Biodiversity Booklet Eng
Biodiversity Booklet Eng
Biodiversity Booklet Eng
An activity-based learning
program for schools
Sustainability &
An activity-based learning
program for schools
Introduction 1
Why Biodiversity 2
Structure of the booklet 13
• Printed sheets to make game cards and jigsaw puzzle pieces. 2: Biodiversity Wall Mural 82
• Plants around us : A set of posters on three common plants - the 3: Habitat for Insects 86
Giant Milkweed, Singapore Cherry and Neem by Nature Classrooms 4: Pond Ecosystem 90
• Hidden Housemates : A set of ‘Bingo’ activity sheets to discover,
observe and engage with biodiversity that lives in our homes, Part B : Ecological History: Past, Present & Future 97
balconies, gardens by Nature Classrooms. (Compulsory Activities)
(Source: 1: Historical Timeline 98
2: Seasonal Calendar 103
3: A Vision for the Future: Rich Picture 105
Checklist 107
The diversity of life forms,
so numerous that we have yet to WHY BIODIVERSITY
identify most of them,
is the greatest wonder of this planet. Look around inside your house. Who do you share the house with?
— Edward O. Wilson, Biodiversity, 1988 Your family members, your pets (if any), plants, house geckos on the wall,
mosquitoes, silverfish in the books, fruit flies hovering around the fruits,
ants crawling…What kind of conversations do you hear? People speaking,
Take a walk around your neighbourhood. What other life forms do you
notice? More people, dogs on the street, trees, shrubs and climbers; if you
Earthian is Wipro’s Sustainability Education Program look up and pay attention you will spot some birds; if you watch a plant
for schools and colleges. The program helps students up close you will find insects and spiders; if you dig the soil, you may find
develop an interdisciplinary understanding of the topic earthworms and other smaller organisms.
at hand and provides multiple perspectives to help
make sustainability education more meaningful. By Wherever we go we observe living things.
meeting these objectives, educational institutions, their Biodiversity is all these things: it is LIFE.
educators and students will be better equipped to make
sustainable choices.
This area can be as small as a puddle of water or as big as the whole Earth.
A healthy, complex, and stable ecosystem has a lot of different kinds of
One of the most important things to keep in mind about biodiversity is that
it is not just plants and animals, but the connection between all the living A) GENETIC DIVERSITY
things on the planet. This connection is important to all of us, because it
provides us with a lot of resources and services that we need to live and
thrive on this planet.
Pick an object. Think about what raw materials have been used to make
the object. Where are these raw materials sourced from?
Photos: Abhisheka K
Living things collaborate and compete with one another to stay alive and
reproduce in a wide range of environmental conditions. This has led to an
incredible diversity of life on Earth. Biodiversity can be defined in various
ways - from genetic similarities, to specific classifications, to global habitats.
It can include organisms from the largest whales to the smallest microbes.
In the image we see a set of puppies. Though they all belong to the same
species Canis familiaris, each one has its own unique set of physical traits,
such as body shape and colour. These traits are caused by a set of genes
that are unique to each animal, which makes them look different from each
other. Remember that even though they all have genes that make them
Biodiversity different, they also share genes that make them very similar.
Each member of any animal or plant species differs widely from other
individuals in its genetic makeup because of the large number of
Genetic Ecosystem
combinations possible in the genes that give every individual specific
Diversity Diversity characteristics.Tiger, lions and leopards are different species, with distinct
Genetic variability Organisation of species in
genetic makeup. But even within a species, individuals are different from
within a species an area into distinctive plant
& animal communities each other (to a lesser degree), such that each of us is unique! Diversity
within a species enables individuals to adapt to their environment.
Photos: Abhisheka K
Photos: Abhisheka K
Riverine Grassland Mountain
A habitat is a home environment for plants and animals or other
organisms. A microhabitat is a small area which differs from the
India is exceptionally rich in its ecosystem diversity. Distinctive surrounding habitat. Its unique conditions may be home to unique
ecosystems are made up of landscapes such as tropical forests, species that may not be found in the larger region.
dry-deciduous forests, grasslands, deserts, mountains, etc., as well
as aquatic ecosystems such as rivers, lakes, and a number of marine
ecosystems. They also include areas that have been modified by Which community below is more diverse? Which of these communties do
you prefer to be part of?
humans, like farmland and cities.
Ecosystems such as cold deserts or snow-capped mountains in the
Himalayan region may not be rich in species diversity compared to a forest
ecosystem in the Western Ghats in Southern India. A coastline exposed
to high waves will have considerably different level of species diversity
compared to the mangroves. Similarly, an exposed hill or mountain top is Megadiverse country is used to refer to the world’s top biodiversity-rich
likely to have stunted vegetation and low species diversity compared to countries that harbor high numbers of endemic species. To qualify as a
more abundant vegetation and high species diversity in valleys that are megadiverse country, a country must
sheltered from heavy wind.
i) Have at least 5000 of the world’s plants as endemics (being unique to a
Natural ecosystems with low species diversity are as important as particular geographic location).
ecosystems with high species diversity, because they consist of species ii) Have marine ecosystems within its borders.
that have remarkable specializations for surviving in harsh environments.
Many rare and special varieties of plants and animals are found in Seventeen countries have been identified as the world’s ‘megadiverse’
such ecosystems. countries and India is one of them. India is home to nearly 8% of the global
biodiversity. It is estimated that 18% of Indian plants are endemic to the
country and found nowhere else in the world. Isn’t this a matter of pride?
The diversity of life at all three organisational levels, genetic, species and Wow! fact
ecosystem, is being rapidly modified by modern humans. Humans often try
to reduce diversity because it is easier to harvest (whether it is food crops Biodiversity Hotspot
or trees for timber) if it all contains the same species, but this obviously There are places on Earth that are
creates serious problems. both biologically rich and deeply Indo-Burma
threatened. These are ‘hotspots’ Himalayas
of diversity, the richest and most
important ecosystems in the
world. Amongst the 36 biodiversity
hotspots in the world, India
represents four of these hotspots
• The Himalayas Western
• Western Ghats Ghats
• The Indo-Burma region
(consists of northeast India Sundaland
south of Brahmaputra)
• Sundaland
(includes Nicobar Islands)
prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart
are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent
call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global
partnership. Biodiversity and ecosystems feature prominently across many
of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and associated targets.
PART A OBJECTIVES tell you why you are doing an activity and what might be
learned from it
Compulsory Activities
RESOURCES provide you with tips and assistance to help carry out
the activity. The formats shown under resources are optional. You
are welcome to present the information in a style of your choice, but
A1: Environment A2: Species A3: Biodiversity A4: Biodiversity, A5: Biodiversity
as a Shared Diversity in our and Us Food, Livelihood Threats and observations and data need to be recorded.
Space Backyard & Climate Conservation
Elective Activities
REFLECTION is an important part of the learning experience. Use the
questions to discuss, connect with, and explore issues beyond your
immediate environment. You can also use the leading questions to
• Ponder on the observations and data collected during the activity.
• Discuss with people from a wide range of backgrounds such as
teachers, classmates, scientists, writers, naturalists, historians,
forest officers, parents and grandparents, and experts from
universities and Government institutions.
1: Wild Edible
Plants (WEP) 2: Biodiversity 3: Habitat for 4: Pond
Garden Wall Mural Insects Ecosystem
Part A totals to
Compulsory Activities 60% and Part B 60% PART A
to 40%
*Fun activities are not
1: Historical
2: Seasonal
3: Vision for
the Future
considered for scoring.
40% PART B ry
13 14
The submissions to Wipro earthian will be judged based on a broad Part A can be made attractive, fun and engaging by using different tools or
approach as deemed appropriate by the jury. It will be based on how presentation formats.
genuinely the activity was done, the comprehensiveness and creativity
Present observations, data and your experiences during the activity as a
in documenting the activities, and the ability in seeing and drawing the
broader connections well.
Observations can be presented as short poems, couplets, or haikus.
To give you a sense of direction and clarity we are listing a few key
Illustrate with sketches, paintings and cartoons to highlight something
evaluation criteria. Do not blindly go by these alone and pay attention to
visually interesting.
the broader approach as mentioned above.
Take photographs and use them in the summary at appropriate points.
• Genuineness in doing the activity as displayed in the details in the Record videos wherever necessary and submit.
documentation: observations recorded, the data provided and other Use data charts / graphs and other such visuals to present the data
evidence of having done the activity. attractively.
• Creativity in documentation. Usage of multiple formats and ways and
methods of reporting that are woven together well into a whole. See the Any other creative / innovative method of presenting the summary as
following page (specific pointers for Part A & B) where some ideas for you choose.
documentation are given.
• Beyond just the data presented, a sense of having understood the You are required to complete 2 of the 4 electives described under the ‘Part
problems well, as displayed in the documentation. A Electives’, whereas all the five activities under ‘Part A Compulsory’ need
• How well the activities done have been connected to each other. to be completed.
• How well the connections to other issues have been drawn to expand
the understanding of sustainability.
The teacher coordinator could play a key role in facilitating this exercise,
making sure that the team covers a wide range of views and provides Methods
sufficient data points to support their arguments. Complete description of precisely what was done to
collect and interpret the data or information.
For example:
1. Primary data collection:
GUIDELINES FOR WRITING A PROJECT REPORT (PART B) 1.1 Through direct observations and documentation of Biodiversity
(Write about how you went about documenting what you saw)
The most serious problem while writing a report is “Too much description, 1.2. Interviews
too little critical analysis and reflection” (Mention about the number of people interviewed, their background,
gender, how the interviews were recorded, etc.)
What makes a good report? 2. Secondary data collection: books, articles, web search, etc.
• It is original. Include any relevant datasheets in this section.
• It is interesting and easy to read and understand.
• Its purpose and objectives are clear. Results
What did you find out? Start with general results and narrow down to
This is the section where you display your data. Include Historical timeline,
TITLE Seasonal Calendar, Rich picture and any other tables or graphs. Use
Catchy, meaningful, as short as possible subheadings wherever appropriate.
It gives a background of the project. It should link to the title. What is it that you learnt from the project? It should be tied back to your
Write about why you have undertaken the project. objectives
OBJECTIVES Start by first re-reading your objectives and the main results. Note down
What are you trying to achieve with this project, what kind of gaps in the main messages you want to communicate. Start the discussion with the
knowledge are you trying to fill? List down specific objectives. most important points.
Do not discuss results that were not presented in the Results section
Write about the location where you have undertaken this project. Draw or Constraints
stick a map of your state or district and mark the location on the map. Explain what situations, if any, prevented you from achieving your
2. Helping students connect the activities with what they study in class and
2. SECONDARY DATA is data that has been collected from a source that also foster skills of collaboration, enquiry and empathy.
has already been published in some form. Example: Seasonal fruiting and
flowering data gathered from interviewing people or from a publication. 3. Facilitating discussions and group reflection sessions so that everyone
can share what they understand, raise questions and together think through
what needs to be done. Each activity has leading questions to start off the
reflection. Apart from adding your points for the students to reflect on,
encourage them to come up with their own views and questions.
Connect your understanding of biodiversity to other areas like: 4. Encouraging them to talk to their friends, teachers, school administrators,
friends and family to get as many perspectives as possible.
Agriculture, Food Biodiversity &
Security & Health Ecosystem Loss 5. Building connections to subjects/topics learnt in class, as this will not
only help with building a strong understanding, but give clues leading to
more reflection. This will come in handy for all activities and Part B of the
Climate Change Indicator Species Teachers as mentors and guides should help students create
their materials but must resist from writing or drawing for them.
Before students go outdoors, make sure they understand, and agree to
Relationship with Conservation & follow, all safety rules while they are outdoors.
local communities Adaptation Measures
Choose a good time of the day to go out and explore (morning or evening
when it is not too hot is ideal). Note down the date, start time, season,
ACTIVITY 1 and weather. Walk around the school yard as a group and document the
biodiversity in the following three steps. In schools which do not have green
or open spaces, survey can be undertaken indoors. Refer to the ‘Hidden
a shared space
Environment as
1: Vegetation Survey
During your first walk, pay attention to the plants in the school yard to
record the diversity of plants. Take note of any trees, shrubs, herbs, or
climbers that look interesting. Even buildings can have vegetation (example:
Peepal can grow in the cracks). When you find a plant that looks interesting,
make notes or take a picture of it and mark its location on the map. You
can either draw and write a few words directly on the chart paper or draw
separately, cut the picture and paste it on the map.
• To explore biodiversity in the schoolyard.
While you do not need to know the names of the plants, the ability to
• To connect to local biodiversity using
look at certain characteristics of plants to determine differences between
• various senses.
different plants can be helpful. Notice the leaves, flowers, fruits, structure
• To understand ecological concepts such
of the plant and other details. During the time you sketch or look at the
as symbiotic relationships, prey-predator
plant, write about any insects that you see. If you see that the leaves have
relationships, camouflage and mimicry.
been cut or eaten, look more closely at how they were cut or eaten. Do
they look diseased? Is the plant without leaves? - all of these things should
be written down.
23 ACTIVITY 1 24
Li c h e n
Potted Plants
Wow! fact
Have you noticed a flower-like
layer growing on the bark of a tree, Lichens are known to be very sensitive
stone or a wall? Lichens are unusual to environmental changes and therefore
creatures. A lichen may look like a are important indicators of pollution and
plant, but it is not a single organism. climate change.
It is the result of a partnership
between a fungus and an alga. • Look around for lichens, sketch and
Some lichens are formed of three describe them. Be careful not to
Ground or more partners. The body of a confuse moss for a lichen. (Mosses
lichen consists of fungal filaments are typically soft to touch whereas
surrounding cells of green algae and/ lichens are crusty) How many kinds of
or blue-green cyanobacteria. This lichens could you find?
is an example of co-dependence or • Look for fungi (mushrooms for
Lawn mutualistic symbiosis. (Mutualistic example) as well as algae (in wet
symbiosis is a symbiotic relationship areas and surfaces) and compare the
between individuals of different form of the lichen with them. Does the
species in which both individuals lichen resemble a fungus or an alga?
benefit from the association.) • How do you think lichens reproduce?
Fun activity
Look for an animal which is camouflaged - in colour and in shape.
Draw the outline of different leaves you see. Notice the similarities Can you identify an animal in your surroundings that has adapted
and differences between the leaves. Draw the veins of the leaves and to threaten its competitors and protect itself from predators?
observe the arrangement. What does the arrangement of veins tell about
the plant?
Wow! fact
Wow! fact (contd.)
Fun activity
The Painted Grasshopper that you 1. Print this page and cut out the lizard drawing
often see on milkweed plants may be or trace the drawing on a plain sheet of paper Print and cut along the
the prettiest of insects but not so for and cut along the outline. Each student will outline
the birds. This grasshopper uses its require one animal outline.
beautiful colours to declare how toxic
it is to predators. 2. Choose an area indoors or outdoors and
pretend that this area is the place where the
The male sunbird shows off his reptile lives. Wander around and select a spot
colourful plumage to attract a female. where you want to place your reptile so that it is
not easily noticed. Do not reveal
The Common Mormon caterpillar the spot to your friends.
that you can find on a curry leaf
3. Colour the reptile using colours
plant is shaped and coloured like
and patterns in such a manner that
bird poop making it uninteresting
the animal merges with the spot where you
to a predator.
plan to place it. The reptile should be hard
to distinguish from the background of your
What looks like a leaf isn’t a leaf
choice. Don’t let your friends see what you are
but an insect. Yes! It’s a leaf insect
colouring your lizard.
beautifully blending amidst foliage.
4. Place the coloured lizard in your chosen
This creature that looks like an ant spot, while making sure others are not
is actually not an ant. It’s a spider! looking. The reptile must be left out in
An ant-mimicking spider. Ant-mimic the open, hidden only by its colouring
spiders, apart from the superficial and patterns.
resemblance to ants, also behave
like them. 5. Then invite the other students to find your
animal. Keep a note of whose animal was found
first and last, how much time did it take to find
Were the animals you came across the first paper reptile and the last one.
colourful or dull? What do you think
they used their colours for? 6. Gather in a circle and discuss why some of
your reptiles could be found easily compared to
the others. Discuss how or why reptiles may be
using their colours and patterns.
29 PART A 30
Wow! fact
Where do wild animals live? What kind of dwelling places or houses do they The most notable architects in the
call home? Let’s find out. animal world are found among the
1. Make a list of wild animal homes you know of. spiders and the insects. Social insects
2. Explore both indoors as well as outdoors as a team to look for places such as honeybees, ants, wasps,
where wild animal lives. These may be burrows, nests, ant hills, holes in termites can house the whole colony
the ground, wall, etc. If you spot an animal and watch it long enough, you in their insect homes. After the rain,
may be able to see where its home is. It could be a bird’s nest in the tree, hundreds of winged insects fly around
a paper or potter wasp’s nest sticking on a wall or a twig, a spider’s web, our verandah light or the street lamp.
or a termite mound. They are termites, which build the soil
3. Without getting too close to this possible home, watch for signs of mounds that are thought to be homes
activity. What is the animal doing and where is it going? Is it gathering or for snakes. When termite mounds are
finding food? Is it making any noise? Is it cleaning itself? no longer used, snakes sometimes
4. Document animal homes through sketching and writing notes on a find a place to rest in the holes. The
different chart paper or you could use plain sheets of paper and turn termite mounds that these tiny insects
them into a booklet. Note down details such as what material has been build out of soil, water, and their own
used, which animal does it belong to, the location, is the home hidden or saliva are just as complicated as
exposed, etc. human-made castles.
5. Think of all the wild animals that must be living inside your home, sharing ter mite mou n d
the space with you and your family. Discuss if they have their own homes
within your home. Are there termite mounds in your neighbourhood? How tall are they?
Based on the biodiversity survey check if you spotted the following
species in your schoolyard. Mention the local name (if any) reflection
Include photographs if possible or make a drawing.
Nephila pilipes 4 any animal or plant? Why do you think this
might have been?
• Do all animals build homes? Did you
SUNDEW Drosera sp come across any animal staying in a
home built by other animals? What is the
5 OLEANDER HAWKMOTH major difference you saw between the
Daphnis nerii homes built by animals and the homes we
2 humans build?
• Did you come across any plant or animal
2 Write a summary of your reflections
in a short paragraph or in the
form of bullet points. (Essay type
submission not required)
1. Painted Grasshopper - Pradeep717 via Wikimedia commons 3. Giant Wood spider – Subhadra Devi
2. Calotropis gigantea - Jee & Rani Nature Photography via 4. Sundew – Vena Kapoor
33 Wikimedia commons 5. Oleander Hawkmoth – Subhadra Devi 34
Calotropis procera - Wilfredo Rodríguez via Wikimedia commons
1.2 Nature zine (individual Activity)
Zine comes from the word ‘fanzine’ which is a term that generally describes This activity is done by yourself, rather than in a group.
a small, self-published work. It was created originally by science-fiction Undertake this activity at your house spending time in the
enthusiasts of the early twentieth century.
garden, balcony or terrace, or if you have access to a safe
30-40 minutes place like a park or a farm nearby.
A4 size paper, pen or pencil, scissors 1. Take an A4 size sheet of blank paper and fold it into a booklet with
eight sides by making a cut in the middle. Follow the instructions as
shown in the diagram.
2. Mark each side of the booklet with 7 symbols - eye (sight), ear (sound),
nose (smell), tongue (taste), hand (touch), brain (thoughts or memories),
Fold lines Cut heart (feelings), and the eighth side is left blank.
3. Explore your surroundings, watch the sky, listen to calls, sit still, take
in the smells. If you find any familiar plant try and taste the leaves or
fruits or flowers (avoid tasting if you are not familiar with the plants as
several species of plants can cause allergies). Keep all your senses
(sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste) alert and record on the zine
under the appropriate headings. Use sketches and words to record your
observations. For example: In the sheet with the ‘nose’ symbol write
if you smelt something and how did it make you feel or what thoughts
occurred to you when you smelt the object. Try to draw from where the
smell came from: if it was from a plant or an animal.
Squeeze 4. Once all the 7 sides are filled up, on the blank side of the zine attempt
this creative writing activity.
From all the biodiversity observations you have made so far, either at
school or home choose an element in nature that you felt close to and
write the following-
First line: Name of the chosen nature element (subject / noun)
Second line: Two words describing its qualities (adjectives)
Third line: Three words describing its action (verbs)
Fourth line: Four words describing how you feel about the subject you
have chosen (a phrase, sentence or expression)
Fifth and last line: Replace the first noun or rename your chosen subject
Once you are done writing as per the above instructions make any
refinements to your poem.
Sample poem:
Atlas Moth
Delicate Dusty
Flutters Shivers Flies
Making me feel light reflection
Gather at school as a group and share your
Night-beauty experiences with each other and your teacher.
37 PART A 38
2.1: Comparison between microhabitats
A microhabitat is a small home environment for plants and
animals. Examples are a bush, a garden, individual trees, a
pond, area under a pile of rocks, a pile of logs, etc.
39 ACTIVITY 2 40
the plot. Use a magnifying lens if required, to observe some of the smaller 4. Pick a second microhabitat - this time find vegetation growing above
life forms. Be careful of animals that may sting or plants that may cause ground like on the trunk of a tree, on a fallen log, above the rock, on a
allergic reactions. Try not to disturb the plot much. Use the data table tiled roof or discarded machinery, etc which may consist of moss, ferns,
given below to record your observations. Add as many rows to the table as liverworts growing on them. Mark a square that is the same size as the
you need. square in your previous microhabitat. Similarly investigate and record all the
animals and plants you notice in the second data table titled Micro-habitat
2. Look carefully for small insects and other invertebrates like spiders,
Micro habitat 1 earwigs, beetles, etc.
Date & time: 5. Repeat the observations in each microhabitat atleast 2-3 times, since this
increases the chances of finding more animals using this habitat.
Features of sampling site: 6. Use the data you collected to display your findings visually using a bar
graph. Prepare two separate graphs for two different microhabitats. Enter
Description Total no. of data from column 1 (Species Label) on the (X) axis and the data from the last
Species List of different species column (total no. of individuals) on the (Y) axis. Establish the value for each
Label with drawing individuals
line on the (Y) axis - for example, in the range of 5, 10, 15, 20….or 50, 100,
150, 200….
A Ant 1 Big, about 1 cm in 8
length. Black in
colour (Y)
10 35
B Elelphant Grass
No. of individuals
As the intention is to observe the diversity of life, it is not necessary that you
should know the name of each species you see. You could record different 20
species as Insect 1, Insect 2, Grass1, Grass 2, Spider, etc., along with a short 15
description and drawing. Give each species you record a letter. For example,
label them A, B, C, D, and so forth. This will be useful later to create a graph. 10
After you have listed the animal or plant species, count and record the 5
number of individuals of each of each species and note down in the last (X)
column. This is called Species abundance. You can mark the animal found A B C D E F G H I J
to be living there as Resident (R) and those passing through as Passing By
Fun Activity
Collect fallen leaves. Create
an imaginary animal by cutting
• Did you find anything that you never knew existed and sticking these leaves on a
before? paper or chart. Give it a name
• Were the numbers and types of plant and animal and describe the habitat of this
species different for different microhabitats? What imaginary animal as well as its
could be the reasons for these differences? diet. Remember that the diet this
• Where do the plants in the microhabitat above animal is dependent on should
ground get water and nourishment from? also be obtainable in this habitat.
• Do some animals seem to prefer certain types of
microhabitats (such as damp ones or dry ones) Where does your imaginary
more than other animals? animal fit in the food chain? Does
• How did the plants and animals in these two it have any adaptations and
habitats benefit each other mutually? what does it use this for?
43 ACTIVITY 2 44
2. It may take a few days for the
birds to spot the bird bath and
feel safe enough to begin using
it. Before starting your experiment
you have to find out what time of
the day the birds prefer to visit the Make two separate tables for different bird baths. In addition, make notes
bird bath. Therefore, for the first on how the birds bathe, were they very alert & looking around or calm?
few days watch the bird bath from Were there any vocalizations? What was the sequence of activity? and any
a safe distance at different times other observations
of the day (morning before school
assembly, lunch break, evening 5. Monitor the bird baths for at least a week. Ensure that the bird bath
after school). is cleaned every morning and filled with fresh water. Algal or fungal
formation should be prevented in the bird bath in order to prevent wild
3. Once you have an idea which birds from contracting diseases.
time of the day birds prefer to visit the bird bath, fix this time for monitoring
the bird baths every day. Form 2 teams and spend about 30 minutes 6. Calculate the Species Richness of each spot by counting the total
watching the two bird baths at the same time from a safe distance so as not number of species (not individuals) observed in each spot. Compile the
to disturb the birds visiting the bird bath. As you watch the birds drink water Species Abundance (total no. of individuals for each species) data in the
or bathe in the bird bath, you should be able to get a close look at them if format as shown below to make comparisons between the two sites.
you stay still and quiet. If possible, use a pair of binoculars so that you can
see the birds clearly. Keep the bird guide handy, so that you can identify the
different species of birds that visit your water bowl. If you cannot identify a
bird, write as unidentified #1, unidentified #2 and so on and describe how it Sp1 Sp2 Sp3 Sp4 Sp5 Sp6 Sp7 Sp8
4. Document the species of birds that visit the bird bath in the table below. Site 1
(with veg cover)
Start time: End time: Site 2
(open area)
SL. No. Common (English) Local name No. of Description *Sp = Bird Species like House Crow, Spotted Dove, Magpie Robin, etc
name individuals
Species diversity in a habitat is related to both species richness (number of
species) and species abundance (number of individuals of each species)
Wow! fact
Fun activity
Write a summary of your reflections in a short
You have seen several kinds of plants and animals. However, there are
other living organisms around us which we normally cannot see. We need
! paragraph or in the form of bullet points.
to use a microscope to see them. These are called microscopic organisms
or microbes which include algae, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses and
other groups.
47 PART A 48
All of the lives of people who live in an area are influenced by the
biodiversity of that region. They need the ecosystem services that
biodiversity provides in order to live and work in their own space and
make a living.
Humans gain many benefits from the biotic and abiotic components of an
ecosystem. These benefits are called ecosystem services.
We don’t see this very often because it isn’t always obvious. Our drinking
water, the air we breathe, the soil on which our food grows are all
influenced by a wide range of living organisms and the ecosystems that
each one is a part of. While it is well known that plants remove carbon
dioxide and release the oxygen we breathe, it is less well known that fungi,
small soil invertebrates, and even microbes are important for these plants to
This is a Hopscotch game that contains 8 blocks and players must hop from
one block to another. The player must hop on one foot in single squares,
and land on two feet in squares placed side by side.
40-60 minutes
and us
• To understand interconnectedness in nature. Chalk, Flat stone or a piece of tile, Game cards, black/white board
• To learn about services that humans derive or paper to note down the scores.
from nature.
• To explore the connection between
biodiversity, people and culture. Number of players: Minimum 2, maximum 8
49 ACTIVITY 3 50
Step 2: One member from Team B steps forward, tosses the stone in Block
Getting ready number 2, hops around the grid as instructed in Step 1 and picks up the
• Print the enclosed game sheets and 7 8 card in block 2 and returns to the starting line. As in Step 1, the contents
cut the game cards (total of 8 cards). of the card are read out, and the next set of players (one from each each)
• Form 2 teams. Choose who will play run to do what is instructed. The teams should appoint different sets of
first by tossing a coin or other methods
familiar to you.
6 members to carry out the action so everyone gets an opportunity to play.
• Draw the grid on the ground using Step 3: It’s Team A’s turn again. The player tosses the stone in Block
chalk or scratched out in the mud with
numbers marked inside the squares.
4 5 number 3 and does a full loop. The two teams take turns to toss the stone
and this continues until the last card in Block number 8 is picked up and the
• Place the cards in their respective action relevant to that card is completed.
• The flat stone or a tile piece will be
3 The player who is unable to toss the stone into the right block or steps on
used to toss within the grid. the line while hopping will miss a turn. The chance goes to the other team.
Each game card has information about 2 The team with maximum points is considered the winner!
the species represented in the game
followed by instructions to do an action.
Jigsaw puzzle
Team A Team B After the hopscotch game is completed read the story
How to play below. Join all the game cards together (text side below)
Members of each team should stand in a straight to find the species mentioned in the story.
line (side by side or behind each other)
Step 1: One member from Team A must go forward to play. Standing behind
the starting line the player has to throw the flat stone in Block number 1. This bird associated with the fig is the star of one of the best love stories.
He/she has to then hop over the first block then to the second block and The story starts with the male presenting a ruby red fig to the female during
continue hopping to the seventh and eighth block, then turn around, hop courtship. It is a sign of his ability to provide for his future family.
back to the second block, pause and pick up the card as well as the stone,
hop in the first block and return to the starting line. The player should then When the pair decide to start a family the female bird enters a hollow in
read out the text on the card to both the teams. One player from Team A a tall tree – a safe haven in which to lay her eggs and raise her chicks. To
and one from Team B should simultaneously run to complete the action strengthen her protection, she and her partner seal up the hole with mud
described in the card. The remaining team members stay in place. The and regurgitated figs, leaving only a slit unfilled. For the next four months,
member who finds the object first gets 1 point for his/her team. the male bird spends his days finding food, and brings figs home to the
female, and later for the chicks as well. In time, the mother bird will join this
daily mission of bringing food. When the young birds emerge, they take to
the skies with a strong taste for figs. Like their parents before them they will
feed on figs for life. As they do, they will disperse the fig seeds, ensuring Wow! fact
a food supply for future generations, just as their great grandparents did
before them.
Migration is the seasonal movement
Join the cards together to find out the stars of this story of animals from one place to another.
Bird migration is one of nature’s great
If your neighbourhood has fig trees, observe them during fruiting season. wonders. It is the annual movement of
You may be able to spot this star bird.
Pied Cu cko o
all or part of the population from their
breeding grounds (place where they
reproduce) to non-breeding grounds in
JIGSAW PUZZLE 2: CELEBRITIES OF MIGRATION search of food. Migratory birds typically
travel from regions of extreme climate to
It’s the month of October and the high-altitude wetlands are covered in regions of moderate climates, and back.
snow. Fuelled by the extra fat they gained by eating lots of tender grass and
grains in swampy lakes, this flock of waterbirds leave their home in Tibetan
plateau to spend the winter in India.
But to reach India they will have to cross the mighty Himalayan mountains.
At this height about 5000 to 8000 meters, temperatures are so low that
exposed body parts can freeze instantly and oxygen levels drop by one-
third that at sea level. But they are hardy birds. They are so strong that
they can fly in crosswinds without getting blown away. Their powerful and
constant flapping of wings while flying helps generate body heat which is
retained by the down feathers (small, soft fine feathers that are closest to
the skin). The heat helps keep ice from building up on their wings when • Were you familiar with the species (Fig / Pied Cuckoo) represented in the
flying over mountains. These birds also have a special type of haemoglobin game? If yes, how?
that absorbs oxygen quicker and they have proportionally larger lungs than • What connections did people have with these species in the past? Do
other species of waterbirds. The flock of waterbirds cross the Himalayas you think these connections are reducing; and if so why?
during the night in 7–8 hours. Considered the world’s highest bird • Do you think there is a disconnect to these species now? If yes what may
migration, mountaineers have claimed to have seen the birds fly over Mount be the reasons?
Everest. They stay in the India plains till April and can be seen in wetlands • If a species of Fig or a migratory bird like the Pied Cuckoo becomes
across the country all the way till Kanyakumari. extinct do you think the life of humans will be affected? And how?
Join the game cards together to find who these celebrities are.
Write a summary of your reflections in a short paragraph
If your neighbourhood has water bodies, monitor them during the winter ! or in the form of bullet points.
season for migratory birds. You may be able to spot these athletic birds.
53 PART A 54
As part of this activity, you will undertake interviews that are Qualitative
by nature. Qualitative interviews consist of conversations, but they differ
from normal, everyday conversations in several ways. Qualitative interviews
take the form of a two-way conversation, with discussion and follow-up
questions on each point, rather than a question-and-answer session with
no discussion. The interviewee should do most of the talking. Your task is
to encourage them to talk openly and freely yet stay more or less on the
subject, with as little direction or interruption as possible.
55 ACTIVITY 4 56
interview and take appointments for a visit unless you are requesting
people spontaneously on the street, field, park or other outdoor spaces. Before starting the interview, ensure that
you have clearly explained the purpose
Type of Interview: Semi-structured of the interview, that you will be recording
Semi-structured interviews are formal conversations based on an interview the answers, and you will be sharing
guide (a list of questions or topics to be covered) that is prepared in the answers with others in your school
advance. The interview guide may act simply as a checklist to make sure and beyond. Ask the person whether
that the key points are all discussed, or it may be a list of questions that are they have understood this and whether
asked in sequence. In this interview format the discussion can go back and they consent to be interviewed. Start the
forth with the interviewee rather than strictly sticking to the questionnaire. interview only if they clearly indicate their
consent; else approach someone else.
Sample questionnaire. Prepare the list of questions based on the
background of the person you are interviewing.
Fun activity - Attitude Assessment 4.2 Conducting the interview
Make three smiley face drawings, one Happy, one Sad and one Neutral
(neither happy nor sad). Prepare a list of statements that can stimulate Find people in your locality belonging to at least two of the following
different different emotions in people (find example statements below). groups.
Read out a statement and ask your audience to pick a smiley based on how • Local community members who are directly dependent on local
they feel about your statement. Examples of Attitudinal Survey Statements: biodiversity for livelihood. Example: Fisherfolk, fuel wood collectors,
shell collectors, tribals who use wild plants for consumption and sale,
1. You wake up to the call of a bird sitting and singing by your window. basket or mat weavers, honey collectors, thatch-roof makers, etc.
How does it make you feel? • A farmer or a family that owns livestock.
2. You hear from scientists that rare variety of plants and animals that are • Member of the Forest department, conservation NGO or activists
not found anywhere else in the world are present in your area. What do involved in conservation of biodiversity.
you feel about it? • Owner of a small-scale business unit who is indirectly dependent on
3. Your area is getting a new wide road. This means all the old banyan local biodiversity. Example: Local vegetable vendor, flower vendor,
trees along the existing road will have to be cut. tender coconut seller, gardener, homestay owner, fishmonger,
4. A big industry will be set up in your area by filling up a waterbody. But boatman, brick-kiln owner.
they promise to provide several jobs to the locals.
5. As you are walking home in the evening you see hundreds of birds
flocking together before settling down on a tree for the night. Interview at least 2-3 people from each of the groups. Find people
6. You are sitting in front of an ancient tree in the evening, and you see belonging to different age groups and gender. Interviewing several
hundreds of Bats (Flying foxes) emerging out of the tree and flying out to individuals or groups will capture variation in experience. For example,
look for food. interview people belonging to your parents’ generation as well as
7. You hear from an elder that big wild animals once roamed in the grandparents’ generation as their knowledge and experience will
area, but they were all hunted down and wild places converted for be different. Also, the perspective of women and men will vary and
development. interviewing both will give you a complete view of the topic you are trying
8. An area that was meant for a public park has now been sanctioned to understand. There is no upper limit for the number of interviews you wish
to be restored and reserved for wildlife because of a petition filed by to conduct.
9. You see large sized birds nesting on a mobile tower as there are no old Talk to the interviewees individually or as a group. The less you direct the
trees left in your locality. conversation and the more you gain the trust of the interviewee, the more
10. Add your own questions…. ‘accurate’ the information that emerges – in other words the more closely
it will reflect the interviewee’s knowledge, attitudes, and opinions.
Group interviews
When you are interviewing a group of people, all the members should
belong to the same unit. For example, members of the same family, people
working in the agricultural fields, a group of forest department staff, a
group of women collecting seashells, etc. Parks and religious places are
best to meet groups of elderly people.
INTERVIEWING TECHNIQUES ‘Wordstorm’ your ideas - Write out answers or points on separate strips
• Greet the interviewee. of paper or post-its. Group and re-group into logical order. Link and order
• State the aim of the interview. answers and points that are closely connected
• Ask for consent to record and click photographs.
• Listen carefully and give them enough time to respond. Agricultural Livelihood Climate
• Once you have covered all your questions, ask if there is Diversity
anything they would like to add or to ask.
• Thank them for their time. Male
Gender Female
• After preparing the guiding questions, conduct mock-interviews with
other class members. Note down the approximate duration of the Youth
interview so you can inform interviewees in advance. Age Middle Age
• Start with some small talk to build rapport. Don’t just plunge into your
questions, make your interviewee as comfortable as possible. You can Older
use the Attitude Assessment activity as an ice-breaker.
• While you are making notes, make sure you continue to engage with the
informant – make regular eye contact and keep the conversation flowing.
Forest dept.
• If one of you in the team has a question that you feel is important to ask, personel
wait till the previous question is answered.
• Make interviewees feel like their answers are very important to you and
be respectful of the time they’re sparing to help with your project.
Always show professional courtesy. This includes respecting their right not
to answer (so not pressing them too hard about issues they do not want to
discuss) and not telling others what they have said without their permission.
• Has there been a big change to the kind of food consumed and sourced?
How has this affected the health and nutrition of the people? How has this
(Part B (Ecologcial History) section of this booklet requires gathering
affected local biodiversity?
information from local people. If time permits it will be useful to ask • Have there been major shifts in livelihood options over the years? How
questions from Part B to these set of people) has the shift affected people’s dependence on local biodiversity?
• Are there any key species that have disappeared from the region?
• Are people aware of climate change? What is their attitude towards it?
4.3 Interpret the findings • Is there a difference in attitude towards local biodiversity between those
who are in the profession of protecting biodiversity compared with those
Organise your data. Make comparisons of knowledge and attitude across
professions, gender and age group. who are dependent on biodiversity for livelihood?
61 PART A 62
ustrialisation With a population of more than 1.38 billion, and an enormous need for
shing Ind development to meet the aspirations of the people, India is experiencing
Overfi an alarmingly rapid loss of biodiversity both in aquatic as well as terrestrial
il & gas drilling ecosystems, and significant change in land use and land cover.
O Biodiversity conservation involves the protection and management of
biodiversity. The goal is to preserve the diversity of species, utilize species
te Change and ecosystems sustainably, and maintain life-supporting systems and
rism H unting ensuring economic development that is fair and inclusive? Which species
(Case Studies)
able tou are the most critical to save? What happens if saving one species means
Unsustain that we cannot use limited resources to save another?, etc.
and quarrying
Mining Therefore, a diversity of perspectives is needed to understand the complex
dynamics affecting biodiversity, such as economic development, politics
as well as cultural, artistic and spiritual views on nature and peoples’
relationship to it. Coming together of communities, governments and non-
governmental organizations on a local, regional, and global scale is needed
to ensure that solutions meet the different needs of both nature and people.
• To understand anthropogenic (human Creating a biodiversity-friendly environment at community or local
caused) activities that bring about changes to (grassroot) level is a small but important step towards biodiversity
biodiversity. conservation. If everyone starts caring about the local environment, then
• To learn about grassroots level action to time will come when every species around us will be safe.
conserve biodiversity and factors involved in
biodiversity conservation and management. Five case studies from five different geographical locations and
• To use role play as a tool to encourage self- ecosystems are listed here. Pick any one case study and follow the
reflection and dialogue, and create a platform instructions to complete the activity.
for students to express concerns.
• To learn to work as a team in finding STEP 1: Prepare a mini drama based on the chosen case study. After you
innovative solutions to local biodiversity have rehearsed sufficiently, perform in front of your class members and
related issues. teachers on a designated day. Hold a discussion about the issues that have
been presented in the case study for about 10-15 min.
63 ACTIVITY 5 64
• What were the biodiversity threats you came across in your case study? reflection
• Who was responsible for inducing the threat?
• Who benefits the most from the proposed activity that threatened Use these as indicative questions to discuss the case study
biodiversity? from your area and to design the poster (refer step 2 and 3)
• Which others were negatively affected by the threat?
• What activities or interventions took place to counter this threat? • What were the actions and circumstances that led to the main
• When and how were these activities or interventions implemented? threats to biodiversity in your area?
• Who was responsible for the implementation of these responses? Was it • Who is responsible for the threat?
a collective action or an individual effort?
• What were the results of the intervention? Who is the most AFFECTED Who BENEFITS the most if
• What lessons do you take away from the case study? by the threat? biodiversity in your areas is lost?
Instructions for preparing for the Mini Drama • Who will be the key people you would like to be involved in
1. Read the case study, discuss among the team and filter out biodiversity conservation and at what stages?
the message to convey. Pick what events you want to act out • What kind of challenges will you probably face in bringing these
from the case study keeping it simple such that the drama can fit key people together?
within 10 minutes. • Does the issue have any cultural or political connections? Can it
2. List the characters (people, plants, and animals)/ actors / props be resolved locally?
/ scenes in the case study. Example: Community members, plant • What possible solutions would you propose to reduce or stop the
or animal species being represented, government employee, biodiversity threat?
wildlife biologist, NGO worker, media personnel and so on. • Of the solutions you propose, think about what actions can be
3. Take on the role you are comfortable playing and rehearse. undertaken by individuals or groups of citizens; which ones need
4. Before you perform, introduce to the audience what event or legal interference.
topic is being played and what roles are being played by whom. • Will your proposed solution have short-term or long-term effects?
STEP 3: Compile the discussion points and create a poster of the new case
study. Include title, location, threats, action points, people involved and
possible outcomes.
65 PART A 66
Case study 1: Addressing conflict between In the Kibber Village of Spiti Valley the local community with the support
of a nature conservation NGO came forward to tackle conflict between
people and wildlife in the Himalayas people and wildlife by setting up a few grazing-free reserves to help the
wild herbivores thrive. In addition, a community-run livestock insurance
Spiti Valley is a cold desert in the Himalayas which is home to around 31000 program was also set up to offset the economic losses that local people
people. It is also home to one of the most beautiful big cats in the world - were facing due to livestock predation by the Snow leopard. Traditionally,
the SNOW LEOPARD. People here have shared their space with this wild local people kept their livestock in a corral - an enclosure that is open from
cat since time immemorial. But with changes in the way the landscape is the top - which was not secure against Snow Leopard attack. The nature
used now such as intensive livestock grazing, the natural prey of the Snow conservation NGO also provided predator-proof corrals in the village thus
Leopard such as Blue Sheep, Himalayan Ibex, Argali, and the Himalayan reducing livestock predation.
Tahr have been decreasing. This has forced the Snow Leopard to feed on
the villagers’ livestock thus causing severe economic loss to the villagers. In The attitude of Kibber villagers towards wildlife conservation has changed
retaliation the owners of the livestock harm the Snow leopard. because of this intervention. They even stop outsiders from hunting wild
The numbers of Snow Leopards are already in decline. Since the Snow
Leopard is an apex predator (predator on the top of the food chain), its Additional threats: The Himalayas are a fragile ecosystem, and are already
disappearance would likely lead to a number of negative effects on the experiencing the effects of climate change through melting glaciers,
ecosystem. increasingly frequent and intense storms, and disasters like landslides,
floods and droughts. Vegetation patterns in the high Himalayas are altering,
and the new plants and grasses emerging are not the favoured food of the
herbivores. In addition, seasonal water availability for both humans as well
as wildlife is changing because glaciers are melting earlier in the year.
Wow! fact
The Snow Leopard (Panthera uncia) is a very shy predator of the Himalayan
Photo: Irbis1983 via Wikimedia Commons
Wow! fact
The critically endangered Great Indian Bustard (Ardeotis nigriceps) is endemic
to the Indian subcontinent and is among the heaviest of flying birds in
Great Indian Bustard Ardeotis nigriceps
existence. They have a slow birth rate. They lay one egg every year or two.
Case study 3: Restoring the mangroves in Wow! fact
Sundarbans The world’s largest mangrove forest, the Sundarbans, is said to be named
after the Sundari tree (Heritiera fomes) found in this delta. It bears small,
There are numerous species of mangroves in the forests of Sundarbans, bell-shaped flowers, which vary in colour from orange to pink. The species
West Bengal which have been the lifelines of local communities living is already facing threat of extinction in West Bengal and is listed as
around these forests for generations. But human development activities “Endangered” on the IUCN’s Red List.
such as clearing of land for agriculture, timber and fuel wood collection,
and pollution from economic activities including aquaculture have led to the
degradation and loss of mangroves in the Sundarbans. Apart from acting as
a barrier against cyclones, the mangroves are known to serve as breeding
ground for fish, prawns and crabs. The loss of mangroves would have About 18-20 women from the villages located on the Gosaba island in
dramatic consequences for humans and nature alike. the Sundarbans who have lost their husbands to tiger attacks have come
together to revive this vanishing species. They have created exclusive
The SUNDARI TREE is one of the most extensive species in the plantations of this mangrove species in vacant land outside their villages.
Sundarbans. Its hard wood is often used by fishermen to make their boats.
Sundari trees, unlike other mangrove species, require low saline conditions Their tree revival efforts kicked off in 2018 and they have already raised
for optimum growth and survival. Increasing salinity in the Sundarbans is nearly 5,000 saplings and continue to grow more. The women began by
leading to this mangrove species acquiring the “top-dying” disease. scouting for these rare, hard to find seeds of the Sundari from riverbanks
left behind by the ebbing tidal waters. These seeds were reared in the
nursery and the saplings are planted along the embankment on the
opposite side of the stream. Around 3 km of vacant stretches of land along
the inner edges of village embankments are lined with the Sundari saplings.
Sundari Heritiera fomes
Leatherbacks Dermochelys coriacea crawling to the sea
Photo: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Southeast Region via Wikimedia Commons
Located at the south-eastern edge of the Bay of Bengal, the Andaman and
Nicobar archipelago is made up of over 300 islands and separated from
mainland India by about 1,200 km. Great Nicobar Island is the southernmost
of these islands.
Galathea Bay located along the south-east coast of Great Nicobar is the
most iconic nesting site in India of the enigmatic GIANT LEATHERBACK
sea turtle. The bay is named after Galathea river which empties into the
sea here and the extensive beach is regularly used by Leatherback, Olive
Ridley and Hawksbill turtles for nesting. The Galathea Bay was declared
a wildlife sanctuary in the late 1990s and is listed as one of the most
‘Important Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Areas’ and ‘Important Marine
Turtle Habitats’ in India. The adjoining coastal forests are nesting grounds
of the Nicobar Megapode, a bird species found only in the Nicobar Islands
besides supporting a diverse range of biodiversity.
Galathea Bay was severely damaged by the 2004 tsunami, in which 90%
of the mangrove forests were destroyed. Several rainforest trees were
scorched due to excess salt that entered the soil. The beach across
Galathea that had hosted Leatherback turtles for centuries was claimed
by the sea.
and around ghost trees, a forest regrew. Today, the number of leatherback
However, a mishap led to unexpected consequences. The only bridge nests is almost comparable to what Galathea Bay Wildlife Sanctuary hosted
over the Galathea river that connected Campbell Bay (the main human before the tsunami dealt its blow — a warm reminder that if nature is left
settlement on Great Nicobar) to the sanctuary, snapped, cutting off all alone, it will find a way to recover.
contact. The near-complete isolation provided the coast with a rare
opportunity to recuperate. Mangrove seeds travelled through the waters Additional threats: In January 2021 Galathea Bay was denotified as a
to colonise the coasts. New beaches were formed slowly. Amidst ruins wildlife sanctuary for the construction of a transhipment port. An ambitious
development plan by the Indian government that includes an airport, a
port, a rapid transport system, and a trade complex is set to change this
Wow! fact landscape. The mega project will also affect Great Nicobar’s original human
community – the Shompen – who are hunter-gatherers and use this area as
foraging grounds.
Giant Leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) is the world’s largest, fastest
and deepest-diving marine turtle. It has existed in its current form since the
age of the dinosaurs.
climate change crisis influenced by climate activist Greta Thunberg.
Case Study 5: Aarey a unique urban forest,
The campaign succeeded in convincing the Maharashtra Government to
Mumbai shift the metro car shed out of Aarey. The government also declared 600
acres of land as forest. This decision also protects the rights of tribals in
Aarey colony, located to the south of Mumbai’s Sanjay Gandhi National Aarey.
Park, is a forest of about 1,300-hectares. Described as Mumbai’s last
remaining “green lung” it is a treasure trove of birds, butterflies, amphibians, The success of “Save Aarey”, one of the prominent environmental
reptiles and mammals, among them the leopard. It is also home to the Warli campaigns in urban India in recent times lay in the fact that it was an
tribal community who have been living here for generations. innovative protest movement. The supporters of the movement used all
possible mediums to spread their message and concerns effectively. They
In 2019, the municipal corporation’s Tree Authority committee approved a also successfully linked the larger topic of need to protect the environment
proposal to cut down 2,702 trees in Aarey colony to build a car shed for the against the rampant concretisation of urban areas.
Mumbai Metro 3 line. This enraged environment and citizens’ groups who
had been organising “Save Aarey” protest rallies against the car shed since Additional threats: In recent years there has been a big rise in
it was first proposed in 2014. This time, however, their calls to citizens to encroachments. Developmental activities and infrastructure projects are
attend protest meets were answered with an unusual enthusiasm. eating into the forest area. All this has squeezed the leopards’ hunting
area. This encroachment of the city into the park has led to conflict with
For several weeks thousands of concerned citizens showed up near the humans thus threatening Mumbai’s leopard population. The future of these
proposed car shed site with placards and posters and formed a human big cats will now depend on how people living near the park deal with their
chain along with Warli tribals from Aarey colony. The protest received presence around them.
support from across sections, especially the young crowd. Many young
protesters attending Aarey rallies were driven by concern for the global In several Indian cities, apart from forest areas numerous wetlands that are
home to a variety of wildlife too are threatened by development.
Wow! fact
Waghoba (a combination of the Marathi words for big cat and community
Photo: Ramya Nair / Project Waghoba
Warli art on the wall of a shrine in Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Mumbai.
75 dangerously-close-to-leopards/story-Q2C4REMAF4fk4MXq93YrAI.html ACTIVITY 5 76
1: Wild Edible Plants (WEP) Garden
Wild Edible Plants (WEP) are plants that can be consumed but are not
cultivated by humans. They grow naturally in the forest, agricultural lands,
fallow lands, on the roadside, empty sites, in and around wetlands, etc.
WEP provide essential nutrients but their use in our diet has been declining
PART A: due to change in food habits, lifestyle and changes taking place in the
UNDERSTANDING Much of the food we eat travels long distances to arrive on our plates.
Transportation not only uses petroleum-based fuels but also contributes
to climate change through emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere.
BIODIVERSITY IN Implementing a WEP garden at your school, which you can also eat from, is
one of the best ways to take action to help the environment and cut down
on your contribution to climate change. So much of the food we eat travels
long distances to arrive on our plates.
STEP 1: DATA COLLECTION Assign yourself a book to
Speak to elderly family members, note down observations of
neighbours, and schoolmates and your WEP garden.
gather information about WEP that
they have consumed. If the person STEP 3: MONITORING
you speak to is aware of any dish
Notice their growth, the kind of
that can be prepared using the WEP
flowers they produce, the pollinators
take down the recipe.
that visit the plants, type of seeds
produced and how they are
dispersed and other information.
Also note which other animals
consume the WEP. Document your
1. Local name of the observations through sketches and
plant is notes. Encourage other students and
2. Which part of the staff in the school to observe and
consumed? STEP 2: SETTING UP THE GARDEN monitor the WEP garden.
3. Where does it grow? Discuss with the person in charge
4. In which season does of the garden or the kitchen in your
school about starting a kitchen Like humans, plants are evolved
grow? garden of WEP. With the help of to survive and reproduce. Since
5. How often was it cons your teacher and the person-in- they lack fangs and claws, and
6. Is the plant curren charge shortlist a few WEP from the don’t have legs to flee, plants
list you have gathered that can be produce chemical defences to
available? grown in the school. Source seeds protect themselves against being
7. Wild Edible Plant reci or saplings of the selected WEP from eaten. Many of the chemicals plants
produce are harmful to us humans
their natural habitat (some plants
may be right in your backyard) and too. Do not attempt consuming any
start a kitchen garden with the help wild plant without the guidance
of your teachers and school staff. of an adult who has sufficient
Put together an illustrated knowledge about the plant.
booklet of WEP recipes from If your school does not have an
the information gathered outdoor space, grow the WEP in
(optional) containers. If your school has a kitchen, get
the kitchen staff to prepare dishes
using WEP. If not, you could donate Mark with a name tag
the plants to another school in
your neighbourhood for their
reflection 2: Biodiversity wall mural
• Of the total number of people you spoke to, how
many were aware of WEP? A mural is a piece of artwork painted or applied directly on a wall, ceiling or
• Did you find any difference between those who other permanent substrate.
knew about WEP and those who didn’t -- perhaps
based on gender, age, social class? OBJECTIVES
• Amongst the people you spoke to, if someone had
• To paint a wall mural which helps learn a skill using locally available
never consumed WEP, what could be the reason?
natural material.
• How many types of WEP were you able to
• To understand and appreciate folk and community art as well as local
document through this activity?
flora and fauna.
• How easy or difficult was it to source the plants to
• To explore the types of soil around you.
set up the WEP Garden in the school?
• To facilitate cooperation between students, teachers, and other school
• Did you document any WEP that does not exist
in your area anymore? If yes, what could be the
reason for the decline or vanishing of this species
from the area?
• Based on activity 1 and activity 2 choose a few plant and animal species
seen in your surroundings that you would like to depict on the wall.
• On a large sheet of paper create a composition (arrangement of the
Wow! fact visual elements) by drawing the outline of animals and plants you have
chosen. You can include decorative elements too in your composition.
• If you are confident about drawing directly on the wall you could do so.
We know of several species of If not, draw each of the animals and plants on a large scale on separate
plants that can be consumed by us sheets of paper. Cut the outline and use it as a stencil to trace the
and other animals. But do you know drawing on the wall.
that plants can eat animals too?
• Collect different types of soil in and around the school. Folk-art patterns
• Sieve the soil to get very fine powder.
• Mix this fine powder with varying amounts of water to prepare the Dots Curves
colour. Soils differ in their colour, texture, particle size, viscosity, and
composition, depending on the location, climate, and terrain.
If you have access to any resin locally like Gum Arabic, Gum Karaya
mix it with the soil as it acts as a binding agent. Geometrical
Petr ichor
What do you smell when it rains after a warm, dry period? Petrichor - an
earthy, usually pleasant odour.
Join two coconut shells, drill holes
Actually what you consider to be the smell of damp earth is actually and hang them for insects’
produced by a molecule made by a certain type of bacteria. That molecule
geosmin is produced by microscopic Streptomyces bacteria present in
most healthy soils. Drops of water hitting the ground cause geosmin to be
released into the air, making it much more abundant after a rain shower.
The next time it rains, step outside and smell the petrichor.
How to build
You can get creative with building insect homes, as there are no set rules. 1 Start by laying some bricks on the
ground as sturdy corners
Where to build
Choose an even surface where you School with garden
get good sunlight as well as shade. space: Build closer to
Some invertebrates like cool, damp shrubs and bushes
conditions, while others prefer the sun. 4 Fill in the gaps
(leaf litter,
straw, stack of
sticks, bamboo, logs
School without garden space: with holes and other
Build in the terrace or balcony materials)
Provide all sorts of different nooks, crevices, tunnels for the insects
to feel safe.
The wildlife will come to your pond on its own. Keep a record of what you
4 Adding plants: Plants are an important see and write about it as often as possible. Look for the eggs and larvae of
part of the pond as they add oxygen to insects and amphibians during your observation time.
the water and provide food and shelter for Note down the following information-
wildlife. Plant aquatic plants in small pots
or containers and place them inside the
pond or if planting directly, fix them into Date & Time: n:
the gravel and sand at the bottom of the Duration of observatio
pond. Place small stones to stabilise tall Weather: ture
plants without damaging them.
Description of the crea
(physical features) mal
Behaviour of the ani spotted
Number of individuals
3 Fill your pond with water. Use collected
rainwater if possible to fill your pond as
treated tap water contains chemicals.
Add a layer of gravel, rocks, and sand. TAKING CARE OF YOUR POND
Use stones to create a range of depths and a A well-chosen set of plants and a well-
slope for creatures to climb in and out. If your maintained pond should not need a lot
container is not sunk into the ground, use of work. However, do keep an eye out
branches to make a ramp from the ground for dead organic matter. Evaporation is
outside for animals like frogs and toads that normal during the summer but if the water
cannot fly. level drops, use rainwater to fill it back up
again. Remove any excess of leaves from
the pond, especially in the winter, to allow
Assign yourself a book or enough light. Cut back plants that are
Dig a hole and sink your container, or just have it sitting on top. journal to keep track of growing quickly.
If the container isn’t waterproof then add a piece of pond liner. the pond ecosystem.
Wildlife requires places to hide and shelter. If your school has a large Do not pick up animals from natural ponds or lakes to introduce
campus, it will be good to place the pond near a grassy patch. If the pond them here
is on a terrace or balcony, place a few potted plants around the pond.
May fly 96
Ecological history: Past, Present and Future
People make choices based on their knowledge about the local
environment in their region. Part of this knowledge includes an
PART B: understanding of natural cycles in the environment, such as weather,
phenology and migration, as well as an understanding of the history of land
ECOLOGICAL use and natural as well as human caused events that have led to what we
see today. Besides this oral history, people may also see trends in their
environment and have an idea of where things are going and what they
HISTORY: PAST, expect to happen in the future. Understanding of the past and expectations
for the future can have powerful effects on current behaviour.
PRESENT AND Phenology is the study of the timing of seasonal biological events, such
as the flowering of plants or the migration of birds. For example, you are
observing phenology if you note when your favorite plant begins to flower
In this section you will collect and compile local knowledge of change and
(COMPULSORY) how you oversee your future using a seasonal map, a historical timelines
and draw up a rich vision for the future.
97 98
1: Historical timeline • Note what kind of changes took place in the landscape and why did
these changes happen? Example: Was a forest or grassland patch
A historical timelines activity is used to generate historical information and cleared to set up an industry or to build a road?
document significant events and changing conditions in the environment • What kind of effect did the changes in the landscape have on local
through pictures, written format or both. This activity helps understand ecosystems and wild animals and plants living in these ecosystems?
what the local people consider important in the ecological history of • How did it change people’s lives?
their landscape and how they dealt with problems and issues in the past. • How would you like your area to be/look like in 20 years from now? What
It also helps gain insights on the present practices and attitude of the are the components you wish to see in your area? (This information will
community. also be useful for the ‘Vision for the future’ activity).
Chart paper, scale (ruler), marker pens or sketch pens Often people may not remember the exact year an event took place, so
you must find ways to help them to pin it down in history. This is done by
referring to more widely known events or circumstances such as political
STEP 1: changes, natural disasters, and so on.
Construct a table as shown below to collect data
Time period Landscape level Effect on wild Effects on Using the information you have gathered create a flowchart of the
change/ event plants & animals the people Historical Timeline
At present • Take a large chart paper and draw a horizontal line in the center. Divide
this line to mark the dates (time period) from the past to the present.
• Write down the events that occurred during each time period in the
20 years ago space immediately above and below the line.
• Use additional space to write down the effects these events have had on
40 years ago the local ecosystems and communities.
cannot access shrine which college bought
60 years ago ancestors worshipped more land for
forest patch no forests farms
20 years elephants seen converted to or waterbodies
from now regularly engineering college
1972 1992 2012
1950 2022
STEP 2: 1962 1982 2002
Gather information from individuals or groups and fill in the table. tar road was lake filled up to medical waste
Used to grow
Depending on the age group of the person you are speaking to, ask her/ Leopards sighted constructed build hospital and construction
food crops and
him to recollect how the area or locality or village was about 20 years regularly waste dumped
ago, and then 40 years ago. If you are talking to elderly people older than Have access all over
60 you can ask them to describe the area when they were children. not dependant on no place to fish
have to buy to hospital
market for food
supplies from market
Fun activity
Mapping Green infrastructure 2: Seasonal map
If you have access to computers with internet access
(preferably high speed)
• Download Google Earth from Seasons are an integral part of biodiversity. Seasonal maps help explore
• In the search bar type the name of your locality or area. what happens during the year and when. They reflect the perception of
• In the list of icons click on the ‘clock’ icon which will open a time slider. the local people regarding seasonal variations on a wide range of items.
Place the slider for the current year and observe the map. Make note
of parks, forested areas, grasslands, wetlands, open spaces and any Chart paper, scale, compass to draw circles, colours, glue
other kind of natural areas. Observe how much greenery exists against
developed areas.
• Now slide left to take a look at historical imagery of the same area at STEP 1:
10-year intervals (before 10 years, and then before 20 years). Make
• Construct a table of seven columns and at least five rows.
comparisons. Google images starting from the year 2000 will show you
• In the cells in the first column, list the themes and categories you wish
fine imagery that you can zoom into to see details.
to gather seasonal information for, such as weather (rain, temperature),
flowering and fruiting of local trees, wildlife sightings, wild edibles
How has your community changed in the last 10 and 20 years? What is
consumed, etc.
similar and what is different?
• In the cells across the top row of the next six columns, write the names
of the seasons as they are known locally.
Gather information from
Seasons (English calendar) Spring Summer Monsoon Autumn Pre-Winter Winter individuals or groups:
Starting at the beginning of
Seasons (Hindu calendar) Vasant Grishma Varsha Sharad Hemant Shishir the year, for each theme or
category, ask respondents
a list of questions that helps
Weather you gather information about
local biodiversity based on the
Flowering tree species seasons of occurrence. Examples
of questions are given below.
Respondents may not be able to provide information for all the seasons and Wildlife
all the categories. Collecting information from several respondents will help
you compile the information for the entire year. In addition, the observations
made by you in the first two activities of Part A section of this booklet will Weather
also provide you with primary data.
Guiding questions-
• Name a few local trees you are familiar with. In which seasons
do they produce fruits and flowers?
• Do you see wild animals (butterflies, bees, grasshoppers,
beetles, birds, spiders, rodents, snakes, fishes, etc) in large
numbers in any of the seasons? Please give details (Do they
breed or migrate during this season?)
• Do you consume wild plants and during which seasons are
they available? Flowering Wild Edibles
& Fruiting
Create an illustrated seasonal calendar (refer page 104) as per the
instructions below.
• Draw concentric circles on a chart paper based on the number of
3: A vision for the future: Rich picture
themes you want to show.
• Divide the whole circle into six seasons and write their names. This activity involves developing a shared vision of how students would
• Divide each of the inner circles into 6 parts. Use each of the inner like their area to be/look like at some future time. This is done through
circles for different themes - fruiting and flowering trees, wild edibles a rich picture which helps us see relationships and connections that
consumed, wildlife sighted, etc. Draw the plant or animal species that we may otherwise miss. Developing a rich picture is a good group
occur in different seasons. You could also replace the plant drawings exercise as all students can add to it and use it to explain their particular
by sticking a part of the plant. interests or perspectives. A rich picture is best developed in a group
of about 4 - 5 people.
A5: Biodiversity Threats and Conservation (Case Studies) THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPATING IN EARTHIAN!
Elective Activities (Choose any 2)
2: Seasonal Calendar You are free to use material from this publication (copy, distribute
or build on this work) but with rightful acknowledgement.
3: A Vision for the Future: Rich Picture
This booklet is published as a part of Wipro earthian’s program and
is produced by Team earthian at Wipro Foundation, in collaboration
with the Nature Conservation Foundation (NCF).
Wipro earthian
C/o Wipro Foundation
1st floor, A wing, A block,
SJP-1, Wipro ltd., Doddakanneli,
Sarjapur road, Bengaluru - 560 035