Disaster and Ecosystem - Resilience in A Changing Climate
Disaster and Ecosystem - Resilience in A Changing Climate
Disaster and Ecosystem - Resilience in A Changing Climate
Co-funded by the
European Union
First published in October 2019 by the United Nations
Environment Programme
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Citation: Sudmeier-Rieux, K., Nehren, U., Sandholz, S. and Doswald, N. (2019)
Disasters and Ecosystems, Resilience in a Changing Climate - Source Book.
Geneva: UNEP and Cologne: TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences.
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List of acronyms
Convention on Biological Diversity National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Climate Change Adaptation Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development
Conference of the Parties PAM
Protected Area Management
Conservation International PEDRR
Partnership for Environment and Disaster
Risk Reduction
Disaster Risk Reduction
Sustainable Development Goals
Ecosystem-based Adaptation
Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction
Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment
Global Water Partnership
Integrated Coastal Zone Management
Special Report on Extreme Events (IPCC)
Integrated Fire Management
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
International Federation of Red Cross
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
and Red Crescent Societies
United Nations Development Programme
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
United Nations Framework Convention on
International Union for the Conservation
Climate Change
of Nature
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
Integrated Water Resource Management
(formerly UNISDR)
Millennium Development Goals
United Nations Environment Programme
Nature-based Solutions
World Business Council for Sustainable Development
Non-Governmental Organization
World Meteorological Organization
List of acronyms 1 Chapter 6
Principles of ecosystem-disaster risk
reduction and adaptation 72
Executive summary 4
6.1 Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction
and adaptation 73
Acknowledgements 5
6.2 Core elements of ecosystem-based
disaster risk reduction and adaptation 73
Chapter 1 6.3 Conclusions 81
The context and content of this source book 6
1.1 Introduction 7 Chapter 7
1.2 Structure of the book 11 Principles of systems thinking and using
natural systems for disaster risk reduction
and climate change adaptation 84
Chapter 2
Introduction to disasters, risk reduction 7.1 Principles of systems thinking 85
and climate change 14 7.2 Landscape systems, ecosystems
2.1 Hazard events and disasters 15 and disasters 89
2.2 Disaster risk reduction 26 7.3 Conclusions 90
2.3 Conclusions 29
Chapter 8
Managing resilience and transformation 92
Chapter 3
Disaster risk reduction, climate change 8.1 Resilience a key concept 93
adaptation and key international actors 32 8.2 Resilience, disaster risk and climate
3.1 Disaster risk reduction, climate change change adaptation 95
adaptation and international policy 33 8.3 Conclusions 98
3.2 The main international actors and
agreements relevant for disaster risk Chapter 9
reduction and climate change adaptation 36 Ecosystems management contributions
3.3 Conclusions 43 pre- and post-disasters 100
9.1 Ecosystem management and the
Chapter 4 disaster management phases 101
Linking ecosystems and humans to disasters 46 9.2 Ecosystem management and post-
4.1 The interlinkages between ecosystems, disaster recovery 102
natural hazards and disasters 47 9.3 Ecosystem management and
4.2 Socio-ecological systems 50 disaster prevention 107
4.3 Ecosystems can mitigate disaster risk 53 9.4 Conclusions 111
4.4 Conclusions 55
Chapter 10
Incorporating ecosystems in risk assessments 112
Chapter 5
Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction 10.1 Vulnerability, hazard and risk assessments 113
and ecosystem-based adaptation 58 10.2 Common approaches to assessing
5.1 Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction 59 vulnerability and risk 115
5.2 Ecosystem-based adaptation 61 10.3 Integrating ecosystems in risk assessment
and mapping 118
5.3 Similarities and differences between
ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction 10.4 Conclusions 122
and ecosystem-based adaptation 63
5.4 The benefits of integrating ecosystem-
based disaster risk reduction and
ecosystem-based adaptation 68
5.5 Conclusions 70
Chapter 11 Chapter 15
Planning tools for ecosystem-based disaster Economic tools for ecosystem-based
risk reduction and adaptation 124 disaster risk reduction and adaptation 170
11.1 Spatial planning to reduce risks 15.1 Main economic tools used for decision-
from disasters 125 making on disaster risk reduction 171
11.2 Participatory rural appraisals for 15.2 Post-disaster needs assessments 173
ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction
and adaptation 127 15.3 Cost benefit analysis in the context
of ecosystem-based disaster risk
11.3 Geographic information systems and reduction and adaptation 174
remote sensing for ecosystem-based
disaster risk reduction and adaptation 127 15.4 Ecosystem valuation 176
11.4 Environmental impact assessments 132 15.5 Payments for ecosystem services 179
Chapter 12 Chapter 16
Gender, disaster risk reduction and Principles of mainstreaming ecosystem-based
community-based tools for ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation into
disaster risk reduction and adaptation 138 national policies, strategies, plans and projects 184
12.1 Disaster risk reduction and gender 139 16.1 Key entry points for integrating
ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction
12.2 Communities and natural resource and adaptation in policies, programmes
and risk management 144 and projects 185
12.3 Conclusions 146 16.2 Financial resources available for
mainstreaming ecosystem-based disaster
Chapter 13 risk reduction and adaptation 188
Sustainable land and water management 16.3 The challenges of mainstreaming
tools and approaches for ecosystem-based ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction
disaster risk reduction and adaptation 150 and adaptation 189
13.1 Management tools and approaches for 16.4 Conclusions 190
ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction
and adaptation 151
Chapter 17
13.2 An example of integrated water resource Approaches for operationalising resilience
management for disaster risk reduction for ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction
and adaptation 156 and adaptation 192
13.3 Conclusions 158 17.1 Project development 193
17.2 The five factors of success of an
Chapter 14 ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction
Ecological engineering for disaster risk and adaptation resilience-building project 201
reduction and climate change adaptation 160 17.3 Conclusions 202
14.1 Ecological engineering 161
14.2 The potentials and limitations of Chapter 18
ecological engineering 163 Conclusions – challenges and opportunties
14.3 Conclusions 167 for ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction
and adaptation 204
Executive summary
Disasters kill people, destroy infrastructure, damage ecosystems and
undermine development, and could increase in frequency due to climate
change. There is a need for increased awareness on the latest advances
in disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA).
A significant advancement is a better understanding of ecosystem-based
approaches for reducing disaster risks and adapting to climate change.
This book explains the importance of ecosystems and their management
for DRR and CCA and provides guidance to plan and implement
ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation
DRR aims to work on reducing risk factors, by reducing exposure,
vulnerability and hazards. A number of things can contribute to increasing
risk in each of the risk factors, many of which are related either directly
or indirectly to poor environmental management. The international policy
field acknowledges the need to improve resilience through improving,
maintaining and managing ecosystem function with a number of
mentions and mandates in several important agreements, such as the
Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 (SFDRR), the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and
the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
Ecosystems provide important services that can address all risk factors.
They reduce exposure to hazards by buffering their impact, such as
mangroves attenuating waves or forests protecting against avalanches.
Well managed, they reduce hazards; indeed degraded ecosystems are
more prone to creating hazards such as landslides or desertification.
Finally, they can reduce vulnerability by providing food, water and
livelihoods to communities.
Eco-DRR is the sustainable management, conservation and restoration of
ecosystems to reduce disaster risk, with the aim to achieve sustainable
and resilient development (Estrella and Saalismaa 2013). EbA is the use
of biodiversity and ecosystem services as part of an overall adaptation
strategy to help people adapt to the adverse effects of climate change
(CBD 2009). While these two approaches have some differences due to
REFERENCES being developed in silos, separately in the DRR and CCA communities,
CBD (2009). Connecting there is much overlap in practice.
Biodiversity and Climate Change
We hope that readers of this source book will retain a few key messages
Mitigation and Adaptation: Report
of the Second Ad Hoc Technical
about Eco-DRR/EbA and its core principles. These include: providing multiple
Expert Group on Biodiversity benefits and offering a no-regrets strategy. Furthermore, ecosystem-based
and Climate Change. Technical approaches to DRR/CCA are often more cost-effective over time than grey
Series No. 41. Secretariat of the infrastructure alone, although in some cases, grey-green infrastructure
Convention of Biological Diversity: combinations are the most optimal. And finally, gender-sensitive Eco-DRR/
Montreal. https://www.cbd.int/ EbA is fundamental to transformational resilience, or resilience which leads
to sustainable reduction of disaster risks. Our book concludes that there are
Accessed: 24 July 2019.
still knowledge gaps and challenges to mainstreaming Eco-DRR/EbA, not
Estrella, M. and Saalismaa, N. the least being how to scale-up investments in ecosystems for DRR/CCA
(2013). Ecosystem-based disaster from a locally specific project to generalisable guidelines. This is indeed
risk reduction (Eco-DRR): An
one of the main challenges of Eco-DRR/EbA: for example, vegetation that
overview. In The role of ecosystems
in disaster risk reduction. Renaud.
reduces erosion in one locality may not work in another. Nevertheless,
F.G., Sudmeier-Rieux, K., Estrella, this book aims to provide answers to overcome some of these gaps and
M. (eds.). UNU Press, Tokyo, 25-54. challenges. It also challenges readers to engage in new research, find ways
http://collections.unu.edu/view/ to incorporate Eco-DRR/EbA in development planning and join the growing
UNU:1995 Accessed: 24 July 2019. community of practice working to advance this emerging field.
This Source Book stems from a collaborative project between the TH Köln –
University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Germany, the Centers for Natural
Resources and Development (CNRD), an international university network
based at TH Köln, and the United Nations Environment Programme
(UNEP), Crisis Management Branch, Global University Partnership for
Environmental Sustainability (GUPES), with technical support from the
Partnership for Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction (PEDRR).
Financial contributions were provided by TH Köln, UNEP, Eye on Earth
Programme, the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for
Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the EXCEED programme
and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to develop a
Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Ecosystem-based Disaster
Risk Reduction.
For further information on our organisations and our MOOC, visit our
Sudmeier-Rieux, K., Nehren, U., Sandholz, S. and Doswald, N.
We would like to extend special thanks to a number of people who
contributed in various capacities to this manuscript, by alphabetical order:
Aya Aboulhosn, Teresa Arce Mojica, Niloufar Bayani, Brock Blevins, Rita
Cozma, Prim Devakula, Gesa Dickhoff, Marisol Estrella, Michelle Ford,
Sruthi Herbert, Ishrat Jahan, Harrhy James, Mike Jones, Molly Frances
Kellogg, Marwa Khalifa, Wolfram Lange, Toshihisa Nakamura, Sabine Plog,
Fabrice Renaud, Leila Rharade, Lars Ribbe, Nicole Rokicki, Meenakshi
Sajeev, Harald Sander and Guenther Straub.
With special thanks to our donors With financial support from the
Co-funded by the
European Union
Chapter 1
The context and content
of this source book
The context and content of this source book
1.1 Introduction
Disasters kill people, destroy infrastructure, damage ecosystems and
undermine development. Climate change is expected to aggravate existing Partnership for environment
disaster risks in many regions of the world. There is a need for increased and disaster risk reduction
awareness amongst practitioners, policymakers and researchers on PEDRR is a global alliance
the latest advances in disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change of UN agencies, NGOs and
adaptation (CCA). There is now a better understanding of ecosystem specialist institutes. PEDRR
based approaches for reducing disaster risks and adapting to climate seeks to promote and
change. Natural solutions are now more commonplace to providing scale-up implementation of
protective buffers and supporting food and water for increased resilience Eco-DRR/EbA and ensure
against disaster impacts. Ecosystem-based approaches for disaster risk it is mainstreamed in
reduction and climate change adaptation (or Eco-DRR/EbA) are considered development planning at
by the IPCC (2012) as a “no-regrets” strategy, providing multiple socio- global, national and local
economic benefits regardless of disasters, including carbon storage and levels, in line with the SFDRR.
sequestration, biodiversity conservation, and poverty alleviation.
For more information:
The promotion and uptake of so called ‘Nature-based Solutions’ (NbS) www.pedrr.org
for DRR and CCA has grown and gained attention internationally since
2007, after the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP). Conservation organisations,
such as the International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN) and The
Nature Conservancy (TNC), supported by some Member States, brought
forth in their submissions to the 14th UNFCCC CoP in 2008 the concept of
ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) as an important element of the future
adaptation framework under the UNFCCC (Vignola et al. 2009).
In the field of DRR, the importance of ecosystems has been recognised
and discussed for some time prior to the push for EbA, and this recognition
is found in the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) 2005-2015, mainly
through HFA Priority 4, to “reduce the underlying risk factors”. Contributing
to this evolution, the Partnership for Environment and Disaster Risk
Reduction (PEDRR) has been advocating for Eco-DRR to be mainstreamed
in disaster and development planning globally since 2008.
Global target D
Global target C Damage to critical infrastructure
Economic loss/Global GDP and disruption
of basic services
Technical guidelines
Indicators relevant to green
infrastructure and ecosystems Provide support to define relevant
Indicator C5 Indicator D4
Direct economic loss resulting Number of other destroyed or Critical infrastructure
from damaged or destroyed damaged critical infrastructure • Protective infrastructure
critical infrastructure attributed units and facilities attributed • Green infrastructure
to disasters to disasters
Thanks to its advocacy, the post-2015 agenda of the SFDRR provides a
DEFINITIONS more explicit recognition of the role of sustainable ecosystem management
EbA: The use of biodiversity for reducing disaster risk and building resilience. Furthermore, the Sendai
and ecosystem services as Framework Monitor (SFM), which includes 38 indicators to monitor
part of an overall adaptation progress towards seven targets, has provision to report upon green
strategy to help people adapt infrastructure, under two indicators (Figure 1.1). However, to date no
to the adverse effects of government has reported on green infrastructure.
climate change (CBD 2009). The different terminology used to denote NbS, within different agreements
or documents, such as the ecosystem-based approaches mentioned
Eco-DRR: The sustainable
in the SFDRR and green infrastructure in the SFM, or used by different
management, conservation
organisations such as EbA in climate change discussions and Eco-DRR
and restoration of ecosystems
in DRR discussions, can create confusion and murkiness, which may
to reduce disaster risk, with
also impede uptake and reporting by governments. Ensuring clarity and
the aim to achieve sustainable communication is therefore important.
and resilient development
(Estrella and Saalismaa 2013). While the importance of environmental management is not new, and
one of the pillars of sustainable development, there is still a dominance
EbM: The use of ecosystems of technical and structural solutions to problems such as disasters and
for their carbon storage and climate change. Part of this reason is perhaps the lack of evidence,
sequestration service to aid understanding and guidance for the implementation for NbS. However,
climate change mitigation. thanks to policy developments and advocacy, as well as increased funding
for such projects, implementation of natural solutions, or ecosystem-
based approaches is increasing.
This is important because population and economic growth, particularly
in many developing and newly industrialised countries will put increasing
pressures on ecosystems and reduce their protective function against
hazard events. Landscape and ecosystem degradation, for instance of
mangroves, coastal dune systems, and mountain forests, can be observed
in many parts of the world, and will likely continue or even accelerate if no
suitable countermeasures are taken.
Several terms are used to denote the use of natural areas with other environmental features
ecosystems or natural elements in a landscape. designed and managed to deliver a wide range of
These terms are: ecosystem services such as water purification, air
Natural Solutions (NS) or Nature-based Solutions quality, space for recreation, climate mitigation
(NbS) are defined by IUCN as “actions to protect, and adaptation, and management of wet weather
sustainably manage, and restore natural or modified impacts that provides many community benefits”
ecosystems that address societal challenges (UNISDR, 2017: 96)
effectively and adaptively, simultaneously providing Natural buffers: similar to green infrastructure.
human well-being and biodiversity benefits” (Cohen- Ecosystem-based approaches: includes Ecosystem-
Shacham et al. 2016). This is an umbrella term for based adaptation (EbA), Ecosystem-based disaster
all natural mangement approaches, including those risk reduction (Eco-DRR), and Ecosystem-based
undertaken for disaster-risk reduction or climate mitigation (EbM).
change adaptation.
Green and blue space: these terms are often used
Green-blue (or natural) Infrastructure (GI or NI): in urban climate change adaptation, and denote
This term is often used to oppose what is called the provision of “green” areas, such as green roofs,
“grey (or hard) infrastructure”, which refers to any parks, green corridors, and “blue” areas, such as
hard structure such as a sea wall or dyke and is ponds and water features, for urban cooling and
“a strategically planned network of natural and semi- water management.
The context and content of this source book
Figure 1.2
Border between Haiti on left, Dominican Republic on right. © UNEP
Figure 1.3
Yala National Park, Sri Lanka
and nested ecotourism resort.
© B. McAdoo
The context and content of this source book
This book was written for disaster managers and practitioners, CCA
professionals, development planners, project implementers and policy
makers, students and leaders in the fields of DRR, CCA, development,
and natural resources management, including environmental engineering,
regional, urban and environmental planning, geography, ecology,
landscape ecology, agricultural sciences, and anybody else interested
in learning about new solutions to addressing increasing disasters and
climate risks.
are introduced in Chapter 10 with some examples of projects that have
TERMINOLOGY included ecosystems in them. Chapter 11 gives a general overview of
USED IN THIS BOOK some planning tools from participatory rural appraisal, spatial planning
This book will be using using geographical information systems and environmental impact
terminology given by the assessments. Risk assessment and planning are integral parts of DRR
United Nations Office for and CCA implementation. Chapter 12 delves a bit more into gender
Disaster Risk Reduction – aspects of DRR and highlights how successful integration of gender into
UNDRR [formerly the United DRR can improve resilience. Moreover, involving the whole community
Nations International Strategy in planning and implementation of Eco-DRR/EbA is important for
for Disaster Reduction] sustainability and to address any conflict and find ways to cooperate for
(UNISDR) (2017)]. UNDRR a better future. Chapter 13 explains the main management tools, which
is the main UN agency are: Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM), Integrated Coastal
that advocates for disaster Zone Management (ICZM), Sustainable Land Management, Integrated
reduction policies and Fire Management (IFM) and Protected Area Management (PAM). Chapter
practices. It should be noted 14 goes into more detail on using green infrastructure or hybrid green-
that there are however grey approaches that are collectively called ecological engineering. It
several different definitions gives examples as well as the potentials and limitations of the approach.
for many of these terms. Chapter 15 highlights the importance of finance and tools that can be used
The Intergovernmental Panel to inform decision-making, such as cost-benefit analysis and ecosystem
on Climate Change (IPCC) valuation. It also briefly introduces the concept of payment for ecosystem
definitions, for instance, are services, a mechanism which has originally been used in the climate
substantially different from mitigation/emissions reduction schemes but can also be important for
those used by the “disaster other ecosystem services tied to DRR/CCA.
risk reduction community”, The last three chapters aim to bring everything together. Chapter 16 looks
creating some confusions at key entry points for mainstreaming Eco-DRR/EbA. The chapter once
regarding terms. However, again highlights the importance of finance and financing Eco-DRR/EbA
significant efforts have been and provides examples of some national and international policy entry
made to consolidate the two points. Chapter 17 provides a general operational framework for Eco-DRR.
sets of terms: It gives a structure of five points/questions that need to be considered
http://www.preventionweb. when creating a project plan that aims for resilience. Finally, Chapter 18
net/english/professional/ wraps things up with the opportunities and challenges for Eco-DRR/EbA
terminology going forward.
The context and content of this source book
Cohen-Shacham, E., Walters, G., Janzen, C. and Maginnis, NOAA Website https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/ Accessed:
S. (2016). Nature-based Solutions to address global societal 24 July 2019
challenges. Gland: IUCN. https://portals.iucn.org/library/
Sebesvari, Z., Woelki, J., Walz, Y., Sudmeier-Rieux, K.,
sites/library/files/documents/2016-036.pdf Accessed:
Sandholz, S., Tol, S., Ruíz García, V. and Renaud, F. (2019).
24 July 2019.
Opportunities for Green Infrastructure and Ecosystems
IPCC (2012). Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and in the Sendai Framework Monitor. Progress in Disaster
Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation. A Special Science, 2, 100021 DOI: 10.1016/j.pdisas.2019.100021.
Report of Working Groups I and II of the Intergovernmental
Vignola R., Locatelli B., Martinez C., and Imbach P. (2009).
Panel on Climate Change [Field, C.B., V. Barros, T.F. Stocker,
Ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change: what role
D. Qin, D.J. Dokken, K.L. Ebi, M.D. Mastrandrea, K.J. Mach,
for policy-makers, society and scientists? Mitigation and
G.-K. Plattner, S.K. Allen, M. Tignor, and P.M. Midgley (eds.)].
Adaptation of Strategies for Global Change, 14, 691-696. DOI:
Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.
IPCC (2014). Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation,
UNISDR (2017). Technical Guidance for Monitoring and
and Vulnerability. Part A: Global and Sectoral Aspects.
Reporting on Progress in Achieving the Global Targets of the
Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment
Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. https://www.
Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
unisdr.org/files/54970_techguidancefdigitalhr.pdf Accessed
[Field, C.B., V.R. Barros, D.J. Dokken, K.J. Mach, M.D.
24 July 2019.
Mastrandrea, T.E. Bilir, M. Chatterjee, K.L. Ebi, Y.O. Estrada,
R.C. Genova, B. Girma, E.S. Kissel, A.N. Levy, S. MacCracken,
P.R. Mastrandrea, and L.L. White (eds.)]. Cambridge and
New York, New York: Cambridge University Press.
Chapter 2
Introduction to disasters,
risk reduction and
climate change
Key questions
What is a disaster and how does a hazard
event become a disaster?
How does climate change contribute
to disasters?
What is disaster risk reduction?
What are the main actions undertaken
to reduce disaster risks?
Introduction to disasters, risk reduction and climate change
2.1 Hazard events and disasters Natural hazards
For a disaster to be entered into the official database on disasters, EM-DAT, GEOPHYSICAL
the International Disaster Database, it must meet at least one of four criteria: Earthquakes
Ten (10) or more people reported killed. Volcanic eruptions
Hundred (100) or more people reported affected. Tsunamis
Declaration of a state of emergency.
Call for international assistance.
In other words, natural hazard events, such as landslides, tropical cyclones, Floods
floods, avalanches, etc., become disasters if they exceed the capacity of Storm surges
a community or society to cope using its own resources. Even a severe Cyclonic storms
hazard event would not be declared disaster if no one is affected (directly Droughts
or indirectly). For example, an avalanche happening in some remote and
Heat waves
uninhabited area would not be considered a disaster. Thus, whether a
Wind storms
hazard event becomes a disaster depends largely on the magnitude of
Wild fires
the event but also on how well a society is prepared to cope with it. For
example, a flood of the same magnitude may not be considered a disaster
in a country such as Bangladesh which often experiences severe flooding
as compared to a country such as Sweden where large-scale flooding
is less common. Disasters can be classified in different ways although DEFINITION: DISASTER
the first distinction is between man-made1 disasters (chemical accidents, “A serious disruption of the
oil spills, industrial pollution) as caused by technological hazards versus functioning of a community or
disasters associated with natural hazards. a society involving widespread
human, material, economic
Natural hazards can be classified in several ways but are usually
or environmental losses
broken down into the two broad categories: geophysical and biological
and impacts, which exceeds
hazards (Burton et al. 1993). Figure 2.1 shows the classification used
the ability of the affected
in EM-DAT (2015). Landslides can be triggered either by earthquakes
community or society to cope
or most commonly by rainfall. Floods and wildfires can be related to a
using its own resources.”
combination of geological, hydrological and meteorological phenomena.
According to UNISDR (2009) a biological hazard can be defined as a UNISDR 2009
“process or phenomenon of organic origin or conveyed by biological
vectors, including exposure to pathogenic micro-organisms, toxins and
bioactive substances that may cause loss of life, injury, illness or other
health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social
and economic disruption, or environmental damage.” In the 2015 Global
Assessment Report by UNISDR, natural hazards were referred to as
“physical hazards” although this definition has not yet replaced natural
hazards in the official terminology. This book addresses geophysical,
hydro-meteorological and climatological hazards as these are the hazards
that are the most common and can be attenuated to various degrees
through ecosystem management and restoration.
Figure 2.1
Disaster types.
EM-DAT 2015
1. In some instances the term “environmental disasters” is used to describe man-made or technological disasters
Another important distinction is between sudden or slow onset
disasters, also referred to as intensive or extensive hazards
(UNISDR 2011). UNDRR (formerly UNISDR) defines the threshold
variables between intensive and extensive disaster losses in terms
of mortality and housing destruction. The thresholds are fixed at:
Mortality: less than 30 people killed (extensive); 30 or more killed (intensive);
Housing destruction: less than 600 houses destroyed (extensive); 600 or
more houses destroyed (intensive) (UNISDR 2015).
Earthquakes, tsunamis or sudden landslides are examples of intensive
hazards while, droughts and slow-moving landslides are examples of
extensive hazards (although a very sudden and intense drought could be
considered intensive). Extensive hazards also affect the vulnerability and
resilience of communities and will likely increase in some regions due to
climate change impacts (IPCC 2012).
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
Introduction to disasters, risk reduction and climate change
Figure 2.3
Mortality from disasters concentrated
warning systems, preparedness programs and evacuation plans), the
in a few intensive events.
increase in extensive risk demonstrates that countries have not adequately UNISDR 2015
addressed underlying risk drivers that are anchored in poverty and poor
governance (UNISDR 2015). Figure 2.4 shows how global processes
and underlying risk drivers affect the risk-poverty nexus. Decreasing the
underlying drivers of risk, which impact the vulnerability of people, would
help to decrease the magnitude of disasters.
This fact is further mirrored by the UNDRR statistic: almost 90% of the
Figure 2.4
mortality recorded since 1990 in internationally reported disasters has
The risk-poverty nexus.
UNISDR 2015. Redrawn by L. Monk
occurred in low and middle-income countries (UNISDR/UNDRR 2015,
2019). According to EM-DAT, during the period 2004 and 2013, on average,
more than three times as many people died per disaster in low-income
countries (332 deaths) than in high-income nations (105 deaths). When
combining higher-income with upper-middle-income countries, 56%
of the countries experienced disasters but accounted for ‘only’ 32% of
deaths, while low- and lower-middle-income countries experienced 44%
of disasters but suffered 68% of deaths (EM-DAT 2015) (Figure 2.5).
150 100
Introduction to disasters, risk reduction and climate change
The type of disaster caused by natural hazards that affects most people Figure 2.7
worldwide is weather-related, with drought, floods and storms being the Share of occurrence of disasters
leading cause of disasters (Figure 2.7). by type (2000-2018).
EM-DAT 2019
All types Earthquake Flood Storm Drought Epidemic
1200 4
800 678
600 2
0.6 173 1
200 0.3 71
High income Upper middle Lower middle Low income
income income
It is well understood that natural hazards do not discriminate, but people
do. When a natural hazard turns into a disaster affecting people, it can
affect people even within the same community differently. Various axes
of inequality – class, race, gender, caste, ethnicity, religion – all can affect
how disasters impact individuals and communities (Figure 2.9). This hints
at a gendered impact of disasters, whether due to the impact during or
in the aftermath of a disaster where social inequalities can be exposed
in terms of burden of impact, the help received or even in post disaster
violence that can ensue.
Figure 2.9
Flooding in Haiti 2007.
Introduction to disasters, risk reduction and climate change
Fukushima prefectures were the worst affected, with 8,363 female and
7,360 male casualties recorded in total (the gender of 63 further casualties
was not identified). Female casualties outnumbered male by around
1,000. The majority of these additional 1,000 female casualties were aged
70 years or older (Government of Japan 2014). Of course, an aspect not
necessarily revealed by some of these statistics is the proportion of men
to women within the community to begin with.
Field-work based observations and anecdotal accounts of practitioners
and experts reinforce this analysis of differential impact across genders
exacerbated by vulnerability. Some of the reasons that contribute to this
are well known: dress codes can restrict women’s ability to move quickly;
girls and women are not taught to swim or climb trees, which can affect
their chances of surviving floods; insufficient access to early warnings
affect women’s chances to leave disaster areas; domestic and caring jobs
that women do often make them less inclined to immediately leave a
disaster area.
Through her work in regions in Tamil Nadu, India affected by the 2004
Indian Ocean Tsunami, Pincha (2008) describes the impact of gender
norms. She writes,
“During the Tsunami in Tamil Nadu, strong internalized values of nudity and
shame prevented women from running to safety as their saris had been
removed by the sheer force of the waves. The women preferred to drown
rather than come out of waters without their clothes. Since the incident
many of them have started using inner wear as it will provide minimal cover
in case they have to discard or raise their sari and run.” (Pincha 2008:24)
There are circumstances where gendered social expectations can affect
men more. Gender roles within the prevailing social relations may also
lead to more men losing their lives in certain situations. For example,
it is estimated that more men than women were killed when Hurricane
Mitch struck Central America in 1998 (Bradshaw and UNECLAC 2004).
More recently in the floods of 2018 in Kerala, South India, it is reported
that of the 433 lives lost in the floods and landslides, 268 were men, 98
women, and 67 children , as men were expected to assist others during
the emergency (Government of Kerala 2018).
Gender aspects also play a crucial role in disaster recovery and
reconstruction. The Post Disaster Needs Assessment (see also Chapter
15) carried out after the 2015 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal showed that
disaster impacts on infrastructure, social and production sector put a
huge strain on the ability of poor households to sustain their livelihoods,
thus promoting negative coping strategies, such as child labor, early
marriage, and sexual and gender-based violence. It increased the time
women and girls had to spend collecting water and firewood by another
three hours in some remote settlements. Social norms expecting females
to be responsible for these basic household supplies can thus result in
long-term negative impacts on girl education (Government of Nepal 2015).
These experiences with disasters show that our gendered social lives
increase women’s vulnerability in general, whereas social expectations of
bravery or risk-taking may cost men their lives.
Beyond the binary nature of men and women, other gender minorities can
find themselves more vulnerable during and after disasters especially if they
are already marginalised in society (Gorman-Murray et al. 2014). Studies
in various countries reveal that discrimination and access to assistance
can increase the impact of disasters on LGBTI (lesbian, gay, transgender
and intersex) communities, or other gender minorities, such as the bakla
in the Philippines (Gorman--Murray et al. 2014; Gaillard et al. 2016). Other
disadvantages such as disability, being a religious minority or belonging
to any oppressed group – race/caste/class/religion – etc. could also
exacerbate the gendered impact of disasters. UN Department of Economic
and Social Affairs (2019) states that “Individuals with disabilities are
disproportionately affected in disaster, emergency, and conflict situations
due to inaccessible evacuation, response (including shelters, camps, and
food distribution), and recovery efforts.” Enarson and Fordham (2000
(200:50)) researching flood recovery in the US and UK found that “flooding
reflected and exacerbated economic, racial/ethnic and gender inequalities”.
Figure 2.10
Redrawn maps by Sabine Plog.
Left: Seuti Khola River, Dharan
Nepal in 2004;
Right: Seuti Khola River, Dharan
Nepal in 2009.
© Sudmeier-Rieux 2009
Introduction to disasters, risk reduction and climate change
Figure 2.8 Exposure increase (1970=100%)
Trend in 250%
Population exposed per year Figure 2.11:
od exposure (in millions)
come region
Increase of exposure of populations
as modelled 225%
to hazard events from 1980 to 2010.
Source: UNISDR 2011
Lower- middle-income countries
OECD countries
1980 1990 2000 2010
Figure 2.12
World risk index 2018.
Credit: 2019 Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft, NatCatSERVICE
Climate change
The Special Report on Extreme Events (SREX) of the IPCC (IPCC 2012)
“Warming of the climate
was quite nuanced in its findings linking climate change with extreme
system is unequivocal, and
weather events and disaster occurrence. It presented its findings in
since the 1950s, many of
terms of various degrees of agreement and evidence among scientists
the observed changes are
as confidence levels (Table 2.1).
unprecedented over decades
to millennia. The atmosphere There is evidence from observations gathered since 1950 of change
and ocean have warmed, the in some extreme hazard events. Confidence in observed changes in
amounts of snow and ice extremes depends on the quality and quantity of data and the availability
have diminished, sea level has of studies analyzing these data, which vary across regions and for
risen, and the concentrations different extremes. Assigning «low» confidence in observed changes in a
of greenhouse gases specific extreme on regional or global scales neither implies nor excludes
have increased”. the possibility of changes in extremes. Extreme events are rare/infrequent,
which means there are few data available to make assessments regarding
IPCC 2013, SPM-3
changes in their frequency and intensity (IPCC 2012). Climate change
impacts in terms of extreme events vary according to the type of hazard
and across geographical locations.
Frequency of heavy precipitation or Likely to increase in many areas of the globe. Particularly the
proportion of total rainfall from heavy falls case in the high latitudes and tropical regions, and in winter in
the northern mid-latitudes.
Average tropical cyclone maximum Speed likely to increase, although increases may not occur
wind speed and global frequency in all ocean basins. Global frequency likely to decrease or be
of tropical cyclones essentially unchanged.
Number of average extra tropical cyclones Medium confidence of them being reduced as averaged over
each hemisphere.
Intensification of droughts in the Medium confidence of them being intensified in some seasons
21st century due to reduced precipitation and areas
and/or increased evapotranspiration
Coastal high water levels Likely to increase (mean sea level rise)
High mountain phenomena such as High confidence to increase due to changes in heat waves,
slope instabilities, movements of mass, glacial retreat, and/or permafrost degradation
and glacial lake outburst floods
Table 2.1
Hazards caused by climate change impacts and the confidence levels attributed to each.
(Modified from IPCC 2012)
Introduction to disasters, risk reduction and climate change
The IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) 2013-2014 compiles the current
state of scientific knowledge relevant to climate change. It is comprised
of Working Group (WG) reports and a Synthesis Report (SYR). The AR5
is divided into:
WG I: The Physical Science Basis
WG II: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability
WG III: Mitigation of Climate Change
The WG I report highlights in great detail the various impacts that climate
change is having on the natural spheres (atmosphere, hydrosphere,
cryosphere, lithosphere, biosphere), discusses the climate models and
the extent to which observed changes are due to human activity.
The WG II report evaluates how patterns of risks and potential benefits
are shifting due to climate change. “It considers how impacts and risks
related to climate change can be reduced and managed through adaptation
and mitigation. The report assesses needs, options, opportunities,
constraints, resilience, limits, and other aspects associated with adaptation”
(IPCC 2014: 3).
The main findings of WG II are summarised below:
In recent decades, changes in climate have caused impacts on
natural and human systems on all continents and across the oceans.
In many regions, changing precipitation or melting snow and ice are
altering hydrological systems, affecting water resources in terms of
quantity and quality (medium confidence).
Many terrestrial, freshwater, and marine species have shifted
their geographic ranges, seasonal activities, migration patterns,
abundances, and species interactions in response to ongoing climate
change (high confidence).
Based on many studies covering a wide range of regions and crops,
negative impacts of climate change on crop yields have been more
common than positive impacts (high confidence).
At present the world-wide burden of human ill-health from climate
change is relatively small compared with effects of other stressors
and is not well quantified.
Differences in vulnerability and exposure arise from non-climatic
factors and from multidimensional inequalities often produced
by uneven development processes (very high confidence). These
differences shape differential risks from climate change.
Impacts from recent climate-related extremes, such as heat
waves, droughts, floods, cyclones, and wildfires, reveal significant
vulnerability and exposure of some ecosystems and many human
systems to current climate variability (very high confidence).
Climate-related hazards exacerbate other stressors, often with
negative outcomes for livelihoods, especially for people living in
poverty (high confidence).
Violent conflict increases vulnerability to climate change (medium
evidence, high agreement).
(IPCC 2014)
The IPCC 6th Assessment Report is currently underway and is due in 2021.
DEFINITION: 2.2 Disaster risk reduction
DISASTER RISK Disaster risk has become shorthand for the risk of a disaster occurring.
“The potential disaster losses It refers to the potential disaster losses – in lives, assets, livelihoods,
– in lives, assets, livelihoods, etc. – which could occur to a particular community or society over some
etc. – which could occur to specified future time period. The term disaster risk is used to distinguish
a particular community or from other types of risk, such as financial risk. Risk refers to the probability
society over some specified of future losses.
future time period” Risk is often expressed in terms of three factors (Hazard, Vulnerability and
UNISDR 2009 Exposure), which are sometimes represented as an equation:
Introduction to disasters, risk reduction and climate change
As seen earlier, women may be affected differently by disasters. Clearly,
when women’s vulnerability is reduced, it can have a great impact on DRR.
This can be done by addressing the following:
Hazards – In some places, women’s roles as stewards of natural
resources means they have the potential to reduce environmental
degradation and the likelihood of hazards. UN WOMEN (2016) notes
that women are “change agents, leaders and innovators. In devising
climate responses, including those relating to adaptation and
capacity-building, women should not be passive recipients but play
an active role in identifying solutions.” (UN WOMEN 2016:3)
Exposure – Women can be more exposed than men to certain
natural hazards due to their gender specific roles and responsibilities;
although sometimes the opposite can be true. Women may be
involved and affected differently at each phase of the DRR cycle
(Figure 2.14) – both in the pre-disaster phase starting from the
risk and vulnerability assessment to risk reduction, to disaster
preparedness, as well as in the post-disaster phase including relief,
early recovery/transition, reconstruction, and development and
ongoing risk reduction. Women need to be kept informed about
evacuation procedures, early warning systems in order to reduce their
and their family’s exposure. When empowered, women may also have
different influence at each phase of the cycle. This view is echoed
by UNDRR in their 2008 report on how gender perspectives can be
integrated into DRR (UNISDR 2008). The report notes that “when
women are supported to be active participants in preparedness and
response efforts, their role within families and communities has been
used to great advantage. Women’s responsibilities in households,
communities, and as stewards of natural resources, position them
well to develop strategies for adapting to changing environmental
realities.” (UNISDR 2008: v)
Vulnerability – As discussed above, gender cuts across poverty
and other forms of inequalities and more women than men are
considered to be vulnerable. This is due to a host of factors,
including socio-cultural norms, economic factors and gender-biased
perspectives of policy makers and practitioners. Since there is a
demonstrable link between vulnerability and the likelihood of being
affected by disasters, it is imperative that DRR measures specifically
address gender considerations. Therefore, it is necessary to address
gender-based inequalities with a focus on how they intersect with
one’s class, sexual orientation, ethnicity, minority, disability, and
displacement, marital status, among other factors.
NON-STRUCTURAL There are several phases to DRR (Figure 2.14), and actions are usually
divided into two main categories of measures:
HYBRID MEASURES 1) Structural measures, which relate to any physical construction to
reduce or avoid possible impacts of hazards;
Non-structural measures:
2) Non-structural measures, which relate to knowledge, policies,
Emergency drills, early
laws, public awareness raising, training and education for disaster
warning and monitoring,
prevention and preparedness.
training search and rescue
teams, stocking up on These measures are implemented at different times of the disaster
emergency supplies... management cycle. The actors involved in these types of measures range
Land use planning/zoning to from government agencies to local communities.
reduce exposure, developing
guidelines on what to do
during an emergency... ding Pre
ui l im
t yB pa
Structural/hybrid measures: ci t
Building seawalls, dykes,
Mi t
avoid flooding...
Ecological engineering by Disaster
restoring wetlands, forests Management Event
on slopes... Cycle
ve sp
ry cy
Figure 2.14
Disaster management cycle Em
Redrawn by L. Monk Res
to ra t i o n
Introduction to disasters, risk reduction and climate change
2.3 Conclusions
Disasters affect a large number of women and men with an unequal
distribution worldwide of hazard events and impact and therefore disaster
risk. There are different types of disasters and some are more devastating
than others, either due to their sudden and wide impact (e.g. earthquakes,
storms and tsunamis) or due to their length and difficulty to cope with
(e.g. drought) because they impact so many vital systems over time.
Exposure and vulnerability are two key factors that need to be understood.
In some cases, disaster risk could more easily be mitigated if people did not
settle in exposed areas such as in proximity to flood-prone rivers. Reducing
exposure also involves measures such as seawalls or early warning
systems and evacuation plans, which reduce exposure at least temporarily.
Vulnerability is tied to underlying drivers such as poverty, environmental
degradation, governance and preparedness amongst others and requires
multidisciplinary interventions to reduce vulnerability. Sustainable
development and its goals, such as reducing poverty and increasing
and coping capacities, is an important avenue to tackle vulnerability
(UNISDR 2015a).
DRR involves working through different phases following and prior to
a disaster event to reduce risk and increase preparedness. It includes
a wide range of structural and non-structural measures. The phases of
disaster risk and the types of measures undertaken will be addressed in
further chapters.
Climate change increases disaster risk and is an additional component
that needs to be taken into account when working through DRR measures,
not only because climate change may increase the frequency of hazards,
but also because climate change can potentially impact the sustainability
of measures implemented. For example, if temperature conditions change
and the current building materials or green infrastructure do not cope with
different temperature ranges, these could undermine the DRR measures.
DRR and CCA are undertaken within a policy landscape both at the
international and national levels that are important to understand.
The next chapter will discuss the policy landscape for both DRR and CCA.
Burton, I., Kates, R.W., and White, G.F. (1993). The the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel
environment as hazard. New York: Guilford Press. on Climate Change [Field, C.B., V.R. Barros, D.J. Dokken, K.J.
Mach, M.D. Mastrandrea, T.E. Bilir, M. Chatterjee, K.L. Ebi,
Bradshaw, S., and UNEP and Human Settlements Division
Y.O. Estrada, R.C. Genova, B. Girma, E.S. Kissel, A.N. Levy,
(ECLAC) (2004). Socio-economic impacts of natural
S. MacCracken, P.R. Mastrandrea, and L.L. White (eds.)].
disasters: a gender analysis. Santiago: UN, ECLAC,
Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1-32.
Sustainable Development and Human Settlements Division,
Women and Development Unit. https://repositorio.cepal. Neumayer, E., and Plümper, T. (2007). The Gendered Nature
org/bitstream/handle/11362/5596/1/S045330_en.pdf of Natural Disasters: The Impact of Catastrophic Events on
Accessed 24 July 2019. the Gender Gap in Life Expectancy, 1981–2002. Annals of
the Association of American Geographers, 97(3), 551–566.
EM-DAT: The Emergency Events Database – Université
Catholique de Louvain – CRED, D. Guha-Sapir – Brussels –
Belgium. www.emdat.be. Accessed 26 April 2019. Oxfam (2005). The tsunami’s impact on women. Oxfam
Briefing Note. https://www.oxfam.org/sites/www.oxfam.
EM-DAT (2015). The Human Cost of Natural Disasters 2015:
org/files/women.pdf Accessed 24 July 2019.
A global perspective. International Centre for Research on
the Epidemiology of Disasters. Louvaine: CRED. Pincha, C. (2008). Gender sensitive disaster management:
a toolkit for practitioners. Mumbai: Oxfam America.
Enarson, E., and Fordham, M. (2000). Lines That Divide,
Ties That Bind: Race, Class, and Gender in Women’s Flood
management-toolkit-practitioners Accessed 24 July 2019.
Recovery in the US and UK. The Australian Journal of
Emergency Management, 15(4), 43–52. UN Women (2016). Gender-responsive climate policy with a
focus on adaptation and capacity-building, and training for
Gaillard, J. C., Sanz, K., Balgos, B. C., Dalisay, S. N. M.,
delegates on gender issues. https://unfccc.int/sites/default/
Gorman-Murray, A., Smith, F., and Toelupe, V. (2016).
files/582.pdf Accessed 24 July 2019.
Beyond men and women: a critical perspective on gender
and disaster. Disasters, 41(3), 429–447. DOI: 10.1111/ UNISDR (2005). Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015:
disa.12209. Building Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters.
Gorman-Murray, A., Morris, S., Keppel, J., McKinnon, S.
docs/Hyogo-framework-for-action-english.pdf Accessed
and Dominey-Howes, D. (2014). The LGBTI community in
24 July 2019.
the 2011 Queensland floods: marginality, vulnerability and
resilience. LES Online, 6 (1), 4-20. UNISDR (2008). Gender perspectives: integrating
disaster risk reduction into climate change adaptation.
Government of Kerala (2018). Kerala Post Disaster Needs
Geneva: UNDRR. https://www.unisdr.org/we/inform/
Assessment Floods and Landslides - August 2018. https://
publications/3391 Accessed 24 July 2019.
CountryPDNAs/Kerala_India_floods%20and%20landslides_ UNISDR (2011). Global Assessment Report, Revealing Risk,
PDNA_2018_Executive_Summary.pdf Accessed Redefining Development. Geneva: UNDRR. https://www.
24 July 2019. unisdr.org/we/inform/publications/19846 Accessed
24 July 2019.
Government of Japan, G.E.B. (2014). Natural Disasters
and Gender Statistics: Lessons from the Great East Japan UNISDR (2013). Disaster Statistics. https://www.unisdr.org/
Earthquake and Tsunami: from the “White Paper on Gender we/inform/disaster-statistics Accessed 24 July 2019.
Equality 2012”. https://unstats.un.org/unsd/gender/Mexico_
UNISDR (2015). Global Assessment Report, Development
Nov2014/Session%207%20Japan%20paper.pdf Accessed
Sustainable: The Future of Disaster Risk Management.
24 July 2019.
Geneva: UNDRR. https://www.unisdr.org/we/inform/
Government of Nepal National Planning Commission publications/42809 Accessed 24 July 2019.
(2015). Nepal Earthquake, Post-Disaster Needs Assessment.
UNISDR (2015a). Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience
Vol A: Key Findings. Kathmandu: Government of Nepal.
in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Geneva: UNDRR. https://www.unisdr.org/files/46052_
A%20Final.pdf Accessed 24 July 2019.
disasterriskreductioninthe2030agend.pdf Accessed 18
IPCC (2012). Managing the risks of extreme events and March 2019.
disasters to advance climate change adaptation. Special
UNDRR (2019). Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk
Report of Working Groups I and II of the Intergovernmental
Reduction. Geneva: UNDRR. https://gar.unisdr.org/sites/
Panel on Climate Change [Field, C.B., V. Barros, T.F. Stocker,
default/files/reports/2019-05/full_gar_report.pdf Accessed
D. Qin, D.J. Dokken, K.L. Ebi, M.D. Mastrandrea, K.J. Mach,
24 July 2019.
G.-K. Plattner, S.K. Allen, M. Tignor, and P.M. Midgley (eds.)].
Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. World Bank (2010). Natural Hazards, Unnatural Disasters,
The Economics of Effective Prevention. Washington,
IPCC (2014). Summary for Policymakers. In Climate Change
D.C.: World Bank. https://www.unisdr.org/we/inform/
2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Part A: Global
publications/15136. Accessed 24 July 2019.
and Sectoral Aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to
Introduction to disasters, risk reduction and climate change
DATABASE RESOURCES Disaster/climate data
EM-DAT website: www.emdat.be NOAA, USA uses space technology for hurricane and
tropical storm predictions: www.noaa.gov
DesInventar database website: www.desinventar.net
PREVIEW Global data on disasters and risk:
NatCatService – Munich Re: www.munichre.com/en/
default.aspx USGS, USA monitors earthquake activity around the work
and other geological phenomenon: www.usgs.gov
World Meteorological Organisation: www.wmo.int
IPCC: www.ipcc.ch
Chapter 3
Disaster risk reduction,
climate change adaptation
and key international actors
Key questions
What are the links between CCA and DRR?
Who are the main international actors and
what are the main policy agreements for DRR
and CCA?
Disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and key international actors
3.1 Disaster risk reduction, climate change
adaptation and international policy
As seen in Chapter 2, the number of disasters and people affected are
increasing, largely driven by more people living in exposed areas. However,
climate change is accelerating the number of disasters. DRR and CCA are
two approaches, with some similar goals and activities but that operate in
different policy landscapes. Internationally DRR is the province of UNDRR,
while CCA is the province of UNFCCC.
These two spheres, DRR and CCA are separate largely because of
the policies and institutions involved in each. However, international
agreements relating to both CCA and DRR reference each other, although
it is clear that the mandates of each are separate. Despite this, there is
some cross-over between CCA and DRR (as well as some differences)
which has resulted in calls for and signs of convergence between these
two spheres.
In this chapter we will define CCA, look at the similarities and differences
between the CCA and DRR, and then provide an overview of the
international agreements and actors related to CCA and DRR.
Figure 3.1
Climate signal Comparison of the components
Exposure of climate change vulnerability
Direct physical impact (AR4) and climate risk (AR5).
Environment Source: Adaptationcommunity.net.
Redrawn by L. Monk
Sensitivity Environment
Potential Vulnerability
impact Exposure Capacity
Vulnerability Risk
Aside from terminology and understanding of factors creating risk or
vulnerability in DRR and CCA, there are other differences and similarities.
Disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and key international actors
Relevant to all hazard types: Addresses climate related Both focus on increased climate-related
geological, hydro-meteorological, hazards, but also looks at hazards, and climate extremes
climatic, biological, as well as additional gradual effects of (e.g. floods, storms, landslides,
technological/industrial climate change (e.g. sea level droughts), although DRR is also
hazards rise, air temperature increase, increasingly addressing gradual climate
snowmelt, biodiversity loss) change impacts e.g. sea level rise
Actors: traditionally coming Actors: traditionally from the Both DRR and CCA are increasingly
from humanitarian sectors scientific and environmental multi-disciplinary and reliant on multiple
and civil protection community stakeholders across sectors
(e.g. engineering, water, agriculture,
health, environment, etc.)
Activities generally more Activities generally more DRR and CCA typically overlap in
wide-ranging, from disaster restricted to prevention, the area of disaster preparedness
preparedness (early warning, mitigation, preparedness and and prevention/mitigation, although
contingency planning, etc.), building adaptive capacities, there is growing attention towards
prevention, mitigation to typically excluding post-disaster mainstreaming climate change
post-disaster including activities considerations in post-disaster recovery
disaster response, recovery, and reconstruction
rehabilitation and reconstruction
Full range of established and Limited range of tools Increasing recognition that more
developed tools under development adaptation tools are needed and
must learn from DRR
Table 3.1
Comparison between Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA)
Source: Doswald and Estrella 2015. Modified from Mitchell and van Aalst 2008
The above suggested CCA solutions seem very similar to solutions put
forward for DRR (see previous chapter). So what are the main differences?
As discussed above, CCA may refer to longer term impacts, or chronic,
slow on-set change requiring human systems to adapt to new contexts
over the long term, at the global scale and with considerable uncertainty.
DRR impacts are often acute but can result from either extreme events
or smaller, cumulative events, which are often underestimated although
equally devastating to livelihoods. Although disaster impacts may take
years for full recovery, they are often considered short-term as compared
to climate change impacts and are usually locally specific because
societies will have differing capacities to cope and recover from a
hazard event. However, in reality and at the local level there are actually
very few differences in addressing CCA versus DRR. Communities are
more often not likely to make any distinction, although governments and
non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have more often unfortunately
divided their mandates and activities related to CCA and DRR. Figure 3.2.
summarises the main differences and similarities between CCA and DRR.
Figure 3.2
A comparison between CCA and DRR
in terms of time frames, types of
hazards, focus, goals and measures.
Credit: W. Lange and S.Sandholz.
Design: S.Plog
Disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and key international actors
Organisations United Nations Framework Convention United Nations Office for Disaster
and institutions on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Partnership for Environment and
Change (IPCC) Disaster Rsk Reduction (PEDRR)
The two other Rio Conventions: International Federation of Red Cross
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
and the United Nations Convention to
Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
Academic research institutions International, national and local
civil society organisations
National environment and National civil defense authorities (and
energy authorities environment authorities for Eco-DRR)
Conservation non-governmental Conservation NGOs for Eco-DRR
organisations (NGOs)
International Conference of the Parties World Conference on Disaster
conferences (CoP) Risk Reduction
Strategies National communications UN International Strategy for Disaster
to the UNFCCC Risk Reduction (ISDR)
National Adaptation Plans for Action for Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk
Least Developed Countries (NAPAs) Reduction 2015-2030 (SFDRR)
National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and Sendai Framework Monitor
Nationally Determined Contributions
Funding Special Climate Fund National civil defense/
emergency response
Least Developed Countries Fund International humanitarian funding
Adaptation Fund Multi-lateral banks
Green Climate Fund Bi-lateral aid
Multi-lateral and Bi-lateral funding Multi-lateral and Bi-lateral funding
Table 3.2
Main actors, agreements, strategies and funding of CCA and DRR.
Source: Doswald and Estrella 2015 SENDAI FRAMEWORK
Priority Action 1:
2015-2030 (SFDRR)
Priority Action 2:
The Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) was the key international Strengthening disaster risk
agreement to reduce disaster risk during the period 2005-2015. It was governance to manage
adopted by 168 governments in 2005 at the United Nations’ World disaster risk;
Conference on Disaster Reduction, held in Kobe, Hyogo, Japan. Preceded
by the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction, the United Priority Action 3:
Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) was adopted by Investing in disaster risk
the UN General Assembly in 1999, to ensure implementation of the HFA reduction and resilience;
and its renewal. Various UN agencies, the World Bank as well as many Priority Action 4:
international NGOs and inter-governmental groups are involved in DRR Enhancing disaster
and support governments in the implementation of DRR strategies. preparedness for effective
Currently, the SFDRR is the major agreement for 2015-2030. It is the responses and to “Build
follow-up to the HFA and aims to reach targets which the HFA did not Back Better” in recovery,
accomplish. SFDRR was adopted by 187 UN member states at the rehabilitation and
Third UN Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction which took place 15 to reconstruction.
18 March 2015 in Sendai, Japan. It was the product of three years of
stakeholder consultations and inter-governmental negotiations. UNDRR
is the main agency which will support the implementation, follow-up,
and review of this new framework. The agreement spans until 2030,
is voluntary and non-binding, and recognizes states as having the
main responsibility in reducing disaster risk. This framework makes
the link between environment and DRR clear, and includes ecosystem-
based approaches to DRR policy, actions and activities. This focus on
environment in the SFDRR is, in part, thanks to the advocacy of the
Partnership on Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction (PEDRR).
The SFDRR is guided by the desired outcome of reducing risk as well as
economic, physical, social, cultural and environmental losses caused by
disasters – from the local to the national level. It has outlined seven global
targets and four priorities which guide the framework:
Priority Action 1: Understanding disaster risk;
Priority Action 2: Strengthening disaster risk governance to manage
disaster risk;
Priority Action 3: Investing in disaster risk reduction and resilience;
Priority Action 4: Enhancing disaster preparedness for effective
responses and to “Build Back Better” in recovery, rehabilitation
and reconstruction.
The SFDRR identifies poor land management, unsustainable use of
natural resources and degrading ecosystems as underlying risk drivers
that need to be tackled. Furthermore, reference is made to the inclusion
of ecosystems in risk assessments (Priority 1), risk governance and
planning (Priority 2) and investing in resilience (Priority 3). Environment
will thus underpin achievement of outcomes across the SFDRR seven
global targets.
The SFDRR mentions climate change and adaptation within the
agreement. However, it amends its involvement by stating “The climate
change issues mentioned in this Framework remain within the mandate
of the UNFCCC under the competences of the Parties to the Convention”.
The Sendai Framework Monitor (SFM) comprises of a set of 38
indicators over seven targets, which were recommended by an Open-
ended Intergovernmental Expert Working Group and will track progress
in implementing the seven targets of the SFDRR as well as its related
dimensions reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1, 11
and 13.
What is PEDRR?
“Formally established in 2008, risk reduction and ensure it is management for disaster risk
the Partnership for Environment mainstreamed in development reduction (DRR) and climate
and Disaster Risk Reduction planning at global, national change adaptation (CCA)”.
(PEDRR) is a global alliance and local levels in line with the Its objective is to pool expertise
of UN agencies, NGOs and SFDRR. It provides technical and advocate for policy change
specialist institutes. As a and science-based expertise and best practice in ecosystem
global thematic platform of and applies best practices management for DRR and
the International Strategy for in ecosystems-based DRR CCA, based on science and
Disaster Risk Reduction (ISDR), approaches. PEDRR is guided practitioners’ experiences.”
PEDRR seeks to promote and by its vision of “Resilient See: http://pedrr.org/
scale-up implementation of communities as a result
ecosystem-based disaster of improved ecosystem
Disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and key international actors
The seven targets are:
The Sendai Framework
a) Substantially reduce global disaster mortality by 2030, aiming to
Monitor and Green
lower the average per 100,000 global mortality rate in the decade
2020–2030 compared to the period 2005–2015;
In the Technical Guidance
b) Substantially reduce the number of affected people globally by 2030,
for Monitoring and Reporting
aiming to lower the average global figure per 100,000 in the decade
on Progress in Achieving
2020–2030 compared to the period 2005–2015;
the Global Targets of the
c) Reduce direct disaster economic loss in relation to global gross SFDRR (UNISDR 2017),
domestic product (GDP) by 2030; green infrastructure is
d) Substantially reduce disaster damage to critical infrastructure and referred to as a category
disruption of basic services, among them health and educational of possibly damaged or
facilities, including through developing their resilience by 2030; destroyed infrastructure.
e) Substantially increase the number of countries with national and local Green infrastructure is thus
disaster risk reduction strategies by 2020; relevant to targets C and D.
Indeed, the indicators under
f) Substantially enhance international cooperation to developing
Target C5 focus on “direct
countries through adequate and sustainable support to complement
economic loss resulting from
their national actions for implementation of the present Framework
damaged or destroyed critical
by 2030;
infrastructure attributed to
g) Substantially increase the availability of and access to multi- disasters” and Target D4
hazard early warning systems and disaster risk information and on “the number of other
assessments to people by 2030. destroyed or damaged
Each target has between three and eight indicators for monitoring critical infrastructure units
progress towards the target. At the national level, custom indicators can and facilities attributed to
be created to measure progress towards the four priority areas of the disasters”, have a footnote,
SFDRR. They are based on the priorities of respective countries and will which denotes that “green
be reflected in the national DRR reports of the countries. infrastructure should be
included where relevant”.
Ecosystems and green infrastructure can be considered in indicators D-4
and C-5 of the SFM (see box). That opportunity is however not a very Despite this reporting
practical or straightforward one. Custom targets and custom indicators option, countries have
according to countries’ needs within the SFM might open up a more not yet considered green
intuitive opportunity to report on both ecosystem losses and progress infrastructure in their
made on Eco-DRR (Sebesvari et al. 2019). reporting efforts to date.
Understanding of green
In 1992, the world’s governments adopted the UN Framework Convention on how to monitor it would
on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Five years later, in December 1997, be of help to change this
the Kyoto Protocol was adopted. This protocol legally binds developed situation as well as providing
countries to emission reduction targets. The first commitment period of platforms for information
the Kyoto Protocol was from 2008 to 2012. The second commitment sharing and capacity building.
period began in 2013 and will end in 2020. Key international actors in
CCA include the IPCC, which is the leading international body for the
scientific assessment of climate change. The IPCC was established by
United Nations Environment and the World Meteorological Organization
(WMO) in 1988 to provide a clear and up-to-date view on the current state
of knowledge relevant to climate change and its potential socio-economic
and environmental impacts. Adaptation to climate change first appeared
in the 2007 report (AR4). The AR5 is an important landmark report for
providing scientific evidence and guidance to governments on CCA. The
AR6 is due in 2021.
With the Kyoto Protocol’s commitment period coming to a close, the
Paris Agreement was drafted at the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP
21) of the UNFCCC which took place 30 November to 12 December 2015
in Paris, France. The agreement was adopted on December 12th 2015,
and was opened for signature in New York on the 22nd of April 2016
(which, symbolically, is also Earth Day). This agreement is a consensus
between 195 countries on the need to reduce global greenhouse gas
emissions. The Paris Agreement entered into force on 4 November 2016.
The Paris Agreement requires all Parties to put forward their best efforts
through nationally determined contributions (NDCs) and to strengthen
these efforts in the years ahead. NDCs embody efforts by each country
to reduce national emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.
This includes requirements that all Parties report regularly on their
emissions and on their implementation efforts.
Some of the key elements of the agreement include: a goal to keep global
warming “well below 2 degrees Celsius” and to strengthen the ability to
deal with the impacts of climate change, which includes provisions for
developed nations to support developing nations in adapting to climate
change through climate financing; and a focus on loss and damages
(UNFCCC 2015).
The Paris Agreement has implications for DRR and the environment,
but it does not directly mention DRR or the SFDRR. Article 8 of the
Paris Agreement asks parties to “recognize the importance of averting,
minimizing and addressing loss and damage associated with the adverse
effects of climate change, including extreme weather events and slow
onset events, and the role of sustainable development in reducing
the risk of loss and damage” and appoints the Warsaw International
Mechanism to promote implementation of approaches to address loss
and damage, including giving guidance on early warning, preparedness
and risk assessment and management (UNFCCC 2015). The Warsaw
International Mechanism was established at the 19th COP in Warsaw in
November 2013.
Disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and key international actors
The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands Protection adopted the
“Resolution on wetlands and disaster risk reduction” at its 12th RIO+20
Meeting of the Conference of the Parties in Punta del Este, Uruguay “Rio+20” is the short name
(from 1 to 9 of June 2015). This resolution clearly relates the way in for the United Nations
which we use and manage water resources and wetlands is central Conference on Sustainable
to sustainable DRR. It recognises the role of healthy wetlands as Development which took
natural buffers to hazards such as storm surges – making protection, place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
management, and restoration of wetlands a key ecosystem-based in June 2012 – twenty years
solution to disaster risk. after the landmark 1992
DRR and CCA have also been mentioned as part of the United Earth Summit in Rio.
Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Convention The primary result of the
on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and conference was the document
International Lakes. This convention is related to DRR and CCA “The Future We Want”. One
because it aims to protect and sustainably manage cross-border of the main outcomes of
water ecosystems, and in doing so, reduce risk of disasters (such the Conference was the
as drought) and facilitate CCA. The convention entered into force in agreement by member
1996, but an amendment (which went into effect 2013), made this States to launch a process to
convention a legally-binding framework for transboundary develop a set of Sustainable
water cooperation. Development Goals.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an important www.un.org/futurewewant
initiative in the global DRR and CCA policy agenda. In the outcome
declaration of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,
with the SDGs at its core, the Rio+20 conference called for explicit
linkages between DRR, CCA and sustainable development. Of all
the above international agreements, it is one of the most influential
because it can be considered an umbrella agreement into which
many of the above agreements are linked. The SDGs replaced the
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in 2015 and cover a set of
17 international sustainable development goals, including aspects
of DRR and CCA. The SDGs which especially relate to DRR and CCA
include: Goal 1: No Poverty; Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation; Goal
7: Affordable and Clean Energy; Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and
Infrastructure; Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities; Goal 13:
Climate Action; Goal 14: Life Bellow Water; and Goal 15: Life on Land.
Finally, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature
(IUCN) provides information and implements various projects on
DRR and CCA. In 2014, its World Parks Congress featured a number
of high-level events on the importance of protected areas for DRR
and CCA. It generated the “Promise of Sydney, to scale up protection,
especially in the oceans, and involve all of those who govern and
manage the world’s protected and conserved areas; to inspire all
people to experience the wonder of nature through protected areas;
and to invest in nature’s solutions to halt biodiversity loss, mitigate
and respond to climate change, reduce the risk and impact of
disasters, improve food and water security, and promote human
health and dignity”.
Figure 3.3
Environmental forum in Sudan on
women’s role in environmental and
climate change action
© UNEP 2017
Disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and key international actors
UNCCD and CBD also include mandates on women’s rights and gender
equality. The UNFCCC originally did not, being focused solely on emission
reductions, but since 2001, it has included mandates on gender across
multiple decisions and programmes (Aguilar et al. 2015). The need for
CCA and its impact on women has driven gender issues up the agenda
since perhaps the findings from a UN report (United Nations 2009)
that “women have high exposure to climate-related risks exacerbated
by unequal rights, and that women’s empowerment and the reduction
of discriminatory practices has been crucial to successful community
adaptation and coping capacity”. Thus in the UNFCCC, to date, decisions
on adaptation have the most robust gender-sensitive language integrated.
The gender dimension of DRR and CCA is thus increasingly recognised
in principle but the translation of policies into adequate practices
remains scarce.
3.3 Conclusions
Reducing disasters has received broad political consensus from different
policy angles, has been guided by its own UN agency, and is not restricted
by a legal framework as is climate change mitigation and adaptation
(Hannigan 2012). Climate change action, on the other hand, through the
UNFCCC and other Multilateral Environmental Agreements is receiving
more financial and political attention. Convergence between DRR and CCA
is occurring although it is not embraced by all, especially among those DRR
academics who consider the adaptation and resilience discourse to be
something like a band-aid, rather than addressing main underlying causes
of risk, rooted in poverty, poor governance and structural inequalities
(Hannigan 2012). According to Pelling (2011), conventional approaches
to CCA are too conservative as they rarely embrace the transformational
change that DRR academics advocate in order to address underlying
risks factors.
Within the climate change community, mitigation remains the priority,
but since the Paris Agreement which acknowledged the necessity of
adaptation, the emphasis of CCA in international development cooperation
is rising. The transformational change discussion is entering CCA from
various sources, such as the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The GCF was set
up in 2010 as part of the UNFCCC’s financial mechanism. The GCF aims
to catalyze a flow of climate finance to invest in low-emission and climate-
resilient development, driving a paradigm shift in the global response to
climate change.
There is a significant amount of overlap between DRR and CCA, especially
when it comes to working with weather-related hazards. While CCA may
focus more on long-term and slow onset hazards than DRR, the distinction
is clearer in the future prospective lens of CCA. However, since the impacts
of climate change are being felt now, CCA and DRR could work more hand
in hand. However, Doswald and Estrella (2015) conclude that although
there is significant overlap between the two fields, there is an artificial
division often leading to a “silo approach” and unnecessary division
of budgets and actions and ecosystem-based approaches: notably,
Eco-DRR/EbA can act as natural bridges to connect the two (Doswald
et al. 2017). We will learn more about this in following chapters.
Convention on Biological Diversity (https://www.cbd.int/)
Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (http://www.ramsar.org/)
Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (http://www.unisdr.
Sustainable Development Goals (www.sustainabledevelopment.un.org)
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(www.unfccc.int) and the Paris Agreement (https://unfccc.int/sites/
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (www.ipcc.ch)
United Nations Convention on Combatting Desertification
United Nations Office of Disaster Risk Reduction (www.unisdr.org)
International Union for the Conservation of Nature (www.iucn.org)
and World Park Congress (www.worldparkscongress.org).
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses
and International Lakes (www.unece.org/env/water.html)
Disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and key international actors
Aguilar, L., Granat, M., and Owren, C. (2015). Roots for Mitchell, T and van Aalst, M. (2008). Convergence of Disaster
the future: The landscape and way forward on gender and Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation. A Review
climate change. Washington, DC: IUCN and GGCA. https:// for DFID. https://www.preventionweb.net/files/7853_
genderandenvironment.org/roots-for-the-future/ Accessed ConvergenceofDRRandCCA1.pdf Accessed 24 July 2019.
24 July 2019.
Pelling, M. (2011). Adaptation to Climate Change:
Doswald, N. and Estrella, M. (2015). Promoting ecosystems From Resilience to Transformation. London and New
for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation: York: Routledge.
opportunities for integration. Geneva: UNEP. https://www.
Sebesvari, Z., Woelki, J., Walz, Y., Sudmeier-Rieux, K.,
preventionweb.net/publications/view/44969 Accessed
Sandholz, S., Tol, S., Ruíz García, V. and Renaud, F. (2019).
24 July 2019.
Opportunities for Green Infrastructure and Ecosystems
Doswald, N., Estrella, M. and Sudmeier-Rieux, K. (2017) in the Sendai Framework Monitor. Progress in Disaster
Ecosystems’ Role in Bridging Disaster Risk Reduction Science, 2,
and Climate Change Adaptation. In: Kelman, I., Mercer, J.
100021 DOI: 10.1016/j.pdisas.2019.100021. UNISDR
and JC Gaillard. The Routledge Handbook of Disaster Risk
(2005). Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015: Building
Reduction, including Climate Change Adaptation.
Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters.
Gaillard, J. C., Sanz, K., Balgos, B. C., Dalisay, S. N. M., https://www.unisdr.org/2005/wcdr/intergover/official-
Gorman-Murray, A., Smith, F., and Toelupe, V. (2016). doc/L-docs/Hyogo-framework-for-action-english.pdfwww.
Beyond men and women: a critical perspective on gender preventionweb.net Accessed 24 July 2019.
and disaster. Disasters, 41(3), 429–447. DOI: 10.1111/
UNISDR (2011). Global Assessment Report, Revealing Risk,
Redefining Development. Geneva: UNDRR. https://www.
Hannigan, J. (2012). Disasters Without Borders. Cambridge: unisdr.org/we/inform/publications/19846 Accessed
Polity Press. 24 July 2019.
IPCC (2012). Managing the risks of extreme events UNISDR (2017). Technical Guidance for Monitoring and
and disasters to advance climate change adaptation. Reporting on Progress in Achieving the Global Targets of
IPCC Special Report on Extreme Events, Summary for the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. Geneva:
Policymakers. Special Report of Working Groups I and II UNDRR https://www.preventionweb.net/files/54970_
of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Field, techguidancefdigitalhr.pdf Accessed 24 July 2019.
C.B., V. Barros, T.F. Stocker, D. Qin, D.J. Dokken, K.L. Ebi,
United Nations (2009). Report of the Office of the United
M.D. Mastrandrea, K.J. Mach, G.-K. Plattner, S.K. Allen, M.
Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the
Tignor, and P.M. Midgley (eds.)]. Cambridge and New York:
relationship between climate change and human rights.
Cambridge University Press.
IPCC (2014). Summary for Policymakers. In: Climate Change Pages/Study.aspx Accessed 24 July 2019.
2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Part A: Global
United Nations (2015). Sendai Framework for Disaster
and Sectoral Aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to
Risk Reduction 2015-2030. Geneva: UNDRR. https://www.
the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change [Field, C.B., V.R. Barros, D.J. Dokken, K.J.
pdf Accessed 24 July 2019.
Mach, M.D. Mastrandrea, T.E. Bilir, M. Chatterjee, K.L. Ebi,
Y.O. Estrada, R.C. Genova, B. Girma, E.S. Kissel, A.N. Levy, UNFCCC (2015). The Paris Agreement. https://unfccc.int/
S. MacCracken, P.R. Mastrandrea, and L.L. White (eds.)]. process-and-meetings/the-paris-agreement/the-paris-
Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1-32. agreement Accessed 24 July 2019.
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Reflections on the Measurement of Women’s
Empowerment. Development and Change, 30(3), 435–464.
DOI: 10.1111/1467-7660.00125.
Chapter 4
Linking ecosystems
and humans to disasters
Key questions
What are the interlinkages between
ecosystems, natural hazards and disasters
and how do they emerge?
What are ecosystems and how do humans
interact with them?
How can ecosystems mitigate disaster risk?
Linking ecosystems and humans to disasters
4.1 The interlinkages between ecosystems,
natural hazards and disasters
Ecosystems provide a variety of goods and services upon which people
directly or indirectly depend (Christensen et al. 1996). The Millennium
Ecosystem Assessment (2005) defines four main categories of ecosystem
services: supporting (e.g. nutrient cycling, pollination), provisioning
(e.g. food, timber), regulating (e.g. erosion control, carbon storage and
climate regulation) and cultural services (e.g. recreation, spirituality), that
support human well-being (Figure 4.1). Hazard mitigation is considered
a regulating service, which directly contributes to human well-being by
increased disaster security. Thus, healthy ecosystems serve as buffers
and provide the basis for the use of provisioning, regulating and cultural
services. As we know, during the past decades many efforts have been
made to reduce negative impacts on the environment that have led to
various global environmental problems. Nevertheless, the Earth system
is moving towards an increasingly critical state.
Figure 4.1
PROVISIONING Linkages between ecosystem
services and human well-being.
Credit: Nehren 2014, modified from
MA 2005. Redrawn by S. Plog
as well. According to the lead author of the study, transgressing a
boundary could have nefast consequences on the Earth’s state for human
When we take a closer look to the nine main Earth system processes
of the planetary boundaries concept, we see close linkages to the state
of ecosystems. It is for instance obvious that ecosystem loss and
degradation due to land-system change affect biodiversity integrity and
also reduce carbon storage and sequestration.
There are many other interlinkages, which are less obvious, such as those
between ecosystems, natural hazards and disasters. The term natural
hazards indicates that these types of hazards are natural occurrences,
such as earthquakes, storms, floods, or droughts. However, natural does
not mean that humans do not have any impact on the frequency and
intensity of some of these hazards. SREX (IPCC 2012), for instance, states
that climate change has an impact on the frequency and intensity of some
types of hazards, such as heat waves, extreme coastal high water levels,
and mass movements in high mountain areas. Taking into account that
ecosystem loss and degradation significantly contribute to anthropogenic
climate change, we see that there is an indirect link between ecosystem
loss and degradation and the frequency and intensity of certain types
of natural hazards. When people are exposed to these hazards and the
hazard overwhelms their capacity to cope with the effects, the hazard can
become a disaster.
However, there are also direct interlinkages between ecosystem loss and
degradation, natural hazards and disasters (Figure 4.2). Environment
and disasters interact with each other in a number of ways. Disasters
cause massive damage to the environment, while degraded environments
exacerbate disaster impacts. Climate change will likely exacerbate
disaster impacts and also impacts on the environment in numerous
ways (e.g. changes in seasons and changes in habitat suitability of
species). Furthermore, responding to disasters often leads to additional
environmental impacts, due to emergency procedures and lack of
environmental contingency plans. Investments in sound environmental
management, especially in disaster prevention and post-disaster recovery
stages, can reduce disaster risks and thus contribute to more resilient
and sustainable development. Furthermore, environmental management
solutions are increasingly being applied for adaptation to climate change
because of these interlinkages between society, environment and
ecosystem services that can be used to help people adapt.
Figure 4.2
Interlinkages between
environment and disasters.
Source: S. Sandholz and U. Nehren,
In: CNRD-PEDRR 2013. Degraded environment Disaster response
Redrawn by L. Monk can exacerbate disaster Possible additional
impacts environmental impacts
Sound environmental
Can cause Climate
massive damage to change impact
Reduce disaster risk, the environment Likely to exacerbate
adapt to climate change,
disaster impacts
enhance resilience
Linking ecosystems and humans to disasters
These different interactions can be illustrated with two coastal Figure 4.3
ecosystems: coastal dunes and mangroves. Removing sand from coastal Left: Fore dunes in Chile that serve
dunes for construction purposes or destroying dunes to build settlements as buffers and protect from wind
and waves. These fore dunes have
and tourism infrastructure can reduce the buffer function against high
been partly removed to create space
waves (including tsunamis) and storms (Figure 4.3). Settlements and for coastal infrastructure. The new
infrastructure located behind the dunes, which were previously protected infrastructure will now be directly
due to the buffering function of the coastal dune system are now exposed exposed to storms and waves and
to the impact of wind and waves. This means that conservation and even tsunamis that occur along the
sustainable use of the dune system would have been the appropriate way central Chilean coast.
to reduced disaster risk and adapt to climate change. Right: Destruction of coastal dunes
in central Chile. © U. Nehren
Mangroves are important breeding grounds and nurseries for coral reef
fish and other marine animals. But apart from their numerous biological
functions, mangroves also buffer against storms and waves and protect
from coastal erosion. Destroying them can reduce the natural coastal
protection and increase the risk of coastal erosion from cyclones and
storm surges. This happened for instance in Java Island, Indonesia
(Figure 4.4). To counteract further coastal erosion, in some affected areas
mangroves have been restored with the support of researchers, NGOs,
and the local communities.
Figure 4.4
In summary, ecosystem degradation can directly and indirectly contribute Left: Close to the city of Semarang
to a natural hazard becoming a disaster. Or, in other words according to on the North coast of Central Java,
the 2012 World Risk Report: “Not all storms and other natural hazards Indonesia, mangroves have been
need to turn into disasters“ (Alliance Development Works 2012). This is a replaced by agricultural systems and
settlements, which, in combination
crucial point which is often not considered in decisions on DRR. Ecosystem
with other factors, resulted in
conservation, sustainable management and restoration should therefore increased coastal erosion.
be taken into account as suitable measures to reduce disaster risk. Right: During the last ten years,
mangroves have been restored to
counteract further coastal erosion
and protect the coastal zone.
© U. Nehren
Anthropocene 4.2 Socio-ecological systems
“The Anthropocene is The CBD defines an ecosystem as a “dynamic complex of plant, animal
an informal geologic and micro-organism communities and their non-living environment
chronological term for the interacting as a functional unit” (United Nations 1992). There are other
proposed epoch that began definitions of ecosystems, some of which explicitly include humans as
when human activities had a part of ecosystems. The term socio-ecological system (SES) is often
significant global impact on used and denotes the intertwining of humans and nature into a complex,
the Earth’s ecosystems” dynamic and interacting system (Figure 4.5). The SES can be defined as
(Redman et al. 2004):
Crutzen and Stoermer 2000
A coherent system of biophysical and social factors that regularly
interact in a resilient, sustained manner;
A system that is defined at several spatial, temporal, and
organisational scales, which may be hierarchically linked;
Figure 4.5 A set of critical resources (natural, socioeconomic, and cultural)
Socio-ecological system. whose flow and use is regulated by a combination of ecological and
Redrawn and adapted from a generic
social systems; and
SES framework presented in Collins
et al. 2010. Redrawn by L. Monk A perpetually dynamic, complex system with continuous adaptation.
External Drivers
Linking ecosystems and humans to disasters
A proposal was presented to the Stratigraphy Commission of the
Geological Society of London, suggesting that from the beginning of the
industrial revolution in the late 18th century be taken as the starting point
of this new epoch. Since that time carbon emissions to the atmosphere
have increased significantly, as have plant and animal extinction rates. This
means with respect to the impact on our planet, we became a geological
factor. The discussion on the exact definition of the Anthropocene is still
ongoing and there are also other suggestions for its delimitation ranging
from the Neolithic Revolution around 12,000 years ago to the first nuclear
explosion on 16th July 1945 in Alamogordo, New Mexico, United States.
If we take a closer look at human-nature interactions over the course
of evolution, we see that these interactions changed dramatically
(Figure 4.6). While our early ancestors of the genus Australopithecus in
Africa had to rely on their environment and adapt to the natural conditions,
tribes of Homo habilis who lived around 2.33 to 1.44 million years ago Figure 4.6
already developed tools such as choppers and hand axes (Hartwig 2004). Human interaction with nature.
Around 400,000 years ago Homo erectus then made controlled use of We see that nature is the basis for
fire (Bowman et al. 2009). These inventions can be seen as initial steps human life and that humans make
use of nature in several ways.
for conquering, occupying and partly destroying the natural environment.
During human evolution human-
However, the effects from that time must be seen as rather limited due to nature interactions have changed
low population density and limited geographical expansion. This is what from purely adapting to respecting
we can also observe when we take a look at the few hunter-gatherer tribes and managing nature.
that survived into modern times. Design: Hoang and Nehren.
Redrawn by L. Monk
Energy Food
sources supply
Herbs and and recreation
Shelter Occupying Industry
Air to
breathe Forestry
resources for
industrial Settlements and
products Respecting
Spiritual and
religious basis
to drink
Source for
creation and
recreation Water use
... ...
With the Neolithic Revolution (also called Agricultural Revolution) that
started around 12,000 years ago, humans settled down and systematically
used the land for agriculture and livestock farming (Barker 2009). This led
to a fundamental land cover change in many regions of the world. It was
also the trigger for urbanisation and population growth. The next stage of
human-nature interaction started with the industrial revolution. It is, among
others, characterised by a rapid transition from hand production methods
to machines, chemical manufacturing and iron production processes
that affected almost all aspects of daily life. According to Lucas (2002),
the impact of the Industrial Revolution was such that for the first time
in history, the living standards of the masses of ordinary people began
to undergo sustained growth. However, the Industrial Revolution was
also a major turning point in human-nature interactions because it was
accompanied by massive environmental degradation at the global scale.
Today we are experiencing the highest life expectancies and living standards
in human history, at least for the majority of the world’s population (UNDP
2014). At the same time we are facing severe environmental, social and
economic challenges, as already stated almost 50 years ago in the highly
regarded report “The Limits to Growth” by the Club of Rome (Meadows et
al. 1972). More recent publications on global environmental challenges
include among others the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Report
(MA 2005), the Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC (IPCC 2014), the
Global Assessment Report 2019 (UNDRR 2019), and the IPBES’ Global
Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES 2019).
The global challenges for humanity are also addressed in international
development agendas, in particular in the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs). These concepts and international agreements aim at respecting
and managing nature to secure human-well-being for future generations
under the guiding principle of sustainable development.
Figure 4.7
Examples of ecosystem types in
reducing hazard occurrence.
Mountain forests and vegetation on hillsides can Wetlands and riverine ecosystems are important for
reduce the risk of landslides, rock fall, avalanches flood control as they store water and slowly release
and soil erosion. Moreover, forests store water and it, reducing speed and volume of runoff. Coastal
can reduce the runoff after rainfall events. Thereby wetlands tidal flats, deltas and estuaries can reduce
they can reduce the risk of floods and droughts. the height and speed of storm surges and tidal waves.
Photo: Mountain forest in Brazil Photo: Wetland in Nicaragua © U. Nehren
(Atlantic Forest of Rio de Janeiro) © U. Nehren
Linking ecosystems and humans to disasters
4.3 Ecosystems can mitigate disaster risk
As many ecosystems in the world are already highly degraded, we try to
conserve, sustainably manage or even restore ecosystems to improve
the ecological status of our planet. In so doing we can decrease the
vulnerability caused by ecosystem degradation and therefore reduce
disaster risk. Furthermore, ecosystems provide important services
that are necessary for well-being and can also mitigate certain types of
natural hazard.
Indeed, in many cases ecosystem-based approaches can reduce the
impact of all three components of the disaster risk equation: exposure,
vulnerability and hazard. We consider that healthy ecosystems reduce
exposure in certain cases, for example along coastlines where green belts
act as natural buffers. Ecosystems also reduce vulnerability because
they provide many ecosystem services for supporting livelihoods and
human well-being. Last, healthy ecosystems can reduce the impact
of hazards by acting as natural buffers. Examples are provided in
Figure 4.7. Table 4.1 provides an overview of the hazard mitigation
functions of different ecosystems. However, we must also say that not all
hazards can be effectively mitigated by ecosystems, which is for instance
the case for earthquakes, and that the magnitude of the hazard can be a
limiting factor, such as in the case of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami and
the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in Japan where coastal forests
provided only limited protection.
Coastal ecosystems, such as coral reefs, Dryland ecosystems can reduce the risks of
saltmarshes, mangroves and sand dunes, can serve droughts and desertification, as trees, grasses
as natural buffers against tropical cyclones, storm and shrubs conserve soil and retain moisture.
surges, flooding, other coastal hazards and to some Shelterbelts, greenbelts and other types of living
extent tsunamis. Moreover, coastal wetlands buffer fences act as barriers against wind erosion and
against saltwater intrusion and adapt to sea-level rise. sand storms.
Photo: Corals in Indonesia © S. Sandholz Photo: Dry forest in Kenya © U. Nehren
Table 4.1
Hazard mitigation functions of different ecosystems (adapted from Estrella and Saalismaa 2013).
Wetlands, Wetlands and floodplains control floods Coastal wetlands, tidal flats, deltas and
floodplains in coastal areas, inland river basins, and estuaries reduce the height and speed of storm
mountain areas subject to glacial melt.5 surges and tidal waves.6
Peatlands, wet grasslands and other Marshes, lakes and floodplains release wet
wetlands store water and release it slowly, season flows slowly during drought periods.
reducing the speed and volume of runoff
after heavy rainfall or snowmelt in springtime.
Coastal Coastal ecosystems protect against Coastal wetlands buffer against saltwater
(Mangroves, hurricanes, storm surges, flooding and other intrusion and adapt to (slow) sea-level rise by
saltmarshes, coastal hazards – a combined protection trapping sediment and organic matter.9
coral reefs, from coral reefs, seagrass beds, and sand
Non-porous natural barriers, such as sand
barrier islands, dunes/coastal wetlands/coastal forests is
dunes (with associated plant communities)
sand dunes) particularly effective.7
and barrier islands, dissipate wave energy
Coral reefs and coastal wetlands, such and act as barriers against waves, currents,
as mangroves and saltmarshes, absorb storm surges and tsunamis, depending on
(low-magnitude) wave energy, reduce wave the magnitude.i.10
heights and reduce erosion from storms
and high tides.8
Drylands Natural vegetation management and Maintaining vegetation cover in dryland areas,
restoration in drylands contributes to and agricultural practices, such as use of
ameliorate the effects of drought and control shadow crops, nutrient enriching plants and
desertification, as trees, grasses and shrubs vegetation litter, increases resilience
conserve soil and retain moisture. to drought.11
Shelterbelts, greenbelts and other types of Prescribed burning and creation of physical
living fences act as barriers against wind firebreaks in dry landscapes reduces fuel loads
erosion and sand storms. and the risk of unwanted large-scale fires.
Linking ecosystems and humans to disasters
4.4 Conclusions
There are indirect and direct linkages between ecosystems and disasters.
It is known that ecosystem degradation feeds into disaster risk and
interventions within the socio-ecological system can either negatively or
positively influence disaster risk. Ecosystem-based approaches can be
effective tools in reducing disaster and climate risks and one of the few
approaches to reduce all three components of the risk equation: buffering
and mitigating hazard impacts, reducing vulnerability by providing
ecosystem services to reduce vulnerability and reducing exposure when
natural infrastructure is established in highly exposed areas.
However, depending on the magnitude of the hazard there are limitations
to how much protection ecosystems can provide, just as there are
limitations to engineered structures (Vosse 2008). Exactly how much
protection an ecosystem can provide may be locally specific, requiring
the expertise of ecologists working together with disaster risk managers
and engineers to design risk protective systems that work with nature,
rather than against it to the extent possible. Furthermore, ecosystem-
based solutions often require a lot of land which may not be available
(Doswald and Osti 2011).
Nevertheless, working with ecosystems can reduce disaster risk and help
adapt to climate change. Furthermore, they provide a number of benefits
stemming from the services they provide. Due to this, ecosystem-based
approaches have emerged in both the DRR and CCA community as natural
solutions. The following chapter explores Eco-DRR and EbA in more detail
and discusses differences and similarities between them.
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Linking ecosystems and humans to disasters
Chapter 5
disaster risk reduction
and ecosystem-based
Key questions
What is Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk
Reduction (Eco-DRR) and Ecosystem-based
Adaptation (EbA) and what are the
similarities and differences between them?
What are the benefits of further integrating
Eco-DRR and EbA?
© Karen Sudmeier-Rieux/UNEP
Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and ecosystem-based adaptation
5.1 Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction DEFINITION: Eco-DRR
The idea of Eco-DRR is relatively simple. It entails combining natural “Ecosystem-based disaster
resources management approaches, or the sustainable management risk reduction (Eco-DRR) is
of ecosystems, with DRR methods, such as early warning systems and the sustainable management,
emergency planning, in order to have more effective disaster prevention, conservation and restoration
reduce the impact of disasters on people and communities, and support of ecosystems to reduce
disaster recovery. disaster risk, with the aim
Well-managed ecosystems, such as wetlands, forests and coastal to achieve sustainable and
systems, act as natural infrastructure that reduce physical exposure to resilient development”.
many hazards and by increasing socio-economic resilience of people Estrella and Saalismaa 2013
and communities by sustaining local livelihoods and providing essential
natural resources such as food, water and building materials (Renaud et
al. 2013, Renaud et al. 2016). Ecosystem management also generates a
range of other social, economic and environmental benefits for multiple
stakeholders, which in turn feed back into reduced risk.
In Switzerland, protection forests are a main component of its disaster
risk reduction program in the Alps in order to protect critical infrastructure
from frequent hazards, such as rock fall, avalanches or shallow landslides
(Figure 5.1). The Swiss government spends over $120 million annually on
the management of its protective forests to achieve a balance between
young and old trees and a mix of species to keep forests healthy and strong.
The government forest office manages the protection forests even if
they are owned privately. In some cases, the local government will even
financially compensate private land owners in the case that they have lost
income from logging. Local people prefer to have forests for protection
because they also provide places for recreation, are more aesthetic and
appear less threatening than avalanche barriers or rock nets.
Protection forest planning has a time span of 50-100 years and is based
on public willingness to maintain their forests. There are a number of
scientific studies, forest management guidelines and cost-benefit
analyses that demonstrate that protection forest cost 5-10 times less than
structurally engineered structures over time (Wehrli and Dorren 2013).
Figure 5.1
Protection forest, Davos,
The alternative to maintaining protective forests are engineered solutions,
such as avalanche barriers that are frequently found in the Alps,
especially in areas where the protection forest have been cut. The past
years, however, have seen a shift back to the non-engineered protective
measures – wherever possible – because the public often prefers
protection forests for the many additional benefits they get as compared
to avalanche barriers. However in some cases, it is useful and necessary
to have both.
One of the worst weather-related disasters in Brazilian history took place
in January 2011 in the municipalities of Nova Friburgo, Teresópolis,
Petrópolis and São Jose do Vale do Rio Preto in the State of Rio de Janeiro.
After a 24 hour rainfall event between the 11th and 12th January, the Santo
Antonio River level increased dramatically and many areas around the
state reported floods, land and mudslides (Figure 5.2). According to the
Government of Brazil, more than 900 fatalities were reported, the material
damage was above $1.2 billion, more than 345 persons were missing,
and in the end more than 35,000 people were left homeless (SBF 2011).
Most of the areas affected by landslides were riverbanks showing some
level of human intervention (for example for agricultural or residential
purposes). Landslides that occurred in areas covered by natural
ecosystems or with well-conserved native vegetation were of lower
magnitude when compared with landslides that occurred in disturbed
areas. Landslides in terrains covered with native vegetation were always
located in the proximity of areas affected by human activities (SBF 2011).
Brazilian governmental authorities, like the Brazilian Ministry for
Environment (MMA) and the Government of Rio de Janeiro State, are using
the concept of resilient landscapes as the basis to reduce vulnerability and
disaster risk and adapt to climate change.
In order to reduce risks of landslides, mudslides and flooding, different
measures were implemented by a number of actors: the government of
the Rio de Janeiro State, the municipalities and also by the communities.
These developments and the implementation of these measures started
before the 2011 event but were accelerated after the catastrophe.
Figure 5.2
Brazil landslides in 2011.
© S. Sandholz
Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and ecosystem-based adaptation
In order to restore the areas affected by the landslides and mudslides
and to mitigate hazards, the Government of Rio de Janeiro State is DEFINITION:
mainly investing in structural engineered measures. However, to a certain EbA
extent ecosystem-based approaches are considered as well, including “Ecosystem-based Adaptation
slope stabilization measures, river parks and reforestation of riparian (EbA) is the use of biodiversity
areas and the construction of natural channels for water infiltration. and ecosystem services as
However, government reports reference several barriers in implementing part of an overall adaptation
DRR measures, some of which are related to institutional coordination, strategy to help people adapt
bureaucracy and even corruption (Sandholz et al. 2018). to the adverse effects of
For more detailed information on both the Swiss and Brazil example, climate change “
as well as other examples from The Netherlands, Guatemala/Mexico, CBD 2009
Burkina Faso/Niger and the USA, please refer to the “Eco-DRR Case
Study Source Book” (Nehren et al. 2014).
A World Bank funded project “Natural Resources Management in a
Changing Climate in Mali” states its aim to expand the adoption of
sustainable land and water management practices in targeted communes
in Mali. This objective is achieved through the implementation of
capacity building, biodiversity conservation and support to poverty
reduction activities through an ecosystem-based adaptation approach.
It is an integrated approach to conservation, restoration and sustainable
management of territories to enable people adapting to climate change,
and ultimately increase their resilience (World Bank 2013).
Mountain EbA Programme
The UNEP/UNDP/IUCN “Mountain EbA” projects in Uganda, Peru and
Nepal aimed to reduce vulnerability and increase resilience to climate
change through EbA (UNDP 2015). Methodologies for assessing the
vulnerability to climate change and decision tools for EbA were developed
and implemented at the ecosystem level. In pilot sites in each country, EbA
measures were implemented contributing towards ecosystem resilience
and reduction of livelihood vulnerability in the face of climate change
impacts (Figure 5.3).
Figure 5.3
The Nor Yauyos-Cochas Landscape
Reserve in Peru.
Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and ecosystem-based adaptation
5.3 Similarities and differences between
ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and
ecosystem-based adaptation
While environmental management undertaken to tackle climate variability
and climatic hazards is not new and much evidence exists as to the
effective use thereof (Doswald et al. 2014), many EbA, Eco-DRR and hybrid
EBA/Eco-DRR projects are either embryonic or currently underway. Thus,
complete information on these is lacking. Therefore, juxtaposing theory
with practice will be useful to highlight differences and commonalities
between the fields of practice. Understanding the two is important for
project development and integration.
In a UNEP discussion paper (Doswald and Estrella 2015), 34 ecosystem-
based projects/initiatives were reviewed and analyzed. They were
classified into EbA, Eco-DRR and hybrid Eco-DRR/EbA projects to
understand how EbA and Eco-DRR projects are undertaken in practice and
to find key integration points. The following similarities and differences
between EbA and Eco-DRR are drawn from this discussion paper.
Figure 5.4
Terracing in DR Congo.
Hybrid EbA/Eco-DRR projects often aim to reduce risk or increase
resilience and apply adaptive measures often in broad terms. For
example, the Partnership for Resilience’s project in Ethiopia aims “to
reduce vulnerability of the community to current hazards, but also
incorporate measures that help people prepare for the future and adapt to
climate change”.
However, differences between EbA and Eco-DRR project objectives are
not always clear. The difference often depends on the implementing
institution. When biodiversity conservation organizations are involved, a
more ecosystem-focus is applied. This is not to say that one approach
is necessarily right or wrong because ultimately the focus is on
helping people to adapt or reduce risk through the use of biodiversity
and ecosystems.
In Figure 5.5, we give the example of watershed management, which is a
way of managing water resources on the scale of a watershed. The main
goal is to manage water, whether too much - to prevent flooding, or too
little - to prevent the likelihood of future drought. It meets both the goal
of CCA and DRR.
Figure 5.5
Ecosystem-based management
approaches, such as watershed
management can be used to
manage flooding and drought.
© W. Lange and S. Sandholz, E
redrawn by S. Plog EXA
Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and ecosystem-based adaptation
Figure 5.6
n C li m a Eco-DRR/EbA major priorities
u c ti o te C
k Red R (UNISDR) C li m a t
e Ag
han and decisions with regards to
i s
r R rk for D
R ree m g e A
ste o ent d a p major international framework
i s a m ew (U ta
N F tio
D ra
F Regulating and Regulating and CC agreements. Green arrows illustrate
ai provisioning ES provisioning ES various levels of ecosystem
services (ES), red arrows highlight
Priorities Preservation of
for action 1-3 ecosystems for the main provisions of each
adaptation agreement related to Eco-DRR/
SDG targets Aichi Target 15 EbA. Source: Renaud et al. 2016,
2.4, 6.5, 6.6, 11.4, 11a, CBD COP12 decision
14.2, 15.1, 15.3 Ramsar Decision XII/13 Copyright permission granted.
Promise of Sydney Source: Renaud et al. 2016.
it y
rs Redrawn by L. Monk
us All ES All ES
ve ,
na tain di e s
b le a b l i o m
& B t c o et s
De e D ev t al u g
vel men ion O Tar
op m e l o p m e n En v iro n
r v a t n d
ent G t e a
oals (U Cons i s i o n s
N) Dec
Figure 5.7
Creating national mechanisms
to mainstream Eco-DRR, Lukaya,
Democratic Republic of Congo.
© H. Partow/UNEP
Just as CCA and DRR overlap, so do EbA and Eco-DRR, and perhaps even
more so given their common focus on ecosystem-based approaches.
Furthermore, there are “hybrid projects” that integrate CCA and DRR
using an ecosystem-based approach. Yet, due to the largely different
policy and institutional contexts of CCA and DRR, EbA and Eco-DRR tend
to operate in separate silos. Moreover, hybrid projects tend to have either
an EbA or Eco-DRR “slant” depending on the experts involved in the project
(Figure 5.8).
Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and ecosystem-based adaptation
Sea surface Ocean
Dust storms temperature acidification
4% 17% 17%
Tsunami GLOF
4% Avalanche
Drought 3%
13% Erosion
8% 14% Drought
Temperature 11% 21%
17% Landslides
8% Floods
Floods 20%
4% 29%
Landslides Storms
17% Floods
17% 21% 32%
Storms Sea level
rise Storms
8% 3%
6% Fires
3% 6%
More differences could be observed in the types of impacts addressed Figure 5.9
by both approaches. While Eco-DRR mainly addressed impacts in terms EbA, Eco-DRR and Hybrid Eco-DRR/
of loss of livelihoods, lives, food security, water security and health, EbA EbA projects and hazard types
also addresses long-term impacts such as biodiversity loss, changes
Source: Doswald and Estrella 2015.
within ecosystems (e.g. coral bleaching and habitat suitability changes) Redrawn by L. Monk
and potential increase in disease/pest outbreaks, alongside issues dealt
by Eco-DRR such as livelihoods, food and water security.
Projects equally covered drylands, marine, mountain, forest, inland waters,
as well as marine and urban ecosystems. Urban projects tend to label their
actions more as adaptation (i.e. EbA2) than disaster risk reduction (Eco-
DRR). However, this is more likely due to the current political prominence
of climate change (Mercer 2010) than a real difference.
5.4 The benefits of integrating ecosystem-
based disaster risk reduction and ecosystem-
based adaptation
As we have seen, ecosystems and their services are central, though not
primary, to the discussion of CCA and DRR. Indeed, the environment is at
the same time the context, the problem and the solution to many hazards
facing society. Environmental conditions can either increase or reduce
vulnerability and risk to disasters.
As we know, ecosystems are vulnerable to current anthropogenic
pressures and are being degraded, as outlined in the Millennium Ecosystem
Assessment (MA 2005). The capacity of ecosystems to provide these
services may be further undermined by climate change or hazard impacts,
as well as by the unsustainable measures undertaken under CCA or DRR.
Strategic management of ecosystems, therefore, is necessary to ensure
provision of services that are important to society in the face of climate
change and natural hazards. However, it is important to state that solely
ecosystem-based solutions may not always be effective and practicable
(Figure 5.10).
Figure 5.10
The relationship between ECOSYSTEMS
ecosystems, society and climate
change adaptation (CCA) and
disaster risk reduction (DRR). The
figure shows the impact (in terms of Technical CCA Ecosystem-
damage and cost versus benefits) or structural & based
on ecosystems and society from approach DRR approach
different scenarios of planned
adaptation strategies: solely
technical or structural (blue), solely
ecosystem-based (green), and an
integrated framework containing
both strategies (purple). The green
arrows indicate positive impacts;
the red arrows negative impacts; One of the additional arguments to using ecosystem-based approaches
and the yellow arrows both positive within CCA and DRR, aside from their capacity to decrease hazard impacts,
and negative impacts. The impact is the fact that they provide multiple social, economic and cultural benefits
on society from the two measures for local communities.
in isolation is positive and negative;
negative in this instance is due to There are numerous case studies and scientific publications that show the
cost and feasibility. benefits of ecosystem-based approaches, especially with respect to CCA
Source: Doswald and Estrella 2015. (i.e. EbA). Furthermore, studies show that its use is mainstreamed within
Redrawn by L. Monk many sectors (e.g. coastal protection, agriculture and forestry, urban areas)
albeit the term EbA is not explicitly used (Doswald and Osti 2011). It is worth
pointing out, however, that there is a cross-over in terms of case studies that
have been used to advocate for EbA and Eco-DRR (ProAct Network 2008,
Doswald and Osti 2011, Renaud et al. 2013, Renaud et al. 2016). Interest
from the international arena is one of the reasons that these case studies
have been subsequently “labelled” as EbA rather than Eco-DRR.
In many of the available case studies, there is a focus on ecosystems in
relation to addressing climate-related hazards as well as other climate
change impacts, such as sea-level rise and salinization in coastal zones.
This is so because ecosystem-based approaches are not widely applied for
non-climatic hazards, such as earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, although
several studies have shown how re-vegetation and forest management
Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and ecosystem-based adaptation
Figure 5.11
Bamyan Province, Afghanistan.
5.5 Conclusions
We have examined the differences and similarities between Eco-
DRR and EbA. While there are key differences in overall approach and
implementation especially at the theoretical level, practice shows that
often it is a question of differences in discourse than a real difference.
Indeed, in many cases one can substitute “risk reduction” by “adaptation”
and vice-versa (though not always). This is seen especially at the level of
project implementation, where for all intent and purposes EbA and Eco-
DRR activities are virtually indistinguishable from one another.
Nevertheless, EbA and Eco-DRR are generally undertaken by very separate
communities due to different policy and funding tracks. Hybrid Eco-DRR/
EbA projects are emerging as communities converge due to mutual needs
for integration. However, hybrid projects tend to be still more recognisable
as either Eco-DRR or EbA depending on who is involved in the project
as well as factors such as data availability and outcomes sought
(i.e. weather-related hazards or extreme events play more of a role than
general climatic change).
Reducing disasters has received broad political consensus and is guided by
an internationally endorsed global framework on DRR (i.e. SFDRR) but is not
restricted by a legal framework, as is the case in CCA (i.e. Paris Agreement)
(Hannigan 2012). CCA, on the other hand, receives much more financial
and political attention. Convergence between DRR and CCA is occurring
although it is not embraced by all, especially among DRR academics who
consider the adaptation and resilience discourse to be more like a band-aid
solution instead of a real remedy for addressing the main underlying causes
of disaster risk that are rooted in poverty, poor governance and structural
inequalities (Hannigan 2012). According to Pelling (2011), conventional
approaches to CCA are too conservative as they rarely embrace the
transformational changes needed to truly reduce underlying vulnerabilities
and address climate risks. In a similar context, resilience has also been
regarded as a band-aid approach by many (academics and practitioners);
nonetheless, wide acceptance of the concept of resilience is providing clear
opportunities for DRR and CCA integration.
Synergies between both DRR and CCA communities should be maximized
in order to avoid mal-adaptation and/or increase risk, as well as avoid
duplication in efforts. The EbA discipline is still growing and could benefit
from Eco-DRR knowledge. Potentially, Eco-DRR could help EbA in decision-
making in the face of uncertainty of climate change impacts through
its focus on reducing disaster risk. EbA in turn could help provide more
adaptive management that is sensitive to climatic and environmental
changes and thus ensure long-term sustainability of Eco-DRR projects.
Given that policy, institutional and funding tracks are likely to stay separate,
integration is more likely to be achievable at the project level.
Fostering collaboration at the project level would provide good lessons
for future practice and facilitate the integration of CCA and DRR through
ecosystem-based approaches. This would then promote the development
of much needed integrated multi-level governance tools for CCA and
DRR, integrated multi-hazard and climate change assessments, as well
as community-based approaches for both strategies. Gaps in knowledge
in both communities should be filled through dedicated research and
appropriate monitoring and evaluation frameworks that support learning
and knowledge.
Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and ecosystem-based adaptation
Bourne, A. (2013). Adapting to climate change in the Namakwa Mercer, J. (2010). Disaster risk reduction or climate change
District municipality: learning exchange among municipalities adaptation: are we reinventing the wheel? Journal of
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Mitigation and Adaptation: Report of the Second Ad Hoc management and eco-engineering in disaster risk reduction
Technical Expert Group on Biodiversity and Climate Change. and climate change adaptation. ProAct Network. https://
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Sandholz, S., Lange, W. and Nehren, U. (2018). Governing
opportunities for integration. Geneva: United Nations
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Chapter 6
Principles of ecosystem-
based disaster risk
reduction and adaptation
Key questions
What are the core elements of
ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction
and adaptation?
What are the challenges of
ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction
and adaptation?
© Karen Sudmeier-Rieux/UNEP
Principles of ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation
6.1 Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction
and adaptation
As seen in the previous chapter, integrating Eco-DRR and EbA or hybrid
projects into DRR and CCA strategies and projects can be very beneficial.
It is also possible to mix structural measures, i.e. grey measures, such
as dykes, seawalls, etc. with these green measures (Eco-DRR/EbA).
Indeed, such green-grey (hybrid) measures are usually very helpful since
ecosystem-based approaches may not always be applicable nor enough.
There exists much literature on EbA that has been generated via
different organisations such as IUCN, WWF, CI, UNEP, just to name a few.
Handbooks, guidelines and guides for various aspects of EbA exist. The
AdaptationCommunity.net is a useful resource for those interested in EbA.
Not as much exists for Eco-DRR and in the following section and chapters
the focus will be on Eco-DRR but much can also be applicable for EbA or
hybrid projects.
Figure 6.1
Multiple benefits of Eco-DRR/EbA. Carbon
U. Nehren 2014, modified from storage and
Estrella and Saalisamaa 2013 Biodiversity sequestration
prevention and
of regional
Potential Eco-DRR Hazard Main
co-benefits and EbA mitigation targets
and soil
Climate change
Support adaptation
to heritage
conservation Contribution
and identities to sustainable
However, there are several other services such as erosion control, soil
fertility maintenance and water purification. Healthy ecosystems also
stabilise the regional climate and, depending on the type of vegetation,
contribute to climate change mitigation by storing and sequestering
carbon (Lal 2004, Grenier et al. 2013). Finally, certain ecosystems can
have high biodiversity value, providing greater robustness during periods
of stress (Thompson et al. 2009, Willis et al. 2010).
The physical risk reduction capacity of ecosystems depends on their
health and structure, and the intensity of the hazard event. Ecosystems
can reduce physical exposure to common natural hazards, namely
landslides, flooding, avalanches, storm surges, wildfires and droughts, by
serving as natural infrastructure, protective barriers or buffers (Renaud et
al. 2013, 2016) (Figure 6.2, Figure 6.3).
Principles of ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation
Several studies of coastal forests along Japan’s coasts determined
that during the 2011 tsunami, coastal vegetation provided some natural
protection by catching large debris (e.g. boats) as tsunami waves retreated
inland (Tanaka 2012). As a result, the Japanese government is expanding
its national park system along Japan’s coast with strict land use guidelines
for moving critical infrastructure inland (Onishi and Ishiwatari 2012).
Also in Chile the protective role of coastal dunes against tsunami
impacts has been recognized (Nehren et al. 2016), and restoration of
dune vegetation for tsunami mitigation has been included for instance
in Puerto Saavedra in the province of Araukaria, which suffered from the
largest earthquake ever measured (magnitude 9.5) and a tsunami in 1960
(Acevedo 2013).
Several countries in Europe, such as Germany, the Netherlands, the UK,
Switzerland, and cross-border initiatives from the countries bordering the
Danube River aim to mitigate floods through “making space for water” by
removing built infrastructure, like concrete river channels, and restoring
wetlands and rivers to improve their water retention capacity. For
example, The Netherlands invested €2.3 billion to re-establish floodplains,
resulting in reduced flood risk for 4 million people along its main rivers
(Deltacommisie 2008) (Figure 6.4). In addition to risk reduction, these
initiatives consistently pursue integrated landscape and ecosystem
approaches which consider values of the wetlands in particular for
biodiversity conservation, tourism, and recreation.
Another good example are mangroves, which can significantly reduce
the impact of tropical cyclones and storms surges (Das and Vincent
2009). It is, however, controversial to what extent they can mitigate the
impact of tsunamis (Danielsen et al. 2005; Kerr and Baird 2007; Alongi
2008; Cochard 2008). At the same time, mangroves provide various other
services, such as supporting fisheries and tourism activities, providing
important wildlife habitats, storing high amounts of carbon, and improving
coastal water quality (Saenger 2002, Wicaksono et al. 2016, Nehren and
Wicaksono 2018).
Figure 6.4
Nederrijn River Rhenen, Netherlands.
© M. van Staveren
benefits The “no-regrets” refers to the multiple benefits that investment in ecosystem
approaches bring. Interestingly, the IPCC SREX (IPCC 2012) also refers to
Ecosystems can prevent or “no-regrets” and actions for improving adaptation and reducing disaster
mitigate hazards risks, including investing in ecosystem management. In other words,
Ecosystems can reduce investing in a green belt, for example, is a “no-regrets” strategy because it
exposure by functioning as may provide not only protection from hazards, with or without combined
natural buffers structural barriers, while also providing many other benefits, especially
Ecosystems can reduce livelihoods support, carbon sequestration, biodiversity, etc.
vulnerability by supporting UNEP in its address to the UN General Assembly on DRR highlighted
livelihoods – before, during the role of ecosystem management as one of the few approaches that
and after disasters addresses all three components of the risk equation (see box on the left
…but all solutions have and Figure 6.5).
limits… A variety of tools, instruments and approaches that are already used in
ecosystem management, such as IWRM, Protected Area Management
(PAM), Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM), and Integrated
Fire Management (IFM) can be readily adopted and applied as part of
risk reduction strategies (see chapter 13). Risk reduction can also be
part of spatial and land-use planning. Improved and routine use of risk
information (e.g. types of hazards over time and space, socio-economic
vulnerability profiles of communities, elements at risk, etc.) needs to
feed into the design of integrated ecosystem management interventions
to enhance their added value for DRR. For instance, rehabilitation of
upland watersheds can be harnessed for flood mitigation by improved
understanding of the local hazards, hydrology, topography as well as
socio-economic demands on forest products and the types of indigenous
tree species that are best suited for reforestation activities.
Figure 6.5 Green belts can stabilize slopes and also reduce
Dunes for mitigating sea waves in Sri Lanka. exposure of settlements.
© B. McAdoo © UNEP
Principles of ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation
Indeed, there are only a few well quoted examples comparing natural
versus engineering approaches, such as the study conducted by New
York City which compared green versus grey infrastructure investments
for improving its ageing sewer system and reducing flooding. The green
infrastructure plan was estimated to cost tax payers US $5.3 billion,
while the grey infrastructure renewal would have cost US $6.8 billion. In
addition, over time the benefits of green infrastructure accrue while grey
infrastructure requires renewed investment after 10-15 years (Figure 6.6)
(NYC 2010).
Another study, conducted by Conservation International (CI), Secretariat
of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), UNEP and
UN Habitat for the city of Lami, Fiji, carried out a cost-benefit analysis to
assess adaptation options for the city. It compared green solutions, such
as planting mangroves and replanting stream buffers, with engineering
measures, such as building seawalls and increased drainage (Rao et al.
2013). The study concluded ecosystem-based measures yielded a US
$19.50 benefit to cost ratio, as compared to engineering actions estimated
at US $9. Nonetheless, the study also revealed that in terms of avoided
(flood) damage, engineered measures provided 15-25% greater protection
than ecosystem-based measures, thus recommending that hybrid green-
grey infrastructure be used as part of the city’s coastal defence and
adaptation strategy (Rao et al. 2013).
“A livelihood comprises the AND DEVELOPMENT
capabilities, assets (including
DRR is essentially about promoting sustainable development in hazard-
both material and social
prone areas. As land and ecosystem degradation are accompanied by
resources) and activities
increasing risks, costs, and poverty for some population groups, sound
required for a means of living.
land and ecosystem management is essential to sustain livelihoods for
A livelihood is sustainable
present and future generations. Against this background, the Eco-DRR/
when it can cope with and
EbA approach comprises much more than just punctually preserving or
recover from stress and
restoring ecosystems or implementing ecological infrastructure to reduce
shocks and maintain or
disaster risks. Rather, the approach can be an essential component of
enhance its capabilities and
integrated land management with the overall goal to reduce disaster risk
assets both now and in the
and support sustainable development.
future, while not undermining
the natural resource base.” Eco-DRR strategies need to align with long-term development challenges,
such as poverty reduction and addressing unsustainable use of natural
Chambers and Conway, 1991,
quoted after UNISDR 2010
resources through sustainable livelihoods development. Demonstrating
short-term tangible benefits especially to local communities is critical
to win and maintain necessary engagement for sound environmental
Nehren et al. (2016) identified several services from three coastal dune
systems in Chile, Java, Indonesia, and Vietnam, which, while serving
as a buffer against coastal hazards such as storms, storm surges and
tsunamis, directly contribute to local livelihoods through freshwater
provision, providing areas for tourism, recreation and leisure, plants and
animals, and several cultural services. These services depend on healthy
ecosystems. Therefore, the overexploitation of provisioning services by
mining and use of sand for construction as well as sealing of dune areas
for settlements and tourism facilities hamper sustainable development,
reduce the resilience of coastal communities, and increase disaster risk.
Principles of ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation
Thus, restoring and conserving ecosystems can increase their resilience
and provide people with essential services as well as help people adapt to
climate change. Climate change may also make it necessary to manage
ecosystems to help them adapt to climate change, such as relocating
species or planting species that are suited to the new climate, especially
in ecosystems that are highly fragmented due to the current land use.
be insufficient to provide adequate buffer against hazard impacts. For
instance, mangroves may not provide as much protection against
tsunamis as they would for storm surges (Spalding et al. 2014). Thus
promoting ecosystems management as the main risk reduction strategy
could provide a false sense of security. On the other hand, many structural
engineering works may also provide a sense of false security and there
are many examples of where populations have settled immediately behind
river dykes or sea walls and they have not sufficed to protect against
unpredictable extreme events. Moreover, ecosystem-based approaches
often require a lot of space/land which may not be available or practical
as for within a city landscape for example.
Sometimes combining ecosystems-based approaches with human-built
infrastructure (e.g. embankments) in a hybrid approach may be a good
way to provide protection of critical assets.
Strengthening early warning systems and disaster preparedness
measures remain paramount in saving lives and major assets and not to
be forgotten when there is a focus on ecosystem-based measures.
We also need to be aware of some of the challenges in implementing
8.1 The protection capacity of ecosystems to hazard events
can be locally specific
The protection capacity of ecosystems is difficult to quantify and
will depend on an ecosystem’s health and local parameters to resist
hazard events. For example, in general, vegetation on steep slopes will
be beneficial to reducing erosion rates and many shallow landslides
(Papathoma-Köhle and Glade 2013). However, trees that are too old and
heavy may actually even trigger landslides.
Mangroves may be useful for absorbing wave energy during a “10 year”
coastal storm event but depending on its width and health may not be
resistant to a “100 year” storm – while it has to be acknowledged that “100
year” storms could become future “10 year” storms due to climate change
impacts. Therefore, the use of green belts or other natural infrastructure
requires a more detailed study of local conditions to ensure the same
protection as engineered structures. Furthermore, engineered solutions
can often be more easily quantifiable. In the past decade, fortunately more
scientific studies have been undertaken to quantify protective ecosystem
services but more is needed.
8.2 Ecosystem benefits can be difficult to quantify and compare with
structural engineering measures
Just as the protection capacity of ecosystems is difficult to measure and
compare with structural engineering measures, so is the overall economic
value of ecosystems. This makes it more difficult to conduct the classic
cost-benefit analyses most decision-makers use for making decisions
about which investments to make toward DRR or CCA. Therefore, more
similar economic valuation and cost-benefit studies and tools are required
which provide decision-makers with more readily available information.
Principles of ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation
8.3 Investing in Eco-DRR/EbA requires political will, long-term
strategies and inter-agency cooperation
As Eco-DRR/EbA strategies are often only more cost effective over the
long term, they require considerable political will and long-term planning.
Such is the case in Switzerland, where investing in the management of its
protection forests is a national strategy that includes management plans
for the next fifty years and has with significant public support. Such long-
term planning or political will is not always easily obtained. Furthermore,
it requires intercommunal or even transboundary approaches. The forest
which protects some village in the Swiss Alps might belong to another
municipality, so long-term cooperation based on negotiations will be part
of the strategy.
6.3 Conclusions
This chapter provided core principles of Eco-DRR/EbA. Ecosystem-
based approaches are aligned with sustainable development, but it
requires a paradigm shift to start implementing these approaches more
fully, especially as they often demand an interdisciplinary, landscape
and multisectoral approach. Although these approaches are gaining
momentum and recognition, there is still a lack of knowledge and
willingness to invest in long-term prevention, including risk sensitive land
use management, ICZM, IWRM and other ecosystem-based approaches.
This is often due to a preference for immediate, structural engineering
approaches – which may be the most appropriate depending on the
situation – but may be costlier and offer fewer multiple benefits for
livelihoods over the long term. The following chapters will provide more
details and tools that can guide planning and implementation of Eco-
DRR/EbA. There has been much written on EbA and its planning and
implementation and we refer the reader to those sources.
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Rao, N.S., Carruthers, T.J.B., Anderson, P., Sivo, L., Saxby, synthesis of the biodiversity/resilience/stability relationship
T., Durbin, T., Jungblut, V., Hills, T. and Chape, S. (2013). in forest ecosystems. Technical Series no. 43. Montreal:
An economic analysis of ecosystem-based adaptation and Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
engineering options for climate change adaptation in Lami
UNDP (2016). Making the case for ecosystem-based
Town, Republic of the Fiji Islands. A technical report by the
adaptation. http://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/
Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme.
– Apia, Samoa: SPREP 2013. https://www.eldis.org/
ecosystem-based-adaptation/ Accessed 24 July 2019.
document/A64826 Accessed 24 July 2019.
Wicaksono, P., Danoedoro, P., Hartono and Nehren, U.
Renaud, F.G., Sudmeier-Rieux, K. and Estrella, M. (2013). The
(2016). Mangrove biomass carbon stock mapping of the
role of ecosystems in disaster risk reduction. Tokyo: United
Karimunjawa Islands using multispectral remote sensing.
Nations University Press. http://collections.unu.edu/view/
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 37(1), 26-52. DOI:
UNU:1995 Accessed 24 July 2019.
Renaud, F., Sudmeier-Rieux, K., Estrella, M. and Nehren,
Willis, K.J., Bailey, R.M., Bhagwat, S.A. and Birks, H.J.
U. (2016). Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and
(2010). Biodiversity baselines, thresholds and resilience:
adaptation in practice. Warren: Springer International
testing predictions and assumptions using palaeoecological
Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-43633-3.
data. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 25 (10), 583-589. DOI:
Chapter 7
Principles of systems
thinking and using natural
systems for disaster risk
reduction and climate
change adaptation
Key questions
What are systems, and why is systems
thinking important?
What are landscape systems and how are
they linked to ecosystems and disasters?
© Karen Sudmeier-Rieux/UNEP
Principles of systems thinking and using natural systems for
disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation 07
7.1 Principles of systems thinking
Systems thinking emanated with the Greek philosopher and scientist
Aristotle (384-322 BC). He noticed that any kind of system, which can be
for instance biological, physical or economic, cannot be determined or
explained only by the sum of its components. Based on this observation
he defined the general principle of holism, which he published in his
classic work Metaphysics (original title: τὰ μετὰ τὰ φυσικά): “The whole
is more than the sum of its parts.” From the early works of Aristotle and
other philosophers and scientists a whole discipline evolved: Systems
science, which studies the nature of systems. Today, systems thinking has
become increasingly important in many scientific fields, but also in almost
every area of daily life. We talk for instance about urban systems, traffic
systems, sanitation systems, agricultural systems, computer systems,
virtual systems, or ecosystems. But how can we define systems and the
principles of systems thinking? As usual there are numerous definitions
that slightly differ from each other.
Widely used is the one by Churchman (1968), according to who “a system
is a set of interacting or interdependent entities. These can be real or
abstract and form an integrated whole.” Systems are moreover defined by
elements and processes within a defined boundary and an exchange of
matter, energy, and information. And finally, systems have in common that
the behavior of elements at the micro level determines the characteristics
of the system as a whole. This is what we call emergence. Systems
thinking can be defined as the process of understanding how things,
regarded as systems, influence one another within a whole.
In thermodynamics we distinguish between three types of systems
(Figure 7.1):
1. An isolated system is one that does not have interactions beyond its
boundary layer. Such a system does not exist in nature but is used in
controlled laboratory experiments.
2. A closed system is a system that transfers energy across its boundary,
but no matter.
3. And finally an open system transfers both matter and energy across its
boundary to and from the surrounding environment.
Figure 7.1
Different types of systems.
Design: U.Nehren
Figure 7.2
Ecosystem hierarchies. The Ecosystems are open systems because communities of organisms
photo on the left shows a tropical
interact with each other and with their environment outside ecosystem
lowland rainforest in the central
Amazon basin of Brazil. Within boundaries. Within ecosystems, we find that there are hierarchies, or
the floodplains of these lowland smaller systems within larger systems, linked to each other within
rainforests we find seasonally complex functional networks. An example is the Amazon rainforest,
flooded riverine forests with distinct which is considered a huge ecosystem (Figure 7.2). However, within the
characteristics, such as the Igapó Amazon rainforest we find various types of smaller ecosystems that are
forest in the Rio Negro shown on determined by climatic, topographic, geological and other factors, such as
the photo in the middle. The water-
riverine forests or mountain forests.
filled rosette of the bromeliad on the
right photo is a micro-ecosystem; At the very small scale, even some flowering species like bromeliads can be
these bromeliads grow as so called considered an ecosystem, as they provide self-containing microhabitats for
epiphytes on rainforest trees. aquatic insects, amphibians and even reptiles. Therefore, ecosystems are
© D. Sattler also nested systems (Figure 7.3). This means that different subsystems
interact within the boundary of a larger system, such as different smaller
forest ecosystems within the Amazon rainforest.
Figure 7.3
Nested Systems.
Design: S. Plog
Principles of systems thinking and using natural systems for
disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation 07
While naturalists, like Alexander von Humboldt and Charles Darwin, had
a very comprehensive knowledge on various areas of natural sciences of
their epoch, today’s scientists often work on very specific questions within
highly specialized disciplines. However, holistic approaches in sciences
are not outdated. The integration of specialized scientific knowledge into
comprehensive scientific models is one of the challenges of modern
research on natural resources management. But unlike in Humboldt’s
time, today multidisciplinary teams of researchers work together and
share their knowledge and computers help them to integrate the growing
volume of data into more and more complex models. However, not only
researchers but also practitioners are facing the challenge of system
complexity. Here is an example.
As a result of historical deforestation and land use intensification, today
the Atlantic Forest biome is a highly fragmented landscape dominated
by pastures and agricultural lands (Nehren et al. 2013; Figure 7.4), where
forest remnants make up only 11.4-16.0% of the original forest cover
(Ribeiro 2009). Despite the very high forest losses and degradation of the
Atlantic Forest biome, the remaining forest patches are characterized by
outstandingly high biological diversity and rates of endemism (Galindo
Leal and Gusmão-Câmara 2003). Due to this biological richness and at
the same time ongoing threats from humans, the Atlantic Forest biome is
considered a so-called ‘biodiversity hotspot’ (Myers et al. 2000).
In the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro various initiatives have been taken Figure 7.4
to protect the remaining rainforest areas. However, at the same time The photo on the left shows
ongoing urban sprawl and infrastructural development leads to further an intact mountain rainforest
ecosystem in the Atlantic Forest of
forest fragmentation. This phenomenon occurs in many developing
Rio de Janeiro. Rainforests have
and emerging countries in particular close to economically growing been widely replaced by agricultural
metropolitan regions. and pasture systems and forest are
In terms of impact on ecosystem services, the undertaken forest reduced to small patches (photo in
conservation and reforestation measures to establish larger biological the middle). Deforestation in slope
positions has led to accelerated
corridors would have many benefits, such as improving regulating
soil erosion processes (photo on
services (e.g. slope stabilization, erosion control, flood control as well the right).
carbon storage and sequestration). Also, biodiversity conservation would © U. Nehren
be supported by establishing larger wildlife corridors and better habitat
networks. On the other hand, the areas of Rio de Janeiro state where such
forest conservation and reforestation measures could be implemented
are close/in rural areas which are dominated by livestock and agricultural
production systems. Furthermore, closer to the metropolitan region
(about 1-2 hours driving distance) we find intensive vegetable production
systems. As a result, in some regions ecosystem conservation goals
compete with food production. This is a challenge and also an opportunity
(Martinelli and Filoso 2009, Nehren et al. 2019).
Indeed, replacing larger areas of agricultural and pasture land by natural
forests would affect the provisioning service of food production the region
needs. As a consequence, the following scenario is conceivable: Farmers
lose their main income source from intensive agricultural production
and without sufficient alternative income opportunities their livelihoods
would be negatively affected. Most probably some families would move
to nearby cities to find employment. In the cities they would have to find
living space and socialize in the new environment. At the same time, they
would lose part of their rural cultural identity.
Situations like this can be complex. Coming back to the systems
perspective, in this example, there are several interacting systems: forest
ecosystems, agricultural systems, social systems, economic systems and
cultural systems. These systems are highly interlinked, competing and
working together as well as being related to many other systems (e.g.
weather system, etc.) which are not explicitly mentioned. Even though it
is not possible to capture all systematic relationships, we should be aware
of the complexity and try to identify main cause-effect chains.
Thus, in thinking about undertaking reforestation in a specific context, it
is important to be aware of the possible impacts on agricultural systems
and rural livelihoods – with potential impacts even on larger scales – and
therefore carefully plan reforestation schemes, involve local stakeholders
and communities, balance with agricultural needs and choose the right
tree species. Furthermore, biodiversity and ecosystem processes need
to be thought through and thus avoid reforesting with monocultures at a
large scale, which may make the forest more susceptible to disease and
negatively affect local livelihoods.
Furthermore, there could be opportunities to combine ecosystem
conservation and restoration with sustaining or ideally improving livelihood
and reducing disaster risk. Alternative income possibilities could be
provided by the reforestation and ecosystem restoration and agroforestry
systems could be suitable to create livelihood opportunities while
providing protective services. Further considerations could be Payment for
Ecosystem Services (PES) schemes that could serve as incentive systems
offered to farmers or landowners for sustainably managing their land
and thereby contribute to improving watershed services and mitigating
climate change (Rodrigues Osuna et al. 2014). Overall it is important to
take care to not only protect the forest ecosystems as a natural system,
but also the socio-ecological system as a whole. If we ignore the systemic
relationships between the natural and human systems, the situation
could worsen.
Even small ecosystem features, such as in coastal dunes, mangroves,
seagrass beds, coral reefs, wetlands and protection forests, in a landscape
need to be considered and managed within the landscape as a whole –
including agricultural, forestry, urban, industrial and other strongly human-
impacted areas.
Principles of systems thinking and using natural systems for
disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation 07
7.2 Landscape systems, ecosystems
and disasters
In geography and landscape ecology, the concept of landscape systems
is used as a theoretical framework to describe, analyze and manage
the environment. Landscape systems consist of natural subsystems.
According to Leser (1997) these are the so called “geoecofactors” climate,
relief, rock and water as well as the “bioecofactors” vegetation and fauna.
Soil represents an intermediate category, as soils are made of biotic
and abiotic compounds. Human systems interact with these natural
subsystems and have a fundamental impact on landscape development
(Figure 7.5).
Time scales and spatial scales are important for these landscape
features. Thus, when we take land management decisions, for instance
to reduce disaster risk, time scales and spatial scales need to be taken
into account. Spatial scales can be categorized as global, macro, meso
and micro scales. Climate change, for instance, is a phenomenon at global
scale, while transboundary flood risk management in a large watershed
such as the Nile River belongs to the macro scale. Examples of the meso
scale are the management of mangroves and coastal dunes in a district
or community, while the stabilization of a slope represents the micro
scale. However, be aware that a clear distinction between the scales is
not always possible. Time scale is very important to think about, especially
when considering management for the provision of certain services. It can
take time for a newly planted forest to mature enough to be a protective
feature in a landscape and to provide other ecosystem services.
7.3 Conclusions
Both the ecosystem and the landscape approach are very useful for Eco-
DRR and EbA. Ecologists or biologists tend to use ecosystems because
they focus on the biological components of the system. Their conceptual
models are around these ecosystemic integrations and thus talk about
“agro-ecosystems” or “urban ecosystems” and their emphasis is on
ecological patterns and processes. In contrast, the landscape approach
puts stronger emphasis on the abiotic components and the human-nature
interactions within the systems. Therefore, the landscape approach is
very helpful for spatial planning. Moreover, it is very useful when we for
instance plan a slope stabilization measure. Here we have to consider the
geological subsurface, soils, water, topographical conditions, and affected
settlements and infrastructure, in addition to the type of forest cover.
Moreover, it is important to remember that landscapes are open systems,
which usually do not have clearly defined boundaries. Therefore, often
other physical units are used when it comes to management decisions. For
water management issues for instance, watersheds or catchment areas
are used as clearly definable geo-hydrological units. But if we consider
managing a mountain forest for conservation purposes, we would rather
consider the forest cover and elevation to define a landscape boundary.
However, political decisions related to natural resources management are
mainly taken based on administrative units, usually defined by national,
federal state, province, district, and community boundaries. To manage
watersheds or conservation corridors for DRR, it is sometimes therefore
necessary to cooperate across administrative borders.
Principles of systems thinking and using natural systems for
disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation 07
Aristotle (1924). Metaphysics. 2 vols. Ross, W. D. (ed.). Nehren, U., Kirchner, A., Sattler, D., Turetta A. and Heinrich,
Oxford: Clarendon Press. J. (2013). Impact of natural climate change and historical
land use on landscape development in the Atlantic Forest of
West Churchman, C. (1968). The Systems Approach. New
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Anais Academia Brasileira de Ciências
York: Dell Publishing.
85(2), 497-518. DOI: 10.1590/S0001-37652013000200004.
Galindo Leal, C. and de Gusmão-Câmara, I. (2003). The
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Atlantic Forest of South America: Biodiversity Status, Threats,
Lomarda, M. and Guillén, T. (2014). The Ecosystem-based
and Outlook (State of the Hotspots, Book 1). Washington
Disaster Risk Reduction Case Study and Exercise Source
DC: Center for Applied Biodiversity Science at Conservation
Book. Cologne/Geneva: Center for Natural Resources and
Development and the Partnership for Environment and
Humboldt, A.V. (1845-1862). Kosmos. Entwurf einer Disaster Risk Reduction. https://www.preventionweb.net/
physischen Weltbeschreibung. http://gutenberg.spiegel.de/ publications/view/54582 Accessed 25 July 2019.
autor/alexander-von-humboldt-294. Accessed 25 July 2019.
Nehren, U., Schlüter, S., Raedig, C., Sattler, D. and Hissa, H.
Leser, H. (1997). Landschaftsökologie, 4th edition. Stuttgart: (2019). Strategies and Tools for a Sustainable Rural Rio de
Eugen Ulmer. Janeiro. Springer Series on Environmental Management.
Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Martinelli, L.A. and Filoso, S. (2009). Balance between food
production, biodiversity and ecosystem services in Brazil: Ribeiro, M., Metzger, J. P., Camargo Martensen, A., Ponzoni,
a challenge and an opportunity. Biota Neotrop, 9(4). DOI: F. J. and Hirota, M. M. (2009). The Brazilian Atlantic
10.1590/S1676-06032009000400001. Forest: How much is left, and how is the remaining forest
distributed? Implications for conservation. Biological
Myers, N., Mittermeier, R.A., Mittermeier, C.G., da Fonseca,
Conservation, 142(6), 1141-1153. DOI: 10.1016/j.
G.A.B. and Kents, J. (2000). Biodiversity hotspots for
conservation priorities. Nature, 403, 853–858. DOI:
10.1038/35002501. Rodríguez Osuna, V., Börner, J., Nehren, U., Bardy, R., Gaese,
H. and Heinrich, J. (2014). Priority areas for watershed
Nehren, U. (2008). Quartäre Landschaftsgenese und
service conservation in the Guapi-Macacu region of Rio de
historische –degradation in der Serra dos Órgãos, Rio de
Janeiro, Atlantic Forest, Brazil. Ecological Processes, 3(16),
Janeiro. PhD thesis, Faculty of Physics and Geosciences,
1-22. DOI: 10.1186/s13717-014-0016-7.
University Leipzig.
Chapter 8
Managing resilience
and transformation
Key questions
Why has resilience to disasters and
adaptation become such a popular term?
What is the link between resilience,
DRR and CCA?
Managing resilience and transformation
8.1 Resilience a key concept DEFINITION: RESILIENCE
Resilience is a central term in the post-2015 Sustainable Development “The capacity of social,
Agenda and the SFDRR. Resilience is at the heart of a debate about how economic and environmental
best to encourage governments, civil society and the private sector to systems to cope with
invest in DRR measures. Humanitarian and development agencies are a hazardous event or
finding their mandates further blurred: should humanitarian agencies trend or disturbance,
focus mainly on the post-disaster phase and should development agencies responding or reorganizing
focus mainly on prevention? In parallel, there is considerable debate about in ways that maintain their
how to integrate DRR with CCA and more effectively mainstream these into essential function, identity
development activities. The concept of resilience presents an opportunity and structure, while also
to strengthen coherence between the humanitarian, climate change, DRR maintaining the capacity
and sustainable development agendas. Moreover, resilience has become for adaptation, learning and
an attractive concept because of its more positive connotations that focus transformation”
on enhancing local capacities and adaptation potential than the negative IPCC 2014, building from the
connotations attributed to vulnerability and risk reduction. definition used in Arctic Council, 2013
However, despite its increased popularity in international discourse, there “The ability of a system,
is limited theoretical understanding and multiple, often contradictory community or society
definitions of resilience – for example even IPCC and UNDRR use different exposed to hazards to resist,
definitions. Taking a more detailed look at the different documents of the absorb, accommodate,
post-2015 Agenda it is surprising that despite using the term all over, adapt to, transform and
only the SFDRR gives a definition for resilience, while neither the Paris recover from the effects
Agreement nor the SDGs do. In operational terms, due to the complexity of of a hazard in a timely and
the concept of resilience, a main challenge is determining which indicators efficient manner, including
should be used, and how to measure them in order to inform DRR policies. through the preservation and
Nonetheless, resilience has become the new goal of many international restoration of its essential
and national development policies, with little guidance or benchmarks that basic structures and functions
describe what resilience is, how to increase it, or when resilience has been through risk management.”
achieved (Sudmeier-Rieux, 2014). This chapter explores ‘resilience’ and its
inputs to the international discourse in the fields of DRR and CCA and what
are the links between resilience, DRR and ecosystem-based approaches.
Originating in engineering sciences in the 19th century, the term was later
popularized by ecological sciences and child psychology before becoming
popular in literature on climate change and disaster management, with
UNDRR including it in its mandate since 2005: “to increase the resilience
of nations and communities to disaster risk”.
As can be seen by the definitions of UNDRR and IPCC, quite a few elements
are thought to compose resilience: “bounce-back”, “resourcefulness”,
“absorb”, “retain function, identity and structure” and “adaptation, learning
and transformation”. Some of these elements, such as the last two
mentioned can seem at first glance contradictory.
In systems sciences, resilience is: “the ability of a system to withstand
a major disruption within acceptable degradation parameters and to
recover within an acceptable time and composite costs and risks” (Haimes
2009). According to systems thinking, other characteristics of resilience
include robustness, which refers to the degree of insensitivity of a
system to perturbations, and redundancy, which refers to the ability
of certain components of a system to assume the functions of failed
components without adversely affecting the performance of the system
itself (Haimes 2009).
In building engineering, seismic resilience of buildings is part of a
system which has:
1. Reduced failure probabilities;
2. Reduced consequences from failures in terms of lives lost,
damage, and negative economic and social consequences;
3. Reduced time to recovery.
(Bruneau and Reinhorn 2006, as quoted by Bahadur et al. 2010).
Tierney and Bruneau (2007) use the “R4 Framework”, which describes
resilience as:
The ability of systems and other units of analysis to withstand disaster
forces without significant degradation or loss of performance.
The extent to which systems or other units are substitutable if significant
degradation or loss of functionality occurs.
The ability to diagnose and prioritize problems and initiate solutions by
mobilizing material: monetary, informational, technological and human
The capacity to restore functionality in a timely way, containing losses and
avoiding disruptions. (Modified from Tierney and Bruneau 2007)
Figure 8.1 illustrates the resilience triangle (Tierney and Bruneau 2007).
It depicts a disturbance at t0 followed by a certain time of recovery (t).
One example can be a bridge which fails during an earthquake. In this
illustration, resilience can thus be the time and cost for reconstructing
the bridge.
Quality of Infrastructure
Figure 8.1
The Resilience triangle as a function
of quality of infrastructure and time.
Modified from Tierney and
Bruneau 2007. Redrawn by L. Monk 50
t0 t1 time
Managing resilience and transformation
8.2 Resilience, disaster risk and climate
change adaptation
When defined in the narrower sense of “returning to a normal state”,
resilience parallels coping capacities or recovery strategies for dealing with
shock and adversity, rather than favouring long-term capacity building and
reducing underlying vulnerabilities. Adaptation can be seen as a longer-
term process of slowing adjusting and changing to the conditions, while
coping is usually considered a short-term strategy for dealing with stress
or a shock. Both require making adjustments to systems, (i.e. livelihoods),
based on decisions and choices following an appraisal of events and
possible outcomes or consequences.
Thus resilience, when thought only as coping, is similar to adaptation but
also different. In this conceptual framing, it is also possible to be resilient
to change in a harmful way; i.e. coping with shocks and stressors but
ultimately staying stuck in a way of doing things. Adaptation requires
learning and change, or at least adjusting to a certain extent.
There are many examples this harmful state of “resilience”, of highly
“resilient” populations around the world, living in harsh environments and
often subjected to small and large shocks, such as flooding as well as
from everyday economic and health issues. These populations often have
a high capacity to “bounce back”. Consider the example given in chapter
2 from Nepal. Here the people built very simple houses in the floodplain,
which floods every year (Figure 8.2, 8.3).
These people can be considered highly resilient because they are used
to rebuilding their houses and recover after frequent small flooding.
However, they remain highly at risk of a large and dangerous flooding as
well as other risks, such as epidemics.
Figure 8.2 Figure 8.3
Vulnerable house in Nepal. Redrawn figure from Google maps.
© K. Sudmeier-Rieux Above: Seuti Khola River, Dharan
Nepal in 2004;
Below: Seuti Khola River, Dharan
Nepal in 2009.
Credit S. Plog
Figure 8.4
Bamiyan, Afghanistan.
Let’s take another example from Bamiyan Province in Afghanistan
(Figure 8.4). People have lived in the valleys of these high mountains
for centuries and have developed strategies for coping with extreme
winters and flash floods during springtime. If we follow the most common
definition of resilience, “bouncing back”, we can say that these populations
are highly resilient. But these people continue to live in places at high risk
from mountain hazards, with everyday economic and health challenges.
As a result, their high capacity to rebounce to the “normal state” does not
necessarily mean they are able to lower their risks.
The bottom-line issue and main criticism of the concept of resilience
to disasters is that communities at subsistence level have very low
marginal capacities to deal with shocks, and their thresholds leading to
a non-functioning state may be easily transgressed. For marginalized
populations, the “normal state” is thus not necessarily the desired state
and cannot be addressed through emergency measures but rather
through long-term development interventions. Thus, resilience as
defined as the capacity to recover to the normal state does not suffice to
reduce underlying risk factors, or vulnerabilities to disasters or climate
change impacts (Sudmeier-Rieux, 2014).
Managing resilience and transformation
Nevertheless, resilience as a conceptual “bouncing forward” changes the
original meaning of resilience but it provides the promise of a framework
against which disaster prevention and post-disaster measures should be
undertaken. Seeing resilience in this light is a paradigm shift, which mirrors
the process required of addressing the underlying causes of vulnerability
as well as improving capacities to recover after a disaster.
Figure 8.5 illustrates different types of resilience along a time scale.
During this time scale, there are various shocks or levels of stress
with different responses and types of resilience: recovery (or passive
resilience), adaptation and transformation. The figure uses a simple ball
and curve figure to illustrate differences between these different types. In
recovery the ball bounces back, in adaptation the curve moves outward,
in transformation, the ball moves to a higher state. Chelleri et al. (2015)
assign recovery to the engineering definition of resilience, adaptation and
transformation to a socio-ecological definition of resilience.
Threshold NEW
Stress Stress TIME scale
RESPONSES Recovery Adaptation Transformation
System (Engineering) (Social-Ecological) RESILIENCE
(Folke et al., 2010) RESILIENCE/ROBUSTNESS
(Walker and Salt, 2006)
(Smith and Stirling, 2010)
Figure 8.5
Types of resilience according to
In this light, proponents of transformative resilience argue that it can different schools of thought and
provide a common platform for addressing DRR, adaptation and poverty in various stages.
reduction, moving away from hazard-oriented, technology-driven DRR © Chelleri et al. 2015. Redrawn by
that is the current norm. According to this viewpoint, it has the potential L. Monk
to bring about more systemic approaches to DRR and understanding
of complex systems while offering a stronger entry point for critical
long-term but neglected aspects of DRR and CCA, such as ecosystem-
based approaches.
8.3 Conclusions
Resilience in its traditional definition as “returning to a normal state”
(or passive resilience) may be a useful concept to describe a more efficient
recovery process after a crisis as one step in the disaster management
cycle, but will not necessarily change population’s everyday risks, well-
being, and sustainability or reduce vulnerability in the long run. In other
words, a population can be vulnerable and at risk, while simultaneously
resilient. Looking towards a concept of transformative resilience can
aid move towards the needed paradigm shift required to deal with the
challenges of climate change and disaster risk. Thus, in spite of several
caveats of how it is understood and depending on whether it is considered
as passive or transformative, the concept of resilience can be a useful
bridge between DRR and CCA. Furthermore, resilience is a key concept
for ecosystem-based approaches because ecosystems and socio-
ecological systems operate along these scales of recovery, adaptation
and transformation. Understanding these complex processes is difficult
but necessary when working on a system level.
One main challenge is the operationalisation of the resilience concept
for DRR and CCA. Notwithstanding the choice of definitions, assessing
and measuring resilience remains a difficulty. If one sees resilience as a
capacity rather than an outcome, then the picture might become slightly
easier (FSIN Resilience Measurement Technical Working Group 2014) but
nevertheless, multiple indicators at different levels will be required. These
issues will be further considered in Chapter 17.
Managing resilience and transformation
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on Climate Change. Field, C.B., V.R. Barros, D.J. Dokken,
made disasters: Multidisciplinary origins and contextual
K.J. Mach, M.D. Mastrandrea, T.E. Bilir, M. Chatterjee, K.L.
dimensions. Environmental Hazards, 7(4), 383-398. DOI:
Ebi, Y.O. Estrada, R.C. Genova, B. Girma, E.S. Kissel, A.N.
Levy, S. MacCracken, P.R. Mastrandrea, and L.L. White
(eds.). Cambridge/New York, NY: Cambridge University Sudmeier-Rieux, K. (2014) Resilience – an emerging
Press. https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/2018/03/ paradigm of danger or of hope? Disaster Prevention and
ar5_wgII_spm_en-1.pdf Accessed 25 July 2019. Management, Volume 23, issue 1.
Haimes, Y. (2009). On the Definition of Resilience in Tierney, K. and Bruneau, M. (2007). Conceptualizing and
Systems. Risk Analysis, 29(4), 498-501. DOI: 10.1111/j.1539- Measuring Resilience, A Key to Disaster Loss Reduction.
6924.2009.01216.x. TR News, 250, 14-17. Washington, D.C.: Transportation
Research Board of the National Academies. http://
Frankenberger, T., Spangler, T., Nelson, S. and Langworthy,
M. (2012). Discussion Paper. Enhancing Resilience to Food
pdf Accessed 25 July 2019.
Security Shocks in Africa. Discussion Paper. https://www.
fsnnetwork.org/sites/default/files/discussion_paper_usaid_ UNISDR (2017). Disaster terminology. http://www.unisdr.
dfid_wb_nov._8_2012.pdf Accessed 25 July 2019. org/we/inform/terminology Accessed 25 July 2019.
FSIN Resilience Measurement Technical Working Group
(2014). Techical Series No. 1. Resilience measurement
principles: towards an agenda for measurement design.
Chapter 9
Ecosystems management
contributions pre- and
Key questions
How can ecosystem management support
different disaster phases?
How can gender considerations be taken
into account pre- to post-disaster?
Ecosystems management contributions pre- and post-disasters
9.1 Ecosystem management and the
disaster management phases
We start by questioning the dominant view of disaster management
(Figure 9.1), where the hazard event is the trigger for the post-disaster
emergency responses, the recovery and reconstruction phase. The
disaster management phase then returns to the pre-disaster phase which
includes disaster mitigation and disaster preparedness activities.
Figure 9.1
ding Pre
ui l im Disaster management cycle
t yB pa
ci t
Mi t
Management Event
ve sp
to ra t i o n
In this predominant situation, the emphasis and most budgets are placed
in the post-disaster phase and on pre-disaster preparedness activities,
such as early warning systems or emergency preparedness. This is how
disasters have been most commonly managed. Over the past decade this
notion has been challenged by NGOs, development- and UN agencies,
such as UNDRR, which are advocating for a paradigm shift towards disaster
prevention through long-term planning and investments in reducing
underlying risk factors in order to reduce hazard impacts (Figure 9.2).
Here the emphasis is on reducing disaster risks through investments
in poverty reduction, risk-sensitive land-use planning, and sustainable
development, rather than just managing risks as in the old paradigm.
Figure 9.2
Disaster risk reduction spiral.
Source: Modified from Tony Lloyd-
Jones (editor), Max Lock Centre,
University of Westminster, 2009.
Redrawing by: S. Plog
Ecosystem-based activities can be implemented at all stages of the DRR
spiral from the early stages after a hazard event, through reconstruction,
mitigation and especially in the prevention phases. Table 9.1 shows
the four main phases of the DRR spiral along with the main ecosystem
management component.
This chapter will go through the different phases of the DRR spiral and
will explore different options for including ecosystem-based activities as
part of a more comprehensive DRR portfolio of activities alongside more
“classical” DRR activities.
In addition, the gender lense will be included because experience and
data from around the world have shown that women can play a critical
role in protecting the environment as they find source of sustenance –
such as water, firewood, fodder, medicinal plants, forest products and
nature-friendly agricultural practices – in a healthy environment. Often
women have been called ‘stewards of natural environment conservation’
because they have a wealth of knowledge to protect, conserve, and
regenerate natural resources. Thus, examples of women’s activities that
are invaluable for DRR will be given. We will examine at the roles women
can and do play in the disaster risk reduction cycle – including during an
emergency, recovery, reconstruction, and preparedness and prevention.
This will help inform future strategies for including women in all stages
of Eco-DRR.
Ecosystems management contributions pre- and post-disasters
Hours to Save lives Search and rescue, Avoiding dumping of hazardous materials in
days after emergency skills environmentally-sensitive areas or habitats;
possible use of provisioning services from
ecosystems (food, wood, shelter, etc.)
Days to Secure livelihoods Temporary shelters, Rapid environmental assessments, sourcing
months after provision of basic services of sustainable materials for recovery, waste
e.g. water, food management
Months to Reconstruct Reconstruction/ Environmentally sensitive reconstruction,
years after livelihoods provision of housing and sustainable materials sourcing, improved
infrastructure, job creation waste management, ecosystem restoration,
green infrastructure and improved
ecosystem management for DRR
PHASE IV. PREVENTION a) Risk and vulnerability assessments
Continuously Analyse and Hazard and exposure Combined ecosystem mapping with risk/
updated assess risk mapping, vulnerability hazard mapping
assessments, risk
PHASE IV. PREVENTION b) Development planning and risk reduction
Continuous Hazard, Risk sensitive land use Ecosystem and land management plans,
process, on regular vulnerability and planning, based on ecosystem protection and restoration
intervals exposure reduction assessments included in planning and zoning
PHASE IV. PREVENTION c) Preparedness
Continuously Increase readiness Creation and maintenance Including ecosystems in environmental
updated for future hazard of early warning systems, emergency preparedness programmes
events evacuation plans
Table 9.1
The four main phases of the DRR spiral. Credit: Authors
Figure 9.3
Collapsed supermarket in
Haiti during earthquake of
12 January 2010.
of flooding. While the villagers did not contest this, they had no intention
of complying with these top-down instructions because their livelihood
depended on the river ecosystem. Participatory approaches enable those
at the are directly affected by the hazard concerned to be involved at all
points, including arriving at emergency strategies (Mercer et al. 2008).
Ecosystems management contributions pre- and post-disasters
Women’s leadership often emerges when communities struggle to recover
after a disaster. Enarson and Morrow (1998) document how a Women will
Rebuild coalition was formed in Miami after being hit by Hurricane Andrew
in 1992, which was successful in “achieving visibility for women’s needs in
disaster, influencing the distribution of relief funds, and challenging male
power structures, including control over post-disaster reconstruction”
(Enarson and Morrow 1998: 178). Examples from Nepal in the aftermath
of the 2015 Earthquake also show how women’s organizations have been
instrumental in the recovery process and reaffirm that disaster recovery
efforts can also be a time for challenging and resetting gender relations.
In Nepal, restrictive social norms limited the access of single/widowed
women to post-disaster recovery efforts. The period of mourning for
13 days after death of the husband when women were restricted from
touching anyone or eating anything restricted their ability to meet their
needs (Mawby and Applebaum 2018: 17). In many instances, Nepali men
were absent in the communities because they were outside the country
for work, had been participating in the civil war, or killed in the conflict.
This meant women had to take responsibility for recovery efforts. This
was the context that Nepali women’s civil society organisations (CSOs)
stepped in, and in doing so, “the work of women’s CSOs helped create a
stronger recovery that more thoroughly addressed the needs of Nepali
communities. A more robust societal recovery helps reduce future
instability and advancing the status of women and enabling their full
participation can yield a stronger response to multi-layered instability.”
(Mawby and Applebaum 2018:19).
Indeed, as UNDP et al. (2010) note, it is important to address gender
inequalities in recovery efforts and long-term development strategies so
that they are not perpetuated leading to the same vulnerabilities in the future
too. This requires a “holistic approach that engages all recovery actors and
embeds gender in all disaster recovery planning activities, from reviewing
national policies to post-disaster evaluations” (UNDP et al. 2010: 10).
Figure 9.5
Haiti post hurricane Matthew 2016.
Challenges during the reconstruction phase:
Location and proper planning of reconstructed housing
Unsustainable sourcing of construction materials
Proper infrastructure planning, e.g. water supply or road access
Waste and debris management
Cleaning up in sustainable way
Including ecosystems in reconstruction plans to reduce future risks
Environmental considerations should be carefully included in this phase as
building back better and greener is possible in most cases. The potential
of ecosystem restoration and creating green infrastructure for DRR should
be considered as well. In many cases, it may be necessary to relocate
settlements if they were constructed in inappropriate locations away from
hazard-prone areas. It is necessary to avoid sourcing building materials
from unsustainable sources, for instance excavating sand from dunes
on coasts or taking down forests on steep slopes, which could degrade
natural protection functions and thus increase vulnerability of already
affected populations to future hazard events.
Also, production processes for building materials that might harm the
environment should be avoided or improved. Sustainable waste and
debris management continue to offer challenges as well as ensuring that
the clean-up process does not cause long-term damage. For example, in
Sri Lanka, following the 2004 South Asian Tsunami, the beach clean-up
created more damage than the hazard event itself, because the clean-up
led to the spread of invasive species (Sudmeier-Rieux et al. 2013).
Post-disaster efforts may also reinforce social and gender inequalities
in many ways “by distributing resources to male head of households,
by provisioning traditional male occupations, ignoring women’s small
enterprises, by seeking support and decision making only from make
leaders” (Drolet et al. 2015: 438). Most Post Disaster Needs Assessment
would include chapters on gender in recovery and reconstruction, usually
gender would be considered a cross-cutting topic affecting any other
sector investigated (Hinzpeter and Sandholz 2018).
Women and men’s contribution in the reconstruction phase may be
different depending on the social context. Women may do more work
relating to water and food provision and care jobs within the household.
They may also be actively involved in rebuilding efforts and agricultural
work that were considered ‘men’s work’. For example, in Pakistan, although
many women in affected communities abided by strict laws regarding
social interaction outside the household, the post-disaster recovery efforts
saw them involving in labour outside home, alongside men (Drolet et al.
2015). They also note that “Living in poverty as part of a marginalised
group creates few opportunities to build up the resources needed to fall
back on at a time of disaster. Social protection initiatives that provide
access to essential services and income, including protection from the
risks of disasters, is a universal human right and contributes to building
resilience by improving economic security, health, and well-being” (Drolet
et al. 2015:445). Therefore, it is important that women and all affected
people and groups are involved in decision-making in the post-disaster
reconstruction planning. The long-term challenge is to build sustainable
livelihoods. Example of a similar intervention by an NGO called Pattan
drawing from a UN study is included below.
Ecosystems management contributions pre- and post-disasters
Gender-sensitive reconstruction efforts in Pakistan
Pattan, an NGO with a long history in trained female staff to ensure women’s
development and disaster assistance, began needs were assessed and addressed. The
work with flood-affected communities in forums also offered gender training for its
40 Pakistani villages in 1992. Pattan staff staff and analyzed the gender impact of all
identified weaknesses in flood mitigation of its programs. Women were responsible
and preparedness programs, including for distributing food, and households
an inadequate warning system, absence were registered in women’s names during
of community organizations, lack of distributions to ensure female-headed
community participation in flood response, households and women in polygamous
and failure to recognize how disasters affect households received assistance.
women and men differently. Pattan set out Pattan also involved women in housing
to improve community flood response by reconstruction. Traditionally, the house of a
integrating disaster reduction strategies married couple was owned by the husband.
into development policies and projects However, Pattan persuaded communities
and incorporating a carefully thought- to register houses constructed with project
out gender perspective into its disaster funds in the names of both wives and
response program. Pattan began by husbands. Before construction began,
organizing forums to encourage community couples signed a contract stipulating that, in
participation in projects addressing disaster the event of divorce or separation, whoever
preparedness, response, and recovery. remained in the house had to pay half its
However, the practice of sex segregation value to the former spouse. Interviews with
prevented women from joining the forums the women revealed that home ownership
in most villages. Women asked that Pattan had dramatically increased women’s status
organize parallel women’s forums. These in their families and communities and
forums soon became the primary vehicle for increased their participation in decision-
women’s representation and participation making processes.
in disaster assistance projects. Male Adapted from Swoebel (2000) Unsung Heroines:
staff could not interact with women in Women and Natural Disasters Gender Matters,
Information Bulletin No. 8, US Agency for
the community, so Pattan recruited and International Development.
Although gender is often not seen as important to factor in while making
disaster plans, the recognition of specific conditions that make women
vulnerable necessitates that gender be especially considered in disaster
prevention and preparedness strategies. Myers (1994: 15–16) elaborates
on how gender can be incorporated into the components of disaster
prevention and preparedness (see Table 9.2).
Ecosystems management contributions pre- and post-disasters
Disaster preparedness is one of the objectives of the HFA and SFDRR and
one of the areas where governments have made most progress as self-
reported, between 2007 and 2011 (Figure 9.6).
Figure 9.8
A local tsunami warning system in
American Samoa
© B. McAdoo
In a perfect world, any area at risk from a hazard event would have a risk
map or at least a hazard map that provide the basis for land use or urban
planning in order to reduce risks (Zimmermann et al. 2005). Such maps
provide guidance to municipalities and homeowners about which areas
should be avoided for future constructions. In some countries, risk and/
or hazard maps may be mandatory and form an important basis for land
use or urban planning. We will discuss this important aspect in more detail
in Chapters 10 and 11.
Maps can establish non-construction zones or provide information to
insurance companies which may reduce the likelihood of obtaining
insurance for homeowners in high risk areas. However, in practice, many
risk/hazard maps are only developed after a disaster has occurred.
In recognition of the linkages between ecosystem services and disaster
risk, there are a few but increasing number of risk / hazard maps that also
incorporate ecosystem services. One example is from West Africa where
the entire coast of 11 countries has been mapped illustrating ecosystem
services and coastal risks.
Ecosystems management contributions pre- and post-disasters
9.4 Conclusions
Disaster risk reduction can be seen as a spiral consisting of four phases:
Relief, Recovery, Reconstruction and Prevention. Ecosystem and gender
considerations can and need to be taken into account through each phase
of the DRR spiral. Within the first two phases of relief and recovery, the
main importance is to protect vital ecosystems and their services and
to minimize any further damage. Ensuring environmental contingency
plans and rapid environmental assessment procedures are in place is
important to help in this stage where environmental considerations often
take the back seat compared to saving lives. The period of reconstruction
provides the opportunity to “build back better” and include an ecosystem
approach. The prevention phase is often where the majority of the work
on incorporating Eco-DRR/EbA can be undertaken. The next chapters will
detail tools for Eco-DRR/EbA.
Chapter 10
Incorporating ecosystems
in risk assessments
Key questions
What are vulnerability, hazard and risk
assessments and why do we need them?
What are the most common approaches
to assessing vulnerability and risk and
how can we integrate ecosystems
in these assessments?
Incorporating ecosystems in risk assessments
10.1 Vulnerability, hazard and risk assessments DEFINITION
Let’s first quickly revise the concept of “risk”. Risk refers to potential The potential disaster
losses and is composed of three main elements: hazard, vulnerability and losses, in lives, health status,
exposure. This is the most commonly used definition given by UNDRR. If livelihoods, assets and
there are no potential losses, (i.e. if a hazard event takes place in a remote services, which could occur
area with no population, infrastructure or other resources of value), then to a particular community or
there is no risk, even if there is a hazard. a society over some specified
future time period.
Risk = Hazard * Exposure * Vulnerability
Comment: The definition
The basic idea behind establishing a risk assessment is to reduce of disaster risk reflects the
the likelihood of future damages and human suffering due to hazard concept of disasters as the
events. This is why one of the first steps in establishing an integrated outcome of continuously
risk management plan is to assess the risks, or potential of loss to a present conditions of risk.
population over time. The next step is to communicate these risks and Disaster risk comprises
take the appropriate measures to reduce them. We often communicate different types of potential
risk through maps, whether they are simple hand drawn representations losses which are often
or more data dependent Geographic Information System (GIS) maps. difficult to quantify.
However, there may be many other ways of communicating about Nevertheless, with knowledge
immediate or pending risks, depending on cultural norms, such as through of the prevailing hazards and
oral history, songs, or street theatre (Figure 10.1). the patterns of population and
In some countries, risk assessments are mandatory and an important socio-economic development,
part of land use planning. For example, in France, “risk prevention plans” disaster risks can be
are stipulated by law and contribute to managing risk by defining areas assessed and mapped, in
on which construction is allowed. broad terms at least.
The local French State representative, “the préfet”, enforces this law, UNISDR 2017
which usually goes through a public participation process where citizens
can give advice on the zonings and contest them. However, in the end
the “préfet” must enforce the law, which indicates for example that no
construction is allowed in “red” or high risk zones (Pigeon 2017). Usually,
risk maps are an important part of this process.
In Switzerland, federal laws since the 19th century provided the basis
for protection works by local governments. In 1991 and 1994, new laws
required local governments (cantons) to perform hazard assessments as
part of land use planning, emergency management, and to determine the
cost efficiency of structural and non-structural measures (Zimmermann
et al. 2005). The Swiss have two binding instruments to implement
these laws: “hazard indication maps” and “danger maps”, which have
been established for most municipalities that are affected by some
type of natural hazard. Whereas the Swiss hazard map only depicts the
type of hazard on a map, the danger map is the most commonly used
instrument. It is particular as it illustrates not only the type of hazard and
where it may occur but also the intensity and probability of occurrence
as established by various return periods (0-30 years, 30-100 years, 100-
300 years) represented by red, yellow and blue. The use of these colors
is quite specific to the Swiss method for depicting hazard occurrence.
Other countries may use red, orange and yellow to illustrate high, medium
and low hazard zones (or to illustrate risk). However, it is very important
to understand which return periods are represented for each category
of hazards. It is interesting to note the cost for producing such maps:
Figure 10.1
estimated at around 500 USD (2005 values) per km2 for the Swiss hazard Tsunami early warning
map and for the danger map, it can take around one year to develop for communications
one municipality (Zimmermann et al. 2005). © B. McAdoo
Once we have such maps, it is up to society, i.e. decision-makers and
civil society, to decide on the most cost-effective measures for reducing
risk. It may actually be physically impossible to consider a zero-risk
situation, and depending on the situation, it can be very expensive and
economically unfeasible to completely reduce risk. Often decision-makers
have to consider the lowest possible risk considering the economic costs
of certain measures and may decide to accept a certain level of risk. For
deciding on the extent to which a society can afford to reduce risk, decision
makers may use the so-called ALARP principle, “As Low As Reasonably
Practicable” (Figure 10.2). For example, as a society, we may be willing to
spend a lot on making sure that schools, hospitals and retirement homes
are made as safe as possible.
Figure 10.2
The ALARP principle with
risk increasing inversely to
increasing costs.
Design: L. Rharade, UNEP. Modified
from Talbot and Jakeman (2015)
Incorporating ecosystems in risk assessments
Although risk is generally accepted as a function of vulnerability, exposure
and hazard, there is no universally accepted equation for calculating
risk and the equation will differ depending on the purpose of the risk
calculation. Often, risk assessments involve assessing the different parts
of the equation, focusing on vulnerability and hazards and finally risk. We
can think of a risk assessment in terms of various layers.
Vulnerability is the element of risk that is perhaps the most challenging
to assess. To start with, natural or physical scientists assess it in very
different ways from social scientists. Natural or physical scientists
might consider vulnerability to be the physical damage of a house or of
a landscape to a certain hazard. They may calculate vulnerability as the
degree of damage to a building quantitatively.
Social scientists or professionals working with NGOs usually combine
the assessment of social vulnerability with capacities or so-called
Vulnerability and Capacity Assessments (VCAs). The data collected
are often very rich and qualitative yet not always easy (but possible) to
translate into the kind of quantitative data needed for a risk assessment.
For this, we tend to use socio-economic data on income, education levels,
and household status, among some of the indicators.
Many types of vulnerabilities arise from conditions linked to ecosystems
degradation, including competition or conflict over scarce natural resources
in specific ecosystems. So considering the aspects of vulnerability that
arise from poor access to or degraded ecosystem services can improve
our understanding of the local populations’ vulnerability.
Hazard assessments are usually more standardised and less subject to
interpretation. Usually, two types of data for hazards are identified: the
probability of an event reoccurring, or its return period, and the intensity
of the hazard. For these data, historical records, such as well as climate
forecasts, to the extent they exist for the area being studied, are used.
Where several hazards are present, it is useful to develop a multi-hazard
map which provides a more comprehensive overview of all hazards that
can occur. The data used for this can be high quality GIS data or can
be drawn from local knowledge using drawn or 3-D maps to capture
information where no digital information exists (Figure 10.3).
Figure 10.3
Participatory 3D mapping in the
Democratic Republic of Congo.
Since risk assessments often require quite involved data collection and
expertise, we often find that many NGOs and local governments focus
on vulnerability and hazard assessments. But in order to develop the
complete risk assessment, the final piece of data we need is on exposure.
Data on exposure can be collected from satellite images, household
surveys or other population statistics.
The risk assessment usually takes the form of a risk map (Figure 10.4)
Figure 10.4
Tsunami risk map for City of Galle,
Sri Lanka.
© Hettiarachchi/UNDP 2011
A well-developed risk map will show areas at high, medium to low risk
and will qualify what this means in terms of expected return periods of
the hazard. The scale can be a neighbourhood, a district or even global
depending on the scope. Thus, quite a lot of data and expertise are
required to develop risk maps.
Risk can also be represented as risk curves. For example, societal risk
represented in Frequency and Number of Fatalities Curves (F-N Curves)
F-N curves or annualized risk total in probabilities and losses. F-N curves
relate the probability per year of causing N or more fatalities (F) to N.
Such curves can be used to express social risk criteria and safety levels
of facilities. Figure 10.5 illustrates the Hong Kong Government Risk
Guidelines (HKGRG), which were developed for a hazardous installation
but also provides a good example for natural hazards using a F-N curve.
Figure 10.5
Hong Kong Government Risk 10-2
Guidelines for hazardous
installations and example
Frequency (F) of accidents with N or More Fatalities
of F-N curve.
(per year)
ALARP region
10 100 1000 10000
Number of Fatalities (N)
Incorporating ecosystems in risk assessments
“Individual risk is the predicted increase in the chance of fatality per year
to an individual due to a potential hazard. The individual risk guidelines
require that the maximum level of individual risk should not exceed 1 in
100,000 per year i.e. 1 x 10-5 per year. Societal risk expresses the risks
to the whole population. The HKRG is presented graphically in Figure
10.5 in terms of lines plotting the frequency (F) of N or more deaths in
the population from incidents at the installation. Two F-N risk lines are
used in the HKRG that demark “acceptable” or “unacceptable” societal
risks. The intermediate region indicates the acceptability of societal
risk is borderline and should be reduced to a level which is “as low as is
reasonably practicable” (ALARP). It seeks to ensure that all practicable and
cost effective measures that can reduce risk will be considered.”3
Various community risk assessment tools are available, ranging from
participatory mapping of risks and resources to a social or institutional
network analysis. Especially for the development context, various
handbooks on participatory assessments have been developed by
international institutions such as CARE or UNEP to address both CCA and
DRR in the context of better environmental management (see box below).
3 Source:http://www.epd.gov.hk/eia/register/report/eiareport/eia_1252006/html/eiareport/Part2/Section13/Sec2_13.htm
For CCA purposes, assessments undertaken are generally Vulnerability
and Impact Assessments (VIA). They involve similar steps to those
described above but additionally focus on future climate change scenarios
to assess vulnerability to and impact from climate change. There exist
different climate models at global and regional scales as well as different
scenarios for future change (IPCC 2013) that can be used to predict future
vulnerability. These are often also analysed and presented in map form
or a matrix form. Depending on the scale of the assessment, however,
the use of global or regional models is not possible because they are too
coarse. Another option is creating future scenarios with stakeholders and
deriving future risk that way (see WWF 2013 for steps for a VIA for EbA).
Figure 10.7
Figure 10.6
Modeling waves and currents. Numerical model results for wave heights (a)
Habitats of Negril, Jamaica.
and wave-induced currents (b) at the Negril coast. Conditions: Offshore wave
© UNEP 2010
height (Hrms) = 2.8m, Tp= 8.7s. Waves approach from the northwest. Note
the diminishing wave heights and changed nearshore flow patterns at the lee
of the shallow coral reefs. © UNEP 2010.
Incorporating ecosystems in risk assessments
RiVAMP (UNEP 2010) was conceived to develop an assessment tool that
takes into account ecosystems and climate change factors in the analysis
of disaster risk and vulnerability. Implemented in 2009, the project aimed
to assist national and local government decision makers in evaluating their
development options effectively by recognizing the role of ecosystems
in reducing risk and adapting to climate change impacts. It involved a
scientific assessment, which undertook remote sensing to identify
ecosystem functions, modelling of exposure to storms and statistical
analysis, and stakeholder consultations to identify the main drivers of
ecosystem degradation and assess awareness of environmental and
disaster linkages.
It specifically targeted Small Island Development States (SIDS) and
other coastal areas that are highly vulnerable and exposed to tropical
cyclones and related hazards (storm surges, landslides, flooding) and
to accelerated sea level rise. The RiVAMP methodology was pilot tested
in Jamaica. It uses information such as location of key ecosystems
(Figure 10.6), waves and currents and modelling how corals reduce wave
height (Figure 10.7) in order to map the exposure of population and assets
to storms with different return cycles (Figure 10.8).
Figure 10.8. Exposure of population and assets to ten-year return period storms (top) and
fifty-year periods storms (bottom). Return period exposure for a) population, b) asset
© UNEP 2010.
Figure 10.9
Shoreline erosion over time as
compared to ecosystem services.
© UNEP 2010
Incorporating ecosystems in risk assessments
Figure 10.10
Example of input (ecosystem
coverage, hazard exposure) and
output (risk reduction. opportunity
at global and national level).
© UNEP 2019
Table 10.1
Tsunami Cyclone wind Cyclone surge Landslide Flood Selected hazard-
Forest ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ combinations
Mangrove ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗ (✓= applies,
Sea grass ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗ = does not apply)
Source: UNEP/GRID-
Coral reef ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗ Geneva, 2016
10.4 Conclusions
According to OECD (2012), there is a need to develop and share best
practices, methodologies and standards to ensure data harmonization
and standardization initiatives for calculating risk. There are a few
initiatives for harmonization such as the Integrated Research on Disaster
Risk (IRDR), the International Disaster Database (EM-DAT), DesInventar,
UNEP’s PREVIEW and the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) (see “data
sources” below). However, with few exceptions there has been little
attempt to incorporate data on ecosystem degradation or ecosystem
services as part of risk assessments. The few exceptions include the
RiVAMP project, the UNU World Risk Report (2013) and the PREVIEW
Global Risk Data Platform. There are also very few examples of risk
assessments that consider green infrastructure as alternative scenarios
to grey infrastructure for reducing risk, where appropriate. This is thus a
new area of research and innovation that is still in its infancy.
Incorporating ecosystems in risk assessments
Alliance Development Works and United Nations University Talbot, J.and Jakeman, M. (2015). The external context –
(2013). World Risk Report. Berlin: Alliance Development what’s outside the door? Risk the effect of uncertainty
Works. http://collections.unu.edu/eserv/UNU:2018/ on objectives. http://31000risk.blogspot.fr/2011_04_01_
WorldRiskReport_2013_online_01.pdf Accessed 26 July 2019. archive.html Accessed 26 July 2019.
Höppner, C., Bründl, M. and Buchecker, M. (2010). Risk UNEP (2010). Risk and Vulnerability Assessment
Communication and Natural Hazards. Birmensdorf: CapHaz- Methodology Development Project (RiVAMP) Linking
Net WP5 Report, Swiss Federal Research Institute. WSL. Ecosystems to Risk and Vulnerability Reduction, The
https://www.wsl.ch/fileadmin/user_upload/WSL/Projekte/ Case of Jamaica, Results of Pilot Assessment. Geneva:
CAPHAZ/CapHaz-Net_WP5_Report_final.pdf Accessed UNEP Division of Environmental Policy Implementation
25 July 2019. (DEPI). https://www.preventionweb.net/files/13205_
RiVAMPexsummary.pdf Accessed 25 July 2019.
IPCC (2013). Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science
Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth UNISDR (2017). Disaster terminology. http://www.unisdr.
Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on org/we/inform/terminology Accessed 25 July 2019.
Climate Change [Stocker, T.F., D. Qin, G.-K. Plattner, M.
van Westen, C., van Asch, T. & Soeters, R. Landslide hazard
Tignor, S.K. Allen, J. Boschung, A. Nauels, Y. Xia, V. Bex and
and risk zonation—why is it still so difficult? Bull Eng Geol
P.M. Midgley (eds.)]. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge
Environ (2006) 65: 167. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-
University Press. https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/
2018/02/WG1AR5_all_final.pdf Accessed 25 July 2019.
WWF (2013). Operational Framework for Ecosystem-based
McAdoo, B.G., Dengler, L., Eeri, M., Prasetya, G. and Titov,
Adaptation: Implementing and Mainstreaming Ecosystem-
V. (2006). Smong: How an Oral History Saved Thousands
based Adaptation Responses in the Greater Mekong Sub-
on Indonesia’s Simeulue Island During the December 2004
Region. Gland: WWF. http://awsassets.panda.org/downloads/
and March 2005 Tsunamis’. Earthquake Spectra, 22(S3),
661–69. DOI: 10.1193/1.2204966.
adaptation_general_framework.pdf Accessed 25 July 2019.
OECD (2012). Global Modeling of Natural Hazard Risks:
Zimmermann, M., Pozzi, A. and Stoessel, F. (2005).
Enhancing Existing Capabilities to Address New Challenges.
Vademecum, Hazard Maps and Related Instruments. The
Paris: OECD. http://www.oecd.org/sti/sci-tech/Final%20
Swiss System and its Application Abroad, Capitalization of
GRMI%20report.pdf Accessed 25 July 2019.
Experience. Bern: PLANAT/Swiss Development Cooperation
Pigeon, P. (2017). Dike Risk: An Applied Issue Revealing http://www.planat.ch/fileadmin/PLANAT/planat_pdf/
Academic Links Between Disaster Risk Reduction, alle_2012/2001-2005/PLANAT_2005_-_Vademecum.pdf
Sustainable Development, Climate Change And Migration. Accessed 25 July, 2019.
In Identifying Emerging Issues In Disaster Risk Reduction,
Migration, Climate Change And Sustainable Development.
Sudmeier-Rieux, K., Fernandez, M., Penna, I., Jaboyedoff,
M., and Gaillard, J.C. (eds.). New York: Springer. 67-80. DOI:
DESINVENTAR website: NatCatSERVICE – Munich Re website:
http://www.desinventar.org/ http://www.munichre.com/natcatservice
EM-DAT website: PREVIEW Global Risk Data Platform –
http://www.emdat.be/ UNEP/ GRID website:
GRID (Global Resource Information Database).
Chapter 11
Planning tools for ecosystem-
based disaster risk reduction
and adaptation
Key questions
What planning tools exist to inform
How can spatial data, GIS and remote sensing
be used for Eco-DRR/EbA?
What is an environmental impact assessment
and how can it contribute to Eco-DRR/EbA?
© Karen Sudmeier-Rieux/
Incorporating ecosystems in risk assessments
11.1 Spatial planning to reduce risks
from disasters
First of all, it is important to differentiate between planning and
management tools and formal processes (Figure 11.1). Planning can
be described as a future-oriented approach to allocate land to certain
purposes while management aims to achieve or maintaining a certain
ecosystem status. Formal process such as environmental impact
assessments are also important to consider. Chapter 13 will follow up on
the management tools in more detail.
Figure 11.1
Planning can involve both non-spatial and spatial elements. Non-spatial Planning and Management
Approaches appropriate for
elements can be the enumeration of the resources required, the time-
reducing disaster risks
frame the plan will cover, the strategies and actions, the actors involved, © S. Sandholz
etc. The spatial element is of vital importance when planning to reduce
risks from disasters because disasters strike areas or regions. Thus,
making a spatial plan, whether local, regional or global, helps to prescribe,
regulate and determine land utilization for various purposes, such as
agriculture, industrial sites, human settlements or protected areas. This
is increasingly difficult due to the growing population around the globe.
A spatial plan made on a large scale serves as a basis upon which more
detailed plans for urban or rural areas are formulated or upon which sector
plans for agriculture or infrastructure development are made. Spatial
plans play a significant and influential role in preventing or mitigating
losses from hazards and managing environmental risks, because they
determine the physical location of activities and investments. In addition,
they are increasingly important for CCA – including EbA – to determine
areas for action.
Organize land uses and the basis for subsequent urban planning
or land use planning in rural/semi-rural areas (which is then
more detailed);
Promote sustainable development (social, environmental, economic);
Develop access to information and knowledge;
Enhance and protect natural resources and cultural heritage;
Find a balance among multiple demands and competing interests;
Reduce the impacts of hazard events by: restricting development
in hazard prone areas; accommodating and planning land
use according to levels of risk; zoning and coding; designing
infrastructures for hazard reduction.
Case Study
The Netherlands “Room for the River” programme aims to reduce flood
risks while improving quality of life for people living near rivers. It is
based on spatial planning and allocating space for different purposes
(Figure 11.2). The main goal is to increase the safety and improve the
overall environmental quality of Dutch river regions by allocating extra
room for its rivers. Many of the contentious issues involved in spatial
planning revolve around the fact that different sectors value land
differently and these values are often in conflict. Land-use planning occurs
within a political context and oftentimes, short-term gains take priority
over what is sustainable and what will be safe in the future. Such conflicts
are logically aggravated by land scarcity, for example in the Netherlands,
where limited land resources have to be allocated wisely while allowing
for future development and to adapt to climate change impacts. Here the
exposed areas along the rivers are no longer considered as constructible
zones, in order to reduce flood risks.
The Room for River programme illustrates that spatial planning is always
a compromise: if the river banks and retention areas are no longer
designated for human use land resources need to be allocated elsewhere
for development. This is where involving communities in the decision-
making process is critical in order to navigate the trade-offs and forge
sustainable solutions.
Figure 11.2
River restoration in Netherlands.
© M. van Staveren
Incorporating ecosystems in risk assessments
11.2 Participatory rural appraisals for ecosystem-
based disaster risk reduction and adaptation
Participatory rural appraisals (PRA), also called Participatory Learning
for Action (PLA), are an important planning tool used in development
projects because they aim to incorporate and use the knowledge and
opinions of the local people (Chambers 1994). They are also non-
technology dependant like some mapping or modelling methods often
used for planning, which can therefore be more accessible as well as
more inclusive. PRA’s aim to be as inclusive as possible and thus often
use methods of communication and information gathering that does not
require writing. Symbols, drawings and oral communications are used
such as participatory mapping (Figure 11.3).
Some of the main tools used in PRA are:
Focus groups and (semi-structured) interviews, consultations
Community mapping, matrix scoring, ranking, timelines,
seasonal calendars
Participatory maps, transect walks, diagrams
Figure 11.3
Participatory risk mapping using
coconut leaves in Solomon Island.
© J.C. Gaillard
data and satellite images. The most common outputs from GIS software
are maps, statistics and tables, charts or databases (Figure 11.4).
GIS was for example used to support Eco-DRR/EbA in a small municipality
in the South of Haiti (Figures 11.5, Figure 11.6). The south of Haiti is
frequently hit by storms, which cause storm surges and flooding. As
discussed in earlier chapters, coastal ecosystems, such as coral reefs,
sand dunes, seagrass beds and mangroves, can reduce the impact
of storms and subsequent flooding. But like many areas of Haiti,
the degradation of ecosystems has resulted in higher risk in this
municipality. Since 2013, UNEP has been working with the community
and the municipal government to protect the coastal habitats and reduce
disaster risk. As a large portion of the population relies directly on coastal
ecosystems for livelihoods, protection of ecosystems can also reduce
population vulnerability.
Figure 11.4
Geographic information for spatial
planning and risk assessments.
Design: S. Plog
Incorporating ecosystems in risk assessments
To use GIS to support this Eco-DRR/EbA project, first baseline data
on demographics and geo-physical data such as elevation, water
depth and type of shoreline were gathered to better understand the
area (Figure 11.7 and 11.8). These maps were also complemented by
information provided by the local community regarding historical records
of storms and changes in ecosystems.
Figure 11.7
Figure 11.8
Satellite images of the shoreline in Port Salut over
Location of exposed buildings to river flooding
the years suggest that the sandy beach is
(within 25 m of water channels) and coastal flooding
experiencing erosion.
(within 50 m of the coastline).
© UNEP 2016
© UNEP 2016
Then remote sensing was used to map the existing ecosystems. Remote
sensing can be used to monitor ecosystems or land use. For example,
satellite images can show changes in the extent of forests or wetlands
over time. It can also be used to assess hazards and exposure, for
example to track hurricanes or model floods. Remote sensing can provide
information that can be used in land use planning for example to reduce
impact of urban growth on the environment or prevent sprawl into hazard-
prone areas (NOAA 2015).
DEFINITION: Resilience
“Remote sensing is the science
of obtaining information
about objects or areas from
a distance, typically from
aircraft or satellites.”
NOAA 2015
Figure 11.9
Port Salut habitat map based
on remote sensing and ground-
truthed through marine and
terrestrial field surveys.
A high resolution satellite image of the municipality of Port Salut was used
to map the existing natural coastal ecosystems. A field survey was used to
verify, or ground-truth the map and add information about the degradation
or health status of coastal habitats using Geographic Positioning System
(GPS) devices. The result is a map the types of ecosystems and their
location (Figure 11.9).
This information was then applied in an open source GIS model, InVEST
The Natural Capital Project (Integrated Valuation of Environmental Services and Tradeoffs) developed
“The Natural Capital Project by the Natural Capital Project. InVEST is a suite of modelling tools that
aims to align economic forces map, measure and value the goods and services that sustain human life
with conservation. We are while providing several scenarios.
an innovative partnership The InVEST Coastal Vulnerability Model was used to determine what
between Stanford University, areas of the coastline are more exposed to flooding and storm surges, and
The Nature Conservancy, where habitat conservation or restoration can reduce exposure to hazards
World Wildlife Fund, and (Figure 11.10). This model is unique because it includes the protective
the University of Minnesota role of habitats in the exposure assessment. The model was run multiple
working together to value times with different scenarios of habitat degradation. Figure 11.10
nature’s benefits to society. shows that under current conditions only some parts of the municipality
We develop tools that make are highly exposed to storms. But if all habitats were to be destroyed in
it easy to incorporate natural the future, most of the municipality would be highly exposed to coastal
capital into decisions, apply hazards. This is where conservation and restoration of seagrasses, coral
these tools in select places reefs, mangroves and coastal vegetation would reduce exposure of the
around the world, and engage municipality while providing livelihoods benefits.
leaders to transform decision
making by taking up this The outputs of the InVEST model are being used in decision making related
approach.” to land use planning and conservation. In 2013, Port Salut was designated
https://naturalcapitalproject. as one of Haiti’s first marine protected areas and the results of the spatial
stanford.edu/ analysis are being the basis in the development of a management plan
for the protected area.
Incorporating ecosystems in risk assessments
Figure 11.10
Exposure scenarios with and
without habitat.
As with any models, InVEST also has its limitations. Furthermore, the
terminology used is based on the IPCC terminology prior to 2014, and
thus is different from the UNDRR terminology. However, it is currently one
of the most advanced open source models available for producing various
scenarios of exposure (InVEST refers to this as vulnerability) considering
ecosystem services.
DEFINITION: 11.4 Environmental impact assessments
Environmental impact An Environmental Impact Assessment or EIA is a formalized and
assessement systematic process to identify and evaluate the environmental impacts
“an analytical process that of a proposed project, such as a road, a dam or some industrial site. EIA
systematically examines can involve the construction, operation, extension, modification or even
the possible environmental decommissioning of such projects. The need for an EIA depends on
consequences of the the scale of the project, its location, and the nature and magnitude of
implementation of projects, the potential environmental impacts. For example, the World Bank has
programmes and policies” established three categories:
Glossary of Environment Statistics, a. ‘likely to have significant adverse environmental impacts beyond the
Studies in Methods, Series F, No. 67, project area’ and thus requiring a full or comprehensive EIA;
United Nations, New York, 1997.
b. ‘site-specific potential adverse environmental impacts’ which require
a limited EIA
c. not requiring an EIA
(World Bank Operational Policy 4.01, Environmental Assessment,
January 1999).
Environmental Impact Assessments address goods and services to be
protected - they are very similar to ecosystem services as you can see in
Figure 11.12.
Incorporating ecosystems in risk assessments
Next are measures to minimize negative effects on site, or alternatively
or additionally some compensation, for example some river renaturation
project (Figure 11.14) which is not in the dam site. Step six involves
analyzing whether impacts that cannot be mitigated are acceptable.
Then finally, to approve or reject the dam project, an environmental impact
statement report is developed. As a follow-up and last step, a monitoring
process is established to see the project impacts and how effective the
mitigation measures are.
Increasingly, the EIA is mandatory for planning projects. It is a must in
most European countries. It can also serve for Eco-DRR/EbA, especially if
it incorporates an assessment of risk.
In summary, EIA is a very helpful tool for better decision making and
is used worldwide. But it has its limitations. Indeed, the problems of
coherence of EIA for international bilateral aid were addressed by the
Working Party of the Development Assistance Committee of the OECD
(OECD 2016). A practical guide on this subject was prepared to help both
officials in bilateral donor agencies and their counterparts in developing
countries. It summarizes the various EIA procedures used by the different
agencies and provides two key means of promoting coherence:
A framework Terms of Reference for the EIA of development
assistance projects; and
A comprehensive checklist for managing EIA.
(OECD 2016)
EIAs are part of an integrated planning process to the extent that two main
types of legal provisions are taken into account: general environmental
or resource management law, which incorporates EIA requirements and
procedures; and an EIA specific law, which can either be comprehensive
or take the form of a framework or enabling statute. However, there is no
Figure 11.14
single EIA model appropriate for all countries: for example, some have
River renaturation in Germany.
established a separate EIA authority while in others, the EIA process is © Zumbroich Consulting
administered by environment departments or by the planning authorities.
Canada has distinguished its EIA process by applying it only to projects
and it applies strategic environmental analysis (SEA) for policy and plans.
See below for more information on SEAs.
Resources developed guidelines for integrating DRR and CCA strategies
in its EIA processes (see Box).
As illustrated in the Philippines’ example, disaster risk analyses can be
incorporated into the EIA process. Information generated by EIAs can
help improve early warning because the EIA process can provide data for
risk mapping and scenario building in relation to the potential impacts
of projects. Hence, EIAs can be applied to help assess the conditions of
hazards and patterns of vulnerability in the context of the developmental
planning process. EIA reports also include an environmental monitoring
plan. Monitoring parameters usually can cover early signals of potential
risks. EIAs applied in the disaster prevention and mitigation phase
can help inform planning for DRR, for instance by providing guidance
on choices mitigation methods (Gupta and Yunus 2004), technology
investments and site locations for activities.
In a post-disaster context, conducting a rapid environmental assessment
(REA) helps to ensure that sustainability concerns are factored into the
relief, reconstruction and recovery planning stages (Gupta et al. 2002). The
REA does not replace an EIA but fills a gap in an emergency context until
an EIA can be appropriately conducted. To conclude on EIA legislations,
here is a summary of EIA key international developments.
Incorporating ecosystems in risk assessments
macro level and has established an environmental framework for its
country assistance strategies: it intends to make greater use of SEAs
at programme and regional levels. Indeed, the World Bank’s broader
environmental policy has moved from a ‘do no harm’ approach to
minimizing the adverse effects of its projects, to the use of SEAs as part of
a strategy of promoting long-term sustainability (UNEP 2002). Therefore,
an increasing number of developed countries and countries in transition
now make formal provisions for SEA of policies, plans and programmes.
Many developing countries also have planning systems that include
elements of SEA. Indeed, the legal, policy and institutional arrangements
for SEA are more varied than those for project EIA.
SEAs and EIAs also have many similarities and a common foundation. SEAs
were developed largely as a response to the levels and types of decision-
making not covered by EIA. In doing so, SEAs have derived, adapted
and implemented EIA arrangements, procedures and methodologies,
particularly at the plan and programme levels. Other process models
also have been adapted, particularly at the policy level where integrative
appraisal and environmental “tests” compress the basic steps followed in
EIAs, such as screening and reporting.
Additional resources 11.5 Conclusions
for this chapter Spatial tools are extremely promising for Eco-DRR/EbA. The example
Blue Solutions is a global from Haiti is only one of the endless possibilities of applying GIS and
platform to collate share remote sensing to support spatial analysis and decision making. As with
and generate knowledge many other tools that we will be exploring, we find that spatial tools have
and capacity for sustainable been used for collecting data and tracking ecosystem health on the one
management and equitable hand, and on the other for assessing post-disaster damages. It is only
governance of our blue planet: recently that we are finding an emerging interest in merging these two
http://bluesolutions.info/ applications, for example using spatial data on ecosystem services for
disaster prevention or to improve land use planning and research on Eco-
Marine Spatial Planning
DRR/EbA. Despite the opportunities, accurate and high-resolution spatial
Concierge, a website to
data may be lacking for many parts of the world, which can be a limitation
facilitate marine spatial
to applying this tool. But certain software, such as InVEST models can be
planning. http://geointerest.
applied even in data poor countries. And fortunately, most countries are
now investing in spatial data infrastructure.
For free SMCE software,
Most of the tools and approaches presented above are not new and have
developed by ITC:
been the mainstay of natural resources management for decades. What
is innovative is the greater emphasis on combining land use planning
and community-based natural resources management with risk reduction
NASA ARSET for applied (see next chapters), yet such approaches are yet to be mainstreamed.
remote sensing training Fortunately, in many countries a risk assessment or risk zoning is
and free webinars. mandatory for land use planning approaches (e.g. the consideration of
http://arset.gsfc.nasa.gov/ flood, storm, earthquake or avalanche risk zones as done in Austria or
For GIS software for flooding in the Netherlands). While this is a promising development,
and applications: growing pressures due to population growth, a growing demand for land
http://freegis.org/ and increasing risks induced by climate change impacts are resulting in
new planning challenges. At the same time, community involvement is
increasingly considered as crucial and is being mainstreamed into EIA
legislation. Communities have a crucial role in disaster risk reduction as
they are often the first responders in case of a hazard event, often with
expert knowledge of areas at risk, whereas, a purely top-down disaster
risk management and response approach may fail to address specific
local needs.
EIAs and SEAs are very promising tools to this effect and are among the
few legislated tools that set out to protect environmental resources. To
date, with a few exceptions, there has been little effort to integrate DRR
in EIAs. There is therefore a huge untapped potential to institutionalize
Eco-DRR/EbA by integrating DRR with EIAs and SEAs.
Incorporating ecosystems in risk assessments
Abaza, H., Bisset, R. and Sadler, B. (2004). Environmental PEDRR (2011). Demonstrating the Role of Ecosystem-based
Impact Assessment and Strategic Environmental Management for Disaster Risk Reduction. 2011 Global
Assessment: Towards an Integrated Approach. Geneva: Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction. PEDRR.
UNEP. https://unep.ch/etu/publications/textONUBr.pdf https://www.preventionweb.net/english/hyogo/gar/2011/
Accessed 26 July 2019. en/bgdocs/PEDRR_2010.pdf Accessed 26 July 2019.
Bhatt, R.P and Khanal, S.K. (2009). Environmental Impact Sadler, B. (1999). A framework for environmental,
Assessment System in Nepal – An Overview of Policy, Legal sustainability assessment and assurance. Handbook of
Instruments and process. Kathmandu University Journal of environmental impact assessment, Oxford: Blackwell.
Science, Engineering and Technology, 5(2), 160-170. DOI:
Sadler, B. (1996). Environmental Assessment in a changing
world: Evaluating Practice to Improve Performance.
Boerboom, L., Flacke, J., Sharifi, A. and Atlan, O. (2009). International Study of the Effectiveness of Environmental
Web-based spatial multi-criteria evaluation (SMCE) software. Assessment. Ottawa: International Association for Impact
https://www.academia.edu/27497880/Web-Based_Spatial_ Assessment/Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency.
Multi-Criteria_Evaluation_SMCE_Software Accessed
Sadler, B. and Verheem, R. (1996). Strategic environmental
25 July 2019.
assessment: key issues emerging from recent practice.
Chambers, R. (1994). The Origins and Practice of The Hague: Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and
Participatory Rural Appraisal. World Development, 22(7), the Environment.
953-969. DOI: 10.1016/0305-750X(94)90141-4.
Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2012).
do Carmo Dias Bueno, M. (2011). Spatial Data: Use Cities and Biodiversity Outlook. Montreal: Secretariat
and Dissemination. IBGE. https://unstats.un.org/unsd/ of the Convention on Biological Diversity. https://
demographic/meetings/wshops/Chile_31May11/docs/ sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/1104cbo-
country/brazil02-s10.pdf Accessed 26 July 2019. action-policy-en.pdf Accessed 26 July 2019.
Gupta, A.K., Kumar, A., Misra, J, and Yunus, M. (2002). Thummarukudy, M. and Sharma Kanwar, S. (2014).
Environmental Impact Assessment and Disaster BACKGROUND PAPER Prepared for the 2015 Global
Management: Emerging Disciplines of Higher Education Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015:
and Practice. In Environmental Education. Srivastava, P. and Disaster Risk Reduction is an integral objective of
Singh, D.P. (eds.). New Delhi: Anmol Publishers. 7- 23. DOI: environment related policies and plans, including for land
10.13140/RG.2.2.32500.55682. use, natural resource management and adaptation to climate
change, Geneva: UNEP. https://www.preventionweb.net/
Gupta, A.K. and Yunus, M. (2004). India and WSSD (Rio +10)
Johannesburg: Issues of National Concern and International
Accessed 26 July 2019.
Strategies. Current Science, 87(1), 37-43. http://www.iisc.
ernet.in/~currsci/jul102004/37.pdf. Accessed 26 July 2019. UNEP (2002). Training session outline: Topic 2: Law, policy
and institutional arrangements for EIA systems. In EIA
Natural Capital Project.InVEST: Integrated Valuation
Training Resource Manual. Sadler, B. and McCabe, M. (eds.).
of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs. http://www.
Geneva: UNEP. https://unep.ch/etu/publications/EIA_2ed/
EIA_E_top2_body.PDF Accessed 26 July 2019.
Accessed 26 July 2019.
UNEP (2016). Coastal Partners: applying ecosystem-based
NOAA. What is remote sensing? http://oceanservice.noaa.
disaster risk reduction (Eco-DRR) through a ridge-to-reef
gov/facts/remotesensing.html Accessed 16 February 2015.
approach in Port Salut, Haiti. Geneva: UNEP.
OECD (2006). DAC Guidelines and Reference Series:
World Bank (1999). OP 4.01 – Environmental Assessment.
Applying Strategic Environmental Assessment: Good
Operational Manual. https://policies.worldbank.org/sites/
Practice Guidance for Development Cooperation. Paris:
ppf3/PPFDocuments/090224b0822f7384.pdf Accessed
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World Bank (2012). Strategic environmental assessment
OECD (2016). Improving Partnerships for Effective
in the World Bank: Learning from recent experience and
Development: The Working Party on Aid Effectiveness. Paris:
challenges. Washington, D.C.: World Bank http://documents.
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Strategic-environmental-assessment-in-the-World-Bank-
Resources Environmental Impact Assessment (2011). learning-from-recent-experience-and-challenges Accessed
Technical Guidelines for Incorporating Disaster Risk 26 July 2019.
Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA)
Concerns under the Philippine EIS System (EIA DRR/CCA
Technical Guidelines).
Chapter 12
Gender, disaster risk reduction
and community-based tools
for ecosystem-based disaster
risk reduction and adaptation
Key questions
Why are gender considerations important
in DRR?
How can gender considerations be practically
taken into account in Eco-DRR/EbA?
What role do communities play in managing
ecosystems and how can they be involved
in natural resource and risk management?
© Oli Brown/UNEP
Gender, disaster risk reduction and community-based tools for
ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation 12
12.1 Disaster risk reduction and gender Advantages of
One important factor of community-based DRR is to integrate the voices gender-balanced DRR
that are marginalised in crisis periods, including those of women, especially “Disaster risk reduction that
those from underprivileged locations, and gender minority groups. Gender delivers gender equality is a
issues and power relations in general that are important are often not cost-effective win-win option
sufficiently considered while designing gender-responsive policies and for reducing vulnerability and
programs. Cultural norms and institutional barriers can get in the way of sustaining the livelihoods of
full inclusion of women and other gender minorities in community-based whole communities.”
DRR. The gender mainstreaming approach adopted by the UN and other
Margareta Wahlström,
international organisations places importance on integrating a gender UN Assistant Secretary-General
perspective into the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, for Disaster Risk Reduction
and allocation of resources in all planned policies and programs.
As seen in Chapters 2 and 9, women’s experiences and needs should be
taken into account and women should be included in the DRR process.
First of all, human security is a fundamental human right and furthermore
empowerment of women can make a big difference to the success of DRR
programs (UNISDR 2008). Indeed, without a gender sensitive approach,
not all society is taken into account and this can potentially increase or
exacerbate vulnerability or exposure. Involving women at all stages of the
DRR process, from post-disaster to pre-disaster preparedness can thus
improve a community’s response and resourcefulness (Figure 12.1).
Figure 12.1
Women capacitated to participate
effectively in natural resource
governance and management.
© UNEP 2015
Case Studies
Reducing Vulnerability in Bolivia (from UNISDR 2008)
An initiative in Bolivia, “Reducing vulnerability through indigenous
knowledge of ‘Yapuchiri’ (‘sowers’) in Bolivia”, aimed to support and use
traditional knowledge of climate prediction for better decision-making in
agricultural production and risk management. Gradually, it turned to a
focus on strengthening human capabilities of both women and men in
rural communities. Local groups of technology suppliers were formed,
called yapuchiris, who sell their services at market prices to other farmers.
Those services are ten times cheaper than training offered by engineers,
and just 20% less efficient. The initiative started in October 2006 and
concluded in July 2008, covering two complete agricultural cycles. The
first cycle emphasized climate prediction through the observation of local
flora and fauna. This allowed for crop planning that was more sensitive
to risk. The yield losses were reduced by 30-40% in this first cycle. The
second cycle then focused increasingly on the empowerment of women
in market participation. That year, yield losses from frost, flooding, drought
and hail were also reduced by 80-90%.
The initiative strengthened local capabilities in disaster risk management by
consolidating and spreading indigenous knowledge through local experts.
This has reduced vulnerability to this harsh area’s hydrometeorological
hazards, particularly frost, rain and hailstorms, and conversely, extreme
heat and dryness, which are predicted to intensify due to climate change.
The yapuchiris’ increased outreach to communities in the face of climate
shifts will prove a significant step in increasing the region’s resilience to
these changes. The inclusion of women’s expertise in the yapuchiri system
Gender, disaster risk reduction and community-based tools for
ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation 12
has been vital for transferring agricultural success into stable livelihoods,
through women’s traditional skills and roles in crop and seed storage, and
in accessing markets. The gender element of the system arose from the
need to focus and improve on productive farm work assigned to women.
For instance, women are traditionally responsible for the storage of
seeds and reproductive materials but not every woman in the community
manages this at a high standard. Women yapuchiris were storing a very
wide quantity of potato varieties, grain seeds, and other species, including
medicines. Moreover, they researched and knew under which conditions
and where to sow every species and variety. They had the knowledge
to design strategies for risk management and assisted other women
farmers in doing so. In a majority of cases, women yapuchiris did not
only transfer knowledge, but helped to build up analytical capabilities of
farming women. The female yapuchiris are also taking an active role in
adaptive risk management, and in monitoring bioindicators of climate and
weather-related hazards.
Sustainable livelihoods in Mali (from UNISDR 2008)
The Sinsibere project in Mali aimed to reduce desertification by developing
sustainable sources of income for rural women as an alternative to their
commerce in wood. These alternative livelihoods include vegetable
gardens and making shea butter products like soap. An important part
of the success of these alternative sources of income was a microloan
system that was developed for the women’s groups who participated.
This system made it possible to kickstart female entrepreneurship in the
villages. The project is based on the Local Environmental Plan that the
municipal councils and the local people developed collaboratively, and so,
has been a cooperative effort between the project workers and the local
communities from the beginning. Literacy and mathematical courses
have been organized for the women so that they are able to manage the
micro loans and small commerce, encouraging entrepreneurship.
Food security in Brazil (from UNISDR 2008)
Pintadas is located in the Northeastern region of Brazil, the poorest
region in the country where 42% of the population, or 18.8 million people,
are poor. About half of them live in rural areas, with income and life
expectancy well below the national average. The region is characterized
by a semi-arid climate with very little precipitation, high temperatures, a
deep groundwater table, sandy soils and prolonged periods of drought.
Water scarcity in rural areas of Northeastern Brazil seriously affects the
economic development of entire villages, because of the limited water
available for sanitation and agriculture.
The Project Pintadas Solar is an innovative good practice as it
encompasses irrigation and energy efficient technologies for small scale
agriculture. Women and other members of the family can learn to use it,
and the irrigation can also be used at the level of the household.
Both women and men are learning how to handle new irrigation and water
management technologies for the improvement of small-scale agriculture.
In the history of Pintadas this is a breakthrough. Due to the participatory
process of the initiative and grassroots work with the local Women’s
Association, gender analysis was a strong factor in choosing beneficiaries,
and technologies that could be effectively implemented by all. The impact
of this initiative reduces the risks of food and water shortage during
the long periods of drought in this region that are becoming even more
intense, consistent with climate change predictions.
Figure 12.2 Figure 12.3
Planning Eco-DRR in Sudan © UNEP 2017 Re-greening in Sudan © UNEP 2017
Gender, disaster risk reduction and community-based tools for
ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation 12
In the long-term, Eco-DRR/EbA is an opportunity to address the
complexities of interactional gendered dimensions, thus contributing
to the sustainable development goal to “leave no one behind.”
While social norms can make women more vulnerable to disasters, the
unique position of women and their strengths can be used to plan for
Eco-DRR/EbA strategies. The challenge is to ensure that Eco-DRR/EbA
measures are planned in such a way that they do not place additional
burden on women – mainly in terms of labour and time. Some broad
recommendations on what effective Eco-DRR strategies can do are:
1. Building skills to do more rewarding productive and community roles;
2. Education of both girls/women can go a long way in enabling women
to increase their leadership roles in NR management, governance,
decision making
3. Educating boys/men in sharing responsibility for reproductive roles will
also reduce women’s burden and free up time for community roles;
4. Changing ownership of, and access to resources to reduce vulnerability.
Accomplishing these necessarily involve a gradual change in power relations
too, a process that can also lead to changing women’s and men’s gender
roles. As a society adapts to social, environmental, political, and economic
changes, the gender power dynamics may also shift. Changes to the gender
relationship can occur from within a society (as when women contest gender-
based inequities) or result from external forces. Recognising and rewarding
the caring and community roles that women do while being sensitive to social
relations can help in increased women’s participation that can ultimately
be empowering. Thus, Eco-DRR/EbA can present a unique opportunity to
redefine social norms through a gender and development framework, while
being in tune with the SDGs 5 and 15, and the Sendai Framework.
To help make gender-responsive, Eco-DRR projects and/or policies that
consider the nexus between ecosystem management and DRR, a checklist
was developed (see Additional Resources at the end of the chapter). Two
key reasons underlie the development of this check list: a) the current global
policy environment that aims to seriously tackle gender-based disparities,
and b) the lack of sufficiently comparable national/regional-level data sets
that enables policy-makers to frame gender-responsive policies.
Tackling gender-based disparities and advancing gender equality is
a concern reflected in the policy approaches of the United Nations in
every area of its work, such as the CEDAW General Recommendations,
Sustainable Development Goals, the Sendai Framework, the Aichi
Targets, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
etc. Ensuring that Eco-DRR measures are in step with the general policy
environment is timely and appropriate.
Literature about disasters and their consequences in various parts of
the world are readily available. While these provide anecdotal evidence
about the gendered impact of disasters, there is a lack of qualitative
and quantitative gender-disaggregated data that is comparable across
countries, over time. As a result, to frame gender-responsive DRR policies
and programs, reliable indicators gleaned from survey of literature around
gender is necessary. This checklist hopes to accomplish this task and
will be useful for policy makers, project planners, and project level
implementors. However, it is important to ensure that this checklist is
used as a guide for projects and not as just a checkbox system to label a
project as gender-sensitive.
The gender markers used in this checklist draws from UNEP’s Gender
Marker Two-Pager series that assesses “how well gender is integrated
into a new project document”.4 Explanation for the four criteria used in this
checklist can be found in the first document of this series.
Gender, disaster risk reduction and community-based tools for
ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation 12
Figure 12.4
Stakeholders in CBNRRM.
© S. Sandholz 2013
This entailed several measures:
Establishment of a Water Resource Management Committee that is
responsible for the water retention structure, for undertaking early
warning and preparedness for flood and drought, and for ensuring
that water is proportionally distributed. The committee also liaises
with wider landscape management programmes and the government
and NGOs.
Demarcation of the migratory route for pastoralist communities in
order to reduce potential conflict over animals entering farmlands,
and farms encroaching into rangelands.
CBNRRM creates an environment where people in communal areas
can actively manage their ecosystems and reduce risk by working
on preparedness. The following chapter will detail environmental
management tools that can be used in conjunction with spatial planning
and community approaches. It will also be important that the community
prepares through the installation of early warning and other preparedness
measures, such as having shelters for example.
12.3 Conclusions
Inclusion of women in DRR and CCA at all levels is important for reducing
the impact of hazards and for sustainable and equitable development.
Beyond women, it is also important to take into account all gender diversity
as other gender minorities, from LGBTI group for example, can otherwise
be left out of the process and also suffer from the consequences such as
not being able to access services that require binary gender or that are
discriminatory (Gaillard et al. 2016).
NGOs and international development organisations are more and more
incorporating gender-sensitive issues in their work, thanks to the advocacy
and work also done on international levels (Aguilar 2015). Empowering
women and other gender minorities at leadership level is important as still
too few are found at this level. The empowering and engagement in DRR
can lead to many successes and reduce impact. Especially in terms of
Eco-DRR/EbA in some countries, women and other minorities can make
a big difference due to their involvement in natural resource management.
Community participation in natural resource and risk management involves
more than consultation and active work. It involves communication,
capacity building, making links with different organisations at all levels
from community to government and can be challenging. However,
working through the process from risk assessment, to planning and
finally management as a community can help foster understanding and
innovations and finally longevity of the process.
Gender, disaster risk reduction and community-based tools for
ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation 12
Gender Marker 1: Context
1 Does the program present a gender analysis at the international level? Y/N
2 Does the program present a gender analysis at the national level? Y/N
3 Does the program present a gender analysis at the field- level? Y/N
4 Does the program present statistics and examples to supplement or substantiate Y/N
the gender analysis?
5 Does the program have any experts or partner organisations who are specifically Y/N
skilled in gender analysis at the field-level?
2 Does the program propose concrete measures to address gender-based inequalities? Y/N
3 Do the proposed measures show a clear causal pathway between activities and Y/N
outputs (results) to close specific gender gaps?
9 Can women who work within the household participate in the planned Y/N
program activities?
Monitoring and Evaluation
10 Does the planned program account for differences between women and men Y/N
depending on their class/race/ethnic/caste positions or other relevant
identity markers?
11 Does the program use data collection tools that are gender-responsive (For example: Y/N
questionnaires that account for gender-specific activities, focus group discussions or
stakeholder consultations that involve women and enable meaningful participation
of women and men in separate and mixed spaces, interviews with both men and
women etc.)
12 Does the program use tools that show gender-disaggregated patterns? Y/N
(For example: patterns of time use, income earning work, invisible reproductive work,
community work?)
13a Does the planned program have the potential to negatively affect women from any Y/N
community in any way?
13b If yes, does the program include plans for mitigation of backlash or risks that women Y/N
may potentially face?
14 Does the planned program put any additional non-remunerated burden on any group Y/N
of women when compared to men or other women?
15 Does the program have gender balance in staffing? Y/N
16 Does the program have women in leadership positions among its staff? Y/N
Gender Marker 3: Log frame
1 Can the program demonstrate/target gender specific outcomes that measure Y/N
women’s participation, influence, shifts in attitudes about women’s capabilities
and leadership in the short term? (Example: creating awareness through gender
research, training programmes, distribution of pamphlets, creating opportunities and
spaces conducive for women’s increased participation, having women in leadership
positions in field-level activities etc)
2 Can the program demonstrate/target gender specific outcomes that measure Y/N
women’s participation, influence, shifts in attitudes about women’s capabilities and
leadership in the medium term?
3 Can the program demonstrate/target gender specific outcomes that measure Y/N
women’s participation, influence, shifts in attitudes about women’s capabilities and
leadership outcomes in the long term?
4 Does the program explicitly show gender-disaggregated results? (For example: Y/N
questionnaire/survey analysis disaggregated for gender, even when considering
other vulnerabilities such as class, race, disability, age increased participation of
women in Eco-DRR activities, increased number of women leaders?)
5 Does the program have the potential to bring about outcomes that challenge/change Y/N
gendered work patterns at any stage? (example: creating Eco-DRR related jobs for
women that can be paid, increased participation of women in paid work, sharing
of unpaid work by all members of the household, sharing of caring jobs, sharing or
reduced burden for reproductive work such as collecting water, firewood,
water management)
Gender, disaster risk reduction and community-based tools for
ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation 12
Abarquez, I. and Murshed, Z. (2004). Community-based Renaud, F.G., Sudmeier-Rieux, K. and Estrella, M. (2013). The
Disaster Risk Management: field practitioners’ handbook. role of ecosystems in disaster risk reduction. Tokyo: United
Bangkok: Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre. http://www. Nations University Press.http://collections.unu.edu/view/
adpc.net/pdr-sea/publications/12handbk.pdf Accessed UNU:1995 Accessed 26 July 2019.
26 July 2019. Rex, H.C. and Trohanis, Z. (2012). Making women’s voices
Aguilar, L., Granat, M., and Owren, C. (2015). Roots for count: integrating gender issues in disaster risk management:
the Future: The landscape and Way forward on Gender overview and resources for guidance notes. East Asia and
and Climate Change. Washington, DC: IUCN and GGCA. the Pacific Region sustainable development guidance note;
https://portals.iucn.org/library/sites/library/files/ no. 10. Gender and disaster risk management. Washington,
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20(2), 337-348. DOI: 10.1080/13552074.2012.687218. UNEP (2016). Wadi Partners: food security and disaster
resilience through sustainable drylands management in
Berkes, F., Kofinas, G. P., and Chapin III, S. F. (2009).
North Dafur, Sudan. Geneva: UNEP.
Conservation, Community, and Livelihoods: Sustaining,
Renewing, and Adapting Cultural Connections to the Land. UNISDR (2008). Gender perspectives: integrating
In Principles of Ecosystem Stewardship: Resilience-based disaster risk reduction into climate change adaptation.
Natural Resource Management in a Changing World. Chapin Geneva: UNDRR. https://www.unisdr.org/files/3391_
III, S. F., Kofinas, G. P., and Folke, C. (eds.). New York: GenderPerspectivesIntegratingDRRCCGood20Practices.pdf
Springer. 129-148. Accessed 25 July 2019.
Borrini-Feyerabend, G., Pimbert, M., Farvar, M.T., Kothari, A. UNISDR (2012). How To Make Cities More Resilient –
and Renard, Y. (2004). Sharing Power. Learning by doing in A Handbook For Local Government Leaders. Geneva:
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Brink, E., Aalders, T., Ádám, D., Feller, R., Henselek, Y., UNISDR (2014). Gender Responsive Disaster Risk Reduction:
Hoffmann, A., Ibe, K., Matthey-Doret, A., Meyer, M., A contribution by the United Nations to the consultation
Negrut, N.L., Rau, A.-L., Riewerts, B., von Schuckmann, L., leading to the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk
Törnros, S., von Wehrden, H., Abson, D.J. and Wamsler, C. Reduction (WCDRR) 2014. Geneva: UNDRR. https://www.
(2016). Cascades of green: A review of ecosystem-based preventionweb.net/files/40425_gender.pdf Accessed
adaptation in urban areas. Global Environmental Change, 5 January 2015.
36, 111-123. DOI: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2015.11.003. UNISDR, UNDP and IUCN (2009). Making Disaster Risk
Gaillard, J. C., Sanz, K., Balgos, B. C., Dalisay, S. N. M., Reduction Gender-Sensitive Policy and Practical Guidelines.
Gorman-Murray, A., Smith, F. and Toelupe, V. (2016). Geneva: UNDRR. https://www.unisdr.org/files/9922_
Beyond men and women: a critical perspective on gender MakingDisasterRiskReductionGenderSe.pdf Accessed 5
and disaster. Disasters, 41(3), 429–447. DOI: 10.1111/ January 2015.
disa.12209. UNISDR (2015). Women’s leadership in risk-resilient
Gorman-Murray, A., Morris, S., Keppel, J., McKinnon, S. development: good practices and lessons learned. Bangkok:
and Dominey-Howes, D. (2014). The LGBTI community in Thammada Press Co., Ltd https://www.unisdr.org/
the 2011 Queensland floods: marginality, vulnerability and files/42882_42882womensleadershipinriskresilien.pdf
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McSherry, A., Manalastas, E.J., Gaillard, J.C. and Dalisay, Social Impact Analysis, Poverty Reduction Group and
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PEDRR (2011). Demonstrating the Role of Ecosystem-based World Bank (2012). Gender and Disaster Risk Management –
Management for Disaster Risk Reduction. 2011 Global Guidance Notes: Making Women’s Voices Count Addressing
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Accessed 25 July 2019.
Chapter 13
Sustainable land and water
management tools and approaches
for ecosystem-based disaster risk
reduction and adaptation
Key questions
What are main management tools and approaches
for Eco-DRR/EbA?
How do such tools work and how can Eco-DRR/EbA
be integrated?
© UNEP 2009
Sustainable land and water management tools and approaches for
ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation 13
13.1 Management tools and approaches Tools and approaches
for ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction We refer to IWRM or ICZM
and adaptation as management approaches,
or processes to addressing
This chapter provides an overview of main Eco-DRR/EbA management planning issues related to
tools and approaches for long-term risk reduction. These need to water resources or coastal
be integrated with the cross-cutting themes of spatial planning and areas. Each management
community-based involvement. approach will have a set of
While the focus will be on Integrated Water Resource Management tools (e.g., GIS, land use and
(IWRM), this chapter will also briefly describe: risk mapping) that it uses to
Sustainable Land Management (SLM) enable decision-makers or
project managers to make
Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM)
informed choices between a
Integrated Fire Management (IFM) set of management actions.
Protected Area Management (PAM)
Most of the approaches and tools presented here are found in the context
of natural resources management. They are appropriate and can be very
effective for reducing disaster risks and adapting to climate change.
However, their link with DRR is not commonly made because disaster
managers do not always consider the role of ecosystem in reducing
disaster risk.
Integrated Water Resource Management or IWRM is one of the most
common approaches for Eco-DRR/EbA as water-related disasters are
those which affect most people around the globe. IWRM is a governance
and development process to manage water, land and related resources,
in order to maximize economic and social welfare. Good IWRM means
better policies for improved catchment management, enhanced sanitation
services, reduced pollution, and good governance – all factors which can
help in DRR/CCA practice (Figure 13.1) (Blackwell and Maltby 2006,
Butterworth et al. 2010).
Global Water Partnership (GWP)
The UN interagency mechanism on all freshwater Figure 13.1
related issues, including sanitation (UN Water) Water reservoir in Morocco.
http://www.unwater.org/ © S. Sandholz
Sustainable Land Management or SLM includes management practices
in agriculture and forestry aiming at sustaining ecosystem services
and livelihoods. Agroforestry systems combine agricultural and forestry
practices to create productive and at the same time healthy land-use
systems. Due to the improvement of soil stability and reduced run-
off, disasters such as landslides and flooding can be reduced while at
the same time providing benefits to livelihoods (Figure 13.2) (Sanz et
al. 2017).
Figure 13.2
Agroforestry system in Brazil. © U. Nehren
World Overview of Conservation Approaches
and Technologies
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on
Sustainable Land Management
Sustainable land and water management tools and approaches for
ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation 13
Integrated Coastal Zone Management or ICZM is a multi-disciplinary
approach to manage the coastal zone including planning, resource
management, information bases, and community involvement. It is a
natural resource management approach which is increasingly including
risk considerations by adjusting planning and management of resources
and people to reduce coastal risks.
ICZM is of growing importance as a large share of the global population
is living in coastal areas, often at risk from sea level rise or storm surges
(Marfai and King 2008) and many coastal areas comprise of such plan
(cf. Coast Conservation Department 1997). On a local scale, Eco-DRR/
EbA measures like mangrove replantation or protection of sand dunes as
natural buffers are of growing importance (Figure 13.3). Other measures
include managed realignment, where sea protections are moved back to
allow natural ecosystems, such as salt marshes and flooding areas, to
buffer the coast.
Figure 13.3
Flooded coastline of Java, Indonesia. © S. Sandholz
European Coastal Zone Policy
World Bank – Projects and Operations: ICZM
The aim of Integrated Fire Management or IFM is to balance the
beneficial and negative effects of fire on the natural environment and
socio-economic circumstances in a given landscape or region, and reduce
risk of wildfire disasters that threaten human life and ecosystem functions
(Figure 13.4) (Bryant 2008, Myers 2006).
Figure 13.4
Forest fire early warning system in Chile. © U. Nehren
321 Fire Management:
Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC)
The Nature Conservancy
Sustainable land and water management tools and approaches for
ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation 13
A Protected Area or PA is a clearly defined geographical space, recognized,
dedicated and managed, through legal or other effective means, to achieve
the long-term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services
and cultural values. Protected areas are increasingly including DRR and
adaptation goals in their management plans (Figure 13.5) (Murti and
Buyck 2014).
Figure 13.5
Community forest in PA buffer zone, Nepal. © S. Sandholz
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
IUCN publication on Urban Protected Areas
Center for Protected Area Management
13.2 An example of integrated water
resource management for disaster risk
reduction and adaptation
How do these integrated management approaches work and how can
Eco-DRR/EbA be integrated? Let us answer these questions by taking
the example of integrating Eco-DRR/EbA measures in IWRM in order to
reduce flood and drought risk.
Like many other sector policies, IWRM is the result of realizing that water
resources management is closely related to other sectors like agriculture
and forestry, energy or urban planning and taking an integrated sectoral
approach (Butterworth et al. 2010, Hey and Heltne 2014).
IWRM is typically implemented at the watershed level, such as
the Mississippi River (The Wetlands Initiative 2004). It aims at the
comprehensive management of the whole water cycle, including
headwaters and coastal areas, surface and groundwater, water quality
and quantity, harmonizing water availability with demands from different
water users in order to maximize social welfare without compromising
the sustainability of vital ecosystems.
IWRM can and should include linkages to Eco-DRR/EbA through links to
DRR and CCA policy and implementation, in particular to water-related
disasters like floods and droughts which are known to be associated with
very high losses and damages.
Sustainable land and water management tools and approaches for
ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation 13
IWRM and risk reduction:
Storage has been a pivotal management option since centuries to mitigate
the impact of climate variability – it helps to control flood peaks and
provides a water reserve for drought periods. The way ecosystems are
managed within watersheds can be decisive in offering storage solutions
which can be an alternative or addition to building large reservoirs. In any
catchment water is stored naturally in soils, in wetlands and in aquifers.
It is possible to use ecosystem functions which help to increase storage
in different forms in order to cope better with floods and droughts by
for example:
1) Managing the landscape through contour trenches or bunds to support
rainwater harvesting (Figure 13.8).
2) Managing soils to increase infiltration through mulching; augmenting
soil porosity and soil water storage through increasing soil organic
matter within the soil (Figure 13.8).
3) Managing vegetation to intercept rainwater and to support deep
percolation of water through reforestation or introduction of agroforestry
systems (Figure 13.8).
At the same time these measures help to increase stored ground water –
often the last resort for water supply during prolonged droughts.
Proper IWRM includes Integrated Flood Management and Integrated
Drought Management in which ecosystem-based approaches should play
a central role (WMO/GWP Integrated Drought Management Programme
2014, WWF 2002). Infiltrating rainfall by proper watershed management
practice is an excellent example of how IWRM contributes to mitigate
floods and droughts at the same time. Using hazard maps and future
projections of climate change ensures targeted measures to reduce
risk. Planting species that are adequate to current and projected climate,
are diverse, and have root systems and functions required for slope
stabilisation, infiltration and water usage are all important considerations
in Eco-DRR/EbA.
13.3 Conclusions
The presented tools and approaches are not new and have been the
mainstay of natural resources management for decades. What is
emerging is a greater emphasis on combining risk reduction with natural
resources management, increasingly also linked to CCA. Such ecosystem-
based approaches, combined with more classical DRR actions such as
early warning, preparedness and risk mapping are proving more effective
and sustainable in terms of reducing risks and saving lives.
IWRM and other integrated approaches provide multiple opportunities
to include Eco-DRR/EbA measures. These measures typically target to
improve ecosystem function. In IWRM, these increase water storage
in adequate compartments of the catchment like soils, groundwater
and floodplains in order to reduce the flood peak on one hand and to
provide stored water for drought periods on the other hand. ICZM aims to
comprehensively manage the coastline, sea resources and also all inputs
to the sea, such as river and runoff. When comprehensive, ICZM can take
a ridge-to-reef approach.
SLM alleviates land degradation through management of grazing,
agriculture, forestry and other land uses. IFM can help regulate fires, while
PA management is an approach to effectively manage protected areas,
which can be a big asset for Eco-DRR/EbA because they often contain
relatively undisturbed ecosystems.
Ensuring the right use of management techniques is dependent on
the ecosystem, and thus local or indigenous knowledge can be vastly
important. When revegetating, it is important to think about the diversity
and type of species used. The following chapter will elaborate on this.
Ecological engineering is sometimes the term used when specifically
using certain species for protection services.
Sustainable land and water management tools and approaches for
ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation 13
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Management. Pretoria: Cap-Net/UNDP. https://www.unisdr. Geology, 54(6),1235-1245. DOI: 10.1007/s00254-007-0906-4.
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Coast Conservation Department (1997). Revised Coastal Adaptation. Gland: IUCN.https://www.iucn.org/sites/dev/
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Conservation Department of the Ministry of Fisheries and
Myers, R. L. (2006). Living with Fire— Sustaining Ecosystems
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and Livelihoods Through Integrated Fire Management.
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Tallahassee, Florida: Global Fire Initiative/The Nature
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Schemes for Plant Production. Rome: FAO. http://www.fao. Accessed 24 July 2019.
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Dudley, N., Stolton, S., Belokurov, A., Krueger, L., Lopoukhine, S0022-1694(02)00135-X.
N., MacKinnon, K., Sandwith, T. and Sekhran, N. (eds.)
Sanz, M.J., de Vente, J., Chotte, J.-L., Bernoux, M., Kust,
(2010). Natural Solutions: Protected areas helping people
G., Ruiz, I., Almagro, M., Alloza, J.-A., Vallejo, R., Castillo, V.,
cope with climate change. Gland/ Washington, DC/New
Hebel, A., and Akhtar-Schuster, M. (2017). Sustainable Land
York: IUCN-WCPA, TNC, UNDP, WCS, The World Bank
Management contribution to successful land-based climate
and WWF. http://cmsdata.iucn.org/downloads/natural_
change adaptation and mitigation. A Report of the Science-
solutions.pdf Accessed 24 July 2019.
Policy Interface. Bonn: UNCCD. https://www.unccd.int/sites/
Fernando, H.J.S., Mendis, S.G., McCulley, J.L. and Perera, default/files/documents/2017-09/UNCCD_Report_SLM_
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Sri Lanka. Eos Transactions, American Geophysical Union,
WMO/GWP Integrated Drought Management Programme
86(33), 301-306. DOI: 10.1029/2005EO330002.
(2014). National Drought Management Policy Guidelines –
Hey, D.L. and Heltne, P.G. (2014). Thinking like a river: A A Template for Action (D.A. Wilhite). Geneva/Stockholm:
Riverine National Park for the Upper Mississippi River. WMO/GWP. https://library.wmo.int/pmb_ged/wmo_1164_
Ecological Engineering, 68(8), 8–13. DOI: 10.1016/j. en.pdf Accessed 24 July 2019.
WWF (2002). Managing floods in Europe: the answers
already exist. More intelligent river basin management
using wetlands can alleviate further flooding events. WWF
background briefing paper. WWF, Brussels, Belgium.
Chapter 14
Ecological engineering
for disaster risk reduction
and climate change
Key questions
What is ecological engineering?
What are its potentials and limitations?
Ecological engineering for disaster risk
reduction and climate change adaptation 14
14.1 Ecological engineering DEFINITION OF GREEN
DRR structural measures most often involve “grey” infrastructure, such as INFRASTRUCTURE
sea walls, dykes and embankments. While their efficacy is proven in many “Green infrastructure is a
cases, these too can fail and provide only a limited set of benefits. Green strategically planned network
and blue infrastructure (GBI) has gained increasing attention in the last of natural and semi-natural
ten years for DRR and CCA. Furthermore, they are also recognized as a areas with other environmental
type of critical infrastructure under Sendai Monitor Targets C and D, that features designed and
can be reported against. managed to deliver a wide
The terms natural and green infrastructure are often used interchangeably range of ecosystem services
although a fine distinction could be made to distinguish various levels of such as water purification, air
natural versus reconstructed infrastructure. Green infrastructure refers quality, space for recreation
to elements in a landscape such as “green belts”, protection forests or and climate mitigation and
revegated river banks. Blue infrastructure refers to water-based areas, adaptation, and management
such as ponds in cities or coral reefs and thus combine both as GBI of wet weather impacts that
(Sebesvari et al. 2019). Da Silva and Wheeler (2017) proposed to use the provides many community
term green infrastructure over ‘natural’, ‘blue’, or ‘ecological’ infrastructure, benefits.”
because it is the term most widely used and has been adopted in US Technical Guidance of the Sendai
and EU policies. In addition, it corresponds to the terminology used in the Monitor Framework - UNISDR 2017
Technical Guidelines of the SFM.
Combining engineered (or grey) and ecological/green infrastructures, is
often referred to as hybrid solutions. Ecological engineering combines
engineered infrastructure for DRR (e.g. dikes, embankments or seawalls)
with the protective functions of ecosystems, also referred to as natural DEFINITION OF
infrastructure, or green infrastructure (Dow Chemical Company, Shell, ECOLOGICAL
Swiss Re, Unilever, and TNC 2013). ENGINEERING
Engineered infrastructure for DRR is mainly designed for specific functions “Ecological engineering is
such as protection from landslides, floods, waves or wind. Sometimes the design of sustainable
engineered infrastructure provides additional benefits such as storage for ecosystems that integrate
drinking and irrigation water or generation of hydropower. human society with its
natural environment for the
However, such measures often are very costly and maintenance-intensive. benefit of both. It involves
Furthermore, they are designed for only a limited lifespan. Especially in the the design, construction and
context of CCA, the scale of solutions needed to adapt to increasing weather management of ecosystems
extremes is sometimes hard to predict. Engineered infrastructure may not that have value to both
always be feasible due to the high costs and technological requirements. humans and the environment.
Ecological infrastructure for DRR/CCA, also placed under the umbrella Ecological engineering
term of Eco-DRR/EbA, can be less costly, more locally feasible and provide combines basic and applied
multiple benefits (Jaffe 2010, European Commission 2016), compared science from engineering,
with engineered solutions (Figure 14.1). In many cases, maintaining ecology, economics, and
and restoring natural infrastructure can offer a high benefit to cost-ratio natural sciences for the
compared to engineered infrastructure, when taking into account the full restoration and construction
range of benefits provided by ecosystems. For example, coastal green of aquatic and terrestrial
belts or wetlands as natural buffers are often less expensive to install ecosystems. The field is
and maintain than engineered constructions over time. In addition, they increasing in breadth and
also provide supplementary co-benefits regardless of a disaster event depth as more opportunities
(Narayan et al. 2016, Wamsler et al. 2016). In comparison engineered to design and use ecosystems
infrastructure may fulfill the same main targets and provide more easily as interfaces between
quantifiable disaster prevention and hazard mitigation, which may be why technology and environment
there is often a bias towards engineered solutions, but comparably fewer are explored.”
co-benefits. Ecological Engineering Group
Carbon Carbon
sequestration sequestration
Biodiversity Biodiversity
conservation Disaster conservation Disaster
prevention and prevention and
recovery recovery
Stabilisation Stabilisation
of regional of regional
climate climate
Hazard ENGINEERED Hazard
Eco-DRR/EbA mitigation APPROACHES mitigation
Figure 14.1
Multiple benefits of Eco-DRR/ To be effective, ecological engineering for DRR requires reliable data
EbA as compared to engineered on hazard frequencies and an expert understanding of the local geo-
infrastructure. hydrological and ecological conditions. Often ecological engineering
Credits: U. Nehren, and S. Sandholz, may be the most cost-effective and appropriate solution to reducing risk,
Design: S. Plog
as compared to grey infrastructure alone. The issue of cost-benefit of
Eco-DRR/EbA and grey versus green infrastructure is something we will
explore in more detail in chapter 15. Green/blue infrastructure solutions
can also protect grey infrastructure, thus reducing maintenance costs and
enhancing the sustainability of grey infrastructure.
In recognizing the benefits of Eco-DRR/EbA, one must also be aware of
the limits, which depend on the type and intensity of the hazard, the type
and health of the ecosystem, and the correct application of ecosystem
management. After decades of straightening rivers, building dams and
dykes, the US Army Corps of Engineers has reversed many of its practices
and realized the importance of building with rather than against nature.
They have developed useful guidelines for ecological restoration and
ecological engineering5. Some regions in Switzerland have also embarked
on a river renaturalisation project spanning over more than 10 years to
reduce flooding by returning the rivers in their natural state (Département
du territoire 2009).
Ecological engineering for disaster risk
reduction and climate change adaptation 14
Examples of ecological engineering
Active restoration of ecosystems Aeration of lakes
Restoration of banks (rivers, canals), wetlands, areas affected by
opencast mining
Application of defragmentation measures to roads
Sustainable use of ecosystem Traditional use of ecosystems
goods and services Combined agriculture and forestry
Integrated agri-/fishculture
Dynamic coastal management by sand supplementation on foreshore
Waste processing Composing of organic substances
(imitation of natural cycles Urine separation in toilet systems for agricultural use
in ecosystems) Use of vegetation for absorption of dust/pollutants
Creation of ‘constructed’ Constructed wetlands as biotopes
ecosystems Green roofs as water buffers and plant/animal habitats
Creation and management of gardens, parks, wind belts and wildlife
corridors – habitat and corridor functions
Updated and amended from Van Bohemen (2012)
Evaluation of green versus grey solutions
Engineering - Green solutions require a custom-made, location, + Traditional engineering solutions enable
approach specific design and do not easily lend themselves standardization and replication which can
to standardization and replication significantly reduce project costs and
delivery times
Physical - A large physical footprint is often required + Usually, only a small physical footprint is
footprint due to low energy density required due to high energy density
Environmental + Often reduced environmental footprint - Often increased environmental footprint due
footprint due to green solutions being nature-based to material and energy intensive processes
and self-regenerating (manufacturing, distribution, operation)
Speed of - Green solutions may take time (years) to grow + Traditional engineering solutions provide
delivering the to provide a certain service and capacity a certain service and capacity from day 1
functionality of operation
Susceptibility - Green solutions are susceptible to extreme weather - Grey infrastructure is susceptible to power
to external conditions, seasonal changes in temperature or loss, mechanical failure of industrial
factors rainfall and disease, although natural systems will equipment and price volatility
regenerate naturally after a disaster
Operational and + Often significantly lower as only - Operating costs are often significantly higher
maintenance monitoring and feedback is required due to power consumption, operational and
costs maintenance requirements
Need for + Recapitalization during the life of the green - Grey solutions are depreciating assets
recapitalization solution is usually not significant. The end of with a finite performance capacity and
life replacement/ decommissioning will vary usually require significant replacement/
greatly depending on the technology selected but decommissioning at end of life
is usually not necessary as solutions are self-
sustaining and do not depreciate
Amended from Joint Industry White Paper, TNC 2013
Ecological engineering for disaster risk
reduction and climate change adaptation 14
more ecosystem-based structures that can also be used for recreation,
may be possible. The city of Munich restored an artificial canal bed to What is Ecosystem
a more natural shape and function in order to improve flood control, Restoration?
biodiversity and recreational opportunities, using a combination of Ecosystem Restoration is
approaches (Arzet and Joven n/a). the “process of assisting the
Another example, mangrove belts can be used hand-in-hand with recovery of an ecosystem
engineered coastal defences, where appropriate for coastal dynamics. that has been degraded,
Similarly, wetlands can be used to reduce wave action to protect human- damaged or destroyed”.
built levees, increasing their effectiveness and lifespan. The need for Society for Ecological Restoration
combined solutions using engineering options also depends on the International Science and Policy
local context (Figure 14.3). For instance, forests may stabilize snow on Working Group 2004.
avalanche-prone slopes but depending on the magnitude and strength
of the forest, it will not be able to stop an avalanche once it has started.
Combining natural and engineered measures makes sense, because: Figure 14.3
Top left: hybrid avalanche protection
A combined approach can benefit from the potentials of both types of
with snow fence and forest, Austria
measures and address multiple hazards, for example protection from (Credit: S. Sandholz). Top right:
flooding and landslides. river renaturation, Germany (Credit:
Combined natural and engineered solutions can complement each Zumbroich Consulting). Bottom left:
hybrid coastal protection, Sri Lanka
other and minimize limitations. However, it is important that the
(Credit: B. McAdoo). Bottom right:
engineered measures do not severely damage the ecosystem and hybrid landslide protection with
natural processes in an unsustainable manner. geotextile, Brazil (Credit: W. Lange).
Hybrid solutions are often required in densely populated areas where
land is scarce and can also address both, short- and long-term priorities.
The cost-efficiency of hybrid solutions has been proven by a growing
number of case studies. Take the example from New York City which
launched its green infrastructure plan in 2010 (Figure 14.4).
At the time, the grey infrastructure of the sewer system was in urgent
need for upgrading with estimated costs of 6.8 billion US$. Instead, the
city decided to invest in a «green infrastructure» plan which cost 5.3 billion
US$. The plan includes green roof tops, green sidewalks, upstream and
urban wetlands, and ponds for cooling the city, aesthetics and for storm
water retention, serving not only for DRR but also for CCA. In addition to
its initial lower cost, over time the benefits of green infrastructure accrue
while grey infrastructure requires renewed investment after 10-15 years
(NYC 2013).
Figure 14.4
Potential of ecological engineering
and cost benefit of grey versus
green infrastructure. The early results of the program monitoring indicate that:
Credit: NYC 2010. Design: S. Plog
All green infrastructure practices have provided benefits for storms
greater than one inch;
Green infrastructure retains substantial runoff volumes, supporting
more effective stormwater control;
Growth and establishment of plants improve the infiltration and
evapotranspiration of stormwater runoff.
In addition, the following co-benefits were highlighted:
Carbon sequestration by vegetation is helping NYC to meet its
greenhouse gas reduction goals;
Shading and improved insulation from green infrastructure reduces
the energy demand;
Green infrastructure offers opportunities for improved soil health and
urban habitat that supports pollinators and other wildlife;
Vegetation is supporting an improved air quality;
Vegetation is supporting human well-being;
Green infrastructure offers potential for the establishment of green
jobs (as amended from NYC 2013).
The World Resources Institute conducted a study on two major watersheds
in Maine and North Carolina, USA, in support of emerging payments for
watershed services (PWS) programs. For water utilities, PWS that protect
“green” infrastructure like forests and riparian buffers can be a far more
cost-effective approach for meeting water quality standards than building
new “grey” infrastructure, such as filtration and wastewater treatment
Ecological engineering for disaster risk
reduction and climate change adaptation 14
plants. The preliminary results indicate that investment in a package of
these green infrastructure options could represent a cost savings of $68 EXAMPLE:
million or 51%, relative to the grey infrastructure option in the low-cost WATER-RELATED
scenario (Talberth et al. 2012). AGRO-ENVIRONMENTAL
The EU undertook a study on how green infrastructure can mitigate flood
risk as well as their financial, economic and social impacts. An analysis of In the village of Sint-Truiden
363 floods recorded between 2002 and 2013 in the EU estimated that total in Belgium, measures were
damages amounted to €150 billion. Concerning the potentials of green taken for soil erosion and
infrastructure, it found that “investment in flood protection typically returns mud floods protection,
benefits 6-8 times the costs, with green infrastructure projects potentially including grassed
delivering significant environmental benefits as well as cost savings.” waterways, grassed buffer
Green infrastructure projects were found to require significant upfront strips and retention ponds
investment but at the same time a high potential to deliver significantly in the catchment area.
greater environmental benefits alongside reduction in flood damages The total cost of these
and, potentially savings from reduced costs compared with traditional measures was low (126€/
defenses (Udo et al. 2014). ha/20 years) compared to
damage remediation and
clean-up costs caused by
14.3 Conclusions muddy floods (54€/ha/
Ecological engineering is a no-regrets strategy, and it has already proven to year). Secondary benefits
be effective (Dudley et al. 2010, Trzyna 2014, UNEP et al. 2014, Narayan et include better downstream
al. 2016). Where the ecological system is not critically damaged, grey and water quality; lower
green approaches can be complementary and combined. Furthermore, downstream dredging
with the inclusion of green infrastructure in the Sendai Monitor, the global costs; less psychological
DRR community is encouraging investments in resilient infrastructure, stress for inhabitants and
including green and blue infrastructure. The indicators under Target C5 greater biodiversity. Greater
focus on direct economic loss resulting from damaged or destroyed biodiversity and better
critical infrastructure attributed to disasters and Target D4 on the number landscape quality created
of other destroyed or damaged critical infrastructure units and facilities new agro- and eco-tourism
attributed to disasters. For these two indicators, a footnote in the Sendai opportunities.
Monitor directly suggests that green infrastructure can be reported
European Commission 2016
against (Sebesvari et al. 2019).
Knowledge on ecological engineering exists thanks to work undertaken in a
few countries and guidelines written for example ´Engineering with Nature´
(Bridges et al. 2018) and EcoShape (2014). However, implementation may
be locally specific depending on local climate conditions and protection
needs. Fortunately, there are a growing number of case studies from
various countries, scales and settings that prove its efficiency, also in
economic terms. However, both ecological and engineered infrastructure
for DRR, have their limits and opportunities, their pros and cons. For an
engineer who is usually trained in engineering solutions, it is certainly
worth considering hybrid solutions for reducing disaster risk and adapting
to climate change impacts. The same is true for environmental managers,
trained to think in terms of green solutions. There are few engineering
programmes that offer specialisations in ecological engineering but
growing interest in this topic should pave the way for new opportunities
in this innovative field.
Arzet, K. and Joven, S. (n/a). The Isar experience: Urban Ecological Engineering Group (n/a). Definition of Ecological
river restoration in Munich. https://www.wwa-m.bayern. Engineering. http://www.ecological-engineering.com/defs.
de/fluesse_seen/massnahmen/isarplan/doc/the_isar_ html Accessed 24 July 2019.
experience.pdf Accessed 24 July 2019.
Ecoshape (n/a). Building with Nature. https://www.
Bridges, T. S., Bourne, E.M., King, J.K., Kuzmitski, H.K., ecoshape.org/en/ Accessed 24 July 2019.
Moynihan, E.B. and Suedel, B.C. (2018). Engineering
European Commission (2016). Supporting the
With Nature: an Atlas. Vicksburg, Mississippi: U.S.
Implementation of Green Infrastructure – Final Report.
Army Engineer Research and Development Center.
Luxembourg: European Commission. https://publications.
Da Silva, J. M. C. and Wheeler, E. (2017). Ecosystems as 41ac-11e6-af30-01aa75ed71a1/language-en Accessed
infrastructure. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation, 24 July 2019.
15(1),32–35. DOI: 0.1016/j.pecon.2016.11.005.
Jaffe, M. (2010). Reflections on Green Infrastructure
Département du territoire (2009). Renaturation des cours Economics. Environmental Practice, 12(14), 357-365. DOI:
d’eau du canton de Genève, bilan de 10 ans d’actions. 10.1017/S1466046610000475.
Genève: Office cantonal de l’eau. https://www.ge.ch/
Narayan, S., Beck, M.W., Reguero, B.G., Losada, I.J., van
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J.C., Lange, G.-M. and Burks-Copes, K.A. (2016). The
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(2013). The Case of Green Infrastructure. Joint-Industry Natural and Nature-Based Defenses. PLoS ONE, 11(5). DOI:
White Paper. https://www.nature.org/content/dam/tnc/ 10.1371/journal.pone.0154735.
New York City (2013). NYC Green Infrastructure. 2013
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Francisco: TNC. https://www.conservationgateway.org/
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cope with climate change. Gland/ Washington, DC/New
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Ecosystems in the Sendai Framework Monitor. Progress
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in Disaster Science, 2(2019), 100021 DOI: 10.1016/j.
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reduction and climate change adaptation 14
Society for Ecological Restoration International Science and UNEP, UNEP-DHI, IUCN, TNC and WRI (2014). Green
Policy Working Group. (2004). The SER International Primer Infrastructure Guide for Water Management: Ecosystem-
on Ecological Restoration. Tucson: Society for Ecological based management approaches for water-related
Restoration International. https://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www. infrastructure projects. Geneva: UNEP. http://www.UNEPdhi.
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Primer/ser_primer.pdf Accessed 26 July 2019. UNEP/web-UNEP-dhigroup-green-infrastructure-guide-
en-20140814.pdf Accessed 24 July 2019.
Talberth, J., Gray, E., Branosky, E., and Gartner, T. (2012).
Insights from the Field: Forests for Water. Washington: World UNISDR (2017). Technical Guidance for Monitoring and
Resources Institute. http://pdf.wri.org/insights_from_the_ Reporting on Progress in Achieving the Global Targets of
field_forests_for_water.pdf Accessed 24 July 2019. the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. Geneva:
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harnessing ecosystem services to buffer communities
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26 July 2019.
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Related to the European Semester. Luxembourg: European
Commission, HKV and RPA. https://publications.europa.eu/
a4c3-e34d1bab4d1c Accessed 24 July 2019.
Chapter 15
Economic tools for
ecosystem-based disaster
risk reduction and adaptation
Key questions
What economic tools are used by
governments, project managers and
communities for decision-making on DRR?
How do we conduct a cost-benefit analysis
in the context of Eco-DRR/EbA?
What are Payments for Ecosystem
Services and how could they be applied
to Eco-DRR/EbA?
© Karen Sudmeier-Rieux/UNEP
Economic tools for ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation
15.1 Main economic tools used for decision-
making on disaster risk reduction
Decisions on how to reduce disaster risks are often made based on a
variety of economic tools and at various scales from the international
down to the local levels. Decision-making on DRR at the macro level by
governments will differ from decision-making by local stakeholders. Yet
the principle is very similar: we want to have the best protection against
hazard events, if possible with the least amount of investments and costs
over a certain time period. There are also certain constraints that affect
decision-making on investments in DRR and adaptation. These include
limited financial resources, time frames and the expertise available. In
developing countries especially, financial resources are scarce and the
budget available for DRR and adaptation must be subdivided in technical,
ecological, and socio-economic measures.
In many cases, major financial decisions and implementation of DRR are
taken following a disaster. Disasters cause economic losses which are
more readily absorbed by larger economies and may actually stimulate
growth but overall are setbacks for developing countries which may take
years to recover. After a disaster, a Post Disaster Needs Assessment
(PDNA) is a suitable tool to assess losses and where to place effort and
investment in a holistic cross-sectoral approach. It is often at this stage
that ecosystem-based management and other preventative measures are
considered and implemented with part of the influx of calamity funds now
available to a country.
Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is one of the most common economic tools
to guide decision-making, multi-criteria evaluations is another. This
chapter will focus on cost benefit analysis as it is the most common
economic tool for decision-making and thus relevant for Eco-DRR/EbA.
However, it is also important to understand ecosystem valuation. We
usually consider investments in DRR as either structural or non-structural
measures: examples of structural measures include retrofitting buildings
or investments in engineered (grey) or ecological (green) infrastructure.
Non-structural measures include emergency training, early warning
systems or spatial planning (Figure 15.1).
Figure 15.1
Disaster Risk Reduction Structural and non-structural
Measures to reduce disaster risk of systems and people measures for reducing disaster risk.
Design: L. Rharade. Redrawn by
L. Monk
Unfortunately, many governments do not often consider investments in
ecosystems, or green infrastructure as part of the range of possible DRR
measures. However, CBAs have shown that investments in ecosystem-
based measures can be cost-effective in the long run and have additional
benefits which technical measures cannot offer. Over the long-run, green
infrastructure benefits often accrue while grey investments require renewal
or high maintenance costs. Figure 15.2 shows the strength of structures
of civil engineering measures (i.e. gabion walls) as compared to soil bio-
engineering/green infrastructure measures (i.e. a re-vegetated slope,
where appropriate). After some years, the wall will need to be replaced
while the vegetation on the slope will continue to grow and strengthen
the slope (e.g. the New York City Green Infrastructure Programme in
Chapter 14).
Figure 15.2
Civil engineering versus green 100
infrastructure (in this case, soil NEER O-EN
bio-engineering) for strength of IL
structures over time.
Source: modified from CESVI 2013.
Design: S. Plog
0 15 30
Economic tools for ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation
15.2 Post-disaster needs assessments ESTIMATED DAMAGE,
Disasters cause not only devastation to people and cities but they also LOSSES AND NEEDS:
have large economic consequences. The following table shows economic Typhoons Ondoy and Pepeng
consequences of disasters similar to the typhoons Ondoy and Pepeng in on the Philipinnes caused
the Philippines in 2009. substantial damage and
losses, equivalent to about
(US$ million) (% of GDP) Damages:
Earthquake Pakistan 2005 2,876 0.4 The storms hit regions of the
country that account for over
East Asia Tsunami (Aceh) Indonesia 2005 4,452 1.6
60% of the GDP (including
Cyclone Sidr Bangladesh 2007 1,640 2.8 the National Capital Region,
Cyclone Season Madagascar 2008 333 4.0 which accounts for about 38%
of the total GDP). The PDNA
Cyclone Nargis Myanmar 2008 4,060 19.7 found that damage to physical
Storm and Floods Yemen 2008 1,638 6.0 assets in the affected areas
amounts to an estimated
Typhoons Ketsana Philippines 2009 4,383 2.7
and Parma Php 68.2 billion, equivalent to
US$1.45 billion.
Table 15.1
Damage, losses and magnitude of similar disasters to the tyhoons Ondoy and
Pepeng. Source: modified from the World Bank Post-Disaster Needs Assessment
The adverse impacts on
on the Philippines typhoons Ondoy and Pepeng. Design: L. Rharade the productive sectors were
largely due to damaged or lost
inventories, raw materials and
The PDNA methodology is an important tool for assessing post-disaster
crops. In addition, business
costs. The main goal is to assess the full extent of a disaster’s impact,
operations were interrupted by
define the needs for recovery, and, in so doing, serve as the basis for
power and water shortages,
designing a recovery strategy and guide donors’ funding. A PDNA
damaged machinery, and
looks ahead to restoring damaged infrastructure, houses, livelihoods,
absent employees, which
services, governance and social systems, and includes an emphasis on
contributed to an overall
reducing future disaster risks and building resilience. As it usually covers
reduction in production
infrastructure, agriculture, social and DRR sectors (among others), it has
capacity. While the destruction
a huge potential for mainstreaming Eco-DRR/EbA in “build back better”
or damage to assets occurred
approaches (Hinzpeter and Sandholz 2018).
at the time of the storms,
the associated changes in
economic flows lasted beyond
(in flows of goods and services, includes analysis of primary data the present calendar year.
income, costs) that arise due from household or other units of In some sectors and cases,
to the temporary absence of analysis and provides insight into the effects were felt in 2010
the destroyed assets. The the recovery and reconstruction and 2011 depending on the
DALA highlights the possible from the viewpoint of the speed and efficiency of the
consequences on the growth affected community. post-disaster recovery and
of the national economy, the reconstruction activities.
The Recovery Framework
external sector and the fiscal summarizes the recovery Needs:
balances, as well as the impact recommendations from the A total of US$ 942.9 million
due to decline of income and sectorial assessments within was required to meet recovery
livelihoods of households the PDNA. It outlines the short, needs, and a total of US$ 3.48
or individuals. medium and longer term billion was required for the
The HRNA focuses on the social priorities for the country’s reconstruction efforts over
impact of disasters, analyzing recovery. the short term (2009-10) to
how disasters affect local medium term (2011-12).
Global Facility for Disaster Risk
patterns of life, social structures Reduction and recovery PDNA (Teves and Hofman 2011)
and institutions. A HRNA
The PDNA carried out in the aftermath of typhoons Ondoy and Pepeng in
the Philippines provided a quantification of the damage and losses to the
economy, the social and economic impacts of the disaster, as well as a
recovery and reconstruction strategy to address these (World Bank 2011).
The 2011 National Greening Program was created in the Philippines in
the aftermath of Hurricane Haiyan. It seeked to grow 1.5 billion trees in
1.5 million hectares nationwide within a period of six years, from 2011 to
2016 to improve the resilience of the area. Thus, Eco-DRR/EbA measures
can be planned within the PDNA.
Kerala’s PDNA report after the floods in 2018, has incorporated Eco-DRR/
EbA by suggesting to build back better to a green and resilient state,
including 1) Integrated Water Resource Management, 2) an eco-sensitive
and risk-informed approach to land use, 3) inclusive and people centered,
and 4) Knowledge, innovation and technology (Kerala PDNA 2018).
[ 1000 FJD ]
Economic tools for ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation
Figure 15.4
REPLANT MANGROVES $ 1,781 $ 3,016 Cost of adaptation options
REPLANT STREAM BUFFER $ 935 $ 1,584 for Lami Town, Fiji.
Source: modified from: Rao et al.,
2013. Design: S. Plog
Based on the Lami, Fiji study, here are steps for developing scenarios
for decision-making on green, grey/green or grey investments in DRR/
adaptation (Figure 15.5).
1. Identify possible grey and green DRR/CCA measures and the type
of hazard or threat. You can use a vulnerability and capacity analysis
(VCA) to identify the greatest threats and hazards.
2. Estimate the costs of implementing each measure. What are the
costs for installation, maintenance, labour and opportunity costs for
each measure?
3. Estimate the costs of inaction. Inaction can be expressed as expected
damage losses, which can be estimated either by using existing data on
previous losses to infrastructure, households and businesses, the cost of
repairs, provision of relief supplies, health and education costs. However,
when action is taken, then we expect some proportion of storm damages
to be reduced. These benefits are considered “avoided costs”.
4. Develop scenarios. These can range from completely green to grey/
green to completely grey engineering measures for a given hazard or
multi-hazard situation. Consider that climate change is creating more
uncertainty so your scenarios will need to include the possibility of
more extreme events.
5. Perform a cost-benefit analysis for each scenario and consider the
avoided damages. You must include a net present value (NPV), an
annualized net present value and a benefit-cost ratio. NPV analysis
estimates the difference in the present value of the benefits (accrued
revenues or monetary savings from a proposed investment) minus
the present value of the costs (accrued expenditures from a proposed
investment). The annualized NPV (ANPV) is the average yearly net
return over the lifetime of the suite of adaptation options, that is, the
annualized cash flow (Rao et al. 2013).
6. Estimate the value of the ecosystem services to development,
livelihoods, environmental quality, and carbon sequestration that you
may be able to value, and some that cannot be valued monetarily.
You can do this by using a combination of global and local economic
valuation studies that you can find in the reference materials. Also see
the section below for more details on valuing ecosystem benefits.
7. Communicate the co-benefits of ecosystem services as both direct and
indirect values, carefully documenting and justifying your approach.
8. Consider non-structural measures for reducing disaster risks, such
as capacity building, early warning systems, legal, policy or regulatory
9. Discuss the different scenarios for structural and non-structural
measures. The results can be presented to the stakeholder group as a
basis for your discussions. Consider who will benefit from the various
options and what could be other hidden social or environmental costs
linked to the various scenarios.
Note: Be transparent about the limitations of your scenarios and suggest
ways to improve the method for next time.
1 7
Figure 15.5
Steps identifying for green,
grey/green or grey scenarios.
Identify possible
structural measures 6 Estimate
ecosystem values
Inspired by Rao et al. 2013.
Design: K. Sudmeier
3 Estimate the
cost of inaction 4 Develop scenarios
9 Discuss with
Economic tools for ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) series is one
of the most comprehensive studies of ecosystem values and led
greater awareness about ecosystem valuation. Other studies have
assessed the economic value of ecosystems (e.g. Costanza et al.
1997, Daily 1997) and the concept of Total Economic Value (TEV)
(Figure 15.6) has become a widely used framework for looking at
the utilitarian value of ecosystems). This framework typically splits
TEV into two categories: use values and non-use values (Emerton
1998, de Groot et al. 2010).
Use values are composed of three elements: direct and indirect
use and option values. Direct use values encompass goods which
can be extracted, consumed or enjoyed directly. Indirect use values
are the services the environment provides such as air and water
purification and pollination. Option values are those related to
maintaining the option use an ecosystem good or value in the future
(de Groot et al. 2010).
Non-use values consider the benefits the environment may provide
without direct or indirect use. Oftentimes, this relates to ethical
values such as protection of endangered species. Finally, bequest
values are those related to the willingness to pass on values to
future generations. Although this distinction between values is
extremely useful as it helps to value such things that cannot
easily be monetized, often decision-makers unfortunately only
consider mainly direct use values or possible indirect use values of
ecosystem services (de Groot et al. 2010).
Figure 15.6
The Total Economic
Value Framework.
TOTAL ECONOMIC VALUE © L. Emerton (1998)
Another study of ecosystem services was conducted by the World
Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) in one of
Veolia Water’s (a large French water utility) sites. The water catchment
of Crepieux Charmy is located in the northeast of Lyon (France) and
represents the largest water catchment in Europe, supplying water to
90% of the Grand Lyon population (about 1.3 million people). It is also a
unique site in terms of its biodiversity with 500 plant species and broad
range of animals. Veolia has developed an ecological management
plan in order to preserve water quality and biodiversity of this site. The
objective of the study was to investigate the hidden benefits arising from
the ecological management of the site. The study was carried out by
the Corporate Social Responsibility Department of Veolia Water with the
help of Ecowhat, an environmental consultancy. The approach adopted
followed the recommendations established by the Guide to Corporate
Ecosystem Valuation (CEV) published by WBCSD in 2011.
Two main benefits were evaluated: water purification and carbon
Water purification is provided by the alluvium of the Rhone River and the
grassland and wetland habitats on the Crepieux Charmy islands. It has
been assessed using an “avoided cost/replacement cost method” because
without the protection of the Crepieux Charmy management regime, it is
likely that a traditional water treatment plan would be needed to guarantee
an appropriate level of water quality. The carbon sequestration function
is provided by the soil and grasslands on the islands. It is therefore stored
by the soil, the forest and the lawns of the Crepieux Charmy islands. This
continual carbon sequestration can be seen as a positive externality of
the activities that maintain it. The financial benefit (i.e. internal company
benefit), corresponding to the avoided water treatment costs, represents
an amount equivalent to 80% of the total annual costs of water production
at the site and up to 16 times the ecological management costs of the
site. The economic benefit (i.e. external benefits accruing to society)
which includes the natural heritage and carbon sequestration values of the
site, represent two times the total annual costs of water production and
up to 45 times the ecological management costs. The ecosystem service
benefits generated through the ecological management regime represent
an amount equivalent to 29% of the drinking water part (excluding taxes
and fees) of the water bill paid annually to Veolia Water (site manager) and
Grand Lyon (site owner) to have clean tap water at any time.
Overall, the study confirms the positive impact of Veolia water in
maintaining the ecosystem services at the site. It also highlights the
modest cost of the ecological management with regards to the amount
of economic benefits associated with it (WBCSD 2012).
Economic tools for ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation
Figure 15.7 illustrates how forested watersheds can reduce the cost of
water treatment significantly by comparing the percentage of watershed
cover and water treatment costs. This case study demonstrates that a
well-functioning ecosystem can deliver the equivalent water availability
and filtration as a major physical infrastructure project flood control and
shoreline protection. Therefore, natural infrastructure, in many cases, can
provide the same services and benefits as man-made infrastructure and
at a lower cost.
Nevertheless, one of the main gaps in current DRR and CCA practices is
the need for more cost-benefit analysis of ecosystem-based approaches
as measured against physical infrastructure.
Works Association (2004). Design:
58 L. Rharade and H. Van Rossum.
Redrawn by L. Monk
40 37
10 20 30 40 50 60
Figure 15.8
Ecosystem services (ES) Protection from natural hazards Food
of coastal dunes. Prevention from coastal erosion Living space
Source: Nehren et al. 2016. and salinization Regrowing raw materials
Redrawn by L. Monk Water storage and purification Mineral raw materials
Carbon storage and Fresh water
Medicinal resources
Local climate and
air quality
Regulating Provisioning
Biological control
bio- and Cultural
geodiversity, ES
Habitats for plant
and animal speciies Tourism and recreation
Bio- and geodiversity Aesthetic appreciation and inspiration
for science, education, culture and art
Supporting services such as
primary production, nutrient cycling, Spiritual experience and local identity
soil formation Archeological/hisorical heritage
Economic tools for ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation
Only when direct and indirect ecosystem values are taken into account,
can we for instance comprehensively estimate costs and benefits of
conservation and restoration measures for DRR and CCA and compare
them to technical measures for coastal defence. However, particularly in
data-poor regions monetization of ecosystem services has its limitations.
Therefore, we have to work with comparable data from other regions, use
rapid assessments, and develop semi-quantitative indicators and models.
15.6 Conclusions
Disasters cause economic losses which are more readily absorbed by
larger economies and may actually stimulate growth but overall are
setbacks for developing countries which may take years to recover.
Calamity funds may be the best opportunity for funding preventive DRR
activities, including Eco-DRR. The PDNA is the first step in recognizing
loss and damage to ecosystems and also for recommending investment
in restoration/conservation.
Making decisions for reconstruction and DRR is often based on money
and economic valuation and decision-tools are often at the forefront
to help decision-making. It is important to include ecosystem-based
approaches in such analyses. However, first it can be a challenge to value
ecosystems and their services. Yet including them in cost-benefit analysis
allows better comparison with engineered approaches.
It is also important to remember that structural and non-structural
measures for reducing disaster risks and adaptation have diverse
time horizons. For example, structural measures (which include grey/
green infrastructure) are usually designed for 15-20 years, while green
infrastructure benefits generally accrue over time. Non-structural
measures such as the effectiveness of training may be long lasting.
However, it is not easy, or possible to monetarily value all ecosystem
benefits, including those related to disaster risk reduction. In addition,
future benefits have high uncertainty characteristics due to temporal
changes of overall contexts. Thus, the probability of future hazards must
be considered, in particular when hazard-related measures are prioritised.
Finally, ecosystems need to be considered as an integral part of DRR and
development. Grey and green infrastructure can be mutually compatible,
when properly designed, as both may be needed to deliver essential
protection and livelihoods support for human security.
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Wetlands for Hurricane Protection. AMBIO: A Journal of the for economic incentives: promoting investments in
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Mitigation: Case studies from Vietnam, Indonesia, and Chile. TEEB. (2014). The Economics of Ecosystems and
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Chapter 16
Principles of mainstreaming
ecosystem-based disaster risk
reduction and adaptation into
national policies, strategies,
plans and projects
Key questions
What are the key entry points for integrating Eco-DRR/EbA
in policies, programmes and projects?
What financial resources are available for mainstreaming
What are the challenges for mainstreaming Eco-DRR/EbA?
© Karen Sudmeier-Rieux/UNEP
Principles of mainstreaming ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and
adaptation into national policies, strategies, plans and projects 16
16.1 Key entry points for integrating ecosystem- KEY INFO: The GAR
based disaster risk reduction and adaptation in The Global Assessment
policies, programmes and projects Reports on Disaster Risk
Reduction (GAR) are biannual
Mainstreaming is about integrating a less common concept or approach reports released by the United
into a more common approach. In this case, we are referring to integrating Nations International Strategy
ecosystem management into DRR and CCA to achieve sustainable and for Disaster Reduction
resilient development (Figure 16.1). There are several ways this can be (UNDRR, formerly UNISDR)
done at various scales, which we will describe in this chapter. since 2009. The GAR is
Mainstreaming Eco-DRR/EbA in development has multiple entry points published every two years.
and benefits. It helps protect development gains, reduce underlying Learn more about the GAR
vulnerabilities to future disasters, and increases access to sectoral and the previous reports by
resources and budget that can support such ecosystem-based activities. clicking on:
The first entry point is at the global and national policy level, where
organizations such as PEDRR, a global alliance of currently 23 organizations
including the CBD, are working with national governments to include Eco-
DRR/EbA into key international agreements, such as the SFDRR, Climate
Change agreements, SDGs, and the CBD.
At the international level, the Global Risk Assessment (GAR) is a key
document for information to policy makers. The GAR 15, published in
2015, focused on strengthening the governance of disaster risk, while
the previous ones, with different themes, addressed the underlying risk
drivers of disaster risk. GAR15 included ecosystem-based approaches
and emphasizes new approaches blending grey and green infrastructure
to maximize ecosystem services (UNISDR 2015). Thus, the GAR 15 is an
example of a key report which has to a certain extent mainstreamed Eco-
DRR and EbA. The GAR 17 provided an atlas of risk. The latest GAR report
was launched at the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in 2019.
The GAR 19 moves beyond disaster risk to consider the pluralistic nature
of risk: in multiple dimensions, at multiple scales and with multiple impacts.
It highlights environmental degradation as a key aspect in creating risk
and promotes systems-thinking and calls for urgent action (UNDRR 2019).
The second entry point is national plans and strategies, such as National
Development Strategies and Plans, National Poverty Reduction
Strategies, Land use plans and sectoral development policies and plans.
These may include national environmental policies, and climate change
adaptation plans.
For example, the Maldives illustrates an interesting example of
mainstreaming Eco-DRR/EbA into its Seventh National Development Plan.
The Maldives is an island nation in the Indian Ocean formed by a double
chain of twenty-six atolls. With an average ground level of 1.5 meters
above sea level, it is the planet’s lowest country. Its specific characteristics
render the Maldives particularly vulnerable to flooding, storm surges,
tropical storms and tsunamis as well as general sea-level rise. The Indian
Ocean tsunami in 2004 caused considerable damage to the atolls.
The Seventh National Development Plan (2006-2010) incorporated several
Eco-DRR/EbA aspects. These include:
Multiple benefits of natural systems, ‘soft engineering’
for coastal protection;
Integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) for flood protection;
Water resource management;
Environmental governance (e.g. EIA process);
Land-use plans for safety and sustainable development.
The Maldives’ Safe Island Program is an example of risk-sensitive land
use plans. It provides safe havens for people who are forced to migrate
before or after disasters caused by natural hazards. Several larger islands
are designated to provide environmental protection zones, ecologically
safe zones and structures to mitigate the impact of events such as storm
surges, tidal swells and tsunamis. In addition, elevated areas and buildings
are provided to enable vertical evacuation. Figure 16.2 illustrates what
such a scenario may look like.
Figure 16.2
+1.3 m +1.4 m
+2.4 m
Principles of mainstreaming ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and
adaptation into national policies, strategies, plans and projects 16
Figure 16.3
GEM Project management cycle.
International development
agencies (donors)
Therefore, mainstreaming Eco-DRR/EbA requires not only balancing Community-based
between economic and environmental interests but also between organizations
stakeholders’ competing interests. These challenges are beyond the Academia and research
capacity of any group or institution to address single handedly. Promoting institutions
effective participation by all stakeholders requires approaches that are
multi-sectoral. Mainstreaming Eco-DRR/EbA in development should
therefore be pursued at different levels, involving different actors and Private sector
sectors (Figure 16.5).
Figure 16.5
Mainstreaming is a balancing act.
16.2 Financial resources available for
mainstreaming ecosystem-based disaster risk
reduction and adaptation
There are various national budgets that could be tapped into for Eco-DRR/
EbA. These include DRR budgets, calamity funds, national environment
funds, climate change funds and risk transfer instruments. Here are some
The 2011 National Greening Program was created in the Philippines in
the aftermath of Hurricane Haiyan. It seeked to grow 1.5 billion trees in
1.5 million hectares nationwide within a period of six years, from 2011
to 2016 (Figure 16.6). The goal was to mitigate climate change, reduce
poverty and protect communities and coastal ecosystems from strong
Figure 16.6 waves and soil erosion.
Mangrove replanting in Tacloban, Sectoral budgets, which are not DRR specific (i.e. agriculture, forestry and
Philippines, by communities and
water resources), could also be used for Eco-DRR/EbA. For example, Eco-
Partners for Resilience to support
them in rebuilding their lives after DRR/EbA measures could be included by taking into account the cost of
Typhoon Haiyan in 2013. ‘disaster proofing’ measures that make them more environmentally and
© Nicola Ward/Climate Centre economically sustainable in the long-run.
Finally international resources for Eco-DRR/EbA could include multilateral
climate funds such as the Adaptation Fund or the Green Climate Fund
(GCF), which aims to respond to climate change by investing in low-
emission and climate-resilient development. GCF was established to
provide funds to limit or reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in
developing countries, and to help vulnerable societies adapt to the
unavoidable impacts of climate change. Other climate change related
funds have and can be used for DRR and mainstreaming Eco-DRR/EbA.
Development aid is another avenue that has invested in DRR albeit more
on post- rather than pre-disaster (Kellett and Caravani 2013).
A national fund for disaster risk reduction which is subdivided
in five accounts: knowledge, reduction, disaster management,
recovery and financial protection.
Each department and municipality should have its own local fund
(Art. 54)
Local disaster risk reduction fund that enables communities to
invest in vulnerability reduction
FONDEN (Mexico’s Natural Disaster Fund) was established
to ensure adequate funding of reconstruction after
national calamities
0.4% of national budget is allocated to reconstruction which
emphasizes public infrastructure, low income housing and
natural environment
Another fund FOPREDEN is smaller but dedicated to prevention
activities at all levels of government.
Principles of mainstreaming ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and
adaptation into national policies, strategies, plans and projects 16
16.3 The challenges of mainstreaming
ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction
and adaptation
Having a dedicated national DRR budget is still uncommon. What is
more common is to use the large influx of post-disaster funds to finance
prevention projects, including Eco-DRR/EbA. In terms of funding, we
should note that although there are different national budgets that could
technically be used for Eco-DRR/EbA there are also many challenges of
tapping into these sources. These include:
Competing priorities
Long-return investments vs. short-term election cycles
Difficulty in measuring impacts of DRR
No specific budgets for Eco-DRR/EbA measures.
Other challenges include lack of political will, limited expertise and
resources on Eco-DRR/EbA and constrained institutional mandates of
institutions to address cross-sectoral approaches such as Eco-DRR/EbA.
Finally, there is often a preference for engineering, or grey infrastructure,
approaches (Gupta and Nair 2013).
Nevertheless, some progress has been made in mainstreaming Eco-DRR/
EbA. For instance, EIAs are gradually incorporating DRR components as
discussed earlier. In the Cook Islands, EIAs are made compulsory for
any developmental infrastructural project in several sectors such as
tourism, fisheries and agriculture. In Germany, a broad range of projects
and activities are covered under Germany’s Environmental Impact
Assessment Act (2001), which indicates the extent to which disaster risk
and vulnerability factors could be addressed in EIAs. Moldova has also
merged DRR into its agricultural policies, environmental policies with
protected areas legislation, PES, EIA and CCA projects and programs.
Finally, in the framework China’s law on EIAs (2003), information on
natural hazards and technological or chemical risks must be incorporated.
As illustrated in these examples, disaster risk analyses can be incorporated
into the EIA process by utilizing data generated through the EIA process
itself. Information generated by EIAs can help improve early warning
because the EIA process can provide data for risk mapping and scenario
building in relation to the potential impacts of projects. Hence, EIAs can
be applied to assess hazard conditions and patterns of vulnerability in the
context of the developmental planning process. EIA reports also include
an environmental monitoring plan. Monitoring parameters usually cover
early signals of potential disasters. EIAs applied in the disaster prevention
and mitigation phase can help inform planning for DRR, for instance by
providing guidance on choices mitigation methods (Gupta and Yunus
2004), technology investments and site locations for activities. In a post-
disaster context, conducting a rapid environmental impact assessment
(REA) helps to ensure that sustainability concerns are factored into the
relief, reconstruction and recovery planning stages (Gupta 2002 et al,
Hauer and Kelly 2018). The REA does not replace an EIA but fills a gap in
an emergency context until EIA can be appropriately conducted.
In parallel to these EIAs and REAs, greater emphasis has also been placed
on incorporating hazards and disaster risk analysis into the environmental
assessment process itself. ProVention Consortium and the Caribbean
Development Bank published Tools for mainstreaming DRR, which include
a guidance note on “Environmental Assessments” (Benson and Twigg
2007). This important publication focused on environmental assessment
as the natural starting point in the design of a project to address natural
hazards and related risk. It provides guidance on analysing disaster risk
related consequences of developmental activities as a result of their
environmental impacts, as well as the potential threat posed by natural
hazards to the projects. Environmental assessments are now expected
to measure the risk reduction benefits of proposed environmental impact
mitigation measures within the proposed development project (Carribean
Development Bank and CARICOM Secretariat 2004).
16.4 Conclusions
Integrating ecosystem management into DRR and CCA strategies requires
not only a balance between the interests of society, the economy and
the environment, but also between the diverse interests of different
stakeholders within a community or country. This requires promoting
effective participation by all stakeholders and multi-sectoral approaches.
Mainstreaming Eco-DRR/EbA in development should therefore be pursued
at different levels, involving different actors and sectors.
The key issues for mainstreaming are 1) cross-sectoral integration, 2)
enabling conditions or incentives to facilitate mainstreaming of Eco-DRR/
EbA into sustainable development policies and practices and 3) capacity
building and awareness, which are all essential.
Eco-DRR and EbA are becoming more mainstreamed into influential
policies and scientific reports such as the GAR or IPCC reports. Indeed,
several international framework agreements, e.g. the SFDRR, the SDGs,
the Paris Agreement, the CBD and the Ramsar Convention, have all
included various decisions, targets and goals with various components
recommending that governments and other stakeholders consider how
to implement and mainstream Eco-DRR/EbA. The question now is how
to do this in an integrated manner – this will take time, political will and
evidence-based guidance.
Principles of mainstreaming ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and
adaptation into national policies, strategies, plans and projects 16
Benson, C. and Twigg, J. (2007). Tools for Mainstreaming Gupta, A.K. and Yunus, M. (2004). India and WSSD (Rio +10)
Disaster Risk Reduction: Guidance Notes for Development Johannesburg: Issues of National Concern and International
Organisations. Geneva: ProVentium Consortium Strategies. Current Science, 87(1), 37-43. http://www.iisc.
Secretariat. https://www.preventionweb.net/files/1066_ ernet.in/~currsci/jul102004/37.pdf. Accessed
toolsformainstreamingDRR.pdf Accessed 24 July 2019. 26 July 2019.
Caribbean Development Bank and CARICOM Secretariat. Hauer, M., and Kelly, C. (2018). Guidelines for Rapid
(2004). Sourcebook on the Integration of Natural Environmental Impact Assessment in Disasters. US Agency
Hazards into Environmental Impact Assessment for International Development. https://reliefweb.int/sites/
Process. NHIA-EIA Sourcebook. Bridgetown: Caribbean reliefweb.int/files/resources/REA_2018_final.pdf Accessed
Development Bank. https://wedocs.unep.org/bitstream/ 24 July 2019.
Kellett, J. and Caravani, A. (2013). Financing Disaster Risk
pdf?sequence=3&%3BisAllowed= Accessed
Reduction. 20 year story of international aid. ODI and GFDRR.
24 July 2019.
Government of Maldives, Ministry of Planning and National publications-opinion-files/8574.pdf Accessed 24 July 2019.
Development (2007). Seventh National Development Plan,
UNISDR (2015). Global Assessment Report: Making
2006-2010. Creating New Opportunities.
Development Sustainable: The Future Of Disaster Risk
Gupta, A.K., Kumar, A., Misra, J, and Yunus, M. (2002). Management. Geneva: UNDRR. https://www.preventionweb.
Environmental Impact Assessment and Disaster net/english/hyogo/gar/2015/en/gar-pdf/GAR2015_EN.pdf
Management: Emerging Disciplines of Higher Education Accessed 24 July 2019.
and Practice. In Environmental Education. Srivastava, P. and
UNDRR (2019). Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk
Singh, D.P. (eds.). New Delhi: Anmol Publishers. 7- 23.
Reduction. Geneva: UNDRR. https://gar.unisdr.org/sites/
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32500.55682.
default/files/reports/2019-05/full_gar_report.pdf Accessed
Gupta, A. and Nair, S. (2013). Applying environmental impact 24 July 2019.
assessments and strategic environmental assessments in
World Bank (2011). Philippines - Typhoons Ondoy and
disaster management. In The Role of Ecosystems in Disaster
Pepeng: post-disaster needs assessment: Executive
Risk Reduction. Renaud F., Sudmeier-Rieux, K. and Estrella,
summary. http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/
M. (2013). Tokyo: UNU Press. 416-436. http://collections.
en/551271468296967206/Executive-summary Accessed
unu.edu/view/UNU:1995. Accessed 26 July 2019.
24 July 2019.
Chapter 17
Approaches for operationalising
resilience for ecosystem-based
disaster risk reduction
and adaptation
Key questions
What are the top five questions you should be
asking about resilience before getting started?
What are the five steps you should consider
when designing a project on resilience?
What are the five factors of success of a project
on resilience?
Approaches for operationalizing resilience for
ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation 17
17.1 Project development DEFINITIONS
In the previous chapters, the importance of Eco-DRR/EbA, its principles “Passive resilience”
and tools were described. Implementing Eco-DRR/EbA to create resilience encompasses interventions
requires thinking through project development within a learning framework in an emergency situation
to enable adjustment, or adaptive management. Designing a successful where relief is the main
project requires thinking through the following five questions (Figure 17.1): intervention and there is
1. What are my project objectives? resistance to change, while
With resilience as a goal, it is important to think through the distinction “Transformational resilience”
between “bouncing back” resilience or what we call “passive resilience” refers to a high degree of
and transformative “bouncing forward” resilience (see chapter 8). You flexibility to change, including
need to know the type of resilience you are expected to increase, and what interventions that address
other project objectives you have, also depending on what your budget risk factors, i.e. ecosystem
will allow. management, risk sensitive
land use planning, women
2. What is the system that your project is targeting?
leadership programs to
Here you need to know the scale at which your system is operating,
reduce structural vulnerability
the major internal components of the system, and the larger social and
and risk.
ecological environment in which it occurs. Who and what do you want to
make resilient? (Sudmeier-Rieux 2014).
This next section details these five steps for operationalizing resilience for
an Eco-DRR/EbA project:
1. Project objectives
As with any project, you should first clearly define your objectives and
expectations. Some practitioners may prefer to start with analyzing the
system, its components, its boundaries and the dynamic interactions
between components before defining the objectives.
Consider these three types of more specific resilience (O’Connell et
al. 2015): physical resilience of infrastructure to a hazard event, social
resilience to disasters and ecological resilience to a changing climate.
Physical resilience may refer mainly to ensuring that infrastructure, such
as the electricity grid, resists a shock. This is often the perspective of
engineers. Social resilience most often refers to improving livelihoods,
reducing vulnerabilities and increasing adaptive capacities due to
natural hazards. This is often the perspective of development agencies.
Ecological resilience considers how an ecosystem can remain functional
considering human-nature interactions and pressures. This is often the
perspective of ecologists. An Eco-DRR/EbA project is at the forefront
of innovation as it seeks to combine aspects of all types of resilience:
physical – you may need to build a seawall if necessary; social – of course
we need to consider how to improve livelihoods and adaptive capacities;
and ecological – as most societies are dependent on natural resources
for their protection, well-being and livelihoods.
2. Target of the project
2.1 Define the scope. Are you mainly targeting passive resilience (i.e.
increasing coping capacities to enable them to bounce back after a
shock, or recovery) or are you able to tackle transformative resilience
(i.e. a more long-term comprehensive approach, which also tackles risk
reduction and improved livelihoods consideration)? Consider that the two
(bouncing back and bouncing forward) can be compatible. A population
that is affected by a disaster may first need the time to bounce back to the
‘normal state’ and recover before being able to move forward. The shock
may be an impetus for a process leading to transformative resilience. One
example might be the notion of ‘building back better’ after a disaster. A
population first needs to recover, learn from the disaster and understand
how they can better protect themselves from the next hazard and then
adapt, restructure and hopefully rebuild in a safer location in a safer way
in order to reduce risks.
The answer to this question about scope will most likely depend on
the available time, resources and your organization’s mission (i.e.
humanitarian or development-related). Figure 17.2 illustrates a resilience
ladder from passive to transformational where the focus gradually shifts
from bouncing back and recovery towards livelihood improvement,
investments in risk reduction and ecosystem management to address
vulnerability and power relations.
The goal of transformational resilience is improved livelihoods, well-
being, sustainability and risk reduction. Perhaps this may seem utopic,
but disasters can be the impetus toward the type of socio-political
transformation that may be needed for a community or society to shift to
an improved state with the right conditions. This may be the case of the
Philippines, post-Haiyan, thanks to several large international and national
programmes, including the Philippines National Greening Programme.
Approaches for operationalizing resilience for
ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation 17
Focus is short term bounce Focus turns to livelihoods
back and recovery Improved
Some root causes of vulnerability livelihoods,
External assistance dominates and risk addressed well-being,
Vulnerability and risks sustainability
not addressed and risk
Stakeholder Exploring
mapping &
PEOPLE: scenarios
Scoping & ADAPTATION Analysing
goalsetting the system
Consider the tipping points or thresholds of the system: these mark the
The RAPTA framework boundaries between different possible states of a system or ‘system
Resilience, Adaptation regime’ (Renaud et al. 2010, O’Connell et al. 2019). A system that is healthy
Pathways and Transformation and resourceful will be more flexible and dynamic to self-organise in order
Approach (RAPTA) consists to stay within its system boundaries, than one that is unhealthy, damaged
of three modules: or frail. If confronted with a shock, such as a hazard event, the healthy
1: People – Dialogue, Values system is more likely to recover quickly, while the frail one may cross
and Vision a threshold to a different state and perhaps ‘lower state’. Let’s take the
example of a forest along a heavily polluted mountain road. The forest
2: Systems Analysis may be less healthy and less able to withstand shock, such as a strong
3: Options and Pathways wind storms. It may cross a threshold to a new state which is no longer
to Action able to function in the same manner as before (i.e. less water retention,
“The modules are supported soil stabilisation, biodiversity, etc.). It is of course also possible for a state
by two continuous to cross a threshold to an improved state but this may require additional
processes (Active Learning time and resources (i.e. reducing pollution along the road, replanting trees
– establishing learning or encouraging regeneration).
practices that build capacity We may find similar examples of thresholds or tipping points for human
for responding to rapid, systems that are subject to shocks. Consider the state of New Orleans
unprecedented change; post-Katrina, which lost a large proportion of its population as a result of
and Adaptive Governance – the hurricane. In the weeks, months and perhaps years after Hurricane
coordinating iterative, flexible Katrina, we can most definitely say that the city changed states. Time and
and responsive interactions resources were needed to rebuild the city yet many years later, it has still
between the modules when not returned to the pre-Katrina state and there is debate whether this new
designing the intervention state is an improvement ‘transformative’.
and for its implementation 3. Assess current risks, threats and uncertainties
and evaluation). A risk assessment can be done as a formal risk mapping exercise, or a
This leads to achieving community-based analysis of risks. Consider a simple SWOT [Strengths,
specific sustainability Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats] analysis and consider which
goals underpinned by measures would be appropriate for reducing which threats and which
Resilience, Adaptation and/ risks. Assess stakeholders’ main concerns. You may find that the everyday
or Transformation pathways risks: mainly livelihoods, education, employment or access to roads - are
depending on the systems often more pressing than concerns about landslides or flooding. Again,
assessment.” consider using the above mentioned RATA framework.
O’Connell et al. 2019: 4 4. Build sustainability into your project
This is where you need to decide which measures you will undertake to
address risks and build resilience and how you involve stakeholders in
carrying through proposed measures even after your project has ended.
Stakeholder engagement is one aspect of sustainability: local self-
sufficiency must be taken in account too, i.e., the community’s capacity
to continue developing without project support. Capacity building is a very
important part of this step. It can involve “learning while doing” and/or
more formal training processes.
If your aim is transformative resilience through Eco-DRR/EbA, consider
investing in measures that will both reduce disaster risks and address
livelihoods’ needs. One example could be involving stakeholders in
establishing a watershed management council so that upstream and
downstream users are connected and can equally benefit. Or planting
fruit trees alongside vegetation with deep roots for erosion control and
including a local school in monitoring and maintaining the vegetation.
Approaches for operationalizing resilience for
ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation 17
5. Monitoring and evaluation
5.1 Work with stakeholders to define your indicators of success.
Indicators of resilience will depend on whether you assess resilience as
a dynamic process with such as ‘ability to learn’, ‘ability to self-organise’,
‘capacity to recover’, or progress or results indicators, which may be
likened to a snapshot of a system state at the beginning of a project as
compared with the same variables during and at the end of the project. In
other words, results indicators measure whether tangible results are being
achieved (e.g. new roads have mitigation measures). Process indicators
however, convey the state of a dynamic process (e.g., stakeholder
dialogue, capacity building training). The difference between the two may
be time dependent. For example, a capacity-building training workshop on
landslide mitigation may lead to attitude changes among participants and
a process toward new measures may be undertaken.
5.2. Develop indicators. Depending on your project, you should consider
developing both types of indicators based on primary system components
and the interactions between them. The process of developing indicators
often involves identifying key stakeholders or experts, in particular, women
and women’s groups, asking them what indicators they propose, then
weighing these against available data, or the possibility of collecting
these data. In a field situation, you are mostly likely first to be confronted
with the reality and cost of collecting sound data (whether quantitative or
qualitative) versus the need to be scientifically rigorous. Well-established
participatory tools for developing qualitative and quantitative indicators
include: wealth ranking, preference ranking, matrix ranking and matrix
scoring and participatory numbers (Chambers 2007, Mayoux and
Chambers 2005). Such methods are well tested and very commonly used
among researchers and practitioners studying livelihoods, vulnerability,
hazards, natural resource management, etc. Depending on your scope
and resources, consider also the RATA framework presented above
for determining system dynamics, primary drivers of change and their
impacts in that system.
Since there is no set of pre-existing indicators of resilience, ensure that
the intended purposes are clearly and explicitly stated, and check that
the indicators are fit for these purposes. Ensure that the indicators are
consistent with the underlying theory and behaviour about the systems
the indicators are intended to provide information. It is also important
to check the feasibility of implementation of project activities, including
data availability, replicability, potential for operator bias and level of skill
required, among other factors.
Examples of some commonly quoted process indicators
of mainly social resilience:
Diversification (e.g. multiple sources of income, back-up power
systems, or redundancy)
Time and cost effectiveness (e.g. short recovery period after
a crisis, or rapidity)
Access to resources (e.g. savings, family ties, power, natural
resources, education, information, or resourcefulness)
Buffering capacity of a social or natural system to absorb shock
(e.g. due to natural, physical or economic protection measures,
or robustness)
Self-organization, preparedness, planning and readiness
(e.g. early warning, protection measures and first aid)
Ability to learn and improve after an event (e.g. preparedness
increases after every crisis)
Effective governance/institutions/control mechanisms (e.g. civil
protection, zoning enforcement to reduce exposure)
Community involvement and inclusion of local knowledge in
planning (e.g. local risk maps and evacuation plans)
Critical thresholds are identified and monitored to improve
recovery (e.g. e-coli bacteria amounts in drinking water are
monitored and addressed before critical level is reached)
Flexibility (e.g. within organizations, livelihood systems,
economic systems, water management systems)
Source: Bahadur et al. (2010); Moench and Dixit (2007)
The following indicators are a mix of progress and results indicators that
were developed to assess resilience of mountain populations in Nepal
(Sudmeier-Rieux et al. 2013; Figure 17.4). They are problematic because
not all are SMART indicators, they can be difficult to assess and are at
times overlapping. However, they may provide some ideas for indicators
of resilience, combined with some of the above-mentioned process
indicators. The figure shows the difficulty in developing a global set of
indicators as these may often be locally specific.
Approaches for operationalizing resilience for
ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation 17
Forest quality
Water quality
SOCIAL RESOURCES Soil productivity
Community leadership Erosion INDICATORS
NGO assistance Awareness of DRR measures Population density
Government assistance Management of land for... Education level
Women’s groups Forest management practices Vocational skills
CFUGs Grazing management practices Access to information
Mutual assistance Access righs to forest resources Previous disaster experience
Extra kinship ties Organizational skills
Disaster management committee Household status
Ever warning system/monitoring Natural (health/disabled persons)
Evacuation plans Capital Ethnic group status
Female headed household
Ration working adults: dependents
Emergency water supply ECONOMIC RESOURCES
Capital Capital
Telephone/mobile Food stocks
AND Employment
Emergency health care RELATED Remittance income
Safe houses, schools and shelters INDICATORS Savings
Access to road Crop diversification
Means of evacuation Access to markets
Search and rescue equipment House ownership
Structural hazard protection Physical Financial Land ownership
Capital Capital
Therefore, consider drawing upon results and progress indicators as well Figure 17.4
as physical, socio-economic, and environmental indicators. Be aware that Results indicators of resilience
resilience is not always a term that is easy to convey or translate into local developed for assessing landslide
affected communities in Nepal.
languages and that different stakeholders may have even contradictory
Source: K. Sudmeier-Rieux (2013);
visions, addressing different types of resilience. Thus, it is important that Design: S. Sandholz. Redrawn by
you carefully define how you will define and assess resilience from the L. Monk
project outset.
Resilience is about complex, dynamic, linked Many losses in resilience are unintended
social-ecological systems (SESs, of which consequences of narrowly focused optimization
agro-ecosystems are one example), not the and ‘efficiency’ drives that remove currently
separate dynamics of social, economic and ‘unused’ reserves and ‘redundant’ functional
environmental systems. capacities.
Resilience is about how linked SESs self-organize Resilience is NOT about reducing variability or not
in response to shocks/disturbances – their changing. Trying to prevent disturbance and keep
resilience determines the limits a system constant reduces its resilience. Probing
to that capacity. the boundaries of resilience is necessary for
Resilience, adaptation and transformation are maintaining and building resilience, including the
neutral system properties when used in a technical capacity for adaptation and transformation.
sense. They are neither ‘good’ nor ‘bad’. It is the Adaptation and transformation are complementary
system, or the state of the system, or the broader processes – managers often need to transform
sustainability goal which defines a ‘desirable’ or a lower scale of system in order that a higher
‘undesirable’ system or goal. Desirability is a value scale can remain resilient (e.g. portions of the
judgement that will vary according to the world catchment might change the enterprise in order
views of the stakeholders in a system. Restoration that the broader catchment remains viable). When
of degraded systems can be difficult and may an undesirable regime shift has happened or is
be impossible at least within the time frame of inevitable it calls for intentional transformational
development project or a person’s lifetime. change. The capacity to achieve this is
Making a system resilient in one way can cause it called transformability.
to lose resilience in other ways or at other scales – An adaptation pathways approach helps inform
there are trade-offs in resilience building projects. the sequencing of decisions within long decision
Understanding and managing resilience requires time frames and incorporates flexibility to enable
consideration of ‘specified’ and ‘general’ resilience, social learning, co-creation, experimentation
adaptation and transformation: – specified and iteration, scenario planning and livelihood
resilience describes the resilience of particular innovation. It provides an appropriate framework
parts of a system to particular kinds of disturbance in situations where goals are ambiguous, decision-
– general resilience is the capacity of a system to making is contested, social-ecological systems are
absorb disturbances of any kind, including novel complex and highly dynamic and trajectories
and unforeseen ones; it is related to adaptive are unpredictable.
capacity (adaptability) – the capacity of the O’Connell et al. 2019
system to manage specified resilience; either stop
it crossing a threshold, or engineer crossing into a
desired regime.
No system can be understood or managed at a
single scale – all systems function at multiple
(nested) scales, and interactions across scales
affect resilience at any particular scale, and
therefore the set of interacting scales.
Approaches for operationalizing resilience for
ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation 17
17.2 The five factors of success of an
ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and
adaptation resilience-building project
We wrap up this chapter with what we consider to be five factors of
success of a resilience-building project (Figure 17.5).
1. The project has clearly defined project objectives and defines resilience
as either passive, transformational or somewhere in between.
Transformative resilience will most likely include aspects of social,
ecological and physical resilience.
2. Project boundaries and stakeholders are clearly defined. Natural and
human system components and their interlinkages are identified. You
have considered undertaking a resilience assessment.
3. Current risks and threats have been identified, assessed in terms of
their severity or impact and prioritized in terms of possible measures
to reduce these risks and threats.
4. To ensure sustainability, or local capacity to continue with project
activities after the project is over, your project is designed to address
stakeholder concerns and turn over ownership. Inclusiveness has been
considered and specific gender concerns have been included in the
project design.
Figure 17.5
5. Interventions are chosen that have considered various aspects of Factors of a successful
ecological, social and/or physical resilience – and would naturally “resilience-building” project.
include the concept of Eco-DRR/EbA. Concept: K. Sudmeier-Rieux.
Design: S. Plog
17.3 Conclusions
Although this chapter attempts to present some simple and practical
guidance as to how to operationalize resilience at the project level, in
reality we are often confronted with complex, dynamic situations and
interactions between social, economic, political and ecological realities. As
a project manager in charge of increasing resilience in a certain location,
you will find that the variables that make systems resilient are constantly
changing as a consequence of project interventions, interactions between
socio-ecological system components and the occurrence of disasters.
Monitoring the outcome of project interventions and key drivers of change
so that people can learn how change works in their system is one of the
more important aspects of resilience building projects.
There is no simple way of increasing, managing or measuring resilience
as there are many ways of interpreting this concept, depending on your
project scope, your background and perhaps what your boss wants you to
accomplish. However, the goal of this chapter was intended to provide some
steps and tools for defining and operationalizing resilience in quantitative
and qualitative terms. In the additional reading resources for these chapters,
we have listed several documents for those who would like a much more
thorough academic analysis of resilience and transformability. Remember
that resilience should not be considered a normative term (O’Connell et
al. 2015). ‘Passive resilience’ (or recovery to the pre-disaster state) may
be the most appropriate objective, at least in the short-term, immediately
after a disaster and depending on the time frame and available resources,
especially if it acts as a springboard for more transformative resilience.
Hence, transformative resilience is more compatible with long term risk
reduction and improved livelihood conditions.
Approaches for operationalizing resilience for
ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation 17
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renaissance? Unpacking of resilience for tackling climate Wise, R., Cowie, A., Butler, J., Stone-Jovicich, S., Stafford-
change and disasters. Brighton: Institute of Development Smith, M., Ruhweza, A., Belay, M., Duron, G., Pearson, L.,
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Mapping for Raising Disaster Risk Awareness Among the
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Gaillard, J.C., Pangilinan, M., Cadag, J. and Le Masson, V.
Twigg, J. (2007). Characteristics of a Disaster-
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Chapter 18
Conclusions – challenges
and opportunties for ecosystem-
based disaster risk reduction
and adaptation
Conclusions – challenges and opportunities for
ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation 18
The importance of ecosystems and their management for DRR and
CCA is gaining traction on the international scene, with mention and/
or mandates in different international agreements, such as the three
Rio Conventions (UNFCCC, CBD and UNCCD) and the SFDRR as well as
in many national policies, whether within their national climate change
plans (e.g. National Adaptation Plan of Action or Nationally Determined
Contributions) or other development or DRR plans. Yet, ecosystem-
based approaches are far from being mainstream. Grey infrastructure
and non-structural approaches, such as early warning systems, remain
the norm. Furthermore, post-disaster relief and reconstruction rather than
prevention is still the prevailing paradigm in use despite the knowledge
of the importance of DRR and adaptation. Moving beyond a reactive and
coping approach to a proactive and transformative approach is feasible
and necessary especially with global challenges such as CCA and increase
in disaster risks due to climate change.
Benefits of Eco-DRR/EbA
One of the main components that distinguishes Eco-DRR/EbA from
engineering measures are the multiple co-benefits that ecosystems
provide: support to livelihoods, poverty reduction, protection of
culture and identity, of water and soil resources, stabilisation of the
regional climate, biodiversity conservation as well as carbon storage
and sequestration. Eco-DRR and EbA are thus no-regrets strategies,
which was also clearly stated in the 2014 IPCC AR5 and reflected in
the SFDRR.
More and more examples are demonstrating that over 15 to 20 years,
green, or nature-based solutions to reducing disaster and climate risks
are the most cost-effective compared to solely grey infrastructure.
However, sometimes the hybrid green-grey solutions are the most
appropriate, especially in densely populated areas, as long as they do
not cause unsustainable ecological damage.
Last but not least, ecosystem management is one of the few
approaches that address all three components of the risk equation.
This is logical considering that environmental degradation and people
living in exposed places are two of the most important drivers of
disaster risk.
Ecosystems can prevent or mitigate hazards;
Ecosystems can reduce exposure by functioning as natural
Ecosystems can reduce vulnerability by supporting livelihoods
before, during and after disasters.
Mainstreaming and scaling up from locally successful projects
There have been a number of Eco-DRR/EbA projects implemented
successfully at the project scale. Mainstreaming and scaling up from
those to more nationally derived programmes is challenging depending
on the situation of each country. It is feasible, however, and Switzerland
is probably a good case. Indeed, forests are a main component of its
disaster risk reduction program in the Alps to protect critical infrastructure
from frequent disaster such as rock fall, avalanches or shallow landslides.
Furthermore, within some of its cantons, large scale renaturation of rivers
is taking place to reduce flooding risk, while at the same time protecting
biodiversity and providing recreation areas. But this example, is of a
country where management of the land is fully under government control
and it has the means to do so. In other situations, more community-
led approaches may be necessary. However, in these cases, it is vital
to show-case the benefits of environmental management and include
livelihood and community concerns within any plans. Indeed, even when
communities are not directly implicated in land management, community
consultations and involvement are necessary because it can cause
miscontent when land is used in a certain way. For example, managed
realignment, where land is “sacrificed” for flooding to reduce sea/ocean
wave power, can cause some landowners or land users to be upset if they
do not understand or have their needs heard.
While progress has been made with regards to gender and inclusiveness
in DRR/CCA, ensuring gender sensitive involvement in DRR/CCA is still an
issue that must not lag behind. Understanding the impact on and the role
of women and other minorities in disasters and Eco-DRR/EbA still needs
more research and effort to ensure equality and equity.
How to up-scale successful local level Eco-DRR/EbA projects whether
they emanate from the private or public sectors remains a challenge;
another is how to translate global policies into national and local-level
policies and legal frameworks that facilitate further mainstreaming and
upscaling of Eco-DRR/EbA (Estrella et al. 2016).
There rests much which is still unknown. Although there is solid empirical
evidence that Eco-DRR/EbA works in many contexts, another challenge
for Eco-DRR/EbA is in providing sufficient and scalable data about the role
of ecosystems in DRR. As ecosystem protective functions can be locally
specific, for example it has been difficult to establish standard ecological
engineering guidelines for various types of ecosystems and hazards.
This can make it difficult to replicate and upscale the same measures
in other locations and achieve the same results which can increase
uncertainties when planning and implementing Eco-DRR/EbA projects.
This also includes data about the cost effectiveness of ecosystems due
to difficulties in conducting ecosystem valuation (Chapter 15).
Conclusions – challenges and opportunities for
ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation 18
Other gaps are tipping points of ecosystems and the related socio-
ecological system, the effect of ecosystems in reducing creeping,
or slow on-set disasters such as drought; the effect of disasters on
ecosystem health and resilience, and time taken for their protection to be
effective and services to be provided. Furthermore, climate change will
impact ecosystems too and while there is much research on impacts on
biodiversity, making sense of this to operationalise natural infrastructure is
not easy given the uncertainty of climate change in itself. This is one of the
reasons why it has been seen as easier to fall back on grey infrastructure,
for which knowledge is easier to derive within laboratory settings and
simulations. Yet more and more studies show how green infrastructure
and hybrid solutions, combining green/grey approaches can be effective,
cost-wise and protection-wise, while bringing a number of benefits that
can address underlying issues within a community such as livelihoods and
water availability. Continuing research in this area is necessary. However,
more than that, applying an adaptive management or learning approach to
implementation of Eco-DRR/EbA is the only way forward under uncertain
conditions. This requires monitoring and evaluation not being neglected
or seen as of secondary importance or only to fulfill donor requirements.
Developing indicators for Eco-DRR/EbA and monitoring green/blue
Socio-ecological factors which create disaster risks are complex complex
as are notions of resilience. These complexities make for difficulties to
measure and monitor Eco-DRR/EbA and their outcomes, especially when
outcomes may not be seen for decades, as in the case for CCA. Fortunately,
there are many initiatives working to improve on developing indicators
and monitoring for both resilience and ecosystem-based approaches,
including in the SFDRR. The first step towards this is identifying and
providing baseline information on ecosystems, their services, their status
and risks. Creating a set of indicators that are process and result based
may be necessary to cover all aspects. Finally, setting up a monitoring and
evaluation scheme that is sustainable can be challenging but creatively
possible when perhaps tapping into existing (sub)national reporting
mechanisms or using some form of community-based approach.
Despite these gaps and challenges, we hope that this book, which
provides general guidelines for Eco-DRR/EbA, places us one step further
by providing the background and impetus to overcome some of these
gaps and challenges.
The preceding chapters outlined many opportunities for Eco-DRR/EbA,
although we also need to be realistic about the limits to ecosystems in
reducing disaster risks. Eco-DRR/EbA should not be considered as stand-
alone strategies but ones that often need to be combined with other risk
reduction strategies, including hybrid solutions, early warning and other
disaster prevention and preparedness measures.
As seen in Chapter 3, new opportunities have been created for Eco-DRR/
EbA thanks to the inclusion of ecosystem approaches in the SFDRR, the
Paris Agreement, the SDGs and recognition of the need to link ecosystems
with DRR in the CBD and the Ramsar Convention. At the local level, there
is also an increase in the number of Eco-DRR/EbA field projects (Doswald
and Estrella 2015).
As we pointed out in Chapter 16, in order for Eco-DRR/EbA to be truly
effective in addressing disaster risk, it needs to be fully integrated in
development planning and financial decisions at national and local
levels. As called for in the SFDRR, mainstreaming Eco-DRR/EbA needs
to be more directly addressed in national environmental policies and
legislative frameworks, as well as in environmental strategies and
programming, such as environmental impact assessments (EIAs) and
strategic environmental assessments (SEAs) (Estrella et al. 2016).
Programmes that offer especially promising entry points for Eco-DRR/EbA
include protected area management and IWRM, with several examples of
successful Eco-DRR/EbA were demonstrated in Chapter 13.
Another range of emerging opportunities are new financial instruments
that encourage investments in ecosystem management and restoration
for DRR amongst other goals. These include Payment for Ecosystem
Services (PES) (Chapter 15) and co-financing of Eco-DRR/EbA projects
between local governments communities or as public-private projects.
Although not discussed in detail in this book, there are promising private
sector initiatives in promoting natural infrastructure for waste water
treatment, air purification flood protection and land restoration (WBCSD
2016). The insurance sector is also increasingly becoming more active
in seeking ways to reduce insured losses while exploring new business
opportunities from implementing Eco-DRR/EbA measures (UNEP 2014).
Conclusions – challenges and opportunities for
ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation 18
One of the main issues is the need to mainstream and upscale Eco-DRR/
EbA in development planning. This becomes a challenge given the multi-
disciplinary and multi-sectoral nature of Eco-DRR/EbA, whereas most
existing legal and institutional frameworks do not necessarily support
nor encourage such integrated approaches, including overlapping, unclear
institutional mandates and legal frameworks that are not enforceable.
However, it may be possible to overcome such challenges by working
through development planning and initiatives that serve as an ‘umbrella’
framework for multi-sectoral engagement (Estrella et al. 2016).
Finally, improving the inclusion of women and other minorities in Eco-DRR/
EbA is vital because reducing marginalisation and improving equality and
equity will increase resilience of communities as a whole. Furthermore,
due to a number of social and cultural reasons, women are often key
stewards of natural resources (Figure 18.1) and as such, are important
allies to a greener and more resilient world.
Figure 18.1
Women as key actors of change
for Eco-DRR/EbA in Nepal.
Credit: K. Sudmeier-Rieux
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