GTSE Online Class IV Maths

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Class : IV

Max Marks : 80
Time : 9:00 to 10:30 a.m.

Instructions to Candidates : Roll No.

01. This question paper has 40 objective questions.

In addition to this question paper, you are also Centre No.
given an answer-sheet.
02. Read the instructions carefully for each section
before attempting it.
Male / Female ___________________
03. For each correct answer 2 marks will be
awarded and there is no negative marking.
04. On the answer-sheet, fill up all the entries Name of the candidate : (In English only, as you would
carefully in the space provided, ONLY IN like it to be printed on the certificate).
05. Incomplete / incorrect / carelessly filled
information may disqualify your candidature.
06. On the answer-sheet, use PENCIL / BLUE
or BLACK BALL PEN. _____________________________________________________________

07. No extra sheet will be provided for rough-

work. Use the space available in the paper _____________________________________________________________

for your rough- work.

08. Use of calculator is not permitted.
09. No student is permitted to leave the
examination hall before time is complete.
10. Use of unfair means shall invite cancellation
Signature of the Signature of
of the test.
invigilator the candidate


DELHI CENTRES: • E-25, Defence Colony, New Delhi - 110024. Ph.: 011-24336143/44, 24331000-02.
WEST DELHI : • B-1/632, Main Nazafgarh Road, Janakpuri, New Delhi - 110058. Ph.: 011-25573111/12/13/14.
EAST DELHI : • Amity International School, Mayur Vihar, Phase-I, Ext., Delhi, Ph.: 011-22710588.
GHAZIABAD CENTRE : • Amity International School, Sector-6, Vasundhara Yojna, Ghaziabad-201012. Ph.: 0120-2881002.
NOIDA CENTRE • Amity Campus, Sector-44, Noida - 201303. Ph.: 0120-2431839, 2431842.
GURGAON • Amity International School, Sector-43 & 46, Gurgaon, Haryana, Ph.: 0124-3240105.
OR COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS : Ph. : 24336143/44, 25573111/2/3/4, 95120-2431839/42 [1]
Rough Work
Each question has four alternatives marked (A), (B), (C)
and (D), but only one of these alternatives is the correct
1. A plant grows 0.4 millimetre everyday. How much will it
grow in one year ?
(A) 16.40 centimetre

(B) 14.60 centimetre

(C) 15.60 centimetre

(D) 14.40 centimetre

2. Find the result of the following expression :

(180  4 + 5) – (180  5 + 4)
(A) 30 (B) 20
(C) 10 (D) 0
3. Find the unknown numbers x and y such that the sum of
the numbers along each row, along each column and along
each diagonal of the grid is 45

(A) 11, 20

(B) 20, 11

(C) 19, 12

(D) 12, 19

4. Which one of the following numbers is not a perfect

(A) 192 (B) 169
(C) 144 (D) 121

5. If  × ×  = 3360 and  × = 240, then the value of

 is equal to
(A) 16 (B) 15
(C) 14 (D) 12

AMITY INSTITUTE FOR COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS : Ph. : 24336143/44, 25573111/2/3/4, 95120-2431839/42 [2]
Rough Work
1 1
6. 3.5 + 5.25 + + is equal to
2 4

(A) 9.5 (B) 10.00

(C) 9.00 (D) 9.25

7. How many different numbers can be formed by using the

digits 1, 2 and 3 such that no digit is repeated and all the
numbers have all these three digits ?
(A) 6 (B) 5
(C) 4 (D) 3
8. What number is exactly in the middle of the numbers 367
and 479 ?
(A) 424 (B) 423
(C) 422 (D) 421
9. Shyam noted that his heart makes 7 beats in 5 seconds.
How many beats will Shyam’s heart make in 2 minutes ?
(A) 164 (B) 166
(C) 168 (D) 172

2 3
10. If of a number of flowers is 16, then of this number
3 4
of flowers is

11. 43 ? 16 ? 13 = 40.
In the above statement, which of the mathematical
operations shown by ? and ? , respectively, will give the
correct equation ?
(A) + + (B) + –
(C) – – (D) – +

AMITY INSTITUTE FOR COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS : Ph. : 24336143/44, 25573111/2/3/4, 95120-2431839/42 [3]
Rough Work
12.Rashmi has equal number of ten-rupee notes and five-rupee
notes. If total money with Rashmi is Rs. 435, then find the
number of her ten-rupee notes.

(A) 28 (B) 29
(C) 30 (D) 31

13. Count the number of days from July 16, 2008 to

November 22, 2008

(A) 131 days (B) 130 days

(C) 129 days (D) 128 days

14. A clock takes exactly 1 second to strike 3 Oclock and

the strikings are uniformly spaced. To strike 9 Oclock, the
same clock will take
(A) 4.5 seconds (B) 4.0 seconds
(C) 3.5 seconds (D) 3.0 seconds

15. If FRIEND can be written as GSJFOE, then MOTHER

can be written as

16.ABC is an equilateral triangle. On each side, squares are

made. If perimeter of the triangle is 18 cm, then perimeter
of the figure ADECFGBHIA will be
(A) 66 cm

(B) 60 cm

(C) 54 cm

(D) 48 cm

AMITY INSTITUTE FOR COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS : Ph. : 24336143/44, 25573111/2/3/4, 95120-2431839/42 [4]
Rough Work
17. The volumes of liquid in the following four jars A, B, C
and D are in mL (millilitre).

How much more liquid is required to fill completely all the

four jars ?
(A) 210 mL (B) 190 mL

(C) 180 mL (D) 170 mL

18.When the square of 32 is subtracted from the square of 33,

the result obtained is
(A) 55 (B) 65
(C) 75 (D) 85

19.[ 9 – 8 { 7 – 6 ( 5 – 4 ) } ] is equal to
(A) 5 (B) 3
(C) 2 (D) 1

20. In the following figure, the total number of possible

triangles would be
(A) 13
(B) 12
(C) 11
(D) 10

AMITY INSTITUTE FOR COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS : Ph. : 24336143/44, 25573111/2/3/4, 95120-2431839/42 [5]
Rough Work


Which one of the following is the missing part of the

above regular pattern ?

(A) (B)

(C) (D)


Which one of the following is the missing part in the

gaps of the above regular pattern ?

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

AMITY INSTITUTE FOR COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS : Ph. : 24336143/44, 25573111/2/3/4, 95120-2431839/42 [6]
Rough Work
23. Study the pattern given below :

Which one of the following should replace the sign (?)

such that the same pattern is maintained ?

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

24. Following four types of boats are available for joy-ride in

a lake. Each boat has different ticket-price and also
different trip-times.

Name of boat Ticket-price Trip-time

Fancy-boat Rs. 30 40 minutes
Boat with oars Rs. 27 45 minutes
Paddle-boat Rs. 21 30 minutes
Motor-boat Rs. 20 25 minutes

Which boat charges more per minute ?

(A) Fancy-boat (B) Boat with oars

(C) Paddle-boat (D) Motor-boat

25. In the above question which boat charges least per


(A) Fancy-boat (B) Boat with oars

(C) Paddle-boat (D) Motor-boat

AMITY INSTITUTE FOR COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS : Ph. : 24336143/44, 25573111/2/3/4, 95120-2431839/42 [7]
Rough Work
26. A hollow cubical box is made of hard paper and each
face of the box is numbered, from 1 to 6. Then the sides
of the box are so cut that when it is spread, it looks as
under :

When it is folded, it becomes a box again. The numbers

on the opposite faces of the box are

(A) 1-2, 3-5, 4-6 (B) 1-6, 3-4, 2-5

(C) 1-3, 2-5, 4-6 (D) 1-5, 2-3, 4-6

Maximum and minimum temperatures of a city on

some days are as under :

Date Maximum Minimum

Temperature temperature

January, 5 16ºC –2ºC

November, 20 28ºC 13ºC

September, 15 34ºC 23ºC

June, 20 39ºC 27ºC

Using the above Table, answer the following two


27.Maximum difference between the maximum temperature of

any day and the minimum temperature of any other day is
(A) 42ºC (B) 41ºC
(C) 40ºC (D) 37ºC

28.The maximum variation of temperature was recorded on

(A) November, 20 (B) September, 15
(C) June, 1 (D) January, 5

AMITY INSTITUTE FOR COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS : Ph. : 24336143/44, 25573111/2/3/4, 95120-2431839/42 [8]
Rough Work
29.Salary of a person is Rs. 8,000 per month. For his
punctuality, he is given an award of Rs. 3,600. In the salary,
he is given a mobile and a cash of Rs. 5,950. What is the
cost of the mobile ?

Rs. 5,950/- +

(A) 6,650 (B) 6,550

(C) 5,650 (D) 5,550

30. Numbers in the following square grid are written in a
particular order. Find the missing number, which is given
as one of the four alternatives given below.

(A) 36

(B) 32

(C) 44

(D) 40

In the following two questions, numbers in each

series follow a particular but different pattern.
Find the number from the four alternatives given
below each series of the question such that when it
replaces the sign ...?..., the same pattern of the
numbers is maintained.

31. 2, 4, 6, 10, 16, 26, ...?...

(A) 38 (B) 36

(C) 42 (D) 40
AMITY INSTITUTE FOR COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS : Ph. : 24336143/44, 25573111/2/3/4, 95120-2431839/42 [9]
Rough Work
32. 5, 10, 20, 35, 55, ...?...

(A) 65 (B) 70

(C) 75 (D) 80

33.ABCD is a rectangular plane board. Rajan cut it into 4

parts of different shapes, but his younger sister Rajni put
it in jumbled form and inverted some shapes also. These
are shown as under.

Arrange the above shapes in order, starting from left side,

to fit them completely in the rectangle ABCD.

(A) 3 4 2 1 (B) 3 2 1 4

(C) 1 2 4 3 (D) 1 4 2 3

34. You are given only the following 7 numbers and no

number is to be repeated for addition in the problem :

1, 4, 8, 11, 18, 24, 33

How many numbers can be added to get a sum of 40 ?

(A) 3 (B) 4

(C) 5 (D) 6

AMITY INSTITUTE FOR COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS : Ph. : 24336143/44, 25573111/2/3/4, 95120-2431839/42 [10]
Rough Work
35. On a particular day in winter, the sun rises at 7.15 AM and
sets at 5.40 PM. On another day in summer the sun rises
at 6.15 AM and sets at 6.50 PM. By how much time is the
summer day longer than the winter-day ?

(A) 140 minutes (B) 135 minutes

(C) 130 minutes (D) 120 minutes

36. Which of the following sets of three numbers gives

maximum value on addition ?

(A) 346, 543, 453 (B) 463, 354, 534

(C) 364, 543, 463 (D) 436, 534, 364

37. In the outer circle, two semi-circles are drawn as shown.

The ratio of (i) the length of the line forming outer circle
and (ii) the length of the line forming two semi-circles is

(A) 4 : 3

(B) 3 : 1

(C) 3 : 2

(D) 2 : 1

If values from 1 to 26 are allotted as position values

to alphabets such that A = 1, B = 2, ........ J =10,........
T = 20, ........ Z = 26, then answer the following three

38. If C ×H = X, then X – H =

(A) M (B) P

(C) O (D) C

AMITY INSTITUTE FOR COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS : Ph. : 24336143/44, 25573111/2/3/4, 95120-2431839/42 [11]
Rough Work
39. Which alphabet will decrease the vlaue of
[ ( P × H ) – ( S × D ) ] to 36 ?

(A) S (B) R

(C) Q (D) P

40. Which alphabet will increase the value of

( V + Q + O – F ) to 60 ?

(A) M (B) L

(C) K (D) J

AMITY INSTITUTE FOR COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS : Ph. : 24336143/44, 25573111/2/3/4, 95120-2431839/42 [12]
1 B 2 C 3 D 4 A 5 C
6 A 7 A 8 B 9 C 10 B
11 D 12 B 13 B 14 B 15 D
16 C 17 C 18 B 19 D 20 A
21 C 22 C 23 B 24 D 25 B
26 B 27 B 28 D 29 C 30 C
31 C 32 D 33 D 34 B 35 C
36 C 37 D 38 B 39 D 40 B

AMITY INSTITUTE FOR COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS : Ph. : 24336143/44, 25573111/2/3/4, 95120-2431839/42 [13]

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