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Chapter 1
Background study
Machines & Technology ltd is the leading distributor of canon products here in Kenya. The company is
situated In Nairobi County.

The company has been able to provide a workforce where it has got different categories and
departments such as the manager, finance manager, storekeeper, technician and drivers whom
have been able to help the business to run smoothly with ease. The mobile application installed
to the Machines & technology ltd will so much helpful as it will be efficient, effective, user
friendly and cost effective. The system will be able to tackle the challenges faced by the the
company itself as it runs its business and provide the necessary solution that will make the
company more competitive. The system will be able to enable the growth of the company to a
high economical level as it will be able to increase its marketing regions.

The mobile application installed to the machines and technology will also provide a logistics
service, which allows for the shipment and delivery of products from the company to customers,
as well as a payment service that uses Mpesa's till to facilitate transactions between customers
and the company.

Since everyone in this generation is well familiarized to the smartphone or let’s say is using
smartphone, a mobile application system is best to be used to solve the problems faced by the

Customers will be able to create an account and log in, after which they will be able to order
products, create a payment platform, track the shipment of their goods, verify that they have
received the correct product type, quantity, or quality, and return the item if it does not meet their

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The Machines & Technology ltd mobile application will be able to solve ease in ordering for all
clients, risk of loses of finance to the company will be solved as each transaction of every receipt
will be well established on the database, customers will be able to check on the available stock,
the driver will be able to establish the location of delivery with ease as the customer will have
filled a form for location of delivery.

This will include a mobile application platform for the Machines & Technology ltd containing
modules that will cater for the administrator, the driver, the financial manager, the store keeper,
the customer, and ordering module. The administrator will validate the user accounts at real
times with ease, the driver will ensure the delivery of goods to the desired location of the
customer is on time, in good condition and with unnecessary inconvenience ,the financial
manager will validate payments made by the customer and Machines & Technology ltd and hence
provide receipt for each order made, the store keeper will be able to update the amount of the
current stock (stock in/stock out), and the ordering module the customer will be able to place his
order and make payments and receive a receipt as the customer is able to check on the
availability of the stock he requires.

Problem statement
The situation at the Machines &Technology ltd would be considered as an ideal environment if
they would have a favorable, efficient and fast system to run their daily business activities with
ease ,to which would enhance efficiency by making contacting ,ordering and receipt obtainment
by the client process procedural.

The current situation at the Machines and technology limited is that they are unable to reach as
many clients/customers despite the growth of internet users in Kenya The customers are using
phone call to make the orders not following proper channels.

The Machines & Technology ltd mobile application will be able to solve ease in ordering for all
clients, risk of loses of finance to the company will be solved as each transaction of every receipt
will be well established on the database, customers will be able to check on the available stock,
the driver will be able to establish the location of delivery with ease as the customer will have

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filled a form for location of delivery and the business will be able to check on the arrival of the
goods ordered on the location intended.

This will include a mobile application platform for the Machines &Technology ltd containing
modules that will cater for the administrator, the driver, the financial manager, the store keeper,
the customer, the supplier, the and ordering module. The administrator will validate the user
accounts at real times with ease, the driver will ensure the delivery of goods to the desired
location of the customer is on time, in good condition and with unnecessary inconvenience ,the
financial manager will validate payments made by the customer and company to its supplier and
hence provide receipt for each order made, the store keeper will be able to update the amount of
the current stock (stock in/stock out),the supplier will be able to obtain orders and confirm
payments upon delivery of goods and the ordering module the customer will be able to place his
order and make payments and receive a receipt as the customer is able to check on the
availability of the stock he requires.

The mobile platform will also be able to assess customer loyalty and what Machines
&Technology ltd should improve on to ensure customer satisfaction.

Because everyone in this generation owns a smartphone, a mobile application system is best
suited to handle the problem that Machines & Technology ltd is currently experiencing, as it puts
a solution in the palm of their hands.

Consumers will be able to create an account and log in, after which they will be able to order
products, create a payment platform, track the shipment of their goods, verify that they have
received the correct product type, quantity, or quality, and return the item if it does not meet their

The mobile application will allow Machines &Technology ltd to manage sales, and finances, as
well as solicit customer feedback. This will increase sales and allow the company to implement a
procedural management system, as well as validate the brand's consumer devotion to its

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General Objective
To develop an efficient mobile application for the Machines & technology ltd

Specific Objectives
 To develop a web-side interface for the administrator.

 To develop a registering interface.

 To develop a database module for Machines &Technology ltd.

 To create an customer module for Machines &Technology ltd.


The proposed system will be a mobile application system that will primarily target Kenyans as
its primary user as well as other users. The following modules will be covered:

Module for Administrators

Because the proposed system will be a stand-alone system, it will only require one administrator
who will be in charge of:

 Accessing all available modules.

 Access and manage the database

 Real-time information about the enterprise

Customer module

Customers will be the primary users, but the system will also be accessible to other users. The
module will enable the customer to:

 Create an account login to the database

 Get information on the shipment of the ordered goods.

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 Receive real the information of the products sold by the Machines &Technology ltd.

 The customer will be able to determine the goods available in stock

The database module

The database will be in charge of storing information such as customer log in credentials. The
database will be able to hold a collective of input data that will be stored in the system.

Supplier module

Supplier module will be a primary user. The module will enable the supplier to:

Create a supplier login account.

Check on the ordered goods and validate the payment of the goods.

Drivers module
This module will provide real time information about places where the goods should be dropped
and places the driver is required to cover.

Finance controller module

This module will enable the finance manager to keep track of the company’s finances

Storekeeper module
This module will enable the store keeper to update the real-time information about the stock
remaining in the Machines &Technology ltd store.

Marketing module
To help the marketing analyst to track and understand prevailing market trends. Ensure new
products promotion and to ensure the goods meet consumer demand

Ordering module
This module will enable the customers to order for the products

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Payment module
This module will offer a platform for the customers to be able to pay for the products that they
have ordered.
Contact module
This module will enable Machines &Technology ltd to contact their customers.

Search module
The module will enable the customers to search anything from within the application.

Help module
This module will guide the user while using the system.

Feedback module
This module will enable the customers to give feedback on the products at the Machines
&Technology ltd offers.

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Chapter 2
Literature review
Nowadays, people use internet as a daily device to access their emails, do online tasks, to read
online headline, look for certain information and many other functions (Bellman, 2001). This
daily usage of the Internet by these people takes them naturally to operate it as a shoppers too.
Additional constituents found which makes a difference to the buying behaviors of the buyers
and their attitudes include their culture surroundings, particular needs, commitment of the
product, mood to trust, to what extent buyers can easily share their personal information and
their willingness to invest on internet buying (Bellman et al 1999).

Machines & Technology ltd should adopt a holistic means to come up with a marketing strategy.
The company should recognize that there are different types of online shoppers and understand
that these different groups have their own motives for choosing online shopping. Thus, they can
then implement their strategy to fulfil the needs of all of the shoppers (Brown et al., 2003). This
marketing strategy must focus on the advantages of shopping online (Trabold et al., 2006). The
marketing strategy should cause consumers to become familiar with the company’s name, make
it convenient for them to make purchases, and be well designed to attract the consumer’s
attention (Wu, 2003). They should also put effort into the visuals on their website, making sure it
is easy to navigate and use (Lee & Lin, 2005).

It is possible to improve the experience of online shoppers by responding to the problems they
may face, particularly safety concerns. The best way Machines &Technology ltd can handle this
issue is through communication. The company should let the consumers know that their website
is secure and that privacy protection is a priority for the company (Strategic Direction, 2012).
Machines &Technology ltd should strive to constantly improve their online services for
consumers. A sound service delivery will have great positive impacts on the experience of an e-
shopper (Ahmad, 2002). A study into online service quality showed that trust is a critical factor
which influenced the consumer's contentment. Thus, Machines &Technology ltd as an online
shop has to work towards becoming more reliable in terms of delivering products on time, giving

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proper information, and most importantly, making sure that shopping on their website is
completely safe and secure (Lee & Lin, 2005).

The willingness of the buyers to do shopping at the internet stores is referred to as their intention
to shop online. Often, this factor is assessed by the willingness of the consumers to purchase and
to return to the same website for making further shopping. This then also adds to the buyer’s
faith on the particular website. The intention of the consumer to make a purchase through
internet is greatly attached with their mind-set heading for buying from internet and makes an
impact on their final choice making and buying behaviour (Jarvenpaa et. al., 2000).

According to Grewal et al (2002), online shopping is more efficient in meeting the consumers’
needs and wants. It allows the consumers to easily attain knowledge about the brand’s product
quality, availability, product specifications and prices, and compare that with those of another
brand. This means they can now make more intelligent purchasing decisions in a way which is
not possible through traditional shopping (Brown et al., 2003). Moreover, they can purchase
anonymously which is convenient when it comes to personal products that they may feel
uncomfortable buying in stores (Monsuwé et al., 2004). Brown and Reid (1997) observed that
routine tasks like shopping for groceries have become easier for customers who do not like
crowds and driving the trolley around the store (Brown et al., 2003).

When people shop online, they are not only consumers but also users of the computer
(Demangeot & Broderick, 2007). Huang (2003) stated that the online shopping environment is
highly interactive. Content of the website is a critical aspect in terms of how accurate and
relevant it is. The website design is also very important if the company wants conduct a
successful e-retailing business (Colla & Lapoule, 2012). The website visuals include: colour
themes, font usage, photos, logos, graphic qualities and so on. These visuals capture the
consumers’ attention by communicating a distinct image of the organisation and its products and
services (Demangeot & Broderick, 2006). Factors such as low prices, good customer service,
easy navigation, and also plainly stated return and exchange policies, are a part of the online
shopping experience (Xu & Paulins, 2005).

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It seems that people nowadays, especially young adults, are becoming more conscious about
personal image and fashion. For these types of consumers, shopping is an entertaining, pleasure-
filled activity that is like an escape. It is important to note that such shoppers are looking for
good service standards too. In terms of online shopping, the consumer satisfaction will be high if,
for instance, the company has a user-friendly website which makes shopping through it seem like
a stimulating experience (Strategic Direction, 2012). Online retail shops often market themselves
through low price

The consumer's perception of their experience while shopping online is also a factor to consider.
When the consumer’s experience exceeds their expectations, there is a high chance they will
become loyal towards that particular online shop. This satisfaction is based on a number of
features such as: how fulfilling the experience was, how smooth the transaction was and the ease
of interaction (Chen & Chang, 2003). The shopper’s perception will also vary depending on what
kind of product they are looking to purchase. For instance, Klein (1998) said that products which
require searching before purchase (such as books) will be different from products that are
purchased through experiences (such as clothes). Zhou et al (2007) also stated that the online
shoppers’ perception will vary depending on the type of product because the risk factors are
different for each (Liu & Forsythe, 2010).

Some consumers do not shop online because they perceive traditional shopping as being
soothing and fun. It improves their mood and turns into a social activity which they can do with
their friends (Liu et al., 2013). Other factors which may affect the perception of online shoppers
are: how exposed they are to the market, market ambiguity and the position of competitors in the
market (Gong et al., 2013). Comparatively, the current generation is very attached to online
shopping and spends their time looking into and fantasizing about online products. They are
attentive towards sales promotions and are influenced by celebrities when it comes to fashion
(Hill et al., 2013). Recent research found that almost half of the respondents were spending a
minimum of one hour every day on online retail websites. Overall, consumers are now freely
accepting the concept of online shopping and this phenomenon is continuously growing.

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However, it should also be noted that traditional shopping is still equally relevant to the retailing
business (Watson et al., 2002).

It is suggested for marketers to look at online shopping not competitively, but as a complement
to offline shopping (Karayanni, 2003). According to Strauss and Frost (1999), a major benefit of
online retailing is the ability to attain consumers over many geographical locations, in a very
short amount of time. So marketers should take advantage of this by using various promotional
methods to increase sales all over the world. They can also market themselves by positive word-
of-mouth through creating loyal customers (Bigné‐Alcañiz et al., 2008). The internet can be used
to create customer loyalty by providing consistent promotions through not only their website, but
also social media sites. Lastly, marketers should maintain a system to provide sufficient and
easily attainable product information to guide online transactions (Chen & Chang, 2003).


Problem identification
Currently, in the Machines & Technology ltd customers are using calls to communicate with the
company and payment are made via manual paybill option. Now with the help of a mobile
application it will be more reliable and efficient to their system as they would run their company
more efficiently.

Feasibility Study
To create the Machines & technology ltd mobile application system requires resources and time
hence a feasibility study was performed to measure how beneficial or practical the development
of the system will be. Some of the feasibility analysis done include:

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 Schedule feasibility- The development of the mobile application system is a requirement
for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems in Kenya
Methodist University where one has been allocated three months to complete the project.
 Operational feasibility- The customers are equipped with mobile phones hence many of
them are conversant with the technology and are comfortable using it hence they will be
able to integrate with the system easily.
 Technical feasibility- The system requires users to have smart phones which are capable
of handling the latest mobile applications and they should be able to operate the phones
 Economic feasibility- The financial benefits and cost associated with the development of
the mobile application was analyzed.

Project planning and management

The proposed system will be developed by one person using resources such as a laptop within a
time frame of three months. The system will use a project management tool which is the Gantt
chart that will be the guiding tool to ensure the system will be completed within a reasonable
amount of time and utilizes the available resources efficiently.

The proposed system functionality depends on user requirements and the system requirements. It
involves fact gathering and documentation of the user requirements where one will require:
a smartphone and i
internet connection and
system requirements which are:
a) 1 GB RAM,
b) 4 GB internal storage and
c) android 4.0 and above.
In this phase the exact details on how the project is going to work out will be defined. This will
expound on: input design, output design, user interface design and the database. A data flow
diagram will be used as the design tool.

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This will involve coding where one translates the design into the source code using programming
languages and tools, testing to determine whether there are any errors in the program. One of the
tests to be carried out will be acceptance testing which should prove to the user that the system
meets the user and functional requirements. Debugging which is locating errors and correcting


4.1 Project Resources
 A personal computer with windows 10 operating system installed.
 Microsoft word for documentation.
 Microsoft PowerPoint for creating presentation slides
 Xampp to act as a local server to test the administrator web
 Sublime text to build the administrator web
 Integrated Development Environment for mobile development (Android studio).
 MySQL for database creation and management.
 Smartphone for displaying the output.
 Internet

Project Schedule

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1. Collier Paul and Gunning Jan Willem (1999), Why has Africa Grown Slowly? Journal o f
Economic Perspectives. Volume 13, summer 1999, pages 3-22. 61 14. Collier, P. and Gunning,
J. W. (1998), “Explaining African Economic Growth Performance*’, Journal of Economic
Literature, 37(1), pp. 64-111. 2. Degefa Derrese (2001), The Parallel Foreign Exchange Market
and Macroeconomic Performance in Ethiopia. AERC Research Paper 107. July 2001.

3. Dehn Jan (2000), Commodity Price Uncertainty and Shocks: Implications for Economic
Growth. Unpublished D

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Yella, Siril
Dalarna University, School of Technology and Business Studies, Computer Engineering.

Dougherty, Mark
Dalarna University, School of Technology and Business Studies, Computer Engineering.

2014 (English)

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