Soal Ukk B. Inggris KLS 7
Soal Ukk B. Inggris KLS 7
Soal Ukk B. Inggris KLS 7
b. Sunday
1. Mery : Hello, good morning c. Tuesday
Mery? d. Thursday
Andi : ................ 8. What times is it?
a. Hello good morning Mery a. It is ten o’clock
b. Hi, good b. It is ten minutes past ten
c. Hello, good night c. It is ten minutes to ten
d. Good evening d. It is a half pass ten
2. Tisa : Hi, how are you today? 9. When do we held a ceremony of
Tourist : Hi, ..................... Indonesian National day?
a. How are you? a. April 21st Kartini’s day
b. How do you do b. May 22nd National Education
c. I’m twelve years old Day
d. I’m fine, thank you c. December 21st mother day
3. Teacher : Ok, good bye students? d. August 7th indonesian
Students : .................. independence Day
a. I’m fine thanks
b. Good bye, see you latter It is question for number 10 to 11
c. Thank you very much
d. I’m good
4. He works in hospital. He examines
the patients. He is ....
a. Doctor
b. Nurse
10. What animal are those?
c. Stewardess
a. Rabbit
d. Tailor
b. Mouse
5. I have a cat. ... has brown colour. ...
c. Rabbits
cat is very cute.
d. Mice
a. It, My
11. How many are they?
b. It, May
a. Fourty
c. A, It
b. Fourteen
d. My, Has
c. Four
6. Please rearranges this words into
d. For
good sentences!
12. She helps a doctor to examine the
My Father – everyday – coffee –
patient. She wears white clothes.
1 2 3
She works at ...
drinks – a glss of
a. Airport
4 5
b. Hospital
a. 1-2-3-4-5
c. Station
b. 1-3-4-2-5
d. Bank
c. 1-4-5-3-2
d. 1-5-4-2-3
13. These animal are the biggest of all the
7. Today is Friday, yesterday was ...
cats.they live in the forest. Their
stripped coat give them good a. Very small
camouplage when they hunt. They like b. Very tinny
eat meat.what are they? c. Very long
a. Crocodile d. Very big
b. Zebra 20. Rearrange these words into a good
c. Tiger sentence?
d. Cat Your – office – does – father – in –
14. Teacher : Budi, what is the colour of 1 2 3 4 5
the board? work – the?
Budi : .................. 6 7
a. The colour of the board is grey a. 3-2-4-1-5-6-7
b. The colour of the board is blue b. 3-1-4-6-5-7-2
c. The colour of the board is black c. 3-1-4-6-5-7-2
d. The colour of the board is red d. 3-2-4-5-7-6-1
15. Dewa gets 80 score in engglish. Gita 21. These are wild animals, except ...
gets 50 score in engglish. It means ... a. Tiger
a. Gita is a dilligent student b. Hippopotamus
b. Dewa is a smart student c. Lion
c. Gita is a smart student d. Rabbit
d. Dewa is a lazy student 22. Mr. Doni drives a plane. He is a ...
16. His Aunt ... very beautiful. a. Steward
a. Is b. Pilot
b. Am c. Driver
c. Are d. Sailor
d. Be 23. Change the word in the bracket into
17. You and i ... students of junior high simple present tense.
school. Sun (rise) from the east.
a. Is a. Rises
b. Be b. Rose
c. Are c. Rised
d. Am d. Rising
18. Danu : Look at the elephant. They are 24. Which of the following statement is
huge. false?
Udin : Yes, they are. Look at the a. Ica eats fried rice for her breakpast
Tigers, they have .... b. Ica eat fried rice for her breakpast
a. Long nose c. Ica is eating fried rice for her
b. Short tail breakpast
c. Sharp teeth d. Ica was eating fried rice for her
d. Black and white stripes breakpast
19. The elephants are huge. The underline 25. Beni : Edo, do you have any pets?
word means ... Edo : ................
a. Yes, I do not 31. Who is the best badminton player in
b. No, I do the writer’s family?
c. Yes, I do a. Peter
d. No, I not b. Writer’s father
26. He wears green uniform. He protects c. Peter’s sister
our country. He uses a gun. He looks d. Writer
gentleman. What is he? Questin for number 32 and 33
a. Policeman It is vehicle. It has two wheels and
b. Nurse it has special machine. It has many
c. Greengrocer different colour, brands and types. To
d. Soldier ride it, we need a helmet to us safe.
The text is for questions number 27 to 32. From the text above we know that is
31 a ...
Peter in the youngest in our family. a. Bicycle
He is fourteen years old anr four years b. Motorcycle
younger than me. He has long and c. Car
straight hair, bright eyes, friendly. d. Ambulance
Sometimes he is rather naughty at 33. It is a vehicle. It refer to ...
home, but he usually do what he asked a. Bicycle
to do. Peter is interested in the sport b. Car
very much. And at school, he plays c. Motorcycle
football and badminton. He is the best d. Ambulance
badminton player in our family. Question for number 34 to 39
27. What is the text mostly about? One (34) ... one I (35) ... my mother
a. Peter Two (36) ... two I love 37 ... father
b. Peter’s hobby Three and (38) ... I love brother (39) ...
c. Peter’ family One two three I love my family.
d. Peter’s elder brother 34. a. An
28. From the text we can conclude that ... b. And
a. Many people do not like peter c. Love
b. Peter is older than the writer d. One
c. Peter is welcoming person 35. a. An
d. Peter is not dilligent at all b. And
29. How old is peter? c. Love
a. Forty years old d. One
b. Fourteen years old 36. a. An
c. Four years old b. One
d. Fourtieth years old c. Love
30. How is peter look like? d. And
a. He has blonde hair 37. a. My
b. He has curly hair b. May
c. He has short hair c. Mine
d. He has long and stright hair d. Might
38. a. Tree
b. Three
c. There
d. Free
39. a. Brother
b. father
c. Sister
d. Mother
40. What is his job?
a. Presenter
b. MC
c. Host
d. Singer
41. Please describe about your father, at
least ten sentences!
42. What time is it?