Conservation Equations For Mass Momentum and Energy

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Conservation Equations
for Mass, Momentum
^;?kM'k and Energy

10.1 I n t r o d u c t i o n

In Chapters 2 and 3, we discussed the continuity and momentum equations for

incompressible flows. Here, we extend the discussion to compressible flows. If
the typical temperature difference in a gas flow is an appreciable fraction of
the absolute temperature, the typical density difference will be an appreciable
fraction of the absolute density, and the density appearing in the velocity fleld
equations discussed in the previous chapters can no longer be taken as constant.
Instead, the conservation equations for momentum and energy must be solved
simultaneously since they are coupled, i.e., density appears in the momentum
equations and is linked through an equation of state to the dependent variable
of the energy equation.
In this chapter we briefly discuss the conservation equations for mass, mo-
mentum and energy equations (Sections 10.2 and 10.3) before we discuss the
inviscid flow equations (Section 10.4) and boundary-layer equations in differen-
tial (Section 10.5) and integral (Section 10.6) forms.

10.2 Navier-Stokes Equations

For compressible flows, the Navier-Stokes equations are similar to those given
by Eqs. (2.2.1) and (2.2.2) for incompressible flows. Since the fluid properties
now also vary with temperature, the continuity and momentum equations are
coupled to the energy equation, and the solution of the energy equation provides
the temperature distribution in the flow field. These equations are discussed in
some detail in several references, see for example [1], and are summarized below
for an unsteady compressible three-dimensional flow in a Newtonian fluid.
346 10. Conservation Equations for Mass, Momentum and Energy

The continuity equation is

+ V • /9F = 0 (10.2.1a)


Dt ^

For a Cartesian coordinate system, it becomes

dp dpu dpv dpw

dt dx dy dz

or in tensor notation

dp^ ^ dpv4 ^ Q
dt dxj

The momentum equations are

p— = -Vp + V'(j + pf (10.2.3)

For a Cartesian coordinate system, in tensor notation, the momentum equa-

tions can be written as

dui__^ ^ dui, ^ dp dcjij

+ Ph (10.2.4a)
dt '^ dxj dxi dxj

or, using the continuity equation

dpUi dpujUi dp ddij

+ Ph (10.2.4b)
dt dxn dxj dxj

Eq. (10.2.4a) is identical to Eq. (2.2.5) provided that, with 6ij denoting the
Kronecker delta function {6ij — I'lii — j and 6ij = 0 if z 7^^ j ) , the viscous stress
tensor aij is written as

duj duj \ 2 ^ du^k

(Jij = p (i,j,fc = 1,2,3) (10.2.5)
dxj + dxi J 3

The components of the viscous stress tensor aij follow from Eq. (10.2.5)
10.2 Navier-Stokes Equations 347

_ 2 (r.du dv dw

2 / dv du dw

2 (^dw du dv\

f du dv^
f dw du

f dv dw

^xy — ^ yx

a xz — ^ zx
"yz 'zy

The energy equation can be written in terms of specific enthalpy h \ e+p/p)

Dh ^ ^ Dp ^

or in terms of total enthalpy H = h + as

DH ^ -. dp „
P-RT = pf'V + -± + V' a-V -q (10.2.
Dt "^^ dt
It can also be written in terms of internal energy e

D ( \\V\\^\ ^ ^ , - . .

In Eq. (10.2.7), ^ represents the dissipation function given by


or using Cartesian coordinates

^ = a« j (10.2.10b)

The heat flux q is given by the Fourier law

|=-fcVT (10.2.11)

where k is the coefficient of heat conductivity.

348 10. Conservation Equations for Mass, Momentum and Energy

Equation (10.2.10b), when expanded, becomes

du dv\^ f dv
^ = fi
dy dxj V 9z dy J \dx dz J
2 /du dv\'^ /dv _dw\'^ fdn^_duy
[dx 9yJ \dy dz J \dz dx)

This expression shows that ^ > 0, i.e. it corresponds to an increase of enthalpy.

With Cartesian coordinates, in terms of tensor notation, the three forms of
the energy equation are

9iJ (10.2.13a)

dxj Dt
dp d , ..

It is useful to write the kinetic energy equation obtained by mutiplying the

momentum equations with V

= pf.V + V- \V-{a-pI) (10.2.14)

which, in terms of Cartesian coordinates, can be written as

D \\V\ da.« j dp
= pfjUj + U, (10.2.15)
Dt dXj dxj

Finally, we need an equation of state for the fluid to relate p, p and e. The
commonest example is the perfect gas law

p M
where 72. is the universal perfect gas constant {"R, = 8.3145 J • mol ^ • K ^)
and M is the molar mass of the gas; for air, M = 0.02896 kg • mol"^ and
7 ^ / ^ ^ = : 287.1 J - k g - i - K - ^
Fluid properties that appear in the above equations are density p, viscosity
/i, specific heat at constant pressure Cp and thermal conductivity k. The latter
appears in the energy equation through the laminar Prandtl number Pr defined
Pr = ^ (10.2.17)
For a perfect gas, the fluid property /i is function of temperature T only. The
viscosity /i is usually obtained from Sutherland's law expressed as
10.3 Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations 349

T 1 + 5/r (10.2.18)
/ i = /iOl
n 1 + s/To
To = 273 K, 5 = 110,4 K, /io = 1.711 x 10"^ N • m"

The density is given by the equation of state, Eq. (10.2.16). The specific heat
at constant pressure Cp is assumed to be constant equal to 1005 J • kg~^ • K~^.
The Prandtl number is a function of temperature assumed to be a constant
evaluated at a given wall temperature; generally, the Prandtl number is taken
equal to 0.72.

10.3 Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations

The equations given in the previous section for the conservation of mass, mo-
mentum and energy apply to turbulent flows as in incompressible flows provided
the values of fluid properties and dependent variables are replaced by their in-
stantaneous values. As before, we express u^ ^', w^ p by the sum of their mean
iZ, v^ iD, p and fluctuating parts u'^ v'^ w' and p', Eq. (2.3.1), and the fluid
properties /i and p by
fj.^ fi-^ fj. P +P (10.3.1)

Introducing these relations into the continuity, momentum and energy equa-
tions, after averaging, we obtain the Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations
(RANS) equations for three-dimensional compressible unsteady flows.

dp d , ——r.
0 (10.3.2)

d_ d dp , daij -ry.
(pui + p'u'i) + -^^ I {puj + p'u'.)ui \^—Q^.+-Q^+Pfi + P'fi
dt dxi

+ { ^ [- (K«i + P'M + P'<^i)\ } (10.3.3)

d d
-{ph + pfh') + —- {puj + p'u'.)h
dt dxi
dxj ^^S"^+[L [-^p'''^^'+f"'""'^^'+'''^'''=^}
dp dp

350 10. Conservation Equations for Mass, Momentum and Energy

I due dui duj

aij = 2/i Sij + dxz (10.3.5)
3dxr{ ' ^'^ ~ 2 VdXj -)


a'ij = 2//
l\{ . dxj dxi ) 3dxe''

If the flow is steady and two-dimensional, i.e. if the mean flow is steady and
two-dimensional, the equations become
d d
— (p'U + p'u') -\- -^{pv -\- p'v') = 0 (10.3.9)

da xy
+ ^Pfx + PT:,

+ dx
' d_
+ ,dy -{pu'v^ -\- p'u'v' + p'u'v)
/ —r-7x dv . —;—, dv dp dayx dayy
{pu + p'u')- + {pv + p'v')~- ^^ + ^ + pfy + f''fy

—{pu'v' + p'u'v' + p'v'u

{pv''^ + p'v'"^ + 'fhj'v)^ \ (10.3.11)

+ dy L
ipu + ^u')- + ipv + p'v')- = - ^k-j + - [ k -

+ dx
-[pu'h' + p'u'h' + p'h'u)

dp ^
V{ dy
-{pv'h' + p'v'h' + p'h'v)

+u^+v-^-{-^ + pe (10.3.12)
ox oy
We note from the energy equation that, as in the momentum equations, addi-
tional terms appear on its right-hand side. These terms in curly brackets, which
are the thermal analogs of the Reynolds-stress terms in momentum equations
are the divergence of the so-called turbulent heat flux vector.

10.4 Inviscid Flow Equations

As in Section 2.4, the inviscid flow equations are again obtained from the Navier-
Stokes equations by neglecting the viscous terms. We have
10.5 Boundary-Layer Equations 351

^^+V-pV^O (10.4.1)

P ^ - Pf- Vp (10.4.2)

The equation of state, Eq. (10.2.16), remains unchanged. The energy equation
can also be written in terms of internal energy or enthalpy,

D ( ||V||2\
P ^ ( e + l l ^ j =p/.y-V.(pl/) (10.4.4a)

p = —^ (10.4.4b)
^ Dt Dt ^ ^

10.5 Boundary-Layer Equations

As in Chapter 3, the Navier-Stokes equations for compressible flows can be

reduced to the boundary-layer equations. The resulting equations for two-
dimensional axisymmetric and three-dimensional flows are given in the following
three subsections. The equation of state, Eq. (10.2.16), remains unchanged.

10.5.1 Two-Dimensional Flows

For a two-dimensional steady, laminar or turbulent flow, the boundary-layer

equations and their boundary conditions are

^ + ^ = 0 (10.5.1a)
OX oy

y = 0, w= 0 , v^O, H = H^ (10.5.1d)
y = 6, u^ue{x), H^He (lO.S.le)


pv ^ pv + p'v' (10.5.2a)

r = ;,^-pt,V (10.5.2b)
q = -k^^pv'h' (10.5.2c)
352 10. Conservation Equations for Mass, Momentum and Energy

10.5.2 A x i s y m m e t r i c Flows

For an axisymmetric and two-dimensinal, steady, laminar or turbulent flow, the

boundary-layer equations are

where k denotes the flow index being unity for an axisymmetric flow and zero
for a two-dimensional flow. The definitions in Eqs. (10.5.2a-10.5.2c) and the
boundary conditions in Eqs. (10.5.1d)-(10.5.1e) remain the same.
Again, the distance r from a point to the axis of symmetry is related to the
radius TQ of the surface y = 0 hy Eq. (3.2.3). If the body radius is quite large
in relation to the boundary-layer thickness, the variations of r with y can be
neglected and we can take r = ro; the boundary-layer equations then become

A ^ +|^ =0 (10.5.4a)
TQ UX ay

10.5.3 Three-Dimensional Flows

For a body-oriented coordinate system (see subsection 7.2.3), the boundary-

layer equations for a steady, three-dimensional, laminar or turbulent compress-
ible flow are
o o o
-—-(puh2sm9) + ^—(pwhi sinO) + -^—('pvhih2sm6) = 0 (10.5.5)
ox az oy
u du w du du r,i 2 ^1 2 1
p-j—TT- -^Pi—^r- +P^7^ pcotOkiu -\- pcsc8k2W -\- pkuuw
hi ox ri2 oz oy
__ csc^ 6 dp cot 9CSC9 dp drx (^(^^f{\
hi dx /z2 dz dy
u dw w dw dw ni 2 /i7 2 7
p^;—^ h P1—-T, h pv— pCOt9k2W + pCSCUkiU + pk2lUW
hi dx /i2 dz dy
cot 9 CSC 9 dp csc^ 9 dp drz ,.r. ^ ^\
= -K- TT-+ ^ (10.5.7)
hi dx h2 dz dy
10.6 Integral Equations 353

u dH w OH _dH
hi dx /i2 dz dy

= -T- [uTx + WTz + WTx COS 6 + UTz COS 0 — 6] (10.5.8)

where the parameters fci, ^2, ku and ^21 are given by Eqs. (7.2.22) and (7.2.23)

pv = pv -\- p'v' (10.5.9)

Tx pu'v' (10.5.10)

Tz == p.— pw'v' (10.5.11)
q — —k——h pv'h' (10.5.12)
The boundary conditions are

y = 0 \ u = w = G^ V — Vwix^ 2:),

F = iJ.(x,.)or(^)^ = - ^ ^ . (10.5.13a)

y = 6 : u = Ue{x, z), w = We{x, z), H = He (10.5.13b)

10.6 Integral Equations

The integral equations for a steady two-dimensional or an axisymmetric flow

with negligible body forces are given below.

10.6.1 Continuity Equation

For an axisymmetric flow, the integral continuity equation is

' d6 Ve
— [peUe{^r " ^*)] = PeUeTe (10.6.1)
dx Ue_


8r ^ / rdy (10.6.2)

6*^ f'rU-J^' )dy (10.6.3)

Jo \ PeUe J

If the boundary-layer thickness is much smaller than the body radius,

Eq. (10.6.1) can be written as
354 10. Conservation Equations for Mass, Momentum and Energy

1 dUe 1 dpe 1 dr^ d6_

{6 - (5*) + ((5 - (5* (10.6.4)
dx Ue dx Pe dx To dx dx Ue

l - ^ ) d y (10.6.5)
Jo PeUe

and ro is the distance of the body surface to the axis of symmetry.

Using the flow index fc, Eq. (10.6.4) apphes to both axisymmetric {k — 1) or
two-dimensional (fc = 0) flow.
When the outer flow is isentropic, we have

1 dpe Mldue
Pe dx Ue dx

10.6.2 M o m e n t u m Equation

For an axisymmetric flow, the integral momentum equation is

de_ H -\-2 due 1 dpe

= ^0- (10.6.7)
dx Ue dx pe dx J


pu (10.6.8)
Jo PeUe
2 PeUl

H = (10.6.10)

with 6* defined by Eq. (10.6.3).

If tfie boundary-layer thickness is much smaller than the body radius,
Eq. (10.6.7) becomes

dB_ H -\-2 due I dpe ^ 1 dr'^ 21

+( (10.6.11)
dx u,e dx Pe dx TQ dx 2

pu 1 dy (10.6.12)
Jo PeUe

with 6* defined by Eq. (10.6.5).

With the flow index fc, Eq. (10.6.11) applies to both axisymmetric (fc = 1)
or two-dimensional (fc = 0) flow.
Problem 355

10.6.3 Energy Equation

For an axisymmetric flow, the integral energy equation is

- - [peUeHeAn] = ToQw (10.6.13)

A^= rr^^(^-l]dy (10.6.14)
Jo PeUe \He )
If the boundary-layer thickness is much smaller than the body radius,
Eq. (10.6.13) becomes

1 due 1 dpe 1 dr^

+ A// (10.6.15)
dx Ue dx pe dx TQ dx PeUeHe

'^^(^-Ady (10.6.16)
With the flow index A:, Eq. (10.6.15) applies to both axisymmetric {k — 1)
or two-dimensional {k = 0) flow.

[1] Cebeci, T.: Convective Heat Transfer. Horizons Pub., Long Beach, Calif, and Springer,
Heidelberg, 2002.
[2] Van Driest, E. R.: Turbulent boundary layer in compressible fluids. J. Aeronaut. Sci.
18, 145, 1951.
[3] Favre, A., Kovasznay, L. S. G., Dumas, R., Gaviglio, J. and Coantic, M.: La turbulence
en mecanique des fluides. Gauthier Villars, 1976.
[4] Cebeci, T.: Analysis of Turbulent Flows. Elsevier, London, 2004.


10-1. Another procedure for obtaining the conservation equations for turbulent
flows is to use the mass-weighted-averaging procedure used by Van Driest [2] and
Favre [3] as described in [4]. This procedure eliminates the mean-mass term p'u^j
and some of the momentum transport terms such as ulp'u'- and p'u'^u'- across
mean streamlines. We define a mass-weighted velocity

where the bar denotes conventional time averaging and the tilde denotes mass-
weighted averaging.
356 10. Conservation Equations for Mass, Momentum and Energy

1. Show that
pu[ = 0 (PIO.1.1)
and similarly that

'ijh' = 0 (P10.1.2a)
'pIP = 0 (P10.1.2b)

2. Show that

pUiUj = pUiUj + pu'-Uj (P10.1.3a)

puiH = puiH + pu\H (PlO.l.Sb)

3. Show that

and that
pu'-H' = pu'-h' + Uipu'^j + (PIO.1.5)

4. Show that, if the body forces are neghgible, the ensemble averages of the
continuity equation, momentum equation, energy equation and of the equa-
tion of state are
dp d
0 (PlO.l.Ga)

dpui dpuiUj dp ^ d
Oij - pu'.u'^ (PlO.l.Gb)
dt dxj dxj dxj
dpH dpUjH dp
dt dXn dt

_d_ Pu'jU'jU^
Uipu'^u'- - pu'-h (PlO.l.Gc)
+dxj UjG.
^-^l^ (PlO.l.Gd)

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