IM2 - The Wrath of Olympus
IM2 - The Wrath of Olympus
IM2 - The Wrath of Olympus
by Robert J. Blake
Table of Contents
Prologue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
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Chapter I: Athena’s Refuce
Magic Use The Isiidi Random Encounters on Simoom
Rylum is tetraspacial, thus only memo- These humanoids are the dominant race Check every other turn for a random en-
rized magic functions here. This means that on Simoom, but they are little known outside counter. The PCs need information about
characters who were capable of using magic Rylum since they do not have the means to this place, so it is to be expected they will in-
as mortals may do so in the standard way of leave. Only stray references to Isiidi may be teract with the beings they meet.
memorizing spells. The players of these char- gleaned from Immortals who have traveled
acters should refer to the sheet that lists the widely in the outer planes. Simoom Random Encounter Table
mortal character’s last level and statistics be- The fiery nature of their home plane, and
fore becoming an Initiate. Simoom in particular, has caused the race to Book
As stated earlier, planar access spells do not evolve into creatures capable of surviving ex- D20 Creatures and
work here, as the characters will discover if treme heat. They are taller than humans, av- Roll Encountered Page
they cast gate. Access points to planes that eraging seven feet in height. Their skin is a
1-6 Merchant Party -
bound with Rylum are physical portals cre- thick, brownish hide equivalent to AC 0. 7-12 l d 4 Red Dragons B28
ated by the magic of this place. All Isiidi have the following innate abili- 13-17 l d 4 + 1 Isiidi Adventurers -
ties: produce fire (as the druid spell on page 18-19 l d 4 Helions C 40
The Situation 15 of D&D@Companion Set Players Book, 20 l d 6 Fire Elementals C 40
once per turn), fire breath (as the artifact
Terra was correct in that Athena used a Random Encounter Explanations
power [page 52 of D&D Master DM’s Book],
gate between Rylum and her chosen sanctu-
three time a day), and blasting (as the artifact Isiidi merchant party: The group is com-
ary, the planet Coriopt in the Plane of Kryla.
power [page 51 of D&D Master DM’s Book], posed of ld3 merchants guarded by 2d4 + 2
However, Athena did not cast the spell
once per day). men-at-arms. The goods are carried in wag-
gate. The normal planar travel spells (other
The society of the Isiidi is similar to that of ons pulled by two lizards, the equivalent of
than to the Astral Plane) simply do not work
some human enclaves on the Prime. The gov- oxen. The merchants are neutral in their atti-
on Rylum. Having visited here before, she
ernment may best be described as a Confed- tude toward strangers, but quite willing to
knew exactly where a portal to Kryla existed.
eracy, though relations between the states are answer any questions the PCs may ask.
Unfortunately for Athena, Orcus also
as fiery as the planet. Red dragon: AC - 1; H D 10; M V 90’
knew of this gate. H e is aware of another
Foodstuffs are the primary commodity, the (30’) Flying 240’ (80’); AT 2 clawdl bite; D
plane adjacent to both Rylum and Kryla, a
most important of these being the grain of the ld8/ld8/4d8; Save F10; M L 10; Int 9; AL C
very nasty place called Pyts. Orcus found the
blaze plant, the staple food of the planet. Small red dragons are quite common on
door to Kryla and concealed it by piling an
Water is very scarce on Simoom. Most Simoom. The Isiidi are partially immune to
entire volcano on top of it. Then he opened
states have a few well-guarded community their breath (maximum of 10 points, save for
one to Pyts in the same location. Orcus is try-
wells, though these occasionally go dry, re- half damage). There are large and huge spec-
ing to force anyone going to Kryla to pass
sulting in public unrest. The state of Pyros, imens, though they stay far removed from
through Pyts first. Thus Orcus’s followers
however, enjoys unlimited water from a mas- settled areas and are so seldom seen as to be
have ample time to enter Kryla and remove
sive underground lake. Pyros’s treasury is solely a matter of legends. The small ones are
Athena to the Prime for Night’s brand of Im-
well maintained by selling water to states ex- considered a nuisance.
mortal Justice.
periencing water shortages. Water also fig- Any red dragons encountered cannot talk
ures prominently in all matters of diplomacy, and therefore cannot use spells. They are
Arrival on the Plane of Rylum and is frequently a major cause of interstate only interested in food and treasure, but will
Viewed from the Astral Plane, Rylum is a wars and intrastate power struggles. not attack anyone who puts on a show of
large, pinkish bubble, indicating that its Adventuring Isiidi are limited to the force.
dominant element is Fire. Bias is standard fighter, magic-user, and thief classes. Fighters Isiidi adventurers: If more than one
(friendly to the Sphere of Energy, neutral to- and thieves operate as their human counter- group is encountered, the first is a mixed
ward Matter and Time, hostile to Thought). parts. The high natural Armor Class of Isiidi group of fighters, magic-users, and thieves.
It is daylight on the planet Simoom in the forced metalsmiths to develop an alloy capa- Their intent is to take the PCs for whatever
Plane of Rylum. The sun is a huge ball of ble of cutting their tough hide. The weapons they can. The magic-users refuse to divulge
fire: very close, very bright, and very hot. carried by Isiidi are more than razor sharp; any information about magic use on this
T h e PCs arrive in the middle of a dry lake all Isiidi fighters who face non-Isiidi receive plane. The thieves are surly and the fighters
ringed by volcanoes. (Refer to the map on + 3 to hit and + 6 to damage. openly antagonistic.
Page 5.) Magic-users cannot cast any spells based The second group is of similar makeup,
A wish indicates the proper direction of on water; that knowledge is simply not avail- though these NPCs act very differently. The
travel, but it is not necessary. There are two able. However, they have developed fire- magic-users are willing to explain how they
roads-actually dry stream beds leading based spells to a high art, capable of adjusting cast tiny fire balls, but they have no knowl-
from the extinct lake-both of which lead to the range and area of effect of fire ball and edge about traveling to other planes. They
the same place. The characters may walk or similar spells to a fine degree. suggest the PCs find a mage named Wotan,
use nonmagical flying abilities for move- who has always been interested in such mat-
ment; gaseous form does not function. ters.
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Chapter 1: Athena’s Refuge
Helion: AC 1; H D 9; M V 90’ (30’); AT 1 grant the knowledge the Y L s seek, but the The Dances of the Salamanders
grasp; D 2d8; Save F9; ML 9; Int 15; AL L salamanders will lead the PCs to the portal.
These are friendly creatures appearing as Even while under the Aura effect, they act The salamanders of Simoom have many
rings of flame 20 feet in diameter. They move troubled by what they are doing, so strong is dances that produce magical effects. Either of
by rolling like a hoop. They get along quite their resolve to keep their knowledge from two of these may be used here. Decide on the
well with Isiidi and salamanders, but detest others. salamanders’ and Wotan’s attitudes toward
red dragons. Flame salamander: AC 2; H D 8; M V the PCs. If the meeting has proved unsatis-
If questioned about magic and gates, they 120’ (40‘); AT 2 claws/l bite; D ld4/ld4/ld8; factory, the creatures perform Earthshaker. If
freely tell the PCs where the portal to Kryla Save F8; M L 8; Int 3-18; AL N the encounter has been friendly, and the PCs
is, directing them to the gate Orcus de- have given good reasons for wishing to reach
stroyed, then re-opened to Pyts (the helions Wotan the Firemage Kryla, the salamanders perform the Road of
do not know of the change). If the characters Flame, but only after much coaxing from
This encounter gives the characters a Wotan.
work some magic based on water, the helions
chance to enter Kryla directly, rather than The Earthshaker dance involves the sala-
are very impressed, almost as if the PCs used
taking the door constructed by Orcus. After manders frantically thumping the ground
Awe Aura. The creatures are hard to get rid
traveling 20 miles, an Isiidi and six flame sal- with all their feet. There is a definite rhythm,
of in any event and try to tag along after the
amanders step from behind a small volcanic essentially creating a harmonic within the
cone. planet’s crust. After two turns, a crack ap-
Fire Elemental: AC 5 to 2; H D 1 to 8;
While impressed by the characters’ appar- pears, widening rapidly in the direction of the
M V 360’ (120’); AT 1; D ld2 to ld8; Save F1
ent comfort in the extreme heat, the Isiidi characters. Great qouts of flame burst
to F8 (as HD); ML 9; Int 3-6; AL N
shows no fear. Wotan is very territorial and through, showering lava in a band 30 feet to
These are the clowns of Simoom. None are
boldly blocks the PCs’ path, arms akimbo. either side of the creirasse (make a Dexterity
known to be dangerous, but that is because
The salamanders cluster about him, expect- Check for each PC, rolling 3d20-half dam-
the Isiidi are totally immune to their heat.
antly watching the characters. Small wisps of age if save fails, no damage if it succeeds).
They are the gypsies of the planet, even prac-
smoke wreath their features. Wotan’s voice The Road of Flame dance is more ele-
ticing a little thievery if the opportunity ex-
crackles like flame when he speaks. gantly choreographed, if salamanders can be
called elegant. When Wotan gives the com-
“ H o now. You walk the lands of Wotan, mand, the salamanders refuse, a look of des-
Simoom Encounters Firemage of the Isiidi, without his permis- perate concern on their reptilian faces. But
sion. Your intentions and a tithe you shall the Firemage is adamant.
Salamanders of a Different Color
freely give to travel farther, or face his The Road of Flame opens a corridor across
Shortly after passing the path junction, 10 wrath.” the fifth dimension, a door appearing at its
flame salamanders are seen approaching end for each boundary that exists within the
from the northwest. Aside from being a bit gruff, Wotan is very plane.
The flame salamanders of Simoom are good natured and friendly. H e willingly re- Slowly, reluctantly, the creatures join front
quite different from their counterparts on lates what life is like on Simoom if asked. H e claws, standing on their hind legs while form-
other planes in that they can be highly intelli- is very curious about the PCs, astutely ob- ing a circle around Wotan. The circle moves
gent. All speak the common tongue of this serving they are not of this world, even if the clockwise, the dancers bending low then
planet and use first- through third-level characters have by now disguised themselves standing tall, the circle’s diameter pulsing
magic-user spells, though none that are as Isiidi or other native creatures. from large to small, then large again. The
water-based. Wotan is favorably impressed if the charac- Firemage begins a keening cry, the salaman-
Because they are intelligent, the salaman- ters perform some magic. Ice magic is best of ders supplying a basso counterpoint.
ders will not attack unless the PCs attack all, for none is known on this plane. The best The dance quickens, and a ring of flame
first. They act very much like learned men impression would be to teach Wotan an ice forms within the circle. T h e fire grows
and are very curious about where the charac- spell of some sort. Some tinkering may be brighter, more intense. The dance ceases as
ters came from and what they are doing on needed to adapt it to this plane (base 50% Wotan is obliterated by a sheet of white hot
Simoom. If asked where a magic-user could chance of success, modified by + 10% for fire. If the characters peer into this fire, they
be found, they mention Wotan by name and each subsequent attempt). see a short, flame-lined corridor. At its end
give his location (see below), grossly exagger- If the characters openlv state their busi- are three doors: one gray, one silver, and one
ating his prowess as a magic-user and savant. :mains
If asked about a portal on Simoom that
might allow passage to another plane, the sal- d hap-
amanders become more guarded. It is obvi- hstand
ous they know something of this, but are re into
reluctant to reveal its location. These portals s obvi-
are the exclusive province of the intelligent )se loss
salamanders on this planet and they guard
the portal locations jealously. aman-
The PCs may want to explain that they are acters.
on a mission of mercy in an effort to persuade so wo-
the salamanders. Aura use (Awe) will not lad re-
-Chapter 1: Athena’s Refuge
Chapter 1: Athena’s Refuge
and feels fully capable of protecting herself. winged fury, to provide torment and enter-
Hearing the approach of more footsteps, she tainment while the Immortals died. “Never let it be said that we Immortals of
levels her spear, still dripping with hot Athena was not within the area compassed Entropy do not give other spheres a sport-
demon-ichor, at the characters. Her expres- by the barrier when it was erected. Hiding ing chance. Ponder this, striplings, and
sion is weary but defiant. amongst the remnants of the palace, she wit- decipher it if you can. If you are good, you
nessed the events described above, trying to may solve the puzzle and perhaps even foil
“So there are more of you! Come on, decide if she should flee or fight. The appear- our project. But I heartily doubt it.”
then. Your demons may have my friends, ance of Orcus decided the question, and off
but you will never have me!” she flew through the planes. She had a rea- Show the players the illustrations on pages
sonable lead, and as the chase progressed 24 and 25. One side of the plaque is engraved
T h e PCs should not fight Athena; after all, through many planes, Orcus and another with the depiction of a solar system unknown
they have been charged by Terra to bring her Immortal named Talitha gave up and left her to the PCs. O n the reverse is the following.
back. And this lady doesn’t seem repentant in peace.
in the least. The PCs must be extremely per- This explains the intentions of the maver- The eater of Time lies indentured to the
suasive to get Athena to lower her guard ick Immortals and the strange events on the night,
(consider all she has been through). Prime that Terra alluded to, but it certainly The feaster’s meal contains the wind of mor-
If the PCs are not persuasive enough (or if does not account for Entropy’s behavior. tal life.
they lose patience), then some form of un- Why has Night taken matters into his own Immortals strive against chains of metal
armed combat would be best here, just hands, when a crime of this magnitude is bright
enough to overpower and disarm her. surely a matter for all the Hierarchs? For nought; the power dies midst futile strife.
Once this is done, the characters must con-
vince Athena they are not demons and indeed Talitha’s Arrogance Time’s Time’s enemy, soiled breeze a can-
have been sent by Terra to aid her. She is very When the characters are through question- celled thing.
distrustful, but can be persuaded by detailing ing Athena, a chuckle is heard from the direc- The shield lies sundered, the eater’s bond is
their conversation with Terra and also swear- tion of the gate. A tall brunette strides done.
ing on their honor they mean her no harm. purposefully towards the cave mouth, and, Breath of the rainbow and heartearth this can
Once the PCs have gained Athena’s trust, though carrying a double-bitted axe, shows bring,
she may tell the PCs the following in answer no intention of using it. From Athena’s blan- But at the end beware the night, the fire, the
to appropriate questions. You may want to ched features it is apparent that she knows evil sun.
prompt the players to ask questions-they this being. Addressing the PCs she says:
should get this information now. While the characters look at the plaque Ta-
The band of Immortals masquerading as litha regards them with a smug, leering ex-
gods went back to the Prime on a lark, ignor- “ I am known as Talitha. I’ve no quarrel pression.
ing all the admonitions they had received as with you, though your interests and mine
Novices. Such a hands-off attitude made no are doubtless different. I have come for “You look perplexed. But then, Tempo-
sense to them; would it not be more expedi- the whimpering girl, so step aside. rals usually do! If you are not up to the
tious for Immortals to take the course of the “That’s right, Lokena. Hide behind task, find something more within your
Prime into their own hands to insure that your friends! ’Tis a wonder you ever grasp, like tending sheep.”
foolish mortals could not damage it? slipped your diapers, let alone attained “But if you should to come to the Prime
They chose to emulate, at least in appear- the rank you have. What a fool your spon- to stop us, bear in mind m’lord Night in-
ance and name, gods they had admired, gods sor was. What poor taste! Come now with tends to eliminate these ruffians to make
that would be respected ...and feared. The me. Your shackles await, as ordered by room for his own sponsored mortals in our
scope of the project? To eventually control all your Hierarch, Terra.” ranks. Should you appear on Olympus,
of the Prime. you will meet your doom.”
They had expected some remonstrance Talitha: SP Entropy; R K Eternal 2; PP Turning to Lokena she says, “You are
from other Immortals, especially the Hier- 7,000; A-M 80%; AC -7; H D 37 (540 hp); saved for now. But I will be watching and
archs of their Spheres. They were prepared MV universal; AT 1 + Power or Magic; D waiting, Lokena, and will have you yet.”
for a summons, confident the logic of their 14d6 + special; Int 80; AL C
project would justify their actions. But they Lokena is “Athena’s” real name. The Talitha turns and heads for the gate she
had not foreseen such swift retribution from characters should not allow her to go with Ta- opened from Pyts. It is not advisable for the
fellow Immortals, and they were most sur- litha. They should also surmise that Terra characters to follow her. Lokena argues
prised that Night himself would come after would never make such a pronouncement. against such a course of action; the fight with
them. Talitha has no intention of fighting a superior the whispering demon has left her very weak.
The palaces they had so laboriously con- force, so if she cannot cajole the characters Everything seems quiet for the moment,
structed on their Mount Olympus were laid into releasing Lokena, she will acknowledge and the PCs may turn their attention to deci-
waste by demons seemingly beyond number. they have won a tactical victory. phering Talitha’s challenge so they have some
A strange, colorless barrier was erected. Sud- But Talitha’s haughtiness knows no idea of what to do next. It is of course reason-
denly the Immortals’ magic no longer bounds. In a rash act of defiance, she pulls a able if they wish to return to Terra and work
worked. Then came the bindings, with hand-sized metal rectangle from a pouch and on the puzzle there. If they choose this op-
chains that sapped power. And finally the hurls it at the characters’ feet. tion, they must first get back to Rylum (see
Chapter 1: Athena’s Refuge
Return to Rylum on page 10). tially neutralizes Time for a moment, long or volcano had been piled atop it.
enough to destroy the fabric of the barrier. Though magic will not work here, the PCs
Solving the Puzzle Following the Dominance Theory, still possess decent Ability Scores. Moving
Thought should cancel Time. But a wish was the mountain requires an Ability Score check
The puzzle is up to the PCs to decipher, used to exempt the barrier from this law. (Strength) with a + 10 bonus.
though they may be given clues if they cannot “Heartearth” refers to elemental earth, Once back on Simoom, the characters may
solve it on their own. but the key word is “pure.” This implies that wish to avoid wasting the time and Power it
To learn clues, the characters must make ordinary elemental earth is insufficient to the would take to return to Terra. They may con-
an average Intelligence check ( + 3 0 modi- task-something very special is needed. tact her using communication, explain the
fier). Each character gets one check, which is Line 8: This dire foretelling is a warning situation, and ask permission to be off on the
roughly only a 50% chance of success (Intelli- from Night not to meddle in his affairs. quest. She will grant it if Lokena swears an
gence of 20 plus 30 = 50). Two characters “Fire” and “evil sun” refer to the possibly oath to go to Terra of her own free will, to
can combine their Intelligence scores to boost cataclysmic effect of channeling Immortal which the errant Empyreal agrees.
this to approximately 7076, and three would Power into an ordinary mountain (see Chap- The players should realize that their char-
be around 90 % . ter 5). acters cannot simply go to the Prime; some
The problem facing them is that if three preparations must be made to ensure their
characters participate in one check to be success. Discourage them if they insist on go-
fairly certain of success, they may only get
one clue. If this is too severe, you may allow
Return to Rylum ing now. They must obtain pristine elemen-
tal earth and the snort of a repeater; these
them to make Wisdom checks as well. Also, if The PCs must return to Rylum first in any tasks may be done in either order. The en-
they correctly interpret part of the rhyme on event. If the Road of Flame was used, that por- graved star system shows where to find a re-
their own, you may allow them a free clue if tal still exists. If they entered from Pyts, there is peater, but its location may require a wish, or
they get stuck later on. no apparent way out. Lokena can lead them to the aid of an Immortal of the Sphere of
It is very important that they understand the portal through which they entered, but it is Thought (who would desire a service in re-
the rhyme completely before continuing the blocked by much stone, as if a whole mountain turn, of course).
adventure, otherwise they will not under-
stand what they have to do. Solving puzzles is
a fun part of the game, but if your players be-
come easily frustrated with such things, help
them along so everyone (the D M included!)
can have a good time.
The following is an explanation of each line
in Talitha’s poem, and you may use it as
guide when giving clues. You may use ld8 to
determine what line they get a clue for, but it
is suggested that you use this order, from
most important to least: 5-2-7-1-6-8-3-4.
Line 1: The “eater of Time” is a jumper
in service (indentured) to Night (Hierarch of
Line 2: The “feaster’s meal” is Time, the
skin of the Barrier. It contains the “wind of
mortal life,” Air.
Lines 3 and 4: These refer to the chained
Immortals and that their Power is being
drained despite their efforts to save them-
Line 5: This is the most important clue for
it tells how to break the barrier. “Time’s
Time’s enemy” should be read as “Time is
Time’s enemy,” indicating that two entities of
Time have opposite effects. “Soiled breeze”
refers to the mixture of Earth and Air. Earth
has dominance over Air, thereby canceling it.
Line 6: The barrier can be broken, and
when it is, thejumper’s service is ended and it
is freed.
Line 7: “Breath of the rainbow” refers to
the snort of a repeater. The logic is that a re-
peater’s repeating effect on Time coupled
with the jumping effect of a jumper essen-
Chapter 2: Earth’s Heart
The Elemental Plane of Earth is in a state miles, requiring 10 years of travel in gaseous move. This may prove unsettling, but it
of upheaval caused by the actions of Immor- form. poses no danger to them whatsoever.
tals on the Prime Plane. The Elemental The characters may surmise the horde’s in-
Rulers have called a general council to debate Random Encounters tent. If so, they can scare the bodies away by
the situation and decide on appropriate coun- eliminating one or more of them. The life
termeasures. Check every two turns for a random en-
counter by rolling ld6; a “ 1” indicates an en- force does not want to attract attention to its
The PCs are to collect a small quantity of actions and will withdraw the other forms. If
counter. Then roll ld20 on the following table
pristine elemental earth for use in the fabrica- the characters do this and report this to the
to determine the creature encountered.
tion of an artifact. This is not ordinary ele- Council, it could help their cause because the
mental material and is only available from elementals view the horde as a nuisance.
one source. Considering the situation when Book
Kryst: AC 2; H D 9; M V 240’ (80’); AT 3
the characters arrive, a simple request will be D20 Creatures and
spikes; D ld12/ld12/ld12; Save Elf9; M L 9;
flatly, perhaps violently, refused. Roll Encountered Page
Int 10; AL L
The task is one of diplomacy: to convince 1-8 ld20 Elementals C40
Any krysts encountered are on their way to
the council that the PCs and Hierarchs are 9-12 lOdlO Hordes C41
the Council. If they appear when a horde
moving to correct the unbalance caused by 12-15 ld20 Krjsts C42
creature is in sight, they urge the characters
the foolish Immortals on Prime. 16-18 id4 Medusae C42
to attack but will not do so themselves be-
19-20 Id8 Diaboli I37
cause of the importance of the impending
Entering the Elemental Random Encounter Explanations
Plane of Earth They are very courteous and polite and are
Elemental: AC 5 to - 10; H D 1 to 32; M V
interested in why the characters are visiting
The characters must cross three planar 360’ (120‘); AT 1 blow; D by HD (ld2 to
here. If asked, they also discuss why all the
boundaries (Rylum- or Terra-Astral, Astral- 10d8); Save F1 to F32 (as HD); M L 9; Int
earth creatures are gathering. The krysts
Ethereal, Ethereal-Earth). 3-18; AL N
generally oppose the closing of the vortices
Check normally for random Astral and If the characters have not assumed the
form of some native creature, all encounters (see page 13), but fear they are in the minor-
Ethereal encounters (see the charts in the ity and their influence cannot sway the opin-
Pull-out Section). T h e Astral-Ethereal with earth elementals are hostile, given the
ion of the elementals.
boundary appears as the expected dull gray contentious atmosphere of the present situa-
Medusa: AC 4; H D 8; M V 180’ (60’);AT
line. Some magical means of travel @lane tion. The characters should avoid actual
1-10; D paralysis + 2d8 per bite; Save F4;
travel, etc.) must be employed to cross it. combat if at all possible, because if the Coun-
M L 9; Int 9; AL C
A large, rich brown bubble appears in the cil is informed of violence against others of
These monsters simply attack, lying in
grayness of the Ether, heralding the PCs ar- their race, the mission is in extreme jeopardy.
wait behind any convenient hillock or boul-
rival at the Elemental Plane of Earth. Some If local forms are magically adopted, the
der. Any character hit by a tentacle must
form of magical entrance (gate, plane travel, encounters still occur, but they are not neces-
Save vs. Power Drain to avoid the paralysis
etc.) must be employed, or a simple expendi- sarily hostile. The elementals answer ques-
and the subsequent bite damage.
ture of 50 PP, to cross the boundary. tions, but keep coming back to the subject of
Diabolus: AC 5 (or 0 ifparrying); H D 6-9;
The PCs arrive on the surface of a small as- the upcoming Council. They become suspi-
M V 120‘ (40‘) Cartwheel 240’ (80’); AT 1
teroid near the edge of the plane, for the ether cious if the characters ask silly questions or
weapon/l tail + special; D ld10/ld4 + pa-
is still very near. Some searching reveals that exhibit ignorance on subjects that any crea-
ralysis; Save = class and H D ; M L 12; Int 3-
it is a lifeless chunk of matter, perhaps broken ture of this plane should know.
18; AL C
from a planet. Several large planets the hue of Horde: AC 3; H D 10 (45 hp each); M V
Any group of diaboli encountered is an ad-
freshly turned soil gleam in the starscape. 150’ (50‘); AT 1 bite or special; D 2d6; Save
venturing party, similar in makeup to a hu-
They discover that the plane is hostilely bi- none; M L 12; Int 13; AL L
man party. They have come to the elemental
ased to all spheres except Matter when they All horde creatures encountered are of the
plane seeking knowledge and adventure and
must regenerate Power, Hit, or Ability Score same life force. The consciousness of the life
pose no real threat to the PCs.
Points. force is currently investigating the great
It may be assumed that, while the charac-
movement of the elementals, wondering
ters may be initially repulsed by the appear-
Where to Go? what this means while checking the possibil-
ance of the diaboli, this is merely an
ity that the small settlements may have been
The characters know they are seeking new, ingrained reflex from their mortal lives. Now
stripped of defenders. Always searching for
untrodden earth, but do not know where to that they have attained Immortality, they can
more territory, the time may be right for the
find such stuff; it certainly isn’t here! A wish control this and in essence deal with diaboli
horde to expand.
would be appropriate at this point to locate a like any other interesting life form.
The life force’s bodies are gathering this in-
likely starting point. The wish is granted. Stress the diaboli’s different outlook on life
formation, and it does not wish to be discov-
They should be encouraged to teleport to whenever possible. They are fun-loving and
ered doing so. It will warn the characters
their destination, as other means require jovial, emphasizing the individual above all
away, making threatening gestures to show it else. Thus kryst appear silly to them, and any
greater expenditures of power than need be, means business.
as well as several years of travel time, which comment about the need of the group seems
If the characters continue on their journey
cannot be spared. Incorporeal travel is not a absurd and of no consequence.
rather than force a confrontation, they notice
viable alternative; the PCs need their forms If informed about the upcoming Council,
the horde’s insect-like forms following at a
to complete this task. The distance is 71,672 they are eager to go see it. While unable to
discreet distance and watching their every
comprehend the need for a consensus of opin-
Chapter 2: Earth’s Heart
ion among a gathering of this size, they ex- Earth Elementals whirling, the kryst ticks down the slope, a
press a great interest to see how it is done and #APP 10 5 4 1 swirl of golden crystal. H e stops on the
express relief that they are not so mentally AC 2 -1 -4 -8 packed area near 40 very large earth elemen-
fettered. HD 8 14 20 27 tals, apparently rulers. Several more krysts
MV 360’ 360’ 360’ 360’ are also in attendance, gravitating toward
Urtson, Immortal Kryst (120’) (120’) (120’) (120’) Urtson.
AT 1 1 1 1 A hush falls over the crowd as a deep vibra-
T h e teleport places the PCs on the surface
D ld8 2d10 4d8 8d8 tion gently shakes the earth, causing small
of a huge planet, at the rim of a massive but
Save F8 F14 F20 F27 chunks of rock to fall from the plateau. Then,
narrow depression stretching toward the ho-
ML 10 11 11 12 10 miles distant, a form becomes visible.
rizon. Other such roads score the landscape,
Int 9 9 10 11 Even that far away, the arms and legs of the
and all are packed with elementals on the
move, muttering in a language that recalls
AL N N N N huge creature can be seen distinctly.
the grinding of rock on rock. The tone is of T h e vibration is now more rhythmic:
The characters should not combat these BOOOOM .....BOOOOM .....BOOOOM .
doom and upheaval.
creatures; a fight here will be reported to the More rock falls, knocking a few unfortunate
Several towns are visible from this vantage
Council and prove most damaging to the elementals from their seats. The approaching
point. They are devoid of all life except for
PCs’ purposes ( - 6 to reaction dice). juggernaut can only be Land, and his de-
herds of gorgons grazing peacefully on the
The elementals initiate combat. If the meanor is not conducive to peaceful talk and
outskirts. The constructions of the normally
characters respond with physical or Power at- apologies.
industrious creatures stand abandoned, as if
tacks, the melee is on. Aura attacks automati- And so Land joins the Council. The ire in
a n irresistible call has gone forth for the ele-
callv work (the elementals fail their savinp his glance is a palpable thing, a scathing
beam of anger and defiance. Almost lost in
his grip is a terrified humanoid; beyond ter-
ror in all likelihood, for he must have counted
I himselfdead when Land captured him. Land
speaks and the sound is like glaciers grating
on mountains:
Any Power expenditure over 8 PP will alert The Deliberations of the Council Land agrees that this would be acceptable,
Land to the presence of Immortals. and would do much toward mending the de-
As the kryst surmised, the tension is re-
I n an amazing show of bravery, Urtson veloping rift. He suggests a task that, if satis-
lieved by the horrid, continuing execution.
rolls toward Land and inspects the mortal factorily completed, will square all accounts
The Council now convenes to discuss its
now lying near his feet. After touching the and gain the characters a sample of his heart-
proper business, the abolition of all connec-
man gently with one of his spikes, Urtson earth.
tions with the Prime. The shrieks from the
asks permission to speak. The task is this. A natural vortex between
mound gradually weaken, then stop.
Land quiets the frenzied mob of elementals Earth and the Prime exists in Land’s domain.
Land’s manner is now very businesslike;
with the wave of an earthen arm. He would like it closed. Though this seems as
the fever of his rage has been slaked. After a
“My Lord and Master, Provider for and if he is asking the PCs to do the very thing
few hours, it is obvious what the decision will
Protector of these wide lands, we all grieve at they wish to avoid, Land assures them he will
be: to close off all vortices with the Prime for
the passing of Ground. But I perceive the reestablish the vortex later (though he pri-
an indeterminate time. This is potentially
captive is mortal. Did I mishear you? Was not vately doubts that they can close it).
more damaging to the future of Immortals
Ground slain by Immortals?” The Ruler strides off across the plain, in a
than the proposed project on the Prime be-
“That he was. What this fellow was doing direction perpendicular to that from which he
gun by Lokena and her cronies. The Prime is
there I do not know or care. He was there, approached the Council. Urtson rolls along
the only area in the multiverse where the ele-
and that’s enough!” beside the PCs, tacitly acknowledging an af-
ments exist in harmony. If the ebb and flow of
Urtson withdraws, rolling back up the finity for these Immortals.
Earth is stopped, the Prime will become un-
slope toward the PCs. “It is obvious that After a journey of five miles or so, the vor-
balanced, inevitably halting the rise of mor-
Ground was somehow slain by mortals, per- tex becomes visible. A vast, loose area of
tals to Immortality.
haps with an artifact if Land indeed smelled earth swirls slowly in the plain. The suction is
Land: SP Matter; R K Empyreal 2; PP
the Power, but a blind rage is on Land and I downward, indicating that elemental mate-
3,500; A-M 70; H D 32 (hp 340)
am sure he cannot be dissuaded from execut- rial travels to the Prime from here.
Now is the time for the characters to act.
ing this unlucky fellow. Do not interfere with The obvious means to close off this vortex
They should be diplomatic in the extreme,
what is about to happen. Perhaps when this is to cast close gate. Not only does this not
treating Land as if he were the most impor-
lust is sated, you will learn what you need to work, it opens another vortex nearby. This is
tant being in the multiverse, with all due
know and can approach in safety.” because Land has cast a carefully worded
courtesies and honor. They should also as-
Urtson rejoins the Rulers as Land raises wish that the effect of close gate be reversed.
sume their own forms. The previous sug-
both arms in a call for absolute silence. “My Also, the vortex cannot be wished closed.
gested restrictions on Power use are no longer
subjects, you have heard the charge. What is The structure of vortices and wormholes
your verdict?” T h e resounding cry of resembles a tree. Usually the trunk of the tree
Land will not slay them out of hand. H e
“Death!” echoes from the palisade. “And in can be visualized as being in the elemental
will listen to any reasonable argument as to
what manner shall this thing join his ances- plane, while the branches contact the Prime
why the vortices should remain open, but at many locations. Closing a branch, then,
tors?’’ The gathered elementals bellow an un-
these must be couched in terms of the benefits
intelligible phrase that brings a grin to Land’s merely affects that wormhole, not the entire
for his plane, not for the Prime or Immortals. vortex.
features. Such arguments should appeal to Land’s
“So be it!” he rumbles. Land plunges a This structure is reversed in this case; the
sense of pride, his station within the Plane of branches are on the elemental plane and the
massive hand into his chest, pulling out a Earth, and his rank among Immortals.
clump of writhing dirt. Bending almost lov- trunk on the Prime. Every time a gate, close
Though Land may appear arrogant and self-
ingly over the condemned, he buries him in a gate, or wish is cast, another wormhole is
important, he really is an important person-
mound 10 feet deep. added to the system.
age, his actions affecting untold numbers of
Buried alive. A terrible death, but almost Only the elemental end is thus protected.
beings in the Multiverse.
mundane compared to the expectant, leers of T h e PCs must figure this out, journey
The logic of the situation says that for the
the assemblage. Suddenly an ear-splitting through the wormhole to the Prime, then
present problems on the Prime to be solved,
screech issues from the mound, as loud as any close the vortex there.
the PCs require pure elemental earth. If they
Immortal voice. I t appears that Land’s setup is weak in that
were playing close attention, they may have a close gate cast on the Prime, where Land
Great plants spring from the earthen cairn, deduced that the substance pulled from
as if expending their entire lifespan in one has little control, will destroy the vortex. But
Land’s chest is the heartearth they seek. A it really is protected, in that the vortex will re-
brief moment. Indeed they do die. Again the
wish, commune, or choose best option may open of its own accord in a year and a day.
shriek, the growth, the death. And again. be used to verify this.
And again. Peering closely at the plants, the Anyway, the PCs cannot wait that long, so af-
If they cannot convince Land, Urtson will ter closing the vortex, they have to cast gate
PCs can see that each bears the features of the step in to keep negotiations alive. In his
poor soul within the mound. again to get back to Land and claim their
speech he will drop subtle hints to the PCs on prize.
how to deal with Land (as detailed above).
H e will also suggest, if the characters have
not done so already, that perhaps the PCs
could perform a service for Land to show
their sincerity.
counter Explanations
Slemental: AC 5 to - 10; H D 1 to 32; M V
1’ (120’); AT 1 blow; D by H D (ld2 to
18); Save F1 to F32 (as HD); M L 9; Int
8; AL N
3asilisk: AC 4; H D 6 + 1; M V 60’ (20‘);
1 bite/l gaze; D id10 + petrification;
re F6; M L 9; Int 2; AL N
kledusa: AC 8; H D 4; M V 90‘ (30’); AT 1
kebite + special; D id6 + poison; Save
( + 2 vs. Spells); M L 8; Int 9; AL C
2ockatrice: AC 6; H D 5; M V 90’ (30’)
ing 180‘(60’); AT 1 beak; D ld6 + petrifi-
ion; Save F5; M L 7; Int 2; AL N
Cryst: AC 2; H D 9; M V 240’ (80’); AT 3
ces; D ld12/ld12/ld12; Save Elf9; M L 9 ;
10; AL L
’lasm, Giant: AC -4; H D 12; M V 120’
’); AT 2 claws; D 3d6/3d6; Save F12; M L
Int 8; AL C
’lasms enter the wormholes from the
ter, so they always have initiative on the
t round as they pop through the wall of the
nd’s Gift
Yhen the characters return to the Elemen-
Plane, Land is in a jovial mood. He freely
nowledges that the PCs indeed closed the
rex, but is so very pleased with himself be-
se they had to expend Power to open it
i n . The gathered elementals titter appre-
:ively at the jest, a sound like gravel clat-
ng down a slope.
ChaDter 3: TemDus Funit
The PCs need a wish or the aid of an Immor- Arrival Random Encounter Explanations
tal of the Sphere of Thought (Celestial or
Remember to apply the appropriate Power Elemental, water: AC 5 to - 10; H D 1 to
above) to determine what solar system is de-
Point travel costs for the PCs to reach Tem- 32; MV 360’ (120’); AT 1; D by size; Save F1
picted on Talitha’s plaque. If they seek Im-
pus. The bias of Tempus is friendly to those of to F32 (as HD); ML 9; Int 9; AL N
mortal aid, that NPC will require a future
the Sphere of Time, neutral toward Thought Water elementals feel right at home on
service as payment. This is not within the
and Energy, and hostile toward Matter. Eon. They visit here often and consider it a
scope of this adventure; make the task rea-
Tempus appears as a long, twisting, light delightful place to rest. For the most part they
sonable for the characters’ levels and appro-
green line in the Astral Plane. The characters are not hostile, but they may bat playfully at
priate to the Sphere of Thought. The mission
arrive 200 miles above the surface of a small the PCs. There is a 10% chance that they can
itself should be handled within your cam-
planet named Eon. The vista is breathtaking, tell the PCs something useful about the
paign either now or after this adventure is
even to an Immortal. Eon is entirely covered planet (other creatures, the cloud islands,
with water, the shimmering, greenish wet- etc.), but they know nothing about repeaters.
In either case, the PCs are directed to the
ness suggesting that while here, one has all Hydrax: AC 2; H D 5 to 12; MV Swim-
Outer Plane of Tempus. It is the Home Plane
the time in the Multiverse. ming 180‘ (60‘); AT 2 claws or special; D
of Fugit, a Level 4 Empyreal of the Sphere of
Small islands dot the surface of the limitless ld10/ld10 or special; Save F10 to F24 (as
Time. Fugit seldom strays far from Tempus,
ocean, though even from this height it is ap- twice HD); ML 9; Int 9; AL L
or from the planet Eon.
parent that they are not composed of earth. Any hydrax encountered attack first and
He stays very busy working on his pet pro-
Their edges seem as tenuous as clouds and talk later. No information can be gained from
ject: the raising of “days” and “years.”
constantly change shape. these surly beasts.
These living creatures composed of Time are
The PCs may choose anywhere to descend Sea giant: AC 0; H D 12; MV 120’ (40‘);
used on new worlds as seeds for establishing a
to Eon’s surface. Most likely they would want AT 1 spear or special; D 4d10 or special; Save
time cycle, if none is present already.
to choose one of the cloud islands. Whether F12; ML 10; Int 12; AL N
Days resemble huge cattle and are fed on
by wish or random chance, start them on or Sea giants are very reclusive and protective
crops of “seconds” and “minutes,” plant-like
near the Isle of Epoch. If they choose to drop of their holdings. If any are encountered, it
growths capable of extracting Time from the
into the ocean first, place them about 20 miles may be assumed their lair is nearby. They
oceans of Eon. Several breeds of days have
off the shore of Epoch. Determine random want nothing to do with the characters and
been developed: sunny, windy, cloudy, etc.
encounters at double the normal frequency use their ability to create a moving wall of wa-
There are even good days and bad days.
(see below) as long as they remain in the wa- ter to drive them off.
The fattened days are then fed to the years.
ter. Waterdrake: AC 0; H D 6; MV 120’ (40’)
Years look like large aardvarks. They feed by
Flying 30’ (10’); AT 2 clawdl bite; D ld3/
grasping the days in their claws and using
Random Encounters on Tempus ld3/3d10; Save MU12; ML 9; Int 10; AL N
their tongues to extract the Time essence, fla-
Waterdrakes are playful and will surround
vored by the particular breed of day. Fugit is Check every other turn for a random en-
the party and try to steal something. If they
careful to feed his years a balanced diet of counter. If one is indicated, roll ld20 or ld8
are successful, they return the item(s) and
days, so that most turn out about the same. (depending on the environment) to deter-
joke rather insultingly about what easy marks
Occasionally though, a maverick year gorges mine the creature encountered.
the characters are.
too freely on a particular type of day, thus re-
Dragon turtle: AC - 2; H D 30; MV 30’
ceiving more than its share of bad days, Ocean
(10’) Swimming 90’ (30’); AT 2 claws/l bite;
sunny days, wet days, or whatever breed the Book
D ld8/ld8/10d6; Save F15; ML 10; Int 5;
year liked best. D20 Creatures and
Fugit works closely with a storm giant Roll Encountered Page
This is trouble, pure and simple. The crea-
named Epoch. Epoch and his clan till fields of 1-5 ld6 Elementals C40
ture is always hungry and attacks using all its
minutes and seconds and tend great herds of 6-9 1 Hydrax C41
abilities. Whether the characters fight or not
days. 10-13 ld20 Sea Giants M30
is up to them; they can easily get away.
Fugit has endowed the giants with the 14-16 1d4 Waterdrakes M29
Shark: AC 4; H D 8; MV 180’(60’); AT 1;
power to cast certain spells of the Sphere of 17-18 1 Dragon Turtle C31
D 2d10; Save F4; ML 7; Int 2; AL N
Time. These are close gate, dispel magic, dis- 19-20 ld4 Great White Sharks C36
A school of sharks is another menace easily
solve, ice wall, life drain, lower water, and
avoided. They attack without warning and
magic lock. Island
fight to the death once the feeding frenzy is
O n Tempus, dissolve turns 3,000 square Book
upon them.
feet of cloud earth into normal cloud, drop- D8 Creatures and
Jumper: SP Time; Status Mortal; PP 5/
ping anyone standing in the area into the Roll Encountered Page
HD; A-M 100% (0% vs. Time magic); AC
ocean. The caster may choose the dimensions 1-4 ld8 Jumpers I42
- 7 (body) or - 2 (arms); H D 11; MV 450’
of the area at the time of casting for maxi- 5-6 ld4S00 I48
- (150’); AT 12 (max 5/target); D 2d6 each +
mum effect. 7 1 Decade
- special; Save as Initiate; ML 8; Int 20; AL N
8 1 Century
These small jumpers are quite common on
Tempus. They attack silently and are always
hungry for Time. Power attacks can drive them
off; a jumper reduced to 20 Power Points or less
flees rather than risk using all its Power.
Chapter 3: Tempus
Chapter 3: Tempus Fugit
jumpers. T h e characters, of course, may join made, the cloud giants attack, throwing immune to the effects of Immortal Aura, but
in. It is plainly to their benefit to do so, for In- chunks of condensed cloud at the characters seeing it used on his people makes him anqry.
stant and Moment would certainly feel less (treat as normal rocks). The other cloud gi- H e will still talk with the PCs, though the use
inclined to view the PCs as low-life poachers. ants and all the storm giants (except Epoch), of Aura will be reported to Fugit.
The jumpers concentrate their attacks on likewise attack on the following round. Epoch explains the strange beasts and
the days, avoiding the giants and PCs when A fight here is certainly not conducive to plants if the characters ask. The “leather” is
possible. Any jumper reduced to half its hit friendly relations. The giants remain inside made from the carcasses of days after their
points flees, using its fly ability to get over the the stronghold, content to defend themselves. time has been sucked out, but before the form
fence this time. (Why didn’t they f l yin in the The characters can, of course, enter the holt dissolves; a tricky bit of tanning, the details of
first place? They were on a raid and did not by any of several methods, completely by- which he does not reveal. Despite its unusual
want to give forewarning of their approach. passing any defenses. This avails them noth- source and appearance, it functions as nor-
Rolling over the surface of the cloud-ground ing. The giants surrender in the face of mal leather.
is silent, therefore enabling surprise.) This superior power, but refuse to divulge any in- The characters are on Tempus to capture
jumper habit has never been seen before and formation about anything. the snort of a repeater, and it is expected they
will be a welcome piece of knowledge for If the meeting with Moment and Instant ask Epoch’s advice. H e knows of the beasts
other Immortals. went well (the PCs helped in the jumper at- and fears them. None have been seen on the
Six jumpers: PP 55 each; A-M 100% (0 tack or they used Awe Aura), the storm giants island for some time, and he feels that Fugit
vs. Time magic); AC - 7 (body)/ - 2 (arms); vouch that the strangers are friendly and may have the creatures contained in one area
H D 11 each (50 h p each); M V 450’ (150’); should be admitted within the cloud walls. so they do not disrupt his project.
AT 12 (max 5 per target); D 2d6 + special; The holt is a very large, walled affair. Five Epoch describes Fugit as a wise and kindly
Save Initiate; M L 8 (vs. mortals) or 11; Int storm giants live here, as do 10 cloud giants. man of great power, though not an Immortal.
21; AL N All constructions are made of cloud-earth; H e gives them directions to Fugit’s Island
After the jumpers have been slain or forced apparently no wood or stone is to be found on and bids them leave. They have already dis-
to flee, Moment and Instant ask the party to Eon. If the characters check, they learn that turbed the routine, and the bawling of hun-
accompany them to meet their chief. Their magic holds the buildings and walls together gry days demands that all the giants resume
demeanor is haughty if the characters did not and compresses the cloud material into a very their work.
help defeat the jumpers and they treat the solid stuff akin to limestone. Epoch: AC - 6; H D 19 (106 hp); M V 150’
PCs like poachers caught in the act. If the The holt’s functions are attuned to the (50’); AT 1 + special; D 8d8 + special; Save
characters did help out and Aura was not agrarian purposes of its owner. Large pens, F19; M L 10; Int 18; AL L
used, the atmosphere is one of camaraderie half protected by lean-tos, line one entire Chrono: AC -2; H D 17 (80 hp); M V
among like-minded people who have respect wall. Most are occupied by varying numbers 150‘ (50’); AT 1 + special; D 8d6 + special;
for each other’s battle skills. These two giants of days. Six cloud giants are busy forking fod- Save F17; M L 10; Int 19; AL L
are very fun loving and friendly once you get der into the pens from transparent haystacks Timer: AC 0; H D 16 (75 hp); M V 150‘
to know them. of harvested seconds and minutes. (50‘); AT 1 + special; D 8d6 + special; Save
F16; M L 10; Int 17; AL L
Epoch Ten cloud giants: AC 4; H D 13 (60 hp
Epoch’s Holt each); M V 120’ (40’); AT 1 weapon; D 6d6;
Moment disappears into the main house to
The Gate Save F12; M L 10; Int 16; AL N
summon Epoch. While the characters cool
Refer to the map of Epoch’s Holt on page their heels in the barnyard, they have a
18. The gate is protected by a contingency chance to observe the inhabitants. All the gi-
spell that triggers the spell-like effect spell ants wear rough smocks and high boots made The Isle of
turning. Any magical attack (spell or spell-
like effect) cast by a creature other than a gi-
of semi-transparent leather. They are
friendly but not very talkative, preferring to
ant is reflected back on the caster. The trigger answer questions with an unelaborated “yes” The Island Beneath
point is 120 feet away from the gate, affecting or “no.”
Travel to this point in the ocean must be by
a n area in a radius of 120 feet around that After a short time, Epoch appears in the
flying or gaseous form, unless the characters
point. doorway of the main house. H e is very tall,
choose to take a dip.
The PCs could arrive here before Moment even for a storm giant, as he stands a full 26
Fugit’s Island rises majestically from the
and Instant if they use their fly or gaseous feet. In every way he is superior to the others
green waves. It is quite different from Ep-
form abilities. Two cloud giants guard the of his clan, and there is no denying he is their
och’s in that it consists of an island above an
holt’s gate, and respectfully ask the strangers’ leader.
island. That is, there is a normal cloud island
business while firmly denying them entrance. Brushing a shock of bright yellow hair from
on the surface of the ocean, but levitated 200
T h e characters are not admitted until the two his eyes, he peers briefly at the characters,
feet above it is another island. The space be-
storm giant dayherds arrive. taking their measure. If the PCs helped drive tween the two is dark, as if a heavy rain is al-
If the characters used Terror Aura, Mo- off the jumpers, Epoch thanks them for their
ways falling there.
ment and Instant cry an alarm when they see help, though in a manner that suggests that it
It must be real rain, or something that
the characters and the guards parleying at the was really unnecessary. (These are proud gi-
looks like it, because many rivers and water-
gate. If the cloud giants are under the influ- ants.) falls pour off the margins of the lower cloud
ence of the characters’ Awe Aura, they get If the characters used Awe on Moment and
into the surrounding sea. The run-off is the
another saving throw at + 4 . If this save is Instant, Epoch is vexed. Fugit made Epoch same dark blue color as the area between the
I I ,?-
\ I \
Pregenerated Player Characters
Finidel Strength 15 18/+3 of the Five Hills was built as the capital of the
Intelligence (16) 171+ 2 new kingdom.
Mortal Immortal
Sphere - Wisdom (18) 20/+4 Finidel married and sired two daughters
Status - Dexterity 11 131 + 1 and a son. His kingdom thrived, and three
Temporal 1
Constitution 16 17/+2 invasions from neighboring nations were
Power Points - 600
Charisma 14 17/R + l/A-1 smashed in turn. A sorrowful occurrence was
Anti-Magic - 50
- the discovery of an assassination plot involv-
Class Cleric
Description: Finidel’s mortal form is that ing several of Finidel’s old adventuring com-
Armor Class 9 0
of a human male about 50 years of age. H e is panions. Since the evidence against them was
H D or Level L36 21
5’ 9” tall and weighs 160 pounds. His eyes irrefutable, Finidel sadly signed their death
Hit Points 83 I10
are brown and his hair brown with streaks of warrants to preserve his kingdom.
Move 120’ (40’) TJniversal
gray. His Immortal form is that of Finidel at In the eighteenth year of Finidel’s reign,
Attack 1 Any
age 30, slightly leaner with no gray in his his son fathered a male child. Now that the
Damage See below As attack mode
hair. dynasty was established, Finidel became
Save as Cleric 36 Temporal 1
Background: Finidel chose the path of a moody and withdrawn, sometimes not seen
Align Neutral Neutral
Dynast and sought an Immortal sponsor for days.
when he reached 31st level. In the midst of a After three such disappearances his mood
Weapon (Skill) Damage
raging storm atop Mount Grimm, a Celestial brightened. H e abdicated the throne to his
War Hammer (B) id6
of the Sphere of Time spoke to the cleric and son, donned his old adventuring garb, and
Mace (M: + 6vP) 2d4 + 4
accepted his petition. walked off into the wilderness toward Mount
Defense H : - 3AC/3
H e quested after the Cap of Mala, reputed Grimm. H e passed into history on Earth, but
Sling (M: + 6vP) P:3d4 S:d8 + 2
to allow time travel. The quest was arduous began a new life as an Immortal.
Defense H: - 3AW3
and nearly deadly on several occasions, but Personality: Finidel is given to inexplica-
Special Stun (s/m)
Finidel persevered and succeeded. Upon his ble moodiness every now and then, the
return he struck off into the wilderness to cre- change lasting for several days at a time. Nor-
ate a new kingdom from a land of forested mally he is cheerful and optimistic, a respon-
hills infested with green dragons. One by one sible individual from his years as a ruler. H e
the great lizards were slain or forced to flee is very tolerant of other points of view and
Finidel’s power. When all was safe, colonists feels that constant change is the natural state
arrived in droves. A new city called the City of the Multiverse.
Pregenerated Player Characters
Tourlain turous powers. Tourlain found it in the hands Description: Arnelee is a female warrior.
of a high-level fighter and was nearly slain. Her mortal form is that of a well-muscled
Player’s Background
Only by guile and wit was he able to trick the woman, 6’ 1’’ tall, 160 pounds, and 50 years
Mortal Immortal
Sphere - warrior into destroying the sword. of age. She is still a very capable fighter de-
Status - Returning to the city of his birth, he took an spite her age. She wears her chestnut hair
Temporal 1
orphan girl into his care and trained her in his long. Her eyes are a vivid sea blue with a
Power Points - 600
profession. She rose to fame within the guild dreamy quality, though she is all business in
Anti-Magic - 50
- and was unanimously named Tourlain’s succes- her actions.
Class Thief
sor when he resigned the position. Background: The daughter of well-to-do
Armor Class 9 0
The Eternal appeared again and suggested parents, she chose an adventuring life over a
H D o r L e v e l 33 21
that for Tourlain to complete the road to Im- life of safety and boredom. Arnelee fell in
H i t Points 82 110
mortality, he must move a mountain. Almost early with loyal companions, and they be-
Move 120’ (40’) Universal came close and life-long friends. Though
demoralized by the task, he applied himself
Attack 1 Any many offers came her way, Arnelee never
with renewed vigor and sought the aid of ma-
Damage See below As attack mode married.
gicians and sages. Using their advice and a
Save as Thief 33 Temporal 1 While adventuring in a wilderness far from
few magical items, Tourlain completed the
Align Chaotic Chaotic her home, Arnelee met an Immortal. The
task alone in seven years. As the last rock was
moved, he heard the Eternal’s voice a third chance meeting fired her imagination and
Weapon (Skill) Damage time saying, “You have succeeded!” created a drive to seek Immortality herself.
Nrml sword (B) Id8 Personality: Tourlain is crafty and clever, She chose the path of an Epic Hero. Her
Bljack (S: + 2vP) ld3 + 1 petition was at first denied, but was later ac-
but is loyal to his friends and is a person one
Defense Knockout cepted, her sponsor delighted with her tenac-
can count on. H e attacks a problem directly,
(Save - 1) ity. She quested for the Tome of Gambia, a
constantly searching for a solution and ignor-
Sht swrd (E: + 4) l d 6 + 4 ing temporary setbacks. H e chooses to live magical book that contains all the knowledge
Defense H: - 2ACl2 of mankind in a single volume. She rescued it
away from others, disliking any regimenta-
Special Deflect (2) Disarm tion in his lifestyle. from the hands of a cleric who sought to de-
(Save + 2 ) stroy it as an evil thing.
Dagger (E: + 4) 2d4 Arnelee She then sought the world over for the
Defense H: - 2ACl2 Dbl dam Gloves of the Demon, gauntlets that change
(19-20) Mortal Immortal their wearer irreversibly into a demon in the
Sphere - Thought
Status - service of Entropy. She finally found them
Strength 12 13/+1 Temporal 1
and destroyed them in the fires of a volcano.
Intelligence (14) 161+ 2 Power Points - 600
As her successor in her adventuring group
Wisdom (12) 15/+1 Anti-Magic - 50
she chose a young girl, like herself in many
Dexterity 18 201 + 4 Class Fighter -
respects. She proved a natural with bladed
Constitution 15 161+ 2 Armor Class 9 0 weapons, and was readily received into the
Charisma 10 111R + OIA + 0 HD o r Level 36 21 group as an equal, though Arnelee’s friends
H i t Points 112 110 were saddened by her departure. Arnelee
Description: Tourlain’s mortal form is Move 120’ (40’) Universal
forged a new sword, one with the ability to
that of a short (5’ 2” tall), wiry (100 pounds) Attack u p to 4 Any tame any energy attack it touched. Her final
man aged 55. The shortness is partly due to a Damage See below As attack mode task was to count all the grains of sand on the
genetic deformity of the spine. The skin is Save as Fighter 36 Temporal 1 seven islands in the harbor of her home town.
dark and swarthy, the eyes a secretive black. Align Neutral Neutral
This she accomplished with the aid of a clever
His Immortal form is quite similar except scale of her own devising that counted as well
that its spine is straight and perfect, adding Weapon (Skill) Damage
as weighed. The task took 10 years, but when
three inches to the height. Bst swd (E: + 4vP) ld6+5 it was over Arnelee was allowed to join the
Background: Tourlain was head of the Defense H: - 2ACl2
Thieves’ Guild in a major city when he felt Special Deflect (1) Personality: Brisk to the point of gruff-
the call of Immortality. While climbing the Spear (M: + 6vP) 2d4 + 4 ness, Arnelee can easily alienate new ac-
craggy slopes of Death’s Tor he failed every Btl axe (E: + 4vP) ld8+4 quaintances until they get to know her. She is
test and felt sure he was unworthy of his ulti- Defense M: - 3ACl2 loyal to her few true friends, and has learned
mate desire. But an Empyreal of the Sphere Special Delay over the years to be careful before making
of Thought felt otherwise and accepted his Hnd axe (S: + 2vP) ld6+2 commitments. She is tolerant of others iftheir
petition with pleasure. Defense M: - 1AC11 actions do not interfere with her own designs.
Tourlain was quested to fmd the Plume of Fi-
dias, a pen that enables its owner to write in any Strength 18 18/+3
language, plus summon the thoughts of any Intelligence (14) 161+ 2
person to be written down on paper. The quest Wisdom (14) 16/+2
was successful after many years of searching. Dexterity 14 161 + 2
H e then set off in search of a sword ru- Constitution 10 11/+0
mored to possess many destructive and tor- Charisma 10 121R + OIA + 0
Astral and Ethereal Encounters
Astral Encounters
DlOO Roll Type of Encounter Number App Encounter Range Book & Page
01-09 Immortals 1 d6 360' I41
1 24 miles I38
Ethereal Encounters
D20 Roll Type of Encounter Number App Encounter Range Book & Page
01-04 Party, Diaboli 1 60' I3 7
i5 t',asm, biant 2d4 1LU CL 2
13 Plasm Normal
Table 2: The Immortals of Mount Olympus
Armor Class -2 -5 -4 -1 0
Hit Dice
Ability Scores/Modifiers
Armor Clar -8 -4 -1 -5
D 2d8 + 2 Special Special
Plus Special
Str 18 17 12 NA
Con 17 17 14 NA
Char 16 16 16 NA
First NA 5 8 5
Second NA 4 7 5
Fifth NA 1 6 NA
Sixth NA NA 5 NA
Seventh NA NA 5 NA
DR/Poison 2 2 3 2
Ethereal Encounters
Player Name:
Character Name: Weapons
Game Date Character Began Adventuring:
Weapon (Skill) Damage
Game Date Character Attained Immortality:
Power Points:
Anti- Magic:
Mortal Immortal
Charisma Saving Throws
Armor Class Death Ray/Poison:
H D or Level
Hit Points Magic Wands:
Move ParalydStone :
Base T H A C O
Save as
Pregenerated Player Characters
Chapter 3: Tempus Fugit
clouds, indicating the darkness there is not The correct answer to the riddle is “time.” hind him is a modest structure made of the
simply a lack of sunlight. At the edges of the If the players cannot come up with the solu- same magically compressed cloud the charac-
island where the run-off and sea water mix, tion, each of the characters may make an av- ters saw on Epoch’s Isle.
the ocean is a vivid blue-green, qradually fad- erage Intelligence check ( + 30 % modifier) to Fugit: S P Time; RK Empyreal 4; P P
ing to green farther offshore. gain a clue. This check is made by rolling 4,700; A-M 70%; AC - 10; H D 34 (hp 400)
The characters discover that an extreme ld100; if the roll is equal to or lower than the In the distance are extensive holding pens
form of Anti-Magic is in effect on both island character’s modified Intelligence score, he for the days fattened by the giants. Roaming
and the surrounding ocean. Flying characters gains the clue (the clue is “It’s all around freely about the area are even larger four-
plummet into the Ocean when within 100 feet of you! ”). legged creatures with long snouts and ac-
the edges of the islands. Those using gaseous At this level of play, the chance for success tively flicking tongues (these a r e the
form suddenly find themselves in their physical is only about.50%. You may want to suggest aardvark-like years). They look at the PCs
forms and they also crash into the Ocean. To that the players combine their characters’ In- curiously, though they do not seem at all hos-
their dismay, their Power does not work either telligence scores to increase the chance for the tile or aggressive. One casually approaches
(though the cost of any attempt is marked oft). clue given above. one of the pens and flicks its tongue at a day
The characters are temporarily reduced to their If the players cannot solve the first riddle, that is standing close to the fence. The day
physical abilities and their wits. you may have the elementals attack (see be- shrivels immediately, its Time essence sucked
Fugit wished this setup into being to protect low), or pose them a second riddle: into the year.
himself from unwanted callers. There is an in- The blood of life for mortal coil, The wish also extends to this island; the
visible stairway in the center of the island that The enemy of trusted foil, characters are still unable to use Power or
he can lower after his guardians on the lower is- The end and aid to a long day’s toil, Magic. Fugit is under no such constraint, but
land have questioned the visitors to ascertain I am what lies beneath the oil. he is good and has never taken advantage of
their business and their worthiness. The answer, of course, is “water.” The ele- any Immortal. This is his Home Plane, after
T h e only way to get onto the island is to mentals give the same clue as for the first rid- all, and such protections are reasonable.
swim. Make one check for a random en- dle. If the players answer a riddle correctly,
counter on the swim to shore. the waves graciously part so the characters “Welcome to Eon in the Plane of Tempus.
The surface of the lower island is dark and may exit the circle. A narrow corridor has As you may surmise, I am Fugit. Epoch, a
dismal, continuously drenched by the dark been opened through the rain, leading to a most trustworthy giant, informed me of
blue rain from the island above. After slosh- stairway in the center of the Island Beneath. your coming. I trust you have not been
ing 100 feet or so inland, the characters are The steps disappear into the cloud above. too inconvenienced by my protections nor
met by three blue waves. If the characters do not answer the riddle, by my watery friends on the Island Be-
Three water elementals: AC - 2; H D 16 (or either riddle, at the DM’s option) the ele- neath. I have found these precautions nec-
(72 h p each); M V 60’ (20’) Swimming 180’ mentals attack. This is straight Physical essary not only to protect myself, but also
(60‘); AT 1; D 3d8 + special; Save F16; M L Combat, so the characters will be using to ensure I may work uninterrupted.
10; Int 12; AL N Punches in the usual manner (ld6 per plus a “ I sense you have come here for a spe-
T h e elementals are in the form of standing modifier for Strength). If an elemental hits, cific purpose. Always glad to see young
waves eight feet tall and 32 feet wide. The the characters are allowed a Saving Throw Temporals busy at some project. Please,
rain is so heavy and the cloud-earth so wet vs. Physical Blow to take half damage. rest yourselves in my house while we
that for all practical purposes they use their An elemental retreats when reduced to half talk.”
swimming movement rate. They quickly sur- or fewer hit points; its purpose is to guard,
round the party, then stop, waiting expect- not die. The remaining elementals, if still Fugit has been informed if the characters
antly. above halfhit points, spread to reclose the cir- used their Auras in the encounter with the gi-
cle. Once a second elemental is reduced to ants. If applicable, he issues the following ad-
A wet, whispery voice issues from one of half, the contest is over. The elementals re- monition.
the waves. “The Empyreal known as Fu- treat, possibly flinging a bit of spray after the
git bids you welcome to his home. We who characters in a show of poor sportsmanship. “My young friends, Aura is a tine tool but
ward the Island Beneath also welcome Fugit has been watching the match with it must be used properly. Mortals are so
you, and would have you know we mean much amusement. In his mind the characters
impressionable, you know. Never use it
you no harm as of now. played the game as best they could. H e
merely to escape a confrontation. While it
“ O u r purpose is simple. We test all visi- lowers the staircase as previously described.
may seem more humane than hurling
tors to the island. If you pass you may Power and magic, in the long run it tends
continue; if you fail, then you are ours. The Island Above to clutter up a plane with a lot of messy
Thus we riddle you: The stairs lead to the surface of the upper legends that need to be erased at a later
Lover to the maiden, landlord to the island. The change is startling-the sun date. M y advice to you is to rely on your
crone, shines brightly and there is not a cloud in the wits and physical prowess when dealing
Never seen ’til reflected in memory. sky. with mortal creatures.”
A cloak worn and tattered in an old man’s An ageless man stands a few feet away. H e
hands, is clad in a white robe, giving the impression If the PCs treated the giants badly, Fugit
Yet he holds nothing more dear than that that he has sprung from the clouds. H e is sternly rebukes them. After this, his anger is
which has fled.” smiling and holds up his right hand, palm spent and he cordially beckons the PCs to fol-
forward, in the multiversal sign of peace. Be- low him into the building behind him.
Chapter 3: Tempus Fugit
Fugit leads the way into his home, through chance of this occurrence based on Nin-
seemingly endless rooms, halls, and cham- And remember, even though you possess fangle’s Intelligence of 80 (80 minus the
bers. It certainly did not look this extensive powers that surpass those of many crea- user’s Intelligence, the difference multiplied
from the outside. Exquisite works of art are tures, great dangers lie in wait every- by 5). If this handicap takes effect, the Power
displayed throughout the house. The most where. Do not forget that you have Points for the aborted magic are deducted,
interesting are vivid paintings of strangely brains! ” but no effect occurs.
beautiful landscapes and sculptures that
could only be made from water. Fugit leads Fugit hands them the bundle. The object
the way onto a porch providing a splendid may as well be thin air, for there is no discern- Ditto’s Key
panoramic view of his domains. ible weight or volume to it. It is clear their au- This is potentially the most dangerous part
Refreshment appears, though no servant dience is at an end. Fugit gives them of the mission on Tempus. You may want to
entered the room. The food and drink are traveling directions to Ditto’s Key, home of a remind the players to consider taking precau-
odd, but delicious. If asked, Fugit explains repeater named Redux. He warns the PCs to tions if they seem to be getting careless.
how the years feed on the days and the years be very respectful of the creature’s Immortal The purpose is not to destroy the charac-
are transported to worlds without a time cy- rank. The stairway is let down, and Fugit is ters’ forms; similarly, they should not be al-
cle. H e takes great satisfaction in his work, kind enough to clear a path through the per- lowed to kill the repeater. Some damage
obviously pleased with the way he serves his petual rain of the Island Below. should be inflicted, the characters should get
sphere. At the shoreline, the characters experience what they came for, then they should escape
But he is intensely curious as to the charac- a brief rush of vertigo, then find themselves by a hair’s breadth. It should be tense and ex-
ters’ purpose in coming to Tempus and asks on a small island about a quarter mile away. citing, but not deadly.
them outright if they do not volunteer the in- Fugit telekinesed them to the small island. If Fugit directed the characters to yet another
formation the characters look back, they see the wake of cloud island. While Eon is pretty to look at,
~ ~
a dragon turtle crossing the area through the terrain is very monotonous. This island
which they would have swum. Fugit can also has many valleys and hills, but one cloud-
“The snort of a repeater? Gads! that will
be seen in the distance, standing at the edge mountain dominates the island. It is obvious
be most difficult! I have a truce, of sorts,
of the Island Above, smiling and waving. that the repeater should be found somewhere
with the beasts: I don’t bother them and
The PCs’ powers have returned. A detect in the vicinity.
they don’t bother me. Being creatures of
invisible or truesight allows them to see Fu- Redux lairs in a cave in the mountain. H e
Time, I suffer them to exist on this plane,
git’s gift: a net of strands so fine it seems an is aware of the characters’ arrival on his is-
of course, and can direct you to one. Be
impossible construct for even the most ac- land. He is invisible, for the moment. He
extraordinarily careful in your dealings
complished weaver. The width of the mesh, probes each of the characters in turn, if possi-
with the beast. H e is treacherous and al-
though, is about two attoplanes, seemingly ble.
ways hungry!
much too wide for the task at hand. But a de- If a probe is countered with a shield, Re-
“But getting there is the easy part. Tell
tect magic cast on the net registers positive, dux is very irritated. This is his island, after
me, how do you propose to capture the
so maybe it will work as Fugit promised. all, and he expects all visitors to be open, not
The Net is the creation of Ninfangle, an sneaking around or hiding information from
Eternal of the Sphere of Matter. Ninfangle him.
The players may have been wondering the was intent on capturing things generally con- If the probes are allowed, Redux uses ESP
same thing. Force field seems a reasonable sidered incapable of being held. Below are on a PC of the Sphere of Time or Thought,
choice, possibly coupled with a wish. Fugit the statistics for the artifact, determined by attempting to ascertain their intentions. As-
agrees that this is a sensible approach. If the the guidelines in the D&D@ Masters Set, suming these are not hostile (they shouldn’t
PCs ask him directly for aid or suggestions, pages 46-50. be), he drops the invisibility and flies towards
they find Fugit very eager to help. Magnitude: Lesser artifact them. The PCs see a six-winged creature
H e leaves the porch with a promise to re- Power Limits: 2fA, IIB, 2fC, 3D shimmering like a rainbow. If for some rea-
turn shortly. When he does, he holds his arms Sphere: Matter (Fighters, earth) son the characters are purposefully thinking
in front of him as if something is draped over Suggested Powers (PP 200): hostile thoughts, he attacks immediately. Be
them. As far as the characters are concerned, A3 Web 10 very careful with this; you might want to give
it’s an impressive act of mime for there is B3 Haste 30 the players a chance to reconsider.
nothing to be seen. D3 Invisibility 20 Redux is a magnificent creature and is
D5 Force Field 80 proud of his Immortal stature. The charac-
“Isn’t this gorgeous? The finest work- D1 Raise Dead 60 ters should compliment him on his appear-
manship I’ve ever seen anywhere in the ance and rank and abilities, more or less
Multiverse. And I guarantee it will help The Net of Ninfangle can be any size the paying homage to a being far mightier than
you if used properly. owner desires. The possessor knows the they are. If they cater to his vanity, they are
“You look perplexed. Ah yes, with your powers of the Net once he sees it. The item is well on their way to getting what they want.
powers temporarily suspended, you can- used like a casting net, invoking the desired The repeater, on the other hand, is very
not see what I hold. Once you leave my is- power while the Net is in the air. abrasive and condescending in his speech and
land all will be plain. Take this gift and go The only handicap is Magic Error. Any manner. Where Fugit congratulated the PCs
in peace. I wish you success with your pro- time the owner attempts to use spells or spell- on attaining Immortality, Redux belittles the
ject, to whatever worlds you may visit. like effects, there is 25 % chance of error. For achievement. As far as he is concerned, Tem-
Immortal users, calculate the percentile porals are little better than bugs.
:r 3: Tempus Fugit
peater means to slay them for the Power their two treasures into an artifact. “You have done well. The confidence of
Points he can gain-and he gets a satisfying If Terror Aura was used on any giant, Ep- your sponsors when you were mortals was
meal to boot! och communicated this fact telepathically to not misplaced, and, though you be only
Redux tells the characters to make what- Fugit. Fugit is highly respected by the Hier- Temporals, we feel you are worthy of the
ever preparations they desire. Since the Net archs and he passed the information on to Fa- remainder of the task before you.
is naturally invisible, he does not notice its ther Time (Hierarch of the Sphere of Time). “You must now enter the place of your
presence, unless the owner makes a great If the characters treated the giants badly, they mortal homeland, the Prime Plane. Be
show of readying it to cast. If Redux suspects got a stern admonition from Fugit for such aware that the situation there is most deli-
something, he can use detect invisible to see shoddy behavior and, in addition, any PC cate. Your entry into the situation cannot
the object. It doesn’t frighten him, but rather from the Sphere of Time will be castigated by be in your normal forms-the change into
makes him angry. his Hierarch, resulting in no PP gains from your mortal forms is automatic as soon as
Redux: SP Time; R K Empyreal 5; PP this adventure in Tempus. you cross the boundary. It is just as well,
5,000; A-M 75%; AC -13; HI) 25 (hp 400); because the inhabitants of Corunglain in
M V Flying 360’ (120’); AT 6 clawdl bite + 1 the Republic of Darokin have been too
snort; D 2d10 each/8dl0 + special; M L 11;
Making the Artifact greatly traumatized by Immortal power to
Ability Scores all 75; AL L Once the characters have pure elemental comprehend another such invasion.
Redux attacks; the Net poses no physical earth and the repeater’s snort, they can make “Consider, then, the wisdom of using
threat as far as he can determine. Launching the artifact. The DM should consult the Identities familiar to Darokins, useful
himself into melee, he also makes a slam at- D&D@Masters DM Book, pages 45-56, for tools to help you finish this project. Such
tack at a random character (preferably some- guidelines on the procedures. are available for your use.”
one of the Sphere of Energy or Matter). His This would be considered a minor artifact
seven melee attacks are divided equally of 100 Power Points. The PC creator should
among all characters. At the end of the round consider the task the object is to perform be-
he obligingly snorts. fore assigning powers, but he also must keep
If the characters are going to do it, now is in mind that the barrier was erected by En-
the time! When the Net is thrown, no Hit roll tropy and may therefore only be affected by
need be made. The caster of the net should magical effects usable by Entropy. You may
invoke the force field power. This effectively wish to hint at this to keep the players from
closes the mesh, containing anything within. creating an artifact ill-suited to the task. Dis-
It is also portable, unlike a normal force field. integrate or obliterate are therefore obvious
It is possible the PCs may not need the choices. These cost 80 and 90 Power Points
Net. Through a combination of force field, respectively, so there is not much left to play
permanence, and wish they could duplicate with.
the effect, but they simply do not have the A Temporal should not really be expending
time, even on Tempus. Power permanently on an artifact, but they
As soon as the snort is obtained, it is time have help if they check for it. The sample of
to leave. Redux can make mincemeat of the elemental earth contains the necessary 100
characters if they stay more than two rounds. Power Points. A probe reveals that some
Escape can be effected in a number of power is present; a wish or choose best option
ways. Wish, the old standby, can whisk the can confirm that it is enough for the purpose.
party off to some other place on Eon. Teleport Handicaps and penalties are up to you. As
would be equally effective. A gate is not a a suggestion, consider recharging costs, the
good choice, since Redux will definitely fol- Power coming from the wielder (if an Immor-
low. Simple movement is likewise unsatisfac- tal). This loss would be temporary-the Im-
tory, since a repeater can fly as fast as the mortal regains these lost points at the rate of 1
characters. per turn, regardless of the plane’s bias.
Redux will not enter the ocean, however, As for penalties, one should be sufficient.
Leqends Come to Life
sought out the evil red drag:on (2alor. From
I .. .
one rull moon to the next, fire and the clang of
. . _ . The sword is active when ac-
quired. In addition, the owner feels compel-
steel filled the air over the mountains, then all led to forswear all other weapons and is
was quiet. obsessed with caring for the sword.
Balthac was never seen again, and Calor Use of Powers: All powers become known
never again raped the lands of men or dwarf to the mortal user the first time it strikes an
or elf. Many years later a group of adventur- evil creature (Immortals know all the powers
ers went to the mountain. Calor’s bones lay immediately). Powers a r e called forth
bleaching in the fierce sunlight, an elvish through concentration.
blade protruding from the monster’s breast. Suggested Handicaps (3; 20% chance any
Nearby a cairn had been raised as a monu- time the luck ability is used)
ment. The scent of sanctity in the thin air pre- 1. Recharge Costs: The sword must be fed
vented the explorers from disturbing the 100 gp of treasure per P P used.
cairn. Assuming the Champion lay within, 2. The user becomes five to 10 years younger.
they paid homage to Balthac and left all as 3. Magic error: 75 % chance the next power
they found it. called on will not function.
But it is said that in some future time of Suggested Penalties (5; 20% chance when-
trial, Balthac will come forth again with ever a power is used. equal chance for each)
Sinan at his side, called from the Mists of 1. Wounded: User suffers 2d10 points of
Time to wage battle with chaos and evil. damage.
The Fact: Many parts of the legend are 2. Magical destruction: Any other magical
true. Balthac was a 36th-level Fighter and weapon touched by Camb’s owner be-
was very close to attaining Immortal status comes permanently nonmagical.
when Calor caused his untimely death. His 3. Saving throw penalty: - 1 to - 12 penalty
sponsor, though saddened by the hero’s on next saving throw.
death, was proud of Balthac’s accomplish- 4. Flesh to stone: The next humanoid the
ments. H e created a form identical to the user looks at must save vs. Turn to Stone
Fighter’s (not much was left of the original or be petrified.
body) and hid it and Camb in the cairn Sinan 5. Weak Leap: The next time Camb’s owner
built, near the site of the epic battle with Ca- tries to leap, 75 PP are drained and the
lor (Hex #3410). Thus Balthac could still leap is only 10 feet.
serve the Immortals’ interests on the Prime
as an Identity, should such ever become nec- Sinan
The Legend: Sinan the Anointed was a
The legend was not implanted in the minds
great leader of the elven peoples, a gifted
of men by a wish. Balthac was revered by all
woman wise in the ways of people and at-
who knew him, more so by those who only
tuned to the rhythms of the earth. As Bal-
knew him through the tales of his deeds. His
thac’s companion she helped rid the land of
passing was deeply grieved, his role of Cham-
evil, though she was never comfortable in the
pion of Men never filled. Sometimes hope
company of other humans, feeling most were
and justice springing unaided from within
too shallow of mind and too hasty in their
the minds of men are more powerful than Im-
mortal magic.
Though not desirous of Immortality her-
Camb: This two-handed sword was con- self, she understood Balthac’s need and re-
structed by an Eternal of the Sphere of Mat- mained his steadfast companion on his
ter specifically for Balthac. It has no magical
quests. Sinan journeyed to Calor’s lair with
bonus to hit, though this is offset by its tre- Balthac and witnessed his heroic death. It
mendous damage potential. was she who struck Calor’s death blow and
Magnitude: Greater artifact raised a cairn for her fallen friend. She then
Power Limits: 4/A, 3/B, 3/C, 4/D retired to the vastness of Canolbarth Forest,
Sphere: Matter (Fighters, earth)
living in solitude amongst the great trees,
Suggested Powers (495 PP): away from the affairs of men and elves.
A1 Cause Serious Wounds (14hp) 30
Sinan last appears in elven legend as a per-
A5 Leap 60’1 + 4 to hit (DR 1T) 50
son called the Anointed. A host of orcs lead
A5 Triple weapon damage 90
by an evil human wizard named Kazad swept
A1 Disintegrate (R 60‘ EF 1 cr) 80
into Canolbarth, their intent to destroy the
B2 Predict Weather (DR 12h EF 40m) 10 forest and enslave the elves. At the bleakest
B2 Truesight (DR 5 T EF 120’) 50
moment, Sinan rode to battle in a lightship,
B3 Teleport (R 10’) 50
challenging Kazad to single combat, the out-
D1 Cure Critical Wounds (21hp) 35
come to decide the fate of Alfheim.
D 3 Luck (DR 1 T EF choose 1 result) 100
Chapter 4: When Legends Come to Life
Confident in his abilities and treachery, the dragon would sometimes be seen, winging off broke the staff. The item was more powerful
wizard accepted. Away flew the combatants: to places unknown. than the lich imagined, an artifact imbued
Kazad the bird, Sinan the celestial sailor. Up- Such a time came when a great army of with Immortal power. The detonation, coup-
ward they spiraled above the forest, magic swamp undead, hungrily sensing the fresh led with a travel spell (a side effect of the arti-
sparking the air, until their combat appeared life force on the border of their territory, at- fact), exploded Aurum and the lich into the
as between two angry stars in tlhe heavens. tacked in the middle of night. Aurum’s mili- Ethereal Plane with no way to get back.
Then a blackness spread over the sky, com- tary knowledge was desperately needed, but Aurum made short work of the lich after
pletely blocking the sun. Sinan’s lightship he was not to be found. that, the explosion having done a great deal
failed without the light of the sun to sustain it. All hope fled in the face of overwhelming of damage to her. Severely injured himself,
At the last she conjured a mighty magic, for a numbers, but the Darokins fought on with Aurum floated listlessly in the Ether.
massive explosion ripped the heavens. Two dogged fatalism. Few heard the rush of wings The Star Dragon, Ruler of all Lawful
objects streaked across the blackened sky like from the west, the tumult was so great, but all Dragons, had taken notice of Aurum some
shooting stars and vanished over the eastern saw the blast of flame and those in the front centuries before and had followed his prog-
horizon. line felt its searing heat. Wheeling above the ress with a watchful eye. Seeing him in trou-
Both orcs and elves stood paralyzed, city, its form illuminated by the flames of un- ble now, the Star Dragon came to his aid. As
dumbfounded by the cataclysm. When it be- dead transformed into torches, was a gold a reward for advancing the cause of Law and
came apparent that both champions had per- dragon. dragonkind, Aurum was made one of the
ished, the war ended by mutual consent. The Twice more the great dragon swooped, Ruler’s attendants The Star Dragon caused
orcs left Canolbarth, never to return. The scathing the host of walking dead with its fi- the new stars to appear in the sky over Earth
martyrdom of Sinan saved the forest ever- ery breath. Most were slain, but the strongest so that humankind would pay homage to dra-
more for the elves of Alfheim. remained. The dragon landed to finish the gonkind and Aurum in particular.
The Fact: Sinan was a 10th-level elf at the battle and was last seen driving the loathe- The Star Dragon was so pleased by Au-
time of the conflict with Kazad Though not some creatures back into the swamp. rum’s deeds on the Prime that he duplicated
well known in the lands of humans, her mem- T h e Darokins set about assessing the the golden dragon’s form down to the last
ory as a savior is kept alive in all elven lands. night’s business, cursing Aurum for desert- scale and stored it safely in Malpheg-gi
Balthac’s Immortal sponsor had, at the ing them at such a time. Then, from the Swamp (Hex #2323). H e has made it known
time of the lord’s death, decided that an Iden- depths of Malpheggi, arose a baleful scream. to other Lawful Immortals that the form is
tity based on Sinan would be a fitting com- The startled people saw a ball of scintillating available for their use in the cause of fighting
panion for Balthac, should the need ever golden sparkles hurtle skywards. Ever up- chaos and evil.
arise. A form was readied, securely hidden ward it traveled, as if it would never descend
away in the mountains not far from Balthac to earth. Ascalon
(in Hex #3612). The spot is fittingly marked And it never did. When it was but the The Legend: Generations ago on the
by a lone oak tree, now grown to massive pro- merest speck against the black sky, the ball northern shore of Lake Amsorak lived a man
portions. burst into a shower of golden sparks. For a of peace, a healer called Ascalon. Those in
week they shimmered in the heavens, coa- need of aid were never refused, and the door
Aurum lescing into a new constellation in the night of his house was always open to those stricken
sky over Darokin. in body or spirit. The touch of his staff
The Legend: T h e wisdom of lawful The day after the battle, a party of Daro-
dragons is born of the rocks of the Earth itself, brought a magical healing to the ill and lame.
kin’s strongest fighters penetrated the Far to the east lay the village of Corun-
or so it seems. The winged reptiles seem out swamp. No walking undead were to be seen,
of touch in the world of men. Their actions, glain, drowsing peacefully between the forks
and in the midst of a knot of twisted bodies of the Streel. But the idyll was not to con-
perhaps misunderstood at the time, more of- they found Aurum’s twin spears.
ten than not prove judicious and a benison to tinue. From the north came a pestilence born
That the fighter and the dragon were one on a bitter wind. The healers did what they
men. in the same came as bitter news. Those who
Such is the legend of Aurum, a huge gold could, but the wind blew relentlessly, darken-
had cursed his name the night before now ing the sky and undoing in a n instant their
dragon who befriended the race of men that sought to do him honor. Contemplating the
sailed northward into the rivers of Malpheggi work of hours.
new constellation, the wise men of the city A plea for aid went out across the land,
Swamp: the founders of Darokin. saw a dragon in that collection of new stars
Aurum lived at that time in the hills west of reaching Ascalon on the shores of the lake.
and named it Draco Aurum in honor of their Heedless of the warnings of those about him,
the Streel River, west of what is now the city mentor. And the crossed twin spears of the
of Darokin. Glad for the company of men, he he shouldered his pack and, staff in hand,
fighter became the symbol of the Republic of strode off to the aid of Corunglain so many
appeared one day in the guise of a fighter, Darokin.
striding alone from the hills across the river miles away
The Fact: The Legend of Aurum is sur- A full month of walking brought Ascalon
with two long spears resting casually on his prisingly true to the facts of the situation. His
shoulder. Very knowledgeable of these lands, into the practically dead town. The north
true form was never associated with the fight- wind still blew, the disease it carried a palpa-
he counseled the colonists and helped them er’s disappearance because the early Daro-
found the city, then but a smalll collection of ble thing. Doing what he could to help the be-
kins, thankful the creature chose not to attack leaguered clerics, Ascalon soon saw it was a
huts with few permanent buildings. them, never made the association.
Mysteriously, Aurum would disappear at losing battle. Whatever was causing the ill-
The leader of the Malpheggian undead wind must be stopped.
times, seemingly when his help or advice was was a lich who possessed what she thought
needed most. It was then that a huge gold Taking nothing but his staff, he struck off
was a staff of wizardry Sensing defeat, she
Chapter 4: When Legends Come f:o Life
into the wilderness north of Corunglain. The lon’s body in the skiff for its final journey. ened rocks. The cairn is majestic in its loneli-
last sight of Ascalon was his back, shoulders The reaction of the Corunglainians to Asca- ness, in its mute tribute to a fallen champion.
hunched against the northern blast as a he Ion’s mystical reappearance was an addi- The mountaintop affords a panoramic view
strode into the Broken Lands, tional healing experience, as the Immortal west and south across Darokin and Alf-
Nothing changed for several days, and the wished it to be. heim, east toward distant Rockhome, and
people of Corunglain felt sure that Ascalon, The Immortal was much taken with Asca- north to the steppes of the Ethengar Khanate.
though apparently immune, had finally suc- Ion’s devotion to his fellow man. The cleric’s The air is thin and clear as new ice, the sun-
cumbed to the plague. No one really noticed body was recovered from the ocean, re- light harsh. It is quiet, the silence of a place
when the wind stopped; one day it simply paired, and hidden away in the mountains that has seen and heard the contest of heroes
wasn’t there. The air and sky cleared, a light north of Lake Amsorak (Hex #1811). and cannot now brook the intrusion of mun-
breeze sprang from the west and south, dane sound.
bringing a gentle, cleansing rain. Those
stricken but not yet dead recovered quickly. Getting Started The peak is scattered with blackened rocks
of all sizes, remnants of a mighty battle. A
And everyone asked where Ascalon was. Entering the Prime Plane huge, reptilian skeleton lies prone on the
Weeks passed. Then on a fine day a small, granite, a sword protruding from between its
The PCs must assume their mortal forms
besailed skiff was seen gliding down the east ribs.
when they revisit the Prime. A gate spell
fork of the Streel. Lying supine across its The sword should spark some interest if the
places the characters about 20 miles above
seats was Ascalon, his features as composed players paid attention to the legends. The
the surface of the planet. From here they may
in death as they were in life. His staff lay at blade belonged, of course, to Sinan. After
easily see all the area that concerns the adven-
his right hand, its heel a splintered wreck. slaying the dragon, she left her sword, in trib-
ture (see the map on the inside cover).
But in that ship of death there was life, for the ute not only to the fallen Balthac but to the
The Identities were selected because their
head of the staff sprouted with the new, green mighty Calor as well. It is a normal sword + 4
saviour images blend so well with the history
growth of spring. (Weapon Class C). It may be taken without
of Darokin and the crisis at hand. They may
As the boat rode the current past Corung- penalty (Calor will not rise from the dead),
be attained in any order, though it is sug-
lain, the last vestiges of the pestilence disap- and it will be a useful addition for the P C who
gested that the PCs start with Balthac and
peared. New growth sprang from the earth as will portray Sinan.
work their way counterclockwise around the
if in response to a call. No one stopped the If the players ask if the cairn has been re-
map, picking up Sinan, Aurum, and Ascalon
skiff on its journey, content to commit the cently disturbed, tell them that one of the
along the way. Thus all four Identities may
healer’s remains to the ocean far away. characters must make an average Wisdom
make a triumphal entry into what is left of
The Fact: Ascalon and his staff ofhealing check ( + 30 modifier). If successful, the char-
is a favorite legend of the Darokins, some- acters learn that none of the stones appear to
Describe the terrain the PCs arrive in as
times even confused with earlier myths in have been recently moved.
befits the situation. If they choose to descend
which Ascalon becomes closely associated A whispering demon has already occupied
into a city you should strongly discourage it:
with the seasons of the earth as a bringer of Balthac’s form. The Immortals of Entropy
trauma to the natives, etc. There is no one
spring and fertility. are aware of the legends of this land. They
about when they come to Earth.
In the Broken Lands, Ascalon encountered chose to lie in wait to see if any meddlers
a demon whose breath was the cause of the would show up.
Assuming the Identities
pestilence. After a battle lasting several days, The form may be occupied without dis-
Ascalon was triumphant, though he realized Each Identity is magically protected (some mantling the cairn. X-ray vision or some
that his own death from the demon’s poison of the methods are alluded to in the explana- other magical vision enhancement reveals the
was near. tions of the legends). These protections must form within the cairn. But when a character
Standing over the demon’s form, he was be removed before the form can be occupied attempts to occupy it. his life force is repulsed
compelled to strike its head a massive blow by an Immortal. by the resident demon’s. The character must
that shattered his staff. Startled by his act of To assume an Identity, an Immortal makes remain incorporeal or spend 50 PP to reinha-
violence, he knelt and prayed to his god. In a temporary expenditure of 50 PP. The Im- bit his own form.
answer, a n Immortal servant of the deity ap- mortal’s own form may then be hidden by The cairn may be partially dismantled, an
peared as a shining figure amidst the desola- whatever means seems prudent to the player. easy enough task using either Strength or
tion. It is suggested that all the player characters’ magic. In short order the form of Balthac is
“Ascalon, you have proven yourself a forms be left undisturbed so they may be eas- revealed, lying supine in its rocky cradle. It is
healer of your people and your god thanks ily assumed at the end of the adventure. the figure of a man 6’ 6” tall, well muscled
you. Your death is nigh, yet I will not halt it. and showing the scar3 of many battles-truly
Be content with the good you have done and a fighter’s fighter. The face has strong, angu-
rest .” Finding the Identities lar features and is wreathed with a full, au-
burn beard. The great sword Camb lies along
T h e apparition dissolved and Ascalon was
startled to see his staff start to sprout new Balthac’s Cairn the length of the body, from Balthac’s chin to
leaves. Thinking them an evil sending from Calor’s Hump, as the mountain is known, the toes of his boots.
the demon’s blood on his staff he tried to pull is quite tall. The peak is perhaps 5,000 feet When a P C makes the attempt to change
them off. But he found the growth wholesome above the tree line. At this time of year there forms, the whispering demon attacks. Bal-
and pure. Then finally did Ascalon die in is a dusting of snow on the summit. thac rises from the rocks and swings Camb at
peace. Dominating the crag is a huge pile of black- the nearest target, using one of the sword’s
The Immortal reappeared and put Asca- powers (suggest cause serious wounds, triple
Chapter 4: When Legends Come to Life
weapon damage, or leap, the last especially if Sinan’s Oak Opening it reveals a small compartment that
no one is within melee range). The demon holds Sinan’s Identity.
Sinan’s Identity lies some 70 miles south-
continues to attack as long as feasible, re- Anyone who appreciates elven beauty can-
east of Calor’s Hump. The mountains here
sponding in kind to Power attacks, of course. not help but be taken by her features. Lithe of
are somewhat shorter, some with tops below
Whispering demon: SP Entropy; R K Ini- build, the delicate features belie the strength
the tree line. In accordance with the legend,
tiate; P P 400; A-M 70%; AC -6; H D 15 (75 of the perfectly toned muscles. Sinan’s eyes
one mountain is crowned with a large oak,
hp); M V 120’ (40’) Incorporeal 24 mpr; AT are a piercing gray reminiscent of forest
the only such landmark to be seen.
1; D id10 or id10 + 14 or 3d10 (depending mists, her hair a tumble of reddish brown
The summit is mostly flat and covers a
on sword ability used, if any); Save as Initi- tresses. Unarmored, she is clad in green leg-
roughly circular area 500 feet in radius. The
ate; ML; Int 17;AL C gings and a brown hunting smock.
oak somehow grows from the solid rock close
Balthac should not be physically damaged; In the back of the compartment is a pleas-
to the center of the platea.u.
the body, after all, is integral to the mission ant surprise; a long bow + 2.
When the characters i2pproach to withir1
ahead. By using Power and Ability Score at- The character taking Sinan’s role may now
100 feet of the tree, it disappears and then re
tacks, the demon can be driven from the .. .
appears one to four rounds later in a random
occupy the form and make whatever magical
form. enhancements are deemed necessary.
position at least 100 feet from the nearest
Use of spells and spell-like effects is all right
character. The tree persists in this evasive
in this desolate area where there are no mor- Combat Details for Sinan
action regardless of what physical moves
tals to observe. Sinan has no special mastery with the
(leaping, etc.) or positions they take.
The whispering demon’s form is hidden sword the characters may have recovered
This protection was devised by the creator
away far down one side of Calor’s Hump. from Calor’s bones. Damage is ld8. Sinan is
of Sinan’s form to prevent any mortal adven-
When reduced to less than 100 PP, the demon capable of all the fighter options, but as an Elf
turer from finding it. Adventurers gave up on
abandons Balthac by assuming incorporeal is limited to not more than three attacks per
the problem long ago; even wishes do not
form and reoccupies its normal form. When round. Smash, Parry, and Disarm are usable
seem to work here.
this happens, Balthac slumps to the ground as described in the D&DQ Players Compan-
The solution is to realize that the tree tra-
like an empty sack. The demon’s intent now ion Book (page 18).
vels to the Ethereal Plane when it disappears.
is to fly to Olympus and inform its superiors Sinan is a Master with the long bow.
If the players do not come up with this on
that other Immortals have indeed come to the Ranges are 130/180/240. Damage is 3d6 vs.
their own, they may get a clue by making a
Prime with the intent of assuming Identities. Class M opponents, ldlO + 4 vs. any other
difficult Intelligence check ( - 5 modifier). If
The characters may pursue, of course, and target. She can Delay man sized or small tar-
successful you may tell them that. the tree
should to prevent the spy from completing its gets if hit (save vs. Paralysis or lose initiative
does not become invisible but rather travels
mission. One or more could also become in- the next round). In addition, she may add a
elsewhere for a short time.
corporeal and give pursuit, continuing the bonus of - 2 to her Armor Class against up to
One or more characters may enter the
Power attack. Another possibility is for two two attacks from hand-held or thrown weap-
Ethereal Plane while another character forces
or more PCs to fly down and around the ons.
the tree to move. If the tree can be caught
mountain, looking for the demon’s form. The
while ethereal, the character(s) may ride it
characters fly twice as fast as the demon. The Unmiring of Aurum
back. Catching it can be a real problem be-
When the demon has been eliminated or
cause the oak can appear anywhere from 100 Malpheggi Swamp is perhaps the most
has escaped, Balthac’s form may be occupied
to 1,000 feet away (ld100 times lo), but it re- desolate and unsavory piece of territory
by expending 50 PP. The player may wish to imaginable. Acre upon acre of mire and
mains in the Ether for one to four rounds.
add a few enhancements through additional muck stretch endlessly in all directions. Foot-
When one PC is in the Ether, check how far
Power expenditures, at his or her option. ing is treacherous as in any bog, and there are
from him the tree appears and how long it re-
mains. If the character cannot reach it in the usual number of small, annoying swamp
Combat Details for Balthac time, it blinks back to the Prime. creatures. A cloying mist constantly rises up
The statistics for this form are listed on Ta- from decaying vegetation, limiting normal
If more than one character enters the
ble l (page 26). Remember to substitute the Ether, plot their positions relative to each vision to less than half a mile.
values of the PC’s Intelligence and Wisdom The characters can wander here forever
other on a sheet of hex paper. Select one char-
(noted by an “?” in the table). acter as a point of reference for the appear- and not find Aurum. A locate objector a wish
Balthac was a Master with the two-handed pinpoints the Identity’s location in the fea-
ance of the oak (it appears 100 to 1,000 feet
sword. Base damage against a primary target tureless quagmire. A little digging reveals the
from him); roll ld6 to determine in which di-
(any creature attacking with missiles or natu- rection. Now it is apparent how far each of glint of golden scales, but as the excavation
ral weaponry) is 3d6 + 3; any other target is the characters is from this strange tree. It is a widens, the body disappears as if sucked
2d8 + 3. If the target is man sized or smaller, simple matter to determine if any character deeper into the mud.
there is a chance of a stun (save vs. Death can reach it before it blinks again. Aurum’s form lies in a pool of quicksand;
Ray or move at one-third speed, + 2 penalty As soon as anyone comes out of the Ethe- the jostling of the exhumation is causing it to
to AC, - 2 penalty on all saves) and also the real Plane in contact with the tree, it stops its sink. A difficult Strength check ( - 5 modi-
ability to deflect up to two attacks (save vs. skittish movement and does not blink out fier), telekinesis (enough to lift 20,000 cn), or
Death Ray for each). again. Now to find the form. The oak’s trunk the nonspell effect buoyancy to 20,000 cn can
If Camb’s cause serious wounds ability is seems quite sound and solid, but any magical prevent it from sinking. It is important that
used, damage is 3d6 + 1 7 or 2d8 + 17. The tri- detection aid reveals a clever latch and lock all the characters be occupied in freeing the
ple damage ability causes 9d6 + 9 or 6d8 + 9 mechanism concealed in the rough bark. golden dragon’s form.
points of damage.
Chapter 4: When Lege:nds Come to Life . - a * ”
Silently, in a ring surround ing the charac- ralysis at a penalty equal to the damage done
I only handicap of the item is a 75 % chance the
ters, undead rise like mist fr om the muck. by the Kick or be stunned for one round and artifact’s power is directed at the owner in-
Aurum is well known to undead as a menci*r
. - .
_---_*I.--_~.l 4n.e f w i a t i v eon the next.
_”“” stead of the intended target. Immortals may
who practically destroyed all Mal1jheggian The victims of Tail attacks must save vs. make a save vs. Spells at a - 6 penalty to
undead. Centuries ago the more iritelligent Paralys is as with a Kick (including the pen- avoid the effect.
undead discovered the form. It looked alive, * alty), Fdus they are disarmed if the save is Brissard broke the staff ofhealing into four
yet did not move. They could not Ll oa,.a-l l l l :+
iaucu. Disarmed opponents may spend the pieces and laid them in a shallow depression
Puzzled, these creatures have been gathering
ever since out of a stranee and fearful fascina-
tion with this dragon who slew so many un-
- round retrieving the weapon or switch weap-
ons. Initiative on the following round is lost
‘ ‘in any event.
in the northeast corner of the cave. Once in
place he made them invisible.
Using a ring of wishes, he wished that the
dead. Now that someone is tamDerine. with it.
1 u
The ranpe u of Aurum’s
. .. s 66
. attacks i--
0 -- magical detection aids (truesight, detect in-
they are angry. They want to keep Aurum foi feet. Anyone hit must save vs. Paralysis at a visible, danger, evil, and find traps) would
themselves. penalty equal to the damage inflicted by the give false readings here. H e further wished
45 wights: AC 5; H D 3 (14 or be stunned. The victim cannot attack that detect evil and detect danger would give
90’ (30’); AT 1; D energy drain concentrate, suffers a penalty of + 4 to his benign readings whenever cast in the area of
12; Int 5; AL C mor Class, and moves at l/3 his normal the artifact, regardless of its location.
35 wraiths: AC 3; H D 4 (18 H e summoned a druj skull and two druj
120’ (40’) Flying 240’ (80’); A eyes. Touching the staff to the skull (eyes in
energy drain; Save F4; M L 11I ; Int 7; AL C Attzck Options and Damages the sockets), Brissard uttered the command
20 spectres: AC 2; HD 6 (27 hp each); word. The druj were sucked into the artifact
MV 150’ (50’) Flying 300’ (100’); AT 1; D Option instead of himself. With a sigh of relief he
Form Damage
Id8 + double energy drain; Sav e F 6 ; M L d l ; placed the staff in Ascalon’s hand, resealed
SWOOP Claw 4d4
Int 8; AL C the door, and piled the disturbed debris back
Claw 4d4
This should be a tense, but n ot deadly, situ- in place.
Bite 6d6 + 8
ation for the characters. The undead attack The door opens inward easily after the
Hover Claw 4d4
before Aurum is freed from the quicksand. At seals are broken. The alcove is of natural
Claw 4d4
least one character must face tlhem, probably rock, like a small, shallow cave. The uncor-
Bite 6d6 + 8
trying to turn them, while the Jrest struggle to rupted body of Ascalon lies on a narrow shelf
Kick 4d4
save the form from sinking. Atirum is not ca- of rock at the rear of the room, his famous
Kick 4d4
pable of movement on his own until he is out staff held in his right hand.
Tail 4d4
of the muck. Ascalon’s body is very thin and frail-
Crush 6d6 + 8
There are many clever wa ys the players looking. The face is clean shaven, revealing a
(20‘ r.)
could get Aurum: teleport an)I object, occu- rather weak chin. The eyes are a startling
pying the form and teleportingI, plane travel, blue, and the lines around the mouth reveal
etc. Most anything should WOI-k. You, as the
Ascalon Reborn that Ascalon smiled easily and often.
D M , should keep pressure (in them with The area purported to be the resting place The broken staff can be found by using dis-
wave after wave of undead. TIle character(s) of Ascalon lies in extreme northern Darokin, pel magic to counter its invisibility. But a de-
opposing the attackers should ountains that form the boundary tect evil will give a positive result since a staff
to keep them at bay. with Glantri. The vast reach of Lake Am- of healing can be considered good.
Once the dragon is free, the the plain to the south. Experienced players will expect the tomb
cupying the form can pretty rnuch have his he site is well off the beaten path, located has somehow been tampered with, despite
way with the remaining undea it is high on a mountain peak. The Immor- the appearances and assurances to the con-
paralyzed with terror when Au placed the form here must have trary. The wishes used by Brissard do not al-
first attack, then flee the area a s fast as possi- trusted that the tomb would remain undis- low the usual safeguards to function. The
ble . turbed, as it is not hidden in any way. A stone tipoff is the doorway. If the debris is searched
The player taking the role of Aurum may doorway is plainly visible. Upon inspection with truesight, tiny flakes of wax can be
wish to consider assumins h m a n tnrm when
. 1 . . . . . . . .
. _---- wax
t h e &nor I C c p i l l r r l i n t h P iilmh with
--__I found. In addition, the door’s surface under
near human habitations . All are intact, and the threshold is cov- the seals is marked with fine scratches, also
ory of Aurum is revered, with wind-blown debris. visible with truesight.
eting to see a great winsred lizard or to heat Orcus, whom Night (the Hierarch c)f En- The characters could also counterwish if
the rush of its passage. [f speed is of the es- py) has placed in charge of the elimiriation they surmise their detection attempts are be-
sence, Aurum is capable e Immortals on Olympus, foresavv that ing nullified. The wording must be precise.
three characters with no movement penalty. any Immortals who sought to inte rvene “ I wish all magical detection aids to function
would assume Identities. H e dispatche:d the normally” will not set things right because
Combat Details for Auirum hispering demon to Balthac’s cairn, and a the spells do work here, it’s the results that
When attacking from the ground, Auru uman Celestial of Entropy named B rissard are the problem. “Reversal,” or some similar
may attack with claws, 7 Ascalon’s tomb. word or phrase, is the keyword.
attacks; from the air, he Brissard entered the tomb and took the When a PC occupies the form, everything
Hover or Crush (the iattack farm. ,._.__ ___ __
taffnfhpnlinu u . _He _ _ rnnctnirted
complete with shattered foot and sprouting
-r..-~ of it, seems normal. However, the command word
for the staff is ‘‘Balthac.” Listen closely to the
these options are listed on this page). L.
Victims of Kick attacks must save vs. Pa- ” top, and gave iIt one power: life trapping. The player who assumes Ascalon’s form. When
Chapter 4: When Legends Come to Life
he says “Balthac” while in character, roll both characters must be careful not to exceed aged from altering the appearance of the
ld4. O n any result but a “4,” he must save the limits of Spell Progression, lest a mortal forms. Let the people see mighty Balthac and
vs. Spells at - 6 (his Immortal saving throw, be watching. sylphic Sinan together once more to battle
since this is in essence an attack by the Power evil, see magnificent Aurum gliding through
in the artifact) or be sucked into the staff. Movement the skies of Darokin like the constellation
This effect could be delayed for some time, come to Earth, see frail Ascalon trudge deter-
Universal movement is still possible while
depending on the roll of the die and your minedly once again into the wreck of the Bro-
posing as the Identities because it is a prop-
players’ habits in using names. ken Lands to heal the land’s woes. The
erty of the Immortal life force, not the form.
If a character is trapped, the dlruj skull and reward for playing these roles to the hilt is not
Obviously, flying and gaseous form should be
druj eyes are freed. Each character must save the mere neutralizing of the damage caused
used only in extreme emergencies. Move-
vs. Power Drain or lose initiative. The skull by some misguided Immortals, it is the op-
ment should be. generally governed by the
and eyes attack separately, attacking anyone portunity to save a nation.
forms of the Identities. Since three of them
who lost initiative in preference to other PCs. In this vein, the players must put aside
are human, the walking rate is 120’ (40’).
Druj skull: AC -4; H D 14 (63 hp); M V their own characters for a time and immerse
90’ (30‘); AT 1; D 2d4 + poison; Save F14; themselves in the Identities. When mortals
M L 11; Int 14; AL C Encounters With Mortals are encountered, the players should provide
Two druj eyes: AC -4; HID 14 (55 hp and the Use of Aura counsel and lift their spirits by showing their
each); M V 90’ (30’); AT 1; D poison; Save The possibility exists for several encount- resolve to assume this burden that is too great
F14; M L 11; Int 14; AL C ers with men and elves. How the PCs conduct for mortals to bear.
Druj poison is of the “save or die” variety, themselves in these situations has a bearing Aura should be used sparingly, if at all.
so for an Immortal this means he or she takes on X P and P P awards at the end of the The mere physical appearance of the Identi-
l d 6 points of damage per round until the poi- adventure-the Hierarchs are most certainly ties has much the same effect, though more
son is neutralized. keeping an eye on the situation! one of respect than worship. If Aura is used,
The life trapping ability costs 100 P P and O n the surface it seems the safest approach the effect elevates the Identities to godhood-
drains the artifact. It cannot be recharged for would be for each character to polymorph his not desirable at all. The impression should be
20 turns. A trapped character can only be form into humans not so easily recognizable. that the legendary figures are wholly mortal,
freed by trapping another creature in the Thus in any encounters with mortals the PCs not gods, and that mortals can set this situa-
staff. are just average adventurers. tion right without divine help. This gives the
But consider the Identities themselves. mortals self-respect and a sense of being in
Use of Power and Magic Balthac in particular is prophesied to return control of their destinies.
in the republic’s darkest hour. Aurum saved Aura use will cause mortals to flock to see
Once in the new forms, the characters may the new gods come to earth, greatly compli-
Darokin once, as Ascalon did Corunglain.
want to expend some Power to enhance Ar- cating the situation. Several wishes would de-
The lives of the people of this area are in total
mor Class, Anti-Magic, and so m. This is le- finitely be necessary to erase the memory
disarray-recall the destruction of Darokin’s
gitimate, and may be safely (done in the from mortal minds. meaning the characters
army when it marched on Olympus. Border-
wilderness settings where the Identities are would be penalized Power Points. You should
ing nations no doubt are casting a covetous
hidden. therefore discourage the use of Aura in most,
eye on the weakened republic. All this has
The characters must be very careful when if not all, cases.
been brought on by the ill-advised actions of
exercising their Immortal powers in the pres-
Immortals (not only the impostor gods but
ence of mortals, especially spell use. Use of Traveling Between
Entropy as well) and should be set right if at
Power is permissible, but it must be done in
all possible. Identity Locations
such a way that it fits the Identity.
The morale of the inhabitants can be im-
For example, the player portraying Bal- The players may choose whatever routes
proved immensely if they could see their leg-
thac may want to use Power to add a bonus to they want, of course, but they may have to
endary heroes going to meet the present visit a city (Selenica or Darokin are likely pos-
his Identity’s Hit rolls or weapon damage.
menace. This cannot be accomplished if the
This is just fine, as either effect is within the sibilities) to pick up some necessary equip-
PCs disguise the Identities. If the mission is ment. In light of the previous discussion, the
keeping of his class, and it is completely be-
accomplished in this manner, the threat may
lievable that a legendary fighter could strike a characters should be played openly; any
be removed, but the citizens will have no idea equipment desired will be freely given, sav-
formidable opponent with ease and do mas-
how, nor any reason to believe these disasters ing the Power required to create the items.
sive damage.
will not happen again. They will remain If not all the Identities have been acquired
O n the other hand, a fighter casting a fire
shaken and weak, easy prey for any invader. yet, those characters still in their mortal
ball is likely to raise more than a few eye-
When figures of legend come forth to meet forms who are strangers should act subservi-
brows and could easily result in exposure of
a doom and conquer it, there is a sense of
the Identity as an Immortal. Prudent use of ent to any Identity. Otherwise mortal wit-
finality-this menace will never rise again. nesses will have a difficult time believing that
Power is the key.
The pride of the people in their history and their legendary heroes have really returned,
The PCs taking the Identities of Sinan and
nation is strengthened, and they work to- instead tending to be believe they are the vic-
Ascalon must have been a magic-user and a
gether with newfound strength to repair the
cleric, respectively, in their mortal existence. tims of a cruel joke.
damage and go on. But this can only happen
Sinan must take a spell book along to carry
if they see their legends come to life.
off the charade of memorizing spells, even if
Therefore the players should be discour-
this is not actually done. When using spells,
to Life
The chimerae attack in defense of their ter- battle so long ago and where has she been.
ritory, viewing the PCs as interlopers. They The character must give satisfying answers.
are unaffected by Aura. The elves want to join the party, which cer-
Cleric: AC 2; H D 9 (40 hp); M V 120’ tainly is more of a hindrance than a help.
(40‘); AT 1; D ld6; AP 1; Save C9; M L 12; Sinan (or any other character if the Sinan
Int 14; AL L Identity has not been occupied) should tell
Acolytes: AC 6 ; H D 1 ; M V 120’ (40‘); AT the elves to return to the forest, giving them a
1; D ld6; AP 2d10; Save C1; M L 9; Int 11; good reason for such actions and making
AL L them feel they are being helpful in going
Any group of clerics encountered are en away.
route to Darokin, Selenica, or Corunglain. Fighter: AC 2; H D 7; M V 120’ (40‘); AT
They are well aware of the situation in and 1; D 2d4; AP ld6 + 5; Save F7; M L 10; Int 8;
around Corunglain, and bemoan the fate AL any; XP 450 each
that the gods have visited upon their country. Any fighters encountered are adventurer
The head cleric definitely recognizes any of types who ask the characters to join them on
the Identities. He wants to spread the news an adventure. If the characters agree, you
that there is reason to hope the crisis is at an may run them with any type of encounter be-
end. The PCs may wish to dissuade him of fitting the area. The characters should be
this if they feel their presence should not be challenged, but must resolve the situation
revealed as yet. The cleric agrees, but ap- without using their Immortal abilities.
pears troubled and starts asking questions. Hill Giant: AC 4; H D 8; M V 120’ (40’);
The characters must give him satisfying an- AT 1; D 2d8; AP 2d4; Save F8; M L 8; Int 7;
swers without revealing their true natures. AL C ; XP 650 each; Book X50
Cockatrice: AC 6 ; H D 5; M V 90’ (30‘) Mountain Giant: AC 0; H D 18; M V 150‘
Flying 180‘ (60’); AT 1; D ld6 + petrifica- (50’); AT 1; D 5d10; AP ld20; Save F18; M L
tion; AP 2d4; Save F5; M L 7; Int 2; AL N; 9; Int 11; AL N; X P 3,475 each; Book M30
XP 425 each; Book X47 Any giants encountered want to talk with
These dumb creatures can be frightened the characters rather than fight, inviting the
off by killing half the number appearing. Re- PCs to their lairs for rest and refreshment.
member that the characters may choose any They want to sit around the fire and talk,
saving throw number they wish if they must talk, talk, refusing to let the PCs leave. The
save vs. Petrification, but a 1 always fails. characters must figure out away to make an
Black Dragon: AC 0; H D 10 + 3 (large); exit without insulting their hosts. You may
M V 120’ (40’) Flying 300‘ (100‘); AT any ex- decide if the method they choose is adequate
cept wing; D Bite or Crush 2d10 + 4, all oth- or whether it enrages the giants and precipi-
ers l d 6 + 2 each; AP ld3; Save F21; M L 9; tates a fight.
Int 12; AL C ; XP 3,000 each; Book C29 Grab grass: AC 9; H D 20; M V 0; AT 1; D
Red Dragon: AC - 3; H D 15 (large); M V special; AP NA; Save Normal Man; M L 12;
120‘ (40’) Flying 300‘ (100’); AT any except Int 0; AL N; X P 10; Book C34
wing; D Bite or Crush 4d8 + 4 , all others This is simply an annoyance for the char-
ldlO + 1 each; AP ld3; Save F30; M L 10; Int acters. If you wish, however, an adventuring
12; AL C ; X P 4,200 each; Book C29 party may be stuck in the grass for the charac-
Any dragon encountered can talk but may ters to rescue. This would also provide an-
or may not use spells (your option). These are other human contact for the characters and
meant as role-playing encounters, though ei- another role-playing opportunity.
ther type of dragon can be goaded into attack- Gremlin: AC 7; H D 1; M V 120’(40‘); AT
ing if insulted. Both types are aware that special; D special; AP 2d4 + 4; Save Elf 1;
many creatures of death are abroad, though M L 12; Int 9; AL C ; XP 16 each; Book C32
they have no specific knowledge of what is More annoyances, but the gremlins do not
happening on Mount Olympus-even hang around long if the characters make
dragons are afraid to fly near there. threatening actions or actually slay one of the
Elf leader: AC 2; H D 8; M V 120‘ (40’); creatures.
AT 1; D ld6; AP 1; Save Elf 8; M L 16; Int Griffon: AC 5; H D 7; M V 120’ (40’) Fly-
14; AL N; X P 1,200; Book B30 ing360‘(120’); AT 2 clawdl bite; D ld4/ld4/
Elf followers: AC 6 ; H D 2; M V 120’ 2d8; AP 2d8; Save F4; M L 8; Int 2; AL N;
(40’); AT 1; D ld6; AP 2d12; Save Elf2; M L X P 450 each; Book X51
12; Int 12; AL N; XP 25 each; Book B30 Creatures of such low intelligence persist
Elves immediately recognize Sinan, if that in attacking, especially if the characters have
Identity is present, and are worshipful of her. acquired any horses. Otherwise they curi-
They pester the character portraying her with ously circle around the PCs, trying to decide
questions about what happened in the epic if the characters are good to eat.
Iter 4: When Legends Come to Life
Chanter 5 : Thunder Over Qlvmnus
The crowas mom Lorunglain trail me cnarac- sponsorea DY iillitna ror immortill status. arissara assumes gaseous rorm to return to
ters as they begin the final leg of their goal. You may recall he also created the artifact Olympus, leaving the characters to face their
They insist on following even if the PCs warn found with Ascalon’s Identity in Chapter 4. legendary nemeses. The challenges may be
them away-they are irresistibly drawn for- Brissard is very urbane, speaking with a met in any order desired. You might suggest
ward by the events to come. The characters unctuous voice that, coupled with his high to your players that their characters require
should maintain the integrity of their Identi- Charisma, makes even the most convoluted magical protections to survive their duels, if
ties by avoiding any incongruous actions or logic seem utterly simple and irrefutable. He they do not think of this themselves.
movement while the townspeople are watch- regards the PCs with a slight smile on his lips, Each encounter is meant to be challenging,
ing. This restriction applies until the charac- then speaks to them in a low voice. but not necessarily deadly. Part of the chal-
ters enter the cloud over the mountain. lenge for the players is to select magical ef-
About 10 miles north of Corunglain it is as “Fellow Immortals, welcome back to your fects and attacks in keeping with the role of
if a knife were drawn across the throat of the native plane. I see you have been busy the Identity each character has assumed.
land, abruptly dividing the earth into two preparing to battle us on the summit, a They are in full view of the Corunglainians,
wildly divergent landscapes. To the south lies game you are ill-equipped to even play, let so they must be cautious not to reveal them-
the fertile lands of Darokin; to the north alone win. selves as Immortals.
stretches the blasted features of the Broken “While we do not wish you to interfere Balthac is the most limited in this respect,
Lands. The dark bulk of Mount Olympus with our project here, we are not unrea- since a fighter cannot cast spells. It could be
dominates the northern horizon. sonable. I am sure you are aware that the argued that even Power attacks are included
The black cloud covering the summit gives creatures behind me are Identities like in this proscription since there is a visible ef-
the impression that the mountain top has dis- yourselves. I am also sure you appreciate fect. As D M you may disallow this, ruling
appeared or has broken off. Occasional flick- the exquisitely appropriate touch that that such a detail could easily go unseen in the
ers and bolts of lightning give shape to the they compliment your Identities so well. general confusion of battle.
roiling mass. Farther in the distance, the “ I see the beleaguered people of Corun- Each evil Identity is controlled by an Im-
earth moans and cracks in protest against the glain massed behind you, pinning their mortal with the following stats.
forces of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. hopes on legendary beings who saved Controlling Immortals: SP Entropy; RK
them once before. We wish them no harm Initiate; P P 362; A-M 100%; Ability Scores
other than death and misery; strange they 19 each; AL C
The Legends Revisited cannot accept the inevitable, especially Note that each Identity has some addi-
tional Anti-Magic effect in force for the next
those who have chosen to live at the edge
As the characters near the mountain, they of the wilderness. six turns; the Power for this has already been
can see many moving shapes on its lower “But I digress. As I said, we are not un- deducted. Consider the innate Anti-Magic of
slopes, below the cloud line. Four figures de- reasonable, and will even give you a an Immortal life force and any additional en-
tach themselves from the mob and take to the chance to face the trial on Olympus. O u r hancement through Power expenditure as
air. Identities stand ready to battle yours, in a separate things.
These come skimming down the slope and re-enactment of the legendary battles that If all Anti-Magic is lowered to cast magic,
gliding over the plain toward the characters. brought everlasting fame to them. one or both of the Anti-Magic effects may be
A moan of despair rises from the following “This is a formal combat, each battle to reinstated the following round. For example,
townspeople as the forms of the flyers are rec- be fought individually with no aid from if the lich facing Aurum has 50 % innate mag-
ognized: a huge red dragon, a magic-user, others on either side. Thus Balthac and ical resistance and a 20% magical enhance-
the skeletal frame of a lich, and a human fe- his butter knife must face mighty Calor in ment, he can drop this to 0 % for one round to
male of unearthly beauty. There is no doubt single combat, and so on. All of you must cast a spell, then become ZO%, 5 0 % , or 70%
in any mortal mind that these creatures are face your bane in turn, but if even one of resistant the following round as befits the sit-
the banes of their Champions. The citizens of you wins his contest, all may pass our de- uation. This can be done until the duration of
Corunglain stand as if rooted like trees, terri- fenses and enter the cloud. Are you agreed the magical enhancement expires.
fied at the unfolding spectacle yet incapable to this? The Initiates are under strict orders not to
of fleeing. “Good. Remember, you battle in full lose the forms of their Identities, but they
The creatures are Identities inhabited by view of mortals. I am certain you know by may use Power as they see fit. If the forms are
Initiates of the Sphere of Entropy. They stop now how this limits your use of Power. in danger of being destroyed or if the Initiate
a short distance away, pairing themselves off Sad, but the Time of Legends has passed. is down to 50 P P or less, the contest is over
against their likely antagonists (Calor oppo- You cannot win.” and the Initiate flees at the fastest possible
site Balthac, Kazad opposite Sinan, etc.). movement rate for that form. The PC does
They wait in silent mockery, smug expres- not have to pursue; he or she has won and
sions of confidence on their faces. gains the X P for defeating that creature.
A bolt of light streaks from the cloud A character may likewise yield if he or she
around Olympus to a point between the ar- feels that the Identity will be destroyed if the
rayed enemies. The light transforms into the contest continues. The watching mortals are
figure of a man, who turns and faces the PCs. demoralized if this happens, and it will re-
The person is Brissard, a 4th-Level Tem- quire several wishes to erase the memory of
poral of Entropy. H e was a cleric as a mortal, the event.
Chapter 5: Thunder Over Olympus
Balthac vs. Calor Sinan vs. Kazad In the second round, Kazad drops his
Calor Identity: AC - 8 ; HD 22 (140 hp); Sinan may create any magical effect using Anti-Magic and uses 40 PP to cast timestop,
M V 150’(50’) Flying 360‘ (120’); AT up to 6; Power as long as it is within the spell progres- gaining three rounds of action. H e uses these
D Bite or Crush 4d8 + 8/Claw, Wing, Kick or to make hold, slam, and change attacks. If
sion of the elf Identity (5-4-3-2-1). Consult
tail ld12 + 2 each/Breath = current hit the change is successful, Kazad selectively
the Magic-User’s Spell Lists in the D&D@
points; Save F36 Expert and Companion Books, Levels One dispels any magical effect he may have de-
The Initiate controlling Calor is very much duced. H e moves away at his standard rate
through Five, for the spell effects the observ-
aware of Camb and its powers. H e uses anti- (40’).
ing mortals would expect.
magic ray whenever possible to temporarily This stricture does not apply to protections In the third round his Anti-Magic is back
suspend the magic. Normal sword damage is in force, but at only 50 % . If Sinan has not
or immunities that are invisible, like dodge
inflicted per hit, in any event. It is to be directional attacks, protection from closed to melee range, Kazad uses the wand,
hoped that the P C playing Balthac has used otherwise the staff. In this and each subse-
lightning, etc. Remember to double the char-
immune to breath weapons. quent round, Kazad makes an Ability Score
acter’s Immortal Hit Dice, not the Identity’s,
In the first round, Calor launches a slam attack against Sinan’s Intelligence. Consult
to find the caster’s level for any spell effect
Power attack or, if Balthac is close enough to that requires level to determine amounts. If the following table for the effects of lowered
use Camb, an anti-magic ray against the Intelligence on spell casting (either memo-
the PC has 21 H D , the casting level is 42.
rized or through Power expenditure).
sword to neutralize it. Calor uses another Thus protection from lightning would negate
slam i n response to any Power attack the damage of 42 dice, or 7 attacks from Ka-
launched by Balthac. His physical action this Intelligence Effect
zad’s wand oflightning bolts. Of course, the
round is to breathe. PC may choose to set all saving throws to 2 at
In the next round the Initiate is still mind- 0-2 No spell castinq possible
no cost in Power rather than use those listed
ful of the sword, using anti-magicray to neu- 3-4 No spells above 2nd level/20 PP
for the Identity, and Anti-Magic can be set at
tralize the weapon if there is a possibility of 5-6 No spells above 4th leveV40 PP
any level by expending the appropriate
being struck by it. If not, he makes a change 7-8 No spells above 6th level/80 PP
amount of Power.
attack, responding to any incoming attack
9 All spell levels usable/l60 PP
It would be prudent for Sinan to use wrap
with a wrap. Calor also makes a hover attack, to defend against expected Power attacks, us-
allowing him two claws, two kicks, a bite, and ing the Defense Option. Though the P C can-
Aurum vs. the Lich
one tail attack. not initiate any Power attacks, she can Lich Identity: AC -7; H D 9 (77 hp);
The third round, Calor takes to the air to completely avoid the effects of any attack at a M V 120’ (40‘) Flying 360’ (120’); AT 1; D
make a swoop attack (two claws, one bite). lower loss of Power. any effect from staff of wizardry; Save
O n the other hand, Sinan will find it diffi- MU30; Magical Items: staff of wizardry; AL
cult to close to melee with Kazad and may C
wish to use hold or erase in order to pin him
down so she may physically attack. 1st level: none memorized
Kazad will attempt to stay out of melee 2d level: invisibility (x3), mirror image (x2),
range if at all possible, using the wand of web (x3)
lightning bolts and Power and Ability Score 3d level: dispel magic (x3), f 7 haste
~ (x2),
attacks. H e may attempt an occasional spell slow (x2)
effect, but only every third round or so be- 4th level: dimension door (x2), ice storm
cause of Sinan’s expected Anti-Magic and the (x3), polymorph other (x2)
danger of exposing himself to magical dam- 5th level: hold monster (x2), telekinesis (xZ),
age. Also, he may approach within melee teleport, wall of stone (x2)
range to test for any magical combat en- 6th level: flesh to stone (x2), projected image
hancements Sinan may have in effect so he (x2), wall of iron
may later use subsequent change Power at- 7th level: delayed blast fire ball (x3), sword
tacks to dispel them. 63)
Kazad Identity: AC -9; H D 9 (60 hp); 8th level: dance, explosive cloud, force field
M V 120’ (40’) Flying 360’ (120’); AT 1; D (x2), power word blind (x2)
2d6 (staffof striking); Save MU36; S 10, I 9th level: heal, maze (x2), meteor swarm,
18, W 17, D 11, C 15, Ch 11; Magical Items: timestop
staffofstriking, wand oflightning bolts;AL C
In the first round, Kazad launches a hold The Initiate in the lich Identity has chosen
Power attack and moves in to swing with the to cast spells in mortal fashion, thus his power
staff.There is a 50 % chance that he correctly can be used totally for attacks. And yes, that
guesses the nature of any magical protections is a real staff of wizardry-Aurum should be
or enhancements Sinan has in effect. Kazad somewhat concerned. Also, the lich’s
responds with a slam against any incoming Strength must be raised in order to make ef-
Power attack. fective Punch attacks if physical Ability
Chapter 5: Thunder Over Olympus
Scores are to be attacked. Assume a begin- Ascalon vs. the Demon those who lost their battles with the evil Iden-
ning strength of 10 and a n 8 PP expenditure tities.
to raise it to 18 for six turns.
Whispering Demon: SP Entropy; RK
Initiate; P P 400; A-M 70%; AC -6; HD 15 The characters finally enter the black
When it is obvious (by gestures and incan- cloud. The air is strong with Power; flickers
tations rather than Power use) that the lich is (75 hp); M V 120’ (40’) Flying 180’ (60’); AT
2 talons; D l d 4 + 4 each + special; Save as of lightning play nervously throughout the
actually casting spells, Aurum should initiate fleecy blackness. All types of evil creatures
Initiate; S 11, I l l , W 12, D 13, C 13, Ch21;
Ability Score attacks against the Initiate’s In- crouch amongst the boulders and on soaring
M L 14; AL C
telligence. Better still would be feeblemind, crags, calling to the characters to flee, to join
Ascalon faces a voluptuous female pos-
totally negating the lich’s ability to cast spells. them in the enterprises of Entropy, etc.
sessed of unnerving beauty. This image is
The powers of the staff are fire ball, light- Each character should make an Immortal
confusing to the assembled Corunglains,
ning bolt, ice storm, continual light, telekine- save vs. Power Drain or become demoralized
since the Legend of Ascalon refers to a hid-
sis (2,400 cn), invisibility, passwall, web, and by the overwhelming evilness. No one should
eous demon as the source of the pestilential
conjure elemental. Attack spells d o 8d6 be made to run or retreat. The purpose is to
breath that laid waste to their city.
points of damage. The staff has 24 charges. allow the characters to role play and interact
Some may even step toward the creature,
There are many creative tactics the lich with each other, to reassure and uplift the
who stands quietly with arms lovingly out-
may use with all the spells at his disposal, so if spirit of any characters who failed the save.
stretched to receive them. The player por-
you have some favorite combinations, you After each such a pep talk, each affected char-
traying Ascalon should not be fooled by this
may feel free to implement them. As a sug- acter should be allowed another save to re-
guise of a whispering demon and should warn
gestion, maze could be used to send Aurum move the feeling of despondency
the mortals back, telling them of the evilness
to the Astral Plane for i d 4 rounds (the P C Once at the top of the mountain, the scene
of the creature and the danger she represents.
may choose how many rounds to remain in is one of ...nothing! The mountain peak is
This demon’s best attack is to physically
the Astral Plane since he is Immortal). While gone, as if sheared off clean and smooth by a
contact her opponent in order to drain levels.
the dragon is gone, the lich casts delayed blast gigantic sword. The roiling, inky cloud caps
However, her charm person abilities are
fire ball at the spot where he thinks the the mountain, but at a distance of a thousand
probably ineffective against Ascalon’s Anti-
dragon may reappear (Aurum may choose feet on any side. Looking very closely, the
Magic, and hold monster simply does not
the spot), setting the delay for four rounds, or characters are able to see a microscopically
work on Immortals. However, if the magic
he could use the extra time to summon un- thin vertical line extending upward from the
resistance does not foil the attempt, Ascalon
dead for Aurum to face. center of the plateau. Tremors regularly
must use his Immortal save vs. Spells since
Timestop is another spell that could be shake the mountain, and the stone feels hot.
this magical attack is of Immortal origin.
used creatively. In the extra rounds gained, Hollow, evil laughter booms from the throats
If Ascalon is protected by Anti-Magic, the
the lich could cast l d 4 + 1 spells to take effect . . - . - . _. . of unseen demons, amused at the consterna-
demon tnes the Yower attack forms hold and
on Aurum when the timestop ends. Web tion of the characters. What is going on here?
erase to prevent Ascalon from moving out of
would also be effective if cast on a flying Night used 200 PP to shift the dimensional
physical contact.
dragon; if his wings are momentarily fouled perspective of the mountaintop four times.
by the webs, Aurum must land, or crash for Thus the dimensional base is in the fifth di-
l d 6 points of damage per 10 feet fallen. mension instead of the first, and the rest of
It would be inadvisable for game purposes The Summit the dimensions describing the form is the re-
for the lich to break the staff in a final strike.
Aurum would be slain easily, but more im-
of Olympus verse. The mountain top exists in a 5-4-3 con-
figuration, not 1-2-3. The only dimension
portantly the lich Identity would be de- common is the third.
stroyed. Entropy considers none of the evil
A Matter of Perspective A mortal who perceives dimensions 1
Identities to be disposable. After the duels are completed, the charac- through 3 in effect sees a dot of zero thick-
Attacks against Intelligence are a good tac- ters may continue on to the mountain. The ness, or, if you will, nothing. Using magical
tic for either opponent. The lich may also Corunglains follow no further, being quite as- enhancement to pick up the fourth dimen-
choose to make Strength attacks if forced to tounded and stupefied by the titanic struggles sion, he would see a vertical line.
melee. H e uses a Punch attack for 3d6 points they just witnessed. An Immortal perceives dimension 1
of damage. Aurum’s strength can be consid- The mountainside is steep and dark, a tor- through 4, so he sees the mountaintop as a
ered as 22 (1 point per Hit Die) a t the start of tuous trail over great blocks of rock and thin vertical line, like the magic-using mor-
the duel. worked stone. Apparently the palaces con- tal. The demons are not invisible. They are
structed by the “gods” have been destroyed really there, in that line, so truesight and
..._ flung from the summit. An arm pro-
other sight enhancements reveal nothing that
trudes from beneath one such stone, mutely an Immortal cannot normally see. By spend-
telling of the demise of an unlucky mortal ing 50 P P to shift his dimensional perception
who ventured too close to Olympus. one increment (able to view 2 through 5
. . .
Ascending the mountain, the characters rather than 1 through 4) he can see the moun-
are continually confronted by jeering demons tain top as it is, a three-dimensional space.
and the stern, lifeless stares of hordes of un- But remember, the dimensional base is in
dead. But the PCs are not attacked, even the fifth dimension. Spells or spell effects do
not function if produced by a character whose
O1987 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 5: Thunder Over Olympus
dimensional base is in the first or second di- the natural lay of the land. The palace’s white good shape. He, like Zeus, does not struggle
mension. marble walls, towers, and turrets lie smashed nor even talk, rather searches silently within
If the perspective is changed so that the and scattered all about. himself for the power and ability to break
base is in the third dimension, visually every- Off to one side is the barrier that Athend free.
thing appears normal, but spells and spell- Lokena mentioned when the characters Finally, another woman lies quietly, tum-
like effects have only length, no breadth talked with her on Kryla. It is 40 feet tall and bled hair covering her face. She tugs occa-
(range) or volume. If all magic has a range of made of 12 equal-sized panels. These walls sionally at her bonds, as if testing their
zero, the implication is obvious that any are of indeterminate thickness and the tops strength. Her garments look quite familiar,
spells normally cast at a range detonate or are frayed and swirled, constantly moving and as she turns her head to look at the de-
otherwise take effect on the caster. like ocean waves or wheat fields on a windy mon attacking Ares, the characters recognize
If the perspective is further incremented day. Lokena. So Talitha made good on her boast,
such that the base is in the fourth dimension, The barrier is clear and colorless. The area and it is plain that more pairs of manacles are
spells have length and range, but no volume. it encloses is a piece of barren rock approxi- set into the rock, ready for more victims.
Thus a fire ball would have the same appear- mately 60 feet across. Easily visible within The crowds of undead and other creatures
ance and effect as a mortal’s fire ball does on are the Immortals, bound to the bare rock of Entropy the characters encountered on the
the Astral Plane: a thin disc like a circular with chains forged from a blue-green metal slopes crowd around the summit to witness
saw blade. streaked with red and black. the demise of these impudent Immortals who
If the base is advanced to the fifth dimen- The Immortals are a pitiful yet splendid seek to disrupt the project of mighty Night.
sion, all spells and spell-like effects function sight. The form of Zeus is readily recogniz- At the forefront of the horde are the toad-like
normally. able from his powerful physique and carefully forms of four croaking demons and the Im-
The players must figure out this puzzle in crimped white beard. He lies practically mo- mortal the characters recognize as Brissard.
order to proceed. As in similar situations en- tionless, a quiet sufferer long past physical
countered earlier in this adventure, they may struggling, searching deep within himself for “To those of you who won your duels, I
make Intelligence and Wisdom checks to gain a means of escape. extend my congratulations. Had your
some insight into the problem; treat such as Hera, on the other hand, is a matronly forms been destroyed by our Identities,
an easy Ability Score check ( + 55 modifier). woman whose acid tongue hurls invectives in you could have escaped with your lives,
The clues you may give them for successful a constant stream at Zeus, berating him for perhaps realizing how woefully ill-
checks are as follows: the fuc they are in and why doesn’t he do equipped you are to deal with this situa-
1. Tell them they must get the situation in the something about it and why did I ever listen tion and choosing not to meddle further.
proper perspective. to you! Her wrists are rubbed raw from her But your triumph simply adds spice to the
2. If they have had previous experience with thrashing against the manacles. game. And that is what all life is, just a
shifted dimensions in your campaign re- Apollo is a handsome youth with curly, game whose unalterable end is death and
mind them of the experience. short-cropped blond hair and a graceful, ath- destruction.
3. Remind them of the effect on spell casting letic appearance. He ignores his own plight, “Immortals of Entropy are very pa-
while in the Astral Plane. seeking more to comfort the lovely woman tient, for we realize that anything you
The characters must expend 200 PP each chained a short distance away, Aphrodite. may do merely postpones the inevitable.
to shift the dimensional base to the fifth di- She perhaps is the most pathetic of all, a vi- So we will sit here and wait while you try
mension, which is a substantial Power outlay sion of loveliness torturously stretched across to discover an answer to this dilemma. It
for Temporals, especially considering what a sharp ridge of stone. The trail of her tears will not be easy. And when you fail, then
lies ahead. Once the characters have deter- marks the dust on her face in tiny rivulets, be- you will be ours.”
mined what the problem is, they may wish speaking not only pain but hopelessness. She
the dimensional orientation to return to nor- is very weak, her power almost totally Unknown to the characters, a jumper is
mal, or optionally, you may postulate that drained. Immortal death for her is very near. buried in the center of the enclosure, its arms
one of the PCs’ Hierarchs made the wish. Ei- Ares, the grizzled veteran of many battles, radiating underground so that the tip of each
ther of these is preferable to expending the lies bound with the others. Clad only in a contacts one of the panels of the barrier. Time
Power because it would take 200 turns to re- short war skirt, the tracery of scars on his from the jumper forms the barrier’s skin. It
generate the points. Remember that a wish body gleams whitely. Large chunks of flesh entered into this service for a massive meal of
may only regenerate 20 PP, thus it is worth- have been tom loose by his violent tugging Time. As a bonus it was promised that,
less for this use. against the chains, and he still roars defiance should the barrier be destroyed, it would be
against his tormentor, a winged fury who re- freed from service and could attack any Im-
Once All Becomes Clear peatedly attacks the helpless Ares. The de- mortal in the vicinity not of the Sphere of En-
mon’s form sports a human face; for those tropy.
Once the characters have made at least one
knowledgeable of the real Olympians, the The chains act as a one-way power con-
dimensional shift, they see what remains of face is that of Prometheus, the titan Zeus
the impostors’ Olympus. Refer to the map on duit, channeling Immortal Power into the
caused to be chained to a mountain and eter- rock. Anyone manacled must save vs. Power
page 45. The surface of the mountaintop is i r nally attacked by an eagle.
regular, and the Immortals did not attempt to Drain each round or lose 2d10 PP. This is a
Hermes’s appearance is unmistakable temporary effect, so any Power lost may be
level it. They constructed what must have from his winged helm and the sandals that he regenerated normally once the chains are re-
been a magnificent edifice that conformed to still wears. He is a wiry youth, lean but in
Chapter 5: Thunder Over Olvmpus
The barrier disintegrates with a hollow
pop. Air rushes upward with the force of a
gale, and the loosened Time gibbers away
with the sound of a billion conversations.
The top of the mountain cracks open at the
center of the area recently bounded by the
Barrier. Floating slowly upward from the
crumbled rock is a jumper, a huge specimen
of that species. Whipping its tentacles in a
frenzy of anticipation, it dives to the attack.
Jumper: S P Time; Status Mortal; PP 150;
A-M 100% (0% vs. Time magic); AC - 7
(body) or - 2 (arms); H D 30 (135 hp); MV
450’(150’); AT 12 (max 5/target); D 2d6 each
+ special; Save as Initiate; ML 8; Int 20; AL
As was mentioned previously, this is a bo-
nus payoff for the jumper-dl the Time he
can sted from any Immortal in the area not of
the Sphere of Entropy. H e is a very formida-
ble opponent for the characters alone, as a hit
causes a character to lose ldlO PP, plus make
him or her leave the Identity for five rounds.
The character must then expend 50 P P to
reinhabit the form.
But help is available. The Olympians
should be freed as quickly as possible. Zeus,
Hera, and Apollo join in the fight, bombard-
ing the jumper with Power attacks as large as
practical considering their drained state (no
more than 20% of their available power per
The jumper will wrap defensively in re-
sponse to these attacks, but this defense is not
a panacea. Consider that five power attacks
against the jumper causes it to lose 50 PP, or
one third of its power. After the second round
of such attacks, or if the jumper is reduced to
50 PP by any means, it gives up and flees.
After the jumper leaves, the Olympians
and the characters face Brissard, four croak-
ing demons, and hordes of undead. Bris-
sard’s visage is contorted in rage at the
Chapter 5: Thunder Over Olympus
destruction of the barrier, and at being de- the heads of the undead, landing in the midst
nied the exquisite pleasure of watching the of the party. They attack only the Olympians. Concluding the
impostor gods die one by one as their Power
was totally drained while the screaming de-
The screaming demon(s) attack the PCs at
mon rent their physical forms. Similar attacks occur on the second round. If the Olympians are freed, they are to be
But on the third Mount Olympus begins a taken before the Hierarchs of their respective
“Now you have overstepped the bounds continuous, violent shaking. Chunks of rock Spheres. In the meantime, Night is sum-
of my hospitality. Were you not taught as blast upwards from the peak, the stone over- moned into the presence of a High Council of
Novices to respect your betters and not to stressed from the Immortal Power it was the remaining four Hierarchs.
interfere in the doings of Immortals of forced to contain. The vibrations intensify, The upshot is that the Council censures
greater stature than yourselves? You have great cracks opening and swallowing undead Night for his potentially dangerous exploit,
spoiled a project of Night himself, the re- like the maws ofhuge monsters. Spouts of fire penalizing him with a permanent loss of
sults of which would have aided all Im- and lava hurtle skyward, to fall back on the 4,000 PF‘, the cost of the wishes required to
mortals. peak or flow down the sides. erase the memory of the events from the
“But all is not lost. While my liege T h e characters must make Dexterity minds of mortal witnesses.
would have preferred these “gods” to checks ( + 30 modifier) to avoid being struck The severe penalty causes an uproar in the
have perished within the barrier, there is by the rocks or lava. The rocks inflict 2d8 ranks of Entropy. Night has been effectively
no reason why I and my friends cannot points of damage and the lava 3d6. demoted to a 1st-Level Hierarch, stimulating
finish the job. Though not as elegant as It should be obvious that Mount Olympus a High Eternal and another 1st-Level Hier-
the master plan, it will surely be as effec- is about to blow up. If the characters do not arch to vie for Full Hierarch status. Night is
tive.” act, Zeus will bellow “Save yourselves! Fly kept very busy defending his position, put-
for your lives!” The characters may simply ting him out of action for sometime.
T h e demons and undead converge upon use their Immortal fly ability or climb aboard The result on the Prime is a Golden Age.
e characters and the impostors. Raw power Aurum and let him carry them to safety. Without the stimulus of Entropy, mortals turn
DS the air from massive power attacks.
The mountain convulses on the fifth round from warfare to the arts and greatly expand and
here must be other Immortals present, be- in a titanic explosion that is seen and felt as far nurture their culture. But this greater level of
use 10 separate attacks are directed at the away as Darokin. Anyone left on Olym- learning also results in mortal man questioning
,fenders (two each on Zeus and Hera, one pus is annihilated, with no saving throw. For the existence of their gods, thus causing a de-
c h o n everyone else). The characters are all Immortals this means they simply lose their cline in their worship and replacing them with
u c k by hold attacks; the others can be forms and must return to their Home Planes. other deities. Thus Night, in some measure,
iatever you would desire. For the characters it means they have lost the has a victory, though the ranks of the Immortals
Masses of undead creatures attack, intent Identities’ forms, not a catastrophe since no have been preserved.
I destroying anyone and everything they do
mortals were about to witness it; even if there And in the Broken Lands, just north of
it recognize as dead. For turningpurposes, were, they certainly would not escape the cat- Corunglain, a block of basalt rises like an ac-
aclysm. But the Hierarchs will be annoyed at cusing finger from the blasted remains of
:at the undead as wraiths. They are attack-
the loss, requiring extra service from the Mount Olympus. Rather than reconstruct-
g from all sides, so calculate the targets of
characters in lieu of Power penalties since ing the mountain, the Hierarchs chose to let
y attacks based on this and the formation
they are only Temporals. the black tower remain forever as a reminder
e party has assumed.
to all Immortals of the time when Immortals
The croaking demons and Brissard fly over
tampered with the Prime Plane, and the con-
sequences of their actions.
S'inan Balthac
Aurum Ascalon