.
Using the End button bypasses Form_Unload and all other procedures.
If you want the functionality of an End or Stop button, create a button
that calls Form_Unload.

Displaying Video in Visual Basic Applications

The process of displaying video in a window with Visual Basic is a bit cum-
bersome. To simplify that process, the PXR800 support for Visual Basic
includes a Video Display Library that consists of the following two DLLs:
• PXR800_Display.DLL
• Video32.DLL
The DLLs operate as a pair with the PXR800_Display.DLL providing a PXR-
style interface to the Video32.DLL. You must have both DLLs installed on your

Chapter 3 Programming the PXR800
computer even though the Visual Basic interface is only with
The Video Display Library requires no initialization and provides only one
operation: copying an arbitrary rectangle of an image frame onto an arbitrary
rectangle of a window’s client area through the following two functions:
• IMG_VB_SizeDisplayWindow
This function tells the DLL the size of the client area of the display
• IMG_VB_PaintDisplayWindow
This function performs the copy from the image frame to the client
area of the window.
When using the Video Display Library always include the
PXR800_Display.BAS file in your Visual Basic project. All of the samples for
Visual Basic use the Video Display Library and serve as good examples, but
you’ll probably find PXR_VB_Grab_RT is the easiest.
Including .BAS Files
In order to reference the PXR800 Visual Basic DLLs, you must include the cor-
rect .BAS files in your project. For ease and simplicity, the sample programs
always include all five .BAS files. Table 3.1 shows the relationship between
the .BAS files and their respective DLLs.

DLL Related .BAS Files

IMAGEINFO.BAS (needed only if you are referenc-
ing the date/time structure)
IMAGEINFO.BAS (needed only if you are referenc-
ing the date/time structure)
PXR800_Display.DLL PXR800_Display.BAS

Table 3.1: Relationship of DLLs and .BAS Files

Programming the PXR800 Chapter 3
Table 3.2 identifies the contents of each .BAS header file.

File Description
PXR800API.BAS Data structures and definitions for PXR800 API calls
PXR800.BAS Definition of constants
PXRFRAME.BAS Data structures and definitions for Frame Library
IMAGEINFO.BAS Two data structures for using the date and time
PXR800_Display.BAS Two definitions for the video display calls

Table 3.2: .BAS Files for Visual Basic

Accessing frame data
Visual Basic doesn’t use pointers, so you must use the functions GetPixel,
GetColumn, GetRectangle, and GetRow to access the data in a frame.
Visual Basic includes a Byte type, which is equivalent to the unsigned char
type that the DLLs expect for buffers. To pass a buffer to the DLL, just pass the
first element of your declared Byte array by providing element (0) or element
(0, 0). For example, to get a rectangle of 8 bpp pixels from a frame, you could
use code such as:
Buff1(7500) As Byte
I = FRAMEVB_GetRectangle(Frame, Buff1(0), 10, 10, 100, 75);

Writing Multithreaded Programs

The PXR800 library is multithread safe. Application programs can create multi-
ple threads that share access to the PXR800 frame grabbers in the system.
Some examples of where multiple threads can be useful include:
• Having one thread responsible for frame grabber control and another
responsible for user interface message handling. This allows the user
interface to remain responsive, even when frame grabber operations
require a long time to execute, without requiring the frame grabber
thread to explicitly handle time-outs and event polling.
• Having one or more worker threads that perform image processing on
captured images.
• A system with several frame grabbers performing independent tasks
could assign a separate thread to each frame grabber.
Resources, such as frame grabber handles, queue IDs, and PXRFrames, can be
shared between threads. When sharing a frame grabber between two or more

Chapter 3 Programming the PXR800
threads, the threads must be designed so that one thread does not change
frame grabber settings that the other thread is relying on. For example, if one
thread calls SetROI to change the ROI on a frame grabber, while another
thread calls Grab, the two operations will execute in different orders depend-
ing on how the system schedules the threads. This will result in an image that
may be either the old size or the new size. Individual operations will be exe-
cuted in the order they are received by the frame grabber library, independent
of which thread requested the operation.

A Simple Image Capture Program

The program on the following page grabs an image using the PXR800 frame
grabber and saves the image as a BMP file. This program is extremely simple
and does only the minimum initialization necessary to use the frame grabber.
By default, the frame grabber is set up to work with interlaced RS-170 cam-
eras, so this program works best with an RS-170 or NTSC camera.

Programming the PXR800 Chapter 3
1 #include <windows.h>
2 #include “pxr800api.h"
3 #include “pxrframe.h"
9 PXRFRAME *pFrame = NULL;
11 int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
12 char *szCmdLine, int iCmdShow)
13 {
14 /* Error checking has been removed for clarity. A real program should check
15 the return codes for all of these functions and respond to errors. */
17 imagenation_OpenLibrary("pxr800.dll", &PXR, sizeof(PXRAPI));
18 imagenation_OpenLibrary("pxrframe.dll", &FrameLib, sizeof(PXRFRAMELIB));
20 pFrame = FrameLib.AllocateBuffer(640, 640, 480, PBITS_Y8, TRUE);
26 FrameLib.WriteBMP(pFrame, “TEST.BMP", TRUE);
28 MessageBox(NULL, “Grab saved to TEST.BMP", “Done", MB_OK);
30 PXR.FreeFG(hFG);
31 FrameLib.FreeFrame(pFrame);
33 imagenation_CloseLibrary(&FrameLib);
34 imagenation_CloseLibrary(&PXR);
35 return TRUE;
36 }

The following section provides a line-by-line explanation of the program.

Chapter 3 Programming the PXR800
Line-by-Line Explanation
1 #include <windows.h>

Include windows.h to get access to Windows user interface features, such as

MessageBox. Strictly speaking, this is not necessary, because pxr800api.h
also includes windows.h.
2 #include “pxr800api.h"
3 #include “pxrframe.h"

Include files to declare functions and constants for the PXR800 library and the
PXRFrame library. This must be done to access any of the library functions.

The PXRFrame library functions can be called only by using a PXRFRAMELIB

structure. Here, a global PXRFRAMELIB structure named FrameLib is cre-
ated, which will be used for the rest of the program to call PXRFrame library
functions. Declaring FrameLib here only creates the structure; the library
can’t be used until it is opened.

Like the PXRFrame library, the PXR800 library is called through a structure. It
is declared here and given the name PXR.

A PXR frame grabber is accessed using a frame grabber handle. This handle is
returned by the library when the grabber is allocated and must be saved and
used later to specify the particular frame grabber to other library functions. For
this program, the frame grabber handle will be kept in a global variable
named hFG.
9 PXRFRAME *pFrame = NULL;

Images captured by the frame grabber are stored in PXRFrame structures. A

frame structure contains an array of pixels where the image will be placed,
along with some descriptive information about the image. Frame structures are
allocated using the PXRFrame library, which returns a pointer to PXRFRAME.
This program will only be using a single frame structure, and the variable
pFrame points to it.

Programming the PXR800 Chapter 3
Line-by-Line Explanation (continued)
11 int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
12 char *szCmdLine, int iCmdShow)

Because this is program is a Win32 application, it’s entry point is named

WinMain. A program this simple could also be written as a Console applica-
tion, using main(), instead. Most real programs using the PXR800 will use
Windows user interface features, so a normal Win32 application is a more typ-
ical choice.
17 imagenation_OpenLibrary("pxr800.dll", &PXR, sizeof(PXRAPI));
18 imagenation_OpenLibrary("pxrframe.dll", &FrameLib, sizeof(PXRFRAMELIB));

These lines open the PXRFrame library and the PXR800 library. Only after the
libraries have been opened can functions from them be called. Opening the
libraries initializes the global structures that were created earlier, so that they
contain references to real functions. Trying to call functions from a library
before it is opened, causes an invalid memory access and will crash the pro-
20 pFrame = FrameLib.AllocateBuffer(640, 640, 480, PBITS_Y8, TRUE);

AllocateBuffer creates a frame structure. Here the frame is 640 by 480

pixels, and each pixel is 8 bits. Note that because AllocateBuffer is a
function of the PXRFrame library, it is called as a member of the FrameLib

AllocateFG locates a PXR800 frame grabber and makes it available to the

program. Later functions will refer to this frame grabber by it’s handle, stored
in hFG. Like all PXR library functions, AllocateFG is called as a member of
the PXR structure.

The Grab function captures an image to a frame structure using a frame grab-
ber. In addition to the frame grabber handle and the frame structure pointer,
Grab has several other parameters describing exactly how the image should
be captured. This call captures the next image from an interlaced camera,
without any special triggering.

Chapter 3 Programming the PXR800
Line-by-Line Explanation (continued)
26 FrameLib.WriteBMP(pFrame, “TEST.BMP", TRUE);

The frame library provides several utility functions for working with images
once they are captured. In this case, the image is saved to a file in BMP for-
28 MessageBox(NULL, “Grab saved to TEST.BMP", “Done", MB_OK);

MessageBox is a Win32 function that displays some text in a simple dialog

box. If we didn’t do this, the program would never display anything to the
screen. This gives the user some indication that something really happened
when the program was run.
30 PXR.FreeFG(hFG);
31 FrameLib.FreeFrame(pFrame);
33 imagenation_CloseLibrary(&FrameLib);
34 imagenation_CloseLibrary(&PXR);
35 return TRUE;

Before the program finishes running, every resource that was allocated should
be freed. The frame grabber is released using FreeFG, the memory allocated
to the frame structure is released using FreeFrame, and finally the libraries
are closed. Closing the libraries must be done after the other functions
because FreeFG and FreeFrame are functions from the PXR800 and
PXRFrame libraries, and functions from a library shouldn’t be called after the
library is closed.
In general, any resources, such as memory and frame grabbers, that a program
has allocated will be freed by Windows when the program terminates, even if
the program does not clean up properly, but well written programs do not
rely on this.

Programming the PXR800 Chapter 3
Compiling the Program
To compile this program using the Microsoft Visual C++ 6 development sys-
tem, do the following:
1. Create a new project of type Win32 Application.
2. Choose to make an empty project.
3. Add a new C source file containing the program to the project.
4. Add ilib_32.lib to the list of Object/Library modules in the project link
settings. This file can be found in the Lib directory of the PXR800 SDK.
5. Make the header files available to the compiler. This can be done by
adding the Include directory of the PXR800 SDK to the list in the
Directories tab of the Options dialog box.
6. Build the project.

Running the Program

This program assumes that a PXR800 frame grabber is properly installed, and
that pxrframe.dll, pxr800.dll, and the PXR drivers have been installed. Because
this program does not do detailed error checking, it will crash if a fatal error
occurs. You may want to verify that the frame grabber is properly installed by
running a prebuilt sample before running this program.
The program also assumes that a free-running NTSC camera is attached to
camera input 0. If you use a CCIR or similar camera, an image will still be pro-
duced, but it will not have the correct size and aspect ratio for a CCIR camera.
An asynchronous resettable camera that expects an external trigger event
might cause the program to capture a black image or wait forever trying to
synchronize to the camera.
Many of the library functions called in this program can fail, and unlike this
example, a good program will check the return values of all library functions.
For example, if all frame grabbers are being used by other programs,
AllocateFG will return INVALID_GRABBER, and hFG will not be a usable
frame-grabber handle. Since this program does not check for this error, it will
pass the invalid handle to several other library functions, causing them to fail
as well.

Chapter 3 Programming the PXR800
Camera Detection and Configuration
The PXR800 frame grabber can capture images from a wide variety of camera
formats. The application program generally needs to configure the frame grab-
ber to work with each particular camera format. In some applications, the
camera to be used is known when the program is developed, so the program
can assume known settings. Often, however, it is useful to detect what type of
camera is installed when the program runs.
Usually, the best way to detect what type of camera is attached is to call
GetFieldLength, which returns the number of scan lines in a video field
from the camera. This number can then be used to determine the format for
the camera.
The sample code below detects the field length of the attached camera and
sets up the frame grabber accordingly. This function is used in several of the
sample programs provided with the SDK.

Camera Detect Sample Code from pxr_grab.c,

lines 467-488
467 BOOL SetVideoParameters(void)
468 {
469 DWORD dwFieldLength;
470 DWORD dwLeftOffset, dwTopOffset, dwWidth, dwHeight;
471 IMG_PIXEL_CLOCK pcClock;
472 IMG_VIDEO_FORMAT vfFormat;
474 // we don't know if there is any camera attached, so we would prefer
475 // not to do any operations that depend upon the video stream. We know that
476 // a field may take up to 40 ms with CCIR progressive. We will wait
477 // for up to 2 fields in case we are switching into the middle of a field.
478 Sleep(80);
480 // now get the field length of the video on channel 0
481 dwFieldLength = PXR.GetFieldLength(hFG);
483 // use the field length to determine the video type and format
484 switch(dwFieldLength)
485 {
486 default:
487 return FALSE;

Programming the PXR800 Chapter 3
pxr_grab.c, lines 489-533
489 // RS170 (NTSC) interlaced
490 case 262:
491 case 263:
494 dwLeftOffset = RS170_LEFT_DEFAULT;
495 dwTopOffset = RS170_TOP_DEFAULT;
496 dwWidth = RS170_WIDTH_DEFAULT;
497 dwHeight = RS170_HEIGHT_DEFAULT;
498 break;
500 // CCIR interlaced
501 case 312:
502 case 313:
505 dwLeftOffset = CCIR_LEFT_DEFAULT;
506 dwTopOffset = CCIR_TOP_DEFAULT;
509 break;
511 // RS170 (NTSC) non-interlaced
512 case 524:
513 case 525:
514 case 526:
517 dwLeftOffset = RS170_LEFT_DEFAULT;
518 dwTopOffset = RS170_TOP_DEFAULT;
519 dwWidth = RS170_WIDTH_DEFAULT;
520 dwHeight = RS170_HEIGHT_DEFAULT;
521 break;
523 // CCIR non-interlaced
524 case 625:
525 case 626:
528 dwLeftOffset = CCIR_LEFT_DEFAULT;
529 dwTopOffset = CCIR_TOP_DEFAULT;
532 break;
533 }

Chapter 3 Programming the PXR800
pxr_grab.c, lines 534-550
534 dwImageX = dwWidth;
535 dwImageY = dwHeight;
537 // need to set the pixel clock to the proper scan rate because the
538 // PXR is not capable of auto-detecting the video type.
539 PXR.SetPixelClock(hFG, pcClock, IW_WAIT);
541 // set the interlace mode as determined above
542 PXR.SetInterlaceMode(hFG, vfFormat, IW_WAIT);
544 // now we need to set the correct video parameters for the video size.
545 // this data needs to be correct in order to grab frames.
546 PXR.SetVideoFrameSize(hFG, dwLeftOffset, dwTopOffset, dwWidth,
547 dwHeight, IW_WAIT);
549 return TRUE;
550 }

This camera-detection method correctly handles CCIR, RS170, and most CCIR-
and RS170-rate, progressive-scan cameras. It will not handle many asynchro-
nous cameras, because the GetFieldLength function returns meaningful
values only for cameras that continuously output images. Any resettable cam-
era that produces an image only in response to an event signal cannot be set
up using this method.
This method also cannot detect the difference between the square-pixel and
rectangular-pixel clock rates for RS170 or CCIR. The routine above assumes
640-pixel lines for RS170 and 768-pixel lines for CCIR. Cameras that are
designed to support the 720-pixel versions of these modes will not have the
pixel clock set correctly, resulting in images with incorrect aspect ratios.

Programming the PXR800 Chapter 3
Handling Stalled Grabs
The Grab function completes when it has captured an image from the current
camera. If there is no camera connected, or if the current camera is not trans-
mitting video, no image will be received, and the Grab will never complete. If
a program does not take any action to handle these conditions, it may stall
forever waiting for a Grab that cannot finish.
One way to detect and handle stalled Grabs is to use the IW_QUEUED option
to add the Grab to the frame grabber’s queue, and then use
TimedWaitFinished to wait for the Grab to complete. The
TimedWaitFinished function accepts a millisecond timeout value. If the
operation being waited on does not finish within the requested number of
milliseconds, TimedWaitFinished will return and allow the program to
take additional action. An example of how a Grab with timeout can be writ-
ten is as follows:
BOOL SafeGrab(FGHANDLE fgHandle, PXRFRAME *pFrame, DWORD dwMs)
qid = PXR.Grab(fgHandle, pFrame, 0, GE_ON_VSYNC, FALSE, SV_EITHER_FIELD,

if (qid == QI_INVALID)
return FALSE;
if (PXR.TimedWaitFinished(fgHandle, qid, dwMs)!=1)
return FALSE;

return TRUE;

This function takes a frame grabber handle, a PXRFrame, and a timeout as

parameters. If the Grab is successful it returns TRUE. If the Grab fails for any
reason, including stalling for more than the requested time, it returns FALSE.
The Grab function has several parameters relating to triggers and timing,
which are set to reasonable values for a simple image capture. For applica-
tions that need specific triggering and synchronization, these parameters can
be changed.
If the Grab stalls, TimedWaitFinished will return zero. At this point, the
stalled Grab is still in the queue and must be removed. The KillQueue
function accomplishes this by removing all currently queued operations,
including the stalled Grab.
Chapter 3 Programming the PXR800
Doing Triggered Grab and Display
The next example is a program that uses triggers and displays images. Sup-
pose that a computer with a PXR800 is being used to monitor several locations
for security. Each location has a camera and some sort of detector that gener-
ates a signal when motion is detected. The program will wait for a trigger from
one of up to four detectors and capture an image from the appropriate cam-
era. The most recently triggered image will be displayed in a window.
The full program (installed with the SDK samples as PXR_Trigger) will not be
presented here because it contains a lot of code to create and manage win-
dows, allocate resources, and so forth. It can be divided into three sections:
initialization, main loop, and termination. Initialization must allocate a frame
grabber and a PXRFrame, just as in the previous example, as well as register a
window class, create a window, and set up any other Windows user interface
routines that are needed. Termination frees all of the resources that are allo-
cated during initialization. We will look in detail at the main loop.
The main loop is responsible for both responding to window messages and
capturing images from the frame grabber. One way to organize this is to use
the PeekMessage function (from the Win32 API) to check for window mes-
sages that need to be handled, and call a separate function (here named
AppIdle) that manages the frame grabber. AppIdle returns TRUE if the
frame grabber is not trying to do anything that requires attention, causing the
loop to wait until another window message comes in. If AppIdle returns
FALSE, this indicates that it is working on some frame grabber operation and
would like to be called again soon to finish it. When AppIdle returns FALSE,
the main loop will generally run as fast as AppIdle allows it to, so the code
inside AppIdle should use some sort of delay to balance between system
responsiveness and CPU usage. If AppIdle returns quickly, the system will
be very responsive to messages, but the main loop will use a lot of CPU time
polling. If AppIdle delays for a long time, the CPU overhead of message
polling will be lower, but the system will respond to messages less promptly.

Programming the PXR800 Chapter 3
pxr_trigger.c, lines 186-200
186 for(;;)
187 {
188 if(PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0,PM_REMOVE))
189 {
190 if (msg.message == WM_QUIT)
191 break;
192 TranslateMessage(&msg);
193 DispatchMessage(&msg);
194 }
195 else
196 {
197 if(AppIdle())
198 WaitMessage();
199 }
200 }

The AppIdle function cannot simply do a triggered Grab and return when
the Grab finished because it may be a long time before the trigger occurs.
During that time, the main loop needs to run so that window messages are
properly handled. This problem can be solved by using a queued Grab. If the
iwWhen parameter for the Grab is IW_QUEUED, the grab operation will start
when Grab is called, and the Grab function will return immediately, even if
the trigger has not occurred and the image has not been captured. A later call
to AppIdle can check to see whether the Grab has finished and act accord-

pxr_trigger.c, lines 212-221

212 BOOL AppIdle(void)
213 {
214 HDC hdc;
216 if (IsIconic(hDisplay))
217 return TRUE;
219 if (GetKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) >= 0)
220 {

Chapter 3 Programming the PXR800
pxr_trigger.c, lines 222-260
222 // copy the video ram to a memory buffer
223 if(qidGrab != QI_INVALID)
224 {
225 // wait for the grabs to stop or 100 milliseconds
226 if(PXR.TimedWaitFinished(hFG, qidGrab, 100))
227 {
228 if(PXR.CheckError(hFG))
229 {
230 // if true write something in control box
231 }
232 // always clear qidGrab when grab is finished
233 if(bAcquire)
234 {
235 hdc = GetDC(hDisplay);
236 ShowFrame(gpFrame, hdc, dwImageX, dwImageY);
237 ReleaseDC(hDisplay, hdc);
238 }
240 qidGrab = QI_INVALID;
241 }
243 }
245 if(bAcquire)
246 {
247 // if qidGrab is clear, a grab needs to be queued
248 if(qidGrab == QI_INVALID)
249 {
250 qidGrab = PXR.Grab(hFG, gpFrame, dwDelTime, geStart,
251 bSwitchToTrigger, svStart, flFields, iwWhen);
252 }
253 }
254 return FALSE;
255 }
256 else
257 {
258 return TRUE; // background app; nothing to do.
259 }
260 }

The assumption here is that there is usually a Grab queued and waiting for a
trigger. AppIdle keeps track of the currently queued Grab operation with
the static variable qidGrab. If this variable is QI_INVALID, no Grab has
been queued. Otherwise, it’s value is an ID for the grab operation.

Programming the PXR800 Chapter 3
If there is a grab in progress, the program uses TimedWaitFinished to wait
for it to complete. The TimedWaitFinished function gives the program the
ability to release the CPU and wait for a queued operation but get control
back after a certain amount of time if the operation doesn’t finish promptly.
Here, we wait at most 100 milliseconds for the grab to finish, and if it isn’t
done in that time, AppIdle returns. The result is that, while waiting for a trig-
ger, the program polls for messages about 10 times per second—fast enough
to respond well to user input, but slow enough to not use excessive CPU time.
If the Grab has completed, qidGrab gets cleared to indicate that there is no
longer a Grab in the queue, and the grabbed image is displayed. The
ShowFrame function is provided as part of the full sample code and takes
care of the details of displaying an image from a PXRFrame in a window.
If qidGrab is zero, either a previous Grab has finished, or this is the first
time AppIdle has been called. In either case, the right thing to do is to start
another Grab and return to the main loop. The Grab command is called with
several parameters that control capture timing and triggering. For this pro-
gram, the values used are initialized in the following lines of code.

pxr_trigger.c, lines 171-176

171 dwDelTime = 0; // no delay
172 geStart = GE_ON_VSYNC_AFTER_TRIGGER; // a triggered grab
173 bSwitchToTrigger = FALSE; // switch cameras on trigger
174 svStart = SV_EITHER_FIELD; // start grab on either field
175 flFields = FL_FRAME; // grab a whole frame
176 iwWhen = IW_QUEUED; // Queued grab to complete later

In addition to calling the AppIdle function, the main loop dispatches mes-
sages to the window procedures for the application’s windows. In many appli-
cations, some window messages indicate conditions that require calling frame-
grabber functions. This can be done by directly calling PXR800 functions
inside the message handler, by setting flags in global variables that tell
AppIdle to make changes when it next runs, or by a combination of the two.
For this particular program, the only message that needs special handling is
WM_PAINT. The image displayed in the window is the same as the image
stored in gpFrame, so when a WM_PAINT occurs, the program simply
redraws the window from the current contents of the frame, as shown in the
following code:

Chapter 3 Programming the PXR800
pxr_trigger.c, lines 406-411
406 case WM_PAINT:
407 // repaint video window
408 hDC = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps);
409 ShowFrame(gpFrame, hDC, dwImageX, dwImageY);
410 EndPaint(hWnd, &ps);
411 return 0;

One important point about the way AppIdle is used is that when the main
loop finishes, there is usually a Grab operation still waiting in the queue.
Before terminating the program, this should be dealt with. In some cases, the
program can just wait for the queue to empty by calling WaitFinished, but
in this case, we have no idea how long that could take. It’s better here to can-
cel the operation by calling the KillQueue function. It is important to be
sure (either by waiting or by using KillQueue) that any Grab operations
that might be trying to use a PXRFrame have finished executing before calling
FreeFrame. Otherwise, the Grab will attempt to write into memory that has
been freed and might crash the program.
At this point, you have seen several examples of how to use the PXR800 in
simple applications. The techniques presented here should provide a good
starting place for designing your application. The following chapters provide
detailed information about the individual features of the frame grabber and a
complete reference to all functions provided in the libraries. Also, the
Imagenation website, www.imagenation.com, is frequently updated with
additional sample programs and application notes.

The PXR Productivity Tool Chapter 4

Chapter 4
The PXR Productivity Tool
The PXR Productivity Tool was designed to help you become a more produc-
tive software developer faster. It reduces your learning curve by letting you
investigate the API through dialog boxes rather than source code. It shortens
the “edit, compile, run” sequence to “click and watch.” The best way to learn
to use the Productivity Tool is to use it. The only items you need are a
PXR800, a camera, and a cable. The tool is intuitive and can be learned
quickly and easily. This chapter presents the following concepts and proce-
dures for using the PXR Productivity Tool:
• Installing the PXR Productivity Tool
• The benefits of using the PXR Productivity Tool
• What the PXR Productivity Tool can and cannot do to support your
programming efforts
• How to interpret and use the feedback generated by the windows and
other controls
• How to save and load a PXR800 frame grabber configuration

Installing the PXR Productivity Tool

The PXR Productivity Tool was developed and released after the first ship-
ments of the PXR800, so it might not be available on the product CD you orig-
inally received. You can download the PXR Productivity Tool—along with
updated drivers, samples, and documentation—from the Imagenation website,
www.imagenation.com. The self-extracting executable from the website
does not create a Start menu shortcut for the application; for easy retrieval,
make sure you place the PXR Productivity Tool in the same directory where
you installed the rest of the PXR800 software. Product CDs received after
March 2003 have the PXR Productivity Tool embedded in the PXR800 installa-
tion application, which also creates a Start menu shortcut for your conve-

Chapter 4 The PXR Productivity Tool
Benefits of Using the PXR Productivity Tool
Because the PXR Productivity Tool allows you to create and program any situ-
ation you choose, without writing any code, it represents a step beyond the
samples provided with the PXR800 frame grabber. While the samples illustrate
how the frame grabber works and how to write your software application, the
PXR Productivity Tool lets you explore these issues through dialog boxes and
eliminates the “edit, compile, and run” sequence.

PXR Productivity Tool Architecture

The PXR Productivity Tool is a multi-threaded application that gives you
immediate and continuous feedback as you investigate the PXR800 API com-
mands. The Tool lets you execute API commands through dialog boxes. Ten
dialog boxes (including the Main Control window) implement over 15 of the
most important and useful API commands. The PXR Productivity Tool has a
display thread that gives you constant image feedback in a video window. No
time delay occurs between the actions you take and seeing the results. The
PXR Productivity Tool will let you configure the PXR800 for a particular cam-
era and situation and then save that configuration to a file for later use.

Dialog Box Design

In designing the PXR Productivity Tool, we tried to find a balance between the
total number of dialog boxes and the number of API commands per dialog
box. We also realized that it might be helpful to have several dialog boxes
open at the same time. Organizing the interface into several small dialog
boxes lets you place them around the outside of the video window without
obscuring the image as you test and learn. In general, we tried to group the
API commands in functionally related groups. The Frame Size dialog box,
shown in Figure 4.1 on page 4.3, is a good example. It incorporates the fol-
lowing API commands:
• SetPixelClock
• SetInterlaceMode
• SetVideoFrameSize
• SetROI
• GetFieldLength
These commands are used to set up the image size according to the video for-
mat of the camera and are closely related. A change in any one of them can
require a change in the others. Placing them all on the same dialog box lets
you make changes and view the effects immediately.

The PXR Productivity Tool Chapter 4

Read only

Take effect

Take effect
when you click
the button

Figure 4.1: The Frame Size Dialog Box

Dialog Box Rules
Although they may appear so at first glance, the dialog boxes are not inconsis-
tent. The Frame Size dialog box shown in Figure 4.1 is a good example of an
apparent inconsistency among dialog box controls. The values associated with

Chapter 4 The PXR Productivity Tool
each of the SetPixelClock radio buttons are sent to the PXR800 and generate
feedback in the video window as soon as you click them; they take effect
immediately. In contrast, the four edit boxes in the SetVideoFrameSize group
box are not sent to the PXR800 until you click the SetVideoFrameSize() but-
Our primary goal was to make the PXR Productivity Tool easy to use. With
that in mind, we decided to use the following rules for constructing dialog
box controls:
• If an API command has only one parameter, the dialog sends changes
to the PXR800 immediately, without the extra step of clicking a button.
• If an API command has multiple parameters, the dialog box requires
the extra step of clicking a button to verify that the necessary
parameters have all been set prior to sending the command to the
Most API commands that have only a single parameter are implemented as
radio buttons. When you click a radio button, the command is sent to the
PXR800, and you get immediate feedback. However, other API commands
that have only a single parameter are better implemented as edit boxes with
spinners than as radio buttons. The Gain / Offset dialog box includes good
examples, as shown in Figure 4.2. The SetFineGain and SetOffset controls
are implemented as edit boxes with spinners but still are sent to the PXR800
and generate feedback as soon as you change the values.

Take effect

Figure 4.2: The Gain/Offset Dialog Box

The PXR Productivity Tool Chapter 4
Saving PXR800 Configurations with the PXR
Productivity Tool
The PXR Productivity Tool lets you save and retrieve previously saved PXR800
frame grabber configurations, including:
• Dialog box positions
• Current program state
You can use this feature to save important setup information or work to be
finished later.

Saving The Current Program State

When you click Save File in the Main Control dialog box, the PXR Productiv-
ity Tool saves its current state. The files are saved with a default “.PXR” exten-

Figure 4.3: Main Control Dialog Box

Loading a Previously Saved Program Configuration
Clicking Read File loads a previously saved configuration. Loading a previ-
ously saved configuration sets the PXR800 and all of the dialog boxes in the
PXR Productivity Tool to that previous state.

Chapter 4 The PXR Productivity Tool
Writing Code and the PXR Productivity Tool
The PXR Productivity Tool does not write or generate code. However, it does
show you how the code for your PXR800 software application should be writ-
ten. Each dialog box implements a small number of API commands. The
parameters for each command are implemented as radio buttons, check
boxes, or edit boxes. Once you have set up a particular dialog box to do what
you want, the code you need to write to do the same thing will be obvious.

Detailed Operating Information Chapter 5

Chapter 5
Detailed Operating
This chapter describes various operational features of the Imagenation PXR800
and key issues to consider in image capture and manipulation. Image geome-
try, image manipulation and quality, real-time control, data flow, and image
data storage are covered.

Image Geometry
Video cameras capture and transmit images in a variety of formats and resolu-
tions. Their basic function, however, is to capture whatever is in their field of
view as a series of snapshot images. By convention, each snapshot image is
referred to as a frame. The term, frame, historically derives from the series of
image frames captured on celluloid film by motion picture cameras. And, as
with motion pictures, rapid sequential capture and display of video frames
provides a moving picture of whatever is occurring in the video camera’s field
of view.
The PXR800 provides a means of capturing or grabbing video frames, individ-
ually or in a series, as they are output from a video camera. Exactly how
frames are grabbed and processed depends on various factors. These factors
include the video standard being used, as well as captured image quality and
the intended use or image analysis goals of the application. Equally important
in many industrial applications is the region of interest (ROI) within the
video frame.

Region of Interest (ROI) Basics

In applications such as inspection, the item being inspected is the object of
interest. Where possible, the video camera should be positioned or adjusted
so that the object fills the image frame. However, this might not always be

Chapter 5 Detailed Operating Information
possible. Perhaps the camera cannot be moved, or perhaps a wider field of
view is necessary to account for uncertainty in object position. The result is
that the object of interest occupies a subset of the complete field of view.
In such cases, the frame grabber can transfer a region of interest (ROI) encom-
passing just the object of interest. This ROI is simply a rectangular portion of
the full field of view, as shown in Figure 5.1. The benefits of capturing only
the ROI include reduced memory demands on the application and reduced
processing and image transfer times.



The PXR800 allows capture of a region of interest from the full field
of view sent by the camera.

Figure 5.1: Region of Interest (ROI)

Camera Formats
The PXR800 is designed to grab, or capture, frames from video cameras com-
plying with RS-170A/NTSC (U.S.) or CCIR/PAL (European) standards for inter-
laced-field or progressive-scan frames. RS-170A and CCIR formats are similar
in most respects, but their field and frame rates differ, as shown below:
• EIA RS-170A 2:1 interlaced – 60 Hz field rate
• EIA RS-170A rate progressive scan – 30 Hz frame rate
• CCIR standard 2:1 interlace – 50 Hz field rate
• CCIR rate progressive scan – 25 Hz frame rate

Detailed Operating Information Chapter 5

RS-170A is the specification for color television. It is an extension of the
previous RS-170 specification for black-and-white television. The PXR800
can capture frames from video sources following either specification;
however, RS-170A video is captured as grayscale rather than color images.

In both the RS-170A and CCIR formats, a complete video image is referred to
as a video frame, or simply a frame. Each frame from an RS-170A video source
is composed of 525 horizontal picture lines. CCIR/PAL sources have 625 lines
per frame.
In the 2:1 interlaced format, the video camera scans half of the lines first in
odd-number order (1, 3, 5, …) to produce the odd field of 262.5 lines. Then
the remaining half of the video lines are scanned in even-number order (2, 4,
6, …) to produce the even field. A complete video frame consists of the two
fields interlaced together, as shown in Figure 5.2.


Interlaced video frames are composed of interlaced lines from an odd
and an even field of lines. Note that the odd field ends with a half
line and the even field begins with a half line.

Figure 5.2: Interlaced Format

In progressive-scan systems, the video lines are scanned in order from top to
bottom to produce a complete frame as the video output. By contrast, inter-
laced systems output two fields that, when combined by interlacing, comprise
a frame. Consequently, a progressive-scan system only grabs frames, while
fields or frames can be selectively grabbed in an interlaced-scan system.
In both progressive-scan and interlaced systems, a horizontal synchronization
pulse separates the individual lines of video image information. Horizontal
retrace to the beginning of the next scan line occurs during this horizontal

Chapter 5 Detailed Operating Information
sync period. Additionally, vertical synchronization pulses are provided at the
end of each field in interlaced systems, and at the end of each frame in pro-
gressive-scan systems. Details of this are shown in Figure 5.3.



1/ LINE 2


Video signal diagrams showing relationships of the odd field (top) to
the even field (bottom) in RS170 interlaced-video format. CCIR
relationships are similar, but with different timing and line counts.
These are not drawn to scale.

Figure 5.3: Video Signal Diagrams

The video signal is a continuous stream of active video, horizontal sync, and
vertical blanking. Figure 5.3 shows two segments of the stream aligned to
depict relationships between the two fields of a video frame.
Notice in the top portion of Figure 5.3 that the odd field starts just after a full
line of active video, and the field progresses immediately with a vertical
blanking interval. This vertical blanking interval blanks out the first 20 field
lines in an RS-170A system; thus, the first active line in the odd field is line 21.
Active lines continue in the odd field, with each line separated by a horizontal
blanking region containing a horizontal sync pulse.

Detailed Operating Information Chapter 5
Notice in the bottom portion of Figure 5.3 that the odd field ends with one-
half field line followed immediately with the start of the even field. As with
the odd field, the even field begins with a vertical blanking interval covering a
duration of 20 lines. The timing of this is such that the even field’s first active
video is one-half line. Thus, because of blanking, the 525-line RS-170A video
frame actually has 485 displayed lines (242.5 lines per field). CCIR signals fol-
low a similar format, but with differing numbers of lines and frame rates.
Progressive-scan cameras that follow either RS-170A or CCIR provide output
signals representing a continuous frame (no fields or field interlacing). To con-
form to either standard, each frame is separated by a vertical blanking period
that is twice as long as in the interlaced-field format. This results in the same
active video line counts as occurring in interlaced frames. Table 5.1 on
page 5.6 summarizes these line counts for the various standard video formats.
The PXR800 detects the video sync pulses as a means of synchronizing itself
with the video camera. By default, the PXR800 vertically resynchronizes when-
ever it sees a vertical sync waveform in its video input or when it detects a
WEN (write enable) signal on the PXR800 Vsync line. The line number and
the video field are both re-established with each vertical sync or WEN signal.
Horizontal resynchronization occurs within one horizontal period. In some
cases, the video input may have a missing horizontal sync pulse. A missing
horizontal sync pulse causes a line of video to be skipped, and the internal
line count might be off by one. This often occurs at the end of the video field
and is of little consequence because the line count is re-established during the
subsequent vertical sync period.
In any system, standard or nonstandard, the number of field (or frame) lines
can be measured with the GetFieldLength function. In progressive-scan
systems, the value returned by GetFieldLength is the frame height. In
interlaced systems, returned field lengths are half the frame height rounded
down to an integer value.
The PXR800 does not innately know if the incoming image is interlaced or
progressive scan. The application program must tell the PXR800 which image
format to expect. You use the SetInterlaceMode function to specify the
The PXR800 can also grab frames from video cameras that use nonstandard
video formats. Such cameras do use the general format of fields, frames, hori-
zontal sync, and vertical blanking; however, the size of the fields and frames
differs from the standard line counts. SetVideoFrameSize,
SetInterlaceMode, SetSyncMode, and SetPixelClock provide facili-
ties for setting the PXR800 to grab virtually any format of video input signal.

Chapter 5 Detailed Operating Information
General Video Formats
Interlaced Progressive Interlaced Progressive
Lines/Frame 525 525E 625 625B
Lines/Field 262.5 525 312.5 625
Displayed Lines/Frame 485 485 575 575
Displayed Lines/Field 242.5 N/A 282.5 N/A
Blanked Lines/Frame 40 39 B 50 49B
Blanked Lines/Field 20 N/A 25 N/A
Framerate 30Hz 30Hz 25Hz 25Hz
Fieldrate 60Hz N/A 50Hz N/A
PXR800-Specific Information
Image Width (pixels) 640 or 20 640 768 or 720 768
Image Height (lines) 484E 484B 574E 574B
Frame TopC (lines) 35 35B 46 46B
Frame LeftD (pixels) 115 115 155 155
12.2727 or 12.2727 14.7500 or 14.7500
Pixel ClockA (MHz) 13.5000 13.5000
A. The image width (number of pixels per line) depends on the pixel clock rate. Most
video signals can be sampled at any pixel clock rate, with corresponding changes to
the image width and aspect ratio. The numbers listed here are common values that
provide correct aspect ratios for common camera geometries.
B. Progressive-scan camera formats are not as standardized as interlaced formats. Line
counts for progressive-scan cameras might differ from what’s given here.
C. Frame Top is the value expected for the dwTopOffset parameter of the
SetVideoFrameSize function. This number is the count of lines between vertical
sync and the start of the image for a full frame.
D. Frame Left is the value expected for the dwLeftOffset parameter of the
SetVideoFrameSize function. It represents the number of pixel clocks between
the leading edge of HSync and valid image data. This number depends on the pixel
clock frequency as well as on the camera’s horizontal blank timing. The best value
for this parameter is likely to vary by a few pixels between camera models, and might
also vary somewhat because of analog effects, such as delay in the Nyquist filter and
other filtering that occurs in the cable.
E. The PXR800 captures full video lines. The half-lines at the top and bottom of fields
are, therefore, captured as half black lines and half active video. These numbers
exclude the half-lines from the video frame.
Table 5.1: Camera Formats
Detailed Operating Information Chapter 5
The Pixel Clock
Field or frame grabs are done on a line-by-line basis. Each line is sampled at
regular time intervals based on a pixel clock, and the samples are digitized to
8-bits, which corresponds to 256 levels of gray.
One of two pixel clock sources can be selected under software control. The
clock source can be from the camera if the camera provides a pixel clock out-
put. Or, the clock source can be the crystal-controlled pixel clock internal to
the PXR800. If the camera used as the video source does not have a pixel
clock output, the PXR800 pixel clock must be used.
The recommended software selectable sampling frequencies are:
• RS-170A standard – 12.2727 MHz
• CCIR601 digital video – 13.5 MHz
• CCIR monochrome – 14.75 MHz
These sample rates will maintain the frame aspect ratio of the video source
while providing square pixels.
When using a pixel clock from the camera, SetPixelClock can be used to
select either the rising or falling edge of the pixel clock to trigger sampling
and digitizing of the analog video signal. The size of the resulting raw image
will depend on the incoming video format and the sample rate (pixel clock)
• RS-170A, 12.2727 MHz sampling 640 pixels by 486 lines
• RS-170A, 13.5 MHz sampling 720 pixels by 486 lines
• CCIR, 13.5 MHz sampling 720 pixels by 576 lines
• CCIR, 14.75 MHz sampling 768 pixels by 576 lines

Set Video Frame Size

Before video data can be captured, the application program must tell the
PXR800 what frame size to expect. This is done with SetVideoFrameSize.
The height in lines (dwHeight) and width in pixels (dwWidth) of the video
frame can be set to values from 1 to 2047. The left and top offset can be set to
values from 0 to 2047 using the dwLeftOffset and dwTopOffset argu-
The width and height arguments define the valid region of the video image.
The dwLeftOffset and dwTopOffset values allow you to move the image
within the video stream. This ability to shift the valid region of the image is
useful for avoiding blanking and sync periods and for compensating for non-
standard timing used by some cameras.

Chapter 5 Detailed Operating Information
The dwLeftOffset value is the number of pixels between the start of hori-
zontal sync and the first pixel of real image data on a line. The exact value
might depend on whether Nyquist filtering is enabled and might also differ
slightly between camera models of the same video format.
For progressive scan cameras, dwTopOffset is the number of lines between
vertical sync and the first line of real image data. In interlaced systems,
dwTopOffset is the total number of lines from both fields between vertical
sync and real image data. Adjusting the top offset value by one line causes a
line to be added to, or removed from, vertical blanking for either the even or
odd field. This allows control of the start of valid data down to a single line of
the frame even though the frame is composed of two fields.

ROI Details
SetROI defines the dimensions for the ROI and sets the position of the ROI
box within the valid video. If SetVideoFrameSize hasn’t been used prior
to SetROI, valid video is the normal region of active video as defined by
automatic syncing of the PXR800 to the incoming video signal. If you want to
define the valid video region using SetVideoFrameSize, you should do so
prior to using SetROI.
To set the ROI box size, use the SetROI height and width parameters
(dwROIHeight and dwROIWidth). The value for ROI height is in lines and
can range from 1 to 2047. ROI width is in pixels and must be an integer multi-
ple of 4 in the range of 4 to 2044.
The ROI box position is set by top and left parameters (dwROITop and
dwROILeft). Valid top and left values are 0 to 2047. These top and left val-
ues determine where the top left corner of the ROI box is positioned in the
video image.
When doing single-field grabs, the height of the captured image will be half of
the ROI height. If height is set to an odd value, one field will be half rounded
up, and the other field will be half rounded down. Which is which depends
on whether dwROITop is even or odd.
It is possible to define ROI dimensions and positioning such that the specified
ROI rectangle extends beyond the region of valid video as specified by
SetVideoFrameSize. If this is done, ROI will automatically be set to a rect-
angle that fits in the valid video area. For example, if the right side of the ROI
box extends beyond valid video, the captured ROI will extend only to the end
of valid video, and not beyond.

Detailed Operating Information Chapter 5
Image Manipulation and Image Quality
The PXR800 frame grabber supports a variety of image manipulation capabili-
ties at the video input. Some of these capabilities are applied to the incoming
analog video signal; others are applied after the video signal is digitized.
Figure 5.4 provides a functional overview of these capabilities, which include
multiplexing up to four cameras, Nyquist filtering, gain range, digitizing, off-
set, fine gain, and a LUT (Look Up Table) for grayscale pixel translations.



* Analog-to-Digital Input Dynamic Range Corresponds to 100IRE (714 mV)

The above diagram is a functional overview of PXR800 signal
conditioning and manipulation capabilities.

Figure 5.4: Signal Conditioning and Manipulation

The type of video termination for each of the four camera inputs can be
selected under software control. This is done with the SetTermination
function. The available termination values are 75 Ω and high impedance
(>10k Ω). The default termination is 75 Ω, which matches the characteristic
impedance of typical video system components.
Usually, you should use the 75-Ω termination. This provides an impedance
match between the camera and the PXR800 video signal input. A correct
impedance match is important for maintaining video signal quality into the
PXR800. If the high-impedance selection is used on 75-Ω video systems, you
can expect distorted, noisy video caused by reflections in the improperly ter-
minated system.

Chapter 5 Detailed Operating Information
High impedance can be used to avoid double terminating the video signal
when a second device is also connected to the video cable, and that device is
providing 75-Ω termination.

Nyquist Filtering
Nyquist filtering is provided prior to the ADC. The purpose of Nyquist filter-
ing is to minimize a potential digitizing artifact referred to as aliasing.
Aliasing occurs when the analog video signal contains significant frequency
components above the Nyquist frequency, which is defined as 1/2 the sam-
pling frequency of digitizing. When such frequency components above the
Nyquist frequency do exist—high-frequency noise, for example—sampling
causes them to appear as low-frequency aliases in the sampled signal.
To minimize aliasing, it is common practice to use an anti-aliasing filter, also
referred to as a Nyquist filter, in the analog signal path prior to sampling and
analog-to-digital conversion. The Nyquist filter is a low-pass filter that passes
the video signal while significantly attenuating high-frequency components
above the Nyquist frequency.
SetNyquistFilter is used to activate or deactivate the Nyquist filter in the
PXR800. When deactivated (IF_NONE), the analog video is unfiltered and
there is a risk of aliasing in the digitized signal. When activated, the Nyquist
filter is applied to the incoming video signal. The filter has a 3-db point at
7 MHz and has a 24-dB/octave roll-off.
While use of the Nyquist filter is recommended in most instances, there are
some cases where you might want to turn off the filter. For example, you
might want to turn it off if the incoming video has already been adequately fil-
tered. In this case, more filtering might diminish image sharpness. There might
also be circumstances where it is possible to observe small features in sharp
image edges when the filter is off. With the filter on, such features might not
be distinguishable. Whenever the filter is off, you need to be aware of the
possibility of false image artifacts caused by aliasing.

Noise and Jitter

The PXR800 provides high-accuracy frame grabbing and digitizing. Sampling
jitter is less than ±2.6 ns, and digitizing is accurate to less than 0.5 LSB over
zero to 255 grayscale levels (8-bit digitizing). These capabilities are superior to
most commercially available frame grabbers used in modern machine vision
Low-level video signals will be subject to more quantizing noise relative to
signal amplitude than will full-amplitude signals. To combat this, the PXR800

Detailed Operating Information Chapter 5
offers signal gain and offset controls that allow you to adjust amplitude for
maximum accuracy and grayscale resolution.
Keep in mind, too, that the PXR800 can only duplicate the quality of the
images coming from the video camera. Noise and other artifacts inherent in
the incoming video frame will also be part of the captured video frame. Gen-
erally, noise and other undesirable artifacts can be minimized through proper
choice of video cameras and attention to shielding and impedance matching
throughout the analog video signal path.
Interlace offset and blur are two video signal artifacts that can be particularly
problematic in image edge-detection applications. Both problems are related
to image motion and have various possible solutions as described below.
Interlace Offset. As its name implies, interlace offset can occur when a mov-
ing object is exposed using a field-interlaced camera. The result is that, under
close observation, the vertical edges of moving objects are depicted with a
picket-fence effect. This is illustrated in Figure 5.5.





Interlace offset occurs when a moving object is captured with a video
camera that uses an interlaced-field format (RS170 or CCIR/PAL). The
amount of interlace offset and how it appears on the object image
depend on the speed and direction of the object’s movement during
video exposure.

Figure 5.5: Interlace Offset

Chapter 5 Detailed Operating Information
Interlace offset is an artifact of interlaced-field capture of moving objects.
When an object is exposed by the video camera, the odd field of alternate
lines is scanned first, vertical blanking occurs, and then the even field of alter-
nate lines is scanned. All the while, the object is moving. Thus, the object is in
one position when the odd field lines are scanned and is in another position
when the even field lines are scanned. When the two fields are interlaced into
a frame, the object appears to have regularly jittered edges, as illustrated in
Figure 5.5 on page 5.11.
There are various solutions to the interlace-offset problem. Which solution, or
combination of solutions, you use depends on the demands of your applica-
tion. Here are some possible solutions:
• Minimize Object Movement. Interlace offset diminishes as object
movement decreases. However, decreasing object movement is a
tradeoff between video edge resolution needs and production
throughput and might not be a practical solution.
• Rotate the Video Camera. By rotating the video camera ninety
degrees to the direction of object motion, it may be possible to
eliminate or reduce the appearance of interlace offset in the captured
image. The tradeoff here, though, is that there will still be a one-scan-
line uncertainty in the location of the image’s vertical edges.
• Use a Progressive-Scan Camera. Progressive-scan cameras capture
images by scanning the entire image frame in line order. Since there is
no field interlacing, interlace offset does not occur.
Blur. Blur is caused by object motion in the video camera’s field of view. It is
a pixel-level phenomenon that can occur before interlace offset even becomes
a noticeable issue. Or, it can become so significant as to render interlace offset
a minor issue. Blur can even occur when using a progressive-scan camera.
Essentially, it is the smearing of the image across two or more pixels during
video-frame exposure.
As in film-based photography, video blur can be reduced by using shorter
(faster) exposure times. The following equations are useful in determining
blur magnitude and exposure times for blur reduction in video images:
Blur magnitude in pixels:

Detailed Operating Information Chapter 5
B = blur in pixel
VP = object velocit
FOV = field-of-view size in direction of motio
TE = exposure time in second
NP = number of pixels across the field of view
Exposure time (TE) for a blur of one pixel
TE = FOV/(VP • NP)
Generally, blur is thought of as being the result of the subject image moving
during frame exposure. However, blur can also be caused, or increased, by
camera movement during frame exposure. Thus, it is also important to con-
sider camera mount stability in resolving image blur problems. A loose camera
mount, combined with production environment vibrations, can be the source
of significant image blur.
Reducing movement of the object in the camera’s field of view will, of course,
reduce blur. But reducing object movement might not be practical in a high-
speed production environment. A better solution might be to reduce image
exposure time (TE). This can be done by using an electronically shuttered
camera or by using strobed illumination of the object. For either case, the
PXR800 provides exposure control lines and strobe trigger lines. These can be
set up and controlled using SetRTCTiming and RTCStart.

It is important to avoid confusing camera-related issues with motion blur.
Camera focus, camera stability, and the condition and cleanliness of
camera lenses can all affect image sharpness and quality.

Gain and Offset

As indicated in Figure 5.4 on page 5.9, the incoming video signal can be
conditioned by gain, offset, and fine gain adjustments. These adjustments are
done via software with SetGainRange, SetOffset, and SetFineGain.
The order in which these adjustments are made to the video signal is gain
range first, then offset, and lastly fine gain.
SetGainRange, SetOffset, and SetFineGain can all be queued. By
proper queuing, the gain and offset values can be updated between two
image grabs without skipping any fields of image data.

Chapter 5 Detailed Operating Information
SetGainRange is applied to the video signal prior to the ADC (see
Figure 5.4 on page 5.9). It is an analog adjustment designed to compensate
for low video signal levels. It has two settings, zero and one. For normal video
levels of 1 Volt peak-to-peak, the gain range should be set to zero. When set
to one, the input video is amplified by a factor of two before being digitized.
This allows full grayscale resolution for signals of approximately 1/2 Volt

The maximum input level for the ADC is 1 Volt peak-to-peak. Gain
adjustments that cause the video signal to exceed this maximum ADC
input should be avoided. Signals exceeding the maximum input level will
be clipped.

SetOffset allows programmable offset of the digitized video signal in 256

even steps of the video dynamic range. Valid offset values are -128 to +127,
with a default value of zero for no offset. The programmed offset value is dig-
itally added to the pixel data prior to fine gain adjustment.
In essence, SetOffset allows you to move the video signal around in the
grayscale range, similar to a brightness control. This is particularly important if
the camera you are using doesn’t let you compensate for low or high lighting
conditions. It is also useful in situations where you need to adjust dynamically
for changing conditions. In such cases, it is often easier and more economical
to program the adjustments with the PXR800 rather than adding programma-
ble controls for the camera.
SetFineGain provides linear scaling of the digitized video signal. The avail-
able range is zero to 255. Applying a value of zero produces an image with no
contrast (full black), 128 produces normal contrast (100% gain), and 255 pro-
duces an image of approximately twice normal contrast (200% gain).
Figure 5.6 on page 5.15 illustrates the effects of using the Offset and Fine
Gain features together to enhance the dynamic range of video signals.
Fine gain is a digital multiplication that occurs after the video signal is digi-
tized and after any offset has been applied. The multiply is a 10-bit operation.
This provides two extra lower bits of precision over the 8-bit signal data reso-
lution. Because of the extra lower bits of resolution, gains of more than 100%
actually produce higher image precision than standard 8-bit data.

Detailed Operating Information Chapter 5

255 255

0 0


Offset and Fine Gain can be used to improve grayscale resolution, as
shown here, where the original signal (a) is given negative offset (b),
and then fine gain adjusted (c), so that it covers most of the available

Figure 5.6: Offset and Fine Gain

Chapter 5 Detailed Operating Information
The gain and fine gain adjustments interact differently with the offset adjust-
ment because of the order in which they are applied—gain first, then offset,
and then fine gain. The effect of offset is multiplied by fine gain, but not by
gain. This is apparent from the following equation for gain and offset as
applied by the PXR800:
Pout = (R • Pin + O) • G/128
Pout = the signal data after all gain and offset adjustment.
Pin = the analog signal prior to gain adjustment.
R = gain range (1 or 2).
O = offset (-128 to 127).
G = fine gain (0 to 255).
Noise amplitude scales linearly with fine gain. It is 0.5 LSB when fine gain is
set to 128 and gain range is zero (x 1 amplification). Also, the linearity of
grayscale values is best when fine gain is 128. Other values of fine gain can
add nonlinearity of up to 0.5 LSB in addition to the 0.5 LSB of quantizing error
resulting from 8-bit digitizing. Overall, the short-term total error in the video
data is less than 0.5 LSB at a fine gain of 128 and gain range of zero, including
all noise and nonlinearity but not including quantization error.

LUT (Look Up Table)

The PXR800 contains a 256 x 8 LUT whose values can be set either by soft-
ware or to a set of default values. Depending on the values loaded into the
LUT, various video signal pixel translations can be performed by the LUT. Per-
forming gamma correction or adjusting contrast are some of the possible uses
for the LUT. LUT manipulations, being a hardware function, generally occur
much faster than trying to accomplish the same result with an application pro-
Briefly, the LUT works as follows. After a pixel is digitized, it is represented by
a numerical value for the brightness of the pixel’s location in the image. The
LUT uses the pixel’s value as an index into a table to locate a new value that is
assigned to the pixel before it is stored. Basically, the LUT is an 8-bit to 8-bit
mapping function that applies to all pixels in the image.
An analysis technique called thresholding is a typical usage for the LUT. Sup-
pose, for example, you have an image consisting of lighter objects on a dark
background. An application program would have an easier job locating the
objects if all of the background had a numerical value of zero. Then locating
objects would simply be a matter of searching for non-zero pixels. To accom-
Detailed Operating Information Chapter 5
plish this, the LUT could be loaded with zeros in the lowest 30 locations.
When this is done, any dark pixel with a value less than 30 is translated to
zero. This makes the darker regions of the image completely black (value
zero), making it much easier to detect regions above the threshold value of 30.
To disable the LUT, you can make it transparent by loading it with values from
zero to 255 in numerical order (0, 1, 2,...,255). Reversing the numerical order
(255, 254, 253,...,0) produces a negative image.
Changing LUT entries is done with the SetLUT function. The
dwFirstIndex argument specifies the first entry to be changed (0...255),
and dwLength (1...256) is the length of LUT entries to set. The entire LUT can
be changed, or any selected segment can be changed. Since the table is read
from the start of the pbLUT buffer, the buffer must have at least dwLength
entries or an overrun error may occur.
Updates to the LUT affect the incoming image immediately. This may result in
an image with old LUT values applied to part of the image and new LUT val-
ues applied to the rest of the image. For more information on this situation,
see “Coherency Issues,” on page 5.37.
Uses for the LUT, including those already mentioned, are:
• Gamma correction to compensate for nonlinearities in the camera
signal or in the monitor on which the image is displayed.
• Binary thresholding to separate objects from a background.
• Palette mapping, where the LUT is set up to the inverse of the palette
look-up table used by an 8-bit display so the image can be drawn
• “False color” displays to emphasize low-contrast structures in the

Real-Time Control (RTC)

The PCI bus master design of the PXR800 lets you achieve real-time perfor-
mance for image captures to PC main memory. The PXR800 can directly con-
trol image data transfers to main memory. This is a plus for RTC because,
while the PXR800 is transferring data, the main CPU is free to run other parts
of your application program.
Data transfers can take advantage of the maximum 132-MB/sec burst transfer
rate of the PCI bus. Although actual throughput is typically well below the
maximum burst rate, a properly designed system can support real-time trans-
fer and display of video image data.

Chapter 5 Detailed Operating Information
RTC is provided by the PXR800 Real-Time Control Engine. This component is
responsible for determining which images are allowed into the PXR800 mem-
ory, and for maintaining synchronization between the triggers, strobes, expo-
sure, multiplexer, and grab functions. An Image Qualifier determines which
data from the Analog Video Processor can be grabbed, and an Acquisition
Sequencer coordinates real-time events (strobes, exposure, etc.) with the grab
process. A functional overview of real-time control is provided in Figure 5.7.


CLOCK 0..3 VIDEO 0..3 H&VSYNC 0..3 H&VDRIVE x4 EXP1..2 x4 STROBE x4 TRIG 0..3


SetCamera,SetRTCTiming,Grab SELECT

Exp0 SetRTCTiming


SetPixelClock VIDEO RTCStart,Grab

This is a Real-Time Control Model for the PXR800 with key software
commands indicated in various functional blocks.

Figure 5.7: Real-Time Control Model

Camera Select
Before image capture can occur, a camera must be selected as the image
source. The source can be any one of up to four cameras connected to the
PXR800. Selection of a camera source is normally done with SetCamera.
However, cameras can also be selected by camera switching in the Grab
function or by events from the Event Detector as determined by
SetRTCTiming. Only one camera at a time can be the image source for
grabs (VIDEO 0..3 in Figure 5.7).
SetCamera can be used to explicitly switch to another camera. Or, switching
can be done automatically in response to a trigger as specified by
SetRTCTiming. Triggers can be used to switch the camera to match the
trigger, to switch to the next camera in a list, or to switch to a specific camera.

Detailed Operating Information Chapter 5
The timing of the switch relative to the triggering event can be programmed to
HalfH (H/2) accuracy, where H is the horizontal-line time interval from sync
pulse to sync pulse (see Figure 5.8).


H=63.5µs for RS-170A
H=64.0 µs for CCIR/PAL

Many PXR800 timing functions are based on “HalfH,” which is

defined as half of the horizontal line interval, H. The actual time
value for H, and thus HalfH, depends on the video standard of the
image being captured.

Figure 5.8: HalfH Timing Function

The image source camera can also be switched automatically by a triggered
Grab. Grabs can only switch to the camera matching the trigger. If both
Grab and SetRTCTiming specify a switch, both switches will occur. The
order of the switching depends on the delay values specified for the switching

Sync Control and Sync Modes

The PXR800 has a single video synchronization system that always generates
line and frame timing for the other blocks shown in Figure 5.7. Depending
on the SetSyncMode and SetDriveMode settings, the PXR800 synchro-
nizes to the currently selected incoming video, or it can generate its own tim-
ing internally. The PXR800 can maintain a different sync mode for each
attached camera. As a result, the behavior of Sync Control can change when-
ever camera selection changes.
Timing generated by Sync Control is used to digitize the video signal, to pro-
duce the HalfH clock for the Pulse Generators, and to synthesize vertical and
horizontal drive signals (H&V Drive x4 in Figure 5.7). H in HalfH is the
incoming video signal’s horizontal line interval (horizontal sync plus video
line). The value of H varies depending on the video format, with H=63.5 µsec
for RS-170A and H=64 µsec for CCIR/PAL (see Figure 5.8).

Chapter 5 Detailed Operating Information
The H and V drive signals (see Figure 5.7 on page 5.18) share wires in the
camera cable with the H and V sync from the camera. SetDriveMode deter-
mines whether these wires represent sync coming from the camera or drive
signals to the camera from the PXR800.
The synchronization modes that can be encountered are composite sync in
video, vertical sync and/or horizontal sync on an external line, and composite
sync on an external line. These modes are described in more detail below and
in Table 5.2 on page 5.21.
• Composite Sync in Video: The synchronization information is
embedded in the video signal’s horizontal and vertical blanking
intervals. In SetSyncMode, SYNC_HC_VC selects this mode.
• Vertical Sync on External Line: Horizontal sync information is
embedded in the incoming video signal, and vertical sync is transmitted
from the camera to the PXR800 on the Vsync/Vdrive wire. The vertical
sync signal can be a standard vertical sync waveform, or it can be
another pulse, such as WEN. WEN is a very short pulse that marks a
specific line in the vertical blanking interval. Typically, WEN works
only for progressive-scan or single-field operation. In SetSyncMode,
SYNC_HC_VS selects this mode.
• Vertical and Horizontal Sync on External Lines: The camera
transmits vertical sync and horizontal sync separately. They are
connected to the PXR800 via the Vsync and Hsync wires. In
SetSyncMode, SYNC_HS_VS selects this mode.
The signals can be similar to composite sync signals. However, the
vertical sync signal is typically a single pulse, rather than a complete
composite vertical sync waveform. The vertical sync will usually be 3H
long (2.5 for CCIR), but it might also be some other pulse, such as a
WEN signal.
• Composite Sync on External Line: Horizontal and vertical sync are
combined on a separate line from the camera. This composite sync
signal can be identical to the standard sync signals or can be a
simplified version. The video signal, on another wire, might or might
not contain embedded sync information. In SetSyncMode,
SYNC_HLINE selects the Composite Sync on External Line mode.
• External Sync Drive: Synchronization can also be driven by the
PXR800. In these modes, which are selected via SetDriveMode, the
PXR800 generates horizontal and vertical sync pulses and sends them
to the camera. Two modes, DRIVE_HD_VD and DRIVE_HD_VEXP0,
are supported.

Detailed Operating Information Chapter 5
Mode Name Description
Horizontal sync comes from the camera on the HS wire.
Vertical sync comes from the camera on the VS wire.
Horizontal sync is extracted from the composite video sig-
nal. Vertical sync comes from the camera on the VS wire.
SYNC_HC_VS This is also the mode to use if the camera transmits a WEN
pulse or trigger pulse instead of vertical sync—connect the
WEN or trigger pulse to the VS wire.
Horizontal and vertical sync are both extracted from the
SYNC_HC_VC composite video signal. This is the normal operating mode
for most video cameras.
Horizontal and vertical sync come from the camera mixed
on the HS wire. This is the mode to use if the camera sends
SYNC_HLINE video on one wire and a composite sync signal on a sec-
ond wire, or when you are trying to gen-lock all parts of a
system to a master composite sync signal.
The frame grabber transmits horizontal sync out the HS
wire and vertical sync out the VS wire. It assumes the video
signal it is receiving is synchronized to the signals it is driv-
ing on HS and VS. For correct operation, do not try to use
this mode with any camera that is set up to transmit its own
external sync on HS or VS. The timing of the drive signals
depends on the camera format set by SetPixelClock
and SetInterlaceMode.
The frame grabber transmits horizontal sync on the HS
wire and vertical sync on the VS wire. The vertical sync
timing is not chosen automatically, but instead is pro-
grammed by setting up the Exp0 pulse generator and the
RTC. Exposure sequences from Exp0 will be sent out on
the VS wire, and the frame grabber will expect the video
signal to be synchronized to the start of the RTC pulses.
Timing of the horizontal drive depends on the camera for-
mat selected by SetPixelClock. Vertical timing is con-
trolled by the RTC using the Exp0 generator.
Table 5.2: Synchronization Modes

Chapter 5 Detailed Operating Information
Some cameras expect drive signals that are close to the standard line and
frame rates. Additionally, they lock to the drive signals only if they are stable
over several field times. Such cameras can be synchronized to each other by
driving them all from the same drive line, but the drive signals cannot be used
to reset camera timing quickly.
Some cameras reset immediately to synchronize to the drive signals. The
external vertical drive signal can be used to control timing on these cameras.
On some cameras, the width of the vertical drive pulse or the time between
pulses also controls the exposure timing of the camera.
If you desire a stable drive signal where vertical drive matches the standard
drive waveform, use the DRIVE_HD_VD mode. For a drive signal where you
can control vertical drive timing to cause camera resets or other effects, use
DRIVE_HD_VEXP0 and program the Exp0 pulse to match the desired vertical
drive waveform.
An external pixel clock cannot be used in the DRIVE_HD_VD or
DRIVE_HD_VEXP0 modes. This is because the PXR800 internally generates all
of the timing (see Table 5.3). Also, all cameras attached to the PXR800 must
be using the same mode (DRIVE_HD_VD or DRIVE_HD_VEXP0).

Default Default Field

Pixel Clock Name Frequency Line Length
PCLOCK_NTSC_SQUARE 12.2727MHz 780 Clocks 262 1/2 or 525 lines
PCLOCK_CCIR_SQUARE 14.75 MHz 944 Clocks 312 1/2 or 625 lines
PCLOCK_NTSC_RECTANGLE 13.5 MHz 858 Clocks 262 1/2 or 525 lines
PCLOCK_CCIR_RECTANGLE 13.5 MHz 864 Clocks 312 1/2 or 625 lines
synced to rising None None
edge of PCL
synced to fall- None None
ing edge of PCL
Table 5.3: SetPixelClock Timing Information
In Table 5.3, the default line width and default field length are used when the
synchronization mode is DRIVE_HD_VD (see SetDriveMode). In this mode,
the timing of horizontal and vertical drive pulses is based on the pixel clock
setting. The shorter field length is used in interlaced mode, and the longer
length is used in progressive mode (see SetInterlaceMode). The external
pixel clock and vertical and horizontal drive cannot be used together, so there
is no default width or length in the modes that use an external pixel clock.

Detailed Operating Information Chapter 5
Image Grabs
The Image Qualifier determines which images can be grabbed and turned
into digitized video. This, in turn, is determined by the application program,
which can ask for acquisition of a particular field or frame. Additionally, the
application can further qualify grabs based on triggers or events.
The following image types can be acquired:
• Next field (progressive or interlace)
• Next even field
• Next odd field
• Next frame starting with an even field
• Next frame starting with an odd field
• Next frame starting with either field (progressive or interlaced)
Additionally, acquisition can be further limited to those images that follow a
combination of events. These include:
• Start of an image (Vertical Drive, Vertical Sync, or WEN)
• A hardware trigger followed by the start of an image (triggering can be
selected to be on a rising or falling edge, or on a high or low level)
• A software event followed by the hardware trigger and/or the start of
an image

Trigger Events
The PXR800 supports a variety of triggering capabilities. Both hardware trig-
gers (signals) and software events can be used to trigger other events, such as
image grabs or pulse generation. Various trigger event sources are indicated in
Figure 5.9 on page 5.24. These include:
• Trig 0..3 in the upper right of Figure 5.9, which can be a pulse or
signal associated with a camera. An example of a trigger is a sensor
pulse generated when an object of interest moves into a camera’s field
of view.

The trigger inputs, Trig 0..3, are available either as straight wire
inputs or optically isolated inputs. The optically isolated inputs must
be driven by something that can source current.

Chapter 5 Detailed Operating Information
• Sync Control events are generated through the Sync Control block
near the center of Figure 5.9. Events generated from here are
associated with the video signal’s vertical sync information.


CLOCK 0..3 VIDEO 0..3 H&VSYNC 0..3 H&VDRIVE x4 EXP1..2 x4 STROBE x4 TRIG 0..3


SetCamera,SetRTCTiming,Grab SELECT

Exp0 SetRTCTiming


SetPixelClock VIDEO RTCStart,Grab

This is a Real-Time Control Model for the PXR800 with key software
commands indicated in various functional blocks.

Figure 5.9: Real-Time Control Model

The Event Detector block in the bottom right of Figure 5.9 detects, pro-
cesses, and routes events. An event can be the beginning or end of vertical
sync, an external trigger, or both together. When an edge trigger and vertical
sync are combined for an event, the event happens at the vertical sync imme-
diately following the trigger edge.
Vertical sync events can be at the start or end of vertical sync. Trigger events
can be the rising edge, falling edge, trigger high, or trigger low.
SetSyncMode, SetSyncPolarity, and SetRTCTiming allow you to con-
trol how sync events are defined. RTCStart and Grab provide further con-
trol over how events, triggers, or event/trigger combinations are detected and

Detailed Operating Information Chapter 5
used. The RTCStart function selects what events can start pulse sequences,
and Grab selects which events will start a requested grab.

Any of the four triggers can be chosen as an event source, independent of
which camera is selected. Trigger events can also control which camera is
selected via SetRTCTiming. However, individual triggers cannot be
associated with types of events.

Pulse Generation
Event Detect, shown in Figure 5.9 on page 5.24, can be used to initiate
pulses or pulse sequences for the Exposure (Exp1 & Exp2) and Strobe lines
at the camera interface. The time of the Exposure and Strobe pulses can be
programmed using SetRTCTiming. Pulse sequences start when events such
as triggers, vertical sync, or software commands are detected by Event Detect.
The rate at which the pulse generators run is based on the horizontal timing
from Sync Control. The horizontal line interval, H, is the basic unit of timing
(see Figure 5.8 on page 5.19). For RS-170A video, H is 63.5 µsec. For CCIR/
PAL, H is 64 µsec. All pulse generation and some RTC events are timed using
It should be noted that HalfH is only a stable time unit if the active camera is
producing stable video. Also, camera switches can cause HalfH instability.
Strobe, Exp1, and Exp2 are all identical general-purpose pulse generators with
the same event timing. There are four wires connected to each of these sig-
nals, one for each camera connector. You can use these pulses to reset cam-
eras, control camera exposure, or to control external equipment such as
strobe lights.
An Exp0 is also available. But Exp0 can only be used to create a custom verti-
cal blank waveform in the HD_VEXP0 mode. This is useful for cameras that
control exposure by changing the length of vertical sync. Exp0 isn’t available
in sync modes other than DRIVE_HD_VEXP0.
Each strobe or exposure signal has a default polarity. The default is the state
assumed when the generator is idle. A negative polarity is approximately
0 Volts, and positive polarity is approximately 5 Volts. The polarity can be
programmed using SetRTCTiming.
Pulse sequences consist of up to eight segments. Each segment can be up to
about two hundred million HalfH periods, and segments alternate between
positive and negative polarity. Additionally, the first segment in the series can
have either positive or negative polarity. When the first segment’s polarity

Chapter 5 Detailed Operating Information
matches the default polarity, the first segment acts like a delay between the
event and the pulse train.
Pulse lengths are programmed by setting up a real-time structure and passing
it to SetRTCTiming. In doing this, any unused segments at the end of the
pulse train should be set to zero length.
As an example, suppose a camera’s exposure is controlled by pulses on two
control wires. The first pulse resets the camera and begins an exposure, and
the second pulse ends the exposure. The camera also requires that a second
reset pulse may not happen within the first 200 scan lines of the camera’s
exposure cycle. The application requires that the camera expose an image ten
scan line times after the frame grabber receives a trigger, with an exposure
time of ten scan lines. The signal timing for this system would look something
like that shown in Figure 5.10.



200 HSyncs
10 HSyncs 10 HSyncs

Figure 5.10: Signal Timing Example

The requirement that the camera not be reset for the first 200 lines can be met
by making sure that the exposure pulse sequences end with a pulse segment
of inactive polarity that is long enough to make sure the length of the entire
sequence is 200 lines. In this case, Exp1 would be programmed with three
• an inactive segment of length ten lines
• an active segment for the pulse
• another inactive segment representing the remainder of the 200 lines.
The pulse generator will not abandon a sequence in progress if a new trigger
comes in, so the length of the sequence acts as a hold-off period for trigger
The following code could be used to program this exposure sequence. Note
that the time values are twice the line counts because they are measured in
HalfH periods.

Detailed Operating Information Chapter 5
SetExp(FGHANDLE fgHandle)

memset(&rt, 0, sizeof(rt));

rt.pExposures[RTC_EXP1].plStartLevel = PULSE_LOW;
rt.pExposures[RTC_EXP1].plDefaultLevel = PULSE_LOW;
rt.pExposures[RTC_EXP1].pdwTick[0] = 20;
rt.pExposures[RTC_EXP1].pdwTick[1] = 6;
rt.pExposures[RTC_EXP1].pdwTick[2] = 374;

rt.pExposures[RTC_EXP2].plStartLevel = PULSE_LOW;
rt.pExposures[RTC_EXP2].plDefaultLevel = PULSE_LOW;
rt.pExposures[RTC_EXP2].pdwTick[0] = 40;
rt.pExposures[RTC_EXP2].pdwTick[1] = 6;
rt.pExposures[RTC_EXP2].pdwTick[2] = 354;

PXR.SetRTCTiming(fgHandle, &rt,

The pulse sequences for all Exp1, Exp2, and Strobe are started simultaneously
by the event selected through RTCStart. In the DRIVE_HD_VD and
DRIVE_HD_EXP0 modes (see SetDriveMode), the PXR800 also generates
horizontal and vertical drive pulses. The internal sync timing is used in these
modes and results in the line and field lengths listed in Table 5.4..

NTSC Interlace 780 clocks/HSync 262.5 lines/VSync

NTSC Square Interlace 858 262.5
CCIR Interlace 944 312.5
CCIR Square Interlace 864 312.5
NTSC Progressive 780 525
NTSC Square Progressive 858 525
CCIR Progressive 944 625
CCIR Square Progressive 864 625
Table 5.4: Line and Field Lengths

Chapter 5 Detailed Operating Information
General-Purpose Input/Output (GPI/O)
Eight separate wires are provided for GPI/O, four for input and four for out-
put. The input lines are read-only, and their state can be read at any time with
ReadIO. The four output lines can be set to specific values by using
WriteIO, and their state can be read with ReadIO.
Changes made to the output lines with WriteIO can take effect immediately,
or the changes can be synchronized to the queue. However, output line
changes cannot be synchronized with RTC events.
The GPI/O lines are intended for use in communicating with other hardware
when signal timing isn’t critical. They can also be used to manage camera con-
trol tasks where the camera settings don’t need to be changed very often.

Data Flow
Figure 5.11 on page 5.29 provides an overview of data flow in the PXR800.
This includes setup, control, and IO paths. Note that the PCI bus provides
interfacing to the computer system and that the Application and System Mem-
ory blocks reside in the computer system in which the PXR800 is installed.

Camera End and System End

The PXR800 can be thought of as having two functional segments, each with
separate timing. These segments are the Camera End and the System End.
Both are loosely tied together by the PXR800 memory buffer. The attributes
and relationships of these two segments are described below.
The Camera End. RTC and decisions about which video images qualify for
capture happen at the Camera End. Throughout, the Camera End tries to stay
exactly synchronized with the timing of the currently selected camera. When
image qualification occurs, the Camera End writes video data into PXR800
memory as the video data is captured.
The PXR800 memory is capable of double buffering, also referred to as ping-
pong or continuous buffering. This allows the Camera End to begin capture of
a new image into one side of the buffer without destroying the previous
image written into the other side of the buffer. Reading and writing of image
data ping-pongs between the buffers, allowing continuous capture and read-
ing of image data.
During image grabs, the Camera End can be in one of two modes: single-buff-
ering mode or continuous-buffering mode. Selection of the buffering mode is
done with SetContinuousBuffering.

Detailed Operating Information Chapter 5









Figure 5.11: PXR800 Data Flow and Control Paths

In single buffering, the Camera End doesn’t put data into the PXR800 buffer
memory unless the event qualifying an image occurs after a Grab command
has started. For example, if Grab requests a triggered grab in single-buffering
mode, data doesn’t begin streaming into the buffer until the beginning of the
first image following the first trigger after the Grab has reached the top of the
queue. In other words, the Grab must reach the top of the queue, then a trig-
ger must occur, and then data begins streaming into the buffer beginning with
the first full image after the trigger.
Two Grab commands can be used to capture two successive images. How-
ever, this can occur only if the second Grab command executes during the
vertical-blanking interval following the first image Grab. This can be done
reliably by queuing the Grab commands ahead of time. The same thing can
be done without queuing if the application program can start the second grab
very quickly.
Chapter 5 Detailed Operating Information
In continuous buffering, the Camera End captures all qualified images into
the PXR800 buffer memory. This occurs whether a Grab has occurred or not.
Because image data is already being captured into the PXR800 buffer memory,
a Grab can be issued some time after the start of image data, and the com-
plete image will be captured.
This ability to issue a Grab up to and well past mid-image, offers significantly
more flexibility in application programming. Complete images can still be cap-
tured even when the Grab doesn’t get issued until well after the start of the
image. As a result, the queued Grab operations necessary in single buffering
are typically not needed in the continuous-buffering mode. However, you do
need to keep in mind the data coherency issues that might occur in the buffer
during continuous buffering (see “Coherency Issues,” on page 5.37).
The System End. During an image capture, the System End transfers data
from the PXR800 buffer memory to the system memory. Grab operations are
removed from the queue only when the System End finishes transferring
image data to the system memory. Thus, the queue is somewhat synchronized
to the System End.
The System End is also loosely synchronized to the video. How loosely it is
synchronized depends on the data transfer mode of the PXR800.
Two data transfer modes available to the System End for moving data from the
PXR800 buffer memory to system memory: incremental mode and burst mode.
They are selected with SetTransferMode.
In incremental mode, when a Grab occurs the System End moves data from
PXR800 buffer memory as soon as possible. Typically, in incremental mode,
Grab completes within a few microseconds of the last data for the image
arriving from the camera. However, if the PCI bus or system memory is busy
with other tasks, Grab completion might be delayed because the PXR800 will
not be able to move data into system memory fast enough.
In burst mode, the System End doesn’t begin to transfer the data for a Grab
until the entire image is captured into PXR800 buffer memory. After the entire
image is captured, data is transferred as rapidly as possible to system memory.
In burst mode, Grab typically completes a few milliseconds after the last
image data arrives from the camera. For most continuous video cameras, the
time for Grab completion is somewhat after the start of image data for the
next frame.

Detailed Operating Information Chapter 5
Single and Continuous Buffering
There are four modes of transferring data. These modes depend on whether
single or continuous buffering is selected (SetContinuousBuffering) and
whether incremental or burst transfer mode is being used
(SetTransferMode). The four modes are:
• Single-buffered, incremental-transfer mode
• Single-buffered, burst-transfer mode
• Continuous-buffered, incremental-transfer mode
• Continuous-buffered, burst-transfer mode
These modes are described in detail below.
Single-buffered, incremental-transfer mode
causes the following sequence of events:
• The Camera End does not capture image data until a Grab executes.
• A Grab begins execution.
• The Camera End waits for a vertical sync, which might be qualified by
a trigger event.
• Several Hsync periods after vertical sync, image data begins arriving
from the camera.
• As image data arrives, it’s digitized and written to the PXR800 buffer
• As soon as data appears in the PXR800 buffer, the System End begins
copying the data across the PCI bus to system memory.
• Typically, as image arrival progresses to completion, the System End is
nearly caught up with the Camera End, and almost all of the data in the
PXR800 buffer has also been written to system memory.
• When the Camera End sends the last line of valid video data, the data is
immediately written into the PXR800 buffer.
• The System End copies the final data from the PXR800 buffer to system
• The Grab operation completes.
• Unless the PCI bus or system memory is heavily loaded with other
tasks, the Grab typically completes early during vertical blanking, prior
to vertical sync starting the next image. If there is a queued operation
waiting to start, it will start at this point, which is usually early enough
to capture the next image.
Single-buffered, incremental-transfer mode is the easiest mode to use when
processing of every frame is not the highest priority. Since capture to the

Chapter 5 Detailed Operating Information
PXR800 buffer memory can only begin after Grab, a Grab always gets the
next image of the requested type to arrive from the camera. This makes it eas-
ier to understand which trigger event is associated with a Grab. Also, there
are no data coherency problems when settings are changed between Grabs.
Single-buffered, burst-transfer mode
causes the following sequence of events:
• The Camera End isn’t capturing data until a Grab occurs.
• Grab begins executing.
• The Camera End waits for a vertical sync, possibly qualified by a trigger
• Several Hsync periods after vertical sync, image data begins arriving
from the camera.
• As image data arrives, it’s digitized and written to the PXR800 buffer
• Image data continues to be written to PXR800 buffer memory until the
last line of the image has been written.
• The System End detects a complete image in the PXR800 buffer
memory and begins copying data over the PCI bus to system memory.
• Data transfer over the PCI bus continues until all image data is written
to system memory.
• Typically Grab completes several milliseconds after the end of the
image. If the camera is free running, there will be a substantial delay
until the next qualified image because no further image data is being
captured at this point.
The chief advantage of the single-buffered, burst-transfer mode is that data is
transferred as quickly as possible over the PCI bus. This uses bus resources
with the greatest efficiency. However, this mode does have limited usage
because it’s generally not possible to capture successive images.
Continuous-buffered, incremental-transfer mode
causes the following sequence of events:
• Before Grab is called, the Camera End is continuously capturing
qualified images.
• When Grab begins execution, the Camera End will have typically
captured a portion of an image into PXR800 buffer memory.
• At the beginning of Grab, the System End notices that there is already
image data in the PXR800 buffer memory and begins copying as fast as
possible to system memory.

Detailed Operating Information Chapter 5
• Typically, the System End can copy data faster than the camera is
sending it. As a result, the System End catches up with the Camera End
and begins copying image data as it arrives from the camera.
• When the camera sends the last line of valid data for the image, the
data is immediately written to the PXR800 buffer memory.
• The System End detects an image in the PXR800 buffer memory and
begins copying data over the PCI bus to system memory.
• Grab completes.
• If a queued operation is waiting, it begins to execute.
• The next qualified image is captured as it arrives and is written to the
PXR800 buffer whether or not another Grab has started.
The continuous-buffered, incremental-transfer mode is most useful for situa-
tions where data must be analyzed at full frame rates. Because Grab can start
after the image begins arriving, a simple loop that calls Grab and then ana-
lyzes the resulting image can run at the full frame rate, as long as image anal-
ysis takes less than about half the frame rate. The image captured by Grab is
either the next image of the requested type or the image currently in progress.
This means that a triggered grab will sometimes get an image that was trig-
gered by an event that happened before Grab was called.
In writing applications using this mode, be careful about changing image
properties, such as offset or gain. Such changes might take effect midway
through image capture to the PXR800 buffer. If Grab is called immediately
afterwards, the image written to system memory will have some data from
prior to the change in image properties. The function
InvalidateGrabberBuffer can be called before Grab to discard this
inconsistent data.
Continuous-buffered, burst-transfer mode
causes the following sequence of events:
• Before Grab is called, the Camera End is continuously capturing
qualified images.
• Typically, when Grab begins execution, the Camera End has already
captured part of an image into the PXR800 buffer memory.
• Image data continues to be written to the PXR800 buffer memory until
the last line of image data has been written.
• The System End detects image completion in the PXR800 buffer
memory and begins copying data over the PCI bus to system memory.
• Image data transfer over the PCI bus continues until all image data is
written to system memory.
• Grab completes.

Chapter 5 Detailed Operating Information
• Typically, Grab finishes several milliseconds after the end of the
image. With a free-running camera, arrival of the next image will be
well under way. Since the Camera End is running in continuous-
buffered mode, this next image is already being captured to the
PXR800 buffer, and it can be moved to system memory by the next
Continuous-buffered, burst-transfer mode combines the high PCI bus effi-
ciency of burst-transfer mode with the high data rates of continuous-buffered
mode. However, it is the most difficult mode to use correctly. This is because
it has longer latency before the image reaches system memory, which is char-
acteristic of burst-transfer mode, and the coherency problems of continuous-
buffered mode.

The PXR800 maintains a queue of operations started by API function calls that
have queuing capability. API function queuing is set by the specific function’s
IW_QUEUED or IW2_QUEUED flag. For example, Grab has an IMG_WHEN
parameter that can be set to IW_WAIT or IW_QUEUED.
• When set to IW_WAIT, Grab execution is held off until all other
queued requests are completed.
• When set to IW_QUEUED, Grab is added to the queue, and its actual
execution will occur in the order of queued events.
When an operation is queued, it returns a QUEUEID. The QUEUEID is a num-
ber that identifies the queued operation so that its status can be checked later.
Queued operations are automatically executed in the order that they are
requested. Any function called with the IW_QUEUED or IW2_QUEUED flag
returns very quickly. This allows the application program to continue with
other tasks while the requested operation waits to reach the top of the queue
before running.
Functions called with the IW_WAIT or IW2_WAIT flag wait for all queued
operations to complete before starting. Then, after completing, the wait-called
function returns control to the application program.

IW_QUEUED and IW2_QUEUED are functionally identical to each other.
The same is true for IW_WAIT and IW2_WAIT.

Some functions, such as ResetRTC, can be set to bypass the queue and exe-
cute immediately. Functions that can bypass the queue have an IW2_NOW flag.
As with other unqueued functions, these functions return control to the appli-
cation program after they complete their operation.
Detailed Operating Information Chapter 5
Synchronizing to the Queue. It’s often necessary to find out whether or not
a previously queued function has completed its task. IsFinished,
WaitFinished, and TimedWaitFinished provide several ways of doing
The IsFinished function can be used to determine if a specific queued
operation has completed. To do this, the operation’s QUEUEID value must be
provided to IsFinished. A non-zero value is returned if the specified oper-
ation is completed; zero is returned if the operation has not completed.
You can also use IsFinished to find out if the queue is empty (all queued
operations have been completed). To do this, use the special QUEUEID value
called QI_ALLQUEUE. A non-zero value is returned only when the queue is
The WaitFinished function allows you to wait until a specific queued oper-
ation completes or even until the entire queue is empty. During the wait, the
calling thread does not use significant system CPU time. This allows other
threads in the system to run more efficiently.
In general, using WaitFinished allows more efficient system operation than
can be achieved by using IsFinished in a wait loop. There are, however,
some potential pitfalls that you need to be aware of.
For example, a queued operation might never complete. This occurs with a
queued Grab that is waiting for an external event, such as a trigger signal or
an incoming image, that never arrives. Since the Grab never gets triggered, it
remains in the queue forever, and WaitFinished waits forever. The same
thing can also happen with queueable operations called with the IW_WAIT or
IW2_WAIT flag if they require an event that never occurs.
The TimedWaitFinished function can be used to avoid potentially endless
waits, such as those described above. When executed, it waits until either the
specified queued operation completes or until a specified time-out value is
If the queued operation doesn’t complete, TimedWaitFinished waits
roughly for the specified time-out interval. However, the actual time waited is
not precise, so there can be significant uncertainty as to when the function
actually returns because of a time-out.
When a time-out does occur, the operation being waited on remains in the
queue. KillQueue must be used to remove operations from a stuck queue.

Chapter 5 Detailed Operating Information

The return from a function with an IW_WAIT or IW2_WAIT flag acts like a
QUEUEID. The return can be passed to IsFinished, WaitFinished, or
TimedWaitFinished. Since the operation is complete when the
function returns, IsFinished always returns TRUE, and WaitFinished
and TimedWaitFinished return immediately.

The KillQueue function can be used to clear the queue. If the operations in
the queue are no longer needed or wanted, they can be cancelled with
When called, KillQueue applies to the entire queue. It cannot be selectively
applied to individual operations in the queue.
Operations executing when KillQueue is called might be stopped prior to
completion. For example, a Grab might stop after writing some image data to
memory. Similarly, a SetLUT might be cancelled after changing only some of
the LUT values. Generally, it’s not possible to determine exactly how far a
queued operation has progressed when it’s cancelled. Consequently, your
application program should assume that anything that can be changed by a
queued operation will be in an unknown state after KillQueue. Such possi-
bly questionable values should be reset by your program before continuing.
In extreme situations, or if you just want to start over, ResetFG can be used
to clear the queue and to reset the entire PXR800 to its default values. Calling
IsFinished, WaitFinished, or TimedWaitFinished on a QUEUEID
for an operation cancelled by KillQueue or ResetFG will cause a response
that is the same as if the operation had actually completed.
The WindowsEventFromQID function allows you to handle Win32 events. It
returns a handle to a Win32 Event object. This handle represents a queued
operation. The event is a manual reset event, which becomes signaled when
the operation completes. Any of the Win32 functions that operate on synchro-
nization objects, such as WaitForSingleObject, can be used with the
event handle.
Stale QUEUEIDs and Events can occur when the application tries to use a
QUEUEID or handle for an operation that has been finished for a long time.
The API library allocates a fixed number of unique QUEUEID values for con-
secutively queued operations. If a queued operation is old enough, newer
operations being added to the queue will use all available QUEUEIDs in order
until eventually a new operation takes over the QUEUEID of the old opera-
tion. The API guarantees that at least 400 queuable operations can occur
between when a QUEUEID is returned and when it becomes stale.

Detailed Operating Information Chapter 5
If a QUEUEID has been reused, functions such as IsFinished that take
QUEUEID as a parameter might give incorrect results for the old queued oper-
ation. Also, if a QUEUEID has been reused, any event handles created from
the original queued operation become invalid.

Queueable functions contribute to the count of new queued operations,
even if the returned QUEUEID is never used by the application, and even
if they were called with IW_WAIT. Functions called with IW2_NOW do not
count as new queued operations.

Coherency Issues
The PXR800 captures images into the PXR800 buffer memory. Depending on
your application needs, you can set up the PXR800 for operation in single-
buffering or continuous-buffering mode.
Continuous buffering, or double buffering, allows rapid capture and pro-
cessing of images sequences. While a new image is being captured into one
PXR800 buffer, the previously captured image in the image sequence is being
copied out of the other buffer to the PCI bus.
Coherency issues can arise when application programs change the proper-
ties of incoming images while continuous buffering is being used. Changing
gain or offset or performing other image processing midway through capture
will result in the PXR800 buffer memory containing image pixels from prior to
the change and after the change. This coherency problem, one portion of the
image with one setting and the other portion with another setting, is typically
not a problem in single-buffering mode. The PXR800 API offers several fea-
tures designed to help you avoid potential coherency problems. These fea-
tures are:
• Invalidating the buffer
• Blocking
• Waiting
Invalidating the Buffer. The InvalidateGrabberBuffer function dis-
cards the image currently being acquired into the PXR800 memory buffer. This
allows you to clear the PXR800 buffer of old image data captured prior to
image changes or processing done by the application program. The result is
an empty buffer ready to accept new, coherent image data.
Note that InvalidateGrabberBuffer applies only when the PXR800 is
set for continuous-buffering mode. If the PXR800 is in single-buffering mode,
InvalidateGrabberBuffer does nothing. Also, in continuous buffering,
if an image isn’t currently being received from the camera,

Chapter 5 Detailed Operating Information
InvalidateGrabberBuffer does nothing. This would be the case, for
example, during video signal vertical blanking.
The InvalidateGrabberBuffer function should be used after a series of
one or more functions that cause image changes. This eliminates incoherent
image data by invalidating the buffer. However, if the series of image-chang-
ing functions occurs between image captures, there won’t be coherency
issues, and the buffer will not be cleared by InvalidateGrabberBuffer.
This built-in decision feature follows the desired goal of continuous buffering,
which is to grab valid, coherent images in sequence as quickly as possible.
The following functions can cause image data changes resulting in coherency
issues when using the continuous-buffering mode:
• Grab (if any parameters other than fgHandle, pFrame, and iwWhen
are different from the next Grab)
• SetCamera
• SetFineGain
• SetGainRange
• SetLUT
• SetNyquistFilter
• SetOffset
• Wait (if any parameters other than fgHandle and iwWhen are
different from the next Grab)
You can also queue InvalidateGrabberBuffer. Thus, a sequence of
queued operations that includes changes to image capture settings can also
invalidate the buffer. Inconsistent image data will be discarded without stalling
the queue.
Some PXR800 API functions automatically invalidate the PXR800 buffer when
they execute. Therefore, it’s not necessary to call
InvalidateGrabberBuffer after these functions. The functions that auto-
matically invalidate the PXR800 buffer are:
• SetContinuousBuffering
• SetInterlaceMode
• SetPixelClock
• SetROI
• SetTransferMode
• SetVideoFrameSize

Detailed Operating Information Chapter 5
Blocking. Sometimes race conditions can occur when setting up RTC
sequences and grab settings. This happens, for example, when an event trig-
ger occurs part way through setting up for image capture.
Specifically, suppose it’s important that a strobe sequence fires only during
image capture. In setting up the PXR800, SetRTCTiming is called to set up
the strobe pulse sequence. This is followed by calling RTCStart to ask the
strobes to fire in response to a trigger. Then Grab is called to wait for the
image. If in the above example a trigger arrives in the short period where
RTCStart has finished but Grab hasn’t executed yet, the trigger causes a
strobe pulse to fire but will not trigger a grab operation.
To avoid race conditions, such as described above, the PXR800 RTC and grab
qualification systems can be temporarily blocked from operation. This pre-
vents triggering events from being accepted when the PXR800 is in an incon-
sistent state during setup sequences. This blocking capability is provided by
The BlockGrabber function aborts any ongoing image qualification process
and blocks new qualifications from starting image capture into the PXR800
buffer memory. The function also blocks any new RTC sequence from starting
but allows in-process sequences to finish. It is important to call
BlockGrabber prior to any RTC sequence or grab that might be subject to
race conditions. Once called, BlockGrabber remains in effect, keeping the
target activities blocked, until it is called again to remove the block and allow
activities to continue.
Calls to BlockGrabber can be nested. Each time this function is called with
bBlock == TRUE, the blocking depth is increased. Each time it is called with
bBlock == FALSE, block depths that are greater than zero are decre-
mented. Blocking of events ceases only when the block depth becomes zero.

The Grab and Wait functions automatically set block depth to zero when
they run. Otherwise, there would be no way to start a grab as part of a
blocked group of operations.

BlockGrabber is also a queueable operation. When queued, block depth

changes when the operation reaches the top of the queue and executes.
Regardless of where it is in the queue, the blocking depth returned by
BlockGrabber is the future value that will be in effect when the operation
reaches the top of the queue.

Chapter 5 Detailed Operating Information
The following is a typical sequence where blocking is used:
• Wait for any currently active grabs and RTC sequences to finish, so that
they are not modified by the new settings that are about to be
• Call BlockGrabber.
• Call the various setup functions for RTC sequences and trigger
conditions that are to participate in a setup operation that you don’t
want interrupted with a Grab.
• If a Grab operation must be part of the setup operation, call Grab
without unblocking. (The block will automatically be removed by the
grab operation.) Otherwise, call BlockGrabber again to release the
block and allow PXR800 operation to continue normally.
For many applications, blocking isn’t necessary. This is because various RTC
and trigger settings can be set up when the application starts, before any trig-
ger events are expected. Blocking does become important, though, when trig-
ger events can occur at the same time as changes to RTC settings. It is
important then to block any chance of a trigger activating functions when the
setup is not correct or complete.
Using Wait to Avoid Coherency Problems. Another approach to avoiding
coherency issues is to simply skip capturing images that might be in question
or that might not be needed. This can be done using the Wait function.
For example, suppose an application uses a motion detection algorithm that
requires images at a steady rate of ten frames per second. A standard RS-170A
video camera is being used to capture images at 30 frames per second. To
capture just the needed frames, the application can queue a Grab for each
frame it needs and follow the grab operation with two Wait operations. This
will cause the PXR800 to capture one image and skip the next two each time
the algorithm runs. The result will be a steady image capture rate of ten
frames per second.
An advantage of the above approach is that the Wait function allows the
application to explicitly skip one or more images from the current camera
without relying on tuned time delays. Wait will qualify an image exactly the
same as a Grab would with the same settings. Then, instead of transferring
the image to system memory, Wait pauses the queue for the duration of the
image so that image data is not saved.
While Wait does cause the PXR800 queue to wait until the end of the image,
this doesn’t necessarily mean that the application will wait. Whether or not the
application waits depends on whether Wait is called by IW_QUEUED or

Detailed Operating Information Chapter 5
If IW_QUEUED is used, the queue pauses until one image has passed, but the
application keeps running. In this case, IsFinished can be used to see if
the PXR800 is done skipping the image.
If IW_WAIT is used, Wait returns at the end of the image being skipped. The
application program is stopped until the image being waited for is complete.

Captured Images
As an image is captured by the PXR800, it is sent over the PCI bus for storage
in system memory. Your application program can then retrieve the image from
system memory for archiving, analysis, display, or any other desired opera-
Images are stored in system memory in a structure referred to as a PXRFrame.
PXRFrame structures are defined using functions from the PXR800 PXRFrame
Library. In addition to defining PXRFrames, the PXRFrame Library can be used
for RGB color expansion, adding image information data, and other opera-
tions. These capabilities are described below.

A PXRFrame is created using the AllocateBuffer function from the
PXRFrame Library. Various parameters are used to describe the dimensions
and attributes of the signal and how it is to be stored in the PXRFrame.
Each PXRFrame must be given a height and width. The height parameter
specifies how many lines there are in the image, and the width parameter
specifies the number of pixels per line. There is also an image pitch parameter
that specifies the number of bytes between the start of one line and the start
of the next line. Usually the width and pitch are the same number, but some-
times it might be useful to make the pitch larger.
The pitch of a PXRFrame must be such that each line starts on a DWORD
boundary. This means that the pitch must be an integer multiple of four. The
width parameter doesn’t have to be a multiple of four as long as the pitch is.
When a PXRFrame is allocated, the amount of system memory required
depends on the height, pitch, and pixel type.

Chapter 5 Detailed Operating Information
RGB Expansion
Images coming from the PXR800 are 8-bit grayscale. However, there are cases
where it may be desirable to work with 16-bit or 32-bit RGB formats. A com-
mon case is when the image is to be used for display purposes. When this is
the case, processing for display will be much more efficient if the image data
is in the same pixel format as the display device.
The PXR800 and PXRFrame library support 8-bit grayscale, which is the
PXR800’s native format. Additionally, 16-bit true color (5 red, 6 green, and 5
blue bits) and 32-bit true color (8 red, 8 green, 8 blue, and 8 unused bits) are
supported by the PXR800. The desired pixel type must be specified in
AllocateBuffer with the ptType parameter. The pixel type parameters
• 8-bit PBITS_Y8
• 16-bit PBITS_RGB16
• 32-bit PBITS_RGB32
When expanding to an RGB frame, the image is still grayscale. This is because
each of the three color components are given the same value in PXR800’s
expansion process.
In considering use of RGB expansion, keep in mind that the PXR800 works
most efficiently when transferring 8-bit grayscale images. So, you must con-
sider the trade-offs between PXR800 efficiency and display processing effi-
ciency. If your application is going to do significant processing for a 32-bit
display, it might be desirable to sacrifice some PXR800 efficiency for greater
display processing efficiency.
Also, the RGB formats are less efficient in that they require more memory and
more data transferred over the PCI Bus. The 16-bit format is less accurate, too,
because it supplies only six bits of real resolution per pixel. Still, if your appli-
cation requires RGB image data, capturing directly to an RGB frame will be
faster than using software to translate from 8-bit to RGB.

Image Information
A PXRFrame can be allocated with extra space for holding additional image
information, such as a time stamp. This is done by setting the bImageInfo
flag in AllocateBuffer.
When an image is grabbed to a PXRFrame with the extra image information
space, data about the captured image is automatically recorded in the
PXRFrame. This additional data is stored in the IMG_IMAGEINFO structure
and can be retrieved using GetTimeStamp from the PXRFrame library.

Detailed Operating Information Chapter 5
The additional image information stored in IMG_IMAGEINFO includes:
• Image time stamp
• Count of total number of fields received
• Number of fields received per second
• Number of lines captured in each field
• Starting field of the image
• Which camera the image came from
• Which trigger caused image capture
• The state of all I/O lines at the time of image capture
The time stamp information is in hours, minutes, seconds, and hundredth of
seconds. It is the time at which the image was grabbed, and the time values
are from the PXR800 clock, which is not synchronized to the video.

The time in the PXR800 clock is cleared whenever power is lost or the
system is powered down. If the application needs the clock to match the
local time of day, the PXR800 clock should be set accordingly with the
SetTime function.

The field count information is derived by counting the number of vertical

syncs that have been detected, and the field per second count is the vertical
syncs detected since the PXR800 clock’s seconds value last changed. Because
the PXR800 clock isn’t synced to the camera, there is a small probability that
the field count for a given second will differ from the expected count by a
value of one. This can occur even though the camera is producing stable
video at the correct rate.

Frame Library Features

PXRFrame Library capabilities include graphic format changes, selective
accessing of portions of the image, and creating a PXRFrame from any piece
of system memory having the right size.
Images can be loaded and saved in BMP and PNG formats, or as unformatted
binary data (Bin format). The uncompressed 8-bit and 24-bit BMP formats are
supported, and PNG 8-, 16-, 24-, and 32-bit formats are supported.
Data can be selectively copied into or out of the PXRFrame’s image. Selection
can include rectangles, rows, columns, or single pixels.
A PXRFrame can be created from memory supplied by the application pro-
gram using the FrameFromPointer function. The FrameFromPointer
function uses the supplied memory as its buffer rather than actually copying

Chapter 5 Detailed Operating Information
the data. If the created frame is DWORD aligned and accessible by the PCI bus,
which is true for most user-addressable data, the PXR800 can capture directly
into the frame created in system memory.
Multiple PXRFrames that use the same memory buffer can also be created.
And, even though the same system memory buffer is used, the PXRFrames can
have different formats. This is useful for conserving memory and can also be
used to achieve special effects.
The memory allocated to the PXRFrame can even be onboard another PCI
device, such as a display adapter. When this is done, image grabs to the
PXRFrame are done as peer-to-peer transfers between the PXR800 and the PCI
device where the allocated memory resides. The advantage here is that the
image grab and transfer does not use any main system memory or CPU
resources. For example, an application could use DirectX to get a pointer to
video display memory, then capture images directly into it. The images would
appear on the display without ever being stored in system memory.

Hardware Reference Chapter 6

Chapter 6
Hardware Reference
Electrical Characteristics
Video Inputs
Input Impedance: 75 Ohm ±1% or >10K Ohm, software selectable.
Signal Levels: 0.5 V or 1.0 V peak to peak, including sync.
Signal DC Offset: -1.2 V to 3 V.
Nyquist filter frequency: 3 dB at 7 MHz.
Nyquist filter rolloff: 24 dB/Octave.

12-Volt Power Output

Max total current: 2 A typical.
Max current per camera: 1 A typical.
Protection: 2 A polymeric resettable fuse.

12-Volt power is available only if the board’s power connector has been
connected to the computer’s power supply.

Chapter 6 Hardware Reference
VS and HS
Used as Sync Inputs
Input Protection: Diode clamped between ground and 5 V.
100-Ohm series resistance.
Input Levels: 3.3-V CMOS thresholds, 5 V compliant.
Used as Drive Outputs
Output Levels: 5-V CMOS, 30 mA max current.

I/O Signals
Input Protection: Diode clamped between ground and 5 V.
100-Ohm series resistance.
Input Levels: 3.3-V CMOS thresholds, 5 V compliant.
Output Levels: 5-V CMOS.
All four GP Input lines (see Figure 6.1) are wired together after 100-Ohm
series resistors.
All four GP Output lines (see Figure 6.2 on page 6.3) are driven by the same
5-V CMOS driver.
Each Strobe and Exposure output has a separate 5-V CMOS driver.

100 Ω



Figure 6.1: GP Input Schematic

Hardware Reference Chapter 6


100 Ω CAMERA 1


Figure 6.2: GP Output Schematic

Pixel Clock
Internal Clock Frequency: 12.2727 MHz, 13.5000 MHz, 14.7500 MHz.
External Clock Frequency: 12.27 MHz to 14.75MHz.
Input Levels: 3.3-Volt CMOS thresholds, 5 V compliant.
Input Impedance: 15K Ohm

See Figure 6.3 on page 6.4.
Input Protection: Diode clamped between ground and 5 V.
100-Ohm series resistance.
Input Levels: 5-Volt TTL compatible.
Optically Isolated
Input Protection: Optical isolation to ±40 V.
On voltage: 3 V typical.
Max voltage: 10 V between High and Low.
Max current: 10 mA.

Do not connect the TTL and Optically Isolated versions of any trigger

Chapter 6 Hardware Reference


+3.3 100 Ω



Figure 6.3: Trigger Input Schematic

Operating temperature: 0 to 60 °C.
Power: 5 V DC, 700 mA

Cables and Connectors

Pre-Made Cables
Imagenation offers pre-wired cables in two versions, as shown in Table 6.1.

Part Number Description

CB-081 Full-Use Cable
CB-082 Video/Trigger-Only Cable
Table 6.1: Pre-Wired Cables
The Full-Use cable provides access to each of the signals on the PXR800
26-pin connector for easy prototyping and experimentation. All signals are
made available on BNC connectors except 12-V power, which is provided on
a 2.5-mm inside diameter female power plug, and the optically isolated trigger

Hardware Reference Chapter 6
signals, which are on a 3-pin female DIN connector. Table 6.2 lists the con-
nections for the DIN connector.

Pin Connection
1 Optically isolated trigger high
2 No connect
3 Optically isolated trigger low
Shell No connect
Table 6.2: DIN Connector
The Video/Trigger-Only cable provides only the video input and TTL trigger
input, each on a BNC connector.

Connector Pinouts
You can also make your own cables using the following pinout information
(see Figure 6.4 below and Table 6.3 on page 6.6). Each of the four camera
connectors use the same pinouts.


PIN 18 PIN 10

PIN 26 PIN 19

Figure 6.4: 26-Pin Connector Diagram

Chapter 6 Hardware Reference
Pin Name Description
1 Video Analog video signal from camera. Might contain com-
posite sync signals.
2 GP Input 0 General purpose digital data inputs. The PXR800 can
3 GP Input 1 read these and report the values.
4 GP Input 2
5 GP Input 3
6 HSync/HDrive If drive mode enabled, horizontal sync from PXR800 to
camera. If drive mode disabled, horizontal sync from
camera to PXR800.
7 VSync/VDrive If drive mode enabled, vertical sync from PXR800 to
camera. If drive mode disabled, vertical sync from cam-
era to PXR800.
8 Ground for 12V Ground return for 12-Volt camera power.
9 +12 Volts 12-Volt power for camera.
10 Ground for Video Analog ground for video signal
11 Ground Ground for pixel clock or control signals.
12 Ground Grounds for control signals.
13 Ground
14 Ground
15 TTL Trigger TTL Trigger signal from external device to PXR800.
Don’t connect both TTL trigger and isolated trigger.
16 Opto Trigger Low Current return for optically isolated trigger.
17 Ground Ground for control signals.
18 Strobe Strobe control pulse from PXR800 to camera or light-
19 Pixel Clock Pixel clock signal from camera to PXR800.
20 GP Output 0 General purpose digital data outputs. The PXR800
21 GP Output 1 drives these to ground or 5V under software control.
22 GP Output 2
23 Exp1 Exposure control pulses from PXR800 to camera.
24 Exp2
25 Opto Trigger High Optically isolated trigger signal from external device to
PXR800. Don’t connect both TTL trigger and isolated
26 GP Output 3 General purpose digital data output.

Table 6.3: 26-Pin Connector Pinouts

Hardware Reference Chapter 6
Connector Positions





Figure 6.5: Camera Connector Positions

Camera connector positions on the PXR800 and PXR801 Camera
Extender Board.

Chapter 6 Hardware Reference

This page intentionally left blank.

PXR800 API Structures Chapter 7

Chapter 7
PXR800 API Structures
This chapter is an alphabetical reference for the Imagenation PXR800 API
Structures, IMG_IMAGEINFO and REALTIME. For additional information on
using the structures, refer to Chapter 5, “Detailed Operating Information,”
on page 5.1. For reference information on initializing or exiting library func-
tions, refer to Chapter 8, “Initializing and Exiting Libraries,” on page 8.1.
For reference information on the PXR800 API functions, refer to Chapter 9,
“PXR800 API Functions,” on page 9.1. For reference information on the
PXR800 Frame Library, refer to Chapter 10, “PXRFrame API Functions,” on
page 10.1.
This reference is a general guide for using the structures in personal comput-
ers running the Microsoft Windows operating system versions 98, 98 SE, Me,
NT4, 2000, or XP. The structures work as written for C, C++, and Visual Basic
with the header files provided.

Chapter 7 PXR800 API Structures
typedef struct { BYTE bHour24;
BYTE bMinute;
BYTE bSecond;
BYTE bSecondHundredths;
typedef struct { DWORD dwFieldInSecond;
DWORD dwFieldCount;
BYTE bFields;
BYTE bCamera;
BYTE bQualifyingTrigger;
BYTE bInputs;
BYTE bOutputs;
BYTE bPack0;
BYTE bPack1;
BYTE bPack2;
WORD wValidLinesFirstField;
WORD wValidLinesSecondField;
DWORD dwQualifyCount;
BYTE pbDebug[32];
typedef struct { IMG_IMAGEINFOTIMING Timing;
(Continues on the following page.)

PXR800 API Structures Chapter 7
IMG_IMAGEINFO Structure (continued)
bHour24, bMinute, bSecond, bSecondHundredths
are the current time as reported by the frame grabber’s onboard clock.
The clock is accurate to 1/100 second. It runs independently of the pixel
clock and the camera’s timing, so the accuracy of the clock is not affected
by changes in camera timing.
the number of vertical syncs detected by the frame grabber since the last
time the counter was set.
the number of vertical syncs seen since the last one-second tick of the
frame grabber’s clock. Because the time-of-day clock is independent of the
camera’s pixel clock and sync timing, there will be some uncertainty (less
than 1/100 second) in the timing relationship between the clock and verti-
cal sync, even for a camera with very stable video output. This can result in
the dwFieldInSecond number varying by ±1 from the expected value.
The following are only included as part of the annotation data for an image.
0 – Two even fields in a row.
1 – Odd field followed by an even field.
2 – Even field followed by an odd field.
3 – Two odd fields in a row.
For single field.
0 or 2 – Even field.
1 or 3 – Odd field.
the camera from which the image was captured.
the trigger that qualified the grab. If the grab was not qualified by a trigger,
this value is undefined.
the state of the frame grabber input wires. The low four bits are the general
purpose inputs. The other four bits are zero.
the state of the frame grabber output wires. The low four bits are the gen-
eral purpose outputs, the other four bits are zero.
(Continues on the following page.)

Chapter 7 PXR800 API Structures
IMG_IMAGEINFO Structure (continued)
Members (continued)
bPack0, bPack1, bPack2
unused padding. These values are always zero.
number of lines captured in the first field to arrive from the camera.
number of lines captured in the second field to arrive from the camera, or
zero if only one field was captured.
the number of fields that have been accepted for capture by the RTC since
the last time the frame grabber was reset.

The IMG_IMAGEINFO structure contains information about when and how an
image was acquired, including timecode data. The IMG_IMAGEINFOTIMING
structure is a subset of IMG_IMAGEINFO containing timecode information.
The full IMG_IMAGEINFO structure is attached to an image if space for the
data was included when the destination frame was allocated. The
IMG_IMAGEINFOTIMING subset can also be read from the frame grabber
directly, without attaching it to any particular image.
This data is attached to any image that was allocated using the bImageInfo
flag to the AllocateBuffer function. The data is placed in the image buffer
immediately following the pixel data, at offset height * pitch.

PXR800 API Structures Chapter 7
REALTIME Structure
typedef struct { IMG_PULSELEVEL plStartLevel;
IMG_PULSELEVEL plDefaultLevel;
DWORD pdwTick[8];
typedef struct { DWORD dwDelay;
IMG_CAMERA icCamera;
DWORD dwCameraMask;
typedef struct { IMG_EXPSEQ pExposures[RT_EOL];
CAMERAEVENT ceCameraEvent;
the signal level for the first time period of the pulse sequence. After the
first period, the signal level will alternate for the remaining time periods.
Can be either PULSE_LOW or PULSE_HIGH.
the level the signal assumes when no pulse sequence is happening.
Can be either PULSE_LOW or PULSE_HIGH.
the length of each pulse in the sequence, in HalfH periods. If fewer than
eight periods are needed, set the extra pdwTick values to zero. The tick
value for each pulse is a 28-bit number, which means that the maximum
pulse length is 268,435,455 ticks, or a little over two hours.
(Continues on the following page.)

Chapter 7 PXR800 API Structures
REALTIME Structure (continued)
The CAMERAEVENT structure fields have the following meanings:
the time delay between the trigger event and the moment the current cam-
era switches. This is measured in HalfH periods and is a 28-bit number like
the pdwtick values.
stSwitchType, icCamera, dwCameraMask
how to decide which camera to switch to. Possible choices are:
ST_TO_NEXT the low four bits of dwCameraMask describe which
cameras are available. Switch to the next available
camera in the sequence 1, 2, 3, 4. icCamera is
ST_TO_CAMERA switch to a specific camera. icCamera is one of
dwCameraMask is ignored.
ST_TO_TRIGGER switch to the camera matching the trigger that caused
the event. dwCameraMask describes which cameras
are available. icCamera is ignored.

The REALTIME structure is used by GetRTCTiming and SetRTCTiming to
describe actions taken by the real-time controller. It consists of two parts, an
array of IMG_EXPSEQ structures describing pulse sequences on the strobe
and exposure lines and a CAMERAEVENT structure describing automatic cam-
era switching.
There are five pExposures elements of type IMG_EXPSEQ. Each one
describes the pulse sequence that should occur on one of the exposure or
strobe lines.
The four strobe lines are:
• RTC_EXP0—The Exp0 signal does not have an output wire of it’s own.
It can be used to generate a vertical sync waveform on the VSync
output for cameras being driven in the SYNC_HD_VEXP0 mode.
• RTC_STROBE—These three pulse sequences are generated on the
Exp1, Exp2, and Strobe outputs of the currently selected camera

Initializing and Exiting Libraries Chapter 8

Chapter 8
Initializing and Exiting
Before calling any library functions from the PXR800 library or the PXRFrame
library, an application must explicitly initialize each library. After an applica-
tion no longer needs access to the libraries, and before the program termi-
nates, the application must exit the library. This chapter describes how to
initialize and exit libraries for the C and Visual Basic programming languages.
The PXR800 API is provided in two libraries. The PXR800 API library
(Chapter 9, “PXR800 API Functions,” on page 9.1) provides the functions
for managing the PXR800 Frame Grabber. The PXRFrame library (Chapter 10,
“PXRFrame API Functions,” on page 10.1) provides the functions for creat-
ing, accessing, and releasing the buffers into which images are captured.
For additional information on initializing and exiting libraries, see “The
Library Interface,” on page 3.1 and “Programming Language Specifics,”
on page 3.4. For reference information on the PXR800 API structures, refer to
Chapter 7, “PXR800 API Structures,” on page 7.1.

C Language Functions
This section describes the C functions for initializing and exiting the PXR800
and the PXRFrame libraries:
• imagenation_OpenLibrary
• imagenation_CloseLibrary

Chapter 8 Initializing and Exiting Libraries
short imagenation_OpenLibrary (char * file,
void * iface,
short count)
the name of a valid DLL that can provide an interface to functions for the
PXR800. This can be a file name or a full pathname.
a pointer to a structure that will be filled with the functions in the DLL that
can be accessed by an application.
the number of bytes in the structure referred to by iface.

Return Value
If the interface is to a PXR800 API library, the return value is the number of
frame grabbers that can be accessed in the system. If the interface is to a
PXRFrame API library, the return value is zero on failure, non-zero on success.

The imagenation_OpenLibrary function opens a library to provide
access to PXR800 and PXRFrame functions. This library is a DLL and any asso-
ciated device-driver files. The file is the name of the DLL. It can be either a file
name or a full pathname. If it is just a file name, the specified DLL must be in
the computer’s search path. By default, the DLL‚s for the PXR800 are installed
into the Windows directory or in the Windows\System directory.
Valid file names are “PXR800.DLL” or “PXRFRAME.DLL,” to open the librar-
ies for the PXR800 frame grabber or for the frame library, respectively.
The iface variable is a pointer to a structure that will be filled with pointers
to the library’s functions. For the PXR800 library, this structure is of type
“PXR”. For the PXRFrame library, this structure is of type “PXRFRAMELIB.”
The count variable contains the number of bytes in the frame library struc-
ture. It is sizeof(PXR) for the PXR800 library structure and
sizeof(PXRFRAMELIB) for the PXRFrame library structure.
If the library cannot be found or invalid parameters are provided, zero is
(Refer to the example on the following page.)

Initializing and Exiting Libraries Chapter 8
imagenation_OpenLibrary (continued)
short sGrabbers = 0;
PXR Pxr;

sGrabbers = imagenation_OpenLibrary(„pxr800.dll‰, &Pxr, sizeof(PXR));

if (sGrabbers > 0)
bfLib = imagenation_OpenLibary(„pxrframe.dll‰, &fLib, sizeof(PXRFRAMELIB));
// do some stuff with the libraries
if (bfLib)
bfLib = FALSE;
if (sGrabbers > 0)
sGrabbers = 0;

Chapter 8 Initializing and Exiting Libraries
void imagenation_CloseLibrary (void * iface)
a pointer to the appropriate interface.

Return Value

The imagenation_CloseLibrary function closes the specified library and
releases any resources that were opened with a corresponding call to
imagenation_OpenLibrary. The iface pointer must be a valid interface,
and must be the same that was provided in the corresponding call to
It is important to no longer access the functions contained in iface after the
library is closed. Doing so will result in an invalid function call and might
result in a General Protection Fault.

Initializing and Exiting Libraries Chapter 8
Visual Basic Functions
This section describes the Visual Basic functions for initializing and exiting
libraries. Separate functions are provided for the PXRFrame library:
• FRAMEVB_OpenLibrary
• FRAMEVB_CloseLibrary
and for the PXR800 library:
• PXRVB_OpenLibrary
• PXRVB_CloseLibrary

Chapter 8 Initializing and Exiting Libraries
FRAMEVB_OpenLibrary (ByVal i As Long,
ByVal s As Integer)
As Boolean
always zero.
always zero.

Return Value
True on success; False on failuare.

The FRAMEVB_OpenLibrary function opens a library to provide access to
PXRFrame functions. The function also opens any associated device-driver
files. This library is a DLL.
The function fails, returning False, when the library cannot be found or the
parameters are invalid.

Initializing and Exiting Libraries Chapter 8
FRAMEVB_CloseLibrary (ByVal i As Long)
always zero.

Return Value

The FRAMEVB_CloseLibrary function closes the PXRFrame library and
releases any resources that were opened with the corresponding call to
Programs must not access any library functions after the library is closed.
Doing so will result in an invalid function call and might cause a General Pro-
tection Fault.

Chapter 8 Initializing and Exiting Libraries
PXRVB_OpenLibrary (ByVal i As Long,
ByVal s As Integer)
As Boolean
always zero.
always zero.

Return Value
False on failure, True on success.

The PXRVB_OpenLibrary function opens a library to provide access to
PXR800 API functions. The function also opens any associated device-driver
files. This library is a DLL.
The function fails, returning False, if the library cannot be found or the param-
eters are invalid.

Initializing and Exiting Libraries Chapter 8
PXRVB_CloseLibrary (ByVal i As Long)
always zero.

Return Value

The PXRVB_CloseLibrary function closes the PXRFrame library and
releases any resources that were opened with the corresponding call to
Programs must not access any library functions after the library is closed.
Doing so will result in an invalid function call and might cause a General Pro-
tection Fault.

Chapter 8 Initializing and Exiting Libraries

This page intentionally left blank.

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9

Chapter 9
PXR800 API Functions
This chapter is an alphabetical function reference for the Imagenation PXR800
Frame Grabber library. The reference page for each function gives the func-
tion syntax for the C language and for Visual Basic. The C syntax is always
given first, followed by the Visual Basic syntax. Each Visual Basic function has
the same name as its corresponding C function, but with the addition of the
prefix PXRVB_.
For additional information on using the functions, refer to Chapter 5,
“Detailed Operating Information,” on page 5.1. For reference information
on the PXR800 API structures, refer to Chapter 7, “PXR800 API Structures,”
on page 7.1. For reference information on initializing or exiting library func-
tions, refer to Chapter 8, “Initializing and Exiting Libraries,” on page 8.1.
For reference information on the Frame Library, refer to Chapter 10,
“PXRFrame API Functions,” on page 10.1.
This function reference is a general guide for using the functions in personal
computers running the Microsoft Windows operating system versions 98,
98 SE, Me, NT4, 2000, or XP. The functions work as written for C, C++, and
Visual Basic with the header files provided.

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
FGHANDLE AllocateFG (DWORD dwGrabber);
PXRVB_AllocateFG (ByVal dwGrabber As Long) As Long
the number (0 to 3) of grabber to be allocated.
A special value of GR_NEXT_AVAILABLE will allocate an unused grabber.

Return Value
The return value is a handle for the requested frame grabber if successful;
zero on failure.

The AllocateFG function attempts to find a PXR800 Frame Grabber and
give the program access to it. The program can request a specific frame grab-
ber in a system that has more than one by specifying a number, dwGrabber.
If the grabber is available, this function returns a handle that must be used in
the other library functions that refer to the frame grabber. The frame grabber
will be reset to a default state.
The application should call FreeFG on the grabber when it is no longer
The AllocateFG function will fail if the frame grabber has already been allo-
cated by another process, or if the PXR800 hardware and drives have not been
properly installed.

See Also
FreeFG, ResetFG

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
QUEUEID BlockGrabber (FGHANDLE fgHandle,
BOOL bBlock,
DWORD * pdwDepth,
IMG_WHEN iwWhen);
PXRVB_BlockGrabber(ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal bBlock As Boolean,
ByVal pdwDepth As Long,
ByVal iwWhen As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is TRUE to increase the block depth, FALSE to decrease it.
holds the return value, which is the new blocking depth.
The return in pdwDepth is written immediately, but represents the block-
ing depth that will be in effect when the queued operation actually runs.
NULL is a valid parameter.
describes when this function should occur.
• IW_WAIT—wait for all other queued requests to complete.
• IW_QUEUED—add to the frame grabber queue, so it will be completed

Return Value
Return is a handle to a queued request; QI_INVALID on failure.

The BlockGrabber function can disable or “block” any image qualifications
and any future real-time events from taking effect. The function stops any cur-
rent image qualification operation from updating the on-board memory buffer.
However, real-time sequences that have already started are not affected.
InvalidateGrabberBuffer should be used after a block to clear any
unwanted images from the on-board memory buffer that are left from an
image qualification process that was interrupted by the block.
(Continued on the following page.)

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
BlockGrabber (continued)
Each call to BlockGrabber with TRUE will increase the blocking depth. The
blocking will not be removed until a matching number of calls to
BlockGrabber with FALSE have been called. Thus, calls to BlockGrabber
can be stacked.
The effect of the block occurs when all queueable operations before the
BlockGrabber call have completed.
Grab and Wait both implicitly unblock the frame grabber (setting the block
level to zero) when they execute.

See Also
Grab, InvalidateGrabberBuffer, KillQueue, Wait

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
DWORD CheckError (FGHANDLE fgHandle);
PXRVB_CheckError (ByVal fgHandle As Long) As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.

Return Value
The return value is a code to the latest error condition detected by the PXR800
Frame Grabber or driver.
• This function resets the error condition to PXR800_ERROR_NONE after
each call.
• ResetFG will also reset the error condition to PXR800_ERROR_NONE.

Returns immediately.

Error Codes Description

PXR800_ERROR_NONE No error has occurred.
PXR800_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM One or more parameters passed to an
ETER API function had invalid values.
PXR800_ERROR_QUEUE_FULL Too many queued operations are cur-
rently waiting to execute.
PXR800_ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR Windows was unable to complete an
I/O operation. Most likely this is
caused by the system running low on
memory or other system resources.
PXR800_ERROR_INVALID_FGHAN A fgHandle that doesn’t refer to a
DLE frame grabber owned by this process
was used.
PXR800_ERROR_TIMEOUT TimedWaitFinished has returned
because it’s maximum time expired.
Table 9.1: Error Codes
See Also

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
void FreeFG (FGHANDLE fgHandle);
PXRVB_FreeFG (ByVal fgHandle As Long)
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.

Return Value

The FreeFG function releases control of the frame grabber. The fgHandle
must have been provided by a call to AllocateFG. Do not use fgHandle
once FreeFG has been called.
Any pending operations (such as queued grabs) and real-time sequences are
cancelled by FreeFG, as if ResetFG had been called.

See Also
AllocateFG, ResetFG

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
IMG_CAMERA GetCamera (FGHANDLE fgHandle);
PXRVB_GetCamera (ByVal fgHandle As Long) As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.

Return Value
The return value is the currently selected camera:
• CAMERA_INVALID on failure

The GetCamera function returns the currently active camera input of the
specified frame grabber. The current camera input can be changed with
SetCamera, Grab, and SetRTCTiming.
GetCamera does not return until all queued operations have completed.

See Also
SetCamera, Grab, SetRTCTiming

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
IMG_BUFFERING GetContinuousBuffering(
FGHANDLE fgHandle);
PXRVB_GetContinuousBuffering (ByVal fgHandle As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.

Return Value
The return value is the current image buffering method:
• BU_INVALID on error

The GetContinuousBuffering function returns the current buffering
method. The buffering method can be changed with
Returns immediately.

See Also
SetContinuousBuffering, BlockGrabber,

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
PXRVB_GetDriveMode (ByVal fgHandle As Long) As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.

Return Value
The return value is the current drive mode, as set by SetDriveMode.

This function returns the currently selected drive mode.
Returns immediately.

Mode Name Description

DRIVE_DISABLED The frame grabber doesn’t generate drive signals. It
will try to synchronize to the currently selected cam-
era using the mode specified by SetSyncMode.
DRIVE_HD_VD The frame grabber will generate drive signals on the
HS and VS wires. The timing of the drive signals
depends on the camera format set by
SetPixelClock and SetInterlaceMode.
DRIVE_HD_VEXP0 The frame grabber will generate drive signals on the
HS and VS wires. The timing of horizontal drive
depends of the camera format selected by
SetPixelClock, but the vertical timing is con-
trolled by the RTC using the Exp0 pulse generator.
Table 9.2: Drive Mode Names
See Also
SetDriveMode, SetSyncMode, GetSyncMode, SetSyncPolarity,
GetSyncPolarity, SetPixelClock, SetInterlaceMode,

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
DWORD GetFieldLength (FGHANDLE fgHandle);
PXRVB_GetFieldLength (ByVal fgHandle As Long) As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.

Return Value
The return value is the number of lines in the last video field, as measured by
the frame grabber; DW_ERROR on error.

The GetFieldLength function returns the field length, in lines, of the last
video field, including vertical blank and vertical sync, for the specified frame
grabber. Until a full field from Vsync to Vsync has been detected by the grab-
ber, this value will not represent the behavior of the camera.
If no video source is detected, GetFieldLength returns zero. The PXR800
assumes no video source is active if no horizontal sync is detected for more
than 4096 pixel clock pulses or no vertical sync is detected for more than 4096
Interlaced video cameras can have field lengths that include a half line. The
GetFieldLength function returns the line count rounded down. For exam-
ple, GetFieldLength returns 262 for NTSC cameras, which have 262.5 lines
per field.
Refer to Table 9.3 on page 9.11 for a list of general camera timing informa-
Returns immediately.
(Continued on the following page.)

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
GetFieldLength (continued)
Progressive Progressive
Field Rate 60Hz 50Hz 30Hz 25Hz
Interlace Yes Yes No No
Image WidthA 640 or 720 768 or 720 640 768
Image Height 484 574 484B 574B
Lines/Field 262 1/2 312 1/2 525B 6 25B
Vertical Blank 20 25 39B 49B
Frame TopC 35 46 35B 46B
Frame LeftD 115 155 115 155
12.2727 MHz or 14.7500 MHz or 12.2727 MHz 14.7500 MHz
Pixel ClockA 13.5000 MHz 13.5000 MHz
A The image width (number of pixels per line) depends on the pixel clock
rate. Most video signals can be sampled at any pixel clock rate, with corre-
sponding changes to the image width and aspect ratio. The numbers listed
here are common values that provide correct aspect ratios for common cam-
era geometries.
B Progressive-scan camera formats are not as standardized as interlaced for-
mats. Line counts for progressive-scan cameras may differ from those given
C Frame Top is the value expected for the top parameter in the
SetVideoFrameSize function. This number is the count of lines between
vertical sync and the tart of the image for a full frame.
D This is the value expected for the left parameter in the
SetVideoFrameSize function. It represents the number of pixel clocks
between the leading edge of HSync and valid image data. This number
depends on the pixel clock frequency as well as on the camera’s horizontal
blank timing. The best value for this parameter is likely to vary by a few pixels
between camera models and might also vary somewhat because of analog
effects, such as delay in the Nyquist filter and other filtering that occurs in the
Table 9.3: Camera Format Information

See Also
SetInterlaceMode, GetInterlaceMode, SetVideoFrameSize,
GetROI, GetVideoFrameSize, Table 9.3 on page 9.11

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
DWORD GetFineGain (FGHANDLE fgHandle);
PXRVB_GetFineGain (ByVal fgHandle As Long) As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.

Return Value
Returns the current fine gain setting (valid returns are 0... 255);
DW_ERROR on error.

The GetFineGain function returns the fine gain setting of the specified
frame grabber. Use SetFineGain to specify the fine gain.
• A fine gain of zero produces an image with no contrast.
• A fine gain of 128 is normal gain, where the range from blanking level
to white level is represented by a pixel value from zero to 255.
• A fine gain of 255 is approximately twice normal contrast.
This function will not return until all queued operations have completed.

See Also
SetFineGain, GetGainRange, SetGainRange

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
DWORD GetGainRange (FGHANDLE fgHandle);
PXRVB_GetGainRange (ByVal fgHandle As Long) As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.

Return Value
Returns the current gain range (valid returns are 0, 1);
DW_ERROR on error.

The GetGainRange function returns the fine gain setting of the specified
frame grabber. Use SetGainRange to specify the gain.
• If the gain range is zero, the input video is assumed to be normal 1 Volt
peak to peak.
• If the gain range is one, the input video is amplified by a factor of two
before being digitized. This allows full grayscale accuracy for signals of
approximately 1/2 Volt peak to peak.
This function will not return until all queued operations have completed.

See Also
SetGainRange, GetFineGain, SetFineGain

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
IMG_VIDEO_FORMAT GetInterlaceMode (FGHANDLE fgHandle);
PXRVB_GetInterlaceMode (ByVal fgHandle As Long) As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.

Return Value
Returns the currently selected video format:

The GetInterlaceMode function returns the format of the images arriving
from the camera, as programmed by SetInterlaceMode. The grabber does
not innately know whether the image is interlaced or progressive scan
because it can accept images from non-standard cameras. It is up to the appli-
cation to inform the grabber as to the image format to expect from the camera.
This function will not return until all queued operations have completed.

See Also
SetInterlaceMode, SetVideoFrameSize, GetVideoFrameSize,
Table 9.3 on page 9.11

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
DWORD dwFirstIndex,
DWORD dwLength,
BYTE * pbLUT);
PXRVB_GetLUT (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal dwFirstAddress As Long,
ByVal dwLength As Long,
ByRef pbLUT As Byte)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is the first index of the LUT to retrieve (valid range 0... 255).
is the number of LUT entries to retrieve (valid range 1... 256).
is an address to the array that will receive the LUT data. It must be at least
as long as dwLength.

Return Value
Return is non-zero if successful; zero on failure.

The GetLUT function reads the specified section of the frame grabber’s input
lookup table (LUT) into the array pbLUT. The section to be read is specified
by dwFirstIndex and the number of entries desired is specified by
dwLength. The data is read into the start of pbLUT, regardless of
dwFirstIndex. The array must have at least dwLength entries. If the array
is too short, a system error might occur from a data overrun.
This function will not return until all queued operations have completed.

See Also
SetLUT, SetOffset, GetOffset, SetFineGain, GetFineGain

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
IMG_FILTER GetNyquistFilter (FGHANDLE fgHandle);
PXRVB_GetNyquistFilter (ByVal fgHandle As Long) As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.

Return Value
Returns the current Nyquist filter setting:
• IF_INVALID on error

The GetNyquistFilter function returns the current setting of the Nyquist
filter. If it is IF_NONE, the filter is not activated. If IF_HIGH_FREQ_ON, the
high-frequency component of the signal is filtered out.
This function will not return until all queued operations have completed.

See Also
SetNyquistFilter, SetTermination, GetTermination

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
long GetOffset (FGHANDLE fgHandle);
PXRVB_GetOffset (ByVal fgHandle As Long) As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.

Return Value
Returns the current video offset (valid returns are -128... 127);
returns 255 on error.

The GetOffset function returns the video offset of the current frame grab-
ber. Use SetOffset to specify the offset. The offset is digitally added to the
pixel data before fine gain is applied.
An offset of zero makes the video blanking level roughly a zero pixel value.
This function will not return until all queued operations have completed.

See Also
SetOffset, SetFineGain, SetGainRange, GetFineGain,

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
IMG_PIXEL_CLOCK GetPixelClock (FGHANDLE fgHandle);
PXRVB_GetPixelClock (ByVal fgHandle As Long) As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.

Return Value
Returns the current pixel clock selected:

The GetPixelClock function returns the currently selected pixel clock of
the specified frame grabber. This pixel clock can be changed with
This function will not return until all queued operations have completed.
(Continued on the following page.)

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
GetPixelClock (continued)
Pixel Clock Name Frequency Default Default
Line Width Field Length
PCLOCK_NTSC_SQUARE 12.2727MHz 780 Clocks 262 1/2 or 525 lines
PCLOCK_CCIR_SQUARE 14.75 MHz 944 Clocks 312 1/2 or 625 lines
PCLOCK_NTSC_RECTANGLE 13.5 MHz 858 Clocks 262 1/2 or 525 lines
PCLOCK_CCIR_RECTANGLE 13.5 MHz 864 Clocks 312 1/2 or 625 lines
synced to ris- None None
ing edge of PCL
synced to fall- None None
ing edge of PCL
The default line width and field length are used when the drive mode
is not DRIVE_DISABLED (see SetDriveMode). In this mode, the
timing of horizontal and vertical drive pulses is based on the pixel
clock setting. The shorter field length is used in interlaced mode, and
the longer length is used in progressive mode (see
SetInterlaceMode). The external pixel clock and vertical and
horizontal drive cannot be used together, so there is no default width
or length in the modes that use an external pixel clock.
Table 9.4: Pixel Clock Information

See Also
SetPixelClock, Table 9.3 on page 9.11

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
DWORD * pdwROILeft,
DWORD * pdwROITop,
DWORD * pdwROIWidth,
DWORD * pdwROIHeight);
PXRVB_GetROI (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByRef pdwROILeft As Long,
ByRef pdwROITop As Long,
ByRef pdwROIWidth As Long,
ByRef pdwROIHeight As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is the address to receive the left offset of the ROI (valid range 0... 2047).
is the address to receive the top offset of the ROI (valid range 0... 2047).
is the address to receive the width of the ROI (valid range 4... 2044, must
be a multiple of four pixels).
is the address to receive the height of the ROI (valid range 1... 2047).
All pointers must be valid or the application might crash.

Return Value
Returns a non-zero value on success; zero on failure.

The GetROI function gets the dimensions of the region of interest (ROI) and
its position within the valid video. If the size of the ROI is larger than the size
of the frame when a Grab happens, the Grab will capture an image the size
of the frame.
The values returned by GetROI may be smaller than those set with the
SetROI function. The ROI width is rounded down to a multiple of four pix-
els. If the requested ROI was larger than the current video frame size, as set by
SetVideoFrameSize, the ROI will be adjusted to fit.
(Continued on the following page.)

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
GetROI (continued)
When using an interlaced camera, it is possible to grab a single field, which
includes every other line from a full frame. If a single field is grabbed, the
number of lines actually captured is half of the ROIHeight. The captured
lines will be placed in the upper half of the target buffer. If the full
ROIHeight is odd, one field will be half height rounded up, and the other
will be half height rounded down. Which field is taller depends on the value
of ROITop.
This function will not return until all queued operations have completed.
See Also
SetROI, SetVideoFrameSize, GetVideoFrameSize,
GetFieldLength, Table 9.3 on page 9.11

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
IMG_REPEAT * preRepeat,
IMG_START_VSYNC * psvStart);
PXRVB_GetRTCStart (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByRef pesEvent As Long,
ByRef preRepeat As Long,
ByRef psvStart As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is the address to receive the code for the starting event:
• ES_OFF—RTC is not programmed to run, or the last RP_SINGLE
sequence has completed.
• ES_NOW—RTC was started with ES_NOW.
• ES_ON_VSYNC—RTC will start on the end of VSync.
• ES_ON_VSYNC_START—RTC will start on the beginning of VSync.
• ES_ON_TRIGGER—RTC will start on a trigger event.
• ES_ON_VSYNC_AFTER_TRIGGER—RTC will start on a trigger event
that is followed by the end of Vsync.
• ES_ON_VSYNC_START_AFTER_TRIGGER—RTC will start on a trigger
event that is followed by the start of Vsync.
is the code for how often to repeat the strobes:
• RP_SINGLE—will fire the strobes once.
• RP_CONTINUOUS—RTC sequence will start whenever the event is
• RP_STOP—RTC sequence is not programmed to run, or the last
sequence that started with RP_SINGLE has completed.
(Continued on the following page.)

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
GetRTCStart (continued)
is the code to identify which field the RTC starts on:
• SV_EVEN_FIELD—RTC only starts on an even field.
• SV_ODD_FIELD—RTC only starts on an odd field.
• SV_EITHER_FIELD—RTC starts on either field.

Return Value
Returns a non-zero value on success; zero on failure.

The GetRTCStart function provides information about which events start
real-time sequences and how often they are repeated. To control which event
will start the RTC, use RTCStart.
The possible combinations of values for pesEvent and preRepeat and
their meanings are:

pesEvent preRepeat RTC timing sequence status

ES_OFF RP_STOP Any previous RTC sequences have
stopped, and no new RTC
sequences have been requested.
ES_OFF RP_SINGLE A single RTC sequence has started.
The RTC will stop when the
sequence is complete.
any value except RP_SINGLE The RTC is waiting for the event
ES_OFF described by pesEvent. After the
event, it will generate a single
sequence and stop.
any value except RP_CONTINUOUS The RTC will generate a sequence
ES_OFF every time the event described by
pesEvent occurs.
ES_OFF RP_CONTINUOUS An RTC sequence has started, but
the RTC will stop when the
sequence is complete because con-
tinuous mode has been turned off.
Table 9.5: pesEvent and preRepeat Values
This function will not return until all queued operations have completed.

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
GetRTCStart (continued)
See Also
RTCStart, SetRTCTiming, GetRTCTiming, ResetRTC

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
DWORD GetRTCTiming (FGHANDLE fgHandle,
REALTIME * prtRealTime);
PXRVB_GetRTCTiming (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByRef prtRealTime As RealTime)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is the address of the real-time programming data.

Return Value
Returns a non-zero value on success; zero on failure.

The GetRTCTiming function returns the RTC values currently programmed
into the PXR800 frame grabber.
This function will not return until all queued operations have completed.

See Also
SetRTCTiming, ResetRTC, RTCStart, GetRTCStart,
REALTIME Structure on page 7.5

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
IMG_CAMERA icCamera);
PXRVB_GetSyncMode (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal icCamera As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is one of the cameras:

Return Value
Return is the sync mode:
• SYNC_INVALID on error

See Table 9.6 on page 9.27.

The GetSyncMode function gets the source of the video sync signals for the
specified camera.
Returns immediately.
(Continued on the following page.)

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
GetSyncMode (continued)
Sync Mode Description
Horizontal sync comes from the camera on the HS wire.
Vertical sync comes from the camera on the VS wire.
Horizontal sync is extracted from the composite video sig-
nal. Vertical sync comes from the camera on the VS wire.
SYNC_HC_VS This is also the mode to use if the camera transmits a WEN
pulse or trigger pulse instead of vertical sync—connect the
trigger or WEN pulse to the VS wire.
Horizontal and vertical sync are both extracted from the
SYNC_HC_VC composite video signal. This is the normal operating mode
of most video cameras.
Horizontal and vertical sync come from the camera mixed
on the HS wire. This is the mode to use if the camera sends
SYNC_HLINE video on one wire and a composite sync signal on a second
wire, or if you are trying to genlock all parts of a system to
a master composite sync signal.
Table 9.6: Sync Mode Names

See Also
SetSyncMode, SetSyncPolarity, GetSyncPolarity, GetDriveMode,
SetDriveMode, Table 9.3 on page 9.11

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
DWORD GetSyncPolarity (FGHANDLE fgHandle,
IMG_CAMERA icCamera,
IMG_POLARITY * ppoHDrive);
PXRVB_GetSyncPolarity (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal icCamera As Long,
ByRef ppoVDrive As Long,
ByRef ppoHDrive As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is one of the cameras:

is the address to receive the vertical sync polarity value:
is the address to receive the horizontal sync polarity value:

Return Value
The return is non-zero for success; zero for failure.
Bad values for ppoVDrive and ppoHDrive can crash the application.
(Continued on the following page.)

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
GetSyncPolarity (continued)
The GetSyncPolarity function returns the current video sync polarity set-
tings. Use SetSyncPolarity to control the polarity of the sync signals. Use
SetSyncMode and SetDriveMode to control the source of the sync signals.
Returns immediately.

See Also
SetSyncPolarity, SetSyncMode, GetSyncMode, SetDriveMode,

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
IMG_TERMINATION GetTermination (FGHANDLE fgHandle,
IMG_CAMERA icCamera);
PXRVB_GetTermination (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal icCamera As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is one of the cameras:

Return Value
Return is the termination code:
• TERM_INVALID on error

The GetTermination function returns the type of termination in use for the
camera. Use SetTermination to change the setting.
Returns immediately.

Although changing termination changes the image brightness, this should
not be used as a brightness control. Use this only to compensate for cable
impedance issues. Use SetGainRange or SetFineGain to adjust image

See Also
SetTermination, SetGainRange, GetGainRange, SetOffset,
GetOffset, SetNyquistFilter, GetNyquistFilter, SetFineGain

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
DWORD GetTime (FGHANDLE fgHandle,
PXRVB_GetTime (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByRef pTime As IMG_ImageInfoTiming)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is the address of an IMG_IMAGEINFOTIMING structure, which receives
the grabbers timing values.

Return Value
Return is non-zero for success; zero for failure.

The GetTime function returns the current time of the grabber. Due to latency
issues (the time to communicate with the board and get information from it),
the time returned might have changed from when the request was made. The
time, and other timing values, can be changed with SetTime.
Returns immediately.
The time data will also be returned as part of the auxiliary data stored in a
PXRFRAME during a Grab if the frame was allocated with space for the data.

See Also
SetTime, AllocateBuffer, IMG_IMAGEINFO Structure on page 7.2

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
IMG_TMODE GetTransferMode (FGHANDLE fgHandle)
PXRVB_GetTransferMode (ByVal fgHandle As Long) As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.

Return Value
Return is the selected transfer mode:
• TMODE_INVALID on error

The GetTransferMode function returns the transfer mode used to transfer
In TMODE_INCREMENTAL mode, the video data from the onboard video
buffer is transferred to system memory as soon as the data is received. Thus, it
is likely that target system memory will have all the video data before the cur-
rent video frame ends.
In TMODE_BURST mode video data is transferred to system memory in a short
burst after the end of the video frame. Thus, the data will not be available
until a few milliseconds after the current video frame ends.
Returns immediately.

See Also
SetTransferMode, SetContinuousBuffering,

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
DWORD GetTriggerEvent (FGHANDLE fgHandle,
DWORD * pdwMask,
PXRVB_GetTriggerEvent (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByRef pdwMask As Long,
ByRef pteEvent As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is the address to receive the mask of the currently enabled trigger lines.
the address to receive the trigger event type:
All four triggers use the same teEvent value.

Return Value
Returns a non-zero value on success; zero on failure

The GetTriggerEvent function returns the type of event that causes a trig-
ger to be detected, as set by SetTriggerEvent. It also returns the mask of
which triggers are enabled.
Returns immediately.

See Also
SetTriggerEvent, RTCStart, GetRTCStart, Grab

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
DWORD GetVideoFrameSize (FGHANDLE fgHandle,
DWORD * pdwLeftOffset,
DWORD * pdwTopOffset,
DWORD * pdwWidth,
DWORD * pdwHeight);
PXRVB_GetVideoFrameSize (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByRef pdwLeftOffset As Long,
ByRef pdwTopOffset As Long,
ByRef pdwWidth As Long,
ByRef pdwHeight As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is the address to receive the left offset of the video frame
(valid range 0... 2047 pixels).
is the address to receive the top offset of the video frame
(valid range 0... 2047 lines).
is the address to receive the width of the video frame
(valid range 4... 2044 pixels).
is the address to receive the height of the video frame
(valid range 1... 2047 lines).

Return Value
Returns a non-zero value on success; zero on failure
(Continued on the following page.)

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
GetVideoFrameSize (continued)
The GetVideoFrameSize function returns the dimensions of the video
frame and its position within the video stream. The width and height contain
the valid region of the image. The top and left offsets allow for the image to
be moved within the video stream to avoid the blanking and sync periods and
to compensate for non-standard timing in some cameras. Use
SetVideoFrameSize to change the values.
This function will not return until all queued operations have completed.

See Also
SetVideoFrameSize, GetROI, SetROI, Table 9.3 on page 9.11

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
PXRFRAME * pFrame,
DWORD dwSkipVSyncs,
BOOL bSwitchToTrigger,
IMG_WHEN iwWhen);
PXRVB_Grab (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal pFrame As Long,
ByVal dwSkipVSyncs As Long,
ByVal geStart As Long,
ByVal bSwitchToTrigger As Boolean,
ByVal svStart As Long,
ByVal flFields As Long,
ByVal iwWhen As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is the handle to the frame grabber buffer that will receive the
is the number of vertical sync pulses to skip before capturing the image.
The frame grabber will begin skipping vertical syncs when the conditions
described by geStart and svStart are met.
• GE_ON_VSYNC—causes a grab where the image is qualified at the end
of the next VSync.
• GE_ON_VSYNC_START—causes a grab where the image is qualified at
the start of the next VSync.
• GE_ON_VSYNC_AFTER_TRIGGER—causes a grab on the next VSync
that ends after a trigger event.
• GE_ON_VSYNC_START_AFTER_TRIGGER—causes a grab on the next
VSync that begins after a trigger event.
(Continued on the following page.)

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
Grab (continued)
Parameters (continued)
if TRUE, will cause the grabber to switch to the camera that matches the
trigger. Otherwise, the camera will not be changed.
identifies which field is used to qualify the grab:
identifies the number of fields to include in the image. If the grabber is in
progressive mode, this value is ignored, as the image will be one frame in
describes when this function should occur:
• IW_WAIT—wait for all other queued requests to complete.
• IW_QUEUED—add to the frame grabber queue, so it will be completed

Return Value
Return is a handle to a queued request; or QI_INVALID on failure.

The Grab function captures a video image and writes it into the frame buffer
pFrame. This function will crop the image to fit the buffer if the dimensions
of SetROI exceed the dimensions of the frame buffer.
The choice between starting a grab on VSync or on VSyncStart controls
exactly when in vertical blank the decision about whether to qualify a frame
for grabbing is made. If the precise timing of grabs is not important, either set-
ting will work. In applications where grabs must be synchronized with RTC
exactly, the grab start should usually match the RTC start time.
If iwWhen is IW_QUEUED, the function returns immediately. Otherwise, it will
not return until the Grab is completed. If iwWhen is IW_QUEUED, the return
value can be used in IsFinished, TimedWaitFinished, or
WaitFinished to check if the Grab is completed.
(Continued on the following page.)
Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
Grab (continued)
Description (continued)
If the blocking depth set by BlockGrabber is not zero at the time the Grab
command is executed, the blocking depth will be implicitly set to zero by the
When using a noninterlaced camera, svStart and flFields are ignored.
There might be cases where a Grab takes a long time to begin or does not
begin at all because the specified conditions are never met:
• The Grab depends on a trigger event.
• There isn’t a camera attached to the current video input.
• The current camera does not produce continuous stable video.
If this is possible in your application, you should use IW_QUEUED and
TimedWaitFinished to detect these conditions and recover.

See Also
Wait, IsFinished, WaitFinished, TimedWaitFinished,
WindowsEventFromQID, AllocateBuffer

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
DWORD HalfHToMics (FGHANDLE fgHandle,
DWORD dwHalfH);
PXRVB_HalfHToMics (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal dwHalfH As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is the number of HalfH units to convert.

Return Value
Return is a conversion of time measured in HalfH units for the frame grabber
to the appropriate number of microseconds; zero on error.

The HalfHToMics function returns the number of microseconds that occupy
the same amount of time as the HalfH units, within one microsecond. HalfH is
the time unit used by the frame grabber for timing exposure pulses. The value
is only reliable once the grabber is synchronized with the camera. If the grab-
ber is not receiving video, this function returns zero.
Returns immediately.

See Also
MicsToHalfH, SetRTCTiming, GetRTCTiming

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
QUEUEID InvalidateGrabberBuffer (FGHANDLE fgHandle,
IMG_WHEN iwWhen);
PXRVB_InvalidateGrabberBuffer (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal iwWhen As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
describes when this function should occur:
• IW_WAIT—wait for all other queued requests to complete.
• IW_QUEUED—add to the frame grabber queue, so it will be completed

Return Value
Return is a handle to a queued request;
QI_INVALID on error.

The InvalidateGrabberBuffer function prevents an image in the
PXR8000 buffer memory from being delivered in response to a Grab request.
This is especially useful when used in conjunction with the BlockGrabber
Any image already being transferred into the system memory (out of the
PXR800 buffer memory) is not affected. Only images in the PXR800 buffer
memory that are waiting to be delivered are invalidated.

See Also
BlockGrabber, SetContinuousBuffering,

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
DWORD IsFinished (FGHANDLE fgHandle,
PXRVB_IsFinished (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal qiID As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is a QueueID returned by one of the queueable functions.

Return Value
Returns one if the operation is finished.
Returns zero if the operation has not completed.
DW_ERROR on failure.

The IsFinished function checks the PXR800 queue and determines
whether the operation has completed. This allows an application to receive
notification when an operation completes, so that the application can con-
tinue with foreground processing.
If qiID is QI_ALLQUEUE, the function checks to see if any operations are
queued. In this case, the return value is one only if the queue is empty.

See Also
WaitFinished, TimedWaitFinished, WindowsEventFromQID

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
DWORD KillQueue (FGHANDLE fgHandle);
PXRVB_KillQueue (ByVal fgHandle As Long) As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.

Return Value
Returns a non-zero value on success; zero on failure.

The KillQueue function aborts any queued operations for the specified
frame grabber. Any operations in the queue when this function is called are
removed. This function may take several milliseconds to execute.

See Also
ResetFG, FreeFG, WaitFinished, IsFinished

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
DWORD MicsToHalfH (FGHANDLE fgHandle,
DWORD dwMicroseconds);
PXRVB_MicsToHalfH (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal dwMicroseconds As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is the number of microseconds to convert.

Return Value
Return is a conversion of time measured in microseconds to the appropriate
number of HalfH units for the frame grabber; zero on error.

The MicsToHalfH function returns the number of HalfH units that occupy
the same amount of time as dwMicroseconds, within one HalfH. The value
is only reliable once the grabber is synchronized with the camera.
Returns immediately.

See Also
HalfHToMics, SetRTCTiming, GetRTCTiming

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
PXRVB_ReadIO (ByVal fgHandle As Long) As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.

Return Value
At return, the bits are:
• 7:4 are set to match the general purpose input lines.
• 3:0 are set to match the general purpose output lines.

The ReadIO function returns a set of bits that match the state of the GPI/O
Returns immediately.

See Also

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
DWORD ReadProtection (FGHANDLE fgHandle);
PXRVB_ReadProtection (ByVal fgHandle As Long) As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.

Return Value
Return is the value of the protection key; zero on failure.

The ReadProtection function returns the hardware protection key* of the
frame grabber. This will be 0x55 unless the frame grabber has been pro-
grammed with a key to match custom software.
Returns immediately.
* The protection key is optional. It is only available by special arrangement with

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
DWORD ReadRevision (FGHANDLE fgHandle);
PXRVB_ReadRevision (ByVal fgHandle As Long) As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.

Return Value
The return is the revision number if successful; zero on failure. If fgHandle
is INVALID_GRABBER, the return value is the software revision number only.

The ReadRevision function returns the revision number of the frame grab-
ber and the driver.
The bits are arranged as:
• 31:20—software revision number.
• 19:12—hardware revision number.
• 11:0—firmware revision number.
Returns Immediately.

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
void ResetFG (FGHANDLE fgHandle);
PXRVB_ResetFG (ByVal fgHandle As Long)
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.

Return Value
No return. If fgHandle is invalid, the request is ignored.

The ResetFG function returns the frame grabber to a default state and aborts
any queued operations. Any RTC sequence is aborted.
This function takes several milliseconds to execute.

See Also
FreeFG, KillQueue

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
IMG_WHEN2 iwWhen);
PXRVB_ResetRTC (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal iwWhen As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
describes when this function should occur:
• IW2_WAIT—wait for all other queued requests to complete.
• IW2_QUEUED—add to the frame grabber queue, so it will be
completed later.
• IW2_NOW—perform the operation immediately, before any other
operation in the queue.

Return Value
Return is a handle to a queued request;
QI_INVALID on failure.

The ResetRTC function stops any currently executing RTC sequences. It does
not change the pulse settings and start conditions that were set by RTCStart
and SetRTCTiming; it only stops the currently running sequence.
This function will stop sequences in progress, unlike RTCStart with the
RP_STOP parameter, which stops repeating sequences but allows the cur-
rently running sequence to finish.

See Also
RTCStart, SetRTCTiming

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
IMG_REPEAT reRepeat,
IMG_WHEN2 iwWhen);
PXRVB_RTCStart (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal esEvent As Long,
ByVal reRepeat As Long,
ByVal svImageStart As Long,
ByVal iwWhen As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is the starting event for the real-time control (RTC):
• ES_OFF—RTC is not active. Must be used with RP_STOP.
• ES_NOW—RTC will start immediately.
• ES_ON_VSYNC—RTC will start on the end of VSync.
• ES_ON_VSYNC_START—RTC will start on the beginning of VSync.
• ES_ON_TRIGGER—RTC will start on a trigger event.
• ES_ON_VSYNC_AFTER_TRIGGER—RTC will start on a trigger event
that is followed by the end of Vsync.
• ES_ON_VSYNC_START_AFTER_TRIGGER—RTC will start on a trigger
event that is followed by the start of Vsync.
is the code for how often to repeat the sequence:
• RP_SINGLE—will fire the RTC sequence once.
• RP_CONTINUOUS—RTC sequence will start whenever the event is
• RP_STOP—RTC sequence is not programmed to run. Must be used
with ES_OFF.
(Continued on the following page.)

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
RTCStart (continued)
Parameters (continued)
is the code to identify which field the RTC starts on:
• SV_EVEN_FIELD—RTC only starts on an even field.
• SV_ODD_FIELD—RTC only starts on an odd field.
• SV_EITHER_FIELD—RTC starts on either field.
describes when this function should occur:
• IW2_WAIT—wait for all other queued requests to complete.
• IW2_QUEUED—add to the frame grabber queue, so it will be
completed later.
• IW2_NOW—perform the operation immediately, before any other
operation in the queue.

Return Value
Return is a handle to a queued request;
QID_INVALID on failure.

The RTCStart function describes when the RTC sequences are to start and
how often they are to be repeated. All of the RTC lines start from a single
• With ES_NOW, the events can be started at once.
• With RP_STOP, the real-time control will stop at the end of the current
sequence (requires ES_OFF).
• If ES_NOW is combined with RP_CONTINUOUS, the RTC sequence
repeats continuously, with one HalfH period of delay between when
the sequence ends and when it restarts.
• Use ResetRTC to abort a sequence before it is completed.
If the camera provides progressive-scan images (SetInterlaceMode), the
fields will always be considered even fields.

See also
GetRTCTiming, GetRTCStart, ResetRTC, SetRTCTiming.

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
QUEUEID SetCamera (FGHANDLE fgHandle,
IMG_CAMERA icCamera,
IMG_WHEN iwWhen);
PXRVB_SetCamera (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal icCamera,
ByVal iwWhen As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is one of the cameras:

describes when this function should occur:
• IW_WAIT—wait for all other queued requests to complete.
• IW_QUEUED—add to the frame grabber queue, so it will be completed

Return Value
Return is a handle to a queued request;
QI_INVALID on failure.
(Continued on the following page.)

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
SetCamera (continued)
The SetCamera function changes the currently active camera input of the
specified frame grabber.
The grabber may not be synchronized to the camera immediately:
• If the cameras are of different types—will not stabilize until everything
is set up for the new type of camera.
• If the pixel clock is changed—waits one field for synchronization.
• If the cameras are not genlocked—waits one field for synchronization.
• If the source of Hsync or Vsync is changed—waits one field for
The camera can also be changed with RTCStart and Grab.

See Also
GetCamera, RTCStart, Grab

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
DWORD SetContinuousBuf4fering (FGHANDLE fgHandle,
IMG_BUFFERING buContinuous);
PXRVB_SetContinuousBuffering (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal buContinuous As Long) As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
sets the current state of how the grabber is buffering the images:

Return Value
Returns a non-zero value on success; zero on failure.

The SetContinuousBuffering function sets the current buffering method.
In BU_CONTINUOUS mode, the frame grabber will continuously capture video
data into the onboard buffer memory using the settings from the last Grab or
Wait command called. This mode can be more efficient, resulting in higher
frame rates, but it also requires the programmer to use
InvalidateGrabberBuffer to avoid inconsistent image data after chang-
ing frame grabber settings.
In BU_SINGLE mode, video will only be captured into the frame grabber’s
buffer in response to a Grab command. This mode guarantees consistent
image data, but can be less efficient in some cases.
This function waits for the queue to empty and will invalidate any images
stored in the PXR800 buffer memory.

See Also
GetContinuousBuffering, SetTransferMode, GetTransferMode

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
DWORD SetDriveMode (FGHANDLE fgHandle,
PXRVB_SetDriveMode(ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal dmMode As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is the drive mode:
See Table 9.7 on page 9.55.

Return Value
The return is non-zero for success; zero for failure.

The SetDriveMode function sets the vertical and horizontal drive mode of
the frame grabber.
This function waits for the queue to empty.
(Continued on the following page.)

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
SetDriveMode (continued)
Mode Name Description
The frame grabber doesn’t generate drive signals. It
DRIVE_DISABLED will try to synchronize to the currently selected camera
using the mode specified by SetSyncMode.
The frame grabber will generate drive signals on the
HS and VS wires. The timing of the drive signals
depends on the camera format set by
SetPixelClock and SetInterlaceMode.
The frame grabber will generate drive signals on the
HS and VS wires. The timing of horizontal drive
DRIVE_HD_VEXP0 depends of the camera format selected by
SetPixelClock, but the vertical timing is controlled
by the RTC using the Exp0 pulse generator.
Table 9.7: Drive Mode Names

See Also
GetDriveMode, SetSyncMode, GetSyncMode, SetSyncPolarity,
GetSyncPolarity, SetPixelClock, SetInterlaceMode,

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
QUEUEID SetFineGain (FGHANDLE fgHandle,
DWORD dwGain,
IMG_WHEN iwWhen);
PXRVB_SetFineGain (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal dwGain As Long,
ByVal iwWhen As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
sets the fine gain setting (valid range 0... 255).
describes when this function should occur.:
• IW_WAIT—wait for all other queued requests to complete.
• IW_QUEUED—add to the frame grabber queue, so it will be completed

Return Value
Return is a handle to a queued request;
QI_INVALID on failure.

The fine gain value of the SetFineGain function is a linear scaling factor:
• A fine gain of zero produces an image with no contrast.
• A fine gain of 128 is normal gain, where the range from blanking level
to white level is represented by a pixel value from zero to 255.
• A fine gain of 255 is approximately twice normal contrast.

See Also
GetFineGain, SetGainRange, GetGainRange

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
QUEUEID SetGainRange (FGHANDLE fgHandle,
DWORD dwGain,
IMG_WHEN iwWhen);
PXRVB_SetGainRange(ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal dwGain As Long,
ByVal iwWhen As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
sets the gain setting (valid range 0... 1).
describes when this function should occur:
• IW_WAIT—wait for all other queued requests to complete.
• IW_QUEUED—add to the Frame Grabber queue, so it will be
completed later.

Return Value
Return is a handle to a queued request;
QI_INVALID on failure.

The SetGainRange function sets the gain range of the specified frame grab-
The gain range is an analog adjustment designed to compensate for low video
signal levels:
• If the gain range is zero, the input video is assumed to be normal 1 volt
peak to peak.
• If the gain range is one, the input video is amplified by a factor of two
before being digitized. This allows full grayscale accuracy for signals of
approximately 1/2 Volt peak to peak.

See Also
SetFineGain, GetFineGain, GetGainRange

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
QUEUEID SetInterlaceMode(FGHANDLE fgHandle,
IMG_WHEN iwWhen);
PXRVB_SetInterlaceMode (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal vfFormat As Long,
ByVal iwWhen As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is the video format:
describes when this function should occur:
• IW_WAIT—wait for all other queued requests to complete.
• IW_QUEUED—add to the frame grabber queue, so it will be completed

Return Value
Return is a handle to a queued request;
QI_INVALID on failure.

The SetInterlaceMode function tells the frame grabber which format to
expect for images arriving from the camera. The frame grabber does not
innately know whether the image is interlaced or progressive scan because it
can accept images from non-standard cameras. The application must tell the
frame grabber which image format to expect from the camera.
This will invalidate any images stored in the PXR800 buffer memory.

See Also
GetInterlaceMode, SetVideoFrameSize, GetVideoFrameSize,
Table 9.3 on page 9.11

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
DWORD dwFirstIndex,
DWORD dwLength,
IMG_WHEN iwWhen);
PXRVB_SetLUT (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal dwFirstIndex As Long,
ByVal dwLength As Long,
ByRef pbLUT As Byte,
ByVal iwWhen As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is the index of the first value of the LUT to set (valid range 0... 255).
is the number of LUT entries to set (valid range 1... 256).
is a pointer to an array that contains the LUT data. It must be at least as
long as dwLength. The data is copied before SetLUT returns, so pbLUT
can be changed or freed before the queued operation finishes.
describes when this function should occur:
• IW_WAIT—wait for all other queued requests to complete.
• IW_QUEUED—add to the frame grabber queue, so it will be completed

Return Value
Return is a handle to a queued request;
QI_INVALID on failure.
(Continued on the following page.)

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
SetLUT (continued)
The SetLUT function changes the values in the frame grabber’s lookup table
(LUT). Specifying dwFirstIndex and dwLength can change any subrange
of the table. The buffer must have at least dwLength entries or an overrun
error might occur. The table is read from the start of the pbLUT array.

See Also

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
QUEUEID SetNyquistFilter (FGHANDLE fgHandle,
IMG_FILTER ifFilter,
IMG_WHEN iwWhen);
PXRVB_SetNyquistFilter (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal ifFilter As Long,
ByVal iwWhen As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is the Nyquist filter setting:
describes when this function should occur:
• IW_WAIT—wait for all other queued requests to complete.
• IW_QUEUED—add to the frame grabber queue, so it will be completed

Return Value
Return is a handle to a queued request;
QI_INVALID on failure.

The SetNyquistFilter function turns the Nyquist filter on or off as speci-
fied by the ifFilter parameter, which can take the following values:
• If it is IF_NONE, the filter is not activated.
• If IF_HIGH_FREQ_ON, the high-frequency component of the signal is
filtered out.

See Also

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
QUEUEID SetOffset (FGHANDLE fgHandle,
long lOffset,
IMG_WHEN iwWhen);
PXRVB_SetOffset (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal lOffset As Long,
ByVal iwWhen As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is the offset (valid range -128... 127).
describes when this function should occur:
• IW_WAIT—wait for all other queued requests to complete.
• IW_QUEUED—add to the frame grabber queue, so it will be completed

Return Value
Return is a handle to a queued request;
QI_INVALID on failure.

The SetOffset function sets the video offset of the current frame grabber.
The offset is digitally added to the pixel data before fine gain is applied.
An offset of zero makes the video blanking level roughly a zero pixel value.

See Also
GetOffset, SetFineGain, GetFineGain

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
QUEUEID SetPixelClock (FGHANDLE fgHandle,
IMG_WHEN iwWhen);
PXRVB_SetPixelClock (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal pcClock As Long,
ByVal iwWhen As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is the current pixel clock:

See Table 9.8 on page 9.64.

describes when this function should occur:
• IW_WAIT—wait for all other queued requests to complete.
• IW_QUEUED—add to the frame grabber queue, so it will be completed

Return Value
Return is a handle to a queued request; QI_INVALID on failure.

The SetPixelClock function sets the pixel clock of the specified frame
grabber. This will invalidate any images stored in the PXR800 buffer memory.
(Continued on the following page.)

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
SetPixelClock (continued)
Pixel Clock Name Frequency Default Default
Line Width Field Length
PCLOCK_NTSC_SQUARE 12.2727MHz 780 Clocks 262 1/2 or 525 lines
PCLOCK_CCIR_SQUARE 14.75 MHz 944 Clocks 312 1/2 or 625 lines
PCLOCK_NTSC_RECTANGLE 13.5 MHz 858 Clocks 262 1/2 or 525 lines
PCLOCK_CCIR_RECTANGLE 13.5 MHz 864 Clocks 312 1/2 or 625 lines
synced to rising None None
edge of PCL
synced to falling None None
edge of PCL
The default line width and field length are used when the drive mode
is not DRIVE_DISABLED (see SetDriveMode). In this mode, the
timing of horizontal and vertical drive pulses is based on the pixel
clock setting. The shorter field length is used in interlaced mode, and
the longer length is used in progressive mode (see
SetInterlaceMode). The external pixel clock and vertical and
horizontal drive cannot be used together, so there is no default width
or length in the modes that use an external pixel clock.
Table 9.8: Pixel Clock Information

See Also
GetPixelClock, Table 9.3 on page 9.11

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
DWORD dwROIHeight,
IMG_WHEN iwWhen)
PXRVB_SetROI (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal dwROILeft As Long,
ByVal dwROITop As Long,
ByVal dwROIWidth As Long,
ByVal dwROIHeight As Long,
ByVal iwWhen As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is the left offset of the ROI (valid range 0... 2047).
is the top offset of the ROI (valid range 0... 2047).
is the width of the ROI (valid range 4... 2044, must be a multiple of 4).
is the height of the ROI (valid range 1... 2047).
describes when this function should occur:
• IW_WAIT—wait for all other queued requests to complete.
• IW_QUEUED—add to the Frame Grabber queue, so it will be
completed later.

Return Value
Return is a handle to a queued request;
QI_INVALID on failure.
(Continued on the following page.)

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
SetROI (continued)
The SetROI function sets the dimensions of the ROI and its position within
the valid video. If the rectangle requested extends outside the valid video area
specified by SetVideoFrameSize, the ROI will be set to a rectangle that fits
in the valid video area. When setting both ROI and video frame size, be sure
to perform SetVideoFrameSize first.
This will invalidate any images stored in the PXR800 buffer memory.

See Also
GetROI, SetVideoFrameSize, GetVideoFrameSize,
Table 9.3 on page 9.11

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
REALTIME * prtRealTime,
DWORD dwMask,
IMG_WHEN iwWhen);
PXRVB_SetRTCTiming(ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByRef prtRealTime As RealTime,
ByVal dwMask As Long,
ByVal iwWhen As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is the address of a real-time structure that provides the timing periods of
the RTC. The data is copied before SetRTCTiming returns, so
prtRealTime can be changed or freed before the queued operation fin-
is a mask of the strobe lines that should be reprogrammed:
describes when this function should occur:
• IW_WAIT—wait for all other queued requests to complete.
• IW_QUEUED—add to the frame grabber queue, so it will be completed

Return Value
Return is a handle to a queued request;
QI_INVALID on failure.
(Continued on the following page.)

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
SetRTCTiming (continued)
The SetRTCTiming function sets the RTC values of the PXR800 grabber. To
start the real-time sequence use RTCStart.

See Also
GetRTCTiming, RTCStart, GetRTCStart, MicsToHalfH,
REALTIME Structure on page 7.5

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
DWORD SetSyncMode (FGHANDLE fgHandle,
IMG_CAMERA icCamera,
PXRVB_SetSyncMode (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal icCamera As Long,
ByVal smMode As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is one of the cameras:

is the sync mode:

See Table 9.9 on page 9.70.

Return Value
The return is non-zero for success; zero on failure.

The SetSyncMode function sets the source of the video sync signals for the
specified camera.
This function waits for the queue to empty.
(Continued on the following page.)

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
SetSyncMode (continued)
Sync Mode Description
Horizontal sync comes from the camera on the HS wire.
Vertical sync comes from the camera on the VS wire.
Horizontal sync is extracted from the composite video sig-
nal. Vertical sync comes from the camera on the VS wire.
SYNC_HC_VS This is also the mode to use if the camera transmits a WEN
pulse or trigger pulse instead of vertical sync—connect the
trigger or WEN pulse to the VS wire.
Horizontal and vertical sync are both extracted from the
SYNC_HC_VC composite video signal. This is the normal operating mode
of most video cameras.
Horizontal and vertical sync come from the camera mixed
on the HS wire. This is the mode to use if the camera sends
SYNC_HLINE video on one wire and a composite sync signal on a second
wire, or if you are trying to genlock all parts of a system to
a master composite sync signal.
Table 9.9: Sync Mode Names

See Also
GetSyncMode, GetDriveMode, SetDriveMode, SetSyncPolarity,
GetSyncPolarity, Table 9.7 on page 9.55

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
DWORD SetSyncPolarity (FGHANDLE fgHandle,
IMG_CAMERA icCamera,
PXRVB_SetSyncPolarity (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal icCamera As Long,
ByVal poVDrive As Long,
ByVal poHDrive As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is one of the cameras:

is the vertical sync polarity value:
is the horizontal sync polarity value:

Return Value
The return is non-zero for success; zero on failure.
(Continued on the following page.)

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
SetSyncPolarity (continued)
The SetSyncPolarity function sets the expected polarity for incoming
sync signals. Use SetSyncMode to control the source of the sync signals. If
the sync mode is SYNC_HC_VS, polarity for the horizontal signal is ignored. If
the sync mode is SYNC_HC_VC, polarities for both vertical and horizontal sig-
nals are ignored.
Returns immediately.

See Also
SetSyncMode, GetSyncPolarity, GetSyncMode

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
DWORD SetTermination (FGHANDLE fgHandle,
IMG_CAMERA icCamera,
IMG_TERMINATION itTermination);
PXRVB_SetTermination (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal icCamera As Long,
ByVal itTermination As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is one of the cameras:

is the termination code:

Return Value
The return is non-zero for success; zero on failure.

The SetTermination function sets the type of termination in use for the
Returns immediately.

Although changing termination changes the image brightness,
SetTermination should not be used as a brightness control. Use this
only to compensate for cable impedance issues. Use SetGainRange or
SetFineGain to adjust image brightness.

See Also
GetTermination, SetNyquistFilter, GetNyquistFilter,
SetGainRange, SetFineGain

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
DWORD SetTime (FGHANDLE fgHandle,
PXRVB_SetTime (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByRef pTime As IMG_ImageInfoTiming)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is the address of an IMG_IMAGEINFOTIMING structure, which provides
the frame grabber’s timing values.

Return Value
Return is non-zero for success; zero on failure.

The SetTime function sets the time of the frame grabber’s onboard clock.
The time kept by this clock can be read using GetTime and is stored in the
image info data for a frame when Grab captures an image to the frame.
Returns immediately

See Also
GetTime, AllocateBuffer, IMG_IMAGEINFO Structure on page 7.2

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
DWORD SetTransferMode (FGHANDLE fgHandle,
IMG_TMODE tmMode);
PXRVB_SetTransferMode (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal tmMode As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is the selected transfer mode:

Return Value
Return is non-zero for success; zero on failure.

The SetTransferMode function sets the transfer mode used to transfer
In TMODE_INCREMENTAL mode the video data from the onboard video
buffer is transferred to system memory as soon as the data is received. Thus, it
is likely that target system memory will have all the video data before current
video frame ends.
In TMODE_BURST mode video data is transferred to system memory in a short
burst after the end of the video frame. Thus, the data will not be available
until a few milliseconds after the current video frame ends.
This function waits for the queue to empty and will invalidate any images
stored in the PXR800 buffer memory.

See Also
GetTransferMode, SetContinuousBuffering,

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
DWORD SetTriggerEvent (FGHANDLE fgHandle,
DWORD dwTriggerMask,
PXRVB_SetTriggerEvent (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal dwTriggerMask As Long,
ByVal teEvent As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is the mask of the currently enabled trigger lines.
is the trigger event type:

Return Value
Returns a non-zero value on success; zero on failure.

The SetTriggerEvent function sets the type of event that causes a trigger
to be detected. The trigger lines can be disabled or enabled by changing the
bits in the dwTriggerMask:
• Bits 0 - 3 control triggers 0 - 3, respectively.
• A bit value of one enables the trigger.
• A bit value of zero disables the trigger.
If the trigger is disabled, no events will be detected from it.
All four triggers use the same teEvent.
Returns immediately.

See Also
GetTriggerEvent, RTCStart, GetRTCStart, Grab

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
QUEUEID SetVideoFrameSize(FGHANDLE fgHandle,
DWORD dwLeftOffset,
DWORD dwTopOffset,
DWORD dwWidth,
DWORD dwHeight,
IMG_WHEN iwWhen);
PXRVB_SetVideoFrameSize (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal dwLeftOffset As Long,
ByVal dwTopOffset As Long,
ByVal dwWidth As Long,
ByVal dwHeight As Long,
ByVal iwWhen As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is the left offset of the video frame
(valid range zero to CCIR_WIDTH_DEFAULT pixels).
is the top offset of the video frame
(valid range zero to CCIR_HEIGHT_DEFAULT lines).
is the width of the video frame
(valid range zero to CCIR_WIDTH_DEFAULT pixels).
is the height of the video frame
(valid range zero to CCIR_HEIGHT_DEFAULT lines).
describes when this function should occur:
• IW_WAIT—wait for all other queued requests to complete.
• IW_QUEUED—add to the frame grabber queue, so it will be completed

Return Value
Return is a handle to a queued request;
QI_INVALID on failure.
(Continued on the following page.)
Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
SetVideoFrameSize (continued)
The SetVideoFrameSize function sets the size of the video frame and its
position within the video stream. The width and height contain the valid
region of the image. The top and left offsets allow for the image to be moved
within the video stream to avoid the blanking and sync periods, and to com-
pensate for non-standard timing in some cameras.
This will invalidate any images stored in the PXR800 buffer memory.

See Also
GetVideoFrameSize, GetFieldLength, SetROI, GetROI,
Table 9.3 on page 9.11

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
DWORD TimedWaitFinished (FGHANDLE fgHandle,
DWORD dwMs);
PXRVB_TimedWaitFinished (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal qiID As Long,
ByVal dwMs As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is a QueueID returned from a queueable function.
is the number of milliseconds until the time expires.

Return Value
• 1 if the item has completed.
• 0 if the time has expired.
• DW_ERROR on error.

The TimedWaitFinished function waits for the completion of a queued
request or waits until the timeout milliseconds have passed, whichever comes
If qiID is QI_ALLQUEUE, this function will wait for the completion of all
queued requests.
This function is useful to prevent the Grab event from stalling forever.
Should a trigger never occur, the exact time the function returns in case of
time-out might be slightly later than requested. Do not use the time required by
this function as a precise time reference.

See Also
IsFinished, WaitFinished, WindowsEventFromQID, KillQueue

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
DWORD dwSkipVSyncs,
BOOL bSwitchToTrigger,
IMG_WHEN iwWhen);
PXRVB_Wait (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal dwSkipVSyncs As Long,
ByVal geStart As Long,
ByVal bSwitchToTrigger As Boolean,
ByVal svStart As Long,
ByVal flFields As Long,
ByVal iwWhen As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is the number of Vsyncs to skip before waiting for the image.
• GE_ON_VSYNC—waits for an image qualified at the end of VSync.
• GE_ON_VSYNC_AFTER_TRIGGER—waits for the next VSync that ends
after a trigger event.
• GE_ON_VSYNC_START—waits for an image qualified at the start of
• GE_ON_VSYNC_START_AFTER_TRIGGER—waits for the next VSync
that begins after a trigger event.
• If TRUE, will cause the grabber to switch to the camera that matches
the trigger.
• Otherwise, the camera will not be changed.
(Continued on the following page.)

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
Wait (continued)
Parameters (continued)
identifies which field to wait for:
identifies the number of fields to wait for:
If the grabber is in progressive mode, this value is ignored, as the image
will be one field in length.
describes when this function should occur:
• IW_WAIT—wait for all other queued requests to complete.
• IW_QUEUED—add to the frame grabber queue, so it will be completed

Return Value
Return is a handle to a queued request;
QI_INVALID on failure.

The Wait function completes after an image that meets the specified criteria
has been completely seen by the frame grabber; no data is transferred. The
time of a Wait will be the same as a Grab with the same settings.
The Wait function implicitly sets the blocking depth to zero.

See Also
Grab, WaitFinished, TimedWaitFinished

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
DWORD WaitFinished(FGHANDLE fgHandle,
PXRVB_WaitFinished(ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal qiID As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is a QueueID returned from a queueable function.

Return Value
Returns one on success; DW_ERROR on failure.

The WaitFinished function waits for the completion of a queued request.
If qiID is QI_ALLQUEUE, this function will wait for the completion of all
queued requests.
In some cases, there may be queued operations that are waiting for conditions
such as trigger events that might not occur. In such cases using
TimedWaitFinished allows the application to time out and return control
to the user.

See Also
TimedWaitFinished, IsFinished, WindowsEventFromQID, Grab

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
HANDLE WindowsEventFromQID (FGHANDLE fgHandle,
PXRVB_WindowsEventFromQID(ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal qiID As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is a QueueID returned from a queueable function.

Return Value
Returns a Windows event handle that can be used with Windows synchroniza-
tion events.

The WindowsEventFromQID function converts a PXR800 queueID to a
Windows synchronization event. This allows an application to use advanced
programming techniques to synchronize image acquisition and board configu-
ration with program execution. The event handle should not be closed by this

See Also
TimedWaitFinished, WaitFinished, IsFinished

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions
DWORD dwData,
DWORD dwMask,
IMG_WHEN2 iwWhen);
PXRVB_WriteIO (ByVal fgHandle As Long,
ByVal dwData As Long,
ByVal dwMask As Long,
ByVal iwWhen As Long)
As Long
is the handle to the frame grabber returned by AllocateFG.
is the state of the bits (3:0) to be changed.
is the mask of which bits (3:0) to change.
describes when this function should occur:
• IW2_WAIT—wait for all other queued requests to complete.
• IW2_NOW—write the I/O lines immediately, asynchronous to queued
• IW2_QUEUED—add to the frame grabber queue, so it will be
completed later.

Return Value
Return is a handle to a queued request;
QI_INVALID on failure.

The WriteIO function changes the state of the general-purpose output lines.
The dwMask identifies which output lines to change:
• If bit 0 is set, the state of output line zero will change. The same is true
through bit 3 and output line 3.
• If the bit in the dwMask is not set, the state of the line will not be
changed. If a bit is to change, it will take on the value of the
corresponding bit in dwData.
(Continued on the following page.)

PXR800 API Functions Chapter 9
WriteIO (continued)
See Also

Chapter 9 PXR800 API Functions

This page intentionally left blank.

PXRFrame API Functions Chapter 10

Chapter 10
PXRFrame API Functions
This chapter is an alphabetical function reference for the Imagenation
PXRFrame Library. The reference page for each function gives the function
syntax for the C language and for Visual Basic. The C syntax is always given
first, followed by the Visual Basic syntax. Each Visual Basic function has the
same name as its corresponding C function, but with the addition of the prefix
For additional information on using the structures, refer to Chapter 5,
“Detailed Operating Information,” on page 5.1. For reference information
on the PXR800 API structures, refer to Chapter 7, “PXR800 API Structures,”
on page 7.1. For reference information on initializing or exiting library func-
tions, refer to Chapter 8, “Initializing and Exiting Libraries,” on page 8.1.
For reference information on the PXR800 API functions, refer to Chapter 9,
“PXR800 API Functions,” on page 9.1.
This function reference is a general guide for using the functions in personal
computers running the Microsoft Windows operating system versions 98,
98 SE, Me, NT4, 2000, or XP. The functions work as written for C, C++, and
Visual Basic with the header files provided.

Chapter 10 PXRFrame API Functions
PXRFRAME * AllocateBuffer (DWORD dwWidth,
DWORD dwPitch,
DWORD dwHeight,
DWORD ptType,
BOOL bImageInfo);
FRAMEVB_AllocateBuffer (ByVal dwWidth As Long,
ByVal dwPitch As Long,
ByVal dwHeight As Long,
ByVal ptType As Long,
ByVal bImageInfo As Boolean)
As Long
is the width of the image in pixels.
This must be a multiple of four pixels. If it is not, it will be rounded down
to the nearest multiple of four pixels.
is the width of the buffer in bytes.
This must be at least wide enough to hold the width of pixels, or the frame
object will not be created.
If dwPitch is zero, the function will automatically compute the pitch
value that matches the requested width.
is the height of the image in rows.
is the pixel type:
is a flag to indicate whether space should be allocated to hold the time-
stamp data.
(Continued on the following page.)

PXRFrame API Functions Chapter 10
AllocateBuffer (continued)
Return Value
A handle to a PXRFrame, or NULL if failure.

The AllocateBuffer function creates a buffer into which images can be
grabbed with the PXR800 library. If bImageInfo is TRUE, the buffer will be
large enough to hold both the image and the time-stamp information. If
FALSE, the buffer will be large enough to hold only the image. In the case of
FALSE, the time-stamp information cannot be retrieved.
The PBITS_RGB24 pixel type can be used to store and manipulate images
but cannot be the target of a Grab from the PXR800.

See Also
FreeFrame, FrameFromPointer

Chapter 10 PXRFrame API Functions
DWORD CopyFrame (PXRFRAME * pSourceFrame,
DWORD dwSourceX,
DWORD dwSourceY,
PXRFRAME * pDestFrame,
DWORD dwDestX,
DWORD dwDestY,
DWORD dwWidth,
DWORD dwHeight);
FRAMEVB_CopyFrame (ByVal pSourceFrame As Long,
ByVal dwSourceX As Long,
ByVal dwSourceY As Long,
ByVal pDestFrame As Long,
ByVal dwDestX As Long,
ByVal dwDestY As Long,
ByVal dwWidth As Long,
ByVal dwHeight As Long)
As Long
is the source frame.
is the “X” coordinate of the upper left region in the source frame from
which to copy the pixels.
is the “Y” coordinate of the upper left region in the source frame from
which to copy the pixels.
is the destination frame.
is the “X” coordinate of the upper left region in the destination frame into
which to copy the pixels.
is the “Y” coordinate of the upper left region in the destination frame into
which to copy the pixels.
is the width of the region in the destination frame into which to copy the
(Continued on the following page.)

PXRFrame API Functions Chapter 10
CopyFrame (continued)
Parameters (continued)
is the height of the region in the destination frame into which to copy the

Return Value
The return is non-zero on success; zero if failure.

The CopyFrame function copies a region from one frame into another. This
function only copies data between the parts of rectangles that are within the
boundaries of the frames.
CopyFrame fails if:
• The specified region is entirely outside the boundaries of the frames.
• The frames can’t be read or written.
• The frames don’t have the same pixel type.

See Also
GetRectangle, PutRectangle

Chapter 10 PXRFrame API Functions
DWORD FrameBits (PXRFRAME * pFrame);
FRAMEVB_FrameBits (ByVal pFrame As Long) As Long
is the address of a PXRFrame.

Return Value
The number of bits per pixel for the frame; zero if failure.

The FrameBits function returns the number of bits used per pixel in the
The valid pixel types for a frame are:

PXRFrame API Functions Chapter 10
void * FrameBuffer (PXRFRAME * pFrame);
Function does not exist for Visual Basic.
is the address of a PXRFrame.

Return Value
The address of the frame’s image buffer; or NULL if failure.

The FrameBuffer function returns a pointer to the frame’s image buffer,
represented as an array of pixels. The returned pointer can be cast to the
appropriate pixel type for the frame.

Chapter 10 PXRFrame API Functions
PXRFRAME * FrameFromPointer (void * pBuffer,
DWORD dwWidth,
DWORD dwPitch,
DWORD dwHeight,
DWORD ptType,
BOOL bImageInfo);
Function does not exist for Visual Basic.
is a user-supplied buffer.
is the width of the image within the buffer, measured in pixels. The num-
ber of pixels must be a multiple of four. If it is not, the width will be
rounded down.
is the width of the buffer in bytes. This must be at least wide enough to
hold the width of pixels, or the function will fail.
is the number of rows in the image.
is the pixel type of the image:

This value is TRUE if the buffer is large enough to contain the image and
the time-stamp information.
This value is FALSE if the buffer is large enough to contain only the image.

Return Value
The address of the aliased frame buffer; NULL if failure.
(Continued on the following page.)

PXRFrame API Functions Chapter 10
FrameFromPointer (continued)
The FrameFromPointer function creates a PXRFrame structure, which uses
pBuffer as its image buffer. It is the application’s responsibility to assure that
pBuffer is large enough to contain the image and also the time stamp infor-
mation if bImageInfo is TRUE.
The size of the memory block at pBuffer must be:
• at least pitch * height if bImageInfo is FALSE.
• or pitch * height + size of (IMG_IMAGEINFO) if bImageInfo is
It is important to not free the memory used by pBuffer until the Frame is no
longer using the memory.
The Frame must be freed when no longer needed by using the FreeFrame
function. Freeing the frame releases the memory allocated for the PXRFrame
structure but does not attempt to free the memory at pBuffer.

Chapter 10 PXRFrame API Functions
DWORD FrameHeight (PXRFRAME * pFrame);
FRAMEVB_FrameHeight (ByVal pFrame As Long) As Long
is the address of a PXRFrame.

Return Value
The number of lines in the image; zero if failure.

The FrameHeight function returns the height of the frame. The height is the
number of lines contained within a full image.

PXRFrame API Functions Chapter 10
DWORD FramePitch (PXRFRAME * pFrame);
FRAMEVB_FramePitch (ByVal pFrame As Long) As Long
is the address of a PXRFrame.

Return Value
The number of bytes in a line; zero if failure.

The FramePitch function returns the width of the buffer in bytes. This width
represents the number of bytes from the start of a row to the start of the next
row. It might contain more bytes than necessary for the image width.

Chapter 10 PXRFrame API Functions
DWORD FrameType (PXRFRAME * pFrame);
FRAMEVB_FrameType (ByVal pFrame As Long) As Long
is the address of a PXRFrame.

Return Value
A code representing the pixel type of the image; zero if failure.

The FrameType function returns the pixel type of the frame:
• PBITS_Y8—monochrome 8bpp image
• PBITS_RGB16—16 bpp color image
• PBITS_RGB24—24 bpp color image
• PBITS_RGB32—32 bpp color image

PXRFrame API Functions Chapter 10
DWORD FrameWidth (PXRFRAME * pFrame);
FRAMEVB_FrameWidth (ByVal pFrame As Long) As Long
is the address of a PXRFrame.

Return Value
The number of pixels in a line; zero if failure.

The FrameWidth function returns the width in pixels of the frame. This value
might be less than was stated by AllocateBuffer, or
FrameFromPointer because the width is always rounded down to a multi-
ple of four pixels.

Chapter 10 PXRFrame API Functions
void FreeFrame (PXRFRAME * pFrame);
FRAMEVB_FreeFrame (ByVal pFrame As Long)
is the address of a PXRFrame.

Return Value

The FreeFrame function releases the memory used by the PXRFrame. This
frame could have been created by either AllocateBuffer or
Once the frame is freed, the application should not refer to it again. Other-
wise, a system error can occur. It is recommended that KillQueue be called
before the frame is freed if the frame is being used for a current Grab. This
assures that the grabber will stop delivering any data into the PXR800 buffer
memory before the buffer is released.

See Also
AllocateBuffer, FrameFromPointer

PXRFrame API Functions Chapter 10
DWORD GetColumn (PXRFRAME * pFrame,
void * pvBuffer,
DWORD dwColumn);
FRAMEVB_GetColumn (ByVal pFrame As Long,
ByRef pvBuffer As Any,
ByVal dwColumn As Long)
As Long
is the address of a PXRFrame.
is the address of the target buffer.
is the column number of the frame from which to copy the pixels.

Return Value
The return is non-zero on success; zero if failure.

The GetColumn function copies a column of an image from a frame into a
buffer. The columns are numbered starting with zero at the left of the frame.
The buffer is assumed to be an array of the correct type to hold the column of
pixels. If the entire column won’t fit in the memory pointed to by pvBuffer,
undefined behavior and data corruption might result.
The function will fail if the specified column is outside the boundaries of the
frame or if the frame can’t be read.

Chapter 10 PXRFrame API Functions
DWORD GetPixel (PXRFRAME * pFrame,
void * pvBuffer,
DWORD dwColumn,
DWORD dwRow);
FRAMEVB_GetPixel (ByVal pFrame As Long,
ByRef pvBuffer As Any,
ByVal dwColumn As Long,
ByVal dwRow As Long)
As Long
is the address of a PXRFrame.
is the address of the target buffer.
is the column number of the frame from which to copy the pixel.
is the row number of the frame from which to copy the pixel.

Return Value
The return is non-zero on success; zero if failure.

The GetPixel function copies the pixel at [dwColumn, dwRow] into
pvBuffer, where [0,0] is the upper-left corner of the frame. The buffer is
assumed to be large enough to hold the pixel. If the pixel won’t fit in the
memory pointed to by pvBuffer, undefined behavior and data corruption
might result.
The function will fail if the specified coordinate is outside the boundaries of
the frame or if the frame can’t be read.

PXRFrame API Functions Chapter 10
DWORD GetRectangle (PXRFRAME * pFrame,
void * pvBuffer,
DWORD dwColumn,
DWORD dwRow,
DWORD dwWidth,
DWORD dwHeight);
FRAMEVB_GetRectangle (ByVal pFrame As Long,
ByRef pvBuffer As Any,
ByVal dwColumn As Long,
ByVal dwRow As Long,
ByVal dwWidth As Long,
ByVal dwHeight As Long)
As Long
is the address of a PXRFrame.
is the address of the target buffer.
is the column number of the frame from which to copy the pixels.
is the row number of the frame from which to copy the pixels.
is the width of the rectangle in the frame from which to copy the pixels.
is the height of the rectangle in the frame from which to copy the pixels.

Return Value
The return is non-zero on success; zero if failure.
(Continued on the following page.)

Chapter 10 PXRFrame API Functions
GetRectangle (continued)
The GetRectangle function copies a rectangle of an image from a frame
into a buffer. The upper-left corner of the frame is [0,0]. If the region is par-
tially outside of the boundaries of the frame, the function will copy only the
parts that are within the frame. The buffer is assumed to be an array of the
correct type to hold the rectangle of pixels. If the entire rectangle won’t fit in
the memory pointed to by pvBuffer, undefined behavior and data corrup-
tion might result.
If the rectangle extends outside the bounds of the PXRframe, only the pixels
from inside the frame are copied. They will be packed together in the buffer
with no space reserved for pixels requested from outside the frame.
The function will fail if the specified rectangle is outside the boundaries of the
frame or if the frame can’t be read.

PXRFrame API Functions Chapter 10
DWORD GetRow (PXRFRAME * pFrame,
void * pvBuffer,
DWORD dwRow);
FRAMEVB_GetRow (ByVal pFrame As Long,
ByRef Buf As Any,
ByVal dwRow As Long)
As Long
is the address of a PXRFrame.
is the address of the target buffer.
is the row number of the frame from which to copy the pixels.

Return Value
The return is non-zero on success; zero if failure.

The GetRow function copies a row of an image from a frame into a buffer.
The rows are numbered starting with zero at the top of the frame. The buffer
is assumed to be an array of the correct type to hold the row of pixels. If the
entire row won’t fit in the memory pointed to by pvBuffer, undefined
behavior and data corruption might result.
The function will fail if the specified row is outside the boundaries of the
frame or if the frame can’t be read.

Chapter 10 PXRFrame API Functions
DWORD GetTimeStamp (PXRFRAME * pFrame,
IMG_IMAGEINFO * pTimeStamp);
FRAMEVB_GetTimeStamp (ByVal pFrame As Long,
ByRef pTimeStamp As IMG_ImageInfo)
As Long
is the address of a PXRFrame.
is the address of an IMG_IMAGEINFO structure, where the image informa-
tion for the frame will be copied.

Return Value
The return value is non-zero on success, zero on failure.

GetTimeStamp copies the image information from a frame into the supplied
structure. If the frame was created with the bImageInfo flag set to FALSE,
there is no image information attached to the frame, and GetTimeStamp will
fail. The image information for a frame that has not yet the image data from a
grab contains undefined data. After a Grab has completed to the frame, the
image information data describes when and how the image was captured.

See Also:
IMG_IMAGEINFO Structure on page 7.2, Grab

PXRFrame API Functions Chapter 10
DWORD PutColumn (void * pvBuf,
PXRFRAME * pFrame,
DWORD dwColumn);
FRAMEVB_PutColumn (ByRef pvBuf As Any,
ByVal pFrame As Long,
ByVal dwColumn As Long)
As Long
is the address of the source buffer.
is the address of a PXRFrame.
is the column number of the frame to which to copy the pixels.

Return Value
The return is non-zero on success; zero if failure.

The PutColumn function copies a column of data into the PXRFrame. The
columns are numbered starting with zero at the left of the frame. The buffer is
assumed to be an array of the correct type to hold the column of pixels. If
buffer does not contain enough data, undefined behavior and data corruption
might result.
The function will fail if the specified column is outside the boundaries of the
frame or if the frame can’t be read.

Chapter 10 PXRFrame API Functions
DWORD PutPixel (void * pvPixel,
PXRFRAME * pFrame,
DWORD dwColumn,
DWORD dwRow);
FRAMEVB_PutPixel (ByRef pvPixel As Any,
ByVal pFrame As Long,
ByVal dwColumn As Long,
ByVal dwRow As Long)
As Long
is the address of the pixel to be copied.
is the address of a PXRFrame.
is the column number of the frame into which to copy the pixel.
is the row number of the frame into which to copy the pixel.

Return Value
The return is non-zero on success; zero if failure.

The PutPixel function copies the pixel from pvPixel into the frame at
[dwColumn, dwRow], where [0,0] is the upper-left corner of the frame. The
buffer is assumed to be large enough to hold the pixel. If the pixel is of the
correct type, undefined behavior and data corruption may result.
The function will fail if the specified coordinate is outside the boundaries of
the frame or if the frame can’t be read.

PXRFrame API Functions Chapter 10
DWORD PutRectangle (void * pvBuf,
PXRFRAME * pFrame,
DWORD dwColumn,
DWORD dwRow,
DWORD dwWidth,
DWORD dwHeight);
FRAMEVB_PutRectangle (ByRef pvBuf As Any,
ByVal pFrame As Long,
ByVal dwColumn As Long,
ByVal dwRow As Long,
ByVal dwWidth As Long,
ByVal dwHeight As Long)
As Long
is the address of the source buffer.
is the address of a PXRFrame.
is the column number of the frame into which to copy the pixels.
is the row number of the frame into which to copy the pixels.
is the width of the rectangle in the frame into which to copy the pixels.
is the height of the rectangle in the frame into which to copy the pixels.

Return Value
The return is non-zero on success; zero if failure.

The PutRectangle function copies a rectangle of the data into the frame’s
image. The upper-left corner of the frame is [0,0]. If the region is partially out-
side of the boundaries of the frame, this function will copy only the parts that
are within the frame.
This function will fail if the specified rectangle is outside the boundaries of the

Chapter 10 PXRFrame API Functions
DWORD PutRow (void * pvBuf,
PXRFRAME * pFrame,
DWORD dwRow);
FRAMEVB_PutRow (ByRef Buf As Any,
ByVal pFrame As Any,
ByVal dwRow As Long)
As Long
is the address of the source buffer.
is the address of a PXRFrame.
is the row number of the frame into which to copy the pixels.

Return Value
The return is non-zero on success; zero if failure.

The PutRow function copies a row of data into the frame’s image. The rows
are numbered starting with zero at the top of the frame. If the buffer does not
contain enough data, undefined behavior and data corruption might result.
This function will fail if the specified column is outside the boundaries of the
frame or if the frame can’t be read.

PXRFrame API Functions Chapter 10
DWORD ReadBin (PXRFRAME * pFrame,
char * szFileName);
FRAMEVB_ReadBin (ByVal pFrame As Long,
ByVal szFilename As String)
As Long
is the address of a PXRFrame.
is the name of the file to read.

Return Value
SUCCESS—the file was read successfully.
FILE_OPEN_ERROR—the file could not be opened.
BAD_READ—an error occurred while the file was being read.
INVALID_FRAME—the frame pointer is invalid.

The ReadBin function reads a binary file into the specified frame. If the
frame is not large enough to hold the image, the last bytes of the file are
The file is assumed to be in the same format written by WriteBin. This for-
mat contains no information about the width, height, and pixel type of the
image, so ReadBin will only produce a properly formatted image if the
frame’s width, height, pitch, and pixel type match those values for the frame
that was originally written to the file.

Chapter 10 PXRFrame API Functions
char * szFileName);
FRAMEVB_ReadBMP (ByVal pFrame As Long,
ByVal szFilename As String)
As Long
is the address of a PXRFrame.
is the name of the file to read.

Return Value
SUCCESS—the file was read successfully.
FILE_OPEN_ERROR—the file could not be opened.
BAD_READ—an error occurred while the file was being read.
INVALID_FRAME—the frame pointer is invalid.

The ReadBMP function reads a file in Windows BMP format into the specified
frame. If the frame is not large enough to hold the image, the right and bottom
edges of the image are discarded.

PXRFrame API Functions Chapter 10
char * szFileName);
FRAMEVB_ReadPNG (ByVal pFrame As Long,
ByVal szFilename As String)
As Long
is the address of a PXRFrame.
is the name of the file to read.

Return Value
SUCCESS—the file was read successfully.
FILE_OPEN_ERROR—the file could not be opened.
BAD_READ—an error occurred while the file was being read.
INVALID_FRAME—the frame pointer is invalid.

The ReadPNG function reads a file in PNG format into the specified frame. If
the frame is not large enough to hold the image, the right and bottom edges
of the image are discarded.

Chapter 10 PXRFrame API Functions
DWORD WriteBin (PXRFRAME * pFrame,
char * szFilename,
BOOL bOverwrite);
FRAMEVB_WriteBin (ByVal pFrame As Long,
ByVal szFilename As String,
ByVal bOverwrite As Boolean)
As Long
is the address of a PXRFrame.
is the name of the file to write.
is TRUE if the file can be overwritten if it already exists.
is FALSE if it cannot be overwritten.

Return Value
SUCCESS—the file was written successfully.
FILE_EXISTS—the file already exists, but bOverwrite was FALSE.
FILE_OPEN_ERROR—the file could not be opened.
BAD_WRITE—an error occurred while the file was being written.
INVALID_FRAME—the frame pointer is invalid.

The WriteBin function writes the image in the frame into the specified file.
No information about the image (height, width, or pixel depth) is written, only
the pixel values. Data in the file exactly match the format of the data in mem-
If the file already exists, and bOverwrite is FALSE, the function returns an
error; otherwise, the contents of the file are overwritten. This function opens
and closes the file.

PXRFrame API Functions Chapter 10
char * szFilename,
BOOL bOverwrite);
FRAMEVB_WriteBMP (ByVal pFrame As Long,
ByVal szFilename As String,
ByVal bOverwrite As Boolean)
As Long
is the address of a PXRFrame.
is the name of the file to write.
is TRUE if the file can be overwritten if it already exists.
is FALSE if it cannot be overwritten.

Return Value
SUCCESS—the file was written successfully.
FILE_EXISTS—the file already exists, but bOverwrite was FALSE.
FILE_OPEN_ERROR—the file could not be opened.
BAD_WRITE—an error occurred while the file was being written.
INVALID_FRAME—the frame pointer is invalid.

The WriteBMP function writes the image in the frame into the specified file in
the Windows BMP format.
If the file already exists, and bOverwrite is FALSE, the function returns an
error; otherwise, the contents of the file are overwritten. The function opens
and closes the file.

Chapter 10 PXRFrame API Functions
char * szFilename,
BOOL bOverwrite);
FRAMEVB_WritePNG (ByVal pFrame As Long,
ByVal szFilename As String,
ByVal bOverwrite As Boolean)
As Long
is the address of a PXRFrame.
is the name of the file to write.
is TRUE if the file can be overwritten if it already exists.
is FALSE if it cannot be overwritten.

Return Value
SUCCESS—the file was written successfully.
FILE_EXISTS—the file already exists, but bOverwrite was FALSE.
FILE_OPEN_ERROR—the file could not be opened.
BAD_WRITE—an error occurred while the file was being written.
INVALID_FRAME—the frame pointer is invalid.

The WritePNG function writes the image in the frame into the specified file in
the PNG format.
If the file already exists, and bOverwrite is FALSE, this function returns an
error; otherwise, the contents of the file are overwritten. WritePNG opens
and closes the file.

The Video Display Library Chapter 11

Chapter 11
The Video Display Library
The process of displaying video in a window using the Microsoft Visual Basic
development environment is a bit cumbersome. To simplify that process, the
PXR800 software support for Visual Basic includes a Video Display Library that
consists of the following two DLLs:
• PXR800_Display.DLL
• Video32.DLL
The DLLs operate as a pair with the PXR800_Display.DLL providing a PXR-
style interface to the Video32.DLL. You must have both DLLs installed on your
computer, even though Visual Basic interfaces only with PXR800_Display.DLL.
The Video Display Library requires no initialization.
For more information on the Video Display Library, see “Displaying Video in
Visual Basic Applications,” on page 3.5.

Chapter 11 The Video Display Library
IMG_VB_PaintDisplayWindow (ByVal hDC As Long,
ByVal PXR_Frame As Long,
ByVal x As Long,
ByVal y As Long,
ByVal dx As Long,
ByVal dy As Long)
is the device context for the window where the function displays the image
copied from the source frame.
is the address of the source frame from which to copy the pixels.
is the “X” coordinate in pixels of the upper left region in the source frame.
is the “Y” coordinate in pixels of the upper left region in the source frame.
is the width in pixels of the region in the source frame.
is the height in pixels of the region in the source frame.

Return Value

The IMG_VB_PaintDisplayWindow function copies a rectangular area of
pixels from the source frame specified by PXR_Frame, scales the copied
image to fit the rectangular area specified previously by the function
IMG_VB_SizeDisplayWindow, and draws the scaled image into the win-
dow specified by the device context hDC.
If the dimensions of the display rectangle are not specified by a call to
IMG_VB_SizeDisplayWindow, the IMG_VB_PaintDisplayWindow
function uses the default dimensions x = 0, y = 0, dx = 640, and
dy = 512.

See Also

The Video Display Library Chapter 11
IMG_VB_SizeDisplayWindow (ByVal x As Long,
ByVal y As Long,
ByVal dx As Long,
ByVal dy As Long)
is the “X” coordinate in pixels of the upper left region in the destination
is the “Y” coordinate in pixels of the upper left region in the destination
is the width in pixels of the region in the destination window.
is the height in pixels of the region in the destination window.

Return Value

The IMG_VB_SizeDisplayWindow function specifies a rectangle in the cli-
ent area of a window to receive the pixels copied by a call to the
IMG_VB_PaintDisplayWindow function.

See Also

Chapter 11 The Video Display Library

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Numerics double 5.28, 5.37
12-volt power output 6.1 invalidating the buffer 5.37
ping-pong 5.28
A single 5.29, 5.31
burst mode 5.30
acquisition sequencer 5.18
ADC, see analog-to-digital converter
aliasing 5.10
analog video processor 5.18 C language programming 3.4, 8.1
analog-to-digital converter (ADC) 1.6 cables 2.2, 6.4
anti-aliasing 5.10 camera end 5.28
API, see application programming Camera Extender Board, PXR801 2.2
interface camera interface 1.5
application programming interface CAMERAEVENT data structure 7.5
1.7, 3.1 cameras
data structures 7.1 attaching 2.2
PXR800 API functions 9.1 cables 2.2
PXRFrame API functions 10.1 camera formats 5.2, 5.6, 9.11
attaching cameras 2.2 configuring 3.14
detecting 3.14
B selecting 5.18
captured images 5.41
BAS files
CCIR 5.2
imaginfo.bas 3.7
closing libraries 8.1
pxr800.bas 3.7
coherency issues 5.37
pxr800api.bas 3.7
composite sync in video 5.20
pxrframe.bas 3.7
composite sync on external line 5.20
Bin format 5.43
configuring cameras 3.14
blocking grabs 5.39
connectors 6.4
blur 5.12
continuous buffering 5.28, 5.30,
BMP format 5.43
5.31, 5.37
buffer memory 1.7
continuous-buffered, burst-transfer
mode 5.33
continuous 5.28, 5.30, 5.31, 5.37


continuous-buffered, incremental- F
transfer mode 5.32 features of the PXR800 1.4
D fine gain 1.7, 5.14
data flow 5.28 flags 5.34
data structures formats
CAMERAEVENT 7.5 Bin 5.43
IMG_IMAGEINFO 5.42, 7.2 PNG 5.43
IMG_IMAGEINFOSTATUS 7.2 frame size, setting 5.7
REALTIME 7.5 functions, initializing and exiting
detecting cameras 3.14 libraries
DLLs FRAMEVB_CloseLibrary 8.7
pxr800.dll 2.4, 3.1, 8.2 FRAMEVB_OpenLibrary 8.6
pxr800_display.dll 2.4, 3.5, 3.7 imagenation_CloseLibrary 3.4, 8.4
pxrframe.dll 2.4, 3.1, 8.2 imagenation_OpenLibrary 3.4, 3.5,
video32.dll 2.4, 3.5 8.2
double buffering 5.28, 5.37 PXRVB_CloseLibrary 8.9
drivers PXRVB_OpenLibrary 8.8
pxr800.sys 2.4 functions, PXR800 API
pxr800NT.sys 2.4 AllocateFG 3.2
uninstalling 2.3 BlockGrabber 5.39, 9.3
CheckError 9.5
E FreeFG 9.6
electrical characteristics 6.1 GetCamera 9.7
environmental specifications 6.4 GetContinuousBuffering 9.8
even field 5.4 GetDriveMode 9.9
event detector 5.18, 5.24 GetFieldLength 5.5, 9.10
examples GetFineGain 9.12
camera detect sample code 3.14 GetGainRange 9.13
handling stalled grabs 3.17 GetInterlaceMode 9.14
initializing and exiting libraries 8.3 GetLUT 9.15
simple image capture program 3.8 GetNyquistFilter 9.16
triggered grab and display 3.19 GetOffset 9.17
exiting libraries 8.1 GetPixelClock 9.18
exposure 5.25 GetROI 9.20
external sync drive 5.20 GetRTCStart 9.22
GetRTCTiming 7.6, 9.25
GetSyncMode 9.26


GetSyncPolarity 9.28 SetVideoFrameSize 5.5, 5.7, 5.8,

GetTermination 9.30 9.11, 9.77
GetTime 9.31 TimedWaitFinished 5.35, 9.79
GetTransferMode 9.32 Wait 5.40, 9.80
GetTriggerEvent 9.33 WaitFinished 5.35, 9.82
GetVideoFrameSize 9.34 WindowsEventFromQID 3.3, 5.36,
Grab 5.18, 5.19, 5.24, 9.36 9.83
HalfHToMics 9.39 WriteIO 5.28, 9.84
InvalidateGrabberBuffer 5.33, functions, PXRFrame API 10.1
5.37, 9.40 AllocateBuffer 5.41, 5.42, 7.4,
IsFinished 5.35, 5.37, 9.41 10.2
KillQueue 5.35, 9.42 CopyFrame 10.4
MicsToHalfH 9.43 FrameBits 10.6
ReadIO 5.28, 9.44 FrameBuffer 10.7
ReadProtection 9.45 FrameFromPointer 3.3, 5.43, 10.8
ReadRevision 9.46 FrameHeight 10.10
ResetFG 5.36, 9.47 FramePitch 10.11
ResetRTC 9.48 FrameType 10.12
RTCStart 5.24, 5.39, 9.49 FrameWidth 10.13
SetCamera 5.18, 9.51 FreeFrame 10.14
SetContinuousBuffering 5.28, GetColumn 10.15
5.31, 9.53 GetPixel 10.16
SetDriveMode 5.19, 5.20, 5.22, GetRectangle 10.17
9.54 GetRow 10.19
SetFineGain 5.13, 5.14, 9.56 GetTimeStamp 5.42, 10.20
SetGainRange 5.13, 5.14, 9.57 PutColumn 10.21
SetInterlaceMode 5.5, 5.21, 5.22, PutPixel 10.22
9.58 PutRectangle 10.23
SetLUT 5.17, 5.36, 9.59 PutRow 10.24
SetNyquistFilter 5.10, 9.61 ReadBin 10.25
SetOffset 5.13, 5.14, 9.62 ReadBMP 10.26
SetPixelClock 5.5, 5.21, 9.63 ReadPNG 10.27
SetROI 5.8, 9.65 WriteBin 10.28
SetRTCTiming 5.13, 5.18, 5.24, WriteBMP 10.29
5.25, 5.39, 7.6, 9.67 WritePNG 10.30
SetSyncMode 5.5, 5.19, 5.24, 9.69 functions, Video Display Library
SetSyncPolarity 5.24, 9.71 IMG_VB_PaintDisplayWindow
SetTermination 5.9, 9.73 3.6, 11.2
SetTime 5.43, 9.74 IMG_VB_SizeDisplayWindow 3.6,
SetTransferMode 5.30, 5.31, 9.75 11.3
SetTriggerEvent 9.76


G initializing libraries 3.2, 8.1

gain 1.7, 5.13 inputs
gain control 1.6 I/O signal specifications 6.2
general-purpose input/output 1.7, sync signal specifications 6.2
5.28 video signal specifications 6.1
GPI/O, see general- purpose in- installation
put/output installing the PXR Productivity Tool
grabs, handling stalls 3.17 4.1
installing the PXR800 2.1
H installing the PXR800 as part of a
product 2.4
H 5.19 installing the PXR800 card 2.1
HalfH timing function 5.19 installing the PXR800 software 2.1
handles 3.2 troubleshooting 2.5
handling stalled grabs 3.17 interlace offset 5.11
hardware reference 6.1 interlaced format 1.3, 5.3
horizontal resynchronization 5.5 invalidating the buffer 5.37
horizontal sync pulse 5.5 IW_QUEUED flag 5.34
IW2_QUEUED flag 5.34
I/O signals 6.2 J
ID values 3.2 jitter 5.10
ilib_32.lib 3.4, 3.13
image capture program example
image geometry 5.1 libraries
image grabs 5.23 exiting 3.4, 8.1
image information 5.42 ilib_32.lib 3.4, 3.13
image manipulation 5.9 initializing 3.5, 8.1
image qualifier 5.18, 5.23 library interface 3.1
image quality 5.9 opening 3.4
imaginfo.bas 3.7 PXR800 API functions 9.1
IMG_EXPSEQ data structure 7.5 PXRFrame API functions 5.43,
IMG_IMAGEINFO data structure 10.1
5.42, 7.2 look up table (LUT) 1.7, 5.16
IMG_IMAGEINFOSTATUS data LUT, see look up table
structure 7.2
structure 7.2 multiplexer 1.5
incremental mode 5.30 multithreaded programs 3.7


N installing 2.1
noise 5.10 software installation 2.1
NTSC 5.2 uninstalling 2.3
Nyquist filtering 1.6, 5.10 pxr800.bas 3.7
Nyquist frequency 5.10 pxr800.dll 2.4, 3.1, 8.2
pxr800.sys 2.4
O pxr800_display.dll 2.4, 3.5, 3.7
pxr800api.bas 3.7
odd field 5.4 pxr800NT.sys 2.4
offset 1.7, 5.13 PXR801 Camera Extender Board
opening libraries 3.2, 8.1 2.2
operating information 5.1 PXRFrame library 5.43
optional equipment 2.2 pxrframe.bas 3.7
outputs pxrframe.dll 2.4, 3.1, 8.2
12-volt power 6.1 PXRFrames 3.3, 5.41
I/O signal specifications 6.2
sync signal specifications 6.2
overview of PXR800 features & op-
eration 1.5 qualification 1.7
P queuing 5.34
quick installation 2.1
PAL 5.2
ping-pong 5.28
pixel clock 5.7, 6.3, 9.19
specifications 6.3 real-time control 5.17
PNG format 5.43 REALTIME data structure 7.5
programming the PXR800 3.1 region of interest (ROI) 1.7, 5.1, 5.8
C language programming 3.4 repairing software 2.3
library interface 3.1 RGB expansion 5.42
multithreaded programs 3.7 ROI, see region of interest
PXR Productivity Tool 4.1 RS-170A 5.2
Visual Basic programming 3.5 RTC, see real-time control
progressive scan 1.3, 5.3
pulse generation 5.25 S
pulse lengths 5.26 SDK, see software development kit
pulse sequences 5.25 selecting cameras 5.18
PXR Productivity Tool 4.1 simple image capture program 3.8
PXR800 single buffering 5.29, 5.31
as part of a product 2.4 single-buffered, burst-transfer
features for machine vision 1.4 mode 5.32
hardware reference 6.1


single-buffered, incremental-trans- single-buffered, incremental-trans-

fer mode 5.31 fer mode 5.31
software development kit (SDK) triggered grab and display 3.18
3.1 triggers 5.18
software, upgrading and repair 2.3 signal specifications 6.3
stalled grabs, handling 3.17 trigger events 5.23
strobe 5.25 troubleshooting installation 2.5
sync control 5.19, 5.25
sync inputs 6.2 U
sync modes 5.19 uninstalling the drivers 2.3
composite sync in video 5.20 uninstalling the PXR800 2.3
composite sync on external line upgrading software 2.3
external sync drive 5.20 V
vertical and horizontal sync on ex- vertical and horizontal sync on ex-
ternal lines 5.20 ternal lines 5.20
vertical sync on external line 5.20 vertical sync on external line 5.20
system end 5.28 vertical blanking 5.4
video and machine vision systems
T 1.1
technical support 2.6 Video Display Library 3.5, 11.1
termination 1.5, 5.9 video frame size, setting 5.7
thresholding 5.16 video inputs 6.1
transfer modes video signal multiplexer 1.5
continuous-buffered, burst-transfer video32.dll 2.4, 3.5
mode 5.33 Visual Basic programming 3.5, 8.5
continuous-buffered, incremental-
transfer mode 5.32 W
single-buffered, burst-transfer WEN 5.5, 5.20
mode 5.32 Win32 event 5.36


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