Tax Planning and Firm Value: A Review of Literature: Business and Management Research Vol. 5, No. 2 2016
Tax Planning and Firm Value: A Review of Literature: Business and Management Research Vol. 5, No. 2 2016
Tax Planning and Firm Value: A Review of Literature: Business and Management Research Vol. 5, No. 2 2016
2; 2016
Received: May 9, 2016 Accepted: June 17, 2016 Online Published: June 22, 2016
doi:10.5430/bmr.v5n2p81 URL:
This paper articulates extant literature that is related to tax planning and firm value with a view to identifying gaps
for further extensive empirical consideration. Companies are always looking for means to reduce their corporate tax
liability, and this has led to some high-level corporate fraud involving tax evasion in both developed and developing
countries. This paper, therefore, presents a review of extant literature on tax planning and firm value.
The methodology adopted is a desktop study that is based on deductions from the literature reviewed. The paper
identified gaps that require hardcore empirical investigation to reduce the inconsistencies observed in the results of
the literature reviewed.
Keywords: Tax planning, Effective tax rate, Firm size, Leverage, Capital intensity
1. Introduction
The fundamental objective of this paper is to make a modest contribution to the extant literature on the relationship
between tax planning and firm value. Company income tax is a fundamental instrument for effective fiscal policy in
Nigerian tax system. Taxes are important sources of government revenue even though a tradeoff also exists between
company income tax and foreign direct investment. Therefore, issues of the relationship between tax planning and
firm value are vital for both firms’ strategic decisions and government macroeconomic policies. The corporate
objective of any organization is to maximize shareholder’s value. Therefore, actions geared towards reducing
corporate tax burden which will eventually increase profit is in tandem with the corporate objective.
Irrespective of the importance attached to issues of taxation and tax planning, it has rested in the domain of
theoretical expositions in most developing countries. Studies on tax planning and firm value in the Nigerian context
are next to non-existent. This forms the basis for the current review of the empirical literature to lay a solid
foundation for a robust empirical consideration. It was observed from the literature reviewed that a significant
negative relationship exists between tax planning and firm value because of the influence of agency cost theory on
tax planning, where information asymmetry generally associated with tax planning could result in moral hazard or
other tax planning related risks such as the risk of inspection or investigation by tax authorities. It was also seen in
the reviewed literature that tax planning could be considered as steps taken by taxpayers to reduce their tax liabilities
so that they can enjoy the benefits of tax savings.
Tax planning seems not to be valued by shareholders, hence the negative relationship with firm value. The consistent
negative correlation observed between tax planning, and firm value was occasioned by the agency cost theory of tax
planning where information asymmetry associated with tax planning can result in an ethical dilemma.
The remainder of the paper proceeds as follows: Section two focuses on an empirical review of the literature and
section three concludes the study and made recommendations for further research.
2. Literature Review
2.1 Firm Value
Firm value represents the assets owned by a company. It is crucial because it describes the prosperity of the business
owners. The manager being the representative of the owners of the business is responsible for optimal maximization
of the value of the firm which forms the fundamental objective of any organization. A high firm value indicates that
the company is prosperous and hence the shareholders’ wealth is maximized. The prosperity level of the shareholders
and investors are reflected in the firm value. Firm value is an indicator used to assess the performance of a company.
Investors also perceive the company through its firm value, and this is related to the stock price. According to Ftouhi,
Ayed and Zemzem (2010), the high stock price will make a higher firm value.
Bhabra (2007) opines that firm value is the price paid by the wealthy buyer when a company is sold, and he also sees
firm value as the objective value from the public and the orientation of company’s survival.
From the preceding, it is clear that firm value is the investors’ perception towards a company’s success level, and this
is usually associated with stock price. Firm value is typically indicated by price to book value (PBV). When the PBV
is high, it, therefore, means that the principle of going concern is operational which translates into shareholders’
wealth. Modigliani and Miller (1961) opined that firm value is determined by company’s asset earnings power. It
implies therefore that, when the impact of asset earnings power is positive, the company is doing well, and its asset
turnover will be more efficient, and this results in high profit.
Firm value may be measured from two perspectives: from the point of view of accounting measure of profitability:
return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE), Tobin’s Q, net profit margin; and from the stock market perspective,
using the share prices from the Stock Exchange market.
2.2 Tobin’s Q as a Measure of Firm Value
Most empirical studies in tax planning, measure firm value using Tobin’s Q. Desai and Dharmapala (2009) used
Tobin’s q as a proxy for firm value. Tobin’s q is the ratio of the market value of a firm to the replacement cost or
book value of assets at year end (Allayannis & Weston, 2001). Tobin’s q measures a firm value by scaling the
market value of a company’s assets with the costs that would be incurred to replace the asset at the current
marketplace (Lewellen & Badrinath, 1997). Tobin’s q is utilized as the market value of a firm in most studies
(Allayannis & Weston, 2001; Bhabra, 2007; Desai & Dharmapala, 2009; McConnel & Servaes, 1990; and Morck,
Shleifer & Vishny, 1988). The popularity of the index is based on its ability to reflect the performance of
management. According to Bhagat and Black (2002), high Tobin’s q means that the managers of a firm have
produced greater market value from the same asset. This is consistent with the position of Lewellen and Badrinath
(1997) that, companies which exhibit Tobin’s q greater than “one” means effective use of scarce resources, while
Tobin’s q less than “One,” means the inefficient or poor use of scarce resources. Tobin’s q is also widely used as a
measure of firm value because of its usefulness in studies of tax avoidance (Desai & Dharmapala, 2009). The
problem with the use of Tobin’s q as a measure of firm value is the inability to obtain the exact replacement cost of
the assets of a company. Aivazian (2005) therefore suggested a simplified form of calculation that provides an
approximation to q. To resolve this problem, the replacement cost of the assets was replaced by the book value of the
assets. Finally, Tobin’s q is invaluable because, it is a good indicator that captures future growth opportunities and
long-term financial performance as expected by the stock market (Aivazian, 2005).
2.3 Share Price as a Measure of Firm Value
The interest of shareholders in a company is measured in terms of the market value of their shareholdings, which is a
reflection of their involvement in that company. In an efficient market, managers are expected to maximise the
market value of the firm’s shares if they are to act in the best interest of the shareholders. Several researchers have
used share price or market value of equity as a proxy for firm value (Bao & Bao, 1989, Horton, 2008) since changes
in security prices could be inferred to mean that, market participants have predicted the future earnings of a company
(Beaver, Lambert & Morese, 1980).
Similarly, Lev and Thiagarajan (1993) opined that stock return is negatively related to annual changes in the ETR.
This could be as a result of a negative signal to the persistent level of profits. In the study carried out by Liao, Lu and
Chen (2009), it was observed that market will react positively to the announcement of stock bonuses which is an
indication that the firm is doing well. Abowd and Kaplan (1999) in their study opined that stock price will increase if
the award of a stock option is used as a means to motivate management because management will do all it could to
maximise shareholders’ value or the value of the company. According to Murphy (1998), stock options also indicate
a direct relationship with the award given to the management and the appreciation of the share price, since the
implementation of the option payments increased in line with rising stock prices. Thus, stock option compensation
plan to managers could be considered as a good compensation plan because it will support the company’s long-term
performance, hence its value (Pasternack & Rosemberg, 2002). This high performance will no doubt push the
company’s stock market price upward and will make investors respond positively by investing their funds in the
As a representative of the firm value, the rising stock price shows that the firm value is also increasing. This position
assumes that the investors are rational, so it is a fundamental aspect of the assessment. This is because, the value of
the stock reflects the firm value, not only the intrinsic value of a moment but more importantly, is the expectation of
the company’ ability to increase the value of future prosperity.
2.4 Tax Planning
Tax is a contribution exacted by the state- Chambers English Dictionary (1992). Taxes are confined to compulsory,
unrequested payments to government (OECD, 1988; vide Wilkinson, 1992:2). While planning is the “process of
determining in advance the factors necessary to achieve a set of goals; designing an effective means of achieving
some future goals (ends)- Kohler’s Dictionary for Accountants (cooper & Ijiri, 1984:383)”. According to Lakhotia
and Lakhotia (1998), tax planning takes minimum advantage of the exemptions, deductions, rebates, reliefs and other
tax concessions allowed by tax statutes, leading to the reduction of the tax liability of the taxpayers.
According to Scholes and Wolfson (1992:3), “traditional approaches to tax planning fail to recognise that effective
tax planning and tax minimisation are two different concepts. This is because, in a World of costly contracting,
implementation of tax minimising strategies may introduce significant costs along non-tax dimensions. Therefore,
the tax minimisation strategy may be undesirable”. After all, a particularly easy way to avoid paying taxes is to
prevent investing in profitable ventures. Thus, effective tax planning means not minimising taxes, but maximising
after-tax rates of return on assets.
A Recent study by Slemrod (2004) proposed a new perspective on treating corporate tax planning with the agency
theory developed by Jensen and Meckling in 1976. Tax planning is defined as all activities designed to produce a tax
benefit (Wahab & Holland, 2012). Slemrod (2004) opined that tax planning is of wider public interest since it can
affect the level of provision of public goods which can then contribute to social issues. Non-governmental groups
such as Oxfam (2009), Christian Aid (2009), and Trade Union Congress (2009) also examined tax planning from the
social justice perspective. Desai et al. 2009) measured tax planning as the total book-tax differences (BTD)
controlled for total accruals. Tax planning is seen as a veritable investment for shareholders because it reduces the
tax burden that significantly weighs companies and shareholders (Chen, Chen, Cheng & Shevlin, 2010). Although,
shareholders may not promote the activities of tax planning because of the potential costs (Chen et al., 2010).
2.5 Tax Planning and Firm Value
Tax planning and firm value are anchored on two theoretical perspectives: the traditional theory and the theory of
agency. The traditional theory of tax planning (or tax avoidance) is seen as leading because it increases after-tax
earnings and it is in the interest of the shareholders. As a result of this, it is usually taken in valuation model. Tax
planning activities that reduce or transfer resources from shareholders to the government should enhance
shareholders wealth or firm value. The agency theory perspective of tax planning posits that tax planning can be
complex and vague, and this can result to managerial opportunism. According to this theory, tax planning can lead to
a reduction in firm value when managers may either have the opportunity to understate reported accounting profit
or have the incentive to reduce corporate incentive tax liability by understating taxable income (Desai & Dharmapala.
2009; Desai & Dharmapala, 2006; Minnick & Noga, 2010; Wahab & Holland, 2012).
Desai and Dhamarpala (2009) investigated the relationship between tax avoidance activities and firm value using a
sample of 862 U.S firms. In the research, tax avoidance is measured by a book-tax gap, while Tobin’s q is the proxy
for firm value. They found no significant direct relationship between tax avoidance activities and firm value. Wang
(2010) examines the relationship between tax avoidance, corporate transparency, and firm value. The author used
effective cash rates and permanent book-tax difference to measure tax avoidance with firm value as a proxy by
Tobin’s q and using S & P 1500 firms in the period 1994-2001. The author found a positive significant relationship
between tax avoidance and firm value.
Chashiandani and Martani (2012) examined the relationship between long-run tax avoidance behaviour and firm
value by using a sample of non-banking and financial firms quoted on the Indonesian Stock Exchange between 2010
and 2011. The authors used a method similar to that employed by Dyreng Hanlon, & Maydew (2008) who measured
long-run tax avoidance and firm value is proxied by Tobin's’ q. They found that long-run tax avoidance has a
significant negative relationship with firm value, the study suggests that firm with lower ETR, has higher firm value.
In the same vein, Desai and Dharmapala (2009) found no direct relationship between tax planning and market
performance. The reasons for this indirect and insignificant relationship are the complex nature and tax implications
of the transactions; hence, it becomes difficult for stakeholders to evaluate the performance of the firm fully. Tax
planning can be measured by using Effective Tax Rate (ETR) and tax savings.
relationship between tax savings achieved through tax planning and business performance. This is because the cost
of tax planning does not exceed the savings tax planning.
Against the above backdrop, it is evident that the issue of tax planning (ETR and tax savings) and firm value has not
been foreclosed as a result of the measurement problems and inconsistencies in the empirical findings. These
limitations create a substantial gap in the existing body of knowledge. Hence, our first proposition is that there is an
insignificant relationship between tax planning and firm value.
2.8 Firm Size and Firm Value
By firm size, we mean how large a company is. There are different measures of firm size such as the number of
employees, log of revenue, log of total assets and value added. The relationship between firm size and firm value is
mixed. Lee (2009) and Josson (2007) recorded a positive correlation between firm size and firm value. To them, big
firms are financially flexible. Hence, they can manipulate their cash flow to take advantage of investment
opportunities. They equally have access to funds, lower financial difficulties and possibility of future growth. In the
same vein, Hall and Weiss (1967), Majumdar (1997), Josson (2007), Serrasqueiro and Nunes (2008), Stierwald
(2009), Saliha and Abdessatar (2011) found a positive relationship between firm size and profitability because
profitability increases as the size of the firm expand. Big firms have more competitive power when compared to
small firms and because they have a bigger market share, they have the opportunity to make more profit (Stierwald,
On the contrary, Banchuenvijit (2012), Becker-Blease, Kaen, Etebari and Baumann (2010) found a negative
relationship between profitability and firm size because organization costs increase with firm size, at some points,
these costs will outweigh the benefits from economies of scale and hence profitability will fall.
These inconsistencies in results and extant literature present a knowledge gap which forms a reasonable motivation
for further study. Against the above backdrop, our second proposition is thus: there is no significant relationship
between firm size and firm value.
2.9 Dividend and Firm Value
Dividend means the distribution of earnings among the shareholders of the business in proportion to their ownership.
The primary goal of management is the maximisation of shareholders’ wealth, and this translates into maximising the
wealth of the business which is measured by the price of the company’s common stock. Many arguments have been
made about the dividend policy to be adopted by a company. Ordinary shareholders would see companies that pay
dividends as honest and less susceptible to accounting manipulations. Gordon (1961) argues that embrace stocks that
pay healthy dividends because this will indicate that the companies are making real profits instead of propagating
creative accounting, this no doubt will affect the value of the firm positively.
A positive relationship exists between dividend and firm value because investors want dividends for self-control,
they want to restrict themselves from consuming too much in the present, they do not want to dip into capital.
Therefore, they only allow themselves to consume current income such as dividends (Shefrin & Statman, 1984). The
authors argued that retired investors (elderly) would rely on the incomes from their securities holding because they
have little or no labour income. Hence, a positive relationship exists between dividend and firm value. Gordons
(1961), in his “Bird in Hand Theory”, supports the above argument based on future uncertainties towards dividends.
A positive and significant relationship exists between dividend and firm value, because, a firm that has the policy to
pay dividend will influence its profitability (John & William, 1985; Miller & Rock, 1985). In addition to firm value,
dividend also affects share prices positively (Allen & Michaely, 2002; Easterbrook, 1984; Gordon, 1961; Shefrin &
Statman, 1984).
Miller and Modigliani (1961), in their irrelevance theory of dividend, opines that a negative relationship exists
between dividend and firm value because dividend policy is irrelevant for the cost of capital and firm’s value when
taxes or transaction costs are not taken into cognizance. They argued that as far as investors can raise income either
by buying or selling shares, the expected return required to induce them to hold the firm’s share will be at variance
with payments and new issues of shares. Based on the above, they said dividend policy is irrelevant and as such, the
firm can choose any payment pattern without affecting their value. These different theoretic and empirical literature
present a methodological deficiency which makes the issue of dividend and firm value open for further consideration.
Hence, we propose a non-significant relationship between dividend and firm value.
existing studies are also inconsistent. This twin-problem are motivation for the future study. Therefore, our fifth
proposition is thus: there is no significant relationship between capital intensity and firm value.
3. Conclusion and Recommendations
This paper seeks to examine the relationship between tax planning and firm value through a review of the extant
literature. A literature review is relevant to identify milestones in academic research, knowledge gaps as well as to
serve as reference point. There is a paucity of literature on corporate tax planning because the issue seems to be
relatively young but fascinating and a fast burgeoning one. In the developed countries of Europe and America, some
empirical attempts have been made, but the issue is still open for further discussion. The major challenge in our
opinion is the inconsistency in research findings on the relationship between tax planning and firm value. Another
issue is finding an appropriate measure of tax planning. Measuring tax planning is an indirect affair since it is either
illegal or unethical and no company can own up to engaging in the process of tax reduction. In one strand of
literature, tax planning has been measured by effective tax rate, in another strand of literature, tax planning was
measured using tax savings. It is, therefore, important for researchers to find an appropriate measure for tax planning.
The review also revealed a general absence of theory in explaining the issue of tax planning even though some
studies like Desai and Dharmpala (2006), Minnick and Noga (2010) and Wahab and Holland (2012) tried to explain
the issue based on agency theory. This is a shortcoming for researches in tax planning because we need theories as
background to empirical studies (Begg, Fisher & Dornbusch, 2003). Another important revelation in our literature
review is that the bulk of empirical studies on the dynamics of tax planning and firm value, are from developed
economies even though this review is not enough to state emphatically that there is paucity of empirical literature in
developing countries, none of the empirical studies reviewed focused on tax planning issues in Nigeria. Therefore,
empirical studies on tax planning and firm value in Nigeria will facilitate fiscal policy and also enhance
generalization on the subject of tax planning in developing countries with Nigeria as a reference point.
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