The Use of E-Marketing and Innovation As A Means To Achieve Business Success: A Study in The Microenterprises of The Textile Sector of Aguascalientes

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Journal of Marketing Management

June 2021, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 1-9

ISSN: 2333-6080 (Print), 2333-6099 (Online)
Copyright © The Author(s). All Rights Reserved.
Published by American Research Institute for Policy Development
DOI: 10.15640/jmm.v9n1a1

The Use of E-Marketing and Innovation as a Means to Achieve Business Success: A

Study in the Microenterprises of the Textile Sector of Aguascalientes.

David Cabral Olmos1, Margarita Ramírez Ramírez2, Juan Ramón Gutiérrez Velasco3

The literature has shown that E-marketing and innovation are strategies that lead to business success. The
objective of this research is to demonstrate whether there is a structural relationship between E-marketing
and innovation with performance in microenterprises in the textile sector in the city of Aguascalientes,
Mexico. In this Mexican state, the textile sector is of great interest, since it houses a large number of
economic units, which are managed in a traditional way and are far from technology, making them
vulnerable to failure. This research was carried out by means of structural equations, with the aim of
determining the relationship of each of the constructs in the proposed model applied to this group of
companies. The results of the structural equations showed that E-marketing and innovation positively and
significantly influence business performance, where innovation had a greater influence on the performance
of microenterprises in the textile sector of Aguascalientes.
Keywords: E-marketing, innovation, performance, microenterprises, textile sector.
1. Introduction
Nowadays, the study of strategies that help micro, small, and medium-sized companies to remain in the
market has become of great relevance, since they need strategies that boost their competitiveness and
performance (Valdez, Ramos, & Borboa, 2019). In Mexico, only 30% of companies exceed their third year of life
(López, Gómez and Sánchez, 2020), as in the rest of the world (Ávila, Moreno, and Ocegueda, 2018), in such a
way that, within in this situation, the most vulnerable companies are micro-companies. Micro-enterprises are
classified as having fewer than 10 employees and having sales of less than 4 million pesos per year according to
the organization for cooperation and economic development (OECD, 2013). In Aguascalientes, the textile sector
has been characterized as a sector in decline and rather obsolete technology-wise. Most activities in these
companies are still carried out in a traditional way, as a consequence this industry is characterized by low growth
rates at the business level (Vila and Küster, 2010).
In 2019, the textile sector in the world was valued at more than 900 billion dollars, with a growth rate of
4.3% for 2020, with Mexico being one of the four most important countries for this sector, along with China,
India, and Bangladesh (Grand view research, 2020). According to the Mexican Institute of Social Security (2015),
Mexico employed more than 400,000 people in the textile sector, not including those employed in informal
enterprises within this market. However, despite its value and the large number of people it employs, the textile
sector in Mexico has been neglected to such a degree that more and more companies are on the verge of failure,
which makes this research relevant.
E-marketing involves those marketing strategies in which digital tools are used to transmit and
commercialize. This is where the use of the internet and information and communication technologies are applied
to marketing turning it into E-marketing. Starting from the definition of marketing as a "social and administrative
process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through the creation and exchange of
valuable products with others" (Kotler and Armstrong, 2010), for this case, applied by electronic means.

1 Business School, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes. Avenida Universidad #940, C.U., 20131 Aguascalientes, Ags.
México 449-910-74-00 ext. 55251 Email:
2 Business School, Universidad Autónoma de Baja. Avenida Álvaro Obregón y Julián Carrillo s/n, Col. Nueva,021100

Mexicali, Baja California. México 686-551-8200 Email:

3 Business School, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes. Avenida Universidad #940, C.U., 20131 Aguascalientes, Ags.

México 449-910-74-00 ext. 55251 Email:

2 Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 9, No. 1, June 2021

There are different definitions of innovation, mainly because it is a highly relevant topic and therefore it
has been taken up by a large number of researchers. Piening and Salge (2015) defined it as the introduction of a
new or significantly improved product, process, or management system. Innovation plays a key role in the
generation of ideas and the development of projects as well as in turning these two into competitive advantages
(Barreto, 2017).
Finally, this research focuses on how innovation and E-marketing, as strategies, influence business
success. Therefore, it is important to define performance as the ability to measure business results to compare
results in relation to the proposed objectives (Lonnqvist, 2004). In such a way that performance is a clear indicator
that a company is achieving success, derived from the achievement of its business objectives.
This research seeks to determine the influence of e-marketing and innovation on business success,
measured by performance, in micro-enterprises in the textile sector of Aguascalientes. Thus, this study formulates
three hypotheses that are presented in Table 1.
Table1: Research Hypotheses
No Hypothesis
H1 E-marketing has an influence on business success in micro-enterprises in the textile sector in
H2 Innovation has an influence on business success in microenterprises in the textile sector in
H3 Innovation has a greater influence than e-marketing on business success in micro-enterprises
in the textile sector in Aguascalientes.
Source: own development
2. Literature Review
E-marketing is defined as the use of information technology, internet, and applications to plan and
execute marketing processes that define needs and demands: conception, distribution and pricing, goods, and
services to create exchanges that satisfy objectives in dividual and organizational (Arifur and Khan, 2017).Digital
media have transformed the ways in which people exchange information, today it is common to see that users
share information with their network of contacts (Kasabov, 2016). In this context, we can affirm that e-marketing
has surpassed the traditional one, since it increased efficiency and effectiveness, and transformed traditional
marketing strategies (Bala and Verma, 2018). In addition, it allows to get the correct content to captive and
potential customers, otherwise the growth of companies will be affected (Cooper, Newell, and Atkinson, 2019).
One of the greatest benefits of E-marketing is that the client does not suffer in the process, since they are
always informed, receive help, and solve problems without having to move in real time (Sosa and Useche, 2017);in
addition to helping to maintain brand visibility and increase loyalty (Liu, Perry, & Gadzinski, 2018).The above is
achieved by using the different e-marketing tools, such as: websites, SEO (Search engine optimization), e-mail
marketing & newsletters, virtual communities, banners, electronic commerce, application development, social
networks, among others (Sosa and Useche, 2017; Noyola, 2016).
There are several benefits of e-marketing such as interactive communication, immediacy, increased
feedback, increased communication, and interaction. The growth that e-marketing has had has been proportional
to the number of users and the innovation of digital tools that support the strategy of organizations (Selman,
2017) and that are reflected in their performance, an example of this is the case of Europe, in 2018 electronic
commerce moved 41,509 million euros in Spain, which is 32.4% higher than the 2017 figures (ONTSI, 2018).
On the other hand, innovation is defined as a new idea, a new form of action or a new object for an
individual whose idea is to improve the final result to a certain extent and that when developed in products,
processes or services better business results can be achieved (Räisänen and Tuovinen, 2020). Today's dynamic and
highly competitive global markets have caused companies to reconsider their strategies in order to achieve better
performance and greater competitiveness. Within these strategies, innovation stands out as a strategy that can
generate greater business performance (Cuevas, 2016).
There are different classifications of the types of innovation, one of them is the one proposed by
Carrasco, Gasperín and Curiel (2019):
 Innovation in the product, which consists of a good or service that is new or improved in its characteristics or use.
 Process innovation, which involves a new or improved process with significant changes in techniques, materials,
or software.
 Marketing innovation that is the application of a new marketing method that involves significant changes in the
design or packaging of a product, its positioning, its promotion, or its pricing.
Olmos, Ramírez & Velasco 3

 Organizational innovation, introduction of a new organizational method in the practices, the organization of the
workplace or the external relations of the company.
An innovative company will obtain a differentiation from its competition which will bring greater profits for it
since the competitive advantage obtained must be used to the maximum by the organization to improve its results
and therefore its performance (Porter, 2015).
The performance of the organization, for some authors, indicates the level of importance in which the
objectives, previously established in the planning of the organization, are achieved. To achieve these, a series of
indicators must be established in order to calculate the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization (Obando,
Cuenc, and Rea, 2020).
Some other authors explain that organizational performance is the set of objectives to be achieved and
that in order to evaluate them, companies establish indicators to measure the different business units such as
financial resources, production costs, productivity, satisfaction of clients, market share, indebtedness, profitability
and especially the work performance of each of the members of the organization (Ghermandi, 2018).
In addition to the above definitions and measures, we must remember that the culture that prevails in the
markets is results-oriented; it does not allow errors and is based on the achievement of objectives using all the
necessary tools to stand out from the competition (VivaceandFranco, 2012).
Among the tools to be used to improve the performance of companies is innovation, as mentioned above
where it is established that an innovative company will obtain a differentiation from its competition, and this will
bring greater profits (Porter, 2015). Other of these tools are e-marketing tools, such as having a corporate website
and / or being present on social networks, which results in a higher performance of the company. In this sense, if
they are looking for an increase in performance and be present in the markets, companies should bet on digital
media. (Ruíz, Rienda, and Carey, 2020).
The textile sector is made up of companies dedicated to the manufacture and commercialization of textile
fibers, garments, and related products, including the manufacture and distribution of footwear, resulting from the
mixture of the textile and clothing industry (Mair, Druckman, & Jackson,2016). This sector is one of the most
influential manufacturing industries in the world economy (WTO, 2018), but also poses serious social problems
(OECD, 2014; and Stotz and Kane, 2015) environmental (Eryuruk, 2012).
In Mexico, the textile and clothing industry contributed 3.2% of the GDP of manufacturing industries
and ranked 10th among the most important manufacturing economic activities in 2019. According to reports, the
textile and clothing industry employed 640,000 people in 2018, with 208 thousand corresponding to the textile
industry and 432 thousand to the clothing industry (INEGI, 2020).
At the global level, the textile sector has been less rugged in recent years, as a result of the elimination in
2005 of the Multifarious Agreement where limits or quotas were exposed on the number of textiles that could
enter Canada, United States of America, and the European Union, as a consequence, countries such as China,
Bangladesh, Vietnam, India, became the first beneficiaries, and the textile supply crisis developed for Italy, Spain,
and Mexico. Asian countries exported large quantities to the United States, the European Union, and Japan
(Escobar, 2019). Thus, today, China is the center of textile innovation, and its influence goes beyond low-cost
production (low cost), which represents a paradigm shift compared to recent years (Trejo, 2019).
3. Methodology
The instrument used for this research is made up of four sections that include a total of 32 questions, of
which 9 belong to section I, 4 to section II, 7 to section III and 12 to section IV. Sections II, III and IV
correspond to the e-marketing, innovation, and performance constructs respectively, measured by means of a 5-
point Likert-type scale, taken from previously validated scales, based on the authors indicated in Table 2.
Table2: Questionnaire sections and scales.
Section Scale Author
I Company’s data Does not apply
II E-marketing Yousaf, Sahar, Majid y Rafiq, (2017).
III Innovation Maldonado, Garza, Pinzón y Kumar,
IV Performance Maldonado, García, Martínez,
Aguilera, González y Vivanco, (2013).
Source: Own development based on different authors.
To carry out this research, a quantitative approach was chosen, focusing on micro-enterprises in the
textile sector of Aguascalientes. The sample obtained was defined by the sector to which it belongs and the size of
4 Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 9, No. 1, June 2021

the company, based on the number of employees and income. The national statistical directory of economic units
(DENUE, 2018) was used with an original sample of 292 companies, with a confidence level of 95% and an error
of 5%. The surveys were applied to owners or managers of the microenterprises of the textile sector of
Aguascalientes through a personal interview.
Table 3: Sample data of micro enterprises in the textile sector in Aguascalientes
Population 635
Sample 101
Place Aguascalientes
Segment Micro enterprises in the textile
Data collection method Survey
Data April 2019 to November 2019
Source: own development based on DENUE (2018).

4. Results
4.1 Data analysis and results
The statistical results derived from the analysis yielded the mean for each of the items of the three constructs,
obtained from a 5-point Likert-type scale questionnaire. As it can be seen in table 4, all the results are above 2.5
and consequently are above the mean. Table 4 shows each of the means together with their standard deviation,
which indicates how dispersed the results of the total companies analyzed are with respect to their average.
Table4: Mean and standard deviation for each of the items and average by construct.
Item Mean Deviation Average
IN1 3.71 1.033
IN2 3.48 1.083
IN3 3.65 1.024
IN4 3.37 1.155 3.62
IN5 3.55 1.109
IN6 3.76 0.929
IN7 3.83 0.917
EM1 3.35 1.276
EM2 3.35 1.284 3.22
EM3 3.24 1.328
EM4 2.93 1.373
RE1 4.27 0.859
RE2 4.03 0.830
RE3 3.98 0.938
RE4 4.10 0.975
RE5 3.99 0.975
RE6 3.98 0.948 3.91
RE7 3.88 0.920
RE8 3.75 1.014
RE9 3.86 0.949
RE10 3.95 0.953
RE11 3.52 1.154
RE12 3.60 1.123

Source: Own development using SPSS

Table No 4 shows how the means of each of the items behave, highlighting that most do not exceed 4
points, so it was decided to add the average of the means obtained for each of the constructs. The average of each
construct presented means lower than 4 points on a scale of 5, which is an outstanding figure, taking into account
that, the higher the mean, the greater the inclination to innovation, e-marketing, and the performance of
microenterprises in the textile sector of Aguascalientes.
Olmos, Ramírez & Velasco 5

Figure 1: SEM

This research starts from a proposed structural model (Figure 1) in which we have the relationships of
each of the constructs, as well as their dimensions until reaching their items. In such a way that it allows us to
respond to the hypotheses raised once the structural equations have been carried out. Therefore, it is necessary to
carry out a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) for each of the constructs in order to analyze the reliability and
validity of the scales, using the maximum likelihood method with the EQS 6.1 software (Brown, 2006; Bentler,
2005; Byrne, 2006).

Tabla 5: Consistencia interna y validez convergente del modelo teórico.

Variable Item Factor T Cronbach’s C. R. AVE
load robust α
Product IN1 0.765 1.000 0.726 0.684 0.53
innovation IN2 0.676 6.107 1
Process IN3 0.897 1.000 0.752 0.770 0.68
innovation IN4 0.677 7.468 3
Manageme IN5 0.743 1.000
nt IN6 0.795 7.900 0.830 0.838 0.76
innovation IN7 0.847 7.721 6
E- EM1 0.887 1.000 0.895 0.898 0.86
marketing EM2 0.891 13.483 1
EM3 0.857 13.593
EM4 0.673 7.513
Internal RE1 0.740 1.000 0.852 0.839 0.77
Process RE2 0.828 6.138 0
performan RE3 0.823 6.411
Open RE4 0.793 1.000 0.864 0.847 0.78
system RE5 0.831 8.278 3
performan RE6 0.794 6.084
Rational RE7 0.834 1.000 0.867 0.852 0.79
performan RE8 0.833 9.351 1
ce RE9 0.765 6.390
Human RE10 0.879 1.000 0.824 0.756 0.62
Resources RE11 0.636 6.921 3
performan RE12 0.610 5.865
X²/df =1.79; p<0.000; NFI=0.852; CFI=0.871; RMSEA=0.089
Source: Own development using EQS and SPSS
The results obtained were evaluated by means of the Cronbach's alpha coefficient and the Composite
Reliability index (CR) and the Average Variance Extracted (AVE) proposed by Bagozzi and Yi (1988), where
values higher than 0.7, 0.7and0.5, respectively.
6 Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 9, No. 1, June 2021

For the analysis of validity, it was performed through convergent validity where all items were significant,
with factor loadings greater than 0.6 (Bagozzi and Yi, 1988) and the average variance extracted (AVE) of each
dimension of the constructs greater than 0.5 (Fornell and Larcker, 1981).
4.2 Hypotheses Test
Table 6: Results of the hypotheses of the theoretical model of the influence of e-marketing and innovation on
business success measured by performance in micro-enterprises in the textile sector.

Hypotheses Structural relation Standardized T Robust

E-marketing has an influence on business
success in micro-enterprises in the textile E-marketing →Performance 0.213 *** 2.680
sector in Aguascalientes.
Innovation has an influence on business
success in microenterprises in the textile sector Innovation →Performance 0.754 *** 5.974
in Aguascalientes.
Source: own development using EQS 6.1.
The results obtained through the structural equations were relevant since the influence of E-marketing
and innovation on performance was positive and significant, which allows us to highlight that both constructs
influence business success, measured by performance. In which, although an influence was found in both
constructs on performance, it was not the same. Finding a higher beta in the influence of innovation on
performance (0.754), compared to e-marketing that obtained a lower beta than the innovation construct (0.213),
highlighting that both present a high level of significance.

Table 6: Hypotheses Test.

No Hypotheses
H1 E-marketing has an influence on business Accepted
success in micro-enterprises in the textile sector
in Aguascalientes.
H2 Innovation has an influence on business success Accepted
in microenterprises in the textile sector in
H3 Innovation has a greater influence than e- Accepted
marketing on business success in micro-
enterprises in the textile sector in Aguascalientes.
Source: own development
5. Conclusions
The results of this research were relevant since they demonstrated that innovation and E-marketing are
tools that help achieve the success of companies, being the case of micro-companies in the textile sector of
Aguascalientes. A segment of companies with serious problems today, characterized by being managed in a
traditional way, away from technology and without knowledge of strategies or tools that help them survive in the
market (Mbugua and Mbugua, 2019).
When carrying out this research through a quantitative analysis, the evidence of the current situation of
this segment of companies came out through the means obtained for each of the items. The innovation items had
averages lower than four, which shows that these companies do not carry out high rates of innovation, when they
are not necessarily talking about radical innovation, but with the alternative of making incremental innovations
that help improve their processes, products, and management. In such a way that the average of the means of the
innovation construct were less than four.
Regarding the E-marketing construct the means are less than four, similar to the case of innovation,
highlighting that each of them obtained very high deviations, which means that there are companies in this sector
with E-marketing rates well below the average obtained. This is a worrying finding, knowing that E-marketing is a
powerful tool at a low cost (El-Gohary, 2012). Just like the cases of Innovation and E-marketing, the performance
construct obtained similar results with respect to its means, being expected outcome for a segment of companies
with problems nowadays.
Olmos, Ramírez & Velasco 7

However, the purpose of this research is not to demonstrate the behavior of the constructs in isolation
through their means. The relevant results of this research were obtained from the structural equations applied to
the proposed model, in order to verify the hypotheses raised in which they include two business strategies, which
is the case of innovation and e-marketing, focused on achieving the business success for micro-enterprises in the
textile sector in Aguascalientes.
The results obtained from the equations were apposite since it was demonstrated that both constructs
(innovation and e-marketing) influence performance. The values of 0.213 for E-marketing and 0.754 for
innovation are both highly significant, highlighting that innovation influences performance more than E-
marketing does. Coinciding with Porter (2015), who concludes that innovation influences the performance of
companies and on the other hand with Yousaf, Sahar, Majid and Rafiq (2017), who showed that the use of E-
marketing within companies manages to increase their performance.
The three hypothesis raised in this research were verified, and each of them was accepted. Through this
research, it was possible to unveil the current situation of the micro-enterprises of the textile sector in
Aguascalientes regarding these three constructs, partly exposing the reason for the failure of this type of
companies. Leaving on the other hand, the choice of two business strategies that influence to keep these
companies from closing and lead them to business success.
Currently, entrepreneurs have great opportunities at hand through technology. They can look for new
products, processes, or ways of managing their businesses, as well as low-cost and powerful tools, such as E-
marketing, that will contribute positively to the performance of their companies. This research serves as evidence
for companies and the government to formulate strategies and public policies that help companies achieve
business success through these two simple and low-cost strategies, innovation, and e-marketing.
This research is limited as the questionnaires were answered by the businessmen based on their point of
view, the geographical area where it was applied (Aguascalientes) and that only legally established organizations
were included. Therefore, it is suggested for future research to consider qualitative analysis, applying the model to
other sectors, as well as to other geographical areas.

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